VIDEO: The Vortex — The Last Chance


No one in America who really, deeply cares about the future of the United States misses the point that what people on both sides are actually voting on is the makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court.

For decades, and largely while political conservatives — including a hefty number of Catholics — were asleep at the switch, the Marxist Left was implementing a takeover of the country through judicial fiat. The Left resorted to the courts because they could not get done what they wanted through state legislatures. So, in an effort to usurp the will of the people, they populated the nation’s elite law schools with social radicals, some of whom, after decades, were able to rise high in positions within the federal judiciary.

By the time political conservatives caught on to the plan, it was too late. The Left sufficiently controlled the courts, including the Supreme Court, to force its will on the people. Once something becomes legal, in people’s minds, it tends to be more readily viewed as acceptable, even moral. Even formerly controversial issues take on an air of respectability, and opposition to them now becomes seen as narrow-mindedness.

But the composition of the High Court — the ages of various justices — brought the issue to a head in the 2016 presidential election. It was almost a certainty that the court could shift to the right, even marginally, if Trump was elected. So while the Left was alarmed, the Right was ecstatic at the possibility. After decades and decades of hard, grinding, thankless work, the possibility was coming into focus that Donald Trump in the White House might finally hand the brass ring to the cause of political conservatism.

And the issue was abortion. If Hillary were to win, it would be game over, potentially forever. And recall, during the 2016 race, there was already one vacancy on the court — the seat of Antonin Scalia — a conservative seat. Securing that seat with a liberal, as Obama had nominated in the person of Merrick Garland, would have been the death-knell.

Fast forward to 2020 and a rapidly aging, in-poor-health Ruth Bader Ginsburg, with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. As one expert told Church Militant, “The old gal will last one year. She isn’t going to last five.” If Trump wins re-election it is virtually guaranteed that he will replace Ginsburg, one of the most Marxist-minded, pro-abortion, anti-God justices ever to sit on the bench.

But here’s a question — something to consider: If the court tips from its current 5–4 to 6–3 conservative bent — or even possibly 7–2 — before Trump’s second term is over, and then would overturn Roe v. Wade, what would happen?

Pondering that possibility, and even planning for it to some degree, the Left is arming itself and speaking openly of rebellion. It seems not that far-fetched that the same crowd that starts fires on college campuses when conservative speakers arrive and violently riots in the streets under the banner of Antifa would have little compunction about making blood run in those same streets if the Court toppled abortion. Current whispers of civil war might become louder than just whispers.

If that happens, if something like that — even on a somewhat limited scale — were to occur, it would, by definition, become a noble cause: the defense of innocent life.

There is not an honest man or woman walking who does not know that the Left supports child-murder. That is the central motivating issue around which all of American politics have evolved since the days of Ronald Reagan. That has been the central issue of the attempt to unseat Donald Trump for going on three years now, even up to the relative Marxist-media hype surrounding the coronavirus scare.

This is relative to what, you may ask? It’s relative to the swine flu epidemic that went on for more than a year under Obama and killed thousands of Americans. Nothing was done by the media giants in that case like is being done now. They have seized on a serious issue and are perfectly happy to use it to try and destabilize Trump — they’ll try anything to destabilize him — and it’s all because abortion is always playing in the background.

Abortion is and has been the topic that has been responsible for shaping the national debate for more than 40 years. It caused the bedlam surrounding the Brett Kavanaugh hearings — even the pounding on the doors of the High Court once he was confirmed. It was the admitted issue when New York Sen. Chuck Schumer hurled his invective and threats against both Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch — actually threatening them —for which he never apologized. The case he was talking about? Abortion.

But this is what pro-lifers need to note, and note hard: Given the rapidly changing demographics of the country — an essentially morally rudderless young population, opposed to religion and unfamiliar with natural law, this election is the last chance to secure and lock down a pro-life court. Pro-life voters will simply be overwhelmed by sheer numbers of the socialist-loving lefties by 2024.

In the midst of all this — with everything on the table — do not look to the U.S. bishops to make this point. Too many of them are registered Democrats themselves and do not possess supernatural faith. They are enamored with the Party of Death — even child-killers who are baptized Catholics they love schmoozing with.

The marriage between political conservatives and theologically orthodox Catholics has brought this moment to reality. It has been a gigantic, uphill struggle — a fight for the ages — and is now the last great clash over the future direction of the nation we will see in our lifetime. The Right has arrived at a point of equal footing, or at least as equal as it’s ever going to get. The victory must be secured and it must be secured now, because the moment will never arrive again as long as any of us are breathing.

In 233 days, we will know our future.

Pray, fast and act like you’ve never done before.

It is your solemn duty before the Lord of Life.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

J Street Event Slams Israel by Andrew Harrod

“One people is dominating another, this is the essence of the problem” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, claimed Israeli Jew Rami Elhanan, co-general manager of Israel’s fringe Parents Circle—Families Forum (PCFF), on March 6 in Washington, DC. He addressed about 30 largely like-minded listeners in the shared offices of the New Israel Fund (NIF) and Americans for Peace Now (APN), at an Israel-bashing event cohosted by J Street, a supposedly “pro-Israel” Jewish-American leftist organization.

APN Communications and Public Engagement Director Ori Nir and Howard Sumka, a board member of PCFF’s American affiliate, introduced the panel, which included Elhanan and his fellow co-general manager, the Palestinian Bassam Aramin. A stray bullet from an Israeli police officer had killed Aramin’s ten-year old daughter Abir during Palestinian riots in 2007. Meanwhile, Jerusalem’s September 4, 1997, Ben Yehuda Street Hamas suicide bombing killed Elhanan’s 14-year old daughter Smadar. Thus the J Street panel moderator, Ruti Kadish, emphasized its theme of reconciliation through shared Israeli-Palestinian recognition of mutual conflict suffering, for “if we cannot see each other’s pain, we won’t be able to understand each other.”

Elhanan stressed his unlikely friendship with Aramin, a man who had spent seven years in Israeli jails for having attempted to attack Israeli soldiers. “This Palestinian terrorist,” Elhanan said, “my dear brother Bassam,” is the “closest person to me on Earth. He is much closer to me than many of my own people, than many of my own family.” With language that has become a trite trope in Israel’s enduring battle against terrorists, Elhanan presented himself as an example of being able to “break once and for all this endless cycle of violence of revenge and retaliation.”

Despite all such talk of conflict equally victimizing Arabs and Jews, Elhanan and Aramin forthrightly promoted the one-sided canard, in Aramin’s words, that “Israeli occupation” is the “source of violence.” Yet Arabs such as Aramin have fought with consistently brutal means including terrorism to destroy a Jewish national home, even during the Zionist settlement preceding Israel’s existence, as in the 1936-1939 Arab revolt. This Zionist existential fight for survival long predated Israeli “occupation” over an Arab population that emerged after Israel in self-defense liberated historic Jewish national home territories from Egyptian and Jordanian occupation in 1967.

Yet the murder of Elhanan’s daughter only prompted him to wallow in self-guilt. “What can cause someone to be that angry, that mad, that desperate and hopeless that he is willing to blow himself up with a 14-year old little girl? Do you have some kind of connection or responsibility yourself?” he asked. He excused continuing Palestinian rejection of Israel’s existence, for their “anger is horrible. There is an anti-normalization movement, which is very powerful, and it is completely understandable. When someone beats you, you need to rise up.”

His wife Nurit Peled-Elhanan, a self-described “left to far-left” academic at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University (HUJ), who has slandered Israeli textbooks as racist, had expressed similar sentiments in the days following Smadar’s murder. Her mother had called the suicide bombers “desperate, insanely desperate, people” and considered them, along with her daughter, equally victims of Israeli policies. The Elhanans had even welcomed a Palestinian Authority (PA) envoy to their mourning home, even though the Israeli government had condemned PA abetting of terrorism.

Unsurprisingly, Nurit Peled-Elhanan is the sister of the internationally notorious anti-Zionist and self-hating Israeli Jew Miko Peled, and his brother-in-law Elhanan was hardly less radical in Washington, DC. He condemned as a “crime against humanity” that “these two crazy nations of ours are massacring each other every day.” For this “proud Jew…ruling and oppressing and humiliating and occupying millions and millions of people for so many years without any democratic right is not Jewish” and opposition “is not antisemitism.”

Aramin concurred with Elhanan, for “Israelis will never feel free until we feel free.” Aramin decried that America’s pro-Israel policies “support the only occupation in the Middle East,” as if no other conflicts outside of Israel existed here. He used Israeli strength as an excuse to downplay Israeli security fears, for Israel is a “nuclear power now, you are strong; you don’t need to be scared from a group of people who don’t have salaries” in the PA.

Elhanan agreed with audience questioner Steve France from the Episcopal Peace Fellowship, a regular in the local Washington, DC-area Israel-hating scene, who reiterated his demonizing comparison of Israel with American racism. This Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS)-supporting Episcopalian analogized Israeli Jews to the “American South or all of white America” vis-à-vis blacks, with “privilege for one community and no privilege for the other.” Thus Israeli Jews rejected peace with Palestinians because then supposedly exploitative Jews, under whose rule Palestinians have actually greatly benefitted, would have “to really change my whole life.”

Other local anti-Israel Episcopalians joined France in the audience, such as Tom Getman, a former World Vision executive for its Palestinian operations, his wife Karen, and Mary Nesnick (?). She falsely asserted that Palestinians suffer media demonization. “Conditioned fear,” a “product to keep the hate alive…is actively harvested” by American “websites that demonize Muslims or Palestinians or fundamentalism here that also would look to Israel as a savior,” she said.

Elhanan accepted the tenor of such comments and absurdly accused that willful ignorance of Palestinians made a vigorously democratic “Israeli society…blocked…brainwashed.” The Palestinian “other side” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “was viciously hidden from me from the day I was born,” he stated without the slightest evidence. After Nazi genocide in World War II, Israeli Jews such as Elhanan’s father, an “Auschwitz graduate,” became the “ultimate victim. No one else is allowed to be victim.”

By contrast, Elhanan believed to have found enlightened self-consciousness in utopian post-national universalism, analogous to John Lennon’s Imagine lyrics. Elhanan had no attachment to a Jewish nation-state, for a “state is not something sacred” but merely a “technical tool” for fulfilling social welfare needs including education. Any need for self-defense, particularly given historic threats to Jews such as Nazis and jihadists, left him unimpressed, for “you don’t kill anymore and you don’t die anymore for your country,” unlike in World War I.

Thus Elhanan naively embraced the vision of a binational Arab-Jewish state in which Jews could supposedly live securely irrespective of demographic strength and the grisly history of anti-Jewish violence by Arabs such as Aramin. Elhanan proclaimed of his colleague that the “happiest moment of my life will be when this man will be my prime minister, my emperor, or whatever.” Responding to an audience question by Foundation for Middle East Peace board member Mike Van Dusen, Elhanan similarly cited “one Palestinian in jail who is a potential leader,” namely Marwan Barghouti. This Fatah terrorist mastermind is currently serving five Israeli life sentences for having organized terrorist attacks that murdered five Israelis.

Aramin himself inspired no confidence in Elhanan’s multicultural ideal of politically interchangeable Arabs and Jews as Aramin discussed first discovering the Holocaust while watching a film in Israeli jail. Most Muslims “don’t believe in the Holocaust,” he accurately noted; particularly Palestinians “think it is a big lie” and reject “paying a price for this event that never happened,” genocide denial that exposes Palestinian societal fanaticism. Yet this illiberalism, shared precisely by PA President Mahmoud Abbas, amazed one woman in the Pollyannaish audience, who professed her astounding ignorance of these facts even after 12 years of Hebrew schools and subsequent HUJ studies.

Unconvincing to critical American observers, PCFF peaceniks find even less favor with their target audience of Arabs and Jews. “We are facing two angry societies,” Elhanan stated, and compared PCFF school presentations amidst protesting Israeli parents to “walking into the open mouth of an active volcano.” Indicative of mainstream Israeli rejection of PCFF, one person in an Israeli school considered it a “pity that I wasn’t blown up with my daughter.”

Elhanan meanwhile recounted how a Palestinian school headmaster told students not to listen during one PCFF presentation, lest their will to fight Israel weaken. This only further emphasized Aramin’s statement that both Israelis and Palestinians “respect their fighters,” a gross equivalence between terrorists revered by Palestinian society and Israeli soldiers defending their homeland. While Elhanan condemned President Donald “Trump’s stupidity” in his recent peace plan (Kadish denigrated it as a “peace jam”), the plan’s “Israel Victory” outlook is far more realistic than PCFF hopes for a Palestinian “kumbaya moment.”

Elhanan bewailed the “huge effect” of the Trump administration in 2019 cutting $300,000 in PCFF aid, but this measure is thoroughly justified. Despite PCFF’s pretensions of impartiality (between victim and aggressor?), PCFF’s party line immorally inverts Israel’s longstanding defense against implacable threats into aggression against hapless Palestinians. Outside of ideologues at leftist organizations such as APN, NIF, and the fraudulently “pro-Israel” J Street, it is obvious that PCFF rightly enrages Israelis while doing nothing to wean Palestinians from jihad.


Belgium: Government orders surgical masks for center for asylum-seekers, not for Belgians

Toronto: Hammer-wielding Muslim who killed 64-year-old woman made statements about the Islamic State

Jordanian Islamic Scholar: Don’t Worry About the Coronavirus, Worry About the Jews

Germany: AfD leader demands Turkey be thrown out of NATO for “migrant aggression”

Germany: Widow of rapper turned Islamic State jihadi charged with war crimes against humanity

Muslim hardliners refusing medical help may expose non-Muslims to COVID-19 for their beliefs

Muslim cleric: Time to establish caliphate, conquer Jerusalem, Rome, US, Russia, and the world, impose Sharia

Iran: Closure of Shiite pilgrimage sites over coronavirus prompts sit-ins and protests

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: H1N1 Response VS COVID-19 Response, Why So Different? We Asked Rep. Roger Marshall, M.D.

Dr. Roger Marshall, who representing Kansas’ first district spoke with the Daily Caller’s Stephanie Hamill about the the latest regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

He also discussed the differences between the 2009 H1N1 pandemic response and coronavirus response.

“First of all it has been sensationalized, so from day one the press has, they really have, the left socialist media has blown it out of proportion, they’ve used this as an attack tool on the president, but unfortunately it is a real virus and it has a higher mortality rate on our senior citizens especially those people with underlying medical problems” said Marshall.  

Marshall went on to discuss what Congress can do to help Americans suffering from COVID-19’s economic impact.


Stephanie Hamill

Video Columnist


The Coronavirus VS Your Rights — Attorney Bob Bianchi Breaks It Down

Our Throw–Away Marriage Culture

Society today believes in instant gratification. We’re encouraged to chase our dreams and do whatever we want. As a result, we’ve changed the way we look at relationships. Couples might shack up together or rush into marriage without giving it a second thought.

Divorce rates are high, and the impact on families is even higher. In this post, we’ll look at how our throw-away attitude toward marriage is affecting family life.

Marriage is a Sacred Institution

What a lot of people forget is that marriage is a sacred institution. That’s not hard to understand. How could it be sacred with shows like The Bachelor being aired? The idea that you can not only find your perfect mate in such a charged setting over such a short period is ludicrous.

Unfortunately, it also gives couples the idea that marriage is easy. Considering that the average marriage lasts just eight years and only 33% of couples make it to their 40th anniversary, this is a false idea.

Unfortunately, getting divorced is as simple as getting married these days. If you don’t like your partner, you get a divorce.

Around 150 years ago, things weren’t quite that simple. If you wanted a divorce, you had to prove that your spouse had done something wrong. Divorce was far less prevalent then. If you were divorced, it caused quite the scandal.

Today, the situation is quite different. Everybody knows someone who is divorced. It’s become something of a social norm. And, unfortunately, it’s the family that suffers.

Why is Divorce Bad?

We’re not suggesting that people should stay in horrible marriages. If there’s abuse or infidelity involved, then it makes sense to remove yourself from the situation. What we’re concerned about, though, is the cavalier attitude toward divorce. We’ll use an example to illustrate the point.

Debbie and Andrew meet and fall in love. Debbie has a son from a previous relationship. Six months later, Debbie falls pregnant, so they get married. Things go okay for a while after the baby’s born. Then things go downhill.

Living with a new-born and a young child isn’t easy. Money is tight, and the couple fights a lot. Eventually, they want nothing more to do with one another and get divorced. Their son is just a year old.

What they’re forgetting is that their decision also affects the lives of both boys. The eldest child is upset because he’s never known his father. The youngest is too small to realize what’s happening.

Now, say that these two marry other people and have more kids. Debbie’s now got three kids with three different fathers. Whose rules do the kids abide by? Who do they see as their father? How do they move on to successful relationships without strong role models to grow up with? How do all the various parents work together for the good of the children?

Final Notes

Our throw-away culture is destroying the very idea of the nuclear family. Perhaps it’s about time that we start teaching our kids that happiness is something that you work toward. It’s not something that’s dropped into your lap.

If we can start to teach our children to honor good, old-fashioned family values and the importance of commitment, we’ll go far.

Click Here for our Divorce Statistics Infographic URL:

© All rights reserved.

Churches on the Front Lines of Responding to Coronavirus [+Podcast]

A Time of Testing at the Church:

“Hunger doesn’t take a break at times like this.” And neither does Second Harvest Heartland.

For food bank workers like Allison O’Toole, coronavirus is only part of the country’s crisis. The other? Feeding struggling families and older people who don’t want to leave their homes.

But as the need intensifies, so are a lot of churches’ efforts. And that’s good news for everyone in these anxious times.

Despite the challenges, people like Cathy Maes of Minneapolis’ Loaves & Fishes are determined. All day Thursday, she says, she was in “intense conversations” with 33 churches and community centers about how they can keep the ministry running.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

Finally, after several back-and-forths, they agreed: the public dining service would continue. They’d just be extra careful.

“How bad would my heart feel if we stopped serving the people,” Maes said, on the verge of tears. “We have to feed them, because people need nourishment to be stronger in case they get the virus.”

Like the other 300 food banks in Minnesota, Maes’ working overtime to make sure they have the food and volunteers they need. It hasn’t been easy in a country where grocery shelves are bare and more restaurants are shutting down.

“This is an extreme situation,” agreed Dave Rudolph, “but we absolutely have to continue to be a lifeline.”

In Alabama, that lifeline is taking on a different look. Birmingham’s Church of the Highlands is opening up as an official state testing site, with help from the Jefferson County Public Department of Health.

Even though the church itself was forced to stream Sunday services, Pastor Chris Hodges is still committed to supporting and caring for the community. “We’re continuing to pray and believe God for health, healing, protection, and peace that passes all understanding.”

Just because the dynamic has changed, Michelle Lantz said in Michigan, doesn’t mean their mission has. Volunteers at Delta Presbyterian Church and other congregations are teaming up to store and distribute food now that school districts can’t.

Using a new drive-thru model, they’ve been able to bypass some of the issues and get pallets of food to families. Other teams are filling backpacks with food for students who don’t have access to the public school meals. And now that classes are postponed, they hope they could have more people in line to volunteer.

As for the church itself, a lot of pastors are seizing the moment to let their lights shine. “We need to hear God’s word and worship with His people more than ever,” Harvest Christian Fellowship’s Greg Laurie said.

And if there were ever a chance for the church to step up, Miles McPherson insisted, this is it.

While people are frantic and looking for answers, the church is in the unique position of providing them. As God’s people, we also have the opportunity to help and minister in ways that no one else can.

Maybe your state has advised that the church stop meeting in large numbers. That’s understandable. But there are other ways for congregations to have an impact. Just because pastors can’t preach to full pews in some places doesn’t mean that they can’t open the building for prayer or gather in smaller groups.

It’s time to think creatively about how we, as the church, can lean into this crisis and be the place of stability and calm that Americans desperately need. There are always ways for Christians to engage the community if we refuse to hunker down and shrink back.

For those who aren’t working, this can be a time to serve those in high-risk categories who cannot or should not leave their homes. Churches should begin within their own congregations and then expand to the greater community in areas like assisting the elderly with grocery shopping or prescription pick-up. Prayerfully consider how you and your church family move forward.

This should go without saying, but please continue to support your local church with your tithes and offerings. If you don’t have electronic banking, most church offices remain open, so please drop your contribution off with your church so that ministry can continue.

Above all, we need to be a source of strength and encouragement, as I discuss in my message below.

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


Trump Quarantines Abortion Money in Virus Bill

‘There Is No Burden Too Heavy for God’

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

The Media’s Appalling Fixation on Trump’s Use of ‘Chinese Virus’ [Video]

America is in a state of lockdown, the stock market is plummeting, and countless people around the world could get sick and die as the result of a deadly pandemic, but still many in the American press will use their time to give cover to the People’s Republic of China.

At a press conference Wednesday, President Donald Trump was asked why he used the phrase “Chinese virus” to describe the new coronavirus disease, known as COVID-19.

Cecilia Vega of ABC News asked: “Why do you keep calling this the Chinese virus, there are reports of dozens of incidents of bias against Chinese Americans in this country. Your own aide, [HHS] Secretary [Alex] Azar, says he does not use this term. He says ethnicity does not cause the virus. Why do you keep using this? A lot of people think it’s racist.”

Other reporters asked essentially the same question.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

“Because it comes from China,” Trump responded to Vega. “It’s not racist at all. No, not at all. It comes from China, that’s why. It comes from China. I want to be accurate.”

Trump doubled down, explaining that he chose to use the “Chinese virus” phrase to push back on the idea, spread by Chinese officials, that the virus was started by the U.S. military.

Again, in this time of crisis, our esteemed press is asking the questions most on the minds of the American people, right?

Just unbelievable. What’s worse than the knee-jerk speech-policing in such a serious time is how it’s clearly being used for the purposes of China’s propaganda.

Trump is right about his rhetoric. The virus originated in Wuhan, China, and it’s appropriate to label it by where it came from, as we do with many other viruses.

Just a few months ago, most American media outlets had no problem identifying COVID-19 with China, unless they think they were peddling racism and xenophobia as many now claim.

What changed?

As Trump noted, Chinese officials and various state-backed media outlets have stepped up their campaign to lay this disaster at the feet of the United States.

They are using the idea that calling COVID-19 the “Chinese virus,” “China coronavirus,” “Wuhan virus,” or anything else that may direct attention toward their government’s misbehavior is racist and must be silenced.

It’s a message that’s well-tailored to suck in the social justice warrior journalists and left-wing commentariat to carry out the goals of the communist Chinese regime.

It’s important to keep a focus on the origin of the pandemic in light of the fact that the actions of the Chinese communist government to suppress information in the early stages of the outbreak have deeply exacerbated this catastrophe.

It’s incredible that in the face of the Chinese government’s expulsion of American journalists and refusal to provide reliable information about the outbreak in China, our own press is most troubled by the president’s attempt to draw attention to this with a simple phrase of identification.

And if American journalists are so concerned about racism and government mistreatment of minorities, why not get more worked up about China’s current treatment of Muslim Uighurs who’ve been detained in concentration camps and, according to reports, are being used as essentially slave laborers to make up for labor shortages.

The biggest threat we will face in coming months isn’t racism, it’s the potential for a massive pandemic worse than any we’ve seen in a century.

It’s especially important that as we first manage the very serious health crisis, we also remember how a ruthless authoritarian regime turned a limited catastrophe into a global one.

Hopefully this message will get through to the press. Maybe now is the time to restore some of their lost credibility rather than further damaging it.


Jarrett Stepman is a contributor to The Daily Signal and co-host of The Right Side of History podcast. Send an email to Jarrett. He is also the author of the new book, “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.”Twitter: .


4 Ways Coronavirus May Change How You Vote

Churches on the Front Lines of Responding to Coronavirus

Sebastian Gorka Exposes the Great Lie of Socialism

Expelling US Journalists, China Escalates Political Warfare Over Coronavirus

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Keeping Your Head During the Coronavirus Crisis

Some wag once changed the opening line of Rudyard Kipling’s classic poem, “If,” this way: “If you can keep your head while all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you…you haven’t understood the gravity of the situation.

And so it seems to be with the coronavirus crisis.

I can’t remember the last time church was canceled. (I think it was during one of the hurricanes we frequently experience in Florida.) We as a family ended up having a mini-service in our own home.

On the other hand, one can’t help but feel that fears surrounding the virus are being exaggerated.  We are taking all due precautions because of the coronavirus.

Every morning when I arise, coronavirus or not, I try and repeat a number of Scriptural truths to put me in the right frame of mind. It keeps me positive and focused. I go through them in the night as well.

I recommend this practice because this is such a negative world. I cannot imagine what life would be like if all you did was watch cable news. To watch that news all the time, one could easily lose perspective on life.

Here are several Biblical truths I try to bathe my mind with. My goal is the renewal of my mind:

  1. All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purposes.
  2. I give thanks in all circumstances.
  3. If God is for us, who can be against us?
  4. He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, freely give us all things?
  5. Because of Jesus, I am righteous in God’s sight.
  6. God is pleased with me.
  7. God approves of me.
  8. I have been forgiven. I forgive those who have sinned against me. I walk in forgiveness. I don’t hold any grudges.
  9. I am a son of God.
  10. I am a friend of God.
  11. I was chosen before the foundation of the earth.
  12. My past is forgiven.
  13. My present is abundant life in Christ.
  14. My future is eternal life with Christ.
  15. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
  16. And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
  17. The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.
  18. By His grace I will fulfill my God-given destiny.
  19. God promises to give us wisdom when we ask for it, believing.
  20. I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves us.
  21. God is leading me, and I follow His lead.
  22. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. (This means: God is greater than Satan.)
  23. Look to others, and be distressed. Look to self, and be depressed. Look to Jesus, and be blessed.
  24. By God’s grace, I am generous, and I look out for the interests of others.
  25. He who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.
  26. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
  27. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
  28. God says, “No good thing will I withhold from those who walk uprightly.”
  29. With God, all things are possible.
  30. To live is Christ. To die is gain.

While taking all common-sense precautions—including getting plenty of sleep and exercise and, of course, washing, washing, washing—focus on God to stay positive in a negative world.

This piece is being written around the time of St. Patrick’s Day. I’m reminded how the great saint, who brought Christianity to Ireland, used to pray regularly for God’s safety in very dangerous times. He developed (or perhaps it was developed later, based on his teachings) a prayer called, “The Breastplate of St. Patrick.”

Tradition tells us St. Patrick prayed: “I arise today / Through God’s strength to pilot me: / God’s might to uphold me, / God’s wisdom to guide me, / God’s eye to look before me, / God’s ear to hear me, / God’s word to speak for me, / God’s hand to guard me, / God’s way to lie before me, / God’s shield to protect me…/ Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, / Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, / Christ on my right, Christ on my left, / Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise.” Amen.

May God help us to keep our head during the coronavirus. Try to stay safe. This too shall pass.

© All rights reserved.

Socialism’s Past

Sen. Bernie Sanders’, I-Vt., call for socialism has resonated among many Americans, particularly young Americans. They’ve fallen prey to the idea of a paradise here on Earth where things are free and there’s little want. But socialists never reveal what turns out to be their true agenda.

Let’s look at the kind of statements they used to gain power. You’ll note that all of their slogans before gaining power bore little relation to the facts after they had power.

Vladimir Lenin promised, “Under socialism all will govern in turn and will soon become accustomed to no one governing.” That’s Friedrich Engel’s prediction about “the withering away of the state.”

Lenin also promised, “Communism is Soviet power plus electrification,” and “No amount of political freedom will satisfy the hungry masses.”

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

Lenin’s successor, Josef Stalin, said, “Advance towards socialism cannot but cause the exploiting elements to resist the advance, and the resistance of the exploiters cannot but lead to the inevitable sharpening of the class struggle.” He also said, “Gaiety is the most outstanding feature of the Soviet Union,” and that “Gratitude is a sickness suffered by dogs.”

Then there’s China’s Chairman Mao Zedong, who said: “Socialism must be developed in China, and the route toward such an end is a democratic revolution, which will enable socialist and communist consolidation over a length of time. It is also important to unite with the middle peasants, and educate them on the failings of capitalism.”

Mao advised: “A communist must be selfless, with the interests of the masses at heart. He must also possess a largeness of mind, as well as a practical, far-sighted mindset.”

Cuban dictator Fidel Castro said: “Capitalism has neither the capacity, nor the morality, nor the ethics to solve the problems of poverty. We must establish a new world order based on justice, on equity, and on peace.” He added, “I find capitalism repugnant. It is filthy, it is gross, it is alienating … because it causes war, hypocrisy, and competition.”

Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez promised: “I am going to do my best to try to create a country in which children are not living in poverty, in which kids can go to college, in which old people have health care. Will I succeed? I can’t guarantee you that, but I can tell you that from a human point of view it is better to show up than to give up.” Adding, “I am convinced that the path to a new, better, and possible world is not capitalism, the path is socialism.”

His successor Nicolas Maduro said: “Fidel Castro represents the dignity of the South American continent against empires. He’s a living legend: an icon of independence and freedom across the continent.”

Sanders’ statements are not that different from those of Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Chavez, and other tyrants.

Sanders says, “Let us wage a moral and political war against the billionaires and corporate leaders, on Wall Street and elsewhere, whose policies and greed are destroying the middle class of America,” and, “We need to change the power structure in America, we need to end the political oligarchy.”

Stalin’s campaign didn’t mention that he would enact policies that would lead to the slaughter of 62 million people in the Soviet Union between 1917 to 1987.

Mao didn’t mention that his People’s Republic of China would engage in brutal acts that would lead to the loss of 76 million lives at the hands of the government from 1949 to 1987.

The late professor Rudolph J. Rummel of the University of Hawaii documented this tragedy in his book “Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900.”

Because socialism is a fight against basic human nature, it requires brute force in the attempt to reach its goals. The best warning about socialism comes from Aesop, who said, “Those who voluntarily put power into the hands of a tyrant … must not wonder if it be at last turned against themselves.”

We shouldn’t ignore Martin Luther King Jr.’s warning, “Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.”



Walter E. Williams is a columnist for The Daily Signal and a professor of economics at George Mason University. Twitter: .

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

We’re All Homeschoolers Now

In the fight against coronavirus, 33 states have closed some 64,000 schools, affecting more than 32.5 million students, Education Week reports.

Texas is waiving state testing requirements for school districts, New York is relaxing state requirements for how many days a year schools have to be open, and, in California, the Los Angeles Unified School District announced a partnership with PBS to put school lessons on television for students at home.

The District of Columbia and Puerto Rico also have closed schools to help curb the spread of the new coronavirus disease, which health experts call COVID-19.

Like other institutions, schools should implement social-distancing policies. Keeping that policy in mind while trying to help needy students, some schools—including those in OhioMichigan, and New York—have begun providing pick-up breakfasts and lunches at designated places for eligible students.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

A rapidly flourishing market of online resources is beginning to meet the content needs of millions of students across the country.

Numerous companies such as Zearn and STMath are providing their materials online for free during the coronavirus outbreak. Existing options such as Khan Academy offer a wealth of educational resources for families navigating homeschooling for perhaps the first time. Prenda microschool is offering its coursework to families for just $100 for the remainder of the year.

Here is a fantastic list of online learning resources that every family should bookmark on their computers during this pandemic.

National School Choice Week has online resources categorized by content area. You can find online tools such as communications platforms, mathsocial studies, English language arts, and foreign language education.

Be sure to check out “Daddy School” while you’re at it.

Also available are virtual visits to museums, including the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., the Guggenheim Museum in New York City, and 2,500 other museums that have partnered with Google to make their art and virtual tours available online.

The Met will offer opera performances online for free beginning at 7:30 every evening through March 22. When you have a chance, check out some 450 online courses available for free from Ivy League universities.

Many of these online learning providers have been doing this for a long time, and traditional school districts should look to either imitate them or work with them—so that districts don’t try to create something from scratch and then realize it doesn’t work.

The list of online resources for families and teachers is growing as social distancing becomes the necessary, new normal. But policy actions by officials in school districts and state governments, as well as at the federal level, can maximize health and safety and provide learning opportunities for students.

District and State Level Policies

  • States and school districts should put online learning resources on their websites. They could include links such as those above to existing private resources and tools, along with links to virtual platforms (such as Blackboard) enabling families to contact teachers directly, access lessons, and stay in touch virtually with classmates.
  • State restrictions on teacher certification should be lifted temporarily to free up the supply of online tutors, allowing anyone with a bachelor’s degree to provide instruction online.
  • States should restructure per-pupil K-12 education funding in the form of emergency or temporary education savings accounts for families of children with special needs, so that they may continue to receive the therapy they need. Five states currently have ESA options in place. (Parents receive a portion of their child’s per-pupil public school funding in a restricted-use account that they then can use to pay for any education-related service, product, or provider of choice.)

Federal Policies

  • At the federal level, Congress should immediately but temporarily make funding authorized under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act both student-centered and portable, allowing children with special needs to access learning services to which they’re entitled under federal law. These IDEA funds could be used to pay for in-home tutors and behavioral therapies, among numerous other allowable uses, to help children with special needs continue to have access to service providers that are so critical in their lives.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act requires every state to administer reading, mathematics, and science assessments annually to all students in tested grades, the outcomes of which are used in state accountability plans. Although the U.S. Department of Education currently is providing targeted waivers to federal testing provisions under ESEA, it temporarily should provide a blanket waiver to all states, enabling them to postpone testing until this pandemic has subsided.

The coronavirus pandemic has created unprecedented health challenges, which have affected schools from the earliest grades through college. These temporary measures can provide some relief and flexibility, helping schools to better meet the needs of families during this challenging time.

And the growing body of online learning resources can help parents as they navigate this new normal.


Lindsey M. Burke researches and writes on federal and state education issues as the Will Skillman fellow in education policy at The Heritage Foundation. Read her research.Twitter: .

RELATED ARTICLE: More Than 6.1 Million CA Students Might Not Be Going Back to School Before Summer

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Don’ts and Dos on Wuhan Flu Virus

Some of the views expressed here are controversial. So, do ask your doctor. I hope you have one—not just the HMO or retail clinic “provider.”

Don’t panic. That is always good advice. If you, like the world’s economy, operate on just-in-time inventories, and did not take advice to stock up 3 weeks ago, do not join a mob at a big-box store. Somebody there is no doubt infected. Plus, there’s the risk of getting trampled or injured in a fist fight over the last roll of toilet paper. Most of the world survives without that luxury good. If you have no rice or beans or pasta in the pantry, that is more serious, but you should still avoid mobs if at all possible. Take-out and drive-through places are booming.

Don’t treat fever without a doctor’s advice. Fever is not a disease. It is an important defense mechanism. Very high fevers (say 105 degrees) can cause brain damage, and children can have seizures. But don’t pop Tylenol or ibuprofen at the first sign of fever. Many of the casualties in the 1918 pandemic might have been caused by heavy use of aspirin. Like aspirin, popular nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS) such ibuprofen also have detrimental effects on blood clotting. Try lukewarm sponge baths for comfort.

Don’t rush out and get a flu shot. I know, a lot of doctors and public health authorities urge everybody to do this. Influenza can kill you, and the flu shot decreases that risk by 30% to 60%—but there is evidence that it can make COVID-19 worse, both from the earlier SARS epidemic and lab research. Like with so many things in medicine, we have to play the odds.

  • Don’t go to the emergency room or urgent care unless you are severely ill. There will be sick people there, and you might catch something. You also might end up with a big bill, say for a CT scan you didn’t really need. And if you have the flu or a cold or COVID-19, and don’t need IV fluids or oxygen, they can’t do anything for you. Telephone advice lines could help greatly.
  • Don’t go to events that are crowded, especially indoors in poorly ventilated rooms. Staying home is good.
  • Don’t demand to be tested and rely on the results. The tests are still in short supply and not very accurate. If you are at low risk, a positive test is likely to be a false positive. And if you are infected, the test may be negative at first. We need much more testing—mainly for public health monitoring.
  • Don’t waste. Expired medications are probably still good. Most drugs or essential ingredients are made in China, and supplies are running out. Masks (also mostly made in China) are meant to be disposable, but likely can’t be replaced (see below).
  • Don’t touch your face or your eyes. That is very hard—preventing that is one function of a mask and eye protection.
  • Don’t fall for internet scams, or malware. Hucksters will always be around to try to profit from panics. A new type of malicious virus is embedded malware in sites that come up on a search for information. (If you want to find the Johns Hopkins University dashboard of cases and deaths, go to the university’s website, don’t Google “coronavirus map.”)

Now for some dos:

  • Do prepare to take care of yourself and your family. Be sure you have a fever thermometer, disposable gloves, plastic garbage bags, and cleaning supplies. A pulse oximeter, available in many places for around $40, is good to have to check oxygen levels.
  • Do clean and disinfect surfaces such as doorknobs, telephones, computer keyboards, toilets, and countertops often. Virus can persist there for days.
  • Do remember that sunlight is the best disinfectant. If you don’t have a pocket ultraviolet lamp (they are or were available on amazon), try putting things like masks or paper currency out in the sun. The idea should be rigorously tested, but in times of need, you may have to guess.
  • Do wash your hands often and use hand sanitizer. With SARS-CoV-2, most disinfectants work, including 70-percent-alcohol-based sanitizers.
  • Do put a mask on sick people if you can. For protecting yourself you need a minimum of an N95 mask and eye protection.
  • Do take your vitamins. Most people may be vitamin D deficient. Your need for vitamin C escalates with infection. Some 50 tons of vitamin C was shipped to Wuhan, and studies of effectiveness are underway.
  • Do get your essential prescriptions refilled for 90 days—the supply chain depends on China. If your managed-care plan won’t pay, consider paying cash. You may be able to get a good price with a coupon from
  • Do protect your immune system, with adequate sleep, exercise, fresh air, and diet, especially avoiding sugar if you feel ill.
  • Do help your neighbors, and be responsible about protecting others as well as yourself from contagion.

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A Doctor’s Answers to All Your Questions About COVID-19

The Last Great Pandemic

Share Your Tales of Life in the Shadow of COVID-19

PODCAST: With this Wuhan Flu epidemic, put your trust in science and institutions!



Congressman Tom Price served as the U.S. Representative for Georgia’s 6th congressional district, encompassing the northern suburbs of Atlanta, A physician Dr Price He was appointed Secretary of Health and Human Services by President Donald Trump. While in Congress, Price chaired the House Committee on the Budget, Republican Study Committee and Republican Policy Committee.

TOPIC: With this epidemic, put your trust in science and institutions!


Robert Powell started his career in finance 50 years ago as an OTC trader in Philadelphia. Bob than became an investment advisor with Janney Montgomery Scott until 1993 ..was recruited by AGEdwards & Sons until the company was sold..went to Legg Mason until it was acquired by now Morgan Stanley..was then recruited by Raymond James in 2012.until Bob retired in October of 2017 and transferred the Alpha Capital Partners to the capable hands of Tyler Mercer.

TOPIC: The market and the Corona Virus!


Paul Driessen is senior policy advisor for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and author of articles and books on energy, environmental and human rights issues.

TOPIC: How exactly do they plan to replace fossil fuels?

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Is the Pope Stalling Sainthood For Chinese Anti-Communist?

Some Catholic leaders believe Pope Francis is stalling the beatification of Chinese Catholic hero Ignatius Kung Pin-mei due to “diplomatic sensitivity,” according to Breitbart News.

Revered as a hero of the Christian resistance by Chinese Catholics, Kung was the Bishop of Shanghai who was arrested by the communist regime in 1955 and jailed for 30 years for refusing to renounce his loyalty to Rome.

“Pushing for Cardinal Kung’s beatification is a waste of time, and the Vatican would not accept it,” said Cardinal Joseph Zen, the former bishop of Hong Kong. Zen believes the Vatican is delaying the beatification process because it does not want to offend China: “How can the Vatican ignore his cause of beatification following Chinese authorities?”

“The Chinese government does not like Cardinal Kung, and therefore there is no public Mass for him,” said Father Zhu Lide, who was also imprisoned by the Chinese communists for 27 years. “His is a revered name for all Catholics but a prohibited one now in China.”

Pope Francis

5 Known Connections

  • Calls on America to welcome illegal immigrants fleeing persecution in their homelands
  • Characterizes capitalism as an economic system “where the powerful feed upon the powerless,” and which leads inevitably to “the greedy exploitation of environmental resources”
  • Asserts that the “inequality” inherent in capitalist economies constitutes “the root of social ills” and “eventually engenders … violence”
  • Believes that “the bulk of global warming” is due to “the great concentration of greenhouse gases” generated by “human action”
  • Opposes the death penalty and life-in-prison

To learn more about Pope Francis, click on the profile link here.

Search our constantly growing database of the left and its Agendas

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Jacqueline Tran, Trump Victory Alumna, Joins Liz Matory for Congress Campaign to Capture Republican Nomination for Conservatives

BALTIMORE /PRNewswire/ — The Liz Matory for Congress campaign is excited to announce the addition of conservative leader Jacqueline Tran as Finance Director to galvanize support for the regular GOP Maryland Primary, April 28, 2020. Liz is running for the district previously represented by Elijah Cummings in the Baltimore region.

Liz Matory, Conservative Choice for Maryland’s 7th Congressional District formerly held by Elijah Cummings. Party establishment tried to push her out of race. She refused. In light of all the corruption, voters must have honesty not gimmicks.

Jacqueline served as the Director of Strategic Initiatives/Coalitions for Trump Victory, through the Virginia GOP.  She established unprecedented coalitions of voters from diverse backgrounds. For close to a decade, Jacqueline has helped grow the grassroots efforts of the Republican Party in Northern Virginia.  Jacqueline is a first generation American whose parents are naturalized citizens from Jamaica.  She grew up in Connecticut and graduated from the University of Connecticut and Norwich UniversityVermont. By trade, she is an underwriter and serves as a public arbitrator for FINRA. Jacqueline is also the Ways & Means chair of the Junior League of Washington.

Growing up, I always admired government and the role public officials could play to make a difference. But more and more, I realized how out of touch politicians can be. When I met Liz, I felt reenergized to know there were still Christians and Conservatives who are willing to step up and defend our American values boldly. Knowing how difficult it has been for President Trump, I’m proud to support Liz and help Drain the Swamp from Baltimore to DC. Last year was brutal for Virginia, and I don’t want to see Maryland lose more ground.

I also think it is so important for women to represent with honor. It is refreshing to hear Liz speak honestly about her experiences, particularly young women can learn from her. She is the kind of woman we need to be a representative in Congress. Social media has made a mockery of our politics and we need serious conservatives to help conserve our Republic.

Liz has a very important primary to win on April 28th, and I’m here to help her do just that.  – Jacqueline Tran 

Only 10,880 republicans came out to vote in February’s Special Election Primary and still do not have critical information about their choices for the Republican nomination for November’s General Election.

About Liz Matory – Liz Matory is the only pro-life, conservative Christian woman running for Maryland’s 7th Congressional district.  A former active liberal, Liz became the first Black woman nominated to Congress by the Republican Party in Maryland and the first American of Asian descent by either party for Congress. Her new book Becoming Born Again shares her experiences as a survivor of intimate partner abuse and how she became a born-again follower of Christ.

An entrepreneur and cultural evangelist, Liz is a graduate of Sidwell Friends School, Columbia UniversityHoward University School of Law, and the Robert H. Smith School of Business of the University of Maryland.


Because of the Coronavirus, Borders Suddenly Matter: New York State even establishes internal borders.

There is a Yiddish expression that translated states, “Man makes plans and God laughs.”  In other words, for all of the hubris of the human species, things do not always go as planned.  Circumstances beyond human control can easily obliterate the best laid plans.

Scientists currently believe that the mighty dinosaurs that inhabited the earth for millions of years were suddenly rendered extinct when an asteroid slammed into what is now the Yucatan Peninsula, roughly 65 million years ago.

Literally overnight the world changed and the mighty dinosaurs were wiped off the face of the earth.  Some disappeared entirely and others, it is believed, morphed into other creatures such as birds.

The stage was thus set for the rise of the mammals and, ultimately the human species.

We can hope that today another drastic event, the sudden appearance of the coronavirus (COVID-19)  will lead to the extinction of another species- the globalists and lead to a resurgence of leaders who, not unlike President Trump, believe in the value of national sovereignty, not just for the United States but all countries.

Greed-driven globalists have, for decades, demanded a borderless world insisting, “Borders, we don’t need no stinking borders” (slightly misquoting the famous line from the old film “The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.”)

The globalists, driven by greed and unbridled hunger for power concluded that in a world without borders, workers could be moved around the world, not unlike chess pieces on a huge chessboard to drive down wages.  Merchandise could be moved around the world without tariffs, without any obstructions and as a consequence, the super wealthy could become even wealthier while the middle class would be relegated to museums that display extinct species.

Proponents of this transformation claimed it would lead to “The New World Order.”

In reality it would lead to nothing short of tyranny.

Borders are our nation’s first line of defense and last line of defense, yet you would never know it if you listened to the speeches and accusation hurled with rancor by the globalists.  The Democrats who used to support immigration law enforcement and the securing of America’s borders against the illegal and un-inspected entry of cargo and people have done a total reversal and now call for the end of immigration law enforcement.

In my previous article for FrontPage Magazine, Comprehensive Immigration Reform Should be Renamed the “Overwhelm America Act” I provided a direct quote from Bernie Sanders who, in 2007 proclaimed:

I think as you’ve heard today, sanctions against employers who employ illegal immigrants is virtually nonexistent. Our border is very porous.”And I think at a time when the middle class is shrinking, the last thing we need is to bring over in a period of years, millions of people into this country who are prepared to lower wages for American workers.

None of the “journalists” who are covering the Democratic presidential primaries, who have become the masters of ambush or “gotcha” interviews, have ever confronted Sanders about his reversal on this extremely critical issue.

Did Bernie simply accept bribes from his “campaign contributors” who want the end of border and immigration law enforcement?  Alternatively, and more likely, has he and his Communist fellow traveler Democrats decided that the destruction of America’s middle class would propel millions of desperate Americans to the Left to seek financial assistance as they lose their jobs to foreign workers or, at a minimum, face massive wage suppression or even wage reduction making ever increasing numbers of Americans dependent on government subsidies offered by the increasingly radicalized Democratic Party?

Perhaps it is a combination of both.

New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo has come to vilify ICE (Immigration and Customs Agents), referring to them as thugs.  New York State recently enacted the “Green Light Law” that blocks federal immigration law enforcement agencies from having access to DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) databases.

As I noted in my recent article, this lunacy is a gift to criminals and terrorists that would keep on giving while undermining public safety and national security.

The purpose for imprisoning law violators is to punish those who commit crimes, to deter others who might consider committing similar crimes and to protect potential victims of criminals.  In essence, you could say that prisons quarantine sociopaths from society.

Increasingly, however, the Left has sought to turn criminals into the victims and have enacted measures that result in violent thugs and gang members being turned loose and back onto the street where they can continue to ply their criminal “trades.”

As a consequence innocent people have been injured and killed in the name of “Social Justice.”

Deportation of criminal aliens can help to address the perennial problem of recidivism when prisons fail to live up to their lofty and optimistic goals of being “correctional institutions.”

However “Sanctuary Cities” and “Sanctuary States” refuse to cooperate with ICE and infuriatingly, innocent people have again paid the price, all too often, the ultimate price, for this lunacy.

Now, however, in the wake of the emergence of the coronavirus countries around the world are suddenly attempting to secure their borders to prevent infected people from entering.  Following President Trump’s lead countries around the world are imposing entry restrictions on aliens who seek entry but have recently been in countries where the coronavirus is present.

While it is likely that the coronavirus will move around the world whether or not such measures are imposed, the idea is to slow the spread of the virus so that hospitals and medical resources can deal with the onslaught of patients without being overwhelmed in a short period of time.

This sensible strategy can, and hopefully, will save many lives around the world.

What is truly incredible, is that because of the virus, New York’s Governor Cuomo has established a Containment Zone around hard-hit New Rochelle in an effort to prevent the virus from spreading outward from this community.  In essence, he has established a border around this town in an effort to quarantine the residents who live here.

It is also worth noting that as I wrote in an earlier article, The Coronavirus and China’s Travel Ban:

Indeed, on January 24, 2020, New Jersey Senator Bob Melendez posted a news release on his official website, “Booker, Menendez demand coronavirus screenings at Newark airport as illness spreads.”

The inspections process is conducted at ports of entry by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to prevent the entry of aliens who pose a threat to public health, public safety, national security and the hence the lives and livelihoods of American and lawful immigrants.

A section of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S. Code § 1182 enumerates the categories of aliens who are statutorily ineligible to enter the United States and makes it clear that our immigration laws have nothing to do with bigotry, racism and xenophobia, but everything to do with protecting America and Americans.

Yet Cuomo and other radical Democrats are determined to undermine and thwart the efforts ICE and CBP, two component agencies of the Department of Homeland Security, to protect America and Americans.

Sanctuary policies and the obstruction of immigration law enforcement must suffer the fate of the dinosaurs and be rendered extinct- the sooner the better.


RELATED ARTICLE: Due to Coronavirus, Trump to Change Mexico Border Controls

EDITORS NOTE: This FrontPage Magazine column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Muslim Stabs Four Random People. But Relax, Cops Say ‘Zero Evidence’ It’s Terror-Related

It’s funny how so many Muslims with “mental health issues” go on stabbing sprees, but shhhh – you’re not supposed to notice that. My latest in FrontPage:

It is insufficiently understood how much Leftist willful ignorance regarding the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat deform our response to it; a recent incident in Australia shows yet again how dangerous this denial really is. The Age reported Thursday that a man named Mohammad Ibrahim “stabbed four people, killing two, in random, ‘senseless’ attacks across the city’s inner-east.” But there’s nothing whatsoever to be concerned about: “Assistant Commissioner Glenn Weir said there was ‘zero evidence’ to suggest the attacks were terrorism related. Ibrahim had no criminal history and was estranged from the mother of his child.”

It may be that these attacks were not terrorism related. But the fact that Ibrahim had no criminal history establishes nothing. There was a point in every jihad terrorist’s life when he had no criminal history.

Likewise, the fact that Ibrahim was estranged from the mother of his child also establishes nothing about whether or not his attacks were terrorism related. Many men are estranged from the mothers of their children and yet do not go on stabbing sprees of random people. Some men also are jihad terrorists and are simultaneously estranged from the mothers of their children.

The perspicacious Commissioner Weir continued: “There’s nothing to indicate at this early stage that this is anything other than a random act of senseless violence.”

Maybe there isn’t. But the Islamic State issued this call in September 2014: “So O muwahhid, do not let this battle pass you by wherever you may be. You must strike the soldiers, patrons, and troops of the tawaghit. Strike their police, security, and intelligence members, as well as their treacherous agents. Destroy their beds. Embitter their lives for them and busy them with themselves. If you can kill a disbelieving American or European — especially the spiteful and filthy French — or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be….If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman, or any of their allies. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him.”

Now Commissioner Weir may be right: that call or something like may not have had anything to do with Ibrahim’s actions. But what if it did? In that case, how would what he did look any different from a “random act of senseless violence”? If his stabbings of random people were an act of jihad, as we have seen so very many times before, Ibrahim wouldn’t be carrying an ISIS membership card. He need not have had contact with any ISIS members to have heard about that call and decided to heed it.

The Age added: “Police revealed Ibrahim spoke to them in 2018 about his concerns that IS operatives from Mildura were out to kill him. He wasn’t taken in for an assessment at the time but was flagged on the police system as potentially having a mental health issue.”

Maybe Mohammad Ibrahim does have a mental health issue. But the fact that he thought that the Islamic State was out to get him does not in itself prove that he is some “moderate” who would never undertake violent jihad himself. And no one ever seems to ponder why it is that so many Muslims with mental health issues somehow get the idea that stabbing random non-Muslims on the street is the thing to do. To consider such a question, of course, would be “Islamophobic” on its face, and “Islamophobia” is the one vice that law enforcement and intelligence officials are determined to avoid at all costs.

Has the whole world lost the ability to think clearly? Will this incident be investigated properly, with examination of all contingencies? Almost certainly not. Today’s political and cultural climate, not just in Australia but all over what has up until recently been known as the “free world,” makes that virtually impossible.


“Nigeria has fully become a killing field of defenseless Christians”: Muslims murder 350 in first months of 2020

Iran: Islamic scholar says coronavirus is man-made weapon “against the Shi’ites, the Muslims, and the Iranians”

Hindu pilgrims from Pakistan refuse to go back, seek Indian citizenship under CAA

Fiction in a Time of Lies

Mulling the End of Iran’s Mullahcracy

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.