As I watched the towers come down fourteen years ago, the same towers I watched go up as a kid in New Jersey, I knew my life (like many others) was about to dramatically change…forever. On that fateful September morning I knew all my years of academic work in Islam and related areas of law enforcement and activism would be required in what will be an extended, vicious, deadly, horrible war in a clash of two incompatible civilizations, the Judeo-Christian West and Islam.
In those early patriotic days if you were not moved by the thousands of American flags flying from every other car on every road in America, you lived among the dead in spirit. Today the American flags have stop waving on the cars but the flags of Al Qaeda and the Islamic State now fly worldwide indicating my next sad but very accurate observation – we are losing this war to Islam’s Jihad.
But, we can win.
We are losing primarily because of President Obama’s unprecedented capability to persuade his Democrat party to capitulate to Islam’s supremacy and then create at home a false “war-wariness” that has taken the fight out of many Americans while the same time the recruitment for the Islamic State and its affiliates increases exponentially.
Folks, you cannot beat a determined enemy who desires to die for their cause when your Commander-in-Chief does all he can to weaken the American spirit and American fighter.
In order to defeat Islamic jihad this Obama defeatist attitude must be reversed and we have a little over 400 days to make necessary political changes on Election Day, November 8, 2016.
The United West is positioned to help reverse this defeatist strategy through our continued work in the areas of defending the US Constitution, defending the State of Israel, defeating President Obama and defeating Islam. Our powerful team is extremely knowledgeable on these cultural and national security issues and has tremendous communication skills as seen through our thousands of hours of high-quality informative videos, through our regular documentaries and expose’s on Enemies of the State.
In addition, what really sets us apart from others who fight these battles for the American people is that we take the fight to the bad guys, going after them, at their events, on their turf, in their backyard and properly, professionally and legally confronting them to expose them as anti-America, anti-Israel, anti-West advocates.
If you follow the phenomenal work of The United West (formally, Florida Security Council) you realize how much our team has accomplished over the past nine years on so little money. We own a fully equipped independent TV studio that has became a central component of broadcasting our investigative and activist material worldwide.
Our highly dedicated team is comprised of all volunteers with no one receiving a salary and some of our folks are living on their friend’s couches in order to stay in this fight. Our operating expenses are a mere $9,000 a MONTH! I can say with extreme confidence that there is no organization that accomplishes all we do, on a world-wide basis on $9,000 a month!
In an effort to make sure there are NO MORE September 11’s in America just this year on March 2, The United West was in Washington DC, live-streaming a Rally in support of Prime Minister Netanyahu, then also in March we lead a two-week tour to Israel for a small group on Zionist activists to study the “hot spots” so that these folks can come back and teach others about the truth of Israel’s precarious national security position.
In April, again in Washington DC at “Muslim Brotherhood Day” in the US Capitol our team confronted hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood activists and their well-known leaders and completely exposed this event as an anti-American activity of the Muslim Brotherhood. Soon after that operation, our team was in Garland Texas live-streaming Pamela Geller’s ground-breaking First Amendment event when we all were attacked by two Muslim jihadists with automatic weapons.
Thankfully, the Garland Police killed both Islamic State terrorists on the spot.
In August our team traveled to Santa Barbara California to help lead a national security briefing and public Rally to continue our critically important work on stopping the Iran nuke deal.
Then, just a few days ago we were in Washington DC to cover and report on the historic Stop Iran Rally at the U.S. Capitol that featured an array of speakers including Sen. Cruz, Frank Gaffney, Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann and many other great Americans…speaking to over 10,000 America patriots!
As I look back over these 14 years, I know full well that America, Israel and the West will be in this fight at least another 14 years. One cannot think about today, September 11 and NOT be determined as ever to give all we can each and every day.
Yes, my team and I want to be in this fight but as things look today, as crazy as it sounds we will be phasing out of action in the near future.
It seems we are experiencing the consequences of our own success.
One of our messages is that all Americans MUST get involved in the political process and help good people get elected. In that Florida is such a significant “swing-state” and that there are so many good people running for President, there has been a dramatic shift in donations going away from us and to the various candidates. On one level this is good but I dare say that the work of The United West, at $9,000 a MONTH goes a whole lot further than a ONE-MINUTE, $9,000 TV COMMERCIAL for a candidate with 2% support! And of course, much of this money is completely wasted against the media juggernaut of Donald Trump.
As America starts our fifteenth year in the Global War on Terror and you believe that The United West has a significant role to help defend America, Israel and the West, please consider helping us stay in the fight.
For more detailed information please contact me at