When all the nerds died, all the trans people appeared. Coincidence?

An American mother mourns the loss of her nerdy teenager in the transgender tsunami.

Do you know why it matters whether you use a 1.85:1 aspect ratio or a 2.39:1 aspect ratio? I don’t, because I refuse to learn. This is a long-running discussion in my marriage. My husband seems very insistent that the distinction between the two is critical. The more he insists, the less I care, and neither of us is backing down.

My husband is the definition of a nerd. Nerds will die on the hill of aspect ratios, even if it means clearing the room. We all know a nerd. We all know when we need them, and when we want to avoid them. They’re handy with fixing the Ethernet connection; not so much with jazzing up the conversation at a work party.

Married to a nerd? You’ll know. Even your sister knows the pros and cons of 1.85:1 and 2.39:1 by now. Your friends ask who’s going to come to your dinner party. Subtext: please, please God, not the husband’s friends. The husband I can cope with, but the husband and his friends are too much.

In my son’s early years, I hoped that I might have passed on some natural indifference towards aspect ratios. Maybe I would have an ally who cared as little as I did. Or even less!

But no. By the time he was a toddler, he was shaping up to be a regular clone of my husband. When the leader of the Mommy & Me class asked the kids to throw out a word for everyone else to repeat, my son didn’t say bear or rabbit. He said: “the War in Afghanistan”. Obviously my husband’s room-clearing ability was genetic. I dropped my dear child off at the elementary school, and watched the other kids run away, to avoid being trapped in an intensely detailed conversation about the latest thing he’d picked up on.

But nobody calls kids “nerds” these days. It’s a word you hear less and less. In fact, nearly a decade and a half later, my now-teenage son sits in classrooms full of kids who probably say “nerd” as much as they say “square” or “loser”. As a category, “nerd” seems to be disappearing. Are its members (once proudly split between Star Trek and Star Wars clans) being absorbed into the general population? Is there a new word I just don’t know? Or are they disappearing completely? Are we witnessing… nerdocide?

I don’t think it’s only the nerds. The same thing has happened to tomboys, too. Maybe I’m showing my age, but where are all the girls who dirt-bike? All the teenage girls I see these days look the same. Where are the girls in oil-stained overalls, talking about engine parts?

And then there’s lesbians. A recent Gallup poll gives us some (nerdy) stats on this. The number of lesbians went up, all the way through the 1980s, the 1990s, the 2000s… but then it hit the down slope. When I first saw this, it really didn’t make sense. We’re all getting more tolerant nowadays, right? So why the shift? I know that lesbians aren’t all tomboys (or vice versa), but it looks like they’re both heading in the same direction: south. I couldn’t help thinking it’s the same thing that’s happening to the nerds.

But LGBT identification overall is going up. Way up.

It’s not that there are more gay guys: it’s that there are more trans people, as well as categories we didn’t have until recently, like non-binary. There are even people who say they’re queer and straight, which really does make me feel old. So are these new LGBT people (even the straight queers!) actually just the nerds and the tomboys from back in the day? It feels like the two things at least might be linked.

To me, this fits. All these kiddos are obsessed with bodies. I love a good selfie, but these young people really take it to the max. All they think about is how they look. I hate that the young are blamed for this… as if my generation would do oh-so-much better in the world of PornHub and Snapchat filters. But it’s not just the vain fixation with appearance.

Nerds have nowhere to go. Nerds used to have transferable skills. One nerd was better at programming, the other at art. These skills were a sort of currency. Once they were free of the school’s grip, men like my husband went out into the world to nerd it up. They went from being the target of wedgies to the target of acquisition bids.

The nerds in my son’s generation don’t seem proud of their skills because they’re not visible.

So going back to my son. This kid had obsessive craze after obsessive craze. Thomas the Tank Engine was his universe. He knew where that train ate, slept and played: him, and all the other trains in the station. Trust me. I heard all about it. But then, he got to know so much about Thomas that he hit Peak Thomas, and suddenly lost all interest.

So then it was rollercoasters. He knew everything about them: where the biggest was, the tallest was, the fastest was. I could have used Thomas and his friends as doorstops and he wouldn’t even have noticed. He was an expert on rollercoasters. He wrote a song about roller coasters. He was going to grow up to be a roller coaster designer. He built roller coasters. He drew roller coasters (a lot of them). We’d watch videos of roller coasters. This lasted until about the age of eight, when I’d finally got my head around rollercoasters, and then it was suddenly Minecraft, and he was an expert in that, instead.

Here’s the important point: nerd is a genetic trait. My mother-in-law warned me about this on the day of my wedding. Would my husband even notice that you could read the print on his t-shirt underneath his white tuxedo shirt? No, because it wasn’t about aspect ratios. So we got him changed into a plain t-shirt. But then he put on a bright red watch, which he thought was just fine, because it wasn’t about aspect ratios. She told me: “if it’s not technical, he’s just not interested.”

Like father, like son, I learned. My son was all-or-nothing: and once he dug through every little fact to become the world’s expert, he moved on to the next thing. One day, I guessed, he’d find his own aspect ratio.

But the next thing didn’t make any sense. He suddenly decided he was trans, even though he’d never shown any sign of femininity at all. In fact, the opposite. It’s not as though I thought this was exactly like the roller coasters, or Minecraft: he was coming into puberty, and trying to make sense of his place in the world, and his new feelings about girls. It was important to him.

But I also knew my kid and knew that as soon as he was interested in something, he’d throw himself into it 100%. So I guessed the best thing to do was to let him figure it out in his own time.

Just like his father’s inability to move on to the next topic, my son was suddenly unable to stop talking about transition. But it didn’t make sense to me, because he wasn’t thinking about what came after transition. Usually, he’d know every single aspect of what something entailed, from start to finish: but with his sudden obsession with transition, he wasn’t willing to research what kind of body he’d have afterwards. It was such a weird gap, and it made it difficult to take the whole thing seriously. Why did he care so much about the process of transition, but not its result?

I kept on coming back to this point, over and over. My son seemed to be glitching. He was stuck on repeat. Normally, he’d be doing everything he could to get all the details, so no one was as expert as he was. But he didn’t want to be an expert in transgenderism in the same way that he wanted to be an expert in roller coasters or Minecraft. He couldn’t bring himself to look at the consequences of the changes he said he wanted to make to his body. It was a blind spot. He knew all about transition, but nothing about the people who’d transitioned: and he didn’t want to find out, either.

The people I’ve told about this seem to think he won’t change his mind, but I know his mind. I know how he thinks, and how his big obsessions suddenly resolve themselves away. And I can’t help but wonder how this connects to gaming. Just before he got obsessed with transition, he was always playing video games, which gave him avatars he could customize, where he could be this or that, boy or girl.

Is that what he thought he’d be doing to his body? Didn’t he realize his body didn’t come with a reset button?

I didn’t need to do much research into hormones to know just how powerful those little things can be. I’m in menopause right now, and taking HRT, but my doctor has said I can’t go beyond five years because of the medical risk. If I face that risk in only five years despite having a body which has naturally produced estrogen all my life, what happens to my son’s male body in five years? How about ten? Thirty? Surely this is the kind of thing you’d care about, if you care about the finer points of roller coaster design. It matters when roller coasters go wrong. Engineers get sued. It should matter when hormones go wrong, too. It’s like he can’t understand his own body as a machine, which it is.

I’m already sceptical about medication. My husband was once told by his doctor that his cholesterol was too high and got prescribed statins to bring it down.

But my husband hated the idea of being on medication for life, so he decided to deal with it by exercise and diet. He cut down on sugar and dairy, went jogging once, and even that made enough of a difference to bring the number down. It made me wonder how much money these big corporations are raking in from medications that just aren’t researched enough.

So when I looked into all these drugs my kid wanted to take as part of his transition, I genuinely got nauseous. I already knew about Lupron, because a friend of mine took a few doses of it for IVF. Now she has a life-long heart problem, requiring constant monitoring and medication. Apparently, 1-10% of people who take puberty blockers like Lupron get heart problems: but heart disease runs in our family, on both sides. My son is way more likely to be in that 1-10%.

I have also always fed our son hormone-free meat and dairy, so supporting the use of hormones goes against my basic health principles. It’s so hard to find any real science behind anything to do with these hormones. Why does this gap exist?

My HRT is prescribed on the basis of long-term studies: the hormones my son wanted to use seemed to be prescribed on the basis that they were available, so hey, why not? It would be one thing if my kid were suicidal, or had always had some problem with the idea of himself as a man. I know that’s a very real thing for some kids. But he seemed to think he could take estrogen just because he wanted to, and treated the whole thing like it didn’t really matter that much. The nerd-brain he got from his dad wasn’t connecting cause with effect.

I can’t tell you everything about my kid, because it’s his healthcare, and his life. But I will say this: he’s so ahead in so many ways, but so behind in others. And I can also tell you that the way he talks about transition is nothing like the way people sometimes talk about it on the news.

The trans people we hear about are nothing like my son. For them, the story is salvation. Transition rescues them from misery. For my son, it’s like some weird loop he’s stuck in, which doesn’t seem to have anything to do with sexuality, or even sex.

It took me a long time to piece this together, but here is my realization. If he grew up when I did, his sub-culture would be nerd. But nerd has gone, and so he had to find something else. That’s so tough for young men, with all the porn they’re exposed to, and all these beautiful people in adverts all around them. I wish I could get him to see that his brains matter more than his body. I guess being trans is a way to be visible, since being a nerd isn’t.

Right now, we’re trying to get him to understand the medical consequences, and hoping he shifts his attention onto the next thing. But that will be hard. There are so few places where nerds are welcomed these days.

Are we medicating the nerds away? Are we convincing them that their bodies are just like avatars they can try on, or get rid of once they get bored? After all, if he goes through with this, it might not just be hormones. It might be surgery, too. I genuinely don’t think my son gets how permanent that is. I know it sounds crazy, but I really don’t.

And what’s wrong with just being a nerd? It was good enough for Bill Gates, Charles Darwin, Steve Jobs, Mozart and Albert Einstein.

I always wanted a nerd. Nerds are smart. They earn good money. They’re safe. Or at least they used to be. I wish my son would stop talking about gender and start living! It’s making him boring. And if I want to be bored, I can talk to my husband about aspect ratios.

I am an American working professional and mother. We live on the West Coast. My son is on the autism spectrum and has become convinced that he is transgender. My belief is that much of this new identity is a rewriting of his history.


Anonymous author

In exceptional circumstances, MercatorNet allows contributors to publish articles anonymously. Sometimes the author’s privacy or safety might be at risk. More by Anonymous author

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Is it racist to say that 2+2=4?

Some educators claim that teaching the objective facts of mathematics and science is an imposition of Western imperialism.

Facts once assumed true by everyone are quickly becoming controversial. This is a trend we have all become aware of. There is, for example, increasing pressure to suggest that pregnancy can happen to women and men. People who wish to express that “all lives matter” may now choose to self-censor for fear of reprisal. You may have even heard that the American Cancer Society, well-meaning no doubt, recently called women “individuals with a cervix”.

In the latest development, it’s being suggested that we could be guilty of Western imperialism if we insist that 2+2=4.

In late 2019, Seattle Public Schools released a new draft curriculum aimed at “re-humanising” mathematics. It suggests that “Western” maths has been used to “disenfranchise people and communities of colour” by posing as “the only legitimate expression of mathematical identity and intelligence.” The document goes on to ask, “Who gets to say if an answer is right?”

This draft curriculum builds on the theory of ethnomathematics — the study of intersections between maths and culture — which began in the late 1970s.

While the historical oppression of minorities should by all means be covered in school curricula, using it to dismantle the universal facts of mathematics is highly questionable. But Seattle Public Schools seem quite serious.

So did many Twitter users in the online debate that followed. Nikole Hannah-Jones, founder of The New York Times’ controversial “1619 Project”, weighed into the debate, tweeting,

“I wonder if folks always talking about ‘standards’ ever stop to consider that it’s their so-called standards that are the actual problem.”

Brooklyn College professor also voiced her view that 2 + 2 = 4 “reeks of White supremacist patriarchy”. Laurie Rubel objected to “the idea that math (or data) is culturally neutral or in any way objective,” claiming that this is a myth. “I’m ready to move on with that understanding. Who’s coming with me?” she added. Several other academics from American universities and colleges went on to retweet and support her views.

It turns out that this is no isolated discussion.

A New York-based group called Abolition Science was formed in 2018. The community produces a regular podcast and describes itself as “an anti-colonial project” with a mission to “undermine the racial capitalist logics of Western Science and Math”. Their vision statement explains that they are “an abolitionist project that envisions a science and math delinked from racial capitalism, imperialism, and oppression”.

In actual fact, key concepts behind mathematics came to the West from non-Western lands. The concept of the number zero — a revolutionary concept for mathematics — has roots in Mesopotamia and India, for example. Al-jabr, or “algebra” as we call it, came to us from the Middle East.

Moreover, mathematics is embraced far beyond the West today as the basis for just about every modern advancement — from smartphones to medical research to skyscrapers.

This is important context before dismissing mathematics, as we have always understood it, as being “oppressive”.

These are ominous signs of our times. For good reason do many describe ours a “post-truth” world. Social theorist Thomas Sowell, who is himself African-American, was sharp in his analysis that “we are living in an era when sanity is controversial and insanity is just another viewpoint”.

English philosopher G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936) saw the early signs of the West’s abandonment of objective truth, and in a cheeky tone, he warned:

We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening a mob with the news that grass is green.

But there is another eerie backdrop to these developments.

The phrase “two plus two equals five” was made famous by George Orwell’s dystopian classic Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949). In that story, the totalitarian government that ruled Oceania brainwashed its citizens to say and believe absurd things. Under threat of torture, protagonist Winston Smith was forced to declare that two plus two equals five. This was part of the ruling Party’s push to replace “thoughtcrimes” with approved ideas known as “Newspeak”.

Could it be that in coming years, insisting that 2+2=4 will become as risky as saying that there are only two genders?

It is good to question our assumptions and challenge our biases. And yes, let’s continue to root out injustice and oppression if we encounter it. But sometimes fashion goes too far. In the all-consuming desire to critique Western civilisation, we may well end up dispensing with truth itself. That won’t help us — and it’s doubtful that sowing this kind of distrust among the next generation will bode well either.

With so much cultural upheaval that has taken place in recent years, now might be a good time to ask yourself: is 2 + 2 = 4 a hill you’re willing to die on?


Kurt Mahlburg is a writer and author, and an emerging Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He has a passion for both the philosophical and the personal, drawing on his background as a graduate… More by Kurt Mahlburg

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Jury is in the mRNA shots destroy your immune system – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

A moving appeal by Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Doctors for Covid Ethics, on the urgent need to END the Covid vaccination program. Pathological findings show, says Bhakdi, that in all people who receive Covid vaccination, immune cells begin to self-destruct.


EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Senator Dr. Rand Paul Blames Fauci’s Vaccine Push for COVID-19 Deaths

Fauci’s emphasis on the failed vaccines rather than treatment fr the China flu has resulted in thousands of deaths.

Senator Dr. Rand Paul Blames Fauci’s Vaccine Push for COVID-19 Deaths

Sen. Rand Paul is blaming Dr. Anthony Fauci for the thousands of COVID-19 deaths that are happening monthly because of his emphasis on vaccines rather than other treatments.

By: Newsmax, December 28, 2021:

“I would venture to say that thousands of people die in our country every month now from COVID because [Fauci’s] deemphasized the idea that there are therapeutics,” the Kentucky Republican told his father, former Rep. Ron Paul, in an interview on the Ron Paul Liberty Report that was released on Monday.

The senator also said that Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as well as President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, has had a “bias” toward vaccines for years, dating back to his work during the AIDS epidemic.

“I think Fauci is of the philosophy that vaccines are incredibly successful and are the way to go versus therapeutics,” said Paul, who is an ophthalmologist. “So with regard to AIDS, he was involved as the AIDS epidemic came up, he wanted to develop a vaccine. There’s nothing wrong with that. He wanted to develop a vaccine. Vaccines can be great for polio or smallpox. … It didn’t actually work for AIDS.”

The senator has slammed Fauci often in recent months and has said he favors monoclonal antibodies as “one of the most promising treatments” for COVID.

Meanwhile, on Monday, Fauci told MSNBC that implementing a federal rule requiring vaccinations for people flying domestically would be “another incentive” to get more people to get their shots.

“If you want to do that with domestic flights, I think that’s something that seriously should be considered,” he said.

Paul, meanwhile, has claimed that Fauci lies about how natural immunity is effective against the virus, telling Fox Business’ Larry Kudlow this fall that Fauci “thinks it might slow down vaccination.”

He also said on the program that he is “for people getting vaccinated, particularly people at risk, but the thing is, if you ignore naturally acquired immunity then you’re saying we don’t have enough people, you have to force it on younger people.”

Paul recently told Newsmax that he thinks Fauci has become too powerful.

RELATED ARTICLE: OOPS! After Blaming COVID Deaths on Trump, Joe BACKTRACKS Says ‘No Federal Solution’ to Pandemic


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Biden’s oil price heading to $100 a barrel. Read on …

“Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed, and nothing ever changes without a dream.” – Debby Boone

Unless the treasonous usurper in The Peoples House and his evil, satanic administration changes course on the insane energy agenda of theirs, oil will reach at least $100 a barrel in 2022. Right now it is hovering around $72 a barrel as the oil market weighs up if there will be massive closures and shutdowns universally due to the new China Virus Omicron variant which will affect consumption.

You will all remember that under the last fairly elected president, Donald J. Trump, the U.S. became a net exporter of oil. We could supply all our own needs and had plenty left over to export. Now however, due to the communist green policies of these extremists who stole the 2020 election, we are now buying approximately 37% of our oil needs from OPEC ( Not our friends ) and Russia ( Not our friend ) both of which are making huge profits from us as they ship their overpriced oil to us. Russia especially is ecstatic as it now has billions of extra income coming in to pour into their military. This as Pervy Joe is weakening ours.

Both OPEC and Russia can control the spigot to shorten our supply at will and manipulate the price we pay. Biden has begged them to increase production but they just laugh at the pathetic little man he is. They have us under their thumb.

2021, under the aforementioned Biden, has seen inflation soaring as supply chain issues, unconstitutional covid lockdowns and restrictions, whole sectors of businesses being destroyed, has given us inflation not seen since 1982 – and it is growing. Understand when the Government says inflation rose by 6.8% in November, that doesn’t include fuel, energy and food increases which we all know have gone up well into double digits. Hyper-Inflation is almost upon us. Pay increases nationally which were substantial, have all fallen behind the inflator figures and in many cases people are worse off now. Unfortunately the poorer, the middle class and all ethnic minorities have suffered the most under the illegal dictatorship in stolen power. That is the opposite of what happened under President Trump.

Saudi Arabian energy minister Abdulaziz bin Salman has hinted that they may cut production by 30 million barrels a day which would be catastrophic for our economy and our people. It would however enhance that cartels dominance in the global market for oil and gas energy.

Under President Trump, my President, inflation was kept low, contrary to many experts predictions, because the shale Revolution we created produced plentiful cheap oil and energy. Increases in normal businesses were kept offset by low energy costs. Simple!! Small and large businesses and corporations benefitted by our low cost oil and gas.

However, this administration made up of traitors, imbeciles, corrupt officials ( I am trying to be diplomatic here! ) are obsessed with the lies of Global Warming and supposed Climate Change. Alternative energy sources are just not ready for prime time!! We saw that in Texas. They cannot produce reliable energy in enough volume competitively priced to compete or replace fossil fuels. Period. Simple as that.

Since Biden took over the reins investment and much needed work and development in the fossil fuel industry has dried to a trickle. Biden holds responsibility for that and the resultant rises in the energy prices we have seen and are facing. Fears of new regulations, taxations and aggressive anti fossil fuel activities politically by this administration energy sector corporations are not willing to invest at the percentage needed. Right now investment is running just over 42% of what is needed. John Kerry, another slimeball politician and cowardly former Vietnam war liar on his non existent so called heroism, and now the climate czar, have been pressuring Wall Street, banks and financial institutions to cut investment and future investing in any fossil fuel and join or create a “Net-Zero Banking Alliance” Banks like BOA, Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase among others hastened to join this alliance. There is a story about one large oil company being asked to close their account so that bank could reduce its carbon footprint. Insanity.

The climate control rules and regulations in Europe have forced prices of energy sky high. With the shorter production there is a distinct possibility that there may very well be major shortages of fuel this winter.

Combine that with the Russian oil economy booming and with their troops massing on the Ukrainian border readying for a likely invasion, Russia knows, despite feeble Joes pathetic threats about oil and energy sanctions should Russia invade, that a weakened Europe heavily relies now on Russia for gas and oil and will not risk their own countries by supporting energy sanctions on Russia energy supply’s as they will not want to be going without. Russia is in a great position greatly aided by Biden’s energy policies.

I guess Sniffer Joe likes to see our enemies strengthen while we contract.

Another aspect of our reduced oil production is other countries like China are being forced to burn dirtier fuel which increases pollution and counteracts any reductions in so called carbon footprint reductions by countries like America.

Nobody I know wants to harm planet earth but cyclical weather changes have been going on since the beginning of time. This whole green new deal and climate change rubbish is just about money, power, control and destroying the middle class and lower class citizens of the world. It is about a one world nation where the rich will become richer and more powerful and the rest of us will become property of the world government.

The above scenario is not something I could stand still and give into. I know all my friends and millions of Americans feel the same.

Let’s put a stop to this insanity in the mid term Elections. Let’s send the corrupt and extremist politicians where they belong. We know where that is America. Now let’s find the fortitude to accomplish that simple goal and let’s get on with Building a truly Better America, where capitalism trumps socialism and criminals, political included, are held accountable. Where we lead the world again in every aspect and we bury this insanity once and for all.

Do what needs doing America. It’s time to do the right thing by our Founding Fathers, the constitution and our kids.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Trump’s Lethal ‘Operation Warp Speed’ Jabs

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.” Dr. Benjamin Rush

“Freedom of choice must be brought to bear upon the US Medical practice.” – Congressman Phil Crane

“One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine.” –  William Osler (1849-1919) Described as the Father of Modern Medicine

“They do not cover the new variants; patients are failing on these vaccines. They’re being hospitalized and getting sick despite having had the vaccines. The vaccines at this point in time have amounted to record mortality and injury and should be considered unsafe and unfit for human use.” – Dr. Peter A. McCullough

Dr. Stephen Hahn, the mild-mannered former chief medical executive of the MD Anderson Cancer Center, became the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration shortly after the coronavirus broke out in China.

He quickly found himself in an uncomfortable position. The White House wanted an emergency approval of one of the vaccines being developed to treat COVID-19.  Under a massive and secretive government effort, “Operation Warp Speed,” was one of the most consequential public health decisions in American history. The FDA’s scientific determinations, as to whether a vaccine is safe and effective enough to give to millions of healthy Americans, are dicey enough. But Hahn, like so many top federal health officials, seemed to have found himself in a tightening vice.

President Trump, his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and his son-in-law and special adviser, Jared Kushner, all called Dr. Hahn directly, urging him to accelerate emergency authorization of vaccines and treatments, i.e., Remdesivir.

If Hahn didn’t cave and accelerate the approval, potentially jeopardizing safety, the decision could be taken from the FDA and rammed through by Trump’s Health and Human Services Secretary, Alex Azar, the former President of Eli Lilly USA.  Hahn also knew that if he stood up to Trump, he would be fired.  He was willing to be dismissed rather than serve as a presidential puppet.

On December 10, 2021, Dr. Hahn testified during a Senate “Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Hearing” on the federal government response to COVID-19.  White House Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows had pressed Hahn to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) for Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine by the end of the day on December 11, 2021.

Biopharmaceutical History

The history of all four pharmaceutical companies involved in creating the COVID-19 jab is certainly not pretty.  America’s Medical Mafia: Biopharmaceutical Companies, written in May of this year, exposed the past of these companies and the many lawsuits against them.  Because the COVID vax is an EUA, it is protected from lawsuits by the federal government via the PREP Act signed into law by President George W. Bush.

The US Government has a secret history of grisly experiments on animals and humans, and these COVID jabs are no different; Americans are human lab rats.  In 2010, I wrote a ten-part article entitled, American Citizens as Guinea Pigs. Part two included the detrimental polio vaccine tainted with Simian Virus-40 which causes soft tissue cancers and is genetically passed.  It was never pulled from the market.

Here is a partial list of the many failed drugs taken off market after dangerous side effects or deaths.  This does not include the 1976 swine flu vaccine pulled after 25 to 50 deaths.

Trump Promotes Vax/Boosters

If you’ve had the CCP virus, you have lifetime immunity as evidenced in 140 studies.  You do not need the Sars-coV-2 jabs, or any of the boosters.  Dr. Peter McCullough states, “Once and done.”  There is no need to worry about getting the virus again.

Dr. McCullough writes that there are risks for those who have recovered from the CCP virus who then receive the Sars-voV-2 jabs.  Medical research concludes that the COVID-19 jabs are dangerous for those who have already had the virus and have recovered with inferred robust, complete, and durable immunity.  A medical study of United Kingdom healthcare workers who had already had COVID-19 and then received the vaccine found that they suffered higher rates of side effects than the average population.

So why has former President Trump taken both jabs and now the booster when he obviously recovered from the virus while he was still the 45th president?  Or did he take them?  Did he get the placebo instead?  Doesn’t he have physicians who will tell him the truth? Doesn’t he do any research?  Doesn’t he read?  Why wasn’t he and his family put on Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin to keep them from ever contracting the virus?  Where was Dr. Scott Atlas with this important information, or did Trump rebuff him?  There are simply too many unanswered questions and too many statements by Trump that are untrue.

Trump tell us we’re playing right into their hands when we doubt the vaccine. Whose hands?  He made the remarks during a live event with former Fox News pundit Bill O’Reilly. “We did something historic, we saved tens of millions of lives worldwide,” said Trump, before going on to credit the vaccine for preventing a repeat of the Spanish flu, which infected nearly a third of the world and killed as many as 100 million people.  The reality is the carnage from the lethal injections will make the 1917 flu pale in comparison.

The comparison is somewhat alarmist given that the Spanish flu had a 2.5% global mortality rate, which is substantially larger than Sars-coV-2’s actual mortality rate when you discount the many PCR false positive tests.  Many who had bacterial pneumonia and could have been saved with antibiotics were left to die because C-19 was diagnosed, and that’s not even mentioning the worthless stakeholder/medical protocols used on C-19 hospital patients.

Despite Trump’s glorification of the vax, he said it shouldn’t be mandatory.  Well, it isn’t mandatory for federal politicians and stakeholders, and the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens crossing our southern border.

When interviewed by Candace Owens, our 45th president claimed no one had been hurt by these jabs, when that is just a flat out lie!  Over 111 airline pilots are dead from the jab, over 75 sports figures have died on the fields, young men are getting myocarditis, which destroys their heart muscle with inflammation.  Even Trump’s buddy, Franklin Graham ended up with pericarditis.  Graham told us we all should get the vax, that if Jesus were here, he’d get the vax.  What absolute total rubbish!

Trump should take a look at the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) numbers out by Lifesite News from Dec. 14, 2020 to Dec. 10, 2021.  Only one percent is reported, so multiply the numbers by 100 and you’ll get the actual death and adverse effect figures since the clot shot came out.

To top it off, Trump echoes the commie Pravda media and tells Candace that 90% of the people in hospitals are unvaccinated, when exactly the opposite is true.  Those in hospital sick with Sars-coV-2 are jabbed with one or all of the clot shots including the booster, but if you’ve had the jabs within the last two weeks, hospitals count you as unvaxed.  And many get sick or die within the first two weeks after the inoculation.  Trump is spewing information from CNN, MSNBC, Fauci and the snakeholders.

There has never been a vaccine for a virus!  We know this is not a real vaccine!  Why would Trump promote such a thing?  Is it pride?  That’s the only thing that makes sense. He keeps lauding the fact that he and he alone created “Operation Warp Speed” and saved the country from COVID…a virus 99.8% recover from.  We all know, “Pride goeth before the fall.”

COVID Jabs are Shielded

Take note that the federal government shields Pfizer/Moderna/J&J from liability and has given them billions of dollars and is forcing Americans to take their product. But they won’t let you see the data supporting its safety/efficacy. Just who does the government work for?

The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. That is not a typo. It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public.  It’s been 58 years since John F. Kennedy was assassinated and even Donald J. Trump did not release the truth to the public.

As explained in this article, the FDA repeatedly promised “full transparency” with regard to Covid-19 vaccines, including reaffirming “the FDA’s commitment to transparency” when licensing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

More than 30 academics, professors, and scientists from this country’s most prestigious universities requested the data and information submitted to the FDA by Pfizer to license its COVID-19 vaccine.

The FDA’s response?  It produced nothing.  In September, Attorney Aaron Siri’s firm filed a lawsuit against the FDA on behalf of this group to demand this information.  To date, almost three months after it licensed Pfizer’s vaccine, the FDA still had not released a single page; finally it released under 100 pages which you can read here.

Support for Trump

I know in my heart the 2020 election was rigged, that Donald J. Trump won the election, hands down.  Our 45th president did many wonderful things for this country, and we had a four-year Nineveh.  (If you don’t know the story, read the book of Jonah in the Old Testament; it comes right after Obadiah, and right before Micah and is important history.)

My 2016 support for Donald Trump never wavered.  I wrote article after article supporting him, two of which he actually used in rallies and the first one helped him to get rid of Jeb Bush.  The second article he used at a rally in Alabama explaining why the media is allowed to lie about public figures.  Why Alabama?  Because that’s where these legal suits started and then ended with the Supreme Court decision in NYTs v. Sullivan.

The mere fact that it took President Trump four years to realize just exactly who and what his Vice President really was, and who and what his Senior Counselor, Kellyanne Conway was…tells me the man has little discernment as to those who are really on his side. Pence sent Trump to controlled-opposition Heritage Foundation and Conway sent him to the Federalist Society, both of whom steered Trump to Supreme Court nominees who, we now know, are anything but conservative.  Conway and Pence have been friends for years and have family who are intermarried.  They worked together.

Pence was given challenge after challenge by Trump, and failed at every one of them, including being in charge of the Coronavirus Task Force.  He gave us Fauci, Birx and Redfield and they destroyed our economy and Trump…just as their handlers planned.  Read Pence’s history… Link, Link, Link, Link.

On January 6th, 2021, Pence stabbed Trump in the back and the Republic in the heart.  Finally, after four years, Trump saw the real face of his Vice President…one who had no problem elbow bumping with Pelosi.

Throughout Trump’s administration, he never chose people outside the Deep State.  He hired from the swamp over and over and over again.  He took Chris Christie’s suggestion and hired Christopher Wray as FBI Director.  Then he listened to Attorneys Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing and hired Deep Stater Bill Barr as Attorney General.

Only once did he hire outside the swamp when he appointed Lt. General Michael T. Flynn as National Security Advisor.  General Flynn was his finest choice and was terminated within weeks by the deceit and duplicity of the FBI and their backdoor into Pence’s office.  Pence’s Chief of Staff was Josh Pitcock whose wife worked for Peter Strzok and Lisa Page allegedly checking Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Trump listened to Deep Stater Pence rather than the General who had decades of intel knowledge.  He needed General Flynn, but he ended up with Deep Staters in that very important position over and over again.  Far too many people saw his choices as guided by those from the swamp and completely incompatible with Trump, which they proved to be.  A prime example is that Christopher Wray is still head of the FBI and Trump should have pulled his nomination during Wray’s Senate hearings.


Around the world hundreds of thousands have died, not from Sars-coV-2, but from the messenger RNA vaccines, millions have suffered permanent disabilities and adverse effects.  The buck ultimately stops with Trump.  He chose to put Pence in charge of the Coronavirus Task Force, and Pence brought in the Deep State stakeholders. The NIH, FDA, CDC or AMA never approved any early home treatment and banned long approved safe and cheap drugs that would have cured.

People were told there was nothing to be done, go home…and when it got worse, they went to the hospital, were put on oxygen and then ventilators, and 80% of them died.  The ultimate goal was the huge moneymaker for Big Pharma…the “vaccines.” Dr. McCullough tells us that 86% of the people who died of the virus could have been saved, but obviously that was not the goal of the snakeholders.

Excuses for Trump can be made, yet the buck stops with him.  He was our Commander in Chief.  There is no question that the guilt of negligence is Trump’s, but the guilt of homicide belongs to Big Pharma. They were the ones that knew what they were doing. Trump’s negligence was not blowing the whistle on them and firing Fauci and the heads of these fraudulent government entities. You can make the case of malicious contempt in the action of Fauci and the officials of Big Pharma, all of whom need to do time at the very least.  Trump keeps pushing the lethal vax, why? Is it pride alone?  Is it stupidity?  Or is it that he is not what he represented himself to be?

Would I ever support Trump again?  Only if he is man enough to admit that he made a mistake and provide leadership that results in correction. Repentance is the foundation of our Judeo-Christian faith.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.


Lethal Injection Mandates: RIP Carlos Tejada & Camilla Canepa — Death by Vax

“One death is a tragedy, a million deaths a statistic.” –  attributed to Joseph Stalin by The Washington Post on 20 January 1947

”It’s not the government’s job to protect my health. It’s the government’s job to protect my rights.” – Anonymous

 in an article titled “New York Times Editor Who Won Pulitzer For COVID-19 Coverage Dead Of Heart Attack One Day After Booster Shot” reported:

Carlos Tejada, a foreign editor for the New York Times has died at the age of 49, one day after receiving his COVID-19 booster shot and daring omicron to come for him. Tejada.

“Carlos Tejada, the deputy Asia editor of The New York Times, who helped shape coverage of the global Covid-19 crisis in 2021 that won a Pulitzer Prize, died on Friday at a hospital in Seoul,” the New York Times reported.

Tejada’s wife broke the news to the world on the editor’s Twitter page, “This is Carlos’s wife, Nora. It’s with deepest sorrow that I have to share with you that Carlos passed away last night of a heart attack. I’ve lost my best friend and our kids lost a truly great dad. I will be off social media for awhile.”

Read the full article.

The European Parliament in an article titled “Post-COVID vaccine deaths” reported:

Three young people recently lost their lives after receiving their second dose of the COVID vaccine(1). These cases are the latest to be added to the growing list of sudden deaths to occur during the vaccine rollout.

The recent autopsy report for Camilla Canepa(2), who also died following vaccination, stated that the cause of death could be ‘reasonably attributed to an adverse effect from administration of the COVID vaccine’.

A German study(3) examining the autopsies of people who died shortly after vaccination suggests that 50% of these deaths were caused by the vaccine, which is also believed to be behind an unprecedented accumulation of lymphocytes found in the hearts, kidneys, livers and spleens of the deceased.

In the light of the above:

1. Does the Commission intend to reanalyse the costs and benefits of vaccinating young people, given the absolute risk of serious – or even fatal – adverse effects?

2. Will it withdraw the emergency use authorisation for the vaccines – at least for the under-50s, for whom the serious risks associated with vaccination appear to outweigh the limited benefits?

There is a growing concern that getting vaxxed or jabbed is much more dangerous than reported by governments and the media. Here is a statement by Fuaci about the vaccines.

As this concern grows we now see Biden saying that the federal government cannot control Covid. Biden stated, “There is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level.


QUESTION: Is Biden now shifting blame away from his administration and Democrats in Congress to the states ahead of the 2022 midterm elections?

It seems that the political rhetoric has been overtaken by the reality that government is never the answer when it comes to healthcare.

Biden and Harris are the problem, not the solution to dealing with what ails America. History teaches us that only the individual can deal with any pandemic.

linked getting jabbed with eugenics when he wrote:

Investigation reveals both the Gates family and their foundation have documented ties to reinvented eugenics movements of the modern age.  The work carried out by this organization shows an array of ulterior motives that are contrary to saving lives.

The Gates Family, Eugenics and Covid-19.

America is killing humanity and shaking hands with the devil…brought to us by the United States government via their stakeholders: The Gates Foundation, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the World Health Organization (WHO), Big Pharma and our democrat-controlled propaganda media and their favorite mouthpiece, Dr. Anthony Fauci.  Media are promoting an evil injection which is causing countless worldwide deaths and disastrous side effects.  They have made a commitment to promote mass vaccination for the Covid virus.  We may well be witnessing the largest number of unnecessary vaccine-induced deaths in American history, despite a 99.75% overall recovery from the virus.

Read the full column.

Elon Musk got it right when he tweeted:

We are dealing with a global “woke culture war” that wants to empower government and enslave the individual. We know that this always leads to anarchy and always fails.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.



SD Governor Calls On Biden To Rescind All Mandates After He Claims ‘There Is No Federal Solution’ To Pandemic

COVID Antiviral Pills Cause Life-Threatening Reactions With Many Common Meds

THE COVID JAB: A Genocidal Weapon of Mass Destruction

Click here for more articles and videos on the Covid vaccines and getting jabbed.

Lockdown Policies and Mask Mandates Linked With Lower IQ in Children

The Democrat dream – a generation of zombies, enslaved by the government.

Nurse Whistle blower on large number of CHILDREN vaxx damaged:

Lockdown Policies and Mask Mandates Linked With Lower IQ in Children

The nation’s recent lockdown policies and mask mandates will create a generation of children who exhibit lower IQs and signs of social brain damage, according to a clinical psychiatrist for children and adolescents.

By Tammy Hung, The Epoch Times, December 26, 2021 Updated: December 27, 2021

Dr. Mark McDonald cited an Aug. 11 study by Brown University (pdf) that found that “children born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance compared to children born pre-pandemic,” during an interview with host Cindy Drukier on a Dec. 25 episode of NTD’s “The Nation Speaks.” NTD is a sister media outlet of The Epoch Times.

The masks, “Zoom schools,” and lockdown mandates have led to “deprivation overall, of social contact, [of] not being able to see faces, being stuck at home all day long, [and this] has actually caused brain damage to the youngsters,” he said.

In another interview in the episode, professor Carl Heneghan, the director of Oxford University’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, cited evidence that pandemic restrictions and the “fear we instill into children” has led to the worsening of psychological problems.

Heneghan cited his Oct. 2 study, which concluded that “eight out of 10 children and adolescents report worsening of behavior or any psychological symptoms or an increase in negative feelings due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“School closures contributed to increased anxiety, loneliness and stress; negative feelings due to COVID-19 increased with the duration of school closures,” the study reports. “Deteriorating mental health was found to be worse in females and older adolescents.”

Adolescents above the age of 12 also did worse than children under 12, as adolescents face increasing peer pressure, social pressure, and are more aware of messages being delivered globally, according to Heneghan.

“The first thing is to deescalate any fear and anxiety around COVID for children,” Heneghan said. “For children, [COVID] is actually a very safe disease” and children shouldn’t be worried about the impact of COVID “on themselves or their future health.”

He said that “shutting areas like schools was a mistake,” as keeping them open is good for education, “social connectedness, and well-being.”

“We should really prioritize education and those interventions that are in children’s best interest,” he said.

According to a Dec. 20 study, data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also showed that mental health-related visits in 2020, when pandemic restrictions were first imposed, increased by 24 percent in 5- to 11-year-olds and 31 percent in 12- to 17-year-olds, compared to 2019 data.

Anecdotally, McDonald noted that he’s seen children who “refuse to make eye contact, who are wetting their pants or wetting the bed at night, cannot go to sleepovers—being away from their mother for extended periods of time.”

Teenagers, on the other hand, come out of lockdown restrictions being “so wrapped up in social media and phones and Zoom school because they’ve been trained for the last year and a half, that they do not even want to go out anymore,” he said.

McDonald called the government and media corporations out for creating a “behavioral conditioning program,” in which children are subjected to “irrational, ridiculous” situations such as eating outside on a 40-degree day and having to run marathons or play sports with masks on.

As of Dec. 27, the Biden administration is recommending that children “too young to be vaccinated” should be “surrounded by vaccinated people and mask in public indoor spaces, including schools,” according to the COVID plan on the White House website. “For those adolescents aged 12 and above who are eligible for vaccination, the most important step parents can take is to get them vaccinated.”

As of Dec. 27, the website states that “over half of the nation’s adolescents have been vaccinated.”


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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VIDEO: Has Trump gone Woke on us? Has he gone to the darkside?

“[Wokeness] is a prevalent mind virus, and arguably one of the biggest threats to modern civilization.” – Elon Musk

Millions voted for Donald J. Trump because he wasn’t a politician. Trump was a businessman who loved America. Trump worked tirelessly to Make America Great Again.

Then in the last year of his presidency Covid struck the world and the Wuhan flu came to America. President Trump, like many Americans, was infected, then treated and recovered from the Covid virus.

He and his entire family have natural immunity to the virus and do not need to get vaccinated.

However, Trump did get recently vaxxed. Why?

Watch this statement about Covid vaccine development.

Now some are questioning if Trump has gone to the darkside.

Man in America asked in the video below, “Why is President Trump continuing to push the vaccine even as people keep having adverse reactions? What’s really going on?


We are not anti-vaccine. However, we firmly believe that getting jabbed or not to get jabbed is a personal decision. When it comes to any and all personal healthcare decisions the rule my body, my choice is paramount. Healthcare is between a patient and their doctor. Government vax mandates are illegal and un-Constitutional.

It is not the governments role to protect my health. It is the governments role to protect my inalienable rights.

©Man in America. All rights reserved.

What Americans will be Faced with in 2022 – Our 22 Predictions

We here at DrRichSwier.com have collectively, no pun intended, decided to make our predictions for the Year of Our Lord 2022 AD.

While we wouldn’t want our readers to bet money on these predictions, but we do ask that you take them for what they are worth. If you have other predictions please add them in the comments section below.

Here we go.


  1. Biden will still be the president and Democrats will continue to control both Houses of Congress, unless West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin switches parties. However, all bets are off until the results of the mid-term election are finally tabulated.
  2. The Democrat Party will continue its cultural war against anyone and everyone who does not obey their mandates.
  3. Covid will continue to mutate and with it Democrats will continue to use it as an excuse to control your healthcare, lives, liberties and pursuit of happiness. The get jabbed or else policies will continue unabated.
  4. As Biden’s foreign policies continue our enemies will be emboldened and our allies will start to question, and even abandon, the U.S. especially when it comes to the continued existence of the state of Israel.
  5. Inflation will continue unabated and be joined by a new enemy stagflation. A double edged sword created by the Biden Build Back Worse agenda. The Biden administration will blame anyone but themselves for an economy on life support.
  6. Iran will announce that it has deployed a nuclear capability leading to another war in the Middle East.
  7. Russia will invade the Ukraine, thereby destabilizing Europe and NATO won’t stop the RED tide.
  8. The Green New Deal zealots will continue their war against fossil fuels, leading to ever higher gasoline, diesel, natural gas and coal prices.
  9. The Democrat Party will work to keep our borders wide open, thereby importing more and more illegals who will then become registered voters. This juggernaut can impact the results of the 2022 mid-term elections (see #1 above).
  10. Biden, in league with the Democrat majority in the Congress, will continue to push legislation that rewards the few at the expense of the many. Government largesse will reward supporters of the Democrat Party, while taxes will punish their enemies, like Elon Musk.
  11. Government and the power of the bureaucrats will continue to grow as individual liberties fade away. Think of a bureaucrat’s boot stomping on the face of every American, for ever.
  12. Biden’s handlers will continue to push myths like: climate change, Islam is peaceful, Trump is controlled by Russia, getting vaccinated is mandatory to protect the vaccinated, etc.
  13. People will continue to become ill, hospitalized and even die from the Covid virus, its mutations and perhaps other new viruses.
  14. People will continue to die from taking the experimental Covid vaccines and perhaps the new Covid pill.
  15. America will continue to have supply chain issues that will severely impact every type of business from manufacturing, to medical, to farming, to energy, to wholesale, to retail, to service. Shortages will become the new normal.
  16. Politicians from both political parties will continue to empower themselves and profit off of their positions to the chagrin of their constituents.
  17. Once elected politicians will immediately ignore their campaign promises and do what benefits them, and their party, and not we the people.
  18. Myths will continue to drive the political narrative. Myths like: the world will end if we don’t do something about the climate.
  19. Working class Americans will become more and more frustrated with their elected leadership and will begin to take to the streets to save their jobs, families and culture.
  20. The radicals in the Democrat Party will become even more radical as they see their agenda to fundamentally transform America failing.
  21. There will be an American Revolution 2.0.
  22. We will live free or die. If we patriots stand should-to-should we can stop this madness and then get on with our lives once again.

We hope you enjoyed our predictions for this coming year. Again, please feel free to add to our list in the comments section.

Remember, freedom is not free.

©DrRichSwier.com. All rights reserved.


Covid Insanity – Everywhere! STOP IT!

As many of you know my wife and I recently took a road trip to two historic Florida towns, Deland and Saint Augustine. Being as neither of us are vaccinated, nor plan on it, international travel of which we have done more than most, is not on the cards. The thought of wearing a mask for a long flight or a 7 plus day cruise is not something either of us can even contemplate.

So we are planning a series of road trips with the next being approximately a month in duration in February out west. (Not to the Commie Republic of California!)

But I digress!

Back to the subject matter.

Covid insanity.

We have all witnessed the stupidity and sheep like actions of far too many Americans who have forgotten their beliefs and heritage. You know – freedoms, liberties etc.

They would rather buckle down to the whims and unconstitutional mandates of petty Libtard administrations, locking down, social distancing and wearing pathetic masks that do next to nothing. My goodness, they are even ready to close their businesses and their ability to support their families at the drop of a hat! In many cases bankrupt themselves!! All with barely a whimper.

Then you have hotel groups, large and small as well as independents, who have used Covid to cut overheads and destroy the very reasons we use hotels. I don’t know about you but one of my joys is staying in a grand hotel with views, ambience, a great bar and restaurant, with a huge comfy bed and fluffy towels. I like the room cleaned daily, my linens and towels changed out. Am I alone in this?

Major chains like Marriott etc. have now made their policies that when you arrive you get a clean room with clean towels etc. but if you need new linens or your room actually cleaned you need to ask and it may happen. Now understand that prices have not gone down at all for your stay and in many cases gone up. Despite the cost savings in staff, laundry supplies, cleaning supplies, water, electric etc.

Then you are lucky to get a breakfast that is no better than a fast food chain, gone are those glorious buffets with fresh eggs, bacon and other delicious foods, to be replaced with sub standard coffee, sub standard food and service where you mostly do everything yourself. Some even give you a bagged breakfast with an apple, a bar of some cardboard flavored substance and some other odds and ends. They try make you feel grateful.

I am not.

If you are open as a luxury hotel for service then you are open for service. Unless you as a consumer want to just get a low income motel where the above is acceptable then you want the luxury you pay for. These chains need to stop using the Chinese Virus to rip us off. It is pathetic.

Then let’s look at the loony tunes walking around.

You still see many mainly northern libtards, mostly transplants, walking around on their own here in Florida masked and sometimes gloved! Some even wear those stupid plastic screen things! They wear these in wide open areas, in cars when alone or with their partner, even when jogging, in fact everywhere! Most wear them wrong with many wearing them under their noses! They are mostly vaccinated which makes me laugh. If they believe in the vaccines, or should I call them the China Virus shot, they don’t act like it. 😂😂😂

Then there are the Scientologists. What a laugh they are! They are all vaccinated and have to wear masks and gloves at all times! You see them walking around downtown Clearwater or driving alone with their little blue masks and clear gloves on. The bus driving employees are to be seen similarly attired driving their big blue Scientology Flag buses, usually alone, obviously living in fear!!

What about those stores? The cashiers are stood or seated behind small sheets of clear Perspex that are open above, on both sides and underneath. I guess those little China Virus germs are too dumb to go round or under or even over the top and just commit hari-kari against that sheet!

Or how about those arrows on the floor in stores telling you which way to walk up and down? I have to admit I was that man walking maskless the wrong way because I just had to! I am not able to consciously do stupid! Sorry Publix Supermarkets. Apart from the idiocy of your policies and the massive overcharging for goods, I have to wonder how you all sleep at night. Probably soundly like all Woke Company owners!

One day down the road I will re-read this blog and laugh again and then wonder again how so many Americans drank the lying Commie propaganda. How so many just blindly followed orders that were not only plainly wrong but illogical. How many gave up their rights and freedoms along with their liberty just to be a sheep. Baaaaa!

Then I will remember the obscene amount of money the drug companies and most likely politicians and their friends and families made from the shots and other developing China virus related treatments. That they for once were risk free, able to rape the taxpayers and world citizens with no risk of being sued. Boy, they sure are taking advantage of that. Great work if you can get it. Taxpayers fund research and then are totally and so easily overcharged for the shots which are responsible for many deaths for which they will never answer. Then you just keep bringing on new variants and the number of shots just keeps magnifying along with the profits and dividends. No risk. Just money.

Plus – please do not get me started on those “parents” who are rushing to vaccinate their 5+ year olds with a Covid shot they have no idea on how it will adversely affect them down the road. I call that Child Abuse. Why would you put something in your child when they have practically 0% chance of dying from Covid? I mean, more children have died in Chicago ( the land of gun bans where only the bad guys have guns!) alone from gun fire in mostly black in black crimes this year than have died from Covid!

It’s time to stop this insanity. Stop living in fear. Stop listening to these liars screaming out like Chicken Little that the sky is falling. Stop listening to the MSM who wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them on the head with a sledge hammer.

Start researching yourselves.

Start using common sense.

Start using critical thinking.

Start being Americans!!

And if you want to come to the Free State of Florida, keep your liberal thoughts and politics behind. They are not welcome!

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Will Unvaxxed Sperm Become The New Bitcoin? Are Covid vaccines the new Agent Orange?

I saw the below tweet and it peaked my curiosity. Will unvaxxed sperm actually become the new Bitcoin? If so, why?

According to the Center for Disease Control more than 204 million people in the U.S. are fully vaccinated. That’s about 61% of the population, with a further 12% partially vaccinated. On top of this, about 62 million people have been given booster jabs.

I did a little search and found this column on ViceNew.com titled “‘Unvaxxed Sperm’ Is Trying to Become the Anti-Vax Bitcoin” bDavid Gilbert.

David reports:

If you ask the developers behind a new cryptocurrency called Unvaxxed Sperm if they’re opposed to vaccines, they’ll claim to be unsure.

“We’re not anti-vaccine,” one of the developers called Jason, who would only provide his first name, told VICE News, claiming that the project is “here to ensure the continuity of objective scientific inquiry and the freedom of discourse.”

But moments later, another developer who wouldn’t reveal his identity and simply goes by the name “Fauci,” said: “To a degree, I’d say we are anti-vaccine.”

Read the full article.

In December 7, 2021 in an article titled “Anti-VAX Group Creates ‘Unvaxxed Sperm” Crypto because God is Dead and We have Killed Him.  What On Earth? Tony Tran from The Byte wrote:

Because we live in a nightmare of our own making, a group of ardent morons have created a new cryptocurrency based on the idea that vaccines lower your sperm count.

The cryptocurrency, dubbed “Unvaxxed Sperm,” launched earlier this month, Vice reports. Its developers wrongly claim that most people don’t need the COVID vaccine, and are fierce advocates of quack treatments such as ivermectin. They also told the website that the project is to “ensure the continuity of objective scientific inquiry and the freedom of discourse.”

Though Unvaxxed Sperm initially saw significant growth when it launched, it seems to have blown its load early and crashed over the weekend.

Still, the developers of the crypto hope that its absolutely stupid name will draw more people into the anti-vax community, according to Vice.

Read the article.

WeCovid produced this video on the fertility and Covid vaccines:

Do you believe the above video is scientific truth or propaganda?

Here’s another perspective on Covid vaccinations. Dr. Mark Bailey and Dr. John Bevan-Smith published a paper titled “The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity.” The video below talks about what they found.

EveryDayHealth.com reported:

More than 125,000 pregnant women have been diagnosed with COVID-19 since the pandemic began, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). So far, more than 22,000 of these women have been hospitalized and 161 have died.

COVID-19 patients who are pregnant are twice as likely to require admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) and 70 percent more likely to die than individuals who aren’t pregnant, according to the CDC. A record number of pregnant women — 22 — died of COVID-19 in August, the CDC reported in September 2021.

[ … ]

study published in January 2021 in JAMA Internal Medicine looked at outcomes for 406,446 women who gave birth in U.S. hospitals from April 1 through November 23, 2020, including 6,380 mothers with COVID-19. In this study, the death rate for pregnant women with COVID-19 was 141 per 100,000 women, compared with 5 fatalities per 100,000 uninfected pregnant women. COVID-19 infections were also associated with higher rates of heart attacks, potentially fatal blood clots in the leg, and dangerously high blood pressure during pregnancy known as preeclampsia.

Who do you trust if you want to get pregnant? The CDC, your pediatrician or your common sense?

The Bottom Line

Question: Do doctors and scientist really know the long term effects of all of the Covid vaccines?

Answer: NO!

Question: Do we know what the long term effects of the Covid vaccines are of women who are pregnant and the unborn?

Answer: NO!

I am remined of the time when I was in Vietnam and exposed to Agent Orange. The federal government, the Veterans Administration, doctors and scientists told us who served in Vietnam that Agent Orange was not the cause of the cancers and human anomalies like Type 2 Diabetes Vietnam veterans were suffering from. It took decades for the truth to come out.

We know today that there are serious side effects to the Covid vaccines. We still do not know how these vaccines fundamentally change the human body.

Do I trust the government and these doctors now? I think not.

We will see what the long term effects are of all of  these experimental Covid vaccines and now pills.

These entrepreneurs are raising an issue that needs to be raised.

The issue is are the unvaxxed, which includes large numbers of people who have natural immunity to Covid, healthier sperm donors.

Are  Covid vaccines the new Agent Orange?

Maybe we these vaccine passports will come in handy when women decide to marry and carry children. Would you rather carry the child of a vaxxed or unvaxxed man? That is the question.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


UK Team That Includes Former Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon File Complaint of Crimes Against Humanity Against Gates, Fauci, Etc The International Criminal Court

Democrat Chicago Mayor Bans Unvaxxed from Bars, Restaurants, Gyms: ‘‘Your Time Is Up’

VIDEO: A Courageous Marine asks Mandate Questions of the Commandant

This courageous Marine Lieutenant Colonel Wade Brown puts his career on the line to ask the Commandant of the USMC “a few relevant questions” about the mandatory COVID 19 Jab which go unanswered.

He acknowledges his Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution and not some administrative government sycophants.

So what will happen to him now?  Probably confinement to quarters and a Court Martial.  This is totally wrong.


Commandant: Many Unvaccinated Marines Swayed by Disinformation

Thousands of Sailors, Marines Remain Unvaccinated After Deadline

Army Commanders Relieved Over Vaccine Refusal

RELATED VIDEO: COVID-19 vaccine mandate: On its legitimacy, on being exempt and on informed consent.

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

Shocking Truth: More Children Dead From Vax Than COVID

When the history books are written, the Covid government response will be labeled as the greatest medical calamity in world history!

We live in a world where radical politicians and propagandists in the mainstream media shame Americans into getting a vaccine that’s not a vaccine that does not stop the transmission of, nor the onset of, a simple virus that has a near 99% survival rate.

It’s a world where children are being forced to vax when the mortality rate from Covid-19 among kids is effectively zero. However, the mortality rate from the shots is higher than from the disease itself!

In this edition of the Ledger Report, Graham Ledger speaks with Dr. Paul Thomas of Oregon who, in the process of trying to protect children from needless injections, has had his medical license attacked by the Medical Board.

Please subscribe free to The Ledger Report by clicking here: www.GrahamLedger.com

RELATED ARTICLE: Shock Report: Hundreds Die of COVID-19 Despite Being Fully Vaccinated

RELATED VIDEO: NYC Cops Order Mother and Child to Leave the Restaurant for Being Unvaccinated.

EDITORS NOTE: This Ledger Report video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

OXFORD STUDY SHOCKER: 1 in 100 Vaccinated Individuals Were Admitted to Hospital or Died with Arrhythmia During Study Period

Drugs with less dangerous side effects have been removed from the market. Or at the very least paused, but in the current mad state of the world, it is mandatory. And anyone who thinks for themselves is part of a new underclass of the despised and marginalized.

OXFORD STUDY SHOCKER: 1 in 100 Vaccinated Individuals Were Admitted to Hospital or Died with Arrhythmia During Study Period

By: Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, December 21, 2021:

The Oxford researchers reveal that 1 in 100 or 1% of all vaccinated individuals were admitted to the hospital or died with arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat.

Of the 38,615,491 vaccinated individuals included in our study, 385,508 (1.0%) were admitted to hospital with or died from cardiac arrhythmia at any time in the study period (either before or after vaccination); 86,754 (0.2%) of these occurred in the 1-28 days after any dose of vaccine. Of those who were admitted or died 39,897 (10.3%) had a SARS-CoV-2 positive test, with 29,694 (7.7%) having a positive test before vaccination. There were 7,795 deaths with cardiac arrhythmia recorded as the cause of death (1,108 had a SARS-CoV-2 positive test).

So 1 in 100 of the vaccinated individuals are going to the hospital with irregular heart beat and this isn’t international headlines?

This is a shocking number.

James Cintolo has more on this study.


New York Schools telling parents to get ready for the cardiac arrest in students from k-12 when they get the vax

The Lancet journal SKEWERS “Pandemic of the Unvaxxed” narrative as noxious propaganda garbage

US Army is set to announce it has developed a single vaccine that protects against ALL variants of COVID and SARS

For more information on Covid-19 vaccines click here.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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