Fatal Philanthropy

An entrepreneur with an estimated net worth of more than $136 billion, Bill Gates founded Microsoft and technology; is deeply involved with the World Health Organization, which encompasses the world economy and world peace; the international Planned Parenthood Foundation, focusing on eugenics and population control; and the many facets of academia, all without the corresponding educational background. He is now prepared to control our food supply, the climate, and shoot for the sun.  

Bill Gates is one of several non-academics who, notwithstanding, has been permitted to implement major changes in our education system in preparation for a federal takeover.  Promoted by President Obama’s administration, the schools now communicate a radical political ideology to produce workers for a global economy.  Had their intentions been honorable, they might well have reverted back to the older textbooks when the overhaul proved to be less than stellar, but it was progressing precisely according to plan.

Although I’ve provided greater detail in past essays, we’re due for a recap because the globalists have instituted so much more.  Boards of Education (B of E) have increased their indoctrination by fabricating a history in which “revolution, religion, gender, and racial groups” have negatively shaped our culture.  Historic truth is absent.  Our students know little about America’s history, our founding, and the laws that were enacted to provide freedom for all.  Today’s textbooks portray the United States as an evil empire to be loathed, disrespected, and replaced by a socialist/Marxist governance.  The political Black Lives Matter curriculum encourages racial divisiveness and victimology, which I view as the Obamas’ vengeance against the white population.

Math was first made so difficult that parents can often not help with homework – all in the name of equity – that children may struggle equally.  Now, the Gates Foundation is bankrolling “anti-racist” math, so that students need not show the correct answer and to “dismantle the classroom’s power structure.”  As marriage and family are continually disparaged, and broken homes, single mothers and neglected children disregarded, the left is removing courses where white students were said to excel.  National standards weaken the students and diminish any individual talents they may have.  Playtime was reduced drastically and now the children hate school.

Removing phonics from the reading program results in fewer readers and increased illiteracy.  Students are being robbed of the joys of sounding out new words and reading on their own.  Reading has been made more frustrating and overwhelming.  Classic literature is also under attack, particularly as today’s teachers under lockdown announced they want to drop Shakespeare from the curriculum.  The replacement recommendations are dystopian and sexualized stories that are far beyond the children’s comfort levels and coping skills.  The frontal lobe’s maturity level to handle such situations does not mature until about age 25, so their reading experiences are decidedly unpleasant.  Our enemy within is disenfranchising and under-educating our youths to discourage their reading and exercise of independent reasoning and reckoning, rendering an equivalent of the Nazi book burning unnecessary.

Math and reading test scores had dropped significantly in 2006, the graduation rates of major US cities down to 52%, with an abysmal 70% for the national average, and the administrations continue to ignore parents’ requests to remove Common Core.  Gates somewhat laughed when he admitted to the project’s failure, but he was willing to test other methods on our nation’s children.  Of course, offspring of the elite attend private schools.

When the failures of No Child Left Behind became obvious, Obama and Gates embraced another disastrous program, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).  They then removed the requirement that teachers must have mastery over their subjects, and employed unqualified teachers.  The solution was equity, replacing meritocracy with uniformity, but without grades and competition, the students lost their incentive to learn and succeed.  I do not agree that Bill and Melinda Gates meant well.  They invested millions to accomplish precisely what they achieved.  They openly admit to seeking population reduction, restraining humanity and limiting freedom under a globalist rule.  The decline of education was a deliberate success for them.   

Gates’s Common Core continues to be the left’s focus.  Students’ rights are being crushed through intersectionality, the system that divides them into competitive groups to force feelings of oppression.  American exceptionalism is all but extinguished, and scholastic achievement has become a social justice agenda.  Our students have been trained to hate Jews, Christians, all white people, the family unit, and different opinions.  They’ve been taught to believe that males and females function similarly, but that there are more than 59 sexes.  The young victims agree to abortions, myriad sexual deviances and mutilation, while succumbing to permanent emotional damage.  Indeed, the children are told they can change their sex, but are actually undergoing disfigurement and dismemberment so that they will never be able to produce the next generation – an horrific scheme for depopulation.

In mid-February, 2021, the Senate considered The Equality Act, which removes from our vocabulary the differences between the two sexes, which amounts to ignoring science and the existence and qualities unique to both sexes.  It endangers women and defeats women’s sports competitions, and diminishes the masculinity we count on for protective forces.  It was also a week ago that The Ohio State University announced its support of freshmen girls’ prostituting themselves during annual “Sex Week.” Other perverted presentations for teens include toxic masculinity, binary genders, sex in faith settings, and “Kink 101.”  And OSU is not alone.

Gates owes his wealth, his influence and, above all, his ideology of eugenics to his parents, Mary, and Bill Sr.  Building upon the concept of “philanthrocapitalism,” in which the skills of the fabulously rich are applied to the world’s problems, their attentive young son now eagerly carries on  his parents’ dream, the weeding out of “others,” the “deplorables,” the untermenschen, the racism that they and the Nazis advocated.  Such “philanthropists” are committed to securing the world for their kind.   Gates invokes ‘the rich world’s enlightened self-interest” and warns that “if societies can’t provide for people’s basic health, if they can’t feed and educate people, then their population and problems will grow and the world will be a less stable place.”  In an interview, he warned “huge population growth in places where we don’t want it, like Yemen and Pakistan and parts of Africa.”  The magisterial “we” being the rich.

Without death camps and ovens (for now), it is still possible to reduce the population directly, through the Gates Foundation’s involvement in global vaccinations, and indirectly, through education – with equity to equalize outcome, where none are better and none are worse, and no hope for singular achievement and improvement.  It is only equality that can provide every human being with freedom and equal opportunity to rise, each according to his innate abilities, efforts, and dreams.  Bad learning experiences are known to affect children negatively by stifling their emotional growth and causing depression, an effective means of reducing population.  Those who react in frustration and anger are used on the streets as the rabblerousers, the rebellious, the army of the left.

In his latest outburst of academic genius, our hero of philanthropy is now bankrolling a group of 25 educational organizations to defend non-white students from math because correct answers are racist, capitalist, and imperialist views.  In order to turn the tables and blame “white supremacists” for the underachievement of brown and black students, the elimination of the grading system is said to “combat racism.”  Rather, this has intentionally increased racism by turning the tables against the white population.  The left has implemented a shame-and-blame society, reviving the victimhood of black slaves while also victimizing the whites for the slavery of previous centuries.

As schools continue their descent into a madness, Bill Gates, devoid of any medical background, may now branch out into other fields – healthcare and vaccinations.  From 1933 to 1945, Nazi physicians and medically trained geneticists began developing racial health policies, including “medical” experimentation to advance their racial and ideological views and sterilization that harmed many minorities, and nearly annihilated Europe’s Jewish population.  Gates Sr., proponent of Planned Parenthood (PP), set the mindset for Gates Jr., and vaccinations gone wrong in Africa and India.  A former PP clinic director revealed that girls were receiving prescription contraceptives without doctors’ orders, thereby endangering them while increasing PP’s Medicaid reimbursement.

Gates made the DTP (Diptheria-Tetanus-Pertussis) vaccine a priority for African babies, yet Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., reported that ten times more African children died of Gates’s DTP vaccine than those not vaccinated.  Still, Gates remains the de facto authority.  He was responsible for India’s polio-eradication campaign in 2011 that caused 47,500 cases of vaccine-induced polio paralysis. He also promoted the highly controversial Pentavalent vaccine (hepatitis-B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and Hib/haemophilus influenzae type-b), which was banned by Japan, UK, Canada and the US for its  unprincipled experimentation, uninformed consent, and forced medical procedures.  Is there anyone who still cannot recognize the connection of the present to the not-so-distant past?

This is likely to continue unabated, as the Gates Foundation is essentially unaccountable, moving freely between the private and public spheres.  Not burdened by democracy or national sovereignty, Gates himself gloated, “I’m not gonna get voted out of office.”

Kennedy also reported on April 14, 2020, that Anthony Fauci’s NIAID gave $3.7 million to scientists at the Wuhan Lab, to fund experiments on bats from the local caves.  Researchers warned they were playing with fire.   The prophetic Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates predicted a pandemic just before President Trump assumed office.  Now, a new, severe syndrome has been revealed – a Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children – following their recuperation from the COVID-19 virus.  Doctors are warning that COVID vaccines may be causing autoimmune attacks in heart and brain, and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has issued warnings of the depopulation effects of vaccines within three to six months.  Yet, Gates remains the guru of global health, securing himself from any litigation.

Gates’s RNA approach to the coronavirus, considered promising for pandemics and other applications, is admittedly challenging for the elderly, but promising for the young.  During a May 2020 interview, he declared that he wants the entire world force-vaccinated, while seeking exoneration of any liability for himself and  pharmaceutical companies.  The vaccinations could be made compulsory (against the individual’s rights), compelled by the Supreme Court for the protection of public health and safety, and considered constitutional, as it did during the 1905 smallpox epidemic, and Bill Gates stands to profit by the millions.

This necessitates some revelatory information about how Gates would then extend his control to vaccination cards and universal testing requirements, Agenda ID2020, as part of a vaccination package.  The agenda was designed and backed by the Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture, the WEF and GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations), a centralized general electronic data collection to include 200 points per citizen, for such as bank accounts, shopping habits, health records, political inclination, etc.  This is his entrée to complete control over all citizenry, including their right to bear children, attend government-controlled schools, travel, start businesses and hiring procedures, to qualify for national healthcare and voting rights, ad infinitum.

So drastically out of touch, Gates was shown smirking during a TV interview, as business owners have shut down, workers lost jobs, the elderly suffered from loneliness, and students agonized from isolation and ended their own lives.  He calmly said the people must continue on lockdown.

 On February 26th it was announced that litigation is beginning for Crimes Against Humanity, an offense in the international criminal law, adopted in the Charter of the International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg Charter), for the full devastating impact and domination inflicted on the public as a consequence of the “wholly fraudulent” corona virus (corona scandal), from which no extra deaths have been reported – the collateral damage from the lockdowns, destruction of businesses and people’s lives, and the imposition of masks that are considered very damaging to the psychological and physical health of the wearer.  The group of attorneys of several countries are seeking legal reparations for all who have been adversely affected.  The information will also include a review of the dangerous Great Reset, to fight for the implementation of a truly independent justice system.  Please listen to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich here.

Gates has the proverbial finger in every pie.  He already believes humans should be eating synthetic beef, and with his recent purchase of 242 acres of farmland and nearly 27,000 acres of other land across 19 states, he is America’s farmland king in control of agriculture.  In agreement with AOC’s desire to make cattle farming a thing of the past, thereby depriving Americans of beef, dairy products and leather, Gates may now control the production of plant food.  Dare we expect this disciple of extinction to increase food production or is it more likely that he’d proceed along the path of Stalin’s “Great Purge” of 1932, the political starvation of 13.9 million Ukrainians.

Gates has now granted himself license to fund a climate change experiment with Harvard scientists to dim or block out the sun, another means of curbing our food sources for depopulation.  Anything is possible when we surrender our rights.

The New World Order’s Pied Pipers

If you’ve ever seen the quirky 1960 comic film Never on Sunday, you may remember Melina Mercouri’s character, Ilya—a free-spirited, happy-go-lucky prostitute living in a seaside village in Greece. An erudite tourist from New York arrives, and, attempting to give Ilya some culture, takes her to watch a Greek tragedy in a large amphitheater. He’s mystified when she cries while the rest of the audience smiles, and laughs at the tragic ending, when everyone else is crying. He soon learns why—Ilya invents her own storyline, which always ends happily. She informs her American companion, that the characters aren’t really dead and that in the end, “They all go down to the seashore!”

Ilya’s happy spin on classic Greek tragedies reminds me of QAnon’s ongoing storyline with its ever elusive fairytale ending, that has entranced thousands of Trump supporters who believe the anonymous poster “Q” is a high level military intelligence person or team allied with Trump.


Even though Trump conceded to Biden, and Sleepy Joe has been awake enough to sign dozens of Executive Orders, none of which bode well for We the People, a number of intelligent people I know believe that Trump will be back as our President this year. In fact, the Q folks have predicted March 4th as the date for his inauguration! (As of this writing, that would be next Thursday.) While I’d rejoice along with them if this came to pass, I’ve yet to see any sign of things moving in that direction; in fact, Trump himself, speaking at the CPAC Conference today, February 28th, made no mention of reclaiming the stolen election, and instead intimated he’d run in 2024.

I wonder what excuse the prognosticators will use this time…

They see what the rest of us see—the militarized zone complete with razor-wire fence around our Capitol that shuts out We the People—but, like Ilya with her rosy spin on the Greek tragedies, they’re certain the troops guarding the Biden regime are Trump’s, and that they’re poised to arrest the seditious criminals in Congress and the White House. They hear that Trump supporters have been designated enemies of the state, but believe the “white hats” in “the military” will root out the real enemies and save the day for American patriots, so we should just sit back, munching our popcorn, and “watch the show.”

They’re also convinced that Trump left office as part of a gigantic, worldwide “sting” operation in which all the treasonous crooks and criminals will be soon arrested and tried by military tribunals—which they believe are already happening—and sent to GITMO, or executed for treason. It would, of course, serve the cause of justice if Trump, who won the election in a landslide, were restored to his rightful place in the White House, and the coup plotters were to get their comeuppance. Wishful thinking, however, won’t make it so.

There’s more to this story: the Q crowd believes America was turned into a “Corporation” in 1871, and that President Trump declared that Corporation bankrupt, so now we get to return to our Republic, which we had mistakenly believed we lived under all this time—only now we are debt free. Hmmm… More on that below. And perhaps they also think the corruption and collusion of our media, Hollywood, our universities, Big Tech and Big Pharma will all automatically disappear as we enter QAnon’s new utopia. I guess the “white hats” will see to that as well.


And now for the climax of this fairytale: NESARA—an acronym for National Economic Security and Recovery Act, accompanied by the far more worrisome, GESARA—the global version of the same utopian plan. All debt will suddenly be erased and forgiven in a worldwide debt jubilee. Hurray! the Q followers shout. Well, not so fast. Doesn’t this sound an awful lot like the Great Reset that globalist Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and his ilk have been clamoring for?

Be careful what you wish for, ladies and gentlemen. The flipside of a debt jubilee on your mortgage is that you will no longer own your home. Nor will you own anything else.

What happens under NESARA/GESARA when your mortgage debt vanishes? Time to break out a bottle of champagne! You own your home free and clear then, right? Well, not exactly. Remember there are no free lunches. You owed that $500,000 and it didn’t just disappear. Someone effectively paid it, after quietly taking over your mortgage. And that someone now owns your home. That someone is likely the IMF. In fact, if this Great Communist Reset takes over in America, when you look up the deed to your home online, you may well find that your name is no longer there as the owner.

But isn’t “Building back better”—the globalists’ new mantra that Pretender-in-Chief Biden is already parroting—a good idea? After all, there are so many problems in our world—can’t we do better? Well, a slogan promoted by the World Economic Forum, the UN and the IMF—three globalist fortresses—is not to be taken lightly, so let’s take a closer look at their generous plan for the betterment of our world.


The folks who brought down the American middle class and destroyed our small businesses, (the Davos elites, ChiComms, radical Left, corrupt Dems and RINOs, etc.), want to help us out by “building back” what they recklessly destroyed. And they, being geniuses, are convinced they can make things better than they were pre-Covid.

So let’s see how.

They’ve mapped out a blueprint for the world in which you’re tied to an electronic ID linked to your bank account, so they can turn your access to money on or off at will—perhaps involving a mark on your hand without which there’s no buying or selling. Your health records, perhaps on that chip on your hand, will also be monitored, and you’d better roll up your sleeve for your booster vaccines if you want to travel, or even leave home to go to the grocery store.

You’ll have a “social credit score” like the people in Communist China, and you’ll be under constant surveillance. And, by the way, remember how your local restaurants, churches, synagogues, gyms, movie theaters, hair and nail salons were deemed “non-essential”? Well, now your ownership of your home, your car, your personal possessions, will be similarly deemed “non-essential,” but this time, permanently. What a relief! No more pesky ownership. A reassuring video by the World Economic Forum explains that by 2030, “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.” And yes, this means you don’t even own yourself—neither your body nor your mind. You belong not to God, and not to yourself, but to the State, i.e. The Global State. Happy now?


Would-be kidnappers know how to approach a child with candy and a nice smile. NESARA/GESARA is just such a piece of sugary confection, accompanied by a duper’s delight smile. This is a fairytale with a very predictable ending, and it’s a far cry from, “and they lived happily ever after.”

In an open letter to President Trump sent long before the election, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano addressed the NESARA/GESARA bribe of debt forgiveness. He writes: “A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda.”

“The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt.

The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property…” [emphasis mine]

And that’s not all. The Great Reset also calls for, “…adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.”


This picture is grim, indeed. But the Archbishop also sees hope: “The adversary does not know how to love, and it does not understand that it is not enough to assure a universal income or to cancel mortgages in order to subjugate the masses and convince them to be branded like cattle. This people, which for too long has endured the abuses of a hateful and tyrannical power, is rediscovering that it has a soul; it is understanding that it is not willing to exchange its freedom for the homogenization and cancellation of its identity; it is beginning to understand the value of familial and social ties, of the bonds of faith and culture that unite honest people.”

Now it is up to us, We the People, to stand for our Lord, our Republic, our liberty, and our posterity. But to do so, we need to first acknowledge the truth of what has befallen us, painful though that may be. Then, like our forebears who founded this great nation, we oppose tyranny and do all we can to restore our Republic, our Constitution, and our sovereignty, so that government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the Earth.

© Cherie Zaslawsky. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: California Socialism.

VIDEO: Will Minnesota be the first Muslim State in America?

Many Somalis sure hope so, while some Minnesotans are saying an emphatic no!

For longtime readers of my other blog, Refugee Resettlement Watch, you know that beginning in the 1990’s the US State Department and its ‘religious’ charity contractors, specifically Lutheran and Catholic resettlement contractors, have been placing Somalis, many from Dadaab the big UN camp in Africa where Ilhan Omar previously resided, into the state of Minnesota.

Once the population grew, some Somalis placed elsewhere in the US migrated to Minnesota to be with their own kind of people.

The decision to place Somali ‘refugees’ into Minnesota had a lot to do with employers looking for cheap labor and for the fact that Minnesota had a generous welfare system.

That expanding Somali population is now having a political impact as many seek elected office.

When I traveled in the state in 2016, I realized that the rest of America had no clue about what was happening in a state where residents take pride in their kindheartedness — Minnesota nice—they all told me.  I came home thinking that someone needed to make a documentary about the state and what was happening there.

Well here it is!  Know that Biden/Harris have removed restrictions on Somali refugees, restrictions that President Trump had placed on their migration to America.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

TRUMP PEACE: Israel, Saudi, UAE, Bahrain talk building anti-Iran defense alliance, “NATO of the Middle East”

Middle East peace is Trump’s legacy. While the Democrats support the warmongers. Horrifying. It is as if FDR had joined the axis powers.

Israel in talks with Saudi, UAE, Bahrain for defense alliance against Iran

Following op-ed by Ronald Lauder in Saudi paper, PMO says its ‘not confirming report, but we are always interested in upgrading ties with our Middle East partners.’

By Lahav Harov, J Post, March 1, 2021:

Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have discussed expanding cooperation in facing common enemies, an Israeli official familiar with the matter said Monday.

The matter is being “informally discussed,” the source said, adding that the countries are US allies. All four believe a nuclear Iran would be a major threat and have been eyeing the Biden administration’s plan to rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal with concern. “There is much to be gained by expanding cooperation,” the source said.

The remarks came following an article by World Jewish Congress president Ron Lauder in Arab News calling for a “NATO of the Middle East.”

Saudi Arabia does not have a free press, and Arab News, an English-language daily newspaper published in Saudi Arabia, is owned by Prince Turki bin Salman Al Saud, a son of King Salman and brother of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, and is seen as reflecting the Saudi government’s official views. Lauder said his contacts in Arab states viewed Israel as the only reliable ally against Iran, and vice versa. They are “contemplating, aghast, the West’s inability to halt these belligerent, dangerous developments” of Iran resuming uranium enrichment and limiting International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors’ access to nuclear sites, he said.

“Facing the accelerating threat of a malevolent Iran and the weakness of a coronavirus-hit world, the path toward self-reliance seems also to be the only path forward,” Lauder wrote. “Israelis and Arabs should seize the opportunity to work together to save the Middle East from the looming catastrophe of extremism and nuclearization.”

Israel is in talks with the three Gulf states about a defense alliance, i24 News reported last week.

The Prime Minister’s Office said it was “not confirming the report, but we are always interested in upgrading ties with our Middle East partners.”

One early indicator of a possible defense alliance is that Israel did not object to the US selling F-35 fighter jets to the UAE, after the countries normalized ties as part of the Abraham Accords last year.

Under US law, Washington must make sure its weapons sales in the Middle East do not threaten Israel’s qualitative military edge in the region. Following meetings between Defense Minister Benny Gantz and his US counterpart at the time, Jerusalem gave the green light to sell the planes to Abu Dhabi.

Israel still does not have official ties with Saudi Arabia. But it grew closer with the three Gulf states with which it is discussing further security cooperation in the aftermath of the 2015 deal between world powers and Iran, which they felt does not prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon once the agreement expires.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and MBS, as the Saudi crown prince is known, secretly met in Neom, a planned futuristic-Saudi city on the Red Sea, last November.

Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi spoke with Omani Foreign Minister Badr Albusaidi on Monday.
“Views were exchanged on a number of issues of common interest, as well as the importance of supporting all efforts aimed at achieving peace and stability in the region,” Ashkenazi said. “We agreed to maintain our direct channel of communication and to further enhance cooperation.”

Israel does not have official diplomatic relations with Oman, but Netanyahu led a delegation to the country in 2018.
Albusaidi also spoke with Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riad Malki, an Omani Foreign Ministry readout said.
Albusaidi confirmed “the Omani position in support of achieving a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East through direct negotiations and a two-state solution with the establishment of an independent Palestinian state,” the statement said.

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ELECTION REFORM: Efforts underway in key battleground states to return voting systems to pre-2020 rules

It’s the only thing that matters – without election reform, the nation is finished.

President Trump discussed this in his speech at CPAC. The Democrats were able to use the COVID-19 pandemic to change the voting laws in a number of swing states. This resulted in massive levels of mail-in voting, expanded early voting, relaxation of verification rules, and extensions to ballot receipt deadlines. The Republican Party must ensure that the state legislators return the voting systems to pre-2020 rules. If not, it will be next to impossible for the Republican Party to win future national elections. Election integrity should be the number 1 priority for Team Trump.

Efforts underway in key battleground states to return voting systems to pre-2020 rules

By Just the News, March 1, 2021:

Legislators looking to roll back major changes to mail-in voting, early voter lists.

Significant legislative attempts are underway in multiple U.S. states, including key battleground states, to roll back major changes in voting rules and regulations to various pre-2020 status quo antes. The efforts come after an historically chaotic election process that has left millions of Americans doubtful of election fairness, security, transparency and accountability.

Changes to election rules — some of them enacted prior to 2020 and others put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic last year — have included expansive mail-in voting, expanded early voting, relaxation of verification rules, and extensions to ballot receipt deadlines.

Those rules likely contributed to a record 158,000,000-plus votes cast in the 2020 election. But the relaxation of various voting requirements has also led to significant distrust in the election system: Nearly 40% of voters believe that U.S. elections are beset by fraud, while a similar number claim that such concerns haven’t been properly vetted by public authorities.

Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona all considering bills to roll back rule changes

Legislators in numerous states are angling to address some of those concerns by pushing for legislation to shore up what critics claim are the vulnerabilities created by relaxed voting rules.

In Georgia — which flipped blue for Biden this year in one of several razor-thin races that went in the Democrat’s favor — the Senate passed a bill that would require voters to submit “photocopies of voter identification documents for absentee ballot applications.”

The bill would do away with the current signature-matching system currently in place for absentee voting. Critics have accused that system of being ripe for fraud and abuse, particularly after the state’s Gov. Brian Kemp agreed to activist demands last year to make it much more onerous for officials to reject disputed signatures.

In Pennsylvania — which Trump lost by fewer than 100,000 votes — state lawmakers have signaled an intent to repeal the state’s “no-excuse” mail-in voting system, first implemented in 2019.

State Sens. Patrick Stefano and Doug Mastriano last month said in a Senate memorandum that they “intend to introduce legislation repealing the no-excuse mail-in ballot provisions” put in place two years ago via the state’s Act 77.

“By removing the provisions of law that allow for no-excuse mail-in ballots, we can regain some trust in our elections’ integrity,” the senators argued.

RELATED ARTICLE: “Outraged” Democrats Protest Election Integrity in Georgia, Clash With Police

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Texas says all businesses allowed to open 100%, ends statewide mask mandate

Reason and logic prevails! Texas Governor says statewide mask mandate ends March 10th and all businesses can reopen at 100% capacity.


Gov. Abbott to reopen Texas at 100% capacity, end statewide mask mandate

By: Joshua Hoggardm, Texomas, Mar 2, 2021:

LUBBOCK (KFDX/KJTL) — Gov. Greg Abbott announced Tuesday during a press conference in Lubbock a new executive order allowing all businesses to open at 100% capacity and ending the statewide mask mandate, effective Wednesday, March 10.

Gov. Abbott said he will be issuing a new executive order rescinding many of his previous orders issued during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Gov. Abbott said all businesses of any type will be able to open at 100% capacity beginning Wednesday, March 10.

Additionally, Gov. Abbott said the statewide mask mandate will be ending.

Gov. Abbott said hospitalizations in the state are the lowest they’ve been at in months, active COVID-19 cases are at their lowest numbers since November 2020, and the positivity rate is lower than 10%.

Gov. Abbott also announced 216,000 vaccines were administered in Texas on Tuesday alone, with over a million shots being distributed per week in the state.

Gov. Abbott also said over half of senior citizens in Texas will have received a vaccine shot by next Wednesday, and by the end of March every senior who wants a shot will be able to get one.



Texas and Mississippi to lift mask mandates and roll back Covid restrictions

Angry Nurse Has Had It with the Covid-19 Hoax

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Andrew Yang walks back stand against boycotting Jews, caves to infamous Jew-hater Linda Sarsour

There was a time that it would have been unthinkable for a mayoral candidate in New York City to appease an antisemite such as Linda Sarsour. Those days are long gone. Now it elevates you in the party of Jew-hatred. Yang caving to Sarsour is not surprising. Why should Andrew Yang take a strong stand against the BDS Movement when the vast majority of New York City’s Jewish voters will vote for him anyway? If Jewish voters are not bothered by anti-Semitic hatred, then why should Yang alienate influential BDS supporters such as Linda Sarsour?

New York Dems’ BDS debate shows the power of the woke left

By JNS, March 1, 2021

Most Americans don’t pay much attention to New York City politics. As one of the deepest blue political bastions in the country, the struggle for political ascendancy in the Big Apple can seem to be merely a choice between left and lefter. But while New York has become a one-party city in which Democrats don’t so much predominate as the Republicans have disappeared, that doesn’t mean debates there are insignificant. To the contrary, the city is in some ways a laboratory experiment in which it appears the future of the Democratic Party is up for grabs.

That’s especially true with respect to the question of whether it will be, as it always used to be, a pro-Israel political party. And the struggles of Andrew Yang—the entrepreneur/philanthropist and one-time presidential candidate who has now shifted his ambitions to taking possession of the city’s Gracie Mansion—illustrate this dilemma.

New York is still the world’s largest Jewish city (that is, in terms of those living within its city limits; if we were talking about metropolitan areas, Tel Aviv would now be No. 1), which means that mayoral candidates are bound to wish to appeal to the sensibilities of Jewish voters. But given how diverse the New York community is, that’s easier said than done. After all, a much larger percentage of New York Jewry is not merely Orthodox but denizens of ultra-Orthodox enclaves. At the other end of the political spectrum, Jewish voters who live in more upscale neighborhoods like the Upper East and Upper West Sides tend to be extremely left-wing rather than merely liberal.

In an earlier era when white ethnic voters held the balance of power in the five boroughs, appealing to them meant mayoral candidates would take international tours of the three “i’s”: Ireland, Italy and Israel. Irish and Italian voters don’t seem to be cohesive voting groups anymore, but a million Jews still reside in the city. Yet figuring out what they want is not so easy. That’s especially true if, like Yang, you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to the Middle East or Jewish issues.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

Gov. Ron DeSantis vows to crack down on Communist China stealing intellectual property from Florida

Awesome governor. Expect a landslide re-election in Florida for Governor DeSantis in 2022. Any Floridian who votes against DeSantis is nuts.

Ron DeSantis vows to crack down on China stealing intellectual property from Florida

By Washington Examiner, March 3, 2021

Gov. Ron DeSantis proposed new safeguards to crack down on China’s attempts to steal intellectual property from Florida.

“For far too long, the Communist Party of China and other foreign adversaries have been deliberate in their economic infiltration of other nations, the United States in particular,” DeSantis said Monday. “China has made it a mission to steal intellectual property from our businesses, our government, and our academic institutions — all to further fuel their global objectives.”

“We will place strategic safeguards against foreign influence by closing loopholes, strengthening institutional vetting, and applying common-sense protections for Florida schools, government entities, and more,” he added.

Florida Speaker of the House Chris Sprowls said he found evidence of China stealing intellectual property from universities, such as the University of Florida and the University of Central Florida.

“We found that there are no limits to the depths to which other countries, especially China, will go to steal our science and technology,” Sprowls said. “Foreign adversaries use our university systems, local governments, research institutions, and companies to intimidate, influence, and steal their way to strategic advantage. Today, we are introducing legislation to combat foreign influence in our public institutions and prevent corporate espionage in Florida.”

Disclosing donations of $50,000 or more from seven “countries of concern” is among the proposals. The countries include China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, and Venezuela.

DeSantis added that anyone seeking a contract with Florida worth $100,000 or more must disclose ties to the seven countries listed.

The announcement on Monday came after the Republican governor delivered remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference. A straw poll conducted during the conference found DeSantis as the clear choice of attendees for the 2024 presidential election if former President Donald Trump doesn’t run.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

Biden’s Handlers Bomb Syria: The Military-Industrial Complex is Back in the Saddle Again

In December, I wrote an article entitled: “Here We Go: Swamp Rats Start Laying the Groundwork for Sending U.S. Troops Into Syria.” And in January, I wrote an article entitled: “Back to the Endless Wars: US Military Convoy Enters Northeast Syria.” And here we are. CNNreported Friday that “the US military on Thursday struck a site in Syria used by two Iranian-backed militia groups in response to rocket attacks on American forces in the region in the past two weeks. ‘Up to a handful’ of militants were killed in the strikes, a US official told CNN.” There are, of course, no estimates of how many American troops will be killed in Syria pursuing the Biden team’s internationalist agenda.

The self-anointed foreign policy and military experts who are now in charge struck without even knowing exactly whether they were hitting what they wanted to hit. CNN noted that the site of the airstrikes “was not specifically tied to the rocket attacks but Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said he was ‘confident’ it was used by the same Iranian-backed Shia militias that had fired rockets at US and coalition forces.” Well, that’s that, then: the political elites’ foreign policy exponents, from John Kerry to Ben Rhodes, have done so very much to inspire confidence, who could possibly doubt that they know what they’re doing?

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby claimed improbably thatthe strikes took place “at President Biden’s direction,” and were designed to deal with “ongoing threats” to U.S. forces in Syria. “Specifically,” Kirby explained, “the strikes destroyed multiple facilities located at a border control point used by a number of Iranian-backed militant groups, including Kata’ib Hezbollah and Kata’ib Sayyid al Shuhada. The operation sends an unambiguous message; President Biden will act to protect American coalition personnel. At the same time, we have acted in a deliberate manner that aims to de-escalate the overall situation in both Eastern Syria and Iraq.”

Here is a better way to protect American troops in Syria and Iraq, and de-escalate the overall situation in both countries: get out and end these pointless military misadventures that serve no genuine American interest.

In any case, since we know that Biden is not going to pursue “America First” policies, that this strike does not benefit America or Americans, and was not intended to.

The Islamic State (ISIS) is resurgent in Syria, but Biden’s handlers didn’t strike the Islamic State. They struck instead at two Iranian-backed groups, which is essentially to strike at Assad. This was in order to placate one of Biden’s handlers’ constituencies: the Muslim Brotherhood network in the U.S., which hates Assad and has for years been trying to compel the U.S. to topple him. However, it antagonizes the Iranians, which Biden’s handlers also intend to appease.

All this could backfire on the handlers in a big way. But in the short term, it will likely lead to a new round of concessions and pot-sweeteners for the Iranian mullahs, all at the expense of the American taxpayer, of course. In the meantime, South Korea got the ball rolling. Korea Timesreported Tuesday that “the Iranian assets locked in South Korea will be released after consultations with the United States, the foreign ministry said Tuesday, after Iran claimed it has reached a deal with Seoul on how to transfer and use the frozen money.”

The South Koran foreign ministry announced: “Our government has been in talks with Iran about ways to use the frozen assets,” which amount to $7 billion, “and the Iran side has expressed its consent to the proposals we have made. The actual unfreezing of the assets will be carried out through consultations with related countries, including the United States.”

Korea Times noted that according to a South Korean foreign ministry official, “Seoul was finalizing talks with Washington about using some of the frozen funds to pay Tehran’s U.N. dues in arrears, to which the Islamic republic has also agreed.”

So the bombs are falling in Syria and the money is flowing once again to Tehran, and both the Muslim Brotherhood lobby and the Iranian mullahs are happy. All is well again. America is back.


Robert Spencer Webinar: Did Muhammad Exist?

India: Communists join forces with Muslim leaders against Hindus

Khashoggi’s job was to make ‘pro-jihadist progressives feel good about themselves’

Israel strikes Iranian targets in Syria in response to attack on Israeli-owned ship

Mozambique: Jihad violence creates humanitarian crisis, 670,000 displaced

Uganda: Muslim husband beats his wife with sticks, attacks her with acid for her conversion to Christianity

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Amazon, Allah is Dead, and Easy Meat

It has been argued, and I agree, that we are living during a period of cultural revolution; a time when the insidious political-correctness movement has finally morphed into outright book banning on the part of what has become the largest book retailer on the planet, Amazon.

Shortly after 9/11, I searched Amazon for books to explain the motivation of the attack. I found Robert Spencer’s Onward Muslim Soldiers, Ibn Warraq’s Why I am Not a Muslim, and Bat Ye’or’s Islam and Dhimmitude. Soon thereafter, I located Jihad Watch and began working for Robert Spencer to support his efforts to elucidate what seemed to be Islamic insanity rampaging all over the world.

Now I know it is not insanity, but the result of human beings believing in a false and evil religion which caused them to place obedience to the dead doctrine of Islam over their belief in, and experience of, Truth, Beauty and Goodness – the true spiritual values which guide, or should guide, human destiny.

My 2011 book, Allah is Dead: Why Islam is Not a Religion, was my first attempt to analyze religion and to explain why Islam is in error. Ironically, it was Amazon which allowed me to launch an independent publishing company, New English Review Press. Because of the strong sales of Allah is Dead, we were able to go on to publish over three dozen more books on many topics — political, cultural and literary.

On February 9, almost ten years to the day after Allah was first published, I received a notice that this book had been removed from sale on Amazon, then a week later, I received notice that the meticulously researched 2016 book, Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal by Peter McLoughlin, had likewise been removed – book, e-book, audiobook – everything, just gone.

My first reaction was to pull our advertising on Amazon – what a racket! They are the retailer and advertiser in one – that is one area future trust-busters might well examine. Theodore Dalrymple then suggested we appeal, if for no other reason than to make Amazon give us an explanation.

Well, we never did get an explanation, but Amazon did relent and restored the e-books this week. We are told the hardcovers and audiobook will likewise be restored soon. I don’t know why these books were targeted for removal in the first place after having been offered for sale over many years. I can only presume the books were searched for anything that could be construed as “hate speech” and having found none, Amazon could not justify keeping them off their shelves. But do they need a justification? Could they be sued successfully for the harm caused? Possibly.

The zeal for suppressing ideas is an ancient impulse which has taken hold in many of our once venerable institutions, now filled with zealous little McCarthy-ites who seem to want to blacklist half the population. But as we all know, truth does not fear a challenge, so this great fear of ideas must mean these social justice warriors are pushing something rather less than true and so it is truth that is causing their consternation – not untruth, as they claim.

For there to be progress, our civilization depends on the robust debate of ideas. Once ideas are suppressed, confusion results and where confusion reigns, all manner of evil can flourish. History is filled with the stories of those who stood firm in the face of intimidation for the sake of truth. Many have lain down their lives rather than capitulate to untruth. If we resolve to be as firm, this battle against the current cultural revolution will be won.

After all, if they can cancel Dr. Seuss, is anyone safe?


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The grim rise of ‘hate studies’

Intellectual sanity requires monitoring the first signs of destructive idiocy.

The toxic ideas that have corrupted today’s universities all began as tiny, obscure musings before escaping from the laboratories. They may have started with an unpublished paper or two, a request for modest institutional funding, or an informal discussion group. Eventually, they earn a panel at a regional disciplinary convention and an experimental course. In a few years, the “little idea” has metastasized into a full-blown intellectual plague.

Particularly disturbing is that the intellectual soundness of this “little idea” has no relationship to its burgeoning appeal—the opposite may be true: the wackier it is, the more alluring for career-minded academics chasing “the next big thing.” How else can one explain critical race theory, academic-style feminism, the deconstruction mania, and, alas, much more?

Intellectual sanity requires monitoring the first signs of destructive idiocy, just as the CDC tracks the early signs of an epidemic. Only then can the infant nonsense be strangled in the cradle. Imagine the intellectual mischief we could have avoided if critical race theory died an early, peaceful, obscure death.

That said, here’s the next big evil: “hate studies.”

This incipient plague embraces the very essence of totalitarianism—the criminalization of thinking. Out with criminal behavior, in with thoughtcrime. Not only does this switch contravene America’s long legal stress on illegal behavior (and First Amendment protection of unpopular speech) but the inherent murkiness of thoughtcrime and the near impossibility of reading peoples’ minds ensures that anybody, anytime can be punished for “bad thinking.”

Now, since every human regularly thinks “bad thoughts,” nobody is safe from today’s Grand Inquisitors, and if one believes that being hounded for systemic racism is bad, just wait until one is denounced for unknowingly holding “dangerous stereotypes” about people of color. Confess your bad thoughts! We are all guilty, all the time, and so prosecutors can send everyone off for rehabilitation.

I recently encountered this pox-in-the-making in my Bard College alumnae magazine (the Bardian, Fall 2020), which almost incidentally mentioned the Bard Center for the Study of Hate. “Hate” has long been a professional interest of mine, so I looked a little deeper. Lo and behold, Bard’s war on “hate” is a nascent industry that already has a website, webinars, a journal, courses with reading lists, and academic specialists. Rest assured that savvy professors are soliciting naive foundations to combat this alleged evil currently bedeviling America.

The Bard Center (BCSH) “…  will bring scholars from diverse disciplines to Bard College and all of its campuses to speak about the human capacity to hate and demonize others. It will place, mentor, and support students working at internships with nongovernmental organizations that combat hate.”  It also, “…seeks to impact public discussion about hatred nationally and internationally.”

This anti-hate message is already filtering into student brains through such Bard courses as Outsider Art; American Studies; Gender and Sexuality Studies; German Expressionism; Capitalism and Slavery; Contagion: on rumor, heresy, disease, and financial panic; and Women’s Rights, Human Rights, among others. Bard students will almost surely learn about the evils of “hate” and ambitious, trend-sniffing academics will adjust their teaching interests accordingly.

Nor is Bard College alone in the enterprise. Other early investors are The Gonzaga Institute for Hate StudiesThe International Network for Hate StudiesCalifornia State University at Santa Barbara Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, and up in Canada, the Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism located at the Ontario Institute of Technology. Meanwhile, the hate hatters gathered in Warsaw, Poland last year for The International Network for Hate Studies (did anyone tell Polish jokes?).

The Journal of Hate Studies is already up to Volume 17, and for those doubting its academic bona fides, it has been blessed by the Seal of Approval from the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), which certifies the journal as offering high quality, peer-reviewed articles. This is a high-minded mission: “The Journal reflects the optimism that as hate is understood, it can be contained and controlled allowing for persons to reach their full human potential without fear of retribution.”

And what, exactly, is this hate that must be scrutinized and then purged from the human mind? According to the Journal, said hate can be found in “…any one or more of its manifestations (e.g. racism, misogyny, antisemitism, homophobia, religious intolerance, ethnoviolence, anti-immigrant animus, etc.).” Needless to say, one does not have to be a Talmudic scholar to see the troublesome imprecision and the pitfalls of this anti-hate mission. Does hate motivate opposition to open borders, or might this be rational, economic self-interest? Is criticizing Islam for promoting terrorism just hateful emotion, or is it supported by fact?

Those who think that resolving these complexities is easy should consult the history of interpreting the First Amendment’s struggle with “dangerous” speech. Is hate to be banished entirely, or is some hate, for example, hating the KKK, tolerable? These hate-hunters will also patrol a huge territory: “Consider[ing] how hate is institutionalized, maintained, or perpetrated through culture, organizations, policies, politics, media, discourses, epistemologies, etc.” Note the reference to two “etc.’s” in these catalogues. Can one be guilty of hating “etc.”? I personally loath the etc. community.

Who will exorcise this hate? The Ministry of Anti-Hate? The courts or the Stasi? Might each individual be the judge and jury and settle the matter as he sees fit? Special tribunals of expert academics with doctorates in Hate Studies? Will hate hounds receive special training from mind-readers or utilize hi-tech tools like fMRI’s to probe the brain’s depths and root out unconscious bias?

Recall how yesterday’s hateful slur may become today’s official designation—queer, Chicano among others. We all know how certain words are certifiably hateful if employed by some but not others. What if the alleged hate has no relationship to any possible behavior, as in “I hate Anabaptists,” when this sect barely exists? And what are the penalties for haters when exposed? Public confessions and shaming? There are no easy answers, since the American criminal code excludes “hate” as a stand-alone crime. If unemployment were the penalty, no American would have a job.

“Hate Studies” is clearly an academic racket for ambitious scholars likely frustrated in climbing up the traditional academic ladder. It is not especially technical, nor does it require mastering a foreign language. Entry into the field is easy, but this “softness” should not detract from the awaiting evil. Today’s universities are happy to hire quacks galore to ameliorate their woes—why not hire a few extra anti-hate specialists to add to the collection? It’s all too easy to imagine these hate-hunters heading Inquisitions exposing invisible “hate” everywhere. Books, entire libraries, and even traditional disciples will be scrutinized for toxicity and, rest assured, costly bogus prescriptions will be written.

hate to say it, but this will not end well, so it’s time to sound the alarm.

This article has been republished with permission of the author from Minding the Campus.


Robert Weissberg

Robert Weissberg is a professor emeritus of political science at The University of Illinois-Urbana. More by Robert Weissberg


At the coalface of teenage gender change

Are all men misogynist and violent?

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s Immigration Bill Would Be an Act of National Suicide: Figures don’t lie – but liars can figure.

On February 28, 2021 the New York Times reported: Biden’s Immigration Plan Would Offer Path to Citizenship For Millions.

In reviewing the Biden administration’s catastrophic immigration proposals, the first question that should come to every American’s mind is, how does this benefit America and struggling Americans?

This is especially true because the Biden immigration bill would likely result in the lawful admission of more than 100 million immigrants!

I wrote about this issue in my article: “What Bidens Immigration Policies Would Do To America: Americas adversaries cant wait for this massive betrayal.”

Incredibly this fact has been ignored by the mainstream media, but we will explore the true magnitude of the Biden Amnesty shortly.

News coverage of immigration almost always focuses on the aliens and those who profit from the admission of foreign workers but never on the citizens of our nation.

For decades the compliant media have viciously attacked advocates for effective and fair immigration law enforcement as being “Anti-Immigrant” while lauding advocates for open borders and what would amount to immigration anarchy as being “Pro-Immigrant.”

This tactic is intended to mislead and intimidate Americans into accepting what should be unacceptable. Since we think of America as a “nation of immigrants,” anyone who would dare suggest that the U.S. government should make certain that our immigration laws are fairly but effectively enforced is attacked as being “anti-American,” “xenophobic” and “racist.”

The 9/11 Commission was crystal clear: the terror attacks of 9/11 and other such terror attacks were only possible because of multiple failures of the immigration system. Yet the media and our political leaders never make that connection.

The 9/11 Commission did not suffer from racism or xenophobia but simply sought to protect our nation from the continuing specter of international terrorism.

A review of a section of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S. Code § 1182 – Inadmissible aliens will confirm that our laws have nothing to do with racism or xenophobia but about keeping out aliens who pose a threat to public health, public safety, national security, and the jobs and wages of Americans.

Facts are stubborn things — unless you ignore them or lie about them!

Here is an excerpt from the New York Times article that is certain to warm your heart — if you consider heartburn to be a way of warming your heart:

The centerpiece of the legislation is an eight-year path to citizenship for most of the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States as of Jan. 1. After passing background checks and paying taxes, they would be allowed to live and work in the United States for five years. After that, they could apply for a green card, giving them permanent status in the United States and the opportunity to win citizenship after three more years.

But the bill tries to make the most far-reaching changes in immigration law in more than three decades. It would sweep away restrictions on family-based immigration, making it easier for spouses and children to join their families already in the country. And it would expand worker visas to allow more foreigners to come to the United States for jobs.

Unlike previous efforts to overhaul immigration, the legislation does not include a large focus on increased border enforcement. Instead, the bill adds resources to process migrants legally at ports of entry and invests $4 billion over four years in distressed economies in the hopes of preventing people from fleeing to the United States because of security and economic crises.

To begin with, the supposed cutoff date of January 1, 2021 is completely meaningless. No record of entry is created by aliens who evade the inspections process. Any alien who can enter the United States without inspection can easily game this process and simply claim to have entered the United States by whatever cutoff date is established and purchase bogus supporting documents.

It will be difficult if not impossible for the adjudications officers to determine if the information in the applications for amnesty is truthful or fraudulent. I wrote an extensive article about the nexus between immigration fraud and national security in my article: Immigration Fraud: Lies That Kill – 9/11 Commission identified immigration fraud as a key embedding tactic of terrorists.

Simple background checks are inadequate to make proper decisions. The only thing worse than no security is false security!

The pressure will be on to approve applications to clear the backlog. It takes only minutes to approve an application but can take days or weeks to deny an application. Without the resources to conduct actual field investigations, fraud will permeate the adjudications process.

This will not only undermine the integrity of the immigration process but also irrevocably undermine national security and public safety.

The official report 9/11 and Terrorist Travel – Staff Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States addressed immigration fraud thus:

Once terrorists had entered the United States, their next challenge was to find a way to remain here. Their primary method was immigration fraud. For example, Yousef and Ajaj concocted bogus political asylum stories when they arrived in the United States. Mahmoud Abouhalima, involved in both the World Trade Center and landmarks plots, received temporary residence under the Seasonal Agricultural Workers (SAW) program, after falsely claiming that he picked beans in Florida.” Mohammed Salameh, who rented the truck used in the bombing, overstayed his tourist visa. He then applied for permanent residency under the agricultural workers program, but was rejected. Eyad Mahmoud Ismail, who drove the van containing the bomb, took English-language classes at Wichita State University in Kansas on a student visa; after he dropped out, he remained in the United States out of status.

There will be no interviews and no background investigations because of the huge number of applications. The numbers of aliens will likely exceed 20 million. Yale reported that as of two years ago, there were 22.1 million illegal aliens present in the U.S.

The actual numbers would likely be far greater than the Yale estimate.

Furthermore, all legalized aliens would have the absolute right to have all of their minor children and spouses join them legally in the United States.

If, on average, each legalized alien has four children, Biden’s massive amnesty program would likely enable more than 100 million lawful immigrant children to gain entry into the United States. They would all have to be educated in our failing school systems.

How will Biden provide 100 million young immigrants with jobs as they age and join the already overflowing labor pool?

The spouses of these newly-legalized immigrants would also be able to enter the United States.

Imagine the incredible impact that this would have on America’s economy, environment, education, healthcare and infrastructure. Consider the inflationary pressure this would create and lead to more homelessness throughout the United States.

To borrow the radical Left’s expression — this would certainly not be sustainable.

If this would not be disastrous enough, Biden would also open the floodgates to foreign workers as was noted in the the New York Times article I cited above. This would be insane at any time, but especially now with so many Americans suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic with an abject shortage of jobs, vaccines and hospital beds.

My January 2, 2019 article, Open Borders Facilitate America’s Race to the Bottom included this excerpt:

Greenspan supported his infuriating call for many more H-1B visas by the following benefits” for America and, as you will see, the last sentence of his outrageous paragraph addresses the notion of reducing wage inequality” by lowering wages of middle class, highly educated Americans whom Greenspan had the chutzpah to refer to as the privileged elite”!

Consider this excerpt from his testimony:

First, skilled workers and their families form new households. They will, of necessity, move into vacant housing units, the current glut of which is depressing prices of American homes. And, of course, house price declines are a major factor in mortgage foreclosures and the plunge in value of the vast quantity of U.S. mortgage-backed securities that has contributed substantially to the disabling of our banking system.

The second bonus would address the increasing concentration of income in this country. Greatly expanding our quotas for the highly skilled would lower wage premiums of skilled over lesser skilled. Skill shortages in America exist because we are shielding our skilled labor force from world competition. Quotas have been substituted for the wage pricing mechanism. In the process, we have created a privileged elite whose incomes are being supported at noncompetitively high levels by immigration quotas on skilled professionals. Eliminating such restrictions would reduce at least some of our income inequality.

It is clear that the goal of the Biden administration is to destroy jobs and wages for Americans.

I wrote about the nefarious purpose behind this betrayal of Americans by their own government in my article, For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail.

Struggling Americans would be forced to rely on the government for economic subsidies. The money would come with many strings attached, pleasing the radical totalitarian control freaks who seek permanent and total control over our nation and our citizens.

This is the time for all Americans to reach out to their elected “representatives” to let them know how they want to truly be represented and not betrayed by our politicians.

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Laura Loomer Running For Congress in 2021 in FL-District 21

In an email to supporters Laura Loomer wrote:

I want you to be the first to know that I have filed to run for US Congress again in Florida’s 21st Congressional District, home to President Donald Trump, for the 2022 election cycle.  In doing so, I am once again putting the Big-Tech Tyrants, the radical left, and members of the elite DC Political establishment-Swamp on notice.

I am sending you this message from CPAC in Orlando, Florida where I just watched President Trump give his first speech since leaving office.  At CPAC this year, the theme is ironically “America Uncanceled”.  I am deeply honored by the outpouring of support I received from all of you during my last campaign, and I humbly request your continued support during my 2022 campaign so I can continue to fight for you and America.

Americans are aware that for years, I have been patient zero in Big-Tech’s plot to silence and censor conservative voices and interfere in our elections.  Candidates have come to depend on social media to efficiently and effectively get their messages to voters, fundraise, advertise, and participate in public discourse. As the most banned woman in the world and the first de-platformed candidate in US history, I know firsthand of the dangers this poses to personal liberty, our constitutional right to free speech, free and fair elections, and the concept of sovereign nations.

Americans are now just learning about how dangerous Big Tech’s unchecked power has become after these Silicon Valley companies coordinated to de-platform Donald J. Trump, while he was still a sitting US President, from social media, the internet, and even the banking systems.  Will you help?

We need leaders in Congress like myself who actually understand this vital issue of Big-Tech censorship and the way it impacts the lives of Americans and the integrity of our elections.  Donate today to help me launch my 2022 campaign and break up the Big-Tech monopolies.

If Big Tech is permitted to collude for the sake of blocking conservatives and their chosen candidates from participating in and discussing political issues in the digital public square, then they must face criminal charges for their outright election interference which violates the bedrock of our democracy, both here in America and world-wide.  The only way a candidate has a chance to win when this occurs, is with overwhelming financial donations (small and large) and on-the-ground grassroots support from patriotic, generous, and devoted supporters and donors like yourself from all over the country.  Can I count on your HELP? Without Social Media and equal access to payment processors, my campaign has been forced to use alternatives and sometimes more costly mechanisms to communicate our vital America First platform with voters. 

Despite being challenged by the economic impacts of COVID-19, my incredible supporters and donors, which includes YOU, helped my campaign raise much appreciated donations to mount an aggressive campaign with limited face-to-face ability that won a crowded primary with six candidates, and had an impressive finish in the general election against entrenched, radical Democrat incumbent Lois Frankel.

This amazing effort was only possible because of generous supporters like yourself, and endorsements from President Trump, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Paul Gosar, Roger Stone, General Flynn, “Bo Snerdley”, and more!  People never would have imagined that Big-Tech’s efforts, which have gone unchecked by Congress for years, would accelerate to target elected officials, including the President of the United States, arguably the most powerful person in the world!

I always knew this would happen, and I was warning voters on the campaign trail in 2020, and years before, that if they could silence me, they would silence President Trump, which means YOU could be next!  It was just said yesterday at CPAC by President Trump that “Trump’s endorsement is the most powerful endorsement in politics.”.  I am proud to have earned President Trump’s endorsement and his vote as the Republican nominee for Congress in FL CD 21 in 2020.  FL 21 is the home to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump.  

I am without question the leading expert on this issue and I need your help to get to Congress to fight against Big-Tech censorship, voter fraud, and the many other issues important to Americans and small business owners who have experienced unimaginable challenges and losses over the last year as we have witnessed unconstitutional mandates and lock downs that threaten our God given rights and Constitutional freedoms.  Big-Tech censorship and election interference is hands-down the most important issue facing America, because if we are silenced, and the Big-Tech tyrants get to choose election winners and losers via censorship, then we will never again have a free and fair election in America! This is one of the main reasons why I have immediately filed to run for Congress again and need your support.  Help my campaign reach our first fundraising goal of $100,000 by donating here today! 

We need your help to break fundraising records beyond that goal to send a message to Big-Tech that we won’t tolerate their cancel culture and election interference anymore!  Be a part of making history and help us shatter our goal by clicking here.xssd42Kji_CZpw=s0-d-e1-ft#https://mcusercontent.com/49aaeb063c431085ef7f1d81a/images/b8936b91-c598-4bbc-9ee8-4ecce9a649ff.jpg” alt=”” width=”200″ align=”left” />

Laura Loomer

Copyright © 2021 www.LauraLoomerForCongress.com. All rights reserved.

Rabid Marxists Dominate America’s Judiciary

“Without liberty, law loses its nature and its name, and becomes oppression. Without law, liberty also loses its nature and its name, and becomes licentiousness.” James Wilson, Of the Study of the Law in the United States, 1790

“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.” –  Thomas Jefferson

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” –  Proverbs 14:12

Jewish law was based on the Ten Commandments and other sacred writings, which we find in the Hebrew Bible.  Jewish law influenced Roman law, English law, and our own Declaration of Independence and Constitution.  These laws are contained in the Torah (teaching) which became the first five books of the Bible.  It is why we are called a Judeo-Christian nation.

When a liberal higher-critic sort of attitude rules the day, the wisdom of man rules the day.  Man wants to be on the throne, but God is on the throne.  Thus, man elevates himself above God, and seeks to destroy the sacred writings of the Holy Scriptures, along with those who believe in Him.  When leaders are willing to throw out the expressed truth claims of God, it’s a simple next step to throw out the moral claims of God.  This is today’s “cancel culture.”

When political leaders and pulpits dismiss the authority of the scriptures and dismiss the authority of the God of the scriptures, freedom is rejected, liberty is crushed, law becomes perverted and justice is denied.

Communists and socialists are evil proponents of big government who would willingly sacrifice human liberty and freedom to advance their concept of “social justice.”  From the beginning of time, this evil has paved the way and devolved into what we’re seeing today.  The hatred of God and the elevation of man is the very core of communism.

Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) expressed these sentiments perfectly when he accused Democrats of trying to define what it means to be male or female. “The gender confusion that exists in our culture today is a clear rejection of God’s good design. Whenever a nation’s laws no longer reflect the standards of God that nation is in rebellion against him and will inevitably bear the consequences,” the congressman said. “We are seeing the consequences of rejecting God here in our country today.”

That comment drew a fiery response from Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY).  “What any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress,” added Jerry Nadler (D-NY).

There you have it; God’s will and the Holy Scriptures are no concern of America’s Congress.  For nearly a century, the country has been turned over to godless men and women who care nothing for the rule of law.  Yes, a century and longer.

FDR’s Supreme Court

The elimination of true Constitutional originalists began and was solidified with Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) in 1933.  Prior to his election, three republicans preceded him, Warren Harding from 1921-1923. When Harding passed from a heart attack, Vice President Calvin Coolidge became the 30th President of the United States for six years.  President Herbert Hoover followed with one term from 1929 to 1933.  FDR was President from 1933 to 1945; he had three vice presidents, the last being Harry Truman who succeeded him as president until 1953.

In the late 1930s, FDR had a plan to pack the court so as to legislate into law everything he wanted in his New Deal.  Sound familiar?  Congress and the people viewed FDR’s ill-considered proposal as an undemocratic power grab.  Nevertheless, FDR succeeded in putting eight members on the court the old-fashioned way, through attrition.  His administration was filled with communists, particularly Harry Hopkins who lived in the Lincoln bedroom and ran the Lend Lease program.

FDR appointed eight new members of the Supreme Court: Associate Justices Hugo BlackStanley F. ReedFelix FrankfurterWilliam O. DouglasFrank MurphyJames F. ByrnesRobert H. Jackson, and Wiley Blount Rutledge. Additionally, he elevated sitting Justice Harlan F. Stone to Chief Justice.  All were progressive democrats except Republican Harlan F. Stone.

Felix Frankfurter helped to found the American Civil Liberties Union. In a 1917 letter by former President Teddy Roosevelt to Frankfurter, he criticized Frankfurter for supporting “traitors,” “Bolsheviks” and “murderers.” This was exposed in Manning Johnson’s book, Color, Communism and Common Sense.

SCOTUS Election Cases

The Supreme Court has refused to hear any 2020 general election cases involving voter fraud.  On December 11, 2021, the Supreme Court denied a Texas effort that would have essentially nullified the presidential elections in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin.  Seventeen other states joined in the suit brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.  Justices Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch dissented.

On February 22, the Supreme Court rejected three GOP elections-related lawsuits regarding the state of Pennsylvania.  The same three justices dissented.  The fact that states did not follow their own state legislatively set laws is the issue millions of people still are not happy with.  The Roberts led Supreme Court has declined to hear any of the cases brought challenging the procedures of how the election was conducted.

Congressman Mike Kelly of the 16th District of Pennsylvania also had his case rejected by SCOTUS.  Kelly v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania case was filed in Pennsylvania and disputed the state’s greater allowances for mail-in ballots amid the pandemic.

The high court had no intention to intervene in the cases because it did not act before Congress certified Biden’s victory on January 6th.  The dates were set by the court, purposely being stretched past the 6th.  Sidney Powell reacted to the rulings on election integrity.

Justice Clarence Thomas issued a scathing dissent to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to decline to hear the merits of lawsuits challenging the 2020 election in Pennsylvania and by so doing, detailed what he described as the “inexplicable” avoidance of cases with critical implications for future elections.

He stated, “These cases provide us with an ideal opportunity to address just what authority non-legislative officials have to set election rules, and to do so well before the next election cycle.  The refusal to do so is inexplicable.  We failed to settle this dispute before the election and thus provide clear rules.  Now we again fail to provide clear rules for future elections.  The decision to leave election law hidden beneath a shroud of doubt is baffling.  By doing nothing, we invite further confusion and erosion of voter confidence.  Our fellow citizens deserve better and expect more of us.”

Amazon Prime dropped Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words, an acclaimed and popular PBS documentary on Justice Clarence Thomas, making it unavailable to stream during Black History Month. Justice Thomas is our only black justice, yet Amazon, during Black History Month removed this great documentary.  Any conservative, regardless of skin color or position is censored by big tech… that’s the communist way!

Trump Tax Case

Democrat Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., has been seeking Trump’s tax records since 2019 as part of an investigation. On February 22, 2021, SCOTUS ruled for Vance.  There were no comments or dissents noted.  Vance immediately subpoenaed the records from the Mazars accounting firm that has long done work for Trump and his businesses. Trump had asked for a delay to rehear lower court decisions, but was denied by the court and Vance received the records in three days.

The Supreme Court waited months to act in this case. The last of the written briefs in the case was filed Oct. 19. But a court that includes three Trump appointees waited through the election, Trump’s challenge to his defeat and a month after Trump left office before issuing its order.

President Trump said the Democrat inspired case is politically motivated and he’s absolutely right.

Trump’s Justices

In my last article, and in previous articles regarding the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society, I documented their funding by Koch family organizations. These two organizations created the lists of potential Supreme Court candidates.  Federalist “picks” were not simply vetted by the Federalist Society; the nominees were Federalist Society loyalists.

The Koch brothers supported and subsidized Mike Pence and Kellyanne Conway, but detested Donald Trump.  Pence worked in the early 90s for the Indiana State Policy Network, a satellite of Heritage Foundation who he has joined once again. Kellyanne Conway and her Trump hating husband, George, are long time members of the Federalist Society.  George is a member of the Lincoln Project, republicans dedicated to defeating Trump.

Since the confirmation of Trump’s three justices, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, they’ve often chosen to side with Chief Justice Roberts and the politically liberal justices.  Election fraud is not new…it’s been here for decades.

Election Fraud 1948

Frank Hamer was the legendary Texas Ranger who trapped and killed notorious outlaws, Bonnie and Clyde.  R. Cort Kirkwood wrote the entire story for the February 1st, 2021 New American Magazine.  Frank Hamer was shot 17 times and killed 53 men during his illustrious career.  He also saved 15 black men from death at the hands of lynch mobs in various towns and cities in east Texas, where he led an unpopular fight against the Ku Klux Klan.

It was July, 1948 when beloved Texas Governor, Coke Stevenson ran for the Senate and won, but victory was stolen by election thief Lyndon Baines Johnson.  In the Democratic primary of 1948, Stevenson bested Johnson by more than 70,000 votes, but neither candidate received a majority of the more than one million cast.  Three men were in the running, but the most votes went to Stevenson with 477,077 and to Johnson with 405,617.  The two met again in a runoff on Saturday, August 28th.

Mr. Kirkwood writes, “Though polling put Stevenson ahead, 53-47 percent, Johnson turned that deficit around.  As more precincts reported results, Stevenson’s lead dwindled to less than 1,000 votes, and while more uncounted votes magically appeared, by Tuesday, election officials had declared Stevenson the victor by a slim 349.  Yet the counting still wasn’t finished. More and more counties in the Rio Grande Valley reported “new votes” for Johnson, which cut his deficit to 157.  That still wasn’t enough to defeat Stevenson.  At 12:30 p.m. on Friday, September 3, Jim Wells County called in a 200-vote change that gave Johnson 494,191 to Stevenson’s 484,104.”

Cork Stevenson knew there was fraud, so with his friend Frank Hamer and two lawyers, they traveled to Corpus Christi to check the votes.  Hamer and Stevenson went to the bank where election records for Precinct 13 were kept. “Git,” Hamer told one band of five. “Fall back!” he ordered the second larger group blocking the bank’s door. He was ready to draw the gun holstered at his side.  The other men had removed their jackets and none were armed except Frank.

They proved the votes had been rigged and a “7” had obviously been changed to a “9.”  A Mexican American in the precinct told the two lawyers that “people live longer down here if they keep their mouths shut.”

Even though they had the proof of vote fraud, the Democrats did the same thing they always do and just did on January 6th, 2020, they declared Johnson the winner by one vote.

The evidence from Hamer and Stevenson didn’t matter.  Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black halted the trial just minutes before the vote boxes were to be opened in court.  Johnson’s attorney, future U.S. Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas, successfully argued to Associate Justice Hugo Black, then in charge of the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, that primaries were “irrevocably and incontestably vested” in Texas law.

Black agreed, and the Supreme Court upheld his ruling. Fraud was discounted out of hand, just like it was in our 2020 general election and the runoff in Georgia in January.

Hugo Black was one of the liberal democrats nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court by Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

In 1921, Hugo Black defended E. R. Stephenson, a minister of the now defunct Methodist Episcopal Church South in his trial for the murder of a Catholic priest, Father James E. Coyle.  Stephenson’s daughter had converted to Catholicism and married a man of Puerto Rican descent, and Coyle had conducted the wedding.

Hugo Black got Stephenson acquitted in part by arguing to the jury that Puerto Ricans should be considered black under part of the South’s one drop rule.  Black, a Democrat, joined the Ku Klux Klan shortly afterwards, in order to gain votes from the anti-Catholic element in Alabama. He built his winning Senate campaign around multiple appearances at KKK meetings across Alabama.

Allegedly he left the Klan in 1925.  Black later said that joining the Klan was a mistake, but he went on to say, “I would have joined any group if it helped get me votes.”

Many Americans also know of the 1946 Battle of Athens in McMinn County, Tennessee regarding Democratic vote fraud by Paul Cantrell, the candidate for sheriff who tied his campaign closely to the popularity of the Roosevelt administration and rode FDR’s coattails to victory over his Republican opponent.  He ruled until 1946 when returning WWII veterans stopped the deceit.


Vote fraud has existed in America for eons; and America’s judiciary is fraught with corruption…a corruption that has all but collapsed our rule of law.  The judges are the ones who have elevated themselves above God and who will willingly sacrifice our freedom and liberty.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

More people are DYING of COVID under Biden ☭

Democrats are the party of death. Celebrated Democrat hero Cuomo killed tens of thousands of seniors.

More people are dying of COVID under Biden

Yet the media has stopped blaming the President

By: Stephen L. Miller, The Spectator, February 24, 2021

Monday marked a solemn day for America, as the coronavirus death toll in the United States crossed the 500,000 mark. By this weekend, 100,000 will have died during Joe Biden’s short tenure as President. One hundred thousand. Think about that for just a second. Let that sink in.

We could do what all the Trump-deranged pundit class did when the 45th president was in charge. That is, compare the COVID death count ‘under this President’s watch’ to various unrelated historical atrocities. One hundred thousand deaths is the same death toll as the German Peasants’ War, a populist revolt in 1524 which lasted an entire year. Put another way, you could say that, in the month since Joe Biden has been President, COVID-19 casualties have exceeded the death tally of the crisis in Congo during the first half of the 1960s. The equivalent of 20 full-size 737 passenger planes continue to fall out of the sky every day.

The pundits have stopped doing that, funnily enough. Since the end of Donald Trump’s presidency, CNN ombudsman Brian Stelter has ceased comparing COVID deaths to 9/11. So has Vox’s Aaron Rupar, unofficially the worst person on Twitter. The public was told over and over not to look away or forget these victims. Yet as soon as Biden entered the White House, that’s exactly what the majority of the media did.

It took the United States four full months to reach the first 100,000 deaths. Under Biden, that mark will be met in just over one month, even as he demands we ‘mask up’ and the population begins to expand the vaccination process. With no end in sight, the United States is on track to surpass the entirety of casualties under the Wars of Alexander the Great.

Shouldn’t the Biden administration be held to the same account of the previous administration? Every life lost to COVID is a life that could have been saved and if Biden insists on comparing COVID deaths to horrors such as World War One, World War Two and Vietnam, then perhaps they should ask what should be done about the country from which this great attack was launched.

Or perhaps we should just stop using obnoxious historical examples of events and disasters that were not COVID, to use against this pandemic.

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