God has always had a plan for the earth and its inhabitants. That plan was to create a man from whom would come a family of sons and daughters who would worship Him as God. Even though that plan was thwarted by Satan shortly after the creation, God had already formulated what we might call a “backup plan” that would include sending His own Son to “buy back” any human who would accept the Son as Messiah.
Even though, to us, it might seem like a “back up plan”, God, in His omniscience knew what would happen long before any human events occurred, so His plan for Jesus to be sent to earth as Messiah, the redeemer of the human race, was NOT a backup plan, but was an integral part of the PLAN OF GOD. He is so far above us in His thoughts and His ways that He has ALL the answers before any questions are asked.
For the Lord God, Jerusalem, the ancient capital of Israel, is the center of everything on earth; it is the only city on earth where He has “placed His name” and all end times prophetic events point to the final actions that will take place in or around Jerusalem. Israel is still the Apple of God’s eye and Jerusalem is still the city where God “placed His name”. All believers who study end time Bible prophecy should be focusing, not just on events that are now occurring in that area, but on the unfulfilled prophecies that MUST eventually occur there.
Russia and Ukraine
Since the beginning of the Russia/Ukraine war in February 2022, I followed, with a mild interest, the action taking place there, at least as closely as I could with the very limited western news coverage, much of which has been very slanted in support of Ukraine and against Russia.
By now, nearly every nation, and likely a huge majority of the people of the world have taken a side in the “war”, some backing Ukraine, some backing Russia.
Although my highest priority is usually watching events unfold in the Middle East, recently I have taken a more focused approach to the Russia/Ukraine issue when it became clear just how close we are to seeing some major actions take place in the Middle East, specifically actions that involve Israel.
Ok, so what does the Russia/Ukraine conflict have to do with the Middle East and specifically Israel? Are we seeing a move of God in either Russia, Ukraine, or Israel that might have implications for events to occur in the United States? A fair question since the US has gotten so involved in that questionable conflict.
Even though the news reports from multiple military fronts want you to believe that Ukraine is holding off Russia and will soon push all the Russian infantry and artillery back beyond their borders, any human being with even a small amount of discernment knows that the opposite is true.
If ordinary people in the US understand that there is no way that Ukraine can defeat the mighty Russian military machine, even with the massive amounts of money being funneled, supposedly, into the Ukraine military, then surely the US government knows it.
But it seems that the US government is hell-bent on continuing its unbridled support for the most corrupt administration in Ukraine, perhaps even world, history.
Natural Reasons for Supporting Ukraine: Are There Any?
I have tried to understand just what the national security interests of the US in Ukraine might be that would encourage the administration to continue supporting a losing cause against Russia.
Ukraine has historically been one of the “breadbaskets of the world”, producing massive amounts of wheat and other staples that help to feed the world. However, the United States has also been one of the world’s breadbaskets, not only providing ample food for US citizens, but also helping to feed hundreds of millions of people in other nations. The only reason the US would need to import food from Ukraine is the result of the almost criminal events that have worked to cripple food production in our Midwest and California.
Other than the large amounts of food that Ukraine is capable of producing, we need nothing of great value from that corrupt nation. We were completely energy independent while Trump was POTUS and still could be if US oil and gas producers were allowed to drill where they know there are massive amounts of American oil reserves, and had the shutdown of the Keystone XL pipeline not occurred under Biden’s orders. But we import few, if any, energy products from Ukraine so that cannot be the reason for the continued US involvement there.
Could the reports (proven by research and factual data) of Ukraine being the most corrupt government in the world, having the reputation as the money-laundering capital of the world, have some bearing on the so-called western world NOT wanting to see Ukraine fall to Russia? This could definitely be the main ‘natural reason’ for continuing to prop up a totally corrupt regime there. If there are no major natural reasons for the US involvement, could there be supernatural reasons that remain unseen to most people?
Supernatural Reasons
What if the REAL reason for the fighting in Ukraine is not over disputed land and territory, but is directly tied to the set up for one or more major prophetic events that will occur in the Middle East/Israel? There are still several major prophetic events in that area that have yet to be fulfilled. Could the outcome of the Russia/Ukraine war have a bearing on actions we will soon see in the Middle East?
A look at what the Bible says will occur in the Middle East could help explain just what is going on with the US involvement in Ukraine, other than a bunch of corrupt politicians wanting to use that money-laundering haven to enrich themselves further.
God has determined exactly how events in the end times (that would be NOW) will occur. He will do whatever it takes to move nations and peoples around to be in place for the events to occur as they were prophesied.
The prophet Ezekiel wrote, regarding ‘Gog’, the leader of the invasion from the north of Israel that will likely occur in our lifetime: “And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:” Ezekiel 38:3-5.
God, Who is omnipotent, certainly has ways of causing people, and nations, to do what they must to fulfill His will for them, and “putting hooks into the jaws” is a means He uses to bring Gog into the place where He will fulfill the prophecy. Could it be that He is also “placing a hook” into the jaws of the United States to bring her into the proper position she must inhabit during the final days of this age?
We know from the Bible that Russia, as a member of the Gog/Magog invasion of Israel, WILL have an active role in the end times events that are now unfolding and will continue to unfold in the Middle East and specifically in Israel, whereas the US will NOT have such a role. That being said, what might transpire that will bring that setup, with Russia being present and the US being absent, to fruition?
Could the disastrous US involvement in Ukraine, costing our nation many billions of US dollars, along with any credibility and the favor of our allies, backing a phony Ukrainian president in a war that his country cannot possibly win, be the event that brings the US down to a point where we will be nearly irrelevant in the end times action?
Even though the current administration works hard to convince Americans that our economy is healthy and growing, we ALL know the opposite of those claims is the truth. Most of the decisions made since Biden entered the White House have been a financial disaster for this nation, and the involvement in Ukraine has only worsened a very bad economic situation.
Any nation that has a less than healthy economy is asking for major trouble interfering in any other nation’s business.
God’s plan for the wrap-up of the Church age has been settled for millennia and no action of men or governments will change that. With the glaring absence of the US in any Middle East end-times events, specifically as a long-time ally and strong supporter of the Jewish people, it certainly seems as though God is sending a message to this nation: Because of your decisions to remove any presence of God from all your public institutions, turning your back to me, coupled with your support of the myriad of satanic activities that have blinded this nation to the benevolent goodness and mercy of God, I also will turn my back to you in your time of need.
If this is indeed what we are seeing, any opportunity to reverse it is likely very small and disappearing very rapidly. The actions of the people of this nation, especially its leaders, and the growing apostasy of the Church, have made reconciliation with Almighty God more improbable than ever.
I am trying NOT to be a totally negative voice here but this nation has mocked God at every turn for more than 50 years and I must reiterate what Paul wrote in his letter to the Church at Galatia: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” Galatians 6:7-8
God will not always allow man, or a nation, to step over His line and continue to walk in ways that are contrary to His plan. There is a price to pay for mocking God and, unfortunately, I feel we are close to seeing that payment demanded of the US.
©2023 Bud Hancock. All rights reserved.