The FDA is Holding Up Potentially Life-Saving COVID Treatments

We may already have potentially life-saving pills that can treat COVID-19 and drastically reduce the chances of death. It’s just currently illegal to prescribe or sell them, thanks to the Food and Drug Administration.

The treatments in question include a new pill to treat COVID-19 developed by Pfizer. The company says the pill was highly effective in its trials, reducing the risk of an infected patient dying or being hospitalized by 89 percent. According to the Washington Post, “The effect of the Pfizer drug was found to be so strong midway through the study that an independent committee monitoring the clinical trial recommended it be stopped early.”

Another company, Merck, has developed a pill it says reduces the chances of serious illness and death by 50 percent and requested FDA approval last month. It is still waiting on approval, although it was approved on November 5 in the United Kingdom.

As far as the Pfizer treatment is concerned, the request for FDA emergency approval has already been submitted. We’re literally just waiting on them to get their act together and meet (virtually!) to discuss it, and apparently the FDA won’t be doing so until after Thanksgiving. This means that the Pfizer treatments won’t start getting administered until December at the earliest.

To be clear, I’m not a doctor, and I can’t testify that these treatments are, in fact, as effective as the companies’ trials claim. But what I can say with certainty is that with 750,000 Americans having died of or with COVID-19 and thousands more dying each week, sick people should have the legal option to take these treatments if they want to.

As the Washington Examiner’s Tim Carney pointed out, “In the past 30 days, more than 37,000 people died of COVID in the United States, according to the CDC. Over the next 35 days, [the Pfizer treatment] could prevent tens of thousands of avoidable deaths. But instead, the FDA won’t immediately let Pfizer sell a drug it knows to be lifesaving.”

“This isn’t the behavior of a government set on maximizing public health,” Carney concluded. “This is a bureaucracy religiously devoted to its own tedious rules to the point of defeating its own purpose for existence.”

Indeed it is. This latest FDA failure offers a painful reminder of how entrenched, powerful government bureaucracies threaten progress and harm society. That’s a lesson worth remembering long after the pandemic ends.

RELATED ARTICLE: Regulator Reviewing Reports of ‘Rare’ and Serious Condition Linked to Moderna Vaccine

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s Democrats Are Working Feverishly to Cancel We The People

Cancel Culture: The practice or tendency of engaging in mass canceling as a way of expressing disapproval and exerting social pressure.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” ― George Orwell, 1984

“When someone intends to be hateful, it’s usually met with great resistance. Casual ignorance is harder to combat and has greater reach, especially when you command great influence.” –  Julian Edelman, former NFL wide receiver who played 12 seasons with the New England Patriots.

The Democrat Party and, their leader by default, Joe Biden are doing everything they can to cancel each and every Constitutional right of we the people.

Along with their allies Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Planned Parenthood, RINO Republicans, the legacy media and social media bigwigs are working in concert to stop anyone who opposes them and their policies.

One of their favorite causes is defund the police. An example is stopping Democrat Eric Leroy Adams, American politician and retired police officer, who is the mayor-elect of New York City even before he does his duty to protect the people of New York City.

Zachary Faria in a Washington Examiner article wrote:

Many Democrats say that entering the country illegally should not be a crime. Increasingly, they think committing crimes while here illegally should also be shrugged off.

According to GOP Senate offices and former immigration officials, the immigration provisions in the Democratic budget reconciliation bill would make illegal immigrants who commit manslaughter and domestic violence eligible for amnesty and protect them from deportation. An analysis of the provision was shared with the Washington Free Beacon, which cites the legal language and observes that cases of assaulting a police officer and lewd and lascivious conduct would also be among the crimes that may not lead to deportation.

The Democrats want to protect criminals and illegal aliens, we the people be damned.

Voiding the U.S. Constitution

The Biden administration is using executive powers and unconstitutional mandates to exert power over we the people.

One recent example is Biden telling companies to ignore a federal judge’s ruling against getting vaxxed. CNBC’s Spencer Kimball reported:

The White House on Monday said businesses should move forward with President Joe Biden’s vaccine and testing requirements for private businesses, despite a federal appeals court ordering a temporary halt to the rules.

“People should not wait,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters during a briefing. “They should continue to move forward and make sure they’re getting their workplace vaccinated.”

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, considered one of the most conservative appellate courts in the country, halted the requirements Saturday pending review, writing that “the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate.”

The Republican attorneys general in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Utah, as well as several companies, requested the pause. They argued that the requirements exceed the authority of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which will enforce the mandates, and amount to an unconstitutional delegation of power to the executive branch by Congress.

Let us count the ways that Biden is canceling we the people

Under President Donald J. Trump there was a way that we the people could petition the White House with our concerns. Once a “We The People” petition campaign reached at least 100,000, the White House was required to respond. We the people are now excluded from interaction with Biden’s White House.

Biden did away with this two way communication between him, his office and we the people.

Here’s a list of some items that We The People are concerned about:

  1. Growing inflation across America.
  2. Covid jab mandates, which have been stayed by a federal district court judge.
  3. Open Southern borders.
  4. Unvetted Afghan refugees being allowed to migrate to America.
  5. Leaving American citizens, including the families of U.S. military, behind in Afghanistan.
  6. The Biden Build Back Better agenda.
  7. Biden’s radical policies to save the planet (e.g. Green New Deal) at the expense of Americans in particular and mankind in general.
  8. The recently passed infrastructure which was filled with pork and items that have nothing to do with infrastructure.
  9. Biden’s tone deafness when it comes to parents role in the raising and education of their children.
  10. Biden’s tax the rich mentality, which will in fact lead to taxing every working American.
  11. Biden’s efforts to shut down the fossil fuel industry.
  12. Biden’s efforts to control those who don’t comply to his mandates.
  13. The Democrats sham hearings on the peaceful January 6th, 2021 demonstration in Washington, D.C.
  14. Democrat Party support for teachers unions and the National School Board Association, which asked that the FBI designate parents opposed to Critical Race Theory and the indoctrination of children in public schools, be designated “domestic terrorists.”
  15. Biden’s giving illegal aliens $450,000, while ignoring we the peoples’ needs.
  16. Biden’s supply chain debacle. As we approach the holiday season and we the people go shopping for presents for Christmas will the shelves be barren? It appears so as we are seeing Biden and his handlers laughing at us and our concerns.

Biden: ‘Ever Think You’d Be Paying This Much for a Gallon of Gas?’


We the people are here to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic and the U.S. Constitution was written to protect we the people.

While we have many foreign enemies, our most deadly is domestic. It is the Democrat Party, Joe Biden, the Biden administration, the Democrat and RINO members of the U.S. Congress and even the U.S. Supreme Court.

We the people see where this is headed. An economic disaster for our nation, for our families, for our children, for our grandchildren and for WE THE PEOPLE.

Vladimir Lenin said, “The goal of socialism is communism.” This is the same goal of the Democrat Party, et. al.

May God continue to bless we the people and keep us from bondage.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Dr. Lee Merritt: Stockholm Syndrome and The Great Reset.


Infrastructure Bill Puts Monitors In Every American’s Car

IRS Makes Adjustments to Tax Brackets, Here’s How You’ll Be Affected

Biden Regime Has New Secret Weapon to Bankrupt Oil and Gas Industry

Call for a UN World Day on Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation

The International Center on Sexual Exploitation—a division of NCOSE—is proud to join the Global Collaborative effort to establish an international day of recognition for child sexual exploitation and abuse prevention and healing. The Global Collaborative is a survivor led network of NGO’s, faith-based institutions, survivor networks and governments.

As the Global Collaborative states:

“The World Health Organization reports 120 million girls and young women under 20 years of age have suffered some form of forced sexual contact; that one in five women, and one in thirteen men report experiencing sexual abuse before their 18th birthday; and that in some parts of the world, one out of every two children have experienced sexual abuse; and that because of the shame, stigma, and fear associated with their experience, at least sixty percent of child sexual abuse victims/survivors never disclose their abuse.”

“The members of the Global Collaborative believe the 18 November International Day will provide a forum to bring survivors, civil society, and governments together to focus and better align vital resources, heighten awareness of the problem of CSEA, and support victims and their families in their quest for healing and justice.”

This will be accomplished through the following actions:

  • Bringing global visibility to the right for every child to grow up free from all forms of sexual abuse, both on-line and off-line.
  • Raising awareness of measures that can be taken by communities, schools, religious institutions, recreational venues, inter-governmental organizations, families, and young persons to ensure that every child is protected.
  • Harnessing the power of social media with celebrity, and high-profile survivors sharing their stories to help eliminate the stigma experienced by victims of child sexual abuse and exploitation.
  • Channeling the creativity and influence of a range of partners to accelerate adoption of legislation, policies, and procedures to ensure all children are safe, and victims/survivors receive justice, and have access to the resources they need to heal.
  • Accelerating adoption of evidence-based practices by health care providers, social welfare organizations and faith communities to enabling effective healing for victims/survivors of abuse, their family members, and communities.


Take Action: Record your steps on November 18th and log them on this webpage! (You can use an app on your phone, a Fitbit, or whatever you like! Set a reminder in your phone to log your steps on our webpage by the end of the day.)

This simple, easy action will symbolize the powerful reality that people around the world want to take steps to end child sexual abuse and exploitation!

Please take action and show the international community that all nations must recognize these issues and must work collaboratively to protect children and strive for justice.

The following organizations are co-founders and Partners of the International Day for Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Prevention and Healing:

  • A Breeze of Hope Foundation
  • American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
  • Arigatou International Army of Survivors
  • Australia eSafety Commission
  • Awake
  • Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs
  • Bellweather International
  • Candle in a Dark Room
  • Child Abuse Council
  • Christian Cultural Center
  • Darkness to Light
  • Global Partnership to End Violence Against Women
  • General Federation of Women’s Clubs
  • End FGM/C U.S./Network
  • Enough Abuse Campaign
  • Human Flourishing Program, Harvard University
  • Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities
  • International Board of Rabbi’s
  • Keep Kids Safe Coalition
  • Islamic Relief
  • Male Survivors
  • Maria Goretti Network
  • Monique Burr Foundation
  • New York Board of Rabbi’s
  • National Center on Sexual Exploitation
  • PACE
  • Prevent Child Abuse America
  • Roads of Success
  • Sacred Spaces
  • Shine on Sierra Leone
  • Survivor Network for Those Abused by Priests
  • The Catholic Project
  • The New York Foundling
  • Their Story is our Story
  • Together for Girls
  • WeProtect Global Alliance
  • World Childhood Foundation, USA
  • World Council of Churches
  • World Vision

EDITORS NOTE: This column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Food City’s Salute to our Military and Veterans

Food City is a Southern grocery store chain with headquarters in Bristol, Tennessee. This is their one-minute commercial. Not a word is spoken and none is needed.

Very few commercials deserve to go viral. This one does!

WATCH: Food City’s Salute to our Military and Veterans.

From Food City:

At Food City, we honor those people that serve and protect our country, and we know that without the men and women who watch out for us, we would not have any of the luxuries we do. We are the land of the free because of the brave and we salute you!

©Food City. All rights reserved.

Real Wages Declined 0.5% in October Amid Mounting Inflation

Wages rose 0.4 percent in October. That’s good news, right? Not so fast.

New inflation data reveal that despite nominal gains, Americans’ real wages actually declined last month.

The latest Consumer Price Index shows that consumer prices rose 6.2 percent from October 2020 to October 2021—the highest price inflation level in more than 30 years. In particular, necessities such as food, fuel, and used vehicles saw stark price increases. On a one-month basis, from September 2021 to October 2021, prices rose 0.9 percent—significantly more than wages.

So, even though wages nominally increased, real purchasing power has declined. That’s right: Americans may think they’ve gotten a raise, but they actually got a pay cut.

“All told, real average hourly earnings when accounting for inflation, actually decreased 0.5% for the month,” CNBC reports. “So an apparent solid paycheck increase actually turned into a decrease, and another setback for workers still struggling to shake off the effects of the Covid pandemic.”

This is more than just bad news. The troubling inflation trend also reminds us why we mustn’t fall for what economists call the “money illusion.” As economist Peter Jacobsen has explained for, what matters is not the number on your paycheck but what you can buy with it.

“This concept is called your real wage,” Jacobsen writes. “If you offer someone a larger number on their paycheck, but then tell them the larger number comes with the caveat that they’ll be able to buy fewer goods and services in the present and future, they’d be a fool to take the deal.”

Politicians, including President Biden, are quick to point to the fact that nominal wages are rising:

They have every incentive to try to take credit for rising paychecks, after all. But voters shouldn’t fall for this rhetorical sleight-of-hand. As this week’s ugly inflation numbers show, real wages are falling—thanks to the government’s poor policy making.


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Left Continues to Embrace Fear and Ignore Science

It’s been two months since the Biden administration announced plans to require 100 million American workers to get the COVID-19 shot, and three months since the administration handed down mandates for all federal employees and military personnel. Yet in all that time, the administration still has not bothered to address the elephant in the room: Why trample on the constitutional and privacy rights of Americans to force a shot for a virus with an over 98 percent survival rate and to which nearly half of all Americans have natural immunity?

As it turns out, this question is just one in a packed room full of elephants left unaddressed by the administration. With yesterday’s announcement from Pfizer stating that they have developed an antiviral COVID pill which could cut hospitalizations and deaths by almost 90 percent, another elephant has now been squeezed into the room.

Dr. Andrew Bostom, Clinical Trialist and Associate Professor of Family Medicine at Brown University, joined “Washington Watch” yesterday and pointed out that the targeted approach that was used to test the new pill should have been the strategy used for the COVID vaccine to begin with.

“They [the COVID pill researchers] didn’t willy nilly start treating people at very low risk for severe consequences from COVID,” Dr. Bostom said. “They went right to the high-risk groups.”

He went on to note that, just as there are many unanswered questions about the long-term health effects of the COVID vaccine, questions remain about how the new antiviral pill might affect healthy cells. “The point is, it’s very different than these mass vaccination programs,” he said. “And remember, we never developed a successful vaccine for HIV. We work more along [the new COVID pill testing] kind of model and made it a very, very manageable disease. I think there’s a lesson to be learned here.”

All of this underscores a key concept that the Left and the mainstream media have been ignoring since the beginning of the entire COVID vaccine debate: let’s follow the science. Instead, the Biden administration has embraced — with the media cheerleading — a bizarre and dangerous approach: dictate first, ask questions later.

As Dr. Bostom made clear, this approach was wrongheaded from the very beginning. “The whole idea of treatment of COVID — and it should have applied to vaccination — should have always been to target those at high risk. The vast preponderance of the population is at risk for a relatively mild and self-limited flu-like syndrome, or even a cold in very immune kids. And so the development of either the vaccines or the drug should always have focused on [those at] the highest risk.”

Instead, Americans are now faced with a one-size-fits-all mandate that not only ignores scientific precedent and common sense, as Dr. Bostom elucidated, but more importantly ignores the Constitution, with 27 states filing suit against the Biden administration’s mandate.

News about the new COVID pill is just one of many reasons why the American people are more concerned about inflation and the economy than they are about COVID. It is now becoming increasingly clear that never-ending mask and vaccine mandates is a losing strategy for Democrats.

Even so, the Left will probably continue to try to make fear the central component of their political agenda — fear of COVID, fear of capitalism, fear of parents, fear of unplanned pregnancies, fear of biological sex, fear of border enforcement, fear of climate change, etc. But as the November elections demonstrated, the American people are tired of being afraid.


Dan Hart


RELATED VIDEO: We’re not complying with Biden’s new COVID vaccine mandate. Here’s why:

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

New Poll: Majority Oppose Trans Actions [Video]

While Democratic strategists sort through the wreckage of last week’s elections, looking for clues about where they went wrong, there’s another spectacular flop they can add to their political autopsy: radical transgenderism. According to pollsters, one issue that might have tipped the scales in Virginia (and rattled the entire New Jersey political establishment) is the Left’s obsession with gender ideology. The American people might have been open to the movement two years ago — but the last 24 months of pronoun disputes, bathroom attacks, woke curriculum, and transgender sports certainly seems to have cured them.

Most people didn’t need the polling to confirm what the parents’ uprising was already telling us: Americans are fed up with the Left’s onslaught of LGBT extremism. It’s everywhere — in our grocery aisles, on our televisions, in our schools, even our greatest pastimes. These days, people can’t even buy a candy bar without being hit over the head with the message that it’s perfectly normal to choose your own reality. Turns out, the Left’s ruthless, in-your-face crusade is turning people off. Big time.

When Harvard University teamed up with Harris Polling to take the country’s temperature on the issue, even they were stunned at the shift. Americans aren’t just opposed to the transgender ideology — their opposition is skyrocketing. Usually, the far-Left likes to chip away public opinion, desensitizing them with personal stories, mainstream ads, and other disarming PR. That’s clearly not working here. By a 62-38 margin, Americans don’t think people should be able to choose their own genders and pronouns.

On its own, that’s a bombshell statistic. A solid majority of the country rejects the gender extremism gripping our culture. But it’s even more astounding when you consider where those numbers were two years ago. In 2019, the country was split right down the middle — 50/50 — on whether we should accommodate people who identify as transgender. That’s a double-digit swing in favor of biological truth! Just as encouraging, Harvard/Harris asked if people believed there were two genders or more than two. Seventy-two percent of Americans (including 62 percent of Democrats) insisted there were just two.

Let’s hope both political parties are listening. While the Democrats seem incapable of course correction, the Republican National Committee could certainly use some. After the GOP sweep in Virginia (thanks, in large part, to opposition over these very transgender policies), the RNC confused everyone this weekend by embracing the LGBT cause voters rejected! Moms and dads, who’ve been working fast and furiously to stop the transgender agenda in public schools, have to be scratching their heads. For the last several months, Americans finally started viewing Republicans as the party of common sense on education and gender. Now, the RNC seems intent on jeopardizing their trust by throwing the door open to a movement that has been pushing policies that are hostile to religious freedom and parental rights.

Launching a Pride Coalition was a bad idea to begin with, but it seems especially tone-deaf now that Americans are running away from the agenda the RNC stuck their necks out to support. It may be time for new leadership at the RNC — leadership that reflects the values of the party’s own platform.

For more on how the transgender movement is recruiting your children, don’t miss this eye-opening panel from the Pray Vote Stand Summit.


Library Associations Push Porn on Children, Parents Push Back

Virginia school board orders libraries to remove ‘sexually explicit’ books

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Climate Czar John Kerry: the U.S. ‘Won’t Have Coal’ by 2030

Globe-trotting private jet enthusiast and Vietnam-era traitor John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s so-called “climate envoy,” said in an interview with Bloomberg at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, that there would be no coal in the United States by the end of the decade.

“By 2030 in the United States, we won’t have coal,” Kerry stated. He went on to say, “We’re saying we are going to be carbon-free in the power sector by 2035. I think that’s leadership. I think that’s indicative of what we can do.”

It’s not leadership. It’s part of the Biden administration’s goal to commit national energy suicide. By contrast, the power-mad Chinese regime has no intention of sacrificing any its energy infrastructure for the sake of the planet.

Kerry is the first Biden official to publicly comment on the administration’s environmental policy since the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that contained numerous sections dedicated to climate change passed Congress. His aspiration to rid the country of its coal by 2030 aligns with Biden’s deadlines for lowering greenhouse gasses by the same year.

According to the U.S Energy Information Administration (EIA), coal accounted for 10% of our nation’s total energy consumption in 2020.

John Kerry

207 Known Connections


During an interview aired on the October 27, 2021 edition of Bloomberg’s Leaders with Lacqua, host Francine Lacqua asked Kerry: “Secretary, have you changed anything in your lifestyle to actually help the cause against climate change?”

Kerry answered: “Indeed, I have. I have a solar system for my home. I drive an electric car now. I still have the one internal combustion engine vehicle, which is being traded for another electric car, and we’re making more conscious decisions about our use of energy within the house. I mean, I’ve become a flagrant light switch-chaser whenever I walk through a room or a building. Yes, I think there’s a new consciousness. Am I doing everything that I should be or could be? Probably not. But I’m super conscious of the need to try to all of us do what we can to make a contribution here. The biggest thing I’m doing in my lifestyle is traveling around the world, trying to do diplomacy and help make a larger decision in the context of Glasgow that could reduce a lot of the anxiety that we’re all living with today about where we’re headed.”

To learn more about John Kerry, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

CHAOS: Turkey Prices Up 41%, Home Heating Oil Up 115%, Food Prices Up 10.5%

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” ― George Orwell, 1984

22% of all U.S. Dollars were created in 2020 alone? Read that again. 1/5th of all U.S. Dollars were created in 2020. The shit has yet to hit the fan.

No Thanks! Turkey Prices Up 41%, Home Heating Oil Up 115%, Food Prices Up 10.5%

Thanksgiving 2021 is shaping up to be the most expensive in history.

Prices of processed turkeys are up 40.7 percent compared with a year ago, data from the Department of Labor’s Producer Price Index showed Tuesday. That’s even after falling a seasonally adjusted one percent in October.

By: Breitbart News, November 10, 2021:

It may be hard to even find turkeys in some parts of the country this year. The Wall Street Journal reported that turkeys were 60 percent out of stock. Cranberries, yams, and sweet potatoes are also low in stock.
Grain prices are 40.8 percent higher than a year ago, driving up the prices of our largely grain-fed turkey crop. Beef and veal prices are up 41.5 percent compared with a year ago. Overall, food prices are running 10.5 percent higher than a year ago.

Getting to the family Thanksgiving will be costlier with gasoline prices are up close to 90 percent, according to the Producer Price Index. Airfares, fortunately for passengers, are near where they were a year ago and still well below pre-pandemic levels.

Home heating oil is up 114.8 percent. Residential natural gas prices are up 28.7 percent. Residential electricity prices are up 5.6 percent.

Overall, the Producer Price Index—which measures prices from the point of view of sellers—is up 8.6 percent compared with a year ago, tying the record high set last month.


Stunning News on Inflation Shatters the Illusion of a Transitory Problem

Watch: Energy Secretary Laughs At Americans Pain At The Pump, Biden Move Could Make Things Even Worse

CRT, Inflation, and the Bankruptcy of Wokeness: What the Virginia Elections Showed US

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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HART: Build Back Better BS

The Democrats’ lobbyist-driven “infrastructure bill” recently passed, but the Build Back Better plan (“Human Infrastructure”) plan is meeting resistance even though they named it something alliterative, which made it sound adorable.

I studied it, and the Build Back Better plan is a three-step process. First, the Dems take the money from us via taxes, then they borrow more to further mire our nation in debt, and then — and this is the important third step — they set about wasting the money.

I have asked for years for anyone out there to email me if their town got a bridge, a road or anything from Obama/Biden’s “shovel ready jobs” Stimulus Bill of 2011. We were promised infrastructure, for which most of us do not mind paying. But instead we got handouts to public sector unions and Democrat bagmen. Why should we think these bills would be any different?

To get the first bill done, Nancy Pelosi lied. She did her best to channel her inner Oprah and went around to congressmen saying, “And you get a road, and you get a road and you get a bridge.”

Many of the components of, and the demands in the purported “Human Infrastructure Bill,” are racial. CNN’s April Ryan said we should make sure we address racial inequality when we build roads — in short, roads are racist.  I thought we got rid of racial tensions when we got that lady off the pancake syrup bottle. But no. Apparently there is more work to do.

Thank goodness for Sens. Manchin and Sinema. They held the line on some of the insanity. The simple fact is there are ten million unfilled jobs in the economy, so why do we need government stimulus to get the economy going? Some of these government-dependent lay-abouts need to get off the couch and stop watching Maury Povich,  go take a help wanted sign down on almost all the businesses around town and make a living. Stimulus, if ever needed, is NOT needed when the economy has plenty of unfilled jobs.

The weak and watered down way the first bill was passed is partially because Joe Biden’s popularity rating is down to 37% now. Go to any sporting event in the South and many in the North, and you will hear vulgar chants directed toward Joe Biden. He is starting to think his name is Brandon.

He is still blaming others. And he notes that all great Democrat presidents were known by their initials. JFK, LBJ and now him: FJB.

Biden can no longer cloak his bad policies in self-aggrandizing goals of “social justice” and “economic equality.” Every time Americans go to the pump, they see how bad things are.

At the Climate Summit in Glasgow (you know, where government officials and billionaires flew private jets into meetings in other countries to tell us not to use waste fuel), Biden became a joke. The British press mocked his flatulence; even Joe’s acolytes in the media ran the story of his gassy emissions next to world leaders. But on the bright side, as Jen Psaki pointed out, that was the first time gas was below $4 in months.

Aside from the Afghanistan pullout debacle, gas prices, inflation higher than Hunter Biden on a weekend and personal gaffes, Biden’s Secretary of Transportation (you know him as the lovable former mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana), has messed up the supply chain. Even Black Lives Matters officials issued a stern warning to the administration that they would discontinue looting stores until the shelves are once again appropriately stocked.

The kink in the supply chain is causing clear problems for Democrats. The New Jersey race where a Republican almost won that dark blue state and Terry McAuliffe’s loss in Virginia to a novice Republican candidate are concerning to Dems. They could have just been blamed on the supply chain: 100,000 votes for McAuliffe from China, destined for Alexandria, Virginia, got stuck on a ship at the Port of Long Beach.

Putting “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg in charge of the unnecessarily big 55,000-employee federal government Department of Transportation was a mistake. Clearly the best fit for him would have been Secretary of Interior — Design.

Democrats have taken no responsibility for the terrible results that their policies have wrought. Biden blamed COVID and Trump. And Alec Baldwin blamed his assistant prop manager.



Ron Hart is a syndicated op-ed humorist, award-winning author, and TV/radio commentator; you can reach him at or Twitter @RonaldHart.

RELATED VIDEO: Hannity: Joe Biden is either dumb, lying or both


Cracks Show In The GOP Following Vote To Give Biden Win On Infrastructure

‘Terrible Message To Send’: Trump’s DHS Acting Secretary Rips Biden For Potential Migrant Payments

‘It Is Unserious And It Is Silly’: Larry Kudlow Slams John Kerry’s Claim That The US ‘Won’t Have Coal’ By 2030

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DeSantis Threatens To Bus Illegal Immigrants Right To Biden’s Doorstep In Delaware If He Doesn’t Secure Border

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Wednesday he would send illegal immigrants to Delaware if President Joe Biden didn’t secure the southern border.

DeSantis was responding to a question about secret “migrant flights” sent to Florida from areas near the southern border. White House press secretary Jen Psaki previously said Oct. 19 it should be “no surprise” to Americans that the Biden administration is flying migrants to Florida and New York from the southern border.


“If they’re going to come here, we’ll provide buses. I will send them to Delaware and do that. If he’s not going to support the border being secured, then he should be able to have everyone there,” DeSantis said. 

DeSantis issued an executive order in September that prohibited Florida state agencies from helping the Biden administration to transport illegal immigrants. DeSantis also said he would be suing the Biden administration for its “catch and release” program.

DeSantis previously characterized the border crisis as an “intentional policy” based on an “open borders ideology.”

“The Biden Administration refuses to abide by the immigration laws of our country, and states bear the brunt of the federal government’s failures,” DeSantis’ office said in a statement to the Daily Caller. “Governor DeSantis is committed to filling that void of leadership and doing everything in his power to protect Floridians.”

“Of course, it would be ideal if the federal government would do its job and use the resources at their disposal to enforce federal law, but since that’s not happening, the state has to step up wherever possible to mitigate the impact of the Biden Border Crisis,” the statement reads.

“If that means sending illegal aliens to Delaware, or even Martha’s Vineyard, so be it. Since Biden believes the open border free for all is good for our country, I’m sure he won’t object,” DeSantis’ office said.




RELATED ARTICLE: Ron DeSantis Is Sending Florida Law Enforcement To The Southern Border

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Poland vows to ‘defend Europe’ from ‘migrant invasion’ unleashed by Belarusian dictator Lukashenko

Lukashenko’s motive:

Brussels accuses Belarus’s disputed leader of provoking the influx in retaliation against EU sanctions, imposed after his widely discredited re-election and subsequent crackdown on mass protests.

Days ago, Bulgaria sent 350 troops to the Turkish border as illegal Afghan migrant crossings tripled. “Migrants have described how Belarusian authorities seized their phones and pushed them towards the border fence. Overnight temperatures at the border have slumped below zero and several people have already died in recent weeks.”

But aside from political reasons, since the Syrian migrant crisis of 2015 and beyond, Poland has demonstrated its resolve in defending its borders and sovereignty from an invasion of Muslim migrants, while the EU undermined Polish efforts, relentlessly pressuring Poland (and Hungary) to take in migrant “quotas.”

During the Syrian crisis, the Islamic State found success in infiltrating the refugee stream, thanks to reckless politicians. The risk from jihadist infiltration of countries with open borders is no less now with the influx of refugees from Afghanistan.

While most of the globalist EU supports open, unvetted migration, as well as the UK’s Boris Johnson government, despite the fact that Britain left the EU due to open-door immigration.

Warsaw called the “action ‘an invasion’ and declared it was sending 12,000 troops to reinforce 10,000 already stationed along the frontier.” This should serve as an example to other EU countries, some of which are beginning to wake up. 12 EU countries were recently rejected by the EU for their request for EU financing to help build barrier walls to keep out illegal migration from Afghanistan, which presents obvious security issues.

We will defend our country and the entire EU’: Polish soldiers force back hundreds of migrants at the border with pepper spray after Belarus dictator Lukashenko sent 1,000 refugees to invade

by Will Stewart, Ed Wight, Ross Ibbetson, and David Averre, MailOnline, November 8, 2021:

Poland has vowed to ‘defend Europe’ from a ‘migrant invasion’ unleashed by Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko whose forces have coerced more than 1,000 refugees to smash through the border.

Desperate migrants gathered at the Belarusian frontier with Poland on Monday, attempting to hack down a barbed-wire fence only to meet a phalanx of Polish guards who forced them back with pepper spray.

Middle Eastern and African migrants have been flown into Belarus by Lukashenko who is using them as human cannon fodder in his battle with the EU, the US and Britain, after they imposed sanctions following a violent political crackdown, which included forcing a Ryanair flight from the sky in May.

Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said: ‘The Polish government is determined and we will defend the security of our country and the entire EU, respecting our international obligations and bearing in mind, above all, the interests of the state and the safety of Polish soldiers, Border Guard officers and citizens.’

Warsaw called today’s action ‘an invasion’ and declared it was sending 12,000 troops to reinforce 10,000 already stationed along the frontier.

Polish soldiers were seen pepper-spraying the migrants from behind a barbed-wire barrier as the desperate people tried to hack it down with branches and spades.

At other sections of the line, small children were held up by desperate parents who pleaded with the Polish forces to let them through, while others chanted: ‘Germany,’ renowned for its hospitality towards refugees.

Poland said on Monday it had repelled an attempt by hundreds of migrants to illegally cross the border with Belarus, but that thousands more were on the way and future attempts to breach its frontier could be ‘armed in nature’.

Defense Ministry video taken later Monday showed the migrants settling in for the night by the border, having put up scores of tents and cooking meals.

A NATO official called the use of migrants ‘a hybrid tactic’, meaning a combined military-political operation, and said: ‘NATO stands ready to further assist our allies, and maintain safety and security in the region’….

RELATED ARTICLE: Bangladesh: Muslims threaten Christian family, force them to leave their home, steal their land

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Left Behind 100+ Family Members of U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan

How bad was Biden’s retreat from Afghanistan?

While we mostly stopped talking about it, every week or so there’s a new revelation that shows that the administration lied about how many Americans it left behind and that the actual abandonment was worse than what was previously reported.

The Pentagon is stepping up efforts to get family members of U.S. troops out of Afghanistan, creating a database of the dozens who are trapped there.

Family members of U.S. troops.

If you thought that the Biden administration’s lies about a full and complete evacuation running on schedule were bad, they manage to get worse every week.

On Thursday, more than two months after the U.S. military withdrew completely from Afghanistan, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl issued a memo asking any U.S. military personnel and DOD civilians with immediate family members who need help leaving Afghanistan to email his office.

I’m glad that the DOD finally found time to tackle this a few months later in between its commitment to telling servicemembers they’re racists who need to read Ibram X. Kendi and confess their white privilege.

There are still several dozen immediate family members of U.S. service members in Afghanistan, according to defense officials. Those include children, sisters and brothers, and parents. There are well over 100 extended family members still in Afghanistan, but it’s not clear how many of them want to leave the country, the officials said.

The Biden administration has been pushing this “not clear how many want to leave the country” talking point since Day 1. And yet it keeps turning out that all the people that Joe left behind enemy lines want to leave.

The official said there is real momentum to help get immediate family members out. “There is an increased desire to make sure that as we make this push that we have every situation accounted for,” the official said, adding that they are trying to “expand the reach” to make sure DOD personnel and their families are getting help.

In November. There’s “increased desire” after leaving them behind. I don’t even have the words.

The official said once the information is consolidated, the Pentagon will work with the State Department to extract family members who want to leave. The U.S. military will not have a role in actually getting the people out of the country, the official said.

Of course not. And, as usual, it’s not the whole list.

The Pentagon does not have a good accounting of how many DOD civilians still have immediate family members in Afghanistan, the officials said.

Back to more Diversity Equity and Inclusion training then.



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Poland vows to ‘defend Europe’ from ‘migrant invasion’ unleashed by Belarusian dictator Lukashenko

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The American Experiment

Is the Biden administration governing in a way that takes into consideration the will of the American people? Based on his plummeting poll numbers and crude anti-Biden chants filling sports stadiums, the answer would seem to be no.

Last week’s defeat of the left at the polls in Virginia and elsewhere was a reminder of the pushback of “we the people.”

Some leftist pundits said Terry McAuliffe lost his Virginia gubernatorial campaign in 2021 because he didn’t campaign to the left enough. Others remarked it was the alleged “white supremacist” factor that gave conservatives the victory. Of course, they say this while ignoring the victory of the lieutenant governor-elect in Virginia, Winsome Sears. She is the first black person to win that position in that state.

Last week’s election was a reminder of the genius of the founding fathers to build into the system the opportunity for “we the people” to correct earlier political mistakes.

Conservative columnist Star Parker made a comment about this principle once in a television  interview with D. James Kennedy Ministries.

She noted,

“What I’ve learned about this whole political arena is that the words of President Garfield are really true.  If you have recklessness and corruption in government, it’s because you tolerate it. Because of the beauty of the founding, they give us elections every two years, every four years, and every six years. So, in two years, we get to [elect Congress members] again; every four years, we get the president again; and every six years we get to determine who’s going to be our senate representation.”

Parker made this remark right after Biden’s victory about a year ago. She added,

“So, I’m just staying encouraged, because this moment in our history is only this moment in our history. History is long, and history is after us, but it’s also before us….We are now being tested…and it’s uncomfortable to have to get up and actually engage. But we’re called to do that. And we have that chance every two years, every four years, and every six years.”

Our political developments are a reminder of the American experiment created by the settlers and then the founders of America.

What is America in a nutshell? It is an experiment in self-government under God.

Some people want to remove the self-government part—but then they ultimately crown the government God. That scenario violates both parts of the phrase: self-government under God.

Others want to remove the God-part of the phrase. But when we have government without God, even self-government (without God), it all tends to break down because of the inherent sinfulness of humanity.

John Adams famously said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

America’s founders designed things in such a way that we would be a self-governing people. The more people govern themselves the less outward government they need. The less they govern themselves, the more outward government is needed.

Knowing that we are all accountable before God, our founders understood the need for keeping one’s passions in check. As Thomas Jefferson noted, “Indeed I tremble for my country when reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever.”

Self-government under God leads to greater freedom. The converse is true—bigger government under man (not God) constricts our freedom.

Why has America been so blessed—despite all our flaws—lo, these many centuries? I believe that the  first steps to self-government under God in America go back to the positive influence of the Pilgrims. 400 years ago this autumn, the Pilgrims who settled Plymouth held their first Thanksgiving celebration.

Our recent Providence Forum documentary, THE PILGRIMS, makes the simple point that the Pilgrims just wanted to worship God according to their conscience. In pursuing this religious freedom in the New World, they helped cast a long and positive shadow on what would become the future nation.

As the hymn, “America the Beautiful,” points out, “O beautiful for pilgrim feet / Whose stern impassioned stress, / A thoroughfare for freedom beat / Across the wilderness!”

Ronald Reagan once observed,

“Here in this land, for the first time, it was decided that man is born with certain God-given rights. We the people declared that government is created by the people for their own convenience. Government has no power except those voluntarily granted to it by we the people.”

The founding fathers took and extended the Pilgrims’ concept of liberty under God. Our 40th president added,

“Oh, there have been revolutions before and since ours. But those revolutions simply exchanged one set of rulers for another. Ours was a revolution that changed the very concept of government.”

And for that, all Americans should be full of thanksgiving.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

Don’t let Joe Biden or Big Bird raise America’s kids!

Don’t let Joe Biden or Big Bird raise America’s kids! And certainly don’t let them provide medical treatment or teach them socialism. Instead, let’s teach America’s youth with the Tuttle Twins!

The Tuttle Twins children’s book series is teaching the rising generation about the ideas of freedom, free markets, individual responsibility, and American history.

My goal is to distribute an additional 10,000 copies of the Tuttle Twins before the end of the year. It costs roughly $10 to distribute one copy of the Tuttle Twins to a family.

Click here to help us distribute more copies of the Tuttle Twins books to schools across the country

Thank you,

Connor Boyack
Author, Tuttle Twins

P.S. Don’t let Biden or Big Bird take over educating America’s rising generation. Help the Tuttle Twins reach our goal!