How should Christians respond to the challenge of wokeness?

The head of US Catholic bishops reflects on the challenge of secularization.

You have asked me to address a serious, sensitive, and complicated topic — the rise of new secular ideologies and movements for social change in the United States and the implications for the Church.

And of course, I think we all understand that what the Church is facing in the United States is also happening in your country and in the countries throughout Europe, in different degrees and in different ways.

With that understanding, I want to offer my reflections today in three parts. First, I want to talk about the wider context of the global movement of secularization and de-Christianization and the impact of the pandemic. Second, I want to offer a “spiritual interpretation” of the new social justice and political identity movements in America. Finally, I want to suggest some evangelical priorities for the Church as we confront the realities of the present moment.

So, let’s begin.

Secularization and de-Christianization

I think we all know that while there are unique conditions in the United States, similar broad patterns of aggressive secularization have long been at work in Spain and elsewhere in Europe.

An elite leadership class has risen in our countries that has little interest in religion and no real attachments to the nations they live in or to local traditions or cultures. This group, which is in charge in corporations, governments, universities, the media, and in the cultural and professional establishments, wants to establish what we might call a global civilization, built on a consumer economy and guided by science, technology, humanitarian values, and technocratic ideas about organizing society.

In this elite worldview, there is no need for old-fashioned belief systems and religions. In fact, as they see it, religion, especially Christianity, only gets in the way of the society they hope to build.

That is important to remember. In practice, as our Popes have pointed out, secularization means “de-Christianization.” For years now, there has been a deliberate effort in Europe and America to erase the Christian roots of society and to suppress any remaining Christian influences.

In your program for this Congress, you allude to “cancel culture” and “political correctness.” And we recognize that often what is being cancelled and corrected are perspectives rooted in Christian beliefs — about human life and the human person, about marriage, the family, and more.

In your society and mine, the “space” that the Church and believing Christians are permitted to occupy is shrinking. Church institutions and Christian-owned businesses are increasingly challenged and harassed. The same is true for Christians working in education, health care, government, and other sectors. Holding certain Christian beliefs is said to be a threat to the freedoms, and even to the safety, of other groups in our societies.

One more point of context. We all noticed the dramatic social changes in our societies with the coming of the coronavirus and the way our government authorities responded to the pandemic.

I think history will look back and see that this pandemic did not change our societies as much as it accelerated trends and directions that were already at work. Social changes that might have taken decades to play out, are now moving more rapidly in the wake of this disease and our societies’ responses.

That is certainly true in the United States.

The new social movements and ideologies that we are talking about today, were being seeded and prepared for many years in our universities and cultural institutions. But with the tension and fear caused by the pandemic and social isolation, and with the killing of an unarmed black man by a white policeman and the protests that followed in our cities, these movements were fully unleashed in our society.

This context is important in understanding our situation in the United States. The name George Floyd is now known worldwide. But that is because for many people in my country, myself included, his tragedy became a stark reminder that racial and economic inequality are still deeply embedded in our society.

We need to keep this reality of inequality in mind. Because these movements that we are talking about are part of a wider discussion — a discussion that is absolutely essential — about how to build an American society that expands opportunities for everyone, no matter what colour their skin is or where they came from, or their economic status.

With that, let’s turn to my next point.

America’s new political religions

Here is my thesis. I believe the best way for the Church to understand the new social justice movements is to understand them as pseudo-religions, and even replacements and rivals to traditional Christian beliefs.

With the breakdown of the Judeo-Christian worldview and the rise of secularism, political belief systems based on social justice or personal identity have come to fill the space that Christian belief and practice once occupied.

Whatever we call these movements — “social justice,” “wokeness,” “identity politics,” “intersectionality,” “successor ideology” — they claim to offer what religion provides.

They provide people with an explanation for events and conditions in the world. They offer a sense of meaning, a purpose for living, and the feeling of belonging to a community.

Even more than that, like Christianity, these new movements tell their own “story of salvation.”

To explain what I mean, let me try to briefly compare the Christian story with what we might call the “woke” story or the “social justice” story.

The Christian story, in its simplest form, goes something like this:

We are created in the image of God and called to a blessed life in union with him and with our neighbours. Human life has a God-given “telos,” an intention and direction. Through our sin, we are alienated from God and from one another, and we live in the shadow of our own death.

By the mercy of God and his love for each of us, we are saved through the dying and rising of Jesus Christ. Jesus reconciles us to God and our neighbours, gives us the grace to be transformed in his image, and calls us to follow him in faith, loving God and our neighbour, working to build his Kingdom on earth, all in confident hope that we will have eternal life with him in the world to come.

That’s the Christian story. And now more than ever, the Church and every Catholic needs to know this story and proclaim it in all its beauty and truth.

We need to do that, because there is another story out there today — a rival “salvation” narrative that we hear being told in the media and in our institutions by the new social justice movements. What we might call the “woke” story goes something like this:

We cannot know where we came from, but we are aware that we have interests in common with those who share our skin colour or our position in society. We are also painfully aware that our group is suffering and alienated, through no fault of our own. The cause of our unhappiness is that we are victims of oppression by other groups in society. We are liberated and find redemption through our constant struggle against our oppressors, by waging a battle for political and cultural power in the name of creating a society of equity.

Clearly, this is a powerful and attractive narrative for millions of people in American society and in societies across the West. In fact, many of America’s leading corporations, universities, and even public schools are actively promoting and teaching this vision.

This story draws its strength from the simplicity of its explanations — the world is divided into innocents and victims, allies and adversaries.

But this narrative is also attractive because, as I said earlier, it responds to real human needs and suffering. People are hurting, they do feel discriminated against and excluded from opportunities in society.

We should never forget this. Many of those who subscribe to these new movements and belief systems are motivated by noble intentions. They want to change conditions in society that deny men and women their rights and opportunities for a good life.

Of course, we all want to build a society that provides equality, freedom, and dignity for every person. But we can only build a just society on the foundation of the truth about God and human nature.

This has been the constant teaching of our Church and her Popes for nearly two centuries, now.

Our Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI warned that the eclipse of God leads to the eclipse of the human person. Again and again he told us: when we forget God, we no longer see the image of God in our neighbour. Pope Francis makes the same point powerfully in Fratelli Tutti: unless we believe that God is our Father, there is no reason for us to treat others as our brothers and sisters.

That is precisely the problem here.

Today’s critical theories and ideologies are profoundly atheistic. They deny the soul, the spiritual, transcendent dimension of human nature; or they think that it is irrelevant to human happiness. They reduce what it means to be human to essentially physical qualities — the colour of our skin, our sex, our notions of gender, our ethnic background, or our position in society.

No doubt that we can recognize in these movements certain elements of liberation theology, they seem to be coming from the same Marxist cultural vision. Also, these movements resemble some of the heresies that we find in Church history.

Like the early Manicheans, these movements see the world as a struggle between the forces of good and the forces of evil. Like the Gnostics, they reject creation and the body. They seem to believe that human beings can become whatever we decide to make of ourselves.

These movements are also Pelagian, believing that redemption can be accomplished through our own human efforts, without God.

And as a final point, I would note that these movements are Utopian. They seem to really believe that we can create a kind of “heaven on earth,” a perfectly just society, through our own political efforts.

Again, my friends, my point is this: I believe that it is important for the Church to understand and engage these new movements — not on social or political terms, but as dangerous substitutes for true religion.

In denying God, these new movements have lost the truth about the human person. This explains their extremism, and their harsh, uncompromising, and unforgiving approach to politics.

And from the standpoint of the Gospel, because these movements deny the human person, no matter how well-intentioned they are, they cannot promote authentic human flourishing. In fact, as we are witnessing in my country, these strictly secular movements are causing new forms of social division, discrimination, intolerance, and injustice.

What Is to be done

That leads me to me final set of reflections. The question is: What is to be done? How should the Church respond to these new secular movements for social change?

My answer is simple. We need to proclaim Jesus Christ. Boldly, creatively. We need to tell our story of salvation in a new way. With charity and confidence, without fear. This is the Church’s mission in every age and every cultural moment.

We should not be intimidated by these new religions of social justice and political identity. The Gospel remains the most powerful force for social change that the world has ever seen. And the Church has been “antiracist” from the beginning. All are included in her message of salvation.

Jesus Christ came to announce the new creation, the new man and the new woman, given power to become children of God, renewed in the image of their Creator. Jesus taught us to know and love God as our Father, and he called his Church to carry that good news to the ends of the earth — to gather, from every race and tribe and people, the one worldwide family of God.

That was the meaning of Pentecost, when men and women from every nation under heaven heard the Gospel in their own native language. That is what St. Paul meant when he said that in Christ there is no Jew or Greek, male or female, slave or free.

Of course, in the Church we have not always lived up to our beautiful principles or carried out the mission entrusted to us by Christ.

But the world does not need a new secular religion to replace Christianity. It needs you and me to be better witnesses. Better Christians. Let us begin by forgiving, loving, sacrificing for others, putting away spiritual poisons like resentment and envy.

Personally, I find inspiration in the saints and holy figures in my country’s history.

In this moment, I am looking especially to the Servant of God Dorothy Day. For me, she offers an important witness for how Catholics can work to change our social order through radical detachment and love for the poor grounded in the Beatitudes, the Sermon on the Mount, and the works of mercy.

She also had a keen sense that before we can change the hearts of others, we have to change ourselves. She once said: “I see only too clearly how bad people are. I wish I did not see it so. It is my own sins that give me such clarity. But I cannot worry much about your sins and miseries when I have so many of my own. … My prayer from day to day is that God will so enlarge my heart that I will see you all, and live with you all, in his love.”

This is the attitude that we need right now, when our society is so polarized and divided.

I am also drawing inspiration from the witness of Venerable Augustus Tolton. His is an amazing and truly American story. He was born in slavery, escaped into freedom with his mother, and became the first black man to be ordained a priest in my country.

Father Tolton once said, “The Catholic Church deplores a double slavery — that of the mind and that of the body. She endeavours to free us of both.”

Today, we need this confidence in the power of the Gospel. We are at risk right now of sliding into a new “tribalism,” a pre-Christian idea of humanity as divided into competing groups and factions.

We need to live and proclaim the Gospel as the true path to liberation from every slavery and injustice, spiritual and material. In our preaching and practice, and especially in our love for our neighbours, we need to bear witness to God’s beautiful vision of our common humanity — our common origin and common destiny in God.

Finally, in this hour I think the Church must be a voice for individual conscience and tolerance, and we need to promote greater humility and realism about the human condition. Acknowledging our common humanity means recognizing our common frailty. The truth is that we are all sinners, people who want to do the right thing but often do not.

That does not mean we remain passive in the face of social injustice. Never! But we do need to insist that fraternity cannot be built through animosity or division. True religion does not seek to harm or humiliate, to ruin livelihoods or reputations. True religion offers a path for even the worst sinners to find redemption.

One last thought, my friends. And that is the reality of God’s providence. We need to hold onto this supernatural understanding, because it is true: God’s loving hand still guides our lives and the course of nations.

This article is a slightly abridged version of Archbishop Gomez’s lecture. The full text can be found on his website.


José Gomez

Archbishop José H. Gomez is the Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles and the President of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. More by José Gomez

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

There’s No Denying the Socialist Roots of Fascism

In the past few decades, there has been a deep discussion about the ideological roots of fascism, and above all, a great misunderstanding about the collectivist principles that this authoritarian movement promulgated. To understand this ideology better, it is necessary to know in depth the life, beliefs, and principles of both its political leaders (such as Benito Mussolini) and its philosophical leaders (such as Giovanni Gentile).

Mussolini was an Italian military man, journalist, and politician who was a member of the Italian Socialist Party for 14 years. In 1910, he was appointed editor of the weekly La Lotta di Classe (The Class Struggle), and the following year he published an essay entitled “The Trentino as seen by a Socialist.” His journalism and political activism led him to prison, but soon after he was released, the Italian Socialist Party—increasingly strong and having achieved an important victory at the Congress of Reggio Emilia—put him in charge of the Milanese newspaper Avanti!

This intense political activism was followed by World War I, which marked a turning point in Mussolini’s life. In the beginning, the leader of the Socialist Party was part of an anti-interventionist movement, which opposed Italy’s participation in World War I. However, he later joined the interventionist group, which earned him expulsion from the Socialist Party.

Mussolini participated in the war and went on to take advantage of the dissatisfaction of the Italian people, due to the few benefits obtained by the Treaty of Versailles. He then blamed his former comrades of the Socialist Party for it, and that is when he started the formation of the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento, which later would become the Italian Fascist Party.

Based strongly on the nationalist sentiments that flourished as a result of the combat, Mussolini came to power by the hand of violence, fighting against the traditional socialists and shielding himself in the famous squadron of the black shirts. It was only then that the ideological complex of fascism would begin to take shape.

Practically everyone knows that Karl Marx is the ideological father of communism and socialism and that Adam Smith is the father of capitalism and economic liberalism. Do you know, in contrast, who the mind behind fascism is? It’s very likely that you don’t, and I can tell you in advance that the philosopher behind fascism was also an avowed socialist.

Giovanni Gentile, a neo-Hegelian philosopher, was the intellectual author of the “doctrine of fascism,” which he wrote in conjunction with Benito Mussolini. Gentile’s sources of inspiration were thinkers such as Hegel, Nietzsche, and also Karl Marx.

Gentile went so far as to declare “Fascism is a form of socialism, in fact, it is its most viable form.” One of the most common reflections on this is that fascism is itself socialism based on national identity.

Gentile believed that all private action should be oriented to serve society. He was against individualism, for him there was no distinction between private and public interest. In his economic postulates, he defended compulsory state corporatism, wanting to impose an autarkic state (basically the same recipe that Hitler would use years later).

A basic aspect of Gentile’s logic is that liberal democracy was harmful because it was focused on the individual which led to selfishness. He defended “true democracy” in which the individual should be subordinated to the State. In that sense, he promoted planned economies in which it was the government that determined what, how much, and how to produce.

Gentile and another group of philosophers created the myth of socialist nationalism, in which a country well directed by a superior group could subsist without international trade, as long as all individuals submitted to the designs of the government. The aim was to create a corporate state. It must be remembered that Mussolini came from the traditional Italian Socialist Party, but due to the rupture with this traditional Marxist movement, and due to the strong nationalist sentiment that prevailed at the time, the bases for creating the new “nationalist socialism,” which they called fascism, were overturned.

Fascism nationalized the arms industry, however, unlike traditional socialism, it did not consider that the state should own all the means of production, but more that it should dominate them. The owners of industries could “keep” their businesses, as long as they served the directives of the state. These business owners were supervised by public officials and paid high taxes. Essentially, “private property” was no longer a thing. It also established the tax on capital, the confiscation of goods of religious congregations and the abolition of episcopal rents. Statism was the key to everything, thanks to the nationalist and collectivist discourse, all the efforts of the citizens had to be in favor of the State.

Fascism claimed to oppose liberal capitalism, but also international socialism, hence the concept of a “third way,” the same position that would be held by Argentine Peronism years later. This opposition to international socialism and communism is precisely what has caused so much confusion in the ideological location of fascism, Nazism, and also Peronism. Having opposed the traditional internationalist Marxist left, these were attributed to the current of ultra-right movements, when the truth is that, as has been demonstrated, their centralized economic policies obeyed collectivist and socialist principles, openly opposing capitalism and the free market, favoring nationalism and autarchy.

In that sense, as established by the philosopher creator of fascist ideology, Giovanni Gentile, fascism is another form of socialism, ergo, it was not a battle of left against right, but a struggle between different left-wing ideologies, an internationalist and a nationalist one.

In fact, in 1943, Benito Mussolini promoted the “socialization of the economy,” also known as fascist socialization; for this process Mussolini sought the advice of the founder of the Italian Communist Party, Nicola Bombacci; the communist was the main intellectual author of the “Verona Manifesto,” the historical declaration with which fascism promoted this process of economic “socialization” to deepen anti-capitalism and autarchism, and in which Italy became known as the “Italian Social Republic.”

On April 22, 1945 in Milan, the Fascist leader would declare the following:

“Our programs are definitely equal to our revolutionary ideas and they belong to what in democratic regime is called “left”; our institutions are a direct result of our programs and our ideal is the Labor State. In this case there can be no doubt: we are the working class in struggle for life and death, against capitalism. We are the revolutionaries in search of a new order. If this is so, to invoke help from the bourgeoisie by waving the red peril is an absurdity. The real scarecrow, the real danger, the threat against which we fight relentlessly, comes from the right. It is not at all in our interest to have the capitalist bourgeoisie as an ally against the threat of the red peril, even at best it would be an unfaithful ally, which is trying to make us serve its ends, as it has done more than once with some success. I will spare words as it is totally superfluous. In fact, it is harmful, because it makes us confuse the types of genuine revolutionaries of whatever hue, with the man of reaction who sometimes uses our very language.”

Six days after these statements, Benito Mussolini would be captured and shot.

This article was republished with permission from El American.


Emmanuel Rincon

Emmanuel Rincón is a lawyer, writer, novelist and essayist. He has won several international literary awards. He is Editor-at-large at El American

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

CULTURE WAR: The Mainstreaming of Pedophilia by Targeting Your Children

“We do not merely destroy our enemies; we change them.” ― George Orwell, 1984

“I hate purity, I hate goodness! I don’t want virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Sadly we have seen the mainstreaming of pedophilia. Most recently we have seen pedophilia:

A pedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to children.

On December 15th, 2019 we posted an article about Democrat is Cenk Uygur who was running to replace California Rep. Katie Hill’s seat, who resigned amid a bi-sexual scandal, after allegations she slept with a congressional staffer and a campaign staffer, and nude photographs of her surfaced on the internet.

Uygur, in a video that was posted on Twitter, which was removed, stated that he would legalize sex with animals.

In other videos Uygur discusses “hot” Dominican women and “scoring women” on how they perform fellatio.

What does homosexuality have to do with child abuse? is a resource on research done on homosexuals and child abuse. lists a 2001 study by the California School of Professional Psychology titled “Comparative data of childhood and adolescence molestation in heterosexual and homosexual persons.” The abstract reads:

In research with 942 nonclinical adult participants, gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation. This research is apparently the first survey that has reported substantial homosexual molestation of girls. Suggestions for future research were offered. [Emphasis added]

The following is a graphic from a CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) online slide presentation, “HIV Surveillance in Adolescents and Young Adults”  breaks down the incidence of HIV among young men ages 13-24. In 2011, an astonishing 94.9 percent of HIV diagnoses among teenage boys (13-19-years-old) were linked to homosexual (“male-to-male”) sex. And 94.1 percent of the cases among young men ages 20-24 were from “gay” sex:

How pedophilia is becoming mainstream

We have reported on efforts by groups such as B4U-ACT and the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) to indoctrinate children into believing that sex with men by children is not only normal but encouraged (watch the two videos below for a history of these groups).

Dr. Judith Reisman in her 2016 column “They’re mainstreaming pedophilia!” wrote:

Alfred Kinsey’s ongoing sexual anarchy campaign has no end in sight.

Matt Barber, associate dean of the Liberty University School of Law, and I attended the “B4U-ACT” pedophile conference Aug. 17 [2015]. To eliminate the “stigma” against pedophiles, this growing sexual anarchist lobby wants the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to redefine pedophilia as a normal sexual orientation of “Minor-Attracted Persons.”

Adhering to the Kinsey principle of lulling “straights” into a false sense of security, pedophile dress was largely conservative – short hair, jackets, some ties and few noticeable male ear piercings.

Matt Barber and I sat in the back of the meeting room among roughly 50 activists and their “mental health” attending female enablers. “Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM: Issues and Controversies,” keynoted “Fred Berlin, M.D., Ph.D., as founder, National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma; Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic.”

However, the sex clinic was initially founded by John Money, Ph.D., to give judges “leeway” to keep child molesters out of jail. Money (deceased), a pedophile advocate, also called for an end to all age-of-consent laws. Dr. Berlin was his disciple.

The Guardian’s Catherine Shoard reports:

On Tuesday [May 22, 2018] a new report from advocacy group GLAAD found only 12.8% of mainstream films featured LGBTQ characters. They have called for the number to rise to 50% by 2024.

Democrats and Hollywood are focused on fundamentally transforming our children into gender confused targets for pedophiles.

Time to stop the sexual exploitation of our most vulnerable, our underage children.

Bottom Line

On August 10th, 2019 reported:

Beyond the main point of the signatures of the founders and main thinkers of the French, postmodern philosophers all demanding that pedophilia be made legal, these guys make a lot of good points.

Also, it is food for thought about how similar the push to make little boys into drag queen strippers for adult men mirrors Afghan Muslim culture.

H/T Xanthippa

So there you have it.

Pedophiles are looking at recruiting the next generation of your children as their perverted sex slaves.

They will brainwash your child into thinking first that he/she are neither just male or female but he and she can choose your gender pronoun at will.

Then they push your children into the LGBTQ+ community where you are then to far along to resist.

If parents and grandparents fail to stop this then our children are lost.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.



Grooming? Woke Schools Brainwash Kids Using the Same Tactics Deployed by Pedophiles

Books Including Adult Sex With Minors Back in Virginia School Library

Pervert from Hell? Man Charged with 600 Counts of Sexual Assault, Incest with Child

Fairfax Public Schools Reinstate Pornographic Books, Citing ‘Diversity’

Public Education: Factories Producing Compliant Global Village Idiots

School CANCELS Event with Islamic Sex Slave Survivor Nadia Murad Saying It Would Offend Muslims

This is what we have been up against for well over a decade.

Sex slavery is sanctioned in Islam. Read more on Islamic Slate sex slaves here….

Islamic doctrines command Muslim men to hate all non-Muslims and to see women—especially infidel women—as little more than sex objects (or, in the words of a Muslim who recently murdered a Christian girl in Pakistan for refusing him sex, “Christian girls are only meant for one thing: the [sexual] pleasure of Muslim men.”

Moreover, Islamic clerics routinely encourage Muslims to migrate to the West and help empower Islam anyway they can—including through propaganda, proselytization, apologetics, births, theft, etc.—and not just through violent jihad. If they do any of these, they technically become jihadis (after all and as the apologists are fond of insisting, jihad literally means “striving” on behalf of Islam.) Thus many Muslim rapists in Europe believe it is their Islamic right and reward to molest and rape infidel women. (more here)

This is no different from what the Islamic State did to millions of girls and women.

Sex slavery and rape of the infidel is sanctioned and rewarded under Islam. Muslim clerics all over the world confirm the right to have sex slaves. It is in the Qur’an — the word of Allah.

Readone sex slave’s account story here.

Canadian school CANCELS event with ISIS survivor Nadia Murad because her harrowing description of torture and rape ‘would be offensive to Muslims and foster Islamophobia’

  • The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is not allowing its students to attend a book club meeting featuring author Nadia Murad
  • Murad’s book details how she escaped the Islamic State, where she was ripped from her home and sold into sexual slavery aged just 14 years old
  • The superintendent Helen Fisher said Muslim students would be offended and the book ‘promotes Islamophobia’
  • Book club founder and TDSB parent Tanya Lee said the book ‘has nothing to do with ordinary Muslims. (TDSB) should be aware of the difference’
  • The Board later issued an apology but still won’t let the students attend the event

By Shannon Thaler For Dailymail.Com, 26 November 2021:

A Canadian school has cancelled an event with ISIS survivor Nadia Murad, saying her visit would be offensive to Muslims and foster ‘Islamophobia’.

Murad was scheduled to sit down with students from the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) – the largest school Board in Canada with nearly 600 schools – to discuss her book The Last Girl: My Story Of Captivity in February 2022.

Murad’s graphic exposé detailed how she escaped the Islamic State, where she was ripped from her home and sold into sexual slavery aged just 14 years old, according to The Telegraph.

She uses the book to talk about how she was raped and tortured before finding her way to a refugee camp in Durhok, in northern Iraq, and then to Germany where she now lives.

The event was cancelled because Superintendent Helen Fisher (pictured) said said it would offend Muslim students and ‘promote Islamophobia’

Nadia Murad (pictured) wrote an exposé detailing how she escaped the Islamic State and was slated to discuss it at a book club event for the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). However, the event was cancelled because Superintendent Helen Fisher (right) said said it would offend Muslim students and ‘promote Islamophobia’

In her book (pictured), Murad talks about how she was raped and tortured before finding her way to a refugee camp in Durhok, in northern Iraq, and then to Germany where she now lives

In her book (pictured), Murad talks about how she was raped and tortured before finding her way to a refugee camp in Durhok, in northern Iraq, and then to Germany where she now lives

But before the event could happen the superintendent of the Board Helen Fisher said that her students would not participate.

She has since issued an apology but refused to allow her students to attend.

Fisher expressed that she believed the book would ‘promote Islamophobia’ and cited how offensive the book was to her Muslim students as her reason for cancelling the event.

The decision enraged TDSB parent Tanya Lee, who wrote an email to the superintendent about the decision.

Lee also founded the book club – called A Room Of Your Own Book Club – which allows teen girls aged 13 to 18 from secondary schools around the country to hear from female authors, and was hosting the event set to feature Murad.

‘This is what the Islamic State means. It is a terrorist organization. It has nothing to do with ordinary Muslims. The Toronto school board should be aware of the difference,’ she wrote, as reported by The Telegraph.

The next day Lee told the news site that Fisher sent her a copy of the school board’s policy on selecting fair, culturally-relevant reading materials, which a TDSB spokesperson said was ‘a misunderstanding’.

‘The equity department does not review and approve books for book clubs,’ they added.

The Board later issued a statement stating they ‘wanted to provide some clarification’.

‘An opinion that did not reflect the position of the Toronto District School Board was shared with the organizer of the book club prior to staff having an opportunity to read the books – something that is routinely done before giving them to students,’ it read.

The statement added that ‘staff are currently reading’ the book and the Board ‘sincerely apologizes to Ms Murad (who) has powerful stories to tell,’ adding that they ‘believe students would learn a great deal (from)’.

Murad was captured by the Islamic State aged 14 and went on to become a leading advocate for survivors of genocide and sexual violence, a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and a UN Goodwill Ambassador (Murad pictured visiting her village for the first time after being captured by the Islamic State in 2017)

Murad was captured by the Islamic State aged 14 and went on to become a leading advocate for survivors of genocide and sexual violence, a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and a UN Goodwill Ambassador (Murad pictured visiting her village for the first time after being captured by the Islamic State in 2017)

Murad became the first woman from Iraq to win the Nobel Peace Prize for her activism in speaking out against abuse and sexual violence (pictured during the award ceremony in 2018)

Murad is a leading advocate for survivors of genocide and sexual violence also became a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and UN Goodwill Ambassador.

Lee, who opened the book club up to young girls from the UK, told The Telegraph: ‘The book club event for A Room Of Your Own Book Club with Nadia Murad will go ahead across Canada in February.

‘The TDSB has not committed to letting their students attend. This is unfortunate for all involved. A great loss to the students, community, and educators at the TDSB.’

However, this isn’t the first time Fisher banned a book from a book club event.

Back in October, A Room Of Your Own Book Club featured author and lawyer Marie Henein, who defended Canadian radio host Jian Ghomeshi while he was being faced with sexual assault charges.

Although Ghomeshi was acquitted on all charges in 2016, the TDSB sill refused to let its students attend the event.

In response, dozens of users took to Twitter to express their fiery discontent towards TDSB’s decision.

One user referred to when Holocaust survivors spoke to TDSB schools and sarcastically said: ‘I guess all the Holocaust survivors who have spoken at schools were promoting hatred of Germans – any response to your idiotic position on Nadia Murad???’

Meanwhile, another user said the school’s choice to cancel Murad’s event is ‘sad (because) she is being de-platformed’.

Yet another response said the decision is the ‘opposite’ of cancel culture, ‘where incompetent professionals face no consequences for bungling their jobs, because their errors are seen as being committed in the (nominal) service of social justice’.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Parents Upset As Schools Force Kids Nationwide To Undergo Mandatory Quarantines After Nearly Two Years Of COVID Precautions

Some parents from Michigan, Arizona, and Pennsylvania told the Daily Caller that their children are forced to undergo mandatory quarantines with no virtual learning options, despite evidence that schools pose few transmission risks. Many parents expressed fatigue over the nearly two years of COVID-19 precautions in schools.

Brighton Area Schools, a district in suburban Detroit, is requiring students under the age of 12 to quarantine for 14 days if they are exposed to a COVID-positive student, according to a letter from the district’s superintendent obtained by the Daily Caller. Jennifer Smith, a mother with three children in the district, told the Daily Caller that there are no virtual learning options for children placed in mandatory quarantine.

On Nov. 1, Brighton Area Schools announced that they waived mandatory quarantines for most middle and high school students, though not for students in sixth grade or below. According to the district’s correspondence, deciding whether to waive quarantines for younger students will be contingent on “the availability of vaccines for the 5-11 year old population.”

Brighton Area Schools allow parents to choose whether their child wears a face mask or not, according to district policy, though mandatory quarantines for healthy children are still in place.

Smith told the Daily Caller that her nine-year-old child began a 28-day “healthy child quarantine” on Oct. 19. She received an email on Nov. 9 from Hornung Elementary School informing parents that all classes would go virtual on Nov. 10 due to “an unexplained rise in COVID-19 cases among students” following Halloween. The closure was suggested by the Livingston County Health Department.

CLICK HERE FOR: Screenshot/Email from Brighton Area Schools

According to a testimony from a Livingston County Health Department official, school districts make their own rules regarding quarantine, testing, and masking policies, though the county health department offers data and advice.

The Michigan mother said that her son went from Oct. 19 to Nov. 10 with no virtual school option, and was only offered virtual classes when the entire elementary school shut down. Smith said that she is “extremely upset” as she had “no choice” but to take off work and “go without pay.”

Brighton Area School District did not respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment.

Parents nationwide told the Daily Caller that they are concerned about learning losses, and some are concerned about the effects learning loss will have on students of color or lower socio-economic status.

Data from 2020 bear out the points that schools are not driving infections and school closures or learning losses are disproportionately hurting minority students. A study of 4.4 million students found that test scores of black, Hispanic, and poor children took the biggest hit when students were not in school. A large study from Oct. 2020 found that schools aren’t large vectors of infection.

Mandatory quarantines — and their effects — are not specific to Michigan. Mother Nicole Eidson told the Daily Caller that quarantines are also taking place in the Chandler Unified School District (CUSD) in Arizona.

According to CUSD’s COVID policy, quarantining students is “required by the Maricopa County Department of Public Health” when a student comes in “close contact” with a student who is COVID-positive. The district’s website states that quarantined students receive “Google classroom assignments and/or activities,” though Eidson noted that children do not receive any teacher instruction during quarantine.

“There may be schools or teachers that are still teaching the quarantined kids, but there are some that are not as well,” Eidson said.

Chandler Unified School District did not respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment.

Guidelines for K-12 quarantines in some states specifically target those who are unvaccinated. Washington State’s Department of Health guidelines for K-12 schools states that quarantines are only for those who are unvaccinated. This includes 5-11 year olds who are now eligible for a vaccine under the FDA’s emergency use authorization.

Florida, under guidance from Gov. Ron DeSantis, took a different approach. Students are no longer required to quarantine if they’re exposed to COVID-19 and are asymptomatic, according to NPR.

Some school districts are moving towards “Test to Stay” programs, wherein students who come in close contact with a COVID-positive peer can get consecutively tested to remain in school. Souderton Area School District in Pennsylvania is set to implement the program on Nov. 29, according to a local news outlet.

Superintendent Frank Gallagher said he is hopeful that the “Test to Stay” program will allow “exposed students to stay in school instead of quarantining at home.”

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is considering promoting similar “Test to Stay” programs, according to U.S. News.




RELATED ARTICLE: Arizona School Board, Police Coordinated To Spy On, Arrest Concerned Parents

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Company Contrast: Parler vs. Facebook

Each week 2ndVote takes a look at popular companies that either score well or score poorly  and then try to provide alternatives that either better align with the 2ndVote values or should be avoided to the best of your ability. This series is called The Company Contrast, and the company we will be focusing on this week is Parler, which gets a 2ndVote score of 3.08.

Parler is an American social networking service that believes in the basic right of free speech. Here users have the freedom to say what’s on their mind; be it supporting their chosen political candidate or criticizing the extreme liberal left and they can do so without their content being taken down or censored. In their company policy they state that their “mission is to create a social platform in the spirit of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.” – Parler

When looking to connect with your community over social media, look to Parler or other alternatives to the mainstream tech giants such as Facebook (1.00).

Facebook, which receives a 2ndVote score of 1.00, clearly has no respect for the basic freedoms of Americans. On numerous occasions, Facebook has supported organizations such as the Center for American Progress which has worked to strip down our first amendment right by opposing religious liberties and RFRA laws. The company itself has even directly stopped free speech by censoring and banning users it doesn’t like, such as the former President, Donald Trump. We urge you to stop using Facebook’s platform and, if you feel compelled, send them a letter through our website demanding that they change these un-American policies.

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

GOP Rep. Cammack: Omarova ‘Not Fit to Be Our Banking Nominee’

Republican senators sound alarm on Biden bank nominee

Friday on Fox Business Network’s Varney & Company, Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) reacted to five Democrat senators reportedly opposing President Joe Biden’s nomination of radical Saule Omarova as the Comptroller of the Currency, saying the Marxist philosophy of the banking nominee makes her “not fit” for the job.

“The thing about this administration that baffles me — I truly do not know where their heads are at. They are so far removed from reality. It’s concerning,” Cammack stated. “You know when you have someone, and I think about Senator Kennedy’s remarks when he addressed her, ‘is it professor or comrade?’ Her philosophies are rooted in Marxism. She is not fit to be our banking nominee.”

“But, again, it’s just like the typical Biden administration that we’ve seen over the last 11 months,” she continued. “They are willing to put everything on the line, consequences be damned, because they believe that they are somehow virtuous in pursuing this ultra-progressive, leftist ideology. But we see that their policies are hurting America. We know that this banking nominee will only exacerbate these problems.

“It’s pretty simple,” she concluded. “I know I have a minor in economics, not a major and certainly not a master’s or a Ph.D., but I can tell you this — when government spends more, people like you and me and everyone around the country, we have less in our pockets. It’s really that simple.”

Saule Omarova

3 Known Connections

In a March 2021 interview which was part of the Jain Family Institute’s Social Wealth Seminar series, Omarova, while discussing “troubled industries and firms that are in transitioning,” bluntly declared that the destruction of the oil, gas, and coal industries would be essential for the protection of the natural environment. “And here what I’m thinking about is primarily coal industry and oil and gas industry,” she said. “A lot of the smaller players in that industry are, uh, going to probably, uh, go bankrupt in, in, in short order, at least we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change, right?” On another occasion, Omarova put it this way: “In order to prevent climate change, we have to bankrupt all the coal, oil, and gas companies.”

In May 2021, Omarova was named a Senior Berggruen Fellow at the Berggruen Institute, a Los Angeles-based think tank which believes that both capitalism and democracy are “faltering” institutions in need of “great transformations.”

To learn more about Saule Omarova, click here.

RELATED VIDEO: Steve Moore breaks down damaging effects of Biden economic policies

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Approval COLLAPSES To Single Digit

Biden’s approval ratings are in collapse amid the highest inflation in 31 years, which has driven up the costs of everything from turkey dinners to gas, and he’s increasingly been greeted with vulgar gestures and chants even when visiting deep-blue states.

Americans welcomed Biden with a big middle finger when he arrived at the elite billionaire’s haven of Nantucket for his Maria Antoinette feast..

Biden approval hits single digit: Nantucket man reportedly gives POTUS the finger

By Steven Nelson November 25, 2021:

President Biden’s approval ratings have been epically low, but on a Thanksgiving Day stop at a New England Coast Guard station they suddenly reached the single digits.

A Nantucket man presented Biden’s motorcade with the middle finger Thursday as the unpopular commander in chief made the holiday stop during his stay at a billionaire’s island compound.

Biden’s approval ratings are in collapse amid the highest inflation in 31 years, which has driven up the costs of everything from turkey dinners to gas, and he’s increasingly been greeted with vulgar gestures and chants even when visiting deep-blue states.

White House pool reporter Zolan Kanno-Youngs of the New York Times wrote that there was a generally friendly welcome when Biden’s motorcade made the visit but that reporters “did spot one gentleman standing on his porch giving the middle finger to the presidential motorcade as we neared the coast guard station.”

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden greet military service members.

President Biden was accompanied by first lady Jill Biden.

Other spectators gave the thumbs up and applauded. “One person appeared to [be] wearing a dinosaur costume. A couple people wore turkey hats,” according to a pool report.

Biden and first lady Jill exchanged niceties with sailors at the station before returning to their vacation home, which is owned by billionaire David Rubenstein.

A group of people cheering as Biden’s motorcade passed by on their way to the United States Coast Guard Station Brant Point in Nantucket.

A group of people cheering as Biden’s motorcade passed by on their way to the United States Coast Guard Station Brant Point in Nantucket.

People cheering for the Bidens in Nantucket.

People cheering for the Bidens in Nantucket.

The president presented Coast Guard members with “challenge coins” that some members of the military collect to commemorate their service.

“I’m not joking when I say I’m thankful for these guys – I’m thankful for them, and everybody, I mean it from the bottom of my heart,” the president said of the Coast Guard members when asked what he’s thankful for.

“I’ve watched them in the South China Sea, I’ve watched them in Afghanistan, Iraq. I’ve watched them in South America … Wherever they are. People wonder what America is? [inaudible] Look and see them. That’s who they see. They don’t see us here. They see them. It makes me proud.”

Jill Biden told the group that the first family planned to attend the Massachusetts island’s Christmas tree lighting ceremony on Friday.
Joe Biden.

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden exchanged niceties with sailors at the station before returning to their vacation home.

This year, inflation has driven the cost of the classic Thanksgiving dinner of turkey and sides up 14 percent, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation.

The US Department of Agriculture said last week that the cost of Thanksgiving foods such as turkey, sweet potatoes, green beans, milk and potatoes was only up 5 percent on average. Its unclear why the tally was lower than the private-sector estimate.

Biden has received ugly welcomes during other recent trips to the heavily Democratic Northeast.

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden meet military service members.

The first family plans to attend Nantucket’s Christmas tree lighting ceremony on Friday.

In September, North Jersey residents heckled Biden and also gave his motorcade middle fingers. “Resign, you tyrant!” one man shouted as Biden toured a storm-damaged neighborhood.

And last month, Biden told a child on a Connecticut playground that “I like kids better than people” — as a crowd nearby bellowed “F–k Joe Biden!”

Former President Trump also regularly drove past protesters. In 2017, a DC resident memorably “mooned” Trump’s motorcade as he made a trip up Connecticut Avenue from the White House.

RELATED ARTICLE: Dow posts biggest single-day drop this year as new COVID-19 variant triggers market sell-off

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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‘Build Back Better’ Communism Act Offers Media Billions To Go After Republicans

This is the real life version of Ayn Rand’s “Anti-Dog-Eat-Dog Rule” is the very definition of heavy handed, top-down government regulation. It’s no wonder Rand, America’s greatest philosopher and political theorist is banned in colleges.

Build Back Better Act Offers Media Billions To Go After Republicans

By Daniel Greenfield Nov 24, 2021

Biden claims that the Build Back Better Act will help ordinary Americans, but the legislation, like so much in Washington D.C., is a collection of pork for corrupt special interests. One of those special interests is the media which suppressed negative stories about Biden and the Democrats, like the FBI investigation of Hunter Biden, while promoting disinformation, like the Steele Dossier, targeting President Trump: Biden’s opponent in the presidential election.

The media operates like a Democrat messaging operation and its partisanship has undermined its business model, especially for local news outlets which, unlike major national outlets, cannot simply ignore their existing readers and viewers to focus exclusively on radical urban leftists.

Congressional Democrats, with the complicity of some Republicans, had previously proposed media subsidy schemes that included tax credits for media companies, tax breaks for subscribing to papers, and even a $5,000 tax credit for taking out an ad in the local paper.

The media subsidy scheme in Biden’s Build Back Better Act offers $1.9 billion to the media with a payroll tax credit covering 50% of salaries, as much as $25,000, for the Democrat propagandists on media company payrolls, and another 30% over the next four years.

While the Democrats claim that this $1.9 billion special interest giveaway to the media is helping “local news”, it’s capped at 1,500 employees. The Washington Post has only a little over 1,000 “journalists” on its payroll. The legislation is written in a typically convoluted fashion, so it’s not altogether clear if the premier propaganda outlet of the Democrats, owned by the richest man in the country, would qualify for these subsidies at a time when Americans are struggling to get by.

Lest there be any doubt that the so-called “local journalism” provision is a State Media scheme to subsidize hit pieces on Republicans, Democrats explained that’s exactly what it’s there for.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer touted the ability of “local journalism” to stop Republican candidates like  Edward Durr, a truck driver who spent $153 to defeat New Jersey Senate boss Steve Sweeney: the biggest Democrat power broker in the state.

“There was no opportunity for local media to provide even basic information about the candidates,” Rep. Blumenauer whined. “The guy would never have been elected if he had gotten any scrutiny at all.” By scrutiny, the leftist Democrat means hit pieces, of the kind that the media belatedly began generating after the truck driver’s unexpected election night win.

Give the media $1.9 billion in subsidies and they can stop the next truck driver from beating their Senate boss through lies, smears, intimidation, and disinformation campaigns.

If this dirty deal were any more corrupt, it would be taking place in a brothel.

But Democrats are not just relying on the innate biases of the media. One of the biggest dark money investments of their political machines have been fake news local operations.

Democrat groups like Report for America and Courier Newsroom have embedded subsidized reporters and created fake local news outlets to push leftist agendas. Report for America is funded by the usual Democrats megadonors, the Ford Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and the Knight Foundation, as well as by Big Tech monopolies like Google and Facebook.

Courier Newsroom, backed by the controversial Acronym/Pacronym network, had begun generating fake local news sites for the 2020 election with names like “UpNorth News” in Wisconsin. It’s being rebooted with the backing of George Soros and LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman who had previously been caught pushing fake news through the Alabama Project.

The Alabama Project had, in its own words, targeted the state’s Senate election, by having “orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ operation that planted the idea that the Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet.”

The LinkedIn co-founder apologized, claimed that he knew nothing and that it would never happen again. And here he is, alongside Soros, backing Good Information Inc. which will fund non-profit propaganda media and invest in for-profit media that pushes its political agenda.

Good Information Inc., is just a rebooted version of Courier Newsroom’s fake news network.

The Build Back Better Act’s $1.9 billion media subsidy isn’t just funding an industry aligned with the Democrats, but one that has become a false flag operation for its messaging apparatus.

The Dems might just as well add $1.9 billion in subsidies for their own political consultants.

The connection between the media’s political fake news operations and the pork isn’t even being disguised.

CNN’s Brian Stelter quotes “Report for America co-founder Steven Waldman, who has helped lead the drive for the tax credit”, saying, “It’s a huge breakthrough for local news if it becomes law.” Report for America is indeed vocally advocating for the Democrat media subsidy. And it would be a “huge breakthrough” if part of the cost of Democrat messaging operations were being subsidized by American taxpayers freeing Dem megadonors to wage war elsewhere.

But the core business model of the leftist machine has been to not simply establish political operations that can swing elections, but figuring out how to make them into permanent taxpayer-funded features of public life so they can move on to their next “startup”.

Waldman, like CNN and Report for America, not to mention many of RFA’s megadonors, operate out of New York City. Their interest isn’t in local news, it’s in winning elections. Local elections are now routinely swung by rivers of cash coming out of New York and California. Not satisfied with using billions to rig local elections in places they would never visit, they want American taxpayers to subsidize their political activists and their fake news operations.

The media has gone to work telling Americans that giving them billions is actually a wonderful idea in the ultimate example of a conflict of interest. What the media neglects to mention is that its outlets are facing hard financial times because they have alienated two thirds of their audience. Unable to convince Americans to watch, read, and pay for their lies, they’re now resorting to extracting the money through the politicians they’ve been working to elect.

The same radical shift in the media that alienated its readers and viewers also vested the industry with the political power to steal billions from Americans and put it in their pockets.

The media is no longer an independent industry, it’s an arm of the ruling party.

The $1.9 million in media subsidies is a timely reminder that the only thing that the trillions in special interest pork are actually “building back better” is the Democrat Party.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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ALMOST NONE of the 82,000 Afghans Airlifted From Kabul in August Were Vetted Before Coming to the U.S.

My latest in PJ Media:

Back in September, Old Joe Biden’s teleprompter offered some reassurance to the American people: “Planes taking off from Kabul are not flying directly to the United States. They’re landing at U.S. military bases and transit centers around the world. At these sites where they are landing, we are conducting thorough scrutiny — security screenings for everyone who is not a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident.” Will it really surprise you, after ten months of this hard-Left, habitually dishonest administration, to discover that he was lying?

The reality is that almost none of the 82,000 Afghans who are now in the United States after being airlifted out of Kabul in August were vetted first. There could be any number of jihad terrorists and other criminals among them, but there is no way to know for sure until they actually commit crimes. Until then, celebrate diversity!

This revelation comes from a memo that Senate Republicans drafted in October, in which, according to a Wednesday report in the Washington Examiner, “senior officials across the departments of Homeland Security, Defense, State, and Justice described a disastrous screening and vetting process.” This process relied completely on databases of criminals and terrorists, which were incomplete in the best of times and even less useful in the chaotic situation of the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden administration officials accepted at face value what these Afghan evacuees told them about themselves, without making any effort at all to check whether or not the evacuees’ claims were true.

What’s more, the Examiner reports that “the large majority of people, approximately 75%, evacuated were not American citizens, green card holders, Afghan Special Immigrant Visa holders, or applicants for the visa.” The Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) was given to Afghans who aided U.S. forces during our twenty-year misadventure in the country. As bad as the 75% figures was, it represented a slight improvement over the situation at the beginning of September, when Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted that “of the 60,000 Afghans who have entered the U.S., nearly 8,000 are either U.S. citizens or residents, while about 1,800 are SIV holders, having obtained visas after assisting the U.S. military.” That is, 52,000, or 86 percent, were not U.S. citizens or SIV holders. However, Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) noted in early November that as of the beginning of October, only 700 of the 82,000 Afghans who had already been brought to the United States had SIVs.

Biden himself wasn’t the only one who promised that the Afghans they were bringing into the United States by the thousands would be thoroughly vetted. State Department wonk Ned Price was just as firm: “Before anyone who is evacuated from Afghanistan comes to this country, they undergo a rigorous vet. Unless and until they complete that vet they will not be in a position to come to the U.S.”

There is more. Read the rest here.


New York: Muslim aids Islamic State, says ‘there will come a time where people will only know to say Allahu Akbar’

Biden Administration Didn’t Actually Bother Vetting Afghan Refugees

India, November 26, 2008: Islamic Jihadis Execute Mumbai Jihad Massacres, Apologists Claimed It Was Hindu Terror

Germany: Refugees from Muslim countries protest call to prayer, they had to listen to it while being tortured

EDIORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Black Identity Extremists are the real ‘Supremacists’ and Here’s Why [+Videos]

“Black crime and violence against whites, gays, women, seniors, young people and lots of others is astronomically out of proportion.” – Colin Flaherty, from Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The Hoax of Black Victimization and How We Enable It.

I keep hearing the Biden administration, politicians, the media and social media pushing the idea that the real domestic terrorists threat is “white supremacy.” So where is it?

What about the domestic terrorist threat of “black supremacy?” Where is it?

The August 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, was the catalyst for widespread anger, violence, looting and rioting. Why?

Here’s the key reason and a clear example of why we have lawlessness in black communities. On November 23, 2021 Luke Gentile  from the Washington Examiner  in a column titled “‘Looting’ deemed racist term, California experiencing ‘organized robbery’” reported:

What happened in California this weekend when over $1 million in luxury goods were stolen was not “looting,” authorities said.

Calling it “looting” might be racist, they said.

Instead, what happened was “organized robbery,” according to a spokesperson for the San Diego Police Department.

San Diego officials are not alone in this sentiment.

Guess who was doing the “organized robbery” (a.k.a. looting) in San Diego? Watch and see just who these organized robbers were at La Mesa Springs Shopping Center in San Diego:

Should anyone get a pass on stealing? Is looting a racist term or not? Looting is stealing and is wrong.

Over my lifetime I have seen great damage done to black families. Today there is the cancer called single motherhood, especially in black families.

The Kids Count Data Center reported that in 2019 there were 5,988,000 black/African American single mother homes or 64% of all black/African American families. Compare this to 24% for Non-Hispanic white single parent families.

CLICK HERE FOR THE: Children in single-parent families by race in the United States data.

Do you see the real root cause of the problems in the black community now? Sadly, there is no father in the majority of black homes in America to instill the character, morality and discipline in black children. But you say public schools can help! But it’s public schools that teach Critical Race Theory which teaches black children to hate others and creates the next generation of extremists.

Black Lives Matter/Black Identity Extremists (BLM/BIE)

Let’s go from what happened in San Diego, California on the weekend of November 20-21, 2021 to a report published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on August 3rd, 2017.

In their August 3rd, 2017 report titled “Black Identity Extremists [BIE] Likely Motivated to Target Law Enforcement Officers” the FBI warned,

“The FBI assesses it is very likely that BIEs’ perceptions of unjust treatment of African Americans and the perceived unchallenged illegitimate actions of law enforcement will inspire premeditated attacks against law enforcement over the next year. This may also lead to an increase in BIE group memberships, collaboration among BIE groups, or the appearance of additional violent lone offenders motivated by BIE rhetoric. The FBI further assesses it is very likely additional controversial police shootings of African Americans and the associated legal proceedings will continue to serve as drivers for violence against law enforcement. The FBI assesses it is likely police officers of minority groups are also targeted by BIEs because they are also representative of a perceived oppressive law enforcement system.”

And so it has come to be. It was Black Lives Matter (BLM) that has pushed the idea of defunding the police to create anarchy and the opportunity to organize robberies without consequences.

Blacks are no longer the oppressed they are now the supremacists

Watch the sights and sounds from the protest in downtown San Diego on Sunday, May 31st, 2021 below.  The crowd is shouting the name of George Floyd, who was a convicted felon, thief and drug dealer.

Do you hear how black adults are idolizing a criminal?

The only race in America that actually embraces and celebrates crime are blacks!

Their children are learning that not only crime is okay but committing crimes can make you a martyr.

Do you now understand the major social and cultural problems in the black community?

The message is that if you are black you can say and do anything without consequences. You get a race card good for looting, rioting, murder, mayhem and civil unrest.

For Black Identity Extremists the ends justify the means.

Bottom Line

On March 12th, 2015 wrote a column titled “Remembering Selma, But Ignoring Black Violence.” Alan wrote:

The pat answer for black complaints about events these days is “white racism.” One rarely, if ever, reads or hears anything about black racism, but if you ask, many blacks will acknowledge it.

Alan noted:

In 2013, Colin Flaherty published “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.” His new book, “Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The Hoax of Black Victimization and How We Enable It,” was published in February. It picks up from where the first book left off, filled with hundreds of stories of black-on-white violence that, as often as not, did not receive much attention.

By contrast, when a black youth is killed as in the cases of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, the media ignored the violence that led to it. The Department of Justice (DOJ) and local investigations found that both killings were self-defense. Even questions of whether the youth’s civil rights were abused found that they were not.

In early March an 86-page DOJ report about the shooting of Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, confirmed that Darren Wilson, a white police officer, acted in self-defense. Also in February, a DOJ report exonerated George Zimmerman, a white man, for shooting Martin. When a case was brought against him in Florida in July 2013, the jury acquitted him.

The most recent case is the shooting on Saturday, March 7, of Tony Robinson in Madison, Wisconsin. The 19-year-old black youth was shot as the result of an altercation with a white police officer. News reports stressed Robinson was “unarmed”, but downplayed the fact that the veteran officer had been struck in the head and knocked down. Also largely unreported was that Robinson had pled guilty last year to armed robbery and was serving a three-year probation term.

At what point do we begin to ask why black youths are behaving in this fashion toward police officers? Theirs is a culture in serious trouble.

Race has played a role in American history from the day when the first indentured African was brought here in 1654, up to and after the Civil War that was fought to end the slave trade, and through to current times when, based on all the laws that have been passed to protect everyone’s civil rights, one might think that the problems associated with race would have been resolved.

The problems haven’t been resolved because too much animosity exists and, too frequently, as Flaherty documents, it is black animosity toward whites.

Most people, both white and black, wish this would end.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Film underscores Democrat manipulation of African-American community


Black Lives Matter Proclaims Thanksgiving Is A Holiday Of ‘Colonization’ On ‘Stolen Land’

Black Lives Don’t Matter to the Teachers Unions

George Floyd’s Brother Says “Not Just Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter”

Enough with the Black Lives Matter Nonsense

EDITORS NOTE: To read more columns on black violence in America click here.

The Cobra Effect: Lessons in Unintended Consequences

Human beings react to every rule, regulation, and order governments impose, and their reactions result in outcomes that can be quite different than the outcomes lawmakers intended.

Every human decision brings with it unintended consequences. Often, they are inconsequential, even funny. When Airbus, for example, wanted to make its planes quieter to improve the flying experience for travelers, it made its A380 so quiet that passengers could hear, with far too much clarity, what was happening in the plane’s bathrooms. Other times unintended consequences have far-reaching, dramatic effects. The US health care system is a case in point. It emerged in its present form in no small part because of two governmental decisions.

First, wage and price controls during World War II caused employers to add health insurance as an employee benefit. Why? The law prohibited employers from raising wages, so to attract workers, they offered to provide health insurance. Then, in 1951, Congress declared that employer-provided health insurance benefits would not count as taxable income. This made it cheaper for employees to take raises in the form of increased tax-free insurance benefits rather than in the form of increased taxable wages.

Consequently, not only do workers now receive health insurance through their employers (unlike, for example, their car and home insurance), but those insurance plans also tend to be more luxurious than what they would have been had Congress never given them special tax treatment. These two political decisions helped to create the health care system we now have, a system that nearly everyone agrees is broken.

No one set out to create a broken system, no more than anyone ever set out to make bathroom noises more conspicuous on airplanes. These were unintended consequences. And you can see them everywhere when you know to look.

Unintended consequences happen so often that economists call them “Cobra Problems,” after one of the most interesting examples.

In colonial India, Delhi suffered a proliferation of cobras, which was a problem very clearly in need of a solution given the sorts of things that cobras bring, like death. To cut the number of cobras slithering through the city, the local government placed a bounty on them. This seemed like a perfectly reasonable solution. The bounty was generous enough that many people took up cobra hunting, which led exactly to the desired outcome: The cobra population decreased. And that’s where things get interesting.

As the cobra population fell and it became harder to find cobras in the wild, people became rather entrepreneurial. They started raising cobras in their homes, which they would then kill to collect the bounty as before. This led to a new problem: Local authorities realized that there were very few cobras evident in the city, but they nonetheless were still paying the bounty to the same degree as before.

City officials did a reasonable thing: They canceled the bounty. In response, the people raising cobras in their homes also did a reasonable thing: They released all of their now-valueless cobras back into the streets. Who wants a house full of cobras?

In the end, Delhi had a bigger cobra problem after the bounty ended than it had before it began. The unintended consequence of the cobra eradication plan was an increase in the number of cobras in the streets. This case has become the exemplar of when an attempt to solve a problem ends up exacerbating the very problem that rule-makers intended to fix.

There is, of course, nothing special about cobras. The same sort of thing happened in the late 1980s in Mexico City, which was at the time suffering from extreme air pollution caused by cars driven by its 18 million residents. The city government responded with Hoy No Circula, a law designed to reduce car pollution by removing 20 percent of the cars (determined by the last digits of license plates) from the roads every day during the winter when air pollution was at its worst. Oddly, though, removing those cars from the roads did not improve air quality in Mexico City. In fact, it made it worse.

Come to find out, people’s needs do not change as a result of a simple government decree. The residents of Mexico City might well have wanted better air for their city, but they also needed to get to work and school. They reacted to the ban in ways the rule-makers neither intended nor foresaw.

Some people carpooled or took public transportation, which was the actual intent of the law. Others, however, took taxis, and the average taxi at the time gave off more pollution than the average car. Another group of people ended up undermining the law’s intent more significantly. That group bought second cars, which of course came with different license plate numbers, and drove those cars on the one day a week they were prohibited from driving their regular cars. What kind of cars did they buy? The cheapest running vehicles they could find, vehicles that belched pollution into the city at a rate far higher than the cars they were not permitted to drive. The people released their cobras into the streets, except this time the cobras were cars.

These examples of unintended consequences aren’t aberrations. Unintended consequences arise every time an authority imposes its will on people. Seat belt and airbag laws make it less safe to be a pedestrian or cyclist by making it safer for drivers to be less cautious. Payday lending laws, intended to protect low-income borrowers from high lending rates, make it more expensive for low-income borrowers to borrow by forcing them into even more expensive alternatives.

Requirements that corporations publicize how much they pay their CEOs in order to encourage stockholders to reduce CEO pay resulted in lesser-paid CEOs demanding more pay. Three-strikes laws, intended to reduce crime, increase police fatalities by giving two-time criminals a greater incentive to evade or even fight the police. The Americans With Disabilities Act gives employers an incentive to discriminate against the disabled by not hiring them in the first place so as to avoid potential ADA claims. Electrician licensing requirements can increase the incidence of injury due to faulty electrical work by reducing the supply of electricians, thereby encouraging homeowners to do their own electrical work.

But perhaps nothing illustrates the scope of the potential problems arising from unintended consequences better than Venezuela’s terrible game of whack-a-mole that began with the 1976 nationalization of its oil industry. The government’s intent was to keep oil profits in the country. And that’s how it went—for a while.

But when the government takes over a once-private industry, the profit incentive to maintain physical capital is lost, and physical capital deteriorates. The deterioration plays out over a decade or so, and that’s what made it appear—at least for a while—that unlike everywhere else socialism had been tried, Venezuela’s socialism was working. But as the oil industry’s physical capital broke down, oil production fell. Coincidentally, it was around this time that oil prices fell also—a fact socialism’s supporters point to as the real culprit.

That is without question incorrect given that no other oil-producing nation suffered what Venezuela was to suffer.

As oil revenues and production plummeted, Venezuela’s government acted the way governments inevitably do when revenues disappear. It borrowed and taxed as much as it could, and then it started printing money. The printing led to the unintended consequence of inflation, then prices rose so high that people could no longer afford food. To respond to this unintended consequence, the government imposed price controls on food. But this created a new unintended consequence wherein farmers could no longer afford to grow food. And so the farmers stopped growing food. Finally, the government forced people to work on farms in order to assure food production.

The ultimate unintended consequence of Venezuela’s nationalizing its oil industry was slavery.

None of this means there is no place for legislation. What it does mean is that lawmakers should be keenly aware that every human action has both intended and unintended consequences. Human beings react to every rule, regulation, and order governments impose, and their reactions result in outcomes that can be quite different than the outcomes lawmakers intended. So while there is a place for legislation, that place should be one defined by both great caution and tremendous humility. Sadly, these are character traits not often found in those who become legislators, which is why examples of the cobra problem are so easy to find.


Antony Davies

Dr. Antony Davies is the Milton Friedman Distinguished Fellow at FEE, associate professor of economics at Duquesne University, and co-host of the podcast, Words & Numbers.

James R. Harrigan

James R. Harrigan is and the F.A. Hayek Distinguished Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education and Senior Editor at the American Institute for Economic Research. He is also co-host of the Words & Numbers podcast.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

California Effectively Ends Fracking, Cites ‘Urgent Climate Effects’

California has gradually weaned itself off fossil fuel fracking well ahead of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s 2024 ban of the oil and gas extraction method.

The California Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM), the agency that oversees new permits, has denied 109 new permits from fossil fuel firms this year, according to Department of Conservation data. State regulators have approved just 12 permits in 2021, the most recent of which came in February.

Uduak-Joe Ntuk, the state’s oil and gas supervisor, said he couldn’t approve new fracking grants “in good conscience” in a September letter to the energy firm Aera Energy, The Associated Press reported. Ntuk cited the “increasingly urgent climate effects of fossil-fuel production” and “the continuing impacts of climate change and hydraulic fracturing on public health and natural resources.”

“Unfortunately, the State of California continues to take arbitrary actions that deliver little positive benefits for our fight against climate change but imposes big impacts on Californians – to our finances, to our freedoms, essentially to how we live and work every day,” Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA) President and CEO Catherine Reheis-Boyd said in a statement last month.

“Real solutions do not come through arbitrary bans, mandates, and the whim of elected leaders,” she said.

On Oct. 8, the WSPA sued the Newsom administration over the mass denial of fracking permits. One month earlier, the Kern County Board of Supervisors also filed suit, challenging the state’s authority to ban access to oil and gas resources, according to The Bakersfield Californian.

“The decisions (Newsom) has made to unilaterally come after the oil and gas industry in violation of standing rules and standing law, that’s been established by the state Legislature, has been a gross overreach of his power,” Board Chairman Phillip Peters said after the suit was filed in September.

In April, Newsom ordered CalGEM to end new fracking permits by January 2024. He also asked the California Air Resources Board to conduct an analysis of how the state could completely wean off fossil fuel extraction by 2045.

The governor said the state “needs to move beyond oil.”

“In California, this is an industry that is used to getting its way,” Hollin Kretzmann, a senior attorney at environmental group the Center for Biological Diversity, told The San Francisco Chronicle on Tuesday. “It is a sign that the tide is starting to turn, and the state is starting to prioritize public health and the environment over the profits of the oil industry.”

While California’s crude oil consumption has stayed level over the last several decades, it has become more reliant on foreign producers, state data showed. More than half of the state’s oil over the last ten years was imported.

Meanwhile, gasoline prices, which are tied to the cost of oil, have surged nationwide to multi-year highs, according to the Energy Information Administration. California has experienced the largest increase with prices hitting $4.79 per gallon on average.



Energy and environmental reporter. Follow Thomas on Twitter


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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

U.S. Covid-19 Deaths in 2021 Far Surpasses 2020’s – When There was No Vaccine

More critical data the mad-with-power Democrats are withholding from the American people – that and the fact that the original COVID is all but gone. These vaccine variants are spreading like wildfire.

U.S. Covid-19 Deaths in 2021 Surpass 2020’s

Pandemic continues to exact huge toll despite vaccines as Delta variant spreads

By Wall Street Journal, November 2021:

The number of U.S. Covid-19 deaths recorded in 2021 has surpassed the toll in 2020, according to federal data and Johns Hopkins University, demonstrating the virus’s persistent menace.

The total number of reported deaths linked to the disease topped 770,800 on Saturday, Johns Hopkins data show. This puts the pandemic-long total at more than twice the 385,343 Covid-19 deaths recorded last year, according to the most recent death-certificate data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The spread of the highly contagious Delta variant and low vaccination rates in some communities were important factors, infectious-disease experts said. The milestone comes as Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations move higher again in places such as New England and the upper Midwest, with the seven-day average for new cases recently closer to 90,000 a day after it neared 70,000 last month.

Covid-19 has proven to be an enduring threat even in some of the most vaccinated places, many of which are confronting outbreaks again now, as the world prepares to live with and manage the disease for the long term. In Europe, parts of Austria, Germany and the Netherlands have imposed new restrictions in recent days after Covid-19 cases rose and hospitals came under strain.

The 2021 U.S. death toll caught some doctors by surprise. They had expected vaccinations and precautionary measures like social distancing and scaled-down public events to curb the spread of infections and minimize severe cases. But lower-than-expected immunization rates as well as fatigue with precautionary measures like masks allowed the highly contagious Delta variant to spread, largely among the unvaccinated, epidemiologists say.

“Heading into this year, we knew what we needed to do, but it was a failure of getting it done,” said Abraar Karan, an infectious-diseases doctor at Stanford University.
A doctor checked on a Covid-19 patient in Tarzana, Calif., in September. Experts blame the continued spread of Covid on the Delta variant and low vaccination rates in some communities.
Photo: Apu Gomes/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

Among missteps, Dr. Karan said, public-health officials failed to effectively communicate that the purpose of vaccines is to protect against severe cases of Covid-19 rather than to prevent the spread of infection entirely, which may have led some to doubt the effectiveness of the shots. Authorities also failed to use testing to effectively prevent super-spreader events, Dr. Karan said.

Joey Rodriguez, a high school soccer coach in Arlington, Texas, died from Covid-19 complications in October. The 44-year-old father of three was fully vaccinated but had a rare immune-system condition that made him more vulnerable to infections.

He fell ill in August with what seemed like a sinus infection, his wife, Lena Rodriguez, said. When he died after weeks of intubation, some of his friends who had harbored doubts about the severity of the pandemic and the importance of vaccines changed their minds about the risks of Covid-19 and began to take a more cautious approach to the disease, she said.

“It definitely opened a lot of eyes that this pandemic is very real,” Ms. Rodriguez said.

The Journal calculated when the number of known Covid-19 deaths in 2021 surpassed 2020’s figure by using Johns Hopkins and CDC data. The Johns Hopkins numbers reflect a near-real-time count from states, but can lag behind when deaths actually occurred. CDC death-certificate data don’t track the changing pandemic as quickly, but do reflect the actual day of death.

The CDC’s count for 2020 may grow with further revisions. These records are also close to showing more deaths in 2021.

Comparing the two pandemic years is imperfect because the first coronavirus-related deaths in the U.S. weren’t recorded until February 2020, while 2021 began in the grips of a wintertime surge. During just one week in January, the U.S. recorded a peak of nearly 26,000 Covid-19 deaths, CDC data show.
Cars waited to enter a Covid-19 testing site in Omaha, Neb., earlier this month.
Photo: Dan Brouillette/Bloomberg News

CDC data also indicate there was a larger undercount of Covid-19 deaths in 2020, when the disease was newer and a scarcity of tests made confirming some infections difficult. A Wall Street Journal analysis of CDC data shows about 54% of roughly 875,000 excess deaths the agency attributes to the pandemic came last year.

“Early in the pandemic we would have been missing more,” said Robert Anderson, chief of the mortality statistics branch at the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics.

This excess also reflects collateral pandemic damage, from surging overdose deaths to other medical problems as people avoided hospitals.

Another major difference between the years: Vaccines were in development in 2020, and in arms in 2021. About 59% of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, according to the CDC, and some 17% have received booster shots. Studies indicate the vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe disease, though they are slightly less effective against Delta, and authorities are urging all adults to get booster shots to bolster waning immunity.

“The vaccine is not a panacea,” said Ana Bento, an epidemiologist at Indiana University-Bloomington. Dr. Bento was the co-author of an August study in the journal Health Affairs that argued that nearly 140,000 U.S. Covid-19 deaths between the beginning of 2021 and the end of May could have been prevented by vaccinating a larger portion of the population.

Burlington, Vt., this past summer. Vermont has the most fully vaccinated population in the U.S., at 72%.

After heavily affecting coastal states last year, the virus hit hard in the Deep South this year, often spreading quickly through populations with low vaccine uptake, according to health officials.

States hit hard early on in the Northeast had some of the highest Covid-19 death rates per 100,000 residents in 2020, led by New Jersey, CDC data show. New York ranked fourth, behind the Dakotas. Southern states—Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee and Florida—have had the highest rates this year.

Vermont has the lowest Covid-19 death rate per 100,000 people since the pandemic began, although the state is in a continuing surge. Vermont also has the most fully vaccinated population among the states, at 72%. Mississippi, closer to the bottom of the list with about 47% fully vaccinated, has the nation’s highest death rate since the pandemic began.

“What we’ve been through was not inevitable, and where we go from here is not inevitable,” said Thomas Dobbs, Mississippi’s state health officer, during a recent roundtable discussion of Covid-19 hosted by state officials and streamed on Facebook.

Deaths remain concentrated in older people, CDC data show, but younger people make up a higher portion of the total now because older people including nursing-home residents are among the most widely vaccinated. While 81% of Covid-19 deaths hit people ages 65 and up last year, that group represents about 69% of this year’s deaths.

Deaths among younger people are rarer, but the 20,563 deaths among people under 45 this year are more than double the deaths in this group last year.

“There are plenty of what we call the young invincibles who just didn’t get around to getting a vaccine,” said Olveen Carrasquillo, chief of the internal medicine division at the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine, “and a lot of meetings with family where they say, ‘Oh he’s so stubborn, we told him to get vaccinated, but he wouldn’t.’”



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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Social Media Scrubs Pages of BLM Terrorist Who Mowed Down Women and Children at Christmas Parade

The media is protecting this monster.

And they are actively lying for him – creating narratives out of whole cloth to provide him cover.

One of the big media lies about this horror has been utterly rebuked by law enforcement.

Waukesha’s Police Chief Dan Thompson revealed Monday that Brooks had left the site of the domestic disturbance before officers arrived and he wasn’t being pursued at the time of the rampage.

As Eric Striker notes, Brooks Jr’s criminal record is lengthy.

“Media reports have confirmed the identity of the alleged driver, Darrell E. Brooks, a registered sex offender who admitted in a video that he pimps children. The career criminal was released back into the streets on a paltry $1000 bond despite being charged with bail-jumping and facing a plethora of violent felonies and misdemeanors just over two weeks ago, according to Wisconsin Court Records.”

Brooks Jr is more well known as the Soundcloud rapper Mathboi Fly. One of his songs titled “Minnesota” covers familiar racial grievance territory and name checks BLM icons George Floyd and Eric Garner while asserting, “Try and use deadly force we gonna go harder. Fuck a price, burn it down, this ain’t Bob Barker.”

In the hours after the attack, researchers began gathering Mathboi Fly’s Facebook posts before his account was deleted.



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Darrell Brooks was once convicted for threatening to bomb a Nevada casino| Daily Mail Online

Suspect Charged In Waukesha Tragedy Called For Violence Against White People

Christmas Parade Killer was Virulent Antisemite

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