PODCAST: Listen to “I, Pencil” on Freakonomics Radio by Jeffrey Tucker

It’s thrilling that a full episode of the popular Freakonomics podcast is dedicated to Leonard Read’s legendary essay “I, Pencil.” The episode interviews pencil makers and sellers, economists and writers, and provides a look back at what gave rise to this essay in the first place.

It also features the crucial role that FEE has played in emphasizing the decentralized and spontaneous processes that build the good society, in contrast to the fashion for central planning that has defined economic and social policy in the 20th and 21st century.

The host, Stephen Dubner, says:

Let’s begin in 1946. That’s when a man named Leonard Read starts an organization called the Foundation for Economic Education, or FEE. The FEE is a think tank meant to extol the virtues of free-market capitalism. It’s an early proponent of libertarianism in the U.S. Read was a businessman, from Michigan. He started out in wholesale groceries, later ran the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. In 1958, the FEE published an essay, written by Read, called “I, Pencil.” …

It’s a bold claim the pencil makes – “not a single person knows how to make me.” But the claim would seem to be justified. And it’s an interesting way of looking at the world, yes? At how interdependent we are, at how specialized we are. The deeper conclusion that Leonard Read was making, however – this is where things get really interesting.

The episode is beautifully produced, the product of massive research and interviews. It updates some of the details from Read’s pencil 58 years ago, and re-applies the lesson in the case of a man who tried to make an ordinary $10 toaster from scratch and on his own.

In the end, the lesson is the powerful one that any student can absorb from a detailed knowledge of economics: even the simplest products require a vast and extended order of market production, made possible through ownership, capital, trade, the division of labor, and signaling systems such as prices. No one person can do it, and certainly no government can do it.

Listen to the podcast here or on iTunes.

Jeffrey A. TuckerJeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey Tucker is Director of Digital Development at FEE and CLO of the startup Liberty.me. Author of five books, and many thousands of articles, he speaks at FEE summer seminars and other events. His latest book is Bit by Bit: How P2P Is Freeing the World.  Follow on Twitter and Like on Facebook. Email.

PODCAST: Interview with Dr. Raji Srouji from Nazareth, Israel

Dr. Raji SroujiDr. Raji Srouji works at the Nazareth Municipality as the Sports Department Director.  He is a Board member of the Nazareth Fund, and member at the Nazareth Academic Institute (NAI).

Dr. Srouji (pictured right) is a prominent figure in the local government in Nazareth, the capital and the largest city in the Northern District in Israel.  Nazareth is known as “the Arab capital of Israel.” The population is made up of predominantly Israeli Arabs, most of whom are Muslim (69%), and also Christians (31%).

Topics of Discussion:

  • Relations between Israeli Arabs and Israel
  • Relations between Christian Israeli Arabs and Israel
  • Relations between Muslim Israeli Arabs and Israel
  • Potential areas of possible improvement(s)
  • Problems faced by Israeli Christian Arabs

And more . . .

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Missed an episode or an interview? Visit the USA Transnational Report Show Archives to catch up! Including:

Interview with Charles Ortel
Interview with Kevin D. Freeman
Campaign 2016 Kicks Off
Interview with Dr. Mordechai Kedar
Interview with Ludovic Lopez
Interview with Matthew Bracken
Interview with Counter-terrorism Expert Henry Morgenstern
Interview with PA Constable Marcus Kohan
Special Post-Paris Terrorism Update
Interview with Trevor Loudon
Interview with Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney
Interview with Congressman Pete Hoekstra
Interview with Major General Paul E. Vallely (Ret.)
Interview with Tom Trento of The United West

PODCAST: The Dangers of the Iran Nuclear and Missile Deals

LISTEN to this podcast of the January 17, 2016 Lisa Benson Show with Claudia Rosett on KKNT 960 – The Patriot. Lisa Benson and New English Review Senior Editor Jerry Gordon co-hosted this show with commentary from Board of Advisors member, Richard Cutting.

On Saturday, January 16, 2016 there was a plethora of breaking news. It was kicked off with the lifting of sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program triggered by alleged compliance with terms of the JCPOA political agreement certified by the UN watchdog agency, the IAEA.  This was the Orwellian “implementation Day” under the unsigned agreement by all of the parties to JCOPA starting 24/7 monitoring of Iranian enrichment facilities.  There was the announcement from Tehran  of  the swap of  five US citizens held hostage in Iran  in exchange for  Clemency granted by President Obama  for  seven Iranians convicted or charged with industrial espionage and acquisition of illicit equipment and software for nuclear and ballistic missile programs. Sunday morning, January 17, 2016 there were further developments; the announcement by   the US Treasury Office e for Foreign Assets Control of new sanctions against 11 individuals and entities in Iran involved with illicit procurement  for ballistic missile development. Iran had launched two precision guided ballistic missiles in tests in October and November 2015 that violated UN Res. 1929 and JCPOA provisions arousing the ire of Congress.

President Obama in remarks on these developments, released on Sunday, said:

“Today’s progress — Americans coming home, an Iran that has rolled back its nuclear program and accepted unprecedented monitoring of that program — these things are a reminder of what we can achieve when we lead with strength and with wisdom; with courage and resolve and patience. America can do, and has done, big things when we work together”.

Watch the President’s  YouTube video remarks on this alleged historic political deal  purportedly preventing Iran  from developing nuclear weapons:

To complicate matters there was seizure of 10 U.S. Navy sailors and their Riverine Command boats coincidental with the President’s State of the Union Address before Congress on Tuesday, January 12th. Iran flashed video and pictures of the crews kneeling with hands behind their heads at gunpoint held by IRGC soldiers followed with an apology by the young commander for entering Iranian controlled waters off Farsi Island in the Persian Gulf. Earlier on January 6th, a mini earthquake registering 5.5 on the Richter scale was picked by the several seismographic agencies in China, Japan and the US signaling the fourth in a series of illicit nuclear blasts by North Korea. That immediately led to the question of whether it was a mini-hydrogen bomb as promoted in propaganda by Pyongyang or perhaps a test of nuclear warheads. Warheads capable of being fitted on missiles that North Korea had developed and sold to Iran.

In anticipation of these developments we had asked recommendations from a valued guest of the Lisa Benson broadcasts, Shoshana Bryen , senior director of the Washington, DC  Jewish Policy Center as to who we might bring on to comment on these developments and the Iran – North Korea  strategic alliance. She suggested we contact Claudia Rosett, Journalist in Residence at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.  We followed up on her suggestion and arranged to have Rosett as our guest on the Sunday, January 17th broadcast. That was a fortunate coincident. We had met Rosett in 2009 at a presentation she gave in Pensacola, Florida on the official corruption in the UN Oil for Food program. See our New English Review article; “Claudia Rosett: The UN is Absolutely Corrupt” (February 2009).

Claudia Rosett Journalist-in-Residence Foundation for Defense of Democracy.

Claudia Rosett is an award-winning reporter and commentator. Over the past 35 years, including 18 years as a staff writer for The Wall Street Journal from 1984-2002, she reported from Asia, the former Soviet Union, Latin America and the Middle East. Ms. Rosett has testified before six U.S. Congressional committees on topics including corruption under the United Nations Oil-for-Food program in Iraq, and the strategic alliance between North Korea and Iran. Currently she is focused on illicit networks of Iran and North Korea, including shipping traffic. Ms. Rosett holds a B.A. from Yale, an M.A. from Columbia, and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago, with a specialization in finance.

Here are some of the high points raised by Rosett during the Lisa Benson Show broadcast:

  • Iran never signed the nuclear deal now being implemented, nor did any of the other parties (the U.S., U.K., France, Russia, China, and Germany).
  • This is not a lasting or enforceable deal.
  • IAEA monitoring of Iran’s nuclear program guarantees nothing. The IAEA has no power to enforce, only to monitor. Iran can play the same game of chicken as North Korea did, throwing  out IAEA monitors when convenient, and carrying on to make nuclear bombs.
  • In the deals now going on, both nuclear and the hostage/prisoner releases this past weekend, Iran is cleaning up.
  • Remember, Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. The real headline should be: Return of some $100 billion in unfrozen funds to world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.
  • Iran carried out two sanctions-violating ballistic missile tests this past fall; the only real reason Iran to continue developing ballistic missiles would be to put nuclear warheads on them.
  • President Obama, in deciding which Iranians to release in the hostage/prisoner swap, ruled out prisoners detained for terrorism and violent crime, but released violators of sanctions in other words; he pardoned people some of whom had abetted Iran’s weapons and nuclear programs. A damaging signal that the U.S. is not serious about enforcing this nuclear deal.
  • Iran will now be able to access roughly $100 billion, or by some accounts more, in unfrozen funds though the actual amount remains murky.  We have never been given a full accounting of these funds.
  • There has been deliberate obfuscation by the Obama Administration on the terms of this nuclear deal (the secret side agreements between Iran and the IAEA, for instance) as well as the consequences.
  • The possibility of Iran and North Korea working together on nuclear missiles is a serious concern. In the 21st century, North Korea is the only country known to have tested nuclear weapons. It is the obvious place for the Iranians to hide a nuclear test, or benefit from the data, in plain sight.
  • Israel’s air force destroyed the Al Kibar nuclear reactor that was being built in Syria with substantial help from North Korea. The U.S. should have allowed a similar strike against Iran some time ago, or the U.S. should have carried one out itself.
  • We have just seen U.S. sailors detained on their knees before the Iranians before they were released. When have we seen members of the Iranian military on their knees before the U.S?  Iran is humiliating America. This is an invitation to other enemies of America to do the same.

The Iran deal is worse than the nuclear deals the U.S. cut with North Korea.  North Korea has been making nuclear weapons and conducted four nuclear tests. Iran is even more dangerous, and the consequences here could be much worse.

Our usually astute European listener commented with his opinions:

The Iranian deal agreed and pushed forward by the Obama administration gave in to all Iranian demands and the nuclear watchdog deal by the IAEA is a complete sham. As mentioned numerous times the Iranians have in undisclosed parts of Iran three other nuclear research sites which have never been checked on and where they are continuing enrichment.

The JCPOA is a draft which was to be negotiated and approved but nothing was discussed and the addendums were all kept top secret.

For the P5 the whole deal is a way to boost their trade deficits and they accepted everything that the Obama Administration and the Iranians agreed on.

The IAEA made a complete flop of their controls in North Korea and the same could occur in Iran.

It has been that North Korea is being financed by Iran and they could easily sell nuclear warheads and ship them by plane to Iran.

I sincerely hope that some lawmakers in the U.S. have listened to this broadcast and will take the necessary steps to block the Iranian agreement after the elections.

RELATED ARTICLE: World Watches How Iran, Now Free of Nuclear Sanctions, Will Act

EDITORS NOTE: This podcast originally appeared in the New English Review.

GOP Media Takedown: A Recipe for Victory

It’s long been known that a leader can gain power by rallying the people against a boogeyman.

And it helps when that boogeyman is real.

When CNBC’s GOP debate moderators couldn’t help but be sanctimonious, supercilious, and self-important Wednesday night, they did more than provoke a response from their intellectual superiors. They did more than further reveal the Establishment Media as a left-wing monolith, further discredit themselves, and further cement in minds that they’re comic-book versions of journalists.

They quite literally revealed a strategy for GOP electoral gains.

I said many years ago that if I were seeking the presidency (fanciful thought), one of the entities I’d run against is the media. Why? Along with lawyers and politicians, the media is a group for which Americans have a fairly intense dislike. This is largely because as with the first two groups, a big part of the modern media’s business is lying, and no one likes being lied to. Moreover, outsiders Donald Trump and Ben Carson are leading contenders for the GOP nomination because people have lost faith in our institutions and are fed up with the establishment. And the Establishment Media, by definition, are part of the establishment. Thus, they’re ripe to be demonized.

To reiterate, no Machiavellian maneuvering is necessary here because the media are demonic in their deception. Along with entertainment and academia, they constitute a tripartite axis of cultural evil. They are Americans’ conduit of information, and how can citizens choose the right policies and politicians if they’re being fed misinformation? It’s as with a computer: if the input is wrong, the output will be wrong — and our nation’s actions won’t compute.

And taking on this enemy of America — as is the case when tackling any enemy — makes you a hero. Think about it: every candidate that joined Senator Ted Cruz in the phalanx against the media Wednesday seemed like an anti-establishment outsider bravely fighting the powers-that-be. This was true even of Senator Marco Rubio and Governor Chris Christie, despite the only true visible outsiders in the race being Trump, Carson, and Cruz.

Another factor is that the media are going to propagandize against Republican candidates regardless; it’s a given. But it won’t work nearly as well once you make clear you’re a mortal enemy of the media, which will be attended by the (correct) assumption that they’re an enemy of yours. Then when they run negative information on you, people will be more likely to dismiss it with “Well, of course they’d say that. They hate his guts!” In other words, there’s long been an undeclared media war on conservatives, but up until now rightists having generally taken the abuse quietly. And if you have to take the flak anyway, why not make sure the war is declared, an open and visible fight?

In contrast, when you play along with the media’s ridiculous questions, which range from juvenile to malicious, you not only cast yourself as someone who plays the game (paging John “Can’t do” Kasich) but lend those questions credibility; this is significant because people are influenced by what’s “accepted,” and a large segment of the electorate won’t truly recognize, independently, the questions’ inanity. But standing up and passionately pointing it out will be a light-bulb moment, making some of them say, “Hey, yeah! That was a dumb and unfair question!” You’re announcing that the media have no clothes.

So while some lament the media’s descent into overt left-wing advocacy, there is a silver lining in that cloud. In the days of Peter Jennings and Dan Rather, the media already constituted a leftist propaganda mill but were decidedly better at feigning impartiality. Today the media are even more artless, impatient, and infantile and far more often wear their banners openly. This not only means they tend to let their mask slip, but gives a smart candidate the opportunity to rip it off completely and expose the distorted visage beneath.

Running against the hated media also has an obvious byproduct: discrediting via guilt by association all whom the establishment media support, such as establishment candidate Hillary Clinton. To intensify this process, it should be treated as a given — not only because it’s true but also because what’s assumed is learned best — that the media and Democrat Party are joined at the hip. I’ve often used the line that the media are the Democrats’ “public-relations team,” and Rubio related this idea well Wednesday when he called the media the liberals’ “ultimate super PAC.”

Of course, all this would have to be effected boldly but artfully; if overdone, it could start to seem like whining. It’s also possible the media could be cowed somewhat by humiliation and retreat into Peter Jennings mode. After all, leftists have big egos and can’t tolerate what their own Saul Alinsky prescribed: mockery. Should this return to relative subtlety occur, it would make the media’s propaganda more effective. There is some question as to whether today’s new media guard — more emotion-driven than ever and conditioned to expect immediate gratification — could exercise such discipline. Yet I wouldn’t be surprised to see them regroup, at least for a time, in an effort to not be the bull in the china shop of leftist shilling.

Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus has been excoriated for setting up the CNBC debate, but he perhaps stumbled into gold. No, taking down incompetent propagandists is no substitute for having a fair media in the first place. But, as G.K. Chesterton once wrote, “War is not the best way of settling differences; it is the only way of preventing their being settled for you.” The media have long been launching the salvos and settling matters. It’s time to fight back in the spirit of settling their hash.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com

A Jersey Boy’s Reflections on September 11, 2015

9 11 people covered in dustAs I watched the towers come down fourteen years ago, the same towers I watched go up as a kid in New Jersey, I knew my life (like many others) was about to dramatically change…forever. On that fateful September morning I knew all my years of academic work in Islam and related areas of law enforcement and activism would be required in what will be an extended, vicious, deadly, horrible war in a clash of two incompatible civilizations, the Judeo-Christian West and Islam.

In those early patriotic days if you were not moved by the thousands of American flags flying from every other car on every road in America, you lived among the dead in spirit. Today the American flags have stop waving on the cars but the flags of Al Qaeda and the Islamic State now fly worldwide indicating my next sad but very accurate observation – we are losing this war to Islam’s Jihad.

But, we can win.

We are losing primarily because of President Obama’s unprecedented capability to persuade his Democrat party to capitulate to Islam’s supremacy and then create at home a false “war-wariness” that has taken the fight out of many Americans while the same time the recruitment for the Islamic State and its affiliates increases exponentially.

Folks, you cannot beat a determined enemy who desires to die for their cause when your Commander-in-Chief does all he can to weaken the American spirit and American fighter.

In order to defeat Islamic jihad this Obama defeatist attitude must be reversed and we have a little over 400 days to make necessary political changes on Election Day, November 8, 2016.

The United West is positioned to help reverse this defeatist strategy through our continued work in the areas of defending the US Constitution, defending the State of Israel, defeating President Obama and defeating Islam. Our powerful team is extremely knowledgeable on these cultural and national security issues and has tremendous communication skills as seen through our thousands of hours of high-quality informative videos, through our regular documentaries and expose’s on Enemies of the State.

In addition, what really sets us apart from others who fight these battles for the American people is that we take the fight to the bad guys, going after them, at their events, on their turf, in their backyard and properly, professionally and legally confronting them to expose them as anti-America, anti-Israel, anti-West advocates.

If you follow the phenomenal work of The United West (formally, Florida Security Council) you realize how much our team has accomplished over the past nine years on so little money. We own a fully equipped independent TV studio that has became a central component of broadcasting our investigative and activist material worldwide.

Our highly dedicated team is comprised of all volunteers with no one receiving a salary and some of our folks are living on their friend’s couches in order to stay in this fight. Our operating expenses are a mere $9,000 a MONTH!  I can say with extreme confidence that there is no organization that accomplishes all we do, on a world-wide basis on $9,000 a month!

In an effort to make sure there are NO MORE September 11’s in America just this year on March 2, The United West was in Washington DC, live-streaming a Rally in support of Prime Minister Netanyahu, then also in March we lead a two-week tour to Israel for a small group on Zionist activists to study the “hot spots” so that these folks can come back and teach others about the truth of Israel’s precarious national security position.

In April, again in Washington DC at “Muslim Brotherhood Day” in the US Capitol our team confronted hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood activists and their well-known leaders and completely exposed this event as an anti-American activity of the Muslim Brotherhood. Soon after that operation, our team was in Garland Texas live-streaming Pamela Geller’s ground-breaking First Amendment event when we all were attacked by two Muslim jihadists with automatic weapons.

Thankfully, the Garland Police killed both Islamic State terrorists on the spot.

In August our team traveled to Santa Barbara California to help lead a national security briefing and public Rally to continue our critically important work on stopping the Iran nuke deal.

Then, just a few days ago we were in Washington DC to cover and report on the historic Stop Iran Rally at the U.S. Capitol that featured an array of speakers including Sen. Cruz, Frank Gaffney, Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann and many other great Americans…speaking to over 10,000 America patriots!

As I look back over these 14 years, I know full well that America, Israel and the West will be in this fight at least another 14 years. One cannot think about today, September 11 and NOT be determined as ever to give all we can each and every day.

Yes, my team and I want to be in this fight but as things look today, as crazy as it sounds we will be phasing out of action in the near future.

It seems we are experiencing the consequences of our own success.

One of our messages is that all Americans MUST get involved in the political process and help good people get elected. In that Florida is such a significant “swing-state” and that there are so many good people running for President, there has been a dramatic shift in donations going away from us and to the various candidates. On one level this is good but I dare say that the work of The United West, at $9,000 a MONTH goes a whole lot further than a ONE-MINUTE, $9,000 TV COMMERCIAL for a candidate with 2% support! And of course, much of this money is completely wasted against the media juggernaut of Donald Trump.

As America starts our fifteenth year in the Global War on Terror and you believe that The United West has a significant role to help defend America, Israel and the West, please consider helping us stay in the fight.

For more detailed information please contact me at Tom@TheUnitedWest.org

Ferrari, Farewell, but Hello!

Today is our final daily show so we kick back a bit, go down Memory Lane and then explain that we are not really going anywhere but have some very big plans.

As an added feature we bow to the amazing Ferrari victory yesterday in Hungary at the Formula One race.

Join us for a great “last show” and thank you very much for your valued support through all our shows.

PODCAST: Why the P5+1 Deal is Dangerous for the U.S. and Israel

User comments

Mike Bates (L) with Jerry Gordon.

You have heard statements by President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry announcing an “historical breakthrough” with  the P5+1 Joint Plan of Action on Iran’s nuclear program suggesting that it will be cut off from achieving a one year breakout to produce a weapon. He threatened Congress with a possible Veto should they reject the deal under the 60 day review requirements of the Iran Nuclear Review Act of 2015.

All the while Iran’s infrastructure to produce a bomb remains in place and sanctions against acquiring conventional weapons including possible nuclear tipped ICBMs will be removed. Moreover, Iran will not be subject to the anytime intrusive inspections by the UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Notwithstanding, you have also heard from Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu who denounced the deal as an “historic mistake”.

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham called the Iran nuclear deal akin to a “declaration of War” on Israel. President Rouhani of the Islamic Republic went on Iranian TV allegedly calling the proposed pact a “win-win” that would eliminate mutual distrust for this state sponsor of terrorism. Not lost on many Americans is that the US did not obtain the release of three citizens imprisoned in Iran; a pastor, an ex-Marine and a journalist, as well as, an ex-FBI agent missing for over eight years.  Then there is the embarrassment over Al Quds IRGC commander Gen. Qassem Sulyemani being lifted from the terrorism persons of interest list. This for a man responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan; possibly Libya, as well.

To find what are the real implications of today’s historic announcement we convened a panel of experts for another in our periodic 1330 AM WEBY Middle East Round Table Discussions July 14, 2015. The panel discussion on “Your Turn” included  guests Omri Ceren of The Israel Project, Shoshana Bryen of The Jewish Policy Center  and co –hosts Mike Bates and Jerry Gordon, Senior Editor of the New English Review. An article based on the panel discussion will appear in the New English Review.

Download and Listen to the panel discussion, here.

Our panelists were:

Omri Ceren

Omri Ceren, Managing Director for Press and Strategy at  The Israel Project.


Shoshana Bryen, senior director, The Jewish Policy Center.

EDITORS NOTE: This podcast on 1330 AM WEBY radio originally appeared in the New English Review.

Don’t Give Up On Our Republic Yet

It’s not over America, or at least it doesn’t have to be.  The United States is currently at a perfect tipping point.  Imagine if you will, a giant scale where our Republic is teetering ever so slightly between two points.  If she veers in one direction (to the right) our nation will be revived.  God’s wisdom will be sought as in times past and real solutions to the abysmal problems plaguing America will be applied.  Our Constitution and Bill of Rights shall once again be the written standard by which the government conducts it’s business on behalf of “We the People.”  Our cities will once again be renowned as centers of innovation, commerce, and civility.

The original or traditional family structure has served mankind very well for thousands of years as a stabling force and nurturing environment for future generations.  In addition, the traditional family will remain unchallenged by those seeking to overthrow our blessed way of life.  No longer will the Constitution, Bill of Rights, true American history, or even Jesus Christ be diminished in the minds of students attending government schools.

If America tips in the right direction, there will be a return of free market economics and the elimination of draconian taxes and regulations. As a result, Americans will be able to participate in a new era of untold innovation, creativity, and equal opportunities for those willing to exercise their God given abilities.  I firmly believe, that despite the present day darkness and lack of beneficial leadership in both the government and a significant portion of the church, new and authentic leadership shall soon arise from the ashes of today’s corruption.

If on the other hand, the choice is made to stay the present course and our republic turned mob rule democracy tips further in the direction of spiritual, political, moral and economic darkness, our exceptional nation could be fundamentally changed for the worse forever.  Not only America, but the world would be plunged into an even darker season of instability and drama that would dwarf today’s worldwide upheavals.

For starters, President Obama’s dream or nightmare to change America into a more vulnerable, less Christian, weaker immoral nation of non-importance would continue unchanged.  In addition, America’s tipping further into the wrong direction would aid the all out effort to wipe out your ability to freely function within the unalienable rights that come from God and ae recognized in the Bill of Rights.

One cannot expect life to spring forth out of death.  Thus the forces and supporters of the utter death and darkness of progressivism, open borders, agenda 21, disharmony amongst all Americans, Keynesian economics, abortion, and family instability, plus the evil prejudice against Providential guidance must not be allowed to prevail.  The fate of our republic does not rest in the hands of some far away entity, the United States government, or our beloved creator.  But ultimately, it rests in your hands.

We are plainly instructed to individually choose life or choose death.  Thus if you desire a restored America as a land of the free and home of the brave, then by all means please choose life. For yourself, then for our nation.  Throughout the years, I have stated in my radio commentary The Edwards Notebook that it is not yet over for the United States of America.  The prayers of great Americans from all throughout the republic are being heard by the ONE who shed his grace upon our nation.

The wisdom of God that years ago took wing and flew back to the Father is starting to return.  Soon the upheavals of today will be overcome by clear thinking and the decision to no longer settle for destruction.  We must also never forget that what is taught to one generation dictates the direction the nation takes in the next.  Shamefully, the rino republican appeasement approach to problems and problem makers cannot, will not, and must not be tolerated any longer.

My fellow Americans, there is life and there is death. I suggest you choose life.  It worked for the Founding Fathers and it can and will work for us today as we together rebuild the Seven Pillars of Society.

Thank the Lord Rush Limbaugh’s On the Air

Walking out to my shed to work on a project, I thought, what if I turn on the radio and Rush is not there. It was unsettling. Please forgive me folks. My intention is not to be morbid, but that day will inevitably come; prayerfully many years from now.

In the black church I grew up in, at funerals, someone always sang, “Give Me My Flowers.”

“Give me my flowers while I yet live so that I can see the beauty that they bring. Speak kind words to me while I can hear them so that I can hear the beauty that they bring.”

Folks, I just want to give Rush some flowers, to take a moment to thank him for the extremely positive impact he has had on my life and America. I still remember where I was the first time I heard him in the 80s. Who is this loudmouth guy? Where is my regular talk radio host Tom Marr? Shortly after that, I became hooked.

The major thing Rush did for me was to define the enemy; liberals and Liberalism. This knowledge opened my eyes to no longer be fooled by liberals’ compassionate-sounding rhetoric. Rush educated me to their snooty racist superiority and failed policies, which have devastated lives, particularly blacks’, for decades. While I instinctively knew it, Rush articulated why Conservatism is the best and most direct path for everyone seeking to achieve his or her American Dream.

Remember Dan’s Bake Sale? In essence, it was the first modern-day Tea Party rally. Dan Kay called Rush’s show. His wife said they could not afford the $29.95 annual fee for Rush’s newsletter. Rush was tempted to gift Dan a subscription, but decided it would stifle Dan’s drive to “be the best he could be” and make him a “dependent ward of the EIB radio network.”

Poking fun at the Democrats’ encouraging elementary students to have bake sales to help Clinton pay down the national debt, Rush suggested a bake sale for Dan. Rush’s idea inspired his millions of listeners, making Dan’s Bake Sale an instant international phenomenon. May 22, 1993 upwards to sixty thousand Rush listeners from all over the U.S. and the world gathered in Fort Collins, Colorado to buy a cookie from Dan. The event was a powerful positive illustration of Conservatism.

On a personal note, inspired by Rush and led by God, I became the tea party activist I am today. Back in the early 90s, for 15 years I was a graphic designer at a Baltimore TV station recently promoted to department supervisor. Every day I listened to Rush while working.

Companies were downsizing, and people were laid off. Rush encouraged them to shift their thinking and view the lay off as an opportunity to pursue their dreams. Well, I bought it. I was not laid off, but did not want to put in another 15 years to retirement.

I always wanted a career as a singer/songwriter which I pursued on weekends and vacations. Fired up by Rush’s optimism, upon getting the green light from my wife Mary, I gave the TV station my two week notice and began pursuing my dream full time.

It was an insane thing to do. I was in my late 40s. Rather than taking you through my entire wilderness experience, we became homeless for six months. During that time, God dealt with and matured me in many ways. As a P.K. (preacher’s kid) I grew up hearing people in church say, “Trust God.” For me, it was a Christian cliche. Several times in my wilderness experience when all appeared lost, God came through. Thus, I learned to trust God.

Trying to survive, I was grateful to get a job as a helper on a construction site. During my lunch break, I heard on the radio that a local radio station was hosting a support rally for our troops. I called the producer and asked if I could sing my original song, “Celebrate America”. Remarkably, never having heard of me, the producer said, “Yes.”

Folks, performing at that rally led to being asked to perform at major rallies hosted by Glenn Beck, G. Gordon Liddy and Gathering of Eagles which led to being invited to tour the country on the Tea Party Express. I have been on over a dozen national bus tours with Tea Party Express and other groups which led to my current position as Chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee.

Rush often referenced the American Thinker website. As a writer, my style in the world of politics is somewhat unique. So when AT publisher Thomas Lifson e-mailed that they were publishing my article, Mary and I were ecstatic. That was many articles and a book ago (Confessions of a Black Conservative).

Over the years, the Democrats and Liberals won unfair evil victories. Millions of conservatives could hardly wait for Rush to come on the air to bring us back from the edge with his infectious optimism, faith and inspiration. Thus, the thought of Rush not being there was a little unsettling.

Praise God, Rush is still on the air. I would like to end my flowers for Rush with one of my favorite Rush parodies. Please enjoy, “Thank the Lord Rush Limbaugh’s On” performed by the Rush Hawkins Singers.

The Answer to Rush Limbaugh’s Question

Traveling down I-95 headed home to Florida from visiting Mary and my parents in Maryland and West Virginia, I found myself yelling in frustration at my radio. Rush Limbaugh asked who gives the Left power to silence opposition, control speech, get people fired or ordered into sensitivity training? Rush rattled off numerous examples to prove his point including a mere 50 leftist student protesters at Rutgers successfully forcing Condoleezza Rice to back down from giving their commencement speech. 

Who gives the Left such power? I yelled, “We do!”

By the way, while in the West Virginia, I attended Mary’s dad’s 82nd birthday party. Many family members were in attendance. We had a wonderful time of laughter and love. I was the only black person. There was not the slightest vibe of racial tension in the air. I believe such is the state of race relations between a majority of Americans, except for those who despicably promote racial division for personal and political gain (Democrats).

Back to Rush’s question. Who gives the Left so much power? Much of the Left’s power comes from the mainstream media which is mostly liberal and totally in sync with the Democratic party’s socialist/progressive agenda. The MSM functions as the Left’s “hit men” ready to high tech lynch any and all challengers.

We can not do much about that. But, we can control our response. While I have written about this on countless occasions, my points bear repeating. Stop allowing the Left to set the rules of engagement and stop helping them beat up on our challengers.

When people on our side (conservatives) misspeak, misquote a stat or make a clumsy innocent comment, I will not sing in harmony with the Left’s choir; calling the conservative an idiot — nor will I submit to the Left’s demands that the targeted conservative be denounced. To do so is, in essence, providing aid and comfort to our enemies.

Frustratingly, both sides of the political street expect conservatives to be as perfect as Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, Democrats are permitted to make any cruel, evil, outrageous or unsubstantiated claim necessary to further their cause. Heck, Obama repeatedly told the American people a bold face lie to pass Obamacare, for the most part, without consequence.

While we function in a state of constant fear that a conservative may utter a single word for the Left to take out of context to use against us, Democrats’ rules of engagement allows them to boldly function from the position that no tactic is too low in their quest to defeat conservatives and implement the socialist/progressive agenda. Therefore, Democrats consider lying to the American people, millions losing their health care, denying medical care to kids with cancer and slandering millions of decent patriotic Americans in the Tea Party all fair game.

For example. Remember when Congressional Black Caucus Rep. Andre Carson made the irresponsible outrageous claim that the TEA Party would like to see blacks “hanging on a tree”?

Where was the push back from the MSM and calls for Democrats to denounce Rep Carson? Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson sent a fund-raising email claiming that the “T” in tea party stands for the burning cross of the KKK. Why did we not see the same pressure and 24/7 coverage the MSM applies to Republicans; demanding that Grayson apologize and calls for Democrats to denounce him?

The MSM embraces the claims of Democrats, who have never attended a single tea party, that the rallies are the equivalent of KKK meetings. As a black who has attended over 400 tea parties nationwide, the MSM rejects my on the scene eyewitness report to the contrary.

Remarkably, after five years without evidence proving their accusation to be true, the Democrats and MSM have doubled down on their claim that the Tea Party, the Republican party and all opposition to Obama is motivated by racism.

Our side has been advised to surrender to the Left’s branding of us and implement our own Democrat-lite versions of the Left’s agenda to prove that we are not racist – illegal immigration, denounce the repeal of Obamacare and exempt minorities from showing a photo ID to vote to name a few. So this is where we are – allowing Democrats and the MSM to dictate how we are allowed to fight; what we can and can not say – which battles we are allowed to fight.

And yet, we eagerly rush to blogs and media microphones to beat up on our courageous conservative freedom fighters whenever they make a mistake.

Sarah Palin is a prime example of which I speak. Say what you will about Pailn, but from day one, she has been an unwavering bold, strong and committed voice, pushing back against the tyranny of the Obama regime. Now, do you think I would ever help the Left beat up on Sarah? Borrowing a phase I heard my patriot brothers and sisters say while in New Jersey, “Forget about it!”

Then, there is Cliven Bundy. While Bundy may or may not have had all his legal ducks in a row, or knew how to deal with a hostile media, I tip my hat to the man. Bottom line, Bundy knew government was hijacking more and more of our freedoms and said, “No!” That takes guts folks because history confirms that “freedom ain’t free”. Bundy is paying a price that many are unwilling to pay. Many sheepishly go along with the program (the government incrementally taking over every aspect of our lives) rather than risking an IRS audit or a bogus reason to be thrown in jail.

Who gives the Left their power? We do, every time we surrender.

While visiting in Maryland, I was blessed with another cherished chat with my dad who just celebrated his 86th birthday. His mind is as sharp as ever. Praise God! Dad is Chaplin emeritus for the Baltimore City Fire Dept. He only speaks at special events.

Dad said he was called on the carpet by a department official after a recent event. One highly offended individual at the event complained that dad ended his prayer with, “in Jesus name”.

Dad told the official that he could no more deny Jesus than he could deny that he is black. Note, Dad did not apologize, beg for forgiveness or vow never to do it again. The official let it go.

Who gives the Left their power? We do.

RELATED STORY: Dem Congressman: ‘We’ve Proved That Communism Works’

Benghazi interview with Clare Lopez on The Blaze Radio

The media have been virtually silent about the Benghazi tragedy of September 11, 2012 in recent weeks, despite the ongoing relevance of this chapter to Hillary Clinton’s nascent presidential campaign. Her “What difference does it make?” comment has been translated by the media to mean “nothing at all.” This, despite the fact that a new Bloomberg poll indicates that 51% of respondents do not believe that Clinton didn’t see the requests for additional security at the U.S. Mission in Benghazi, as she claims.

“Her responsibility as Secretary of State was to provide for the security of the missions under her responsibility,” said Clare Lopez, a senior fellow with the Center for Security Policy and a member of Accuracy in Media’s Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi (CCB) in a recent interview on the Jay Severin Show. “I’ve served abroad in many missions. We’ve been in places where there were natural disasters, civil unrest, and even civil war, and there’s a commitment that is understood between those sent to the field and those who send them that if there is trouble, if we get in trouble in the field, help will come.”

“That is her responsibility and she failed it.”

Lopez is an intelligence expert with the Center for Security Policy and a former officer with the Central Intelligence Agency.

The Benghazi cover-up reaches through many levels of government, and has many shades of culpability. It engulfs the President, the former Secretary of State, the Department of Defense, the CIA, and others, yet little journalistic or congressional progress has been made toward finding out what really happened that day. David Kirkpatrick of The New York Times attempted to declare the final verdict on the scandal, in a report that has been widely debunked by AIM and others.

“Everybody knew right away that our mission in Benghazi was under attack,” said Lopez in the interview. “They also knew very shortly after the beginning of the attack that it was a terrorist attack.” Yet the President, in an election year, was allowed to go on the news and blame a YouTube video for weeks. His former United Nations Ambassador, Susan Rice—now his National Security Advisor—recently expressed on Meet the Press that she had “no regrets” over touting a non-existent demonstration in Benghazi, saying she shared the best information available at the time.

“We’re shortly getting ready to make some more revelations in a public event to let the people know what we’ve been doing,” noted Lopez. These revelations will help get to the truth of what really happened in Benghazi. The press should sit up and take notice.

You can listen to the entire interview here:

RELATED STORIES: To read all of Clare Lopez’s columns click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on Accuracy in Media.

Watchdog Wire Radio Guest Lineup: July 30-August 3, 2012

This week’s Watchdog Wire – Florida Radio Guest Lineup for the Dr. Rich Show on WWPR AM 1490 or listen live via the Internet at www.DrRichShow.com:

Monday, July 30 – Interview with Charter Review Board candidates Pay Wayman and Paul A. Cajka. There are five Sarasota charter review board seats open in 2012. The primary is being held on August 14th. Sarasota is one of 20 charter counties in Florida. We will learn why these candidates are so important to the future of our home rule style of government. Host: Dr. Rich Swier

Tuesday, July 31 – WHO IS HUMA? Tom Trento will clear up all the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton’s “body-girl,” Huma Abedin and whether or not she may be a threat to our national security. Host: Tom Trento

Wednesday, August 1 – A live interview with Ronna Romney. As her former brother-in-law, Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, is traveling on a national security visit to key allies like Israel we will learn more about the man and his family during this exclusive live interview with Ronna. Dr. Rich Swier

Thursday, August 2 – “FEARLESS,” The Unbelievable story of SEAL Team Six fallen warrior, Adam Brown. His life and times are an incredible journey of a true American hero. This show is a must listen and the book is a must read. Host: Tom Trento

Every Friday is FREE SPEECH FRIDAY!  – This is “You The People” Talk Radio. Giving local citizens concerned about local issues a voice to air their grievances and petition their elected representatives via the Dr. Rich Show is our mission each and every Friday. A citizen volunteer from Hillsborough, Pinellas, Manatee and Sarasota Counties will be talking about local issues of importance to you. What is happening at the local City/County Commission, School Board and events planned in each county will be presented to inform and educate our listeners. The last segment  on FSF is the “Voice of the Observer” with Rod Thomson, Editor-at-Large for the Observer Group Newspapers. Host: Dr. Rich Swier

Tune in every Saturday is “Righting the Right” with Glenn Pav – NEW! The Glenn Pav Show: Righting the Right on WTIS AM 1110 every Saturday from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. EST. Visit Glenn’s website by clicking here.

Please listen to the archives of our past shows by CLICKING HERE

Watchdog Wire Radio Guest Line-up: July 9-13, 2012

Watchdog Wire – Florida radio may be heard Monday-Friday from 11:00 to Noon EST. Below is the current Guest Lineup for Watchdog Wire radio with the Dr. Rich Show on WWPR AM 1490 or listen live via the Internet at www.DrRichShow.com:

Monday, July 9 – Pastor Stephen Broden, National Delegate Republican Party from Texas will join Dr. Rich to discuss all things political. Pastor Broden, of Fair Park Bible Fellowship in Dallas, hosted the Constitutional Elections Summit held May 26, 2012. Pastor Stephen Broden is a contributor on Fox News and has been a guest on Huckabee and Glenn Beck. Pastor Broden will be speaking at an upcoming C-Span event to be held in Washington, D.C. Pastor Broden is a Black, Politically Conservative Pastor. Host: Dr. Rich Swier

Tuesday, July 10 – Don Dix, Director – Corona ACT for America. Don will report on the Election Year – National Security Briefing with The United West, and the status of the Jihad in Southern California. Host: Dr. Rich Swier

Wednesday, July 11 – Clare Lopez, former Operations Officer with the CIA and Middle East expert, will be analyzing events in the Middle East and the rise of Muslim Brotherhood controlled governments in Egypt and Libya. Clare will be connecting events in the Middle East to our economic and national security interests in the United States. Host: Dr. Rich Swier

Thursday, July 12 – “The Jihad in Boston,” with Rabbi Jon Hausman and Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin, U.S. Army (Ret.). LTG Boykin was one of the original members of the US Army’s Delta Force. He was privileged to ultimately command these elite warriors in combat operations. Later, Jerry Boykin commanded all the Army’s Green Berets. He has participated in clandestine operations around the world. This program will be video LIVE STREAMED on www.TheUnitedWest.org. Host: Tom Trento.

Every Friday is FREE SPEECH FRIDAY! – This is “You The People” Talk Radio. Giving local citizens concerned about local issues a voice to air their grievances and petition their elected representatives via the Dr. Rich Show is our mission each and every Friday. A citizen volunteer from Hillsborough, Pinellas, Manatee and Sarasota Counties will be talking about local issues of importance to you. What is happening at the local City/County Commission, School Board and events planned in each county will be presented to inform and educate our listeners. The last segment on FSF is the “Voice of the Observer” with Rod Thomson, Editor-at-Large for the Observer Group Newspapers. Host: Dr. Rich Swier

Every Saturday is “Righting the Right” The Glenn Pav Show on WTIS AM 1110 every Saturday from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. EST. Visit Glenn’s website by clicking here.

Please listen to the archives of our past shows by CLICKING HERE.