PODCAST: With this Wuhan Flu epidemic, put your trust in science and institutions!



Congressman Tom Price served as the U.S. Representative for Georgia’s 6th congressional district, encompassing the northern suburbs of Atlanta, A physician Dr Price He was appointed Secretary of Health and Human Services by President Donald Trump. While in Congress, Price chaired the House Committee on the Budget, Republican Study Committee and Republican Policy Committee.

TOPIC: With this epidemic, put your trust in science and institutions!


Robert Powell started his career in finance 50 years ago as an OTC trader in Philadelphia. Bob than became an investment advisor with Janney Montgomery Scott until 1993 ..was recruited by AGEdwards & Sons until the company was sold..went to Legg Mason until it was acquired by now Morgan Stanley..was then recruited by Raymond James in 2012.until Bob retired in October of 2017 and transferred the Alpha Capital Partners to the capable hands of Tyler Mercer.

TOPIC: The market and the Corona Virus!


Paul Driessen is senior policy advisor for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and author of articles and books on energy, environmental and human rights issues.

TOPIC: How exactly do they plan to replace fossil fuels?

© All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Unhinged MSNBCers Keep Comparing Trump to Hitler! And more . . .



Geoffrey Dickens is the Deputy Research Director at the Media Research Center. He currently writes for all of the MRC’s publications and outlets including MRC.org, Newsbusters.org, Notable Quotables and has contributed to past projects including MediaWatch and MagazineWatch. He also authored the MRC’s Outgunned Special Report that examined the media’s bias against gun rights. Dickens has made several appearances on radio talk shows around the nation.

TOPIC: Unhinged MSNBCers Keep Comparing Trump to Hitler


Seton Motley is the president of Less Government, an organization dedicated to, well, less government. Including protecting the First Amendment from governmental assault. He is a writer, television and radio commentator, political and policy strategist, lecturer, debater, and activist.

TOPIC: The Left Is Confused


Tracy Beanz is an investigative journalist who places a strong focus on politics. While writing for UncoverDC, she has brought the intricate details of several major stories to light, including corruption between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Andrew McCabe, who threatened the NY Office of the FBI during the Clinton Email investigation. Tracy has also worked at a high level on several grassroots political campaigns, including Ron Paul’s 2012 run for the presidency, Rand Paul’s first Kentucky senate run, and most recently, the campaign for Donald Trump for President in 2016. In addition editor at UncoverDC.com.

TOPIC: Jeffrey Epstein: What they aren’t talking about!

Conservative Media Killing Operation Mockingbird

While visiting a relative, CBS evening news was on TV in the background. It felt like water torture hearing arrogant reporters authoritatively lie about president Trump and every political issue. Their deceptive message was Republicans are mean and Democrats are good. Incredibly, 95% of the broadcast was fake news.

Could I escape being bombarded with fake news in my car? No. Every news-break on the radio was crafted to imply that Trump is guilty of everything and Republicans are mean.

Clearly, there is a coordinated fake news media campaign to instill hatred for Trump, America, Christians, Conservatives, Republicans, Trump supporters and straight white men. It is as if a daily memo is sent to Democrat media operatives. “Okay everyone, the phrase of the day is “Trump is an existential threat.” Every news broadcast finds a way to fit it in.

“Here’s Amy with the weather report.” “Thanks Jim. It will be stormy today. And speaking of stormy, Trump is an existential threat.” No one knows what “existential threat” means. But it sounds smart and is intended to sell the lie that Trump is extremely dangerous.

Democrats are currently blitzing the media with their lie, “Trump is a cult leader”. What they are really promoting is Trump supporters are a small minority of mind-controlled hateful crazies.

I remember seeing “The FBI Story” 1959 movie starring Jimmy Stewart. As a child, I thought FBI agents were awesome men. We’ve learned that there are bad actors in the FBI and CIA. Allegedly, Operation Mockingbird is a program launched by the CIA in the 1950s to manipulate media to spread propaganda. Writer Deborah Davis said Operation Mockingbird recruited prominent American journalists and oversaw front groups.

Evidence suggest Operation Mockingbird is alive and well today. Shockingly, we have learned that the FBI and CIA played major roles in spreading the lie that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election from Hillary.

Hillary paid for a lie-filled dossier written about Trump. Hillary’s gross dossier even claimed Trump paid prostitutes to urinate on a bed slept in by Obama. Her operatives in the FBI used the gross dossier to illegally acquire warrants to investigate whether or not Trump stole the election. The absurd investigation lasted 3 years, costing taxpayers $32 million.

CNN and MSNBC victimized their tiny leftist audiences 24/7 for the 3 year bogus investigation. They promised Trump’s guilt would be confirmed and he would be humiliatingly booted out of office. The Trump resistance movement was devastated when the investigation concluded that Trump won the election fair and square.

Moving on to their next treasonous scheme to remove Trump, Democrats launched a news narrative claiming Trump committed impeachable crimes during a phone call with the president of Ukraine. Democrat Adam Schiff read Trump’s extreme bullying outrageous demands on national TV. I watched it on TV in the doctor’s office waiting room. I thought, “Oh my gosh. Trump said that?” Schiff assumed he could get away with lying about the content of the phone call because presidents do not released the content of conversations with foreign leaders. Trump blew Schiff’s scheme by releasing the transcript of the phone call. But here is where it gets really crazy and unbelievably arrogant.

Democrats and fake news media simply ignored the transcript. Based on Schiff’s lying version of the phone call, Schiff held impeachment hearings on national TV for two weeks. In essence, Schiff and fake news media told the American people, you are too stupid and unsophisticated to detect Trump’s obvious crimes during the phone call.

After each day of Schiff’s hearings, fake news media excitedly reported that “bombshell” testimony confirmed Trump’s guilt. In truth, none of Schiff’s witnesses could name a crime committed by Trump.

Displaying their off-the-chain arrogance, everything fake news media reported about the impeachment hearings were lies.

If we did not have conservative media countering fake news media lies, millions would be clamoring for Trump’s head to be placed into the impeachment guillotine. Remarkably, Trump’s approval rating rose after the impeachment hearings.

I wish to express my utmost respect and thanks to conservative media and congressional republicans for daily fighting and explaining Democrats’ and fake news media’s coup to remove our president via Schiff’s kangaroo court impeachment hearings.”

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, conservative talk radio, Fox News and the internet.

Fake news media is not all powerful. Despite a fake news media blackout, 1.7 million of us showed up in 2010 for a Washington DC Tea Party rally to protest Obamacare.

In 2016, fake news media gifted Hillary’s presidential campaign a billion dollars worth of lie-filled news stories designed to destroy candidate Trump and Trump the man. They failed. Hillary and her minions were devastated when Trump defeated her in an electoral landslide. We are well on our way to killing Operation Mockingbird.

We remember where we were during important events. It was 1988. During my lunch break, I returned a VHS movie to the video store – got back into my car and turned on the radio to listen to conservative talk show host Tom Marr on WCBM, 680AM in Baltimore. To my shock and disappointment, Tom’s show was replaced with some new guy, Rush Limbaugh.

This song cracks me up. I love it. The Rush Hawkins Singers’, “Thank the Lord Rush Limbaugh’s On.”

© All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Senator Rand Paul on American Exceptionalism!


Senator Rand Paul physician serving as the junior United States Senator from Kentucky since 2011, alongside Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. … Paul was a candidate for the Republican nomination at the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Jim Phillips, Chairman and CEO of Covenant Ventures. Jim has founded and co-founded many successful corporations and earning prominent leadership positions with Motorola, SkyTel, iPix, Telular, and The FedEx Institute of Technology, while inventing and introducing many products used by millions worldwide. His innovative contributions and business leadership have been chronicled in many national publications including Forbes, Fortune, Business Week, The Standard, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. He has made numerous appearances on Fox News, CNN, CNBC, the BBC, and CBS Morning News.

TOPIC: American Exceptionalism!

Viganò Breaks Silence

by Church Militant

‘I declare with a clear conscience before God that my testimony is true’

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the whistleblower who accused Pope Francis of elevating known homosexual predator Theodore McCarrick, is breaking his silence. Speaking on the reasons why he published his testimony, which exposed a number of high-ranking cardinals and bishops as part of the “homosexual current” in the Church, the former papal nuncio said he did so “during a crescendo of continual news of terrible events, with thousands of innocent victims destroyed and the vocations and lives of young priests and religious disturbed.”

Viganò notes that neither the pope nor cardinals in Rome have denied his testimony, which he asserts before God is true. He also makes a special appeal to Cdl. Marc Ouellet, whom he says has at his “complete disposal key documents incriminating McCarrick and many in the curia for their cover-ups.”

Since publication of his original testimony on August 25, Viganò has gone into hiding, his whereabouts unknown. Sources have confirmed the Vatican is using its intelligence network to seek him out in order to haul him to Rome for canonical prosecution.

LifeSiteNews offered the official English translation, republished in full below.

Tit. Archbishop of Ulpiana
Apostolic Nuncio

Scio Cui credidi
(2 Tim 1:12)
Before starting my writing, I would first of all like to give thanks and glory to God the Father for every situation and trial that He has prepared and will prepare for me during my life. As a priest and bishop of the holy Church, spouse of Christ, I am called like every baptized person to bear witness to the truth. By the gift of the Spirit who sustains me with joy on the path that I am called to travel, I intend to do so until the end of my days. Our only Lord has addressed also to me the invitation, “Follow me!”, and I intend to follow him with the help of his grace until the end of my days.

“As long as I have life, I will sing to the Lord, I will sing praise to my God while I have being. May my song be pleasing to him; For I rejoice in the Lord.” (Psalm 103:33-34)

It has been a month since I offered my testimony, solely for the good of the Church, regarding what occurred at the audience with Pope Francis on June 23, 2013 and regarding certain matters I was given to know in the assignments entrusted to me at the Secretariat of State and in Washington, in relation to those who bear responsibility for covering up the crimes committed by the former archbishop of that capital.

My decision to reveal those grave facts was for me the most painful and serious decision that I have ever made in my life. I made it after long reflection and prayer, during months of profound suffering and anguish, during a crescendo of continual news of terrible events, with thousands of innocent victims destroyed and the vocations and lives of young priests and religious disturbed. The silence of the pastors who could have provided a remedy and prevented new victims became increasingly indefensible, a devastating crime for the Church. Well aware of the enormous consequences that my testimony could have, because what I was about to reveal involved the successor of Peter himself, I nonetheless chose to speak in order to protect the Church, and I declare with a clear conscience before God that my testimony is true. Christ died for the Church, and Peter, Servus servorum Dei, is the first one called to serve the spouse of Christ.

I declare with a clear conscience before God that my testimony is true. Tweet

Certainly, some of the facts that I was to reveal were covered by the pontifical secret that I had promised to observe and that I had faithfully observed from the beginning of my service to the Holy See. But the purpose of any secret, including the pontifical secret, is to protect the Church from her enemies, not to cover up and become complicit in crimes committed by some of her members. I was a witness, not by my choice, of shocking facts and, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church states (par. 2491), the seal of secrecy is not binding when very grave harm can be avoided only by divulging the truth. Only the seal of confession could have justified my silence.

Neither the pope, nor any of the cardinals in Rome have denied the facts I asserted in my testimony. “Qui tacet consentit” surely applies here, for if they deny my testimony, they have only to say so, and provide documentation to support that denial. How can one avoid concluding that the reason they do not provide the documentation is that they know it confirms my testimony?

The center of my testimony was that since at least June 23, 2013, the pope knew from me how perverse and evil McCarrick was in his intentions and actions, and instead of taking the measures that every good pastor would have taken, the pope made McCarrick one of his principal agents in governing the Church, in regard to the United States, the Curia, and even China, as we are seeing these days with great concern and anxiety for that martyr Church.

Now, the pope’s reply to my testimony was: “I will not say a word!” But then, contradicting himself, he has compared his silence to that of Jesus in Nazareth and before Pilate, and compared me to the great accuser, Satan, who sows scandal and division in the Church — though without ever uttering my name. If he had said: “Viganò lied,” he would have challenged my credibility while trying to affirm his own. In so doing he would have intensified the demand of the people of God and the world for the documentation needed to determine who has told the truth. Instead, he put in place a subtle slander against me — slander being an offense he has often compared to the gravity of murder. Indeed, he did it repeatedly, in the context of the celebration of the most Holy Sacrament, the Eucharist, where he runs no risk of being challenged by journalists. When he did speak to journalists, he asked them to exercise their professional maturity and draw their own conclusions. But how can journalists discover and know the truth if those directly involved with a matter refuse to answer any questions or to release any documents? The pope’s unwillingness to respond to my charges and his deafness to the appeals by the faithful for accountability are hardly consistent with his calls for transparency and bridge building.

Moreover, the pope’s cover-up of McCarrick was clearly not an isolated mistake. Many more instances have recently been documented in the press, showing that Pope Francis has defended homosexual clergy who committed serious sexual abuses against minors or adults. These include his role in the case of Fr. Julio Grassi in Buenos Aires, his reinstatement of Fr. Mauro Inzoli after Pope Benedict had removed him from ministry (until he went to prison, at which point Pope Francis laicized him), and his halting of the investigation of sex abuse allegations against Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor.

In the meantime, a delegation of the USCCB, headed by its president Cardinal DiNardo, went to Rome asking for a Vatican investigation into McCarrick. Cardinal DiNardo and the other prelates should tell the Church in America and in the world: did the pope refuse to carry out a Vatican investigation into McCarrick’s crimes and of those responsible for covering them up? The faithful deserve to know.

Did the pope refuse to carry out a Vatican investigation into McCarrick’s crimes and of those responsible for covering them up? Tweet

I would like to make a special appeal to Cardinal Ouellet, because as nuncio I always worked in great harmony with him, and I have always had great esteem and affection towards him. He will remember when, at the end of my mission in Washington, he received me at his apartment in Rome in the evening for a long conversation. At the beginning of Pope Francis’ pontificate, he had maintained his dignity, as he had shown with courage when he was Archbishop of Québec. Later, however, when his work as prefect of the Congregation for Bishops was being undermined because recommendations for episcopal appointments were being passed directly to Pope Francis by two homosexual “friends” of his dicastery, bypassing the Cardinal, he gave up. His long article in L’Osservatore Romano, in which he came out in favor of the more controversial aspects of Amoris Laetitia, represents his surrender. Your Eminence, before I left for Washington, you were the one who told me of Pope Benedict’s sanctions on McCarrick. You have at your complete disposal key documents incriminating McCarrick and many in the curia for their cover-ups. Your Eminence, I urge you to bear witness to the truth.

Finally, I wish to encourage you, dear faithful, my brothers and sisters in Christ: never be despondent! Make your own the act of faith and complete confidence in Christ Jesus, our Savior, of Saint Paul in his second Letter to Timothy, Scio cui credidi, which I choose as my episcopal motto. This is a time of repentance, of conversion, of prayers, of grace, to prepare the Church, the bride of the Lamb, ready to fight and win with Mary the battle against the old dragon.

Scio Cui credidi” (2 Tim 1:12)
In you, Jesus, my only Lord, I place all my trust.
“Diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum” (Rom 8:28)


To commemorate my episcopal ordination on April 26, 1992, conferred on me by St. John Paul II, I chose this image taken from a mosaic of the Basilica of St. Mark in Venice. It represents the miracle of the calming of the storm. I was struck by the fact that in the boat of Peter, tossed by the water, the figure of Jesus is portrayed twice. Jesus is sound asleep in the bow, while Peter tries to wake him up: “Master, do you not care that we are about to die?” Meanwhile the apostles, terrified, look each in a different direction and do not realize that Jesus is standing behind them, blessing them and assuredly in command of the boat: “He awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, ‘Quiet! Be still,’ … then he said to them, ‘Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?'” (Mk 4:38–40).

The scene is very timely in portraying the tremendous storm the Church is passing through in this moment, but with a substantial difference: the successor of Peter not only fails to see the Lord in full control of the boat, it seems he does not even intend to awaken Jesus asleep in the bow.

Has Christ perhaps become invisible to his vicar? Perhaps is he being tempted to try to act as a substitute of our only Master and Lord?

The Lord is in full control of the boat!

May Christ, the Truth, always be the light on our way!

+ Carlo Maria Viganò
Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana
Apostolic Nuncio

September 29, 2018
Feast of St. Michael, Archangel

PODCAST: This is Our Last Chance to Defeat Globalism

John Michael Chambers, author of Trump and the Resurrection of America was on the PrepperRecon show.

Mr. Chambers warns that this may be our last chance to defeat the globalist agenda.


John Michael Chambers was born and raised in New York and has traveled across much of the United States. He has also resided in both Florida and Colorado and presently resides in both the U.S. and Asia. He is very intuitive and is a down to earth excellent communicator who has a “short-term realist” and a “long-term optimist” view of both life and living. He has traveled and lived in many countries. John is a visionary and perceptive individual who has often taken the road less traveled. He has been gifted with the ability to awaken, inspire and to motivate and he does indeed do this via his books, blogs, speaking engagements and his music. Along the way, when asked about his formal education he has said in a tongue-in-cheek manner, “I’m a graduate from the University of Life and Living” and as an entrepreneur over the years, I have employed and provided opportunities for those with MBAs, PhDs, CFPs, attorneys etc.” Although he had a short stint in community college, his education was mainly provided through music, movies, books, certain inspirational individuals in life, and the experience of life itself. A very diverse journey and pathway, John held various positions from 1976 – 1996 in New York and Florida. This included working at CBS in N.Y. in stage lighting for special programs including the Miss America Beauty Pageant as well as in distribution for DuPont, one of the top ten largest U.S. companies at the time. He was a guitar instructor and musician, a sales director for domestic and international print publications, and worked in sales for a major video distributor.

From 1996 – 2008, John was a successful Financial Advisor, with a total of six independent offices in Colorado, Florida, and New Mexico that primarily focused on wealth preservation. He has been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal as well as many other newspapers and radio and television stations of note across the country, including CBS and NBC.

In Washington, D.C., John attended meetings held by members of Congress that were also attended by former President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush, on Social Security Reform, Tax Reform, and Homeland Security. Mr. Chambers’ website may be found at http://coursecorrectionsconsulting.com/.

USAA reinstates advertising with Sean Hannity, other companies rebuff Media Matters report as a Lie

USAA reinstates advertising with Sean Hannity.  Other companies rebuff Media Matters report that they stopped advertising on Sean Hannity. Have you sent your email urging companies to continue to advertise on Hannity?

Click here to send your email to urge marketing officials at most of Hannity’s advertisers to continue advertising with Sean Hannity.

Media Matters is targeting companies that advertise on Sean Hannity because of his conservative values.

Florida Family Association first responded with an email alert that reported that USAA had succumbed to Media Matters pressure by stopping its advertising on the Sean Hannity Show.  The email alert asked people to send emails urging USAA to start advertising again.  Thousands of people sent emails to USAA officials through Floridafamily.org’s action email center.

Ad Week reports:  USAA Marches Back to Hannity.  Sean Hannity seems to have many fans who currently serve or have served in the U.S. military. When they heard USAA was pulling its commercials from Hannity’s Fox News program, they weren’t pleased, and apparently made their feelings known to the company. It’s probably no coincidence then that USAA announced today it has revered its decision, and will resume its advertising on Hannity.

Your emails made a difference.  And here’s more good news.

Florida Family Association responded with an email alert that provided an email that people could easily  send to most of Sean Hannity’s advertisers to urge them to continue to support his show.   Thousands of people responded by sending emails to encourage advertisers to stay with Hannity.

Some advertisers’ responses to these emails are posted below:

My Pillow’s Michael Lindell stands with Sean Hannity

I have no intention of ever going off my friend Sean’s show!

I am in this fight too!

Michael J. Lindell
My Pillow, Inc.

InterContinental Hotels Group never advertised on Sean Hannity so it could not have stopped advertising as Media Matters reported.

Greetings from the Executive Office of IHG.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts regarding advertising with the Sean Hannity show.  We greatly appreciate the opportunity to clarify our position.

Simply, we are not an advertiser on this show, and therefore never pulled ads. We are aware there was a third-party programming error, which caused our ad to be aired in a few local markets.  Unfortunately, a lack of fact-checking created this misunderstanding, and we are appreciative of top-tier media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, who have taken the time to get the facts right in their reporting.

We are also grateful for you contacting us – so we have the opportunity to set the record straight.

Thank you,
Executive Liaison, IHG
IHG | P.O. Box 30321, Salt Lake City, UT 84130, USA

GoodRX was NOT pressured to stop advertising as Media Matters reported.

Hello –

I’m the co-founder of GoodRx. You list our company as an advertiser on the Hannity show. Thanks to you, we’ve received hundreds of emails from concerned folks who would like us to continue running ads on Fox News and/or Hannity.

Unfortunately, I think you have incorrect information. While GoodRx has in the past advertised on Fox News (and elsewhere), we recently ceased ALL television advertising. We stopped advertising a few weeks PRIOR to this current controversy and it had nothing to do with any particular personality or political view – we simply stopped advertising for a few months as we work on new ways to talk to Americans.

We believe this incorrect information came from an organization called Media Matters. They have (after much effort on our part) edited their original post to indicate that we did not pull any advertising related to this issue.

We’re not some faceless corporation – we’re just a small group of frustrated Americans who are fed up with high drug prices. We spend our days simply trying to provide information and savings to help people not have to choose between rent, food or medications.

We have no immediate plans to run more advertising, but we’re constantly evaluating the market and we appreciate the feedback from so many concerned citizens. Our mission is to help all Americans, and hearing from so many this week has reminded our team (and me especially) that we have to keep working hard to fix America’s many issues.

We’d appreciate it if you removed us from your list, as we’re not a current advertiser and don’t want your members to think that we’ve done something wrong. Trust is a core value of our company, and I’m concerned that a controversy we have nothing to do with us will reflect poorly on us.

Thanks for your consideration.

Doug Hirsch

Ring.com was NOT pressured to stop advertising as Media Matters reported.

We did not (stop advertising as Media Matters reported).  As you know things get falsely reported all of the time and we are now a victim of that as well.

Because the situation seems so hot on either side and because we actually as a company are a combination of multiple views we have decided to just not comment on this at all anymore as we believe that there is no fair and balanced reporting that will come from it.

So sorry you were offended, I am a father and an inventor.  Not a politician.


Florida Family Association removed USAA, InterContinental Hotels Group, GoodRX and Ring.com from the floridafamily.org articles that Media Matters had reported as dropping Sean Hannity.

Sean Hannity is a true American patriot.  Hannity has brought us news that no other cable news host has produced.  He has relentlessly stood for traditional Judeo Christian values.  Sean Hannity routinely gives honor to our military leaders, fallen heroes and military families in need.  There is no better weekend than the Memorial Day Weekend to start defending Sean Hannity against leftist attacks aimed at the values we cherish.

Media Matters published a list of companies that advertise and companies that stopped advertising at the bottom of their article.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to urge marketing officials at most of the companies to continue advertising with Sean Hannity.  The companies included in this email are ones listed by Media Matters as “primary advertisers” and “advertisers who’ve announced they’ll no longer advertise on Hannity.”  The contact information for the advertisers that have said they will no longer advertise is posted below.  Contact information for companies that continue to advertise is not being provided in order to reduce the chances of opponents using the information.  There is a list of a few companies that are blocking emails that would have been sent through the Floridafamily.org email server.  Please consider preparing an email using your own email service for these companies.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the “Send Your Message” button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to urge marketing officials at most of Hannity’s advertisers to continue advertising with Sean Hannity.

Contact information for companies that continue to advertise is not being provided in order to reduce the chances of opponents using the information.

The contact information for the advertisers that have said they will no longer advertise is posted below:

These are the advertisers who’ve announced they’ll no longer advertise on Hannity:

Boehringer Ingelheim
Paul Fonteyne, CEO
Ann Davin, Public Relations Manager

Gracia C. Martore, President and Chief Executive Officer
Anne Bentley, Vice President and Chief Communications Officer

Philip Krim, CEO
Michael Behrens, Chief Marketing Officer

Leesa Sleep
David Wolfe, CEO
Lisa Scotti, Vice President of Marketing

John Foley, CEO
Vicki Reed

The following companies are blocking emails that would have been sent through the Floridafamily.org email server.  Please consider preparing an email using your own email service for these companies.

Cars.com  blocking
Gracia C. Martore, President and Chief Executive Officer

Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical
Patrick Carroll, Chief Marketing Officer USA

Jenny Wall, Chief Marketing Officer

Leesa Sleep  blocking
David Wolfe, CEO
Lisa Scotti, Vice President of Marketing

Keira Krausz, Chief Marketing Officer

Melissa Reinking

Views on Radical Islam: An interview with Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Deputy Assistant to the President

The Trump Administration spearhead of the ideological war against Radical Islamic Jihadism is Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Deputy Assistant to President Trump and member of the White House Strategic Initiatives Group. He has recently surfaced as spokesperson for the Administration on this and related issues and been the subject of a number of media reports. We had prior knowledge of his views on Radical Islamic jihadism from our New English Review book review and interviews prior to his involvement in the Trump transition team.  Subsequently, following the President’s election he was selected to serve in the Executive Office of the President.  We were afforded an opportunity to interview him on a wide range of current issues on Northwest Florida’s Talk Radio 1330 AMWEBY.  The program aired February 28, 2017.

Among the following national security and foreign policy issues addressed in the 1330amWEBY interview with Dr. Gorka were:

  1. Why the Trump Administration is concerned about the threat from radical Islamic Jihadism?
  2. Who are the ‘self-styled’ counterterrorism experts criticizing the Administration for exposing the ideology behind Radical Islamic Jihadism?
  3. The dangerous threat of Iran’s nuclear and missile development, state support for global terrorism and hegemonic aspirations in the Middle East.
  4. Importance of Israel, Jordan, Egypt as allies in support of US national security interests in the Middle East.
  5. Possible formation of a NATO-type regional military alliance composed of Sunni Arab Monarchies, Emirates and states with possible links to Israel.
  6. Administration views on Turkey and the Kurds in the war to defeat ISIS.
  7. Global spread of Radical Islamic Jihad especially in Sudan, Nigeria, Niger and Mali in Africa.

What follows is the interview with Dr. Gorka:

Mike Bates: Good afternoon welcome back to Your Turn. This is Mike Bates. With me in the studio Jerry Gordon is the Senior Editor of the New English Review and its blog The Iconoclast and joining us by telephone Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Deputy Assistant to the President in the strategic initiatives group. Dr. Gorka, welcome.

Dr. Sebastian Gorka: Thank you for having me.

Bates: Dr. Gorka, you have been criticized significantly by so-called counter-terrorism experts for concentrating on addressing the ideology behind radical Islamic terrorism. Is there any merit to that criticism at all?

Gorka: It’s quite ironic that the individuals that have written these recent critiques are in many cases the people who are responsible for the last eight years of Obama administration policies. That completely ignored the ideological component of groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda and simply resulted in the atrocious situation we have today with ISIS declaring a caliphate of remarkable affiliates across the globe and with attack after attack occurring not only in America but especially in Europe. So the fact is denying the reality of what your enemy believes makes it very difficult to stop them recruiting new terrorists in the future. That’s my bottom line.

Bates: So how are you advising the Trump administration concerning the threat from radical Islamic terrorism?

Gorka: The President, even before he became the Commander in Chief, was very clear on these issues so we are just continuing the work of the presidential campaign. If your listeners look at a very important speech that wasn’t paid adequate attention to it, the Presidents’ Youngstown speech which was very clear on the ideological components of this war. Then we have the inauguration which was very specific, his fifteen minute speech that talked about the radical Islamic terrorist threat the phrase of your former President denied and refused to use.  Then we had  last Friday his address to CPAC which was just as strenuous and talked about obliterating the threat and wiping them from the face of the earth.  Our belief is that this is a war against individual organizations like ISIS. However, in the long term it is really a counter-ideological fight that has to resolve finally in the delegtimization of the religious ideology that drives groups like ISIS.

Jerry Gorda: Dr. Gorka, speaking about obliterating ISIS what changes might we expect in administration policies towards the Kurds in the war to defeat ISIS and the resolution to the conflict in Syria?

Gorka: Unlike previous administrations we don’t give our playbook away in advance. We don’t talk about the specifics of our war plan. However, the President has been clear that whether it’s the Kurds or whether it’s others in the region America is not interested in invading other peoples’ countries; that’s un-American. Our nation was born in a rejection of imperialism not the colonization or occupation of other countries.  Whether it is the Kurds or local Sunnis or the forces of Iraq, we are interested in helping our partners in the region win their wars for themselves. It’s not about American troops being deployed in large numbers, it’s about helping those Muslim nations and forces in the Middle East who want to be our friends help them win their battles for themselves.

Bates: Well speaking about them winning the battles for themselves there have been some news reports about some administration discussions about the possible formation of a NATO type regional military alliance in the Middle East. Is there anything developing there?

Gorka: Again we are going to keep our powder dry and we are not going to give away our game plans in advance. The bottom line is not the labels or not what we wish to package things into. The issue is the local actors stepping up to the plate with our assistance to fight their backyard war.  I mean it’s not, Christians who have been decimated, Yazidis have been decimated but by far the largest number of victims of the jihadist groups are their fellow Muslims. They are not just the Shia who they deem to be heretics but in many parts of Iraq and Syria and elsewhere the ISIS forces, the related groups are killing other Sunnis that they disagree with.  Whatever the coalition it will be very different from the smoke and mirrors coalition that was created under the Obama years which really wasn’t a serious force.

Gordon: Dr. Gorka, how dangerous is the threat of Iran’s nuclear and missile development, state support for global terrorism and hegemonic aspirations in the Middle East?

 Gorka: That’s a question that could have a PhD dissertation level response. Let’s just talk about the facts. We know Iran according to the U.S. Government is a state-sponsored terrorism, the largest state-sponsor of terrorism. It is not doing this recently it has been doing this since 1979 whether it is from the Iranian hostage siege crisis all the way down.  This is a nation that I like to depict as an anti-status quo actor. This is a nation that doesn’t share basic interests with the normal values of the international community. They are not interested. If you are a theocratic regime that wishes to forcibly and subversively export  your theocratic vision around the world what is the common interest you could have with America or with any of our allies? That’s the false premise upon which U.S. Iran relations were based in the last eight years and the idea that a nation that has that destabilizing ideology wishes to acquire weapons of mass destruction including nuclear capability means that they do represent a threat to all nations that believe in a global stability.

Gordon: Dr. Gorka, how important is Israel as an ally in support of U.S. National Security interests in the Middle East versus resolution of the impasse with the Palestinians?

Gorka: There is no greater partner of the United States in the Middle East. We are very close and we help the Jordanians, Egypt, UAE  redressing and improving the very  negative relationship that was established between the White House under the Obama administration and Egyptian President Sisi’s government. Israel, as a beacon of democracy and stability in the Middle East, is our closest friend in the region and the President has been explicit in that again and again So it would be difficult  to overestimate just how important Israel is not only to America’s interest in the region but also to the broader stability of the Middle East.

Bates: And what kind of role do you foresee for Turkey?

Gorka: I think that is in many ways up to Ankara. Historically, after it’s accession to NATO, Turkey became one of the most important nations in the alliance. It had the largest army in Europe. As a result of its location it was highly important during the Cold War geo-strategically. Recent events with an emphasis to rising fundamentalist attitudes have questioned the future trajectory of Turkey. The administration and the President is clear that it wishes to be a friend to those who wish to be our friends.  I think you know any good relationship depends upon both parties willingness to work together. We would like to continue a fruitful relationship with Turkey but that depends upon the government in Ankara itself.

Gordon: Dr. Gorka, the Obama administration lifted sanctions against the Islamic Republic of the Sudan on the cusp of leaving office. This despite evidence that the regime of President Bashir is raising a terrorist army literally to foment jihad in the Sahel region of Africa. What remedies might the administration consider to combat this?

Gorka: Again you are trying to tease out very concrete policy prescriptions from us and I’m really not prepared to do that at this point. Remember we are in week six of the administration.  However, we do recognize and we are very serious about the fact that of what I call the global jihadi movement isn’t just an issue in the Middle East. We like to focus on the so-called five meter target. It was Al Qaeda for a decade then it morphed into the Islamic state or ISIS.  There are large swaths of territory in Africa that are unstable, are not sovereign in the sense that the local government exercises full control over them. The mere fact alone if you look at Nigeria, the Boko Haram, the black African jihadi group has sworn allegiance to ISIS and Ab? Bakr al-Baghdadi and has been incorporated into the Islamic state, changed its name to the West African Province of the Islamic state. That shows you just how serious the situation is.  Jihadism truly spreads from whether it’s Aleppo, whether it’s Raqqa, whether it’s Africa, Mali, Nigeria or to the streets of Brussels or San Bernardino. We fully appreciate just how global the threat is and that includes Africa as well.

Bates: Dr. Gorka, it obviously includes the United States as well.  One of President Trump’s very first executive orders had to do with the restriction of entry into the United States from people from seven countries. The administration was criticized by the Democrats and the media, my apologies for being redundant there.  However, if you look at the numbers of those seven affected countries, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Syria and Yemen,  have a combined population of  220 million people and there is a global Muslim population of 1.6 billion.  That means that 86 percent of Muslims in the world are not prevented from entering the United States and yet it was portrayed as a Muslim ban. How does the administration intend to come out with a revised plan that can avoid that criticism or do you think the criticism will come no matter what?

Gorka: The criticism will come no matter what because there is a fundamental disjuncture between the mainstream media, a perception of the world and the actual reality of how serious the threat is. These are the countries that either are state sponsors of terrorism or are the hotbeds of jihadist activity today be it Islamic State or Al Qaeda. This is a threat analysis we inherited from the Obama administration.  The idea that it is controversial is asinine and secondly you’re absolutely right. If this had been an Islamaphobically generated executive order then how is it the most populous Muslim nation in the world, Indonesia, was left off of the list? How is it the most populous Arab Muslim nation in the world  Egypt was left off the list? The challenge that was politically brought was that there was some ulterior motive behind the listing of these seven countries.  The fact is it is an unemotional cold analysis of the threat to America that was the reason for the drawing up of that moratorium of that list of seven nations.  But if you have a political agenda then of course you will spin things politically.

Bates: Another nation that’s not on that list is Saudi Arabia. Can you address the cooperation we are getting from the House of Saud regarding the overall global war on Islamic terrorism?

 Gorka: Again, it’s getting a little too specific.  However,  I will talk about some good things that have occurred. We know that there were issues with certain elements of Saudi society propagating or supporting the propagation of radical ideologies around the world. That attitude changed quite drastically in about ’05, ’06 when Al Qaeda started targeting Saudi officials on Saudi soil.  A nation that may have been problematic for several years has recently been reassessing its attitude to these international actors.  We expect to see even more positive things coming out of Saudi Arabia as we in the White House, especially the President and Secretary Tillerson start to rebuild the relationships with all our allies in the region that were so detrimentally affected by the treatment they received at the hands of the Obama White House.

Bates: Well if I may editorialize for just a moment, it is a relief to see an administration that is taking the threats seriously and is dealing with the world as it is and not as it wishes the world were. Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Deputy Assistant to the President in the strategic initiatives group, thank you so much for joining us this afternoon on Your Turn on 1330 AM WEBY.

LISTEN to the 1330 AM WEBY interview with Dr. Gorka.

RELATED ARTICLE: Swede Democrat leaders pen WSJ op-ed imploring Americans to avoid the mistakes Sweden made 

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

PODCAST: ISRAEL — A Leading Power in the World

Israel a leading power in the World? Listen to Rod Bryant and frequent contributor Jerry Gordon to find out the reasons behind this development – high tech brain power, attracting global investments in innovative technology from the strong horse militarily in the troubled Middle East facing a nuclear Iran, proxy Hezbollah, Hamas and ISIS. Also listen to a report from the Emunah World Tour on the road in Colombia with co-host Ira Michaelson and Rabbi Dror Casuto.

RELATED ARTICLE: J Street’s Dead End

PODCAST: On President Trump, Artful Deals and Embassies

What’s with the U.S. embassy move in Israel? Everyone’s talking about it, and so are our show hosts, Rod Bryant and Jerry Gordon.

Listen to co-host Rod Bryant with frequent contributor Jerry Gordon discuss what’s behind the U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem, Israel’s troubling version of ISIS to how Israel’s Arrow-3 Star Wars Missile could protect the US against North Korean/Iranian ICBMs.

The Persian News nightmare: America’s ‘voice’ has been transformed into the Voice of Tehran

If you had been listening to the Voice of America’s Persian News Network (PNN) in the weeks and months before the U.S. presidential elections, you would easily have believed that Donald Trump was a white supremacist in league with the Ku Klux Klan who raped underage girls, and that Hillary Clinton was a shoe-in to become president.

Sure, you would have had the same impression watching MSNBC or CNN (since merged into the DNC). But there’s a big difference: your tax dollars paid for the propaganda on the Voice of America.

So certain was the director of the VOA’s Persian Service, Setareh Derakhshesh, that Hillary Clinton was about to become president that she tasked reporters two weeks ahead of time to prepare a special program lionizing the Democratic “president-elect.” No such program was prepared on Donald Trump.

When Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, told supporters at 2 a.m. in Chicago to “go home,” PNN reporters obediently went home as well and the Persian service went off air, instead of broadcasting the real president-elect’s acceptance speech.

The next day they brought on Mehdi Nourbakhsh, the son-in-law of former Islamic Republic of Iran Foreign Minister Ibrahim Yazdi, to analyze the results. “Trump will leave the presidency to Mike Pence and will go back to what he had been doing before,” he said. “Trump will hand Syria totally to Russia Trump is not representing all America. He is representing ultra right, white color, low educated, religious fanatics who cannot see a woman in leadership.” No one challenged these assertions.

Other articles and interviews on VOA’s Persian service are all of a piece. In an editorial posted the day before the election, VOA editors wrote that Vladimir Putin was the only world leader who would welcome the arrival of Donald Trump, but that was because “Donald Trump serves Russian interests and is associated with Russian investors.”

In a post-election piece, VOA invited another Trump-hater, Reza Goharzad, to give his views of the president-elect’s Cabinet picks. He told VOA’s audience in Iran that strategic adviser Steve Bannon and U.S. Attorney General designate Sen. Jeff Sessions were “racists who have to apologize to the American people.” Education secretary designate Betsy DeVos was “going to end public education.”

VOA editors continued their war on Mr. Trump on Twitter and Facebook. After Fidel Castro died, PNN editor Mohammad Manzarpour shared a tweet praising Castro as a real giant and calling Mr. Trump “a paper giant.” (When critics of PNN exposed this, Mr. Manzarpour deleted the shared tweet).

Facing tough congressional criticism, the Broadcasting Board of Governors put out a statement in English lauding VOA’s coverage of the elections.

“VOA Persian aired two days of special election programming which included over seven hours of live elections results,” the BBG stated. “The service’s election night broadcasts included the live speeches of both Trump and Clinton with simultaneous translation. Also, their political talk show New Horizons featured a discussion with the Trump’s Middle East adviser Majid Rafiezadeh.”

That statement includes several outright lies. On election night, VOA did not broadcast speeches by either presidential candidate: Mrs. Clinton did not speak, and PNN went off air before Mr. Trump took to the podium.

As for Majid Rafiezadeh, he was no Trump adviser. “The Trump Campaign authorized me to organize a Middle Eastern American Advisory Committee but I don’t know Mr. Majid Rafizadeh and he was not on that list,” Trump Middle East adviser Hossein Karam told me in an email. “I checked with the other Iranian American on the Middle Eastern American Advisory Committee and they had not heard of this individual either,” he added.

In fact, Mr. Rafiezadeh has been an “ambassador” for the pro-Tehran advocacy group, National Iranian American Council, NIAC, which viciously denounced Donald Trump for months and, after the elections, raised money from supporters on a pledge to wage “a major public battle” against the Trump administration.

The Voice of America is terminally ill. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Ed Royce, California Republican, has devoted an entire page on the committee’s website to long-standing unsuccessful efforts to reform the VOA. Former and current employees have set up a blog to chronicle the disaster.

The Persian Service has been rank with infighting and personnel disputes for decades. A 2015 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Report found widespread discontent, with only 30.2 percent of PNN employees believing that PNN’s senior leaders “maintain high standards of honesty and integrity.”

In recent years, the Obama administration has brought in more than a dozen reporters from Iranian regime media outlets who have transformed America’s “voice” into the Voice of Tehran. Some of these individuals last worked for the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

It may be possible to save VOA through the total overhaul of our international broadcasting being proposed by the House and Senate foreign affairs committees.

But there is no saving PNN. It is too corrupt, too riddled with regime supporters, and too toxic to the “good” employees to be reformed. It’s time to shut it down and save the taxpayers some money and our nation from public embarrassment.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Washington Times.

PODCAST: Beyond The Matrix – Will the U.S. Cabinet Picks Trump Israel?

Ira and Rod are joined once again by Jerry Gordon, former Intelligence Office and National Security expert. Jerry shares his perspective on the outcome of the election, and how some of the potential cabinet picks might affect Israel.

Beyond The Matrix 22Nov – PODCAST

The Coolest ‘Most Politically Incorret Concervative Black Man on the Planet’ now on Red State Talk Radio

Concord, NH – Nationally Syndicated Radio Show Host Rod Eccles of The Rod Eccles Show, is pleased to announce that he will be joining America’s Premiere Conservative Talk Radio Network, Red State Talk Radio, on Monday, October 31st.

Rod Eccles is considered to be The Coolest Most Politically Incorrect Conservative Black Man on the Planet and he is an animated and dynamic speaker with a great message for America. When the mic comes on, Rod translates his mastery of the written word into the mastery of the spoken word. Rod has been a guest and co-host of many different radio shows and he has had the honor of interviewing many great conservative guests such as Col. Allen West, Diamond and Silk, Sheriff David Clarke, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Dr. Alveda King, and many more.

Rod Eccles is not politically correct and some say he is controversial because of his use of sarcasm when making his points. He is one of the Leading Voices in The Conservative Movement and that is evident with the many radio networks that are reaching out to add his radio show to their great line-up of programs.

He states ” Being able to have a platform to spread my message of love of country and disdain for liberalism and big government is something I treasure everyday. Being able to give people a platform to express their opinions is something that I truly enjoy” That is evident with the many callers that have called into The Rod Eccles Show from all over the world.

The Rod Eccles Show can be heard on Red State Talk Radio, Monday-Friday, starting October 31st, from 5PM – 8PM EST

Affiliates, Sponsors, and Potential Guests can contact his Agent, Laura Stietz, at laurastietz2014@gmail.com.


Rod has lived or visited the nations of Greece, Spain, Italy and Turkey. His father is a 21-year veteran of the United States Air Force and saw active duty in Vietnam and Thailand. Rod is a strong Constitutional Conservative.  Rod believes in God, Family, Country, and the right to the pursuit of happiness.  Rod believes in the Constitution of the United States of America and that the Founding Fathers were on the right track when they created and established our nation. Rod is an entrepreneur having started a successful landscaping business while living in New York State. That experience helped him launch a successful Dry Cleaning Service called Cleaner Solutions which was a door to door dry cleaning service. Now Rod owns three businesses titled Zinc Media, Zinc Marketing, and Zinc Agency.

Rod Eccles is considered to be The Coolest Most Politically Incorrect Conservative Black Man on the Planet and he is an animated and dynamic speaker with a great message for America. When the mic comes on, Rod translates his mastery of the written word into the mastery of the spoken word. Rod has been a guest and co-host of many different radio shows and he has had the honor of interviewing many great conservative guests such as Col. Allen West, Diamond and Silk, Sheriff David Clarke, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Dr. Alveda King, and many more.

Rod Eccles is not politically correct and some say he is controversial because of his use of sarcasm when making his points. He is one of the Leading Voices in The Conservative Movement. He states ” Being able to have a platform to spread my message of love of country and disdain for liberalism and big government is something I treasure everyday. Being able to give people a platform to express their opinions is something that I truly enjoy” That is evident with the many callers that have called into The Rod Eccles Show from all over the world.

The Rod Eccles can be heard LIVE  Monday-Friday 9 AM- 12 PM EST. If you would like to be on the air LIVE with Rod the number to call is 603-835-3226

For more information on The Rod Eccles Show please visit:http://www.rodeccles.net/

VIDEO: NYC Police looking for Burka clad Muslim woman taking photos of Jewish school

Relax, you greasy Islamophobe. She was just thinking about enrolling her children there and wanted to make sure they had adequate playground facilities.

“NYPD Seeking to Question Muslim Woman Caught On Video Taking Photos From Jewish School,” by Mark Hirshberg, JP Updates, October 1, 2016:

The NYPD Intelligence Division & Counter-Terrorism Bureau are seeking to speak with a woman that was caught on surveillance video taking pictures of a Jewish school in borough park.

The incident took place last week on Thursday afternoon at approximately 2:30 p.m. The woman, dressed like a Muslim, showed up at the Yeshiva Imeri Yosef Spinka school located at 15th avenue and 58th street. She proceeded to take photos and look around all sides of the building as if to spy and stake out the place.

The school’s surveillance video was handed over to the NYPD.

Investigators from the Intelligence Division are now reviewing the video, NYPD officials told JP….


Hamas: Abbas “by religious standards a Jew” for attending Peres funeral

California: Muslim plows vehicle into veteran’s car “in the name of Allah”

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is from FLICKER.

PODCAST: Want an Innovation Economy then build an Entrepreneurial HuB

Thunder-Nerds-logoOn this episode of Thunder Nerds we talk to Innovator and Entrepreneur, Rich Swier Jr. We journey into his passion for building businesses and helping other entrepreneurs develop their own success.  We also discuss Rich’s incubator for innovation and creativity, The HuB.

The HuB’s mission is to build a strong creative economy in Sarasota, Florida by bringing together professionals, artists and entrepreneurs to execute big ideas.

The HuB provides a wide-range of services including application development, video production, marketing, business development and many other key aspects to growing or launching a venture.

Show Notes

  • Guest: Innovator and Entrepreneur, Rich Swier Jr.
    • Rich Swier is an entrepreneur. Over the past 20 years, Rich has been involved in building a creative and technology economy in Sarasota, Florida.
  • Twitter: @hubsarasota
  • The HuB