VIDEO: GOP Ad ‘Retire Or Get Fired’ & More Americans Now Self-Identify As Republicans

‘Retire or get fired’: Senate GOP campaign committee targets Manchin, red-state Democrats with ad campaign

Democrats hold 51-49 majority in Senate but are defending 23 of 33 seats up for grabs in 2024 election

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News

The Senate GOP’s campaign committee is targeting three Democratic senators from red-leaning states that likely face bruising reelections in 2024.

The ad campaign from the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), titled “Retire or Get Fired,” takes aim at Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Jon Tester of Montana and Sherrod Brown of Ohio over what the NRSC calls their “liberal records” and ties the senators to President Joe Biden.

The digital spots, which the NRSC says it’s spending five figures to run online, were shared first with Fox News.

“When it mattered most, Joe sold West Virginia out. Joe Manchin’s lost his way. It’s time to bring him home,” the narrator in the ad running in West Virginia argues.

Read more.

For the first time in more than three decades, a higher percentage of Americans are identifying as Republicans or saying that they are GOP-leaning than those who are saying they are Democrats or leaning toward the Democratic Party, according to a new poll.

While 44% of Americans say they are Democrats or Democratic-leaning independents, 45% of Americans said they lean toward the GOP, according to a Gallup poll released Thursday.

Since 1992, with the exception of three years where both parties were tied, more Americans have said they align with Democrats than Republicans until the latest survey. The last time more people said they lean toward the GOP over the Democratic Party was in 1991 at 48% to 44%.

Things seem to be shifting as Republicans now are in charge of the House of Representatives.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Florida School Board Member ID’s 75 Books with Pornographic or Inappropriate Material in Library

Only 75? Looks like Democrats have been resting on their degenerate laurels.

Florida School Board Member ID’s 75 Books with Pornographic or Inappropriate Material in Library

By: Allen Moro | Jul 27, 2022

More than 70 books with pornographic and overly sexual content were discovered in a Florida school’s library, according to a concerned mother and school board member.

Ashley Gilhousen, a Clay County School District board member, is calling for “disciplinary action” for whoever is responsible for allowing children to be exposed to pornographic material.

“I don’t think there’s any justification for it,” Gilhousen told Fox News. “And I can tell you my own research in our school library so far I’ve identified 75 books that I’m working to challenge to get off of ourselves.”

In an interview with Fox, Gilhousen presented a series of examples of books that were available to children at the school.

One of the books, “Lawn Boy” by Jonathan Evison describes a boy who remembers participating in oral sex as a 10 year old.

“I’m disgusted that anybody would think that that’s appropriate material to have in a school library,” Gilhousen, who is a mom of three boys, said. “There needs to be disciplinary action for anybody who offers this kind of material to a child.”

Gilhousen also described some of the literature in the library as “politically driven agenda-type books.”

“Julian is a Mermaid,” a book found by the school board member, is recommended for elementary school children and regarded as an introduction to gender fluidity.

The story features a boy who puts on lipstick and jewelry then goes to an NYC mermaid festival where he can finally express himself.



WATCH: Teacher Turns His High School Classroom Into a Gay/Trans Nightclub

FBI Leadership Pressuring Agents to Artificially Pad Domestic Terrorism Data

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Maryland Governor Hogan, Officials Refuse to Enforce Laws to Stop Supreme Court Harassment


I’ve said it before, let me say it again, if a judge in any apolitical case were being targeted at his or her home with angry protests and death threats, those responsible would very quickly be in prison and the protests would be shut down by a heavy law enforcement presence.

This is happening because the Biden administration and its allies, which include — Gov. Larry Hogan, refuse to enforce the law.

At this point we’re far past a discussion in “right-wing media”. The Supreme Court has directly requested and been turned down by, among others, Gov. Hogan, who keeps prattling about “political norms”.

Gail Curley, the Supreme Court’s marshal, has written to the governors of Maryland and Virginia and local officials in suburban Washington, D.C., asking them to enforce state and county laws that prohibit picketing at private homes.

In the letter to Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican, she said laws in his state prohibits assembling “with another in a manner that disrupts a person’s right to tranquility in the person’s home,” and provides a penalty of up to 90 days in jail.

A “Republican”.

“Since then, protest activity at justices’ homes, as well as threatening activity, has only increased,” Curley said in the letter, with large groups using bullhorns and banging drums. “This is exactly the kind of conduct that Maryland and Montgomery County laws prohibit.”

And if right-wing protesters were doing this at Kagan and Sotomayor’s homes, there would be action.

In a letter to Marc Elrich, the executive of Montgomery County, Curley said a separate county law prohibits picketing “in front of or adjacent to any private residence.” She noted that the author of the county ordinance has urged county officials to enforce the law against protesters who gather outside the justices’ homes.

Both letters to the Maryland officials were dated Friday. The marshal also sent letters Saturday to Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, a Republican, and Jeffrey McKay, chair of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors in Northern Virginia, where other justices’ live, asking for enforcement of a similar Virginia law.

Virginia may or may not enforce the laws on a state level, Gov Hogan and Elrich have made it clear that they won’t.

The response from Maryland officials was lukewarm. In a statement on Saturday, Hogan’s office said the Maryland Attorney General’s office has questioned the constitutionality of the state’s anti-picketing law, and noted that the Justice Department has declined to enforce federal laws that would stop the demonstrations.

“In light of the continued refusal by multiple federal entities to act, the governor has directed Maryland state police to further review enforcement options that respect the First Amendment and the Constitution,” said Michael Ricci, Hogan’s communications director.

The Federal entities in question are under the control of the Biden administration which supports active intimidation of justices. But that has nothing to do with Hogan’s refusal to do so.

The First Amendment does not protect harassing people in their homes. It certainly does not protect intimidating judges in their homes.

There are laws on the books here. State and local officials are deliberately refusing to enforce them because they support the intimidation.


RELTATED ARTICLE: Another Day, Another Arrest for Threatening to Kill Supreme Court Justices

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Consumer prices reach highest rates in four decades

Consumer prices reached the highest rates in four decades, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for May 2022 climbed 8.6% in the last year, making it increasingly difficult for American consumers to afford everyday goods. This is the largest 12-month increase since 1981, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

The gasoline index rose 4.1%, food by 1.2%, energy by 3.9% and the food at home index increased 1.4%, BLS reported. Almost all aspects of American purchases increased in May, including shelter, airline fares, new and used cars and trucks, medical care, household furnishings and operations, recreation and clothing, according to BLS.

The CPI measures the overall change in prices paid by American consumers for goods and services, regardless of occupation. It does not include the spending patterns in rural areas, farming families, men and women in the Armed Forces and individuals in prisons or mental institutions, according to BLS.

The overall rise of 8.6% is higher than the 8.3% initially predicted by analysts, the New York Post reported.

The climbing cost of living has been blamed for President Joe Biden’s sinking approval ratings. CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten said in early May that the American people should blame Biden for his “awful” economic polling numbers after the outlet found that 77% of Americans believe current economic conditions are bad.

Heightened spending of pandemic savings, a lack of goods and pressures in the service sector contributed to soaring rates of inflation, according to The New York Times. Gas prices remain the largest cause for concern as they have fueled the soaring cost of food and health care, the New York Post noted.

Analysts have suggested that the cost of a barrel will approach or surpass $140 this summer. The more that gas rises above the current $5 a gallon average, the greater the risk of recession, CNBC noted.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Thursday she does not expect the economy to tip into a recession, according to the New York Post.

Yellen’s contrast with remarks from World Bank Group President David Malpass, who said in May it was difficult to “see how we avoid a recession.” Similar concerns were echoed by Bank of America, which issued a dire warning to Americans about the near economic future of the country.

BlackRock President Rob Kapito predicted in March that an “entitled generation” was about to be shocked by the upcoming shortages in labor and raw material, which are already removing normal items from shelves.




RELATED ARTICLE: Global Food Shortages Are Beginning, Here’s What We Know So Far

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Fisher-Price to Stop Sexualizing Children by using Drag Queen Dolls

Fisher-Price, a toy company owned by Mattel, has released a drag queen doll in its series of dolls called Little People. The new ‘toy’ is based on the infamous drag queen RuPaul. It will influence impressionable children to accept an immoral lifestyle.

SIGN PETITION HERE! What An Outrage! Sign Here To Help Stop Exposing Children to This!

For children and everyone else, a drag queen skews the line between the sexes. Is it a man? Or is it a woman? The children are confused. This confusion harms children.

The dolls are being sold in a set of three. Each doll is dressed in different drag. Drag is an immoral, gaudy way of dressing. In it, a man dresses as a woman. No self-respecting woman would dress in such ways as drag queens do. Why give dolls like this to children?

SIGN NOW Telling Fisher-Price To Discontinue These Drag Dolls

EDITORS NOTE: This American TFP column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Globalist Enemies of the State

An enemy of the state is defined as a person accused of certain crimes against the state, such as treason. Treason is defined as the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. Treason, however, does not address the highest of all crimes against the state, the attempted dissolution of the state itself. The globalist elite are guilty of the highest crimes.

Globalism is a supremacist replacement ideology that seeks to destroy American sovereignty and make the United States part of a one-world planetary nation, ruled through the United Nations by the globalist elite. Globalism is an enemy of the current world order of 193 sovereign states, and cannot succeed without collapsing the United States into its planned unistate. Globalism is absolute totalitarianism on a planetary scale, deceitfully marketed as global peace, harmony, security, and public health.

The essence of globalism is totalitarian centralization of power into the hands of the supremacist globalist elite, who unapologetically plan to rule the world through the auspices of the United Nations, its international infrastructure of UN institutions, and the globalist business entities that support them. The world is in the final battle of globalism’s war on the nation state, and the globalist elite fully anticipate their planetary coup d état will succeed in 2022 with the support and collaboration of the treasonous Biden regime.

The globalist elite running the war on America are megalomaniacs, psychopaths, and enemies of the state disguised as humanitarians. They are skilled strategists who have implemented a phased tactical strategy over decades. Consider the most recent phases:

  • The Covid plandemic set the stage for mail-in voting
  • Mail-in voting set the stage for the 2020 presidential election steal
  • The election steal set the stage for the January 6th protest
  • The January 6th protest set the stage for the false flag operation that ended the challenges to Biden’s electoral certification, and labeled the protest an insurrection
  • Labeling the protest an insurrection set the stage for claiming Trump supporters were domestic terrorists
  • Labeling Trump supporters domestic terrorists, allowed the incarceration of American citizens held without due process
  • Incarceration and the threat of domestic terrorism set the stage for creating Biden’s infamous Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) under the authority of Homeland Security
  • Placing the DGB under the authority of Homeland Security allowed the institutional elimination of free speech in the name of national security
  • Elimination of free speech sets the stage for the final phase of the globalist coup
  • The surrender of American national sovereignty to the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) in the name of public health

In an unprecedented act of globalist high treason, the Biden regime plans to secretly surrender the sovereignty of the United States to the authority of the United Nations at the May 22-28, 2022 meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva, Switzerland. The WHA is the governing body of the United Nation’s World Health Organization (WHO). The Biden regime has proposed 13 amendments to the existing rules that change international health rules of the World Health Assembly. The amendments transfer the authority to make national health decisions, from sovereign member nations, including the United States, to the United Nations.

At the meeting, the WHO is drafting a Global Pandemic Treaty on pandemic preparedness that grants itself absolute power over global biosecurity including the powers to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, and to determine medical treatments.

This is the platform for global governance because health decisions affect all aspects of civilian life and domestic economics. Political medicine administered worldwide through the United Nation’s WHO, awards planetary, one world, totalitarian governance to the globalist elite – exactly as they planned.

I am not exaggerating – American sovereignty will end with passage of Biden’s 13 amendments and the proposed Global Pandemic Treaty. This is the culmination of the globalist COUP and takeover of America, and it is being done through political medicine in the name of public health. Words matter.

On May 4, 2022, Dr. Peter Breggin and his wife Ginger Ross Breggin published an extraordinary article titled, “Biden Handing Over U.S. Sovereignty to WHO,” that details the plan with chilling precision. The following excerpt demonstrates how the Orwellian definition of the word “health” has no limits – it includes anything and everything affecting an individual’s state of being:

Defining “Health” and WHO’s Domain of Authority

According to the Foreword to WHO’s regulations, there is no specific limit to what constitutes a health emergency, and it is certainly not limited to pandemics. WHO’s domain includes:

a scope not limited to any specific disease or manner of transmission, but covering “illness or medical condition, irrespective of origin or source, that presents or could present significant harm to humans…

WHO’s powerful reach is also defined by the number of other organizations it is authorized to cooperate with once it has declared an emergency or health crisis: “other competent intergovernmental organizations or international bodies with which WHO is expected to cooperate and coordinate its activities, as appropriate, include the following: United Nations, International Labor Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization, International Atomic Energy Agency, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Maritime Organization, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Air Transport Association, International Shipping Federation, and Office International des Epizooties.”

The Preamble to the WHO Constitution (separate from the International Health Regulations) summarizes WHO’s concept of what is included under its mandate of improving, guiding, and organizing world health:

WHO remains firmly committed to the principles set out in the preamble to [its] Constitution

  • Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
  • The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.
  • The health of all peoples is fundamental to the attainment of peace and security and is dependent on the fullest cooperation of individuals and States.
  • The achievement of any State in the promotion and protection of health is of value to all.
  • Unequal development in different countries in the promotion of health and control of diseases, especially communicable diseases, is a common danger.
  • Healthy development of the child is of basic importance; the ability to live harmoniously in a changing total environment is essential to such development.
  • The extension to all peoples of the benefits of medical, psychological, and related knowledge is essential to the fullest attainment of health.
  • Informed opinion and active co-operation on the part of the public are of the utmost importance in the improvement of the health of the people.
  • Governments have a responsibility for the health of their peoples which can be fulfilled only by the provision of adequate health and social measures.

Given WHO’s assessment of the breadth of its health concerns, mandates, and goals — almost any kind of problematic situation that affects the people of a nation could be considered a health problem. Indeed, under WHO’s approach, it would be difficult to find any important national issue that was not a potential health problem. With the imminent passage of the American-sponsored amendments to the International Health Regulations, WHO will have free reign for using these expansive definitions of health to call a crisis over anything it wishes in any nation it desires.

The essence of globalism is totalitarian centralization of power into the hands of the supremacist globalist elite, who unapologetically plan to rule the world through the auspices of the United Nations and its network of international institutions. The world is in the final battle of globalism’s war on the nation state, and the globalist elite fully anticipate their planetary coup d’état will succeed in May 2022 with the support and collaboration of the treasonous Biden regime.

If the coup succeeds, Americans should expect:

  • Another pandemic will be released before the November 2022 midterm elections
  • Martial law will be declared to quell the social chaos
  • Elections will be suspended
  • American sovereignty will transfer to the United Nations when the six-month grace period to withdraw from the agreements expires
  • The United States of America will be governed under the auspices of the United Nations by the tyrannical, supremacist, globalist elite who have been planning the coup for decades

Only serious intervention by patriotic governors with the courage to preemptively assert states’ rights will deny the tyranny of the globalist WHA/WHO takeover, and avert the final phased act of globalist terrorism.

Without intervention, the United States of America will cease to exist as a sovereign nation.

©Linda Goudsmit. All rights reserved.

Employers May Want to Stop Humiliating ‘the Help’ with Mask Requirements

Especially given record labor shortages in the service industry.

On Monday night, a “yikes”-inducing photo of Hillary Clinton circulated widely on Twitter. She is shown posing maskless at the Met Gala while a masked attendant is crouched at her feet adjusting the hem of her fancy dress.

“This photo should be in history books that discuss Covid regulations,” YouTuber Blair White tweeted.

Indeed, double standards around enforcement of and compliance with Covid policies and norms have been rife since the rise of the disease. As FEE’s Jon Miltmore discussed back in 2020, political elites have consistently flouted the Covid rules they wish to impose on the rest of us, in effect creating a two-tiered lockdown culture.

Even now, with lockdowns and mask mandates ended, the class divides such policies created still linger. While diners, shoppers, and now travelers are generally free to show their faces, the workers who serve them are still required to “mask up,” as if they are “unclean” or otherwise “beneath” the customers they serve.

The caste distinction on stark display in that photo of Clinton and her attendant can now be seen in many places of business. Masks are becoming a mark of servitude, adding embarrassment and tension to what would normally be a mutually respectful relationship between service providers and customers.

And while “the help” is being humiliated in this way, service industry employers are struggling more than ever to find workers.

“Consumer-facing industries such as accommodation and food services, along with arts and entertainment, had the highest rate of job openings in March, according to the Labor Department. Job openings in the healthcare industry were also near record highs,” The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

In such a tight market for labor, employers are using higher wages and better perks to compete. Service industry employers may want to consider finally lifting their vestigial masking policies as one of those “perks.”

That may be good for hiring, as well as for optics and fairness. It would be a step toward repairing the damage wrought on our culture by the disastrous Covid regime.

This article was adapted from an issue of the FEE Daily email newsletter. Click here to sign up and get free-market news and analysis like this in your inbox every weekday.


Dan Sanchez

Dan Sanchez is the Director of Content at the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) and the editor-in chief of

RELATED ARTICLE: Why Native American Reservations Are the Most Poverty-Stricken Lands in America

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Cheap Chinese Imports: Swamp Gas and Muck!

Today, we look at the latest ways communist China has compromised our elites, in a process that has come to be called ‘elite capture’.  We’ll leave Hunter Biden’s laptop and questions about whether Joe Biden has corruptly sold his office for another day.  There are plenty of other things happening.

Liz Cheney’s husband’s law firm represents Chinese companies tied to China’s military, intelligence, and security services.  So when Liz Cheney says we need to stand up to the “generational threat” posed by China’s “malign behavior”, just remember where her bread is buttered and ask yourself if it’s all just posturing.

Members of the Bush family have ties to China.  Prescott Bush got a golf course approved in China – no mean feat – when his brother George H. W. Bush was president.  Another brother, Neil Bush, got a contract during that presidency with a Chinese semiconductor firm.  He had no qualifications for the work, but got paid $400,000 a year, anyway.  Sound familiar?  More recently, the Bush Foundation sent 2 million COVID masks to China at a time the U.S. was facing a mask shortage.  And we’re supposed to believe the Bush family has America’s best interests at heart?

Tony Podesta, brother of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman John Podesta, received at least a million dollars to lobby the White House last year on behalf of the giant Chinese telecom company Huawei.  Huawei, you might recall, was banned in the U.S. and eight other countries because it poses national security risks.

Republican lawmakers accuse a Chinese surveillance firm of sparking a congressional investigation into a U.S. company which had been exposing the Chinese firm’s monitoring of the Uighurs in Xinjiang province for the Chinese Communist Party.  The U.S. company says the investigation is part of the CCP’s efforts to silence critics of China’s genocide and repression of the Uighurs.

There’s a bill in Congress to require think tanks and nonprofits to disclose foreign funding, like universities currently have to do.  The bill is intended in part to address Russian funding of U.S. environmental groups, but notes, “A number of … think tanks, and other civil society organizations receive substantial funding from Beijing that is often targeted at shaping views and discourse on China.”  The money comes from a political warfare arm of the CCP that works to undermine democratic countries around the world, including the U.S.

The bill is a good idea, but it will have to get past Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell first, both of whom have their own China problems.  Nancy’s husband and son get a lot of money from business relationships in China which, critics say, has led her to soften her criticism of Chinese human rights abuses.  As for Mitch McConnell, an Inspector General report recommended his wife Elaine Chao be criminally prosecuted for helping a U.S. shipping company owned by her father and sister with extensive business in China while she was Secretary of Transportation under Donald Trump.  The Justice Department may have declined to investigate, but the stench remains.

Now that more people are waking up to the fact that China is our enemy and seeks to put the entire world under its authoritarian thumb, it’s time root out Chinese elite capture and drain this part of the swamp.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Devin Nunes: Building Truth Social piece-by-piece to prevent ‘Big Tech cancellation’ +1 more video

Trump Media & Technology Group CEO Devin Nunes joins One America News’ Dan Ball to discuss the latest news regardless Truth Social and Special Counsel John Durham.

Trump Media & Technology Group CEO Devin Nunes provides an update on Truth Social and discusses Elon Musk joining Twitter’s board of directors.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

DeSantis Has a New Campaign Theme Song by Lynyrd Skynyrd Lead Singer Johnny Van Zant

Governor Ron DeSantis Has a New 2022 campaign theme song written and performed by Lynyrd Skynyrd lead singer Johnny Van Zant titled “Sweet Florida.”

Listen to Sweet Florida by Johnny Van Zant:

Race to the White House says this about the 2022 race for governor of Florida:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis may have his eyes set on the Republican nomination in the 2024 GOP Primary, but his presidential ambitions likely rest on his ability to win re-election in 2022. Democrats’ hopes of an upset are buoyed by the razor-thin margin of the 2018 governor election, where DeSantis won by just 0.4%, the closest election in state history. However, Republicans have several reasons to be confident as well. First, DeSantis was able to outlast the blue tidal wave that swept Democrats into the House on an over 8% win in the national popular vote, and the political environment will likely be more favorable in 2022. Second, Florida has shifted about 4% towards the Republican party since 2018, so Democrats will have to navigate their way through more treacherous political terrain to secure victory. [Emphasis added]


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Icon indicating this set of polls has an average.AVG.

The position of the flag indicates whether the organization is partisan. Organizations are considered partisan if they operate on behalf of a candidate, party, campaign committee, PAC, super PAC, hybrid PAC, 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5) or 501(c)(6) organization that conducts a large majority of its political activity on behalf of one political party.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Psaki Jumps Sinking Ship for MSNBC

Psaki is leaving Biden Admin for MSNBC amid approval ratings collapse, policy disasters, criminal investigation of President’s son.

Not much of a job change here, Democrat media complex and government are virtually interchangeable.

New York (CNN Business): White House press secretary Jen Psaki plans on departing the Biden administration in the coming weeks and heading to MSNBC, two people familiar with the matter told CNN on Friday.

Axios, which first broke the news, reported that Psaki will host a show for NBC’s streaming platform Peacock. She will also appear on MSNBC’s shows.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Biden Bombshell: Direct Payments to Son/Dad from Chi-Coms!

The New York Times, CNN and Washington Post are doing journalistic damage control by now admitting – either directly or indirectly – that Hunter Biden’s laptop is a major story and scandal. But, from a political lens, they are doing something much more nefarious. Graham Ledger speaks with Emerald Robinson, of Lindell TV, about new revelations in the investigation into the Biden crime family.

Graham also speaks with Priests for Life, Fr. Frank Pavone about the potential to “overturn” Roe v. Wade and Kirk Elliott about how government “geniuses” are destroying the American economic dream.

Please subscribe free to The Ledger Report by clicking here:

©The Ledger Report. All rights reserved.

Biden Laptop from Hell: New Document Dump on 26 March 2022

Michael Yon @MichaelYon in an email wrote:

About 80,000 images/videos/screenshots, and about 200,000 texts, emails, documents, were deleted or hidden on the drive.

Those deleted or hidden files were recently recovered. These documents were released hours ago. Jack Maxey oversaw the recovery and just sent me this dump re: Ukraine/Bidens.

You are free to share:

Biden Laptop New Document Dump

©Michael Yon. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Shocking Hunter Biden Info Leaks Out of the Swamp

THE DEMOCRAT SOCIALIST PARTY (DSP): Demokratische Sozialistische Partei Amerikas über Alles

“The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end.” ― Leon Trotsky

“Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free.” ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“The sole purpose of the Build Back Better Framework is to fundamentally transform America into a Fascist regime that fits the Democrat Socialists Party’s political philosophy.” ― Dr. Rich Swier

We have been carefully analyzing Biden’s Build Back Better (BBB) Framework (the Framework).  According to the Framework it is the, “The largest effort to combat climate change in American history.”

The Frameworks’ methods to deal with climate change include the following:

  1. Delivers substantial consumer rebates and tax credits to reduce costs for middle class families shifting to clean energy and electrification.
  2. Ensures clean energy technology – from wind turbine blades to solar panels to electric cars – will be built in the United States with American made steel and other materials, creating hundreds of thousands of good jobs here at home.
  3. Advances environmental justice through a new Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator that will invest in projects around the country, while delivering 40% of the benefits of investment to disadvantaged communities, as part of the President’s Justice40 initiative.
  4. Bolsters resilience and natural solutions to climate change through a historic investment in coastal restoration, forest management, and soil conservation.

If you read between the lines you find that tax credits entice wealthy Americans to go to clean energy as EVs are very expensive, the focus on only solar panels, wind turbines and electric cars does not make American energy independent, environmental justice means government intrusion in every city, county, state to enforce the Framework and government control of our coasts, forests and every inch of our soil by mandating environmental rules and regulations via the EPA and other government agencies.

According the Manhattan Institutes’ Mark P. Mills,

  1. Since 1995, total world energy use rose by 50%, an amount equal to adding two entire United State’s worth of demand.
  2. If solar power scaled like computer-tech, a single postage-stamp-size solar array would power the Empire State Building. That only happens in comic books.
  3. All electric vehicles (EVs) using Chinese batteries will create more carbon-dioxide than saved by replacing oil-burning engines.

The Framework is a false flag that creates the largest government takeover of we the peoples’ lives in history.

The Framework also expands government control over America’s the healthcare system, provides funding to pay for schooling from pre-school to child care and provides 39 million households up to $3,600 (or $300 per month) in tax cuts per child by extending the American Rescue Plan’s expanded Child Tax Credit.

According to the BBB Framework website it is fully paid for.

Our analysis of the Framework to date has demonstrated the largest government takeover of the economy, healthcare and businesses in the history of America.

Therefore, we have decided to rename the Democrat Part the Demokratische Sozialistische Partei Amerikas über alles (the Democrat Socialist Party of America over all)

The definition of Socialism is,

a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Democrats are the new Fascisti

We used four key benchmarks to find Fascism in the Democrat Party:

1. Those who are for a centralized autocratic government,

2. Those who exalt race over the individual,

3. Those who are implementing severe economic and social regimentation and

4. Those who use suppression and oppression against those who oppose them and their political philosophy.

NOTE: We found during our research that today’s Democrat Party Fascisti lack any love of America as a nation, or its people or its Constitutional Republican form of government. We found today’s Democrat Party Fascisti actually hate America, its flag, the U.S. Constitution and all that America stands for.

Based upon the above four benchmarks we present to our readers the following historical background that finds the Democrat Party Fascisti are real:

    1. Lawrence Dennis – was a leading light in the American fascist movement of the 1930s. He was a fan of Hitler and a self-avowed anti-Semite. A book titled “The Colour of Fascism” by Gerald Horne revealed that Dennis was actually black – although even his wife didn’t know. The BBC reported, “Lawrence Dennis was, arguably, the brains behind American fascism. He attended the Nuremberg rallies, had a personal audience with Mussolini, and met Nazi leaders; throughout the 1930s he provided the intellectual ballast for America’s bourgeoning pro-fascist movement. But though his work was well known and well appreciated by the intelligentsia and political elites on both sides of the Atlantic, there was one crucial fact about him that has never emerged until now: he was black.” So, history tells us that the first American Fascisti was a black man. Hold on to that thought as you will see a connection to what is happening in America today.
    2. The Ku Klux Klan – In Madison Square Garden, New York City, from June 24 to July 9, 1924, at the Democratic National Convention, a dispute during came up revolving around an attempt by non-Klan delegates, led by Forney Johnston of Alabama, to condemn the organization for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform. But Ku Klux Klan delegates defeated the platform plank in a series of floor debates. To celebrate, tens of thousands of hooded Klansmen rallied in a field in New Jersey, across the river from New York City. This event, known subsequently as the “Klanbake”, was also attended by hundreds of Klan delegates to the convention, who burned crosses, urged violence and intimidation against African Americans and Catholics, and attacked effigies of Smith. The final vote was 546.15 for the Klan, 542.85 against it. The KKK was and remains American Fascisti.
    3. The 34 members of the KKK over time including one Supreme Court Justice, 11 members of the U.S. Senate, 3 House members, 6 governors, 1 Federal Judge. The KKK elected officials were all Democrats with the exception of David Duke who ran for president as both a Democrat and Republican. The most recent member of the KKK was Democrat Senator Robert Carlyle Byrd from West Virginia for over 51 years, from 1959 until his death in 2010. Byrd also served as a U.S. Representative for six years, from 1953 until 1959. Byrd was a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan while in his 20s and 30s, rising to the title of Kleagle. Among those who gave eulogies at Byrd’s funeral were: Bill Clinton, Barack and Michele Obama. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., during the memorial service held for Byrd, said, “Bishop, Reverend Clergy, Mona and Marjorie, the entire Byrd family — if you didn’t already know it, it’s pretty clear the incredible esteem your father was held in.  I know you’ve known that your whole life…Well, if there was ever a senator who was the embodiment of his state, if there was ever a senator who, in fact, reflected his state, it was Robert C. Byrd…After I was elected 1972 as a 29-year-old kid, I was number 100 out of 100 in Senate seniority.  And Leader Byrd offered up — he was then the whip — he offered his office to me to come down from Delaware so I could have a place to interview staff members… I said of him when I learned of his death, I was on an errand for the President [Obama] in Cleveland, and I said, ‘You know, to paraphrase the poet, we shall not see his like again.‘”
    4. EPA Administrator Michael Regan. Reagan, who is black like Lawrence David, recently used the power of his office to impose “stronger standards.” In remarks made by Regan on March 7th, 2022 Regan said, “Today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing new, stronger standards to promote clean air and reduce pollution from heavy-duty vehicles and engines starting in model year (MY) 2027. The proposed standards would reduce emissions of smog- and soot-forming nitrogen oxides (NOx) from heavy-duty gasoline and diesel engines and set updated greenhouse gas (GHG) standards for certain commercial vehicle categories.  This proposed rule would ensure the heavy-duty vehicles and engines that drive American commerce and connect people across the country are as clean as possible while charting a path to advance zero-emission vehicles in the heavy-duty fleet.” Regan’s “Clean Trucks Plan” proposed revisions to existing GHG standards for MY2027 and beyond would “set updated GHG emissions standards for subsectors where electrification is advancing at a more rapid pace.  These sectors include school buses, transit buses, commercial delivery trucks, and short-haul tractors. In a separate action, EPA will be setting new GHG emissions standards for heavy-duty vehicles as soon as model year 2030. This action will more comprehensively address the longterm trend towards zero emissions vehicles across the heavy-duty sector.” Regan is the embodiment of severe economic and social regimentation. 
    5. Democrat Pete Buttigieg’s husband Chasten led elementary school children in a pledge of allegiance to the rainbow flag. The Biden administration is filled with LGBTQ persons and supporters. Among them is Biden’s Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg. Pete’s partner, Chasten James Glezman Buttigieg, is an American teacher, writer, LGBTQ rights advocate. On March 7th, 2022 The New York Post reported, “Vice President Kamala Harris and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg were criticized Monday for a “tone-deaf” event focused on promoting electric buses as gas prices soared for most Americans. Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, tweeted, “The Biden Administration could not be more tone-deaf.” “Vice President Kamala Harris and [Transportation] Secretary Pete Buttigieg spent the afternoon promoting electric vehicles and Green New Deal policies. “Are you kidding me?” Mullin wrote. Pete Buttigieg said, “you don’t have to worry about gas prices if you buy an electric vehicle.” Pete and Chasten Buttigieg are the embodiment of severe economic and social regimentation and Chasten exalts the LGBTQ flag over the American flag.
    6. Dr. Francis Collins, former NIH Director and current “science advisor” to Joe Biden. A newly leaked audio, obtained by The Daily Wire’s Meg Basham, demonstrates how Dr. Collins is truly an American Fascisti. Collins claimed, even though science journals were already reporting by that point that vaccinated people were just as likely to spread the then-dominant Delta variant as those who were unvaccinated, ““The US government does have the authority to mandate vaccinations if there is an outbreak that is threatening people, because it’s not just about you, it’s about the people you’re going to infect.” Collins went on to ask, “Do [mandates] convince people who otherwise wouldn’t get them? Oh yeah, especially if it means losing your job.” Collins said evangelicals, in particular, have over-emphasize notions of personal liberty when it comes to mandates, saying they have so “wrapped themselves in the flag and wrapped themselves in this concept of personal freedom, that public health just grates on them.” Collins is clearly one of those who are implementing severe economic and social regimentation and using suppression and oppression against those who oppose them and their political philosophy.
    7. Black Lives Matter (BLM). On February 6th, 2022 a Black Lives Matter speaker encouraged protesters to burn police precincts and show “absolute hate” toward their “oppressors” in a violent tirade during a protest in Minneapolis over the police shooting death of 22-year-old Amir Locke, who was killed after police executed a no-knock warrant in an apartment. “Fill your anger fully. Be mad. Be mad! Because your anger is justified,” the young man shouted into a megaphone. The BLM speaker continued with, “Build barricades. Burn precincts! Reappropriate everything that they have stolen from us for generations! Power to the looters, power to the rioters!“ Recently, a private school in D.C. marched kindergartners through halls holding BLM signs and chanting “Black Lives Matter.” BLM puts race above the individual and law and order. BLM stands for a centralized autocratic black government and their members forcibly suppress any and all opposition.
    8. Anti-Fascists are the new Democrat Party Fascisti.  reported, “The suspect arrested over the car-ramming attack against “Freedom Convoy” anti-vaccine mandate protesters in Winnipeg is an Antifa member with a long history of far-left militant activism in Canada. David Alexander Zegarac, 42, of Headingley, Manitoba, allegedly sped off in his Jeep Patriot to try to escape after the incident last Friday, which injured four people and was caught on camera. Zegarac ran multiple lights and resisted arrest when he was finally caught around 40 minutes later, according to the Winnipeg police.”

The Bottom Line

As time goes by we see a growing number of Democrat Party Fascisti coming out of the political closet under Biden and his administration. These Democrat Party Fascisti are being put into key cabinet and government positions to push an agenda of oppression. The latest is Biden’s nominee to the Supreme Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson who cannot define what a woman is, is soft on pedophiles, supports Critical Race Theory and is not a Constitutionalist.

The new Democrat Party Fascisti support:

  1. A centralized autocratic government,
  2. Exalting race over individual liberty and Constitutional rights,
  3. Implementation of severe economic and social regimentation via the Red/Green/Rainbow/Build Back Better alliances,
  4. And, finally, suppression, oppression, imprisonment and torture against those who oppose them and their political philosophy.

The legacy media (NYT, WaPo), social media (FB, Twitter, Google), corporations including Amazon, Google, Apple, Walt Disney, META, Twitter and even Home Depot have gone woke.


The Democrat Party and its Framework are the new Fascisti.

They are open about their agenda to fundamentally transform America into a Fascist regime that fits their political philosophy and movements.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Real America – Dan Ball W/ Amala Ekpunobi on This Week in Woke America

WATCH FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump at CPAC 2022

“We want Republican leaders who are loyal to the voters and who will work proudly for the vision that I’ve laid out today. And what is it? So simple. So simple. Military, law and order, great trade deals, great education.” – President Donald J. Trump, CPAC 2022

President Donald Trump addressed the annual Conservative Political Action Conference being held in Orlando, Florida.

The former president spoke about the achievements of his administration, which included tax legislation, making the United States energy independent and addressing border security.

He also addressed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine calling President Putin “smart” and criticizing NATO and U.S. leaders. “Of course he’s smart,” Trump said, “But the real problem is our leaders are dumb. Dumb. So dumb.”

Former President Trump talked about 2020 election and called for election reform as he spoke about what the country needs to do moving forward.

WATCH: President Donald J. Trump at CPAC 2022


Well thank you very much CPAC. Do you miss me yet? Do you miss me? A lot of things going on to so many wonderful friends, Conservatives and fellow citizens in this room all across our country. I stand before you today to declare that the incredible journey we begun together we went through a journey like nobody else. There’s never been a journey like it, there’s never been a journey so successful. We began it together four years ago and it is far from being over. [Applause] And you know what this is? The hardest working people, hard working American patriots, it’s just getting started and in the end we will win. We will win. We’ve been doing a lot of winning. As we gather this week, we’re in the middle of a historic struggle for America’s future, America’s culture and America’s institutions, borders, and most cherished principles. Our security, our prosperity, and our very identity as Americans is at stake, like perhaps at no other time.

So no matter how much the Washington establishment and the powerful, special interests may want to silence us, let there be no doubt we will be victorious and America will be stronger and greater than ever before. I want to thank my great friends, Matt and Mercedes Schlap. Matt, thank you. Mercedes, thank you very much. And the American Conservative Union for hosting this extraordinary event. They’re talking about it all over the world man, I know you don’t like that but that’s OK. All over the world. I also want to pay my love and respect to the great Rush Limbaugh [applause] who is watching closely and smiling down on us. He’s watching and he’s loving it and he loves Catherine. Catherine, thank you for being here. So great. Thank you Catherine. He loved you Catherine, I will tell you that. Fantastic. Thank you Catherine very much. To each and every one of you here at CPAC I am more grateful to you than you will ever know.

We are gathered this afternoon to talk about the future of our movement, the future of our party and the future of our beloved country. For the next four years, the brave Republicans in this room will be at the heart of the effort to oppose the radical Democrats, the fake news media and their toxic cancel culture, something new to our ears, cancel culture. And I want you to know that I’m going to continue to fight right by your side. We will do what we’ve done right from the beginning, which is to win. We’re not starting new parties. You know they kept saying, “He’s going to start a brand new party.” We have the Republican party it’s going to unite and be stronger than ever before.

I am not starting a new party. That was fake news, fake news. No. Wouldn’t that be brilliant? Let’s start a new party and let’s divide our vote so that you can never win. No, we’re not interested in that. Mr McLaughlin just gave me numbers that nobody’s ever heard of before, more popular than anybody. That’s all of us, it’s all of us. Those are great numbers and I want to thank you very much. Those are incredible numbers. I came here and he was giving me 95 percent, 97 percent, 92 percent. And I said, “They’re great.” And I want to thank everybody in this room and everybody all throughout the country, throughout the world if you want to really know the truth.

Thank you, darling. Thank you. [Addressing a member in the audience] We will be united and strong like never before, we will save and strengthen America. We will fight the onslaught of radicalism, socialism, and indeed it all leads to communism once and for all. That’s what it leads to. You’ll be hearing more and more about that as we go along, but that’s what it leads to. You know that. We all knew that the Biden administration was going to be bad, but none of us even imagined just how bad they would be and how far left they would go. He never talked about this. We would have those wonderful debates, he would never talk about this. We didn’t know what the hell he was talking about actually. His campaign was all lies. Talked about energy, I said, “This guy actually he’s okay with energy.” He wasn’t okay with energy, he wants to put you all out of the business. He’s not okay with energy. He wants windmills, the windmills. The windmills that don’t work when you need them.

Joe Biden has had the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history, that’s true. Already the Biden administration has proved that they are anti-jobs, anti-family anti-borders, anti-energy, anti-women, and anti-science. In just one short month we have gone from America first to America last. Think about it, right? America last. There is no better example than the new and horrible crisis on our Southern border. We did such a good job. It was all worked, nobody’s ever seen anything like we did and now he wants it all to go to hell. When I left office just six weeks ago, we had created the most secure border in U.S. history. We had built almost 500 miles of great border wall that helped us with these numbers because once it’s up, they used to say, “The wall doesn’t work.” Well you know what I’ve always said? Walls and wheels, those are two things that will never change.

The wall has been amazing. It’s been incredible and little sections of it to complete, they don’t want to complete it. They don’t want to complete little sections in certain little areas, they don’t want to complete. But it’s had an impact that nobody would have even believed. It’s amazing considering that the Democrats’ number one priority was to make sure that the wall would never, ever get built, would never, ever happen, would never get financed. We got it, financed. We ended catch and release, ended asylum fraud and brought illegal crossings to historic lows. When illegal aliens trespass across our borders, they were prominently caught, detained and sent back home and these were some rough customers, I want to tell you. Some rough customers entering our country. It took them the new administration only a few weeks to turn this unprecedented accomplishment into a self inflicted humanitarian and national security disaster.

By recklessly eliminating our border security measures, controls, all of the things that we put into place, Joe Biden has triggered a massive flood of illegal immigration into our country the likes of which we have never seen before. They’re coming up by the tens of thousands. They’re all coming to take advantage of the things that he said that’s luring everybody to come to America. And we’re one country, we can’t afford the problems of the world as much as we’d love to. We’d love to help but we can’t do that. So they’re all coming because of promises and foolish words. Perhaps worst of all, Joe Biden’s decision to cancel border security has single handedly launched a youth migrant crisis that is enriching child smugglers, vicious criminal cartels, and some of the most evil people on the planet. You see it every day, just turn on the news, you’ll see it every day.

Under my administration, we stopped the child smugglers, we dismantled the criminal cartels. We greatly limited drug and human trafficking to a level that nobody actually thought was possible and the wall helped us a lot and we protected vulnerable people from the ravages of dangerous predators and that’s what they are. Dangerous, dangerous predators. But the Biden administration is put the vile coyotes back in business and has done so in a very, very big way under the new administration, catch and release has been restored. Can you imagine? We worked so hard. Catch, you know where that is? You catch them, you take their name, they may be killers, they may be rapists, they may be drug smugglers, you take their name and you release them into our country. We did the opposite. We not only didn’t release them, we had them brought back to their country.

Illegal immigrants are now being apprehended and released along the entire Southern border, just the opposite of what it was two months ago. They weren’t coming because they couldn’t get in. Once they think they can get in, they’re coming and they are coming at levels that you haven’t even seen yet. By the hundreds of thousands, by the millions they’ll be coming. The Biden administration is now actively expediting the admission of illegal migrants, enabling them to lodge, frivolous asylum claims and admitting them by the thousands and thousands and thousands a day, crowded together in unsanitary conditions despite the ongoing economic and public health crisis, COVID-19, or as I call it the China virus.

There’s no masks, there’s no double masks, that was a new one that came out two weeks ago. First Fauci said, you don’t need masks, no masks, no good, now he wants double masks. No social distancing, no nothing, no nothing. That together and I say it actually and I say for them, and I say it for our country, what the Biden administration is doing to push young migrants into the hands of human traffickers and coyotes is dangerous, immoral and indefensible, hard to believe it’s happening. Biden has failed in his number one duty as chief executive, enforcing America’s laws. This alone should be reason enough for Democrats to suffer withering losses in the midterms and to lose the white house decisively four years from now.

Actually, as you know, they just lost the white house, but it’s one of those. But who knows? Who knows, I may even decide to beat them for a third time, okay? Joe Biden defunded the border wall and stopped all future construction even on small open sections that just needed to be finished up, routine little work it’s already been bought. Wait until the contractors get to them and they say, “No, it costs this much more money not to finish the small sections than if we finished it,” that’s going to be nice. Wait until you see those bills start pouring in. He revoked the executive order cracking down on deadly sanctuary cities. He has effectively ordered a shutdown of ICE, halting virtually all deportations, everyone, murderers, everybody, no more. Let’s not deport people. And restricting our law enforcement professionals and they are great professionals, you have many of them represented here today, from conducting almost any immigration enforcement of any kind.

The Biden policy of releasing criminals into the U.S. interior is making America into a sanctuary nation where criminals, illegal immigrants, including gang members and sex offenders are set free into American communities. They have no idea and remember with the caravans, these countries, not only the three of them, but many, many countries all over the world, they’re not giving us the best and their finest because they’re intelligent. They’re not giving us their best and their finest, remember I said that? I said that a long time ago when I made the first remarks, when I came down the escalator with our great future first lady, who says hello. Who loves you as much as I love you. I said that a long time ago, and we turned out to be 100% correct. Biden’s radical immigration policies aren’t just illegal, they’re immoral, they’re heartless and they are a betrayal of our nation’s core values. It’s a terrible thing that’s happening

The Republican party must hold Joe Biden and the Democrats accountable. They ripped up the diplomatic agreements we negotiated with Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador to shut down illegal immigration. They got a fortune, they got paid $500 million a year. When I came into office, those countries were refusing to take back illegal alien gang members, including MS13, the most vicious probably of them all. No matter where you go in the world, MS13, they do things that even the worst don’t think about. So I asked, “How much do we pay these countries? How much do we pay them?” Sir, we pay them approximately $500 million a year. That’s a lot of money. I mean, it’s peanuts compared to the way other countries rip us off but that’s a lot of money. I said, “Okay, we aren’t going to pay them anymore because they wouldn’t take back the criminals.” And this was true with the Obama administration, it was true for many, many years.

So we’d catch a murderer we’d want to bring them back to Guatemala or Honduras or El Salvador, they wouldn’t take them back. No, we don’t want them. We’d fly them in, they wouldn’t let the plane land, we’d bus them and they wouldn’t let the buses get anywhere near the border. And I said, “We’re not going to pay them anymore.” So after I said that, and I stopped payment, like a term that we use in the world of business, let’s stop payment. So we stopped payment, they were delinquent. We stopped payment and they very quickly came to the table and we made a deal very quickly. We still kept the money. We still didn’t pay it but we made a deal. And when illegal aliens came across our border they were rapidly deported and lovingly accepted by those countries from where they came and it worked, so they accept the people and we ultimately got along very well with those countries, those three countries, and many countries throughout the world, because they respected us again.

They didn’t respect us. They couldn’t believe what they were getting away with. But now Joe Biden has wrecked this great deal, wrecked it. And they’re already doing what they were doing before, and they’re taking the money and that’s just a small portion of what’s going on. To top it all off, the Biden people are pushing a bill that would grant mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens while massively expanding chain migration. That’s where you come in and everybody comes in, your grandmother, your father, your mother, your brother, your cousins, they come in so easily. So crazy, so crazy. It even requires that the U.S. government provide a illegal border crossings with taxable funded lawyers, lawyers. Anybody need a good lawyer? You can’t have one. They get the lawyers, they lawyers. They’re probably very good to.

The Democrat immigration bill is a globalist corp. You take a look at the corporatists, big tech attack on hard working citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed and Republicans must ensure that it never is allowed to become federal law, which is what they want to do. We must stand tall in the party. We have to do this. We have to stand tall as the [inaudible 00:22:10] for law abiding Americans and others when they’re in our country. Border security is just one of the many issues on which the new administration has already betrayed the American people. He didn’t talk about this stuff. I debated him. He wasn’t talking about this. What he signed with those executive orders. They weren’t things that were discussed. We didn’t know all about him and the press because they’re fake news. They’re the biggest fakers there are.

But the press refused to ask the questions and when I asked the questions on television, on the debate, Chris Wallace, in this case, and others refused to let him answer. They refused to let him answer the questions. Maybe we could have found something, or if the media did its job, which they don’t. Their callous indifference to working families is equally clear when it comes to the critical matter of getting Americans’ children back to school. And they must get back and get back right now, right now. Crazy. Terrible. Terrible. The Biden administration is actually bragging about the classroom education they are providing to migrant children on the border while at the same time, millions of American children are having their futures destroyed by Joe Biden’s anti-science school closures. Think of it. We’re educating students on the [inaudible 00:23:55] but our own people, children of our citizens, citizens themselves are not getting the education that they deserve. There’s no reason whatsoever why the vast majority of young Americans should not be back in school immediately.

The only reason that most parents do not have that choice is because Joe Biden sold out America’s children to the teacher’s unions.

His position is morally inexcusable. You know that. Joe Biden has shamefully betrayed America’s youth and he is cruelly keeping our children locked in their homes, no reason for it whatsoever, they want to get out. They’re cheating the next generation of Americans out of the future that they deserve. And they do deserve this future. They’re going to grow up and they’re going to have a scar. It’s a scandal of the highest order and one of the most graven acts by any president in our lifetimes. It’s the teacher’s union, it’s the votes and it shouldn’t happen. And I have, nobody has more respect for teachers than I do. And I’ll bet you a lot of the people within that union, they agree with everything I’m saying. Even the New York Times is calling out the Democrats.

The mental and physical health of these young people is reaching a breaking point. Tragically suicide attempts have skyrocketed and student depression is now commonplace and at levels that we’ve never seen before. The Democrats now say we have to pass their $1.9 trillion boondoggle to open schools, but a very small part of it has to do with that. You know where it’s going. It’s going to bail out badly run Democrat cities. So much of it. But billions of dollars for schools remain unspent from the COVID relief bills that were passed last year. So on behalf of the moms, dads and children of America, I call on Joe Biden to get the schools open and get them open now. It’d be a great thing to do.

When I left office, and we’re very proud of this because this was something that they said could not be done. The FDA said it, everybody said it, any article that you read said it. Couldn’t be done. It would be years and years. I handed the new administration what everyone is now calling a modern day medical miracle. Some say it’s the greatest thing to happen in hundreds of years, hundreds of years. Two vaccines produced in record [inaudible 00:26:51] others on the way, including the Johnson and Johnson vaccine that was approved just yesterday.

And therapeutic relief, also, if you’re sick. If you’re sick, we have things now that are incredible. What has taken place over the last year under our administration would have taken any other president at least five years. And we got it done in nine months. Everyone says five years, five years. Can you imagine if you had to go through what all of the countries of the world who are now getting the vaccine or soon will be getting it from various companies. But can you imagine if all of those countries had to go through what they’ve been going through over the last year? You’d lose hundreds of millions of people.

I pushed the FDA like they have never been pushed before. They told me that loud and clear. They have never been pushed like I pushed them. I didn’t like them at all. But once we got it done, I said I now love you very much. What the Trump administration has done with vaccines has in many respects, perhaps saved large portions of the world. Not only our country, but large portions of the world.

Not only did we push the FDA far beyond what the bureaucrats wanted to do, we also put up billions and billions of dollars, 10 billion, to produce the vaccines before we knew they were going to work. It was called a calculated bet or a calculated risk. We took a risk because if we didn’t do that, you still wouldn’t have the vaccines. You wouldn’t have them for a long time. So think of that. We took this bet, we made a bet because we feel we’re on a certain track. But you’d be starting to make them right now. It’d be a long time before you ever saw. It takes 60 to a hundred days to manufacture and inspect new doses. And that means that 100% of the increased availability that we have now was initiated by our administration. 100%.

In fact, the director of national institutes of health, Francis Collins, he’s Fauci’s boss, actually. I think he’s a Democrat too, by the way. Recently said that our operation warp speed was absolutely breathtaking. And that the Trump administration deserves full credit. Which we do. And as conservatives and Republicans, never forget that we did it. Never let them take the credit because they don’t deserve the credit. They just followed now, they’re following our plan, but this has been something that they really call it an absolute miracle.

Joe Biden is only implementing the plan that we put in place. And if we had an honest media, which we don’t. They would say it loud and clear. By the time I left that magnificent house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, almost 20 million Americans had already been vaccinated. 1.5 million doses were administered on my final day alone. 1.5 million in a day. Yet Biden said just a few days ago that when he got here, meaning the white house, there was no vaccine. He said there’s no vaccine. Oh good. Say it again, Joe.

Now I don’t think he said that, frankly, in a malicious way. I really don’t. I actually believe he said that because he didn’t really know what the hell was happening. But never let them forget, this was us. We did this. And the distribution is moving along according to our plan. And it’s moving along really well. We had the military, what they’ve done, our generals and all of the people what [inaudible 00:31:30] incredible. But remember, we took care of a lot of people. Including, I guess on December 21st, we took care of Joe Biden, because he got his shot. He got his vaccine. He forgot. It shows you how unpainful that vaccine shot is. So everybody go get your shot. He forgot. So it wasn’t very traumatic, obviously. But he got his shot. And it’s good that he got his shot.

Last year, I predicted to you that the extremist corruption and incompetence of the Biden administration would be literally unprecedented in American history. Unfortunately, he has proven me 100% right. Already, as president, Biden has urged [inaudible 00:32:19] legislation shredding your second amendment. Your second amendment is in far bigger trouble than you know. And for four years, I fought like hell to save your second amendment. And we saved it 100&. We saved it.

We signed an order to conduct politically correct, far-left indoctrination trainings in every department of the federal government, including the U S military, after I had terminated these horrible things that were being preached to our military. And he wants it to go forward. It’s insane. Within his first few hours Biden eliminated our national security travel bans on nations plagued by terrorism. His first priority was to open up borders to unvetted travelers from Libya, Yemen, Syria, Somalia [inaudible 00:33:14] other countries where strict vetting cannot occur. Countries that have tremendous problems. Countries with tremendous terrorism problems. We did a travel ban. It was a real achievement. We told those countries, sorry, straighten out your act. We don’t want people coming in where they had an ideology or a problem. We just couldn’t have it. And it was incredible. How it worked was incredible. And he terminated it.

We had to get it approved. It went all the way up to the Supreme Court of the United States. We got it approved and he terminates it. In addition, he’s already increased refugee admissions by nearly 10 times. But in effect, it will soon be hundreds of times as millions of people flow up through our soon to be open borders. And by the way, the border patrol and ICE are some of the great heroes of our country. These are incredible people. I got to know them very well.

You family still cannot go out to eat at local restaurants, but Joe Biden is bringing in thousands upon thousands of refugees from all over the world, people that nobody knows anything about. We don’t have crime records. We don’t have health records. What are they bringing in with them? When I left office, we had virtually ended the endless wars. These endless wars, they go on forever. They go on forever.

I would go to Dover and I would see caskets, coffins coming in. I’d see the parents and wives and husbands. I would see the kids. Endless wars. 19 years in Afghanistan, we have it down to almost [inaudible 00:35:00] left and I hear they might want to go back in. Iraq. Remember I used to say don’t go in, but if you’re going to go in, keep the oil [inaudible 00:35:09] but we didn’t keep the oil. We had made historic peace deals in the Middle East like nobody thought were even possible. There’s not a drop of blood shed.

And by the way, not one American soldier has been killed in Afghanistan in over a year. Think of that. Not one. Those troops have largely come home. At the same time, the new administration unilaterally withdrew our crippling sanctions on Iran, foolishly giving away all of America’s leverage before negotiations have even begun. Leave the sanctions, negotiate. Does anybody understand what I’m saying here? Are there any good business people? You don’t have to be a good. Are there any bad business people? They took off of the sanctions. They took off the sanctions. They said, well, we’re going to not have any sanctions. Let’s negotiate a deal. I don’t know, Matt Schlapp, I don’t think you would have done that. Do you think so, Matt? I don’t think so. Mercedes wouldn’t have.

No, you do that, you make a deal, and then you do what they wanted. I will tell you something. And I said it. Had we had a fair election, the results would have been much different, and we would have had a deal. We would have had a deal with Iran within [inaudible 00:36:51]. They wanted those sanctions off of… Took them off for nothing. For nothing. Now you watch how tough they negotiate. In another horrendous surrender, he agreed to get back into the World Health Organization. For approximately $500 million a year, which is what we were paying.

When I withdrew from the WHO, and you know the whole story with that, they called it badly. They really are puppets for China. They called and they wanted us to stay in. I said how much are we paying? Approximately $500 million. How much is China paying? A much larger in terms of population country. Sir, they’re paying $39 million. I said why are we paying 500 million and they’re paying 39. I can tell you why. Because the people that made the deal are stupid. That’s why.

And I had no idea how popular was… I didn’t even know if I would be able to politically because people were so happy when I did get out. But I said, so if we went in, we could get it for 39 million, which is what China, not 500 million, which is what we were stupidly paying. And they said, we can make a deal. We want you to go in. We can make a deal. Okay. And I decided not to do it. But we could have had it for 39. We could have had it for the same as China. And they decide, now to go back into the World Health Organization and pay 500 million. What the hell is wrong with that?

No, no. This is just emblematic. It’s a tremendous amount of money. But compared to trillions, it’s not. But it’s a tremendous amount of money. Why would China pay 39 million and we’re paying almost 500 million? Why? So we could have made the same deal that China had. 39 million. And they just say, we’re going back in. We’re going back into the World Health Organization. They go back in, they pay 500. It is so sad.

Just like the Iran and the World Health Organization, Joe Biden put the United States back into the very unfair and very costly Paris climate accord without negotiating a better deal. They wanted us so badly back in. I’ll tell you they wanted us. I was getting called from all of the countries. You must come back into the Paris accord. I said, tell me why. Give me one good reason.

First of all, China doesn’t kick in for 10 years. Russia goes by an old standard, which was not a clean standard. And other countries, but we get hit right from the beginning. Would have cost us hundreds of thousands and millions of jobs. It was a disaster. But they go back in. I could have made an unbelievable deal and got back in, but I didn’t want to do that. Surrendering millions of jobs and trillions of dollars to all of these other countries. Almost all of them that were in the deal. So they have favorable treatment. We don’t have favorable treatment. And we just said, we’re going back in. To go back in, they wanted us so badly, you could’ve negotiated. If you wanted to go back in [inaudible 00:39:58] the cleanest air, the cleanest water and everything else that we’ve ever had. So I don’t know why we have to.

And what good does it do when we’re clean, but China’s not, and Russia’s not, and India’s not. So they’re pouring fumes. You know, the world is actually a small [inaudible 00:40:18], right? They’re pouring fumes and we’re trying to protect everything and building products for three times more than [inaudible 00:40:26] say no. They could have made a great deal. If they were going to go back in, that’s fine. But they could have made a great deal instead of just saying we’re back in. These [inaudible 00:40:35].

And in one of his first official acts, which was incredible, because again, he talked about energy. He never said he was going to do this. He canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline. Destroying [inaudible 00:40:47] or the 9,000 or the 11,000 jobs that you hear. But 42,000 great paying jobs. On just about day one, right? He never talked about that during a debate because he wouldn’t have gotten away with it. Well, he would have because they cheated so much it probably wouldn’t have mattered.

No, but that was not a topic of conversation. Remember? Fracking. You could track. Oh, we love fracking. During the primary, no fracking. As soon as he got through that, he said, no, of course everybody can frack. No fracking. You wait till you see what happens with your gasoline. Wait till you see what happens and we cannot let this stuff continue to go on. One of my proudest accomplishments as president was to make America energy independent. The United States became the number one energy superpower. Number one. Became number one, bigger than Saudi Arabia, bigger than Russia by a lot. We left them all in the dust. They were all on [inaudible 00:42:02]. But if the Democrats have their way, we are heading from energy dominance to energy disaster. That’s what’s happening. You have to see what’s going on. Everything’s being closed up. It’s a disaster. The blackouts we saw in California last summer and all the time. The windmill calamity that we’re witnessing in Texas. Great state of Texas. We love Texas. But it’s so sad when you look at it. That’ll just be the start.

How bad is wind power? So I talk about it all the time at CPAC, right? We went to CPAC. Remember last year, I said, we’re going to watch the president. Alice, the wind isn’t blowing. I don’t believe we’ll have any electricity. Remember we would kid, but I wasn’t actually kidding. It’s such an expensive form of energy. It’s so bad for the environment. It kills the birds. It destroys the landscapes. And remember, these are structural columns with fans on them. They wear out. And when they wear out all over the country, you see them, nobody takes them down. They’re rotting. They’re rusting. How this is environmentally good for our country. And it costs many, many times more than natural gas, which is clean. It costs many more… And can fuel our great [inaudible 00:43:20]. We can’t do that.

And solar, I love solar [inaudible 00:43:25] have the capacity to do what we have to do to make America great again. Sorry it just doesn’t have it. Under the radical Democrat policies, the price of gasoline has already surged 30% since the election. And we’ll go to $5, $6, $7 and even higher. So enjoy that when you go to the pump. They’ll say, that’ll be about $200 to fill up your van. You’ll go to the… Remember they used to go to the little small vans. They got away from the big ones that everybody wanted. They went to the small ones. Well, you know what? Probably a good investment. As long as these guys have their say, because you know, it’s a shame what’s happening. Energy prices are going to go through the roof. And that includes your electric bills. That includes any bill having to do with energy. Our biggest cost.

We will now be relying on Russia and the Middle East for oil. And they talked about Russia, Russia, Russia. What’s better than what this guy has done for Russia? I had oil where they were actually paying you to take it. Okay. You know, I was… Remember they were going to give you 37 a barrel, but you got to take it away. You had free oil almost for a period of time and one way I was proud of it, but we also had to save the energy industry and it worked out well. And I dealt with Russia [inaudible 00:44:39] and they cut back on production. And we got it back up. But now it’s going the opposite because now they’re taking this incredible energy independence away from the people of our country. And you’re going to see costs go like you have never seen them go before. It’s a very sad and very stupid thing that they’re doing. The Biden policies are a massive win for other oil producing countries. And a loss for the United States and our great citizens.

Joe Biden and the Democrats are even pushing policies that would destroy women’s sports. A lot of new records are being broken in women’s sports. Hate to say that ladies, but got a lot of new records, they’re being shattered. [inaudible 00:45:28] the weightlifting. Every ounce was like a big deal for many years. All of a sudden somebody comes along and beats it by a hundred [inaudible 00:45:36]. Young girls and women are in sex that they are now being forced to compete against those who are biological males. It’s not good for women. It’s not good for women’s sports, which worked so long and so hard to get to where they are. The records that stood for years, even decades, are now being smashed with [inaudible 00:46:00]. Smashed. If this does not change, women’s sports, as we know it, will die. They’ll end. It’ll end.

What coach, if I’m a coach, I want to be a great coach. What coach, as an example, wants to recruit a young woman to compete if her record can easily be broken by somebody who was born a man. Not too many of those coaches around, right? They are around, they won’t be around long because they’re going to have a big problem when their record is… We’re 0 and 16, but we’re getting better. No, I think it’s crazy. I think it’s just crazy what’s happening. We must protect the integrity of women’s sports. So important. Have to.

And I don’t even know, is that controversial? Somebody said well, that’s going to be very controversial. I said, that’s okay. You haven’t heard anything yet. As you can see, the early weeks of the Biden administration of nothing less than they’ve been a catastrophe for American workers and for American families. [inaudible 00:47:23] of our mission. And for us, it’s our movement. As I said, a movement, like has never been seen. I think we can probably say, never been seen anywhere in the world. And nobody’s ever seen a movement like this. I’d grow out and I’d watch somebody who came in second in New Hampshire or first in Iowa and that was the end and they became famous for the rest of their lives. We won the election twice. I mean you know think about it. The task for our movement and our party is to stand up to this destructive agenda with confidence and with resolve. The future of the Republican Party is as a party that defends the social, economic, and cultural interests and values of working American families of every race, color, and creed. That’s why the party is growing so rapidly and is becoming a different party. And it’s becoming a party of love. You have to see outside the streets. I mean, there’s such love. The flags … Amazing.

That’s right. Now it’s a party that’s incredible. The people, the spirit, and there are, as you probably heard a little while ago, I mean, there’s more spirit now than there’s ever been, including even before the election. More sprit now than we’ve ever seen, because people are seeing how bad it can be. And again, I want to thank Rush and Kathryn because what he did to get the word out has been incredible. Some people are irreplaceable as Sean Hannity would say, and he said, “Rush is replaceable,” but his spirit lives on and that’s something that we need and we love.

Republicans believe that the deeds of every citizen must come first. In fact, America must come first. We don’t put it first. They don’t put it first. Over the past four years my administration delivered for Americans of all backgrounds like never before, like never before. We built the strongest economy in the history of the world, raised wages, and achieved the lowest African American, Hispanic American, Asian American unemployment rates ever, ever, ever recorded. It was so great for everybody of all backgrounds that even after the China virus, we are leading the world, nobody’s even close. We’re leading it in the comeback. Our economic comeback has been incredible. That’s because the financial and economic foundation we built was so strong that unlike other countries, who are having a hard time, we didn’t break. We came roaring back and now our stock market and your 401ks are again at record levels, higher than ever before actually.

Many people have asked what is Trumpism, a new term being used more and more. I’m hearing that term more and more. I didn’t come up with it, but what it means is great deals, great trade deals, great ones, not deals where we give away everything, our jobs, money. Like the USMCA replacement of the horrible NAFTA. NAFTA was one of the worst deals ever made, probably the worst trade deal ever made. And we ended it. You know, a lot of people forget, we ended it. Now we have the USMCA, Mexico, Canada. It’s incredible what it’s done for our farmers who are doing fantastically. Did you see grain prices and grain sales are at an all time high? Wheat, all time high. So many elements of farms and farmers, and they love me. And remember, it’s going to be very close in Iowa. Well, it wasn’t close. We won a landslide, Iowa, because our farmers know, and they put up with it and we did a lot of work with the tariffs and all these things that we had to do to get it, and now the farmers are doing great. But they’re setting records.

It means low taxes and eliminated job killing regulations, Trumpism. It means strong borders, but people coming into our country based on a system of merit. So they come in and they can help us as opposed to coming here and not being good for us, including criminals, of which there are many, it means no riots in the streets. It means law enforcement. It means very strong protection for the second amendment and the right to keep and bear arms. It means support for the forgotten men and women who have been taken advantage of for so many years. And they were doing great, they were doing great before that horrible thing from China came in and hit us. And now they’re starting to do really well again. If you think about it, we built the economy twice. We built a then and then like every other country in the world, it went down and then we built it again. Now it’s higher in many ways, certainly in the stock pocket, it’s higher in many ways than it was before. That’s because of the foundation and no country comes even close to competing with our comeback.

And it means a strong military and taking care of our vets, but a strong military, which we have totally rebuilt, we have rebuilt it. And our military has never been stronger than it is today. It was tired, it was depleted, it was obsolete. And now we have the best brand new equipment ever made and it was all produced right here in the USA. Isn’t that nice? And we take care of our vets. We had a call recently just before leaving office, the vets had a 91% approval rating for the way we took care of them. It’s the highest number in the history of the polls. The vet polls. On top of all of that, we have even created the Space Force, the first new branch of the United States in nearly 75 years. The mission of the Democrat Party is to promote socialism. They want to promote socialism, ultimately leading unfortunately to communism. And that will happen. If you look at Venezuela, you look at some of these countries, that’s why some of our biggest supporters are from South America, Latin America, because they’ve seen what goes on with all of this cancel culture and you can’t speak it, and let’s cut them off, and let’s not give them words.

The mission of our movement and of the Republican Party must be to create a future of good jobs, strong family, safe communities, a vibrant culture, and a great nation for all Americans. And that’s what we’re creating. Their party is based upon unvarnished disdain for America, its past, and its people. You see that happening. It’s horrible the way they treat the legacy of our country, the culture of our country. Our party is based on love for America and the belief that this is an exceptional nation blessed by God.

We take great pride in our country. We teach the truth about history. We celebrate our rich heritage and national traditions. We honor George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and all national heroes. And of course, we respect our great American flag. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

Thank you. Thank you very much. So nice. I started that hearing, we really where … we’re getting word of that, hearing that during some of the rallies, especially the latter rallies where we set records. We had 56 unbelievable packed rallies. And nobody’s ever had anything that we had. And we started hearing, “We love you.” And I asked somebody because we really like Ronald Reagan, right? He was a great president. We had others. But I said, “Did anybody ever say that to Ronald Reagan or to any of our great … .” And to the best of all of these political professionals’ knowledge and pollsters. Nobody’s ever heard that yet before, man. So it’s an honor. Believe me, it’s an honor. Great honor. That’s a great honor. When you think about, we love you. When you’re saying that about … I hate to say it, am I a politician? I don’t know. Maybe I’m a politician. I hate to admit it, but it’s an honor that you would say.

We believe in patriotic education and strongly oppose the radical indoctrination of Americans youth. It’s horrible. We are committed to defending innocent life and to upholding the Judeo-Christian values of our founders and our founding. We have raised free thought, we stand up to political correctors, and we reject left wing lunacy. And in particular we reject cancel culture. We know that the rule of law is the ultimate safeguard. And we affirm that the constitution means exactly what it says, as written, as written. They want to change it. They want to change it. They want to get rid of it, frankly. We believe in law and order and we believe that the men and women of law enforcement are heroes who truly deserve our absolute support. We don’t defund the police. We are not defunding the police.

We believe in standing up to China, shutting down outsourcing, bringing back our factories and supply chains, and ensuring that America not China dominates the future of the world. So it’s going to happen. And by the way, we took in hundreds of billions of dollars from China during my administration, hundreds of … and they never gave us 25 cents. It was a one-way street. We took in hundreds of billions and during negotiations, they would say, “Look, the one thing, we don’t want any more of these tariffs. These tariffs … .” Those tariffs, we took in so much money. And what happened is they became competitive. So what happened with the people, they wouldn’t go to China. They built a lot of it back in our country. They would make it here instead. And in addition to that, we were taking in billions and billions and billions of dollars from China.

But in all fairness to China, we made a trade deal with them, this was prior to COVID. And once COVID happened, I no longer cared so much about the great deal, because what happened with that was just disgraceful. But that’s one of the things, that’s one of the reasons that right now our farmers are doing so good. I used to tell China, “Look, look, go and get lot of wheat. Get a lot of different things. All of the things we just talked about, you better go out and do it because this country has not been treated fairly by you for many, many years. Many, many years.” We used to lose $504 billion trade deficit with China. 500, not million, $504 million is a lot, right? You know that through the World Health Organization. Now take 504 million, make it $504 billion. We had deficits with China. It was absolutely insane that this could keep going on. It’s amazing that you still have a country left. The people that did this to our country, they should be ashamed of themselves. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Companies that leave America to create jobs in China and other countries that have ripped us off for years, should not be rewarded. They should be tarriffed, fined, and punished. They should not be rewarded. And that’s what the Biden administration is doing. But of course, as you know, they have a very close, personal relationship with China. So I don’t expect much to happen. It’s a shame because it really is a threat. It’s a tremendous economic threat. And thank God we’ve rebuilt our military, but it’s a tremendous economic threat. Never forget it.

These are the convictions that define our movement today and must define the Republican Party in the years ahead. Very simple, it’s really quite simple, isn’t it?

Another one of the most urgent issues facing the Republican Party is that of ensuring fair, honest, and secure elections. Such a disgrace. Such a disgrace. Such a disgrace. We must pass comprehensive election reforms and we must do it now. The democrats use the China virus as an excuse to change all of the election rules without the approval of their state legislatures, making it therefore illegal. It had a massive impact on the election. Again, you have to go to the legislatures to get these approvals. This alone would have easily changed the outcome of the election at levels that you wouldn’t have even believed. Even with COVID, even with all of the things, the numbers are staggering. We can never let this or other abuses of the 2020 election be repeated or happen again. Can never let that happen again.

You see what’s going on. We’ve been set back so greatly with other countries and with the world. We need election integrity and election reform immediately. Republicans should be the party of honest elections that can give everyone confidence in the future of our country. Without honest elections, who has confidence? Who has confidence? This issue is being studied and examined, but the reality is you cannot have a situation where ballots are indiscriminately pouring in from all over the country, tens of millions of ballots, where are they coming from? They’re coming all over the place. We’re illegal aliens and dead people are voting, and many other horrible things are happening that are too voluminous to even mention. But people know. I mean it’s being studied and the level of dishonesty is not to be believed.

We have a very sick and corrupt electoral process that must be fixed immediately. This election was rigged and the supreme court and other courts didn’t want to do anything about it.

We did. If you just take that one element where they didn’t go through a legislature, it’s illegal, you can’t do it. It’s in the constitution. They didn’t have the courage, the supreme court, they didn’t have the courage to act, but instead used process and lack of standing. I was told the President of the United States has no standing. It’s my election, it’s your election. We have no standing. We had almost 25 … if you think of it … we had almost 20 states go into the supreme court so that we didn’t have a standing problem. They rejected it. They rejected it. They should be ashamed of themselves for what they’ve done to our country. They didn’t have the guts or the courage to make the right decision. They didn’t want to talk about it. We had the case led by the great State of Texas. 18 States went in. “You don’t have standing.” Let’s not talk about it. They didn’t have the guts to do what should be done.

And that’s on top of all of these other forms of cheating, but this is the most basic of all. They would have local courts and local politicians change the rules in some cases a day or two before the election. This should never be allowed to happen to another presidential candidate or presidential race, should never be allowed to happen.

Today I want to outline the steps that we must take to have an election system in this country that is honest, fair, and accurate. We need one election day, not 45, 30. One day, like it’s been. And the republicans don’t get this, and the other things I’m going to say, that you should, like the supreme court, be ashamed of yourselves. One day. One day. And the only people that should be allowed to vote by mail are people that can be proven to be either very sick or out of the country or military where they can’t do it. One day. They have millions and millions of ballots sitting around all over the place for long periods of time. Gee, I wonder what happens with those ballots? I wonder what happens. It’s common sense. It’s a disgrace. It’s an absolute disgrace.

There should be a legitimate reason for someone to vote absentee, has to have a reason. We should eliminate the insanity of the mass and very corrupt mail-in voting. We must have voter ID. voter ID. To get into the Democratic National Convention, when they had the convention, you needed voter ID. You needed an ID card. You couldn’t get it unless you had an ID. So many people told me, “You can’t get in that place. You need ID. Nobody had ID.” You need voter ID. They know that. This is a con job. They’re conning everybody. They know that. They know the wall was good. They knew the wall would work, but didn’t want to have it because we wanted. I made one big mistake in the world. I should have said, “We will not have a wall.” And then they would have said, “Let’s build a wall.” I made a big mistake. I made a big mistake. I’m sorry. It took us a year and a half extra because of that mistake. “We will not have a wall … We need a wall immediately,” said Chuck Schumer.

We need universal signature matching. They want to pass a bill where you don’t have to match signatures, where signatures don’t mean anything. Now they know it’s … just like with the wall, just like with voter ID, when you need to go into anything that’s Democrat run, you need it. But for voting, which is our most sacred institution, they don’t want to let you have it.

There should be a 100 percent requirement to verify the citizenship of every person who votes and there must be a chain of custody protections for every ballot. Every ballot. And you saw what happened in Detroit and Philadelphia and many other places, swing states mostly. All over, but swing states mostly. You saw what happened. You saw what was going on. You saw that more people … you take a look at the votes, when you have more votes than you have people, that’s a problem, right? Is that a problem? We have a little problem adjusting in Detroit. We seem to have more votes than we have people, a lot more votes, and election changing number. We’re not talking about a number where you can’t … no, these aren’t election changing numbers. In Pennsylvania, they had hundreds of thousands of more votes than they had people voting. What’s that all about? What’s that all about? Cheating they say. Yeah, I’d say so.

In the history of our country, and it has taken place for years in Pennsylvania and Detroit and various other places. But there’s tremendous, never like this, because they used COVID as a way of cheating. That’s what happened. And everybody knows it. Hundreds of thousands and millions of ballots. They used it as a way of getting what they’ve wanted for many years. And the republicans have to do something about it. They better do something about it. Our election process is worse than that in many cases of a third world country. You know that, you saw what was going on. Even if you consider nothing else, it is undeniable that election rules were illegally changed at the last minute in almost every swing state with the procedures rewritten by local politicians … you’re not allowed to do that … and local judges. They want more time, they want this, they want that. All done by local politicians or local judges, as opposed to state legislatures as required by the Constitution of the United States. And these are just numbers that are massive. These aren’t little numbers, these are numbers that in each state is a transformative number. It changes the outcome of the election. And it’s not close. Regardless of your political views, this should concern you as a constitutional matter. And the supreme court, again, didn’t have the guts or the courage to do anything about it. And neither did other judges. And democrats even admitted in Time-

And Democrats even admitted in Time Magazine, which is, I would say on the liberal side. They just couldn’t hold it in. They had to brag about it, because what they did, they had to brag about it. They couldn’t do it. You’ve got to read this story. It’s a disaster. It’s a disaster for our country that we can allow something so corrupt to happen. Read that article. I really encourage you. You read that article. Yet all of the election integrity measures in the world will mean nothing if we don’t have free speech and that’s where we’re at now.

If Republicans can be censored for speaking the truth and calling out corruption, we will not have democracy and we will have only left wing tyranny. And we can do this. We can do this. We’re smarter than they are. We’re tougher than they are. For some reason we just don’t… we don’t get it done. We let them attack our businesses and we don’t attack their businesses. I believe your numbers are bigger than their numbers, but you’re nicer than they are. You’re not as vicious as they are.

In the past, we would debate. I would have it. I debate. You’ve seen me for many years. They throw something. I debate. They debate. Who knows who wins? People go. They vote. They see what happens. But they would have an idea. They would disagree. The public would hear it. The debate and discourse would take place. And then somebody would make a decision. You would win. You would lose. The public would make up its mind. But now there isn’t a debate because they refuse to allow our side to even speak or be heard. They don’t want debate because we have easy victories in a debate, very easy victories. It’s called common sense. It’s called other things, but it’s called common sense. So they don’t want to debate.

The time has come to break up big tech monopolies and restore fair competition. Republicans, conservatives must open up more platforms and repeal Section 230 Liability Protection. And if the federal government refuses to act, then every state in the union where we have the votes… which is a lot of them… Big tech giants, like Twitter, Google and Facebook should be punished with major sanctions whenever they silence conservative voices. And Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, and in Texas and other states are doing this. If they do what they’re doing, Florida… And that legislation will pass and Texas and others will have tremendous power to do what’s right and what’s fair.

We have no time to waste. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in Congress are racing to pass a flagrantly unconstitutional attack on the First Amendment and the integrity of our elections known as HR One. Do you know what HR one is? It’s a disaster. Their bill would drastically restrict political speech, empower the federal government to shut down dissent and turn the federal election commission into a partisan political weapon. In addition, it virtually eliminates voter ID requirements nationwide. Effectively ends all registration deadlines. Can you believe this? Requires states to give ballots to felons. Automatically registers every welfare recipient to vote and puts unaccountable unelected bureaucrats in charge of drawing congressional districts. That’s going to be a lot of fun. This monster must be stopped. It cannot be allowed to pass.

Now more than ever is the time for tough, strong, and energetic Republican leaders who have spines of steel. We need strong leadership. We cannot have leaders who show more passion for condemning their fellow Americans than they have ever shown for standing up to Democrats, the media and the radicals who want to turn America into a socialist country. Instead of attacking me and more importantly, the voters of our movement, top establishment Republicans in Washington should be spending your energy and opposing Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and the Democrats. I’ve said to some of them, I said, “You know, during the Obama years, and now during Biden, if you spent the same energy on attacking them, you’d actually be successful as you do on attacking me in many cases.”

The Democrats don’t have grand-standers like Mitt Romney, little Ben Sasse, Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Pat Toomey; and in the House, Tom Rice, South Carolina, Adam Kinzinger, Dan Newhouse, Anthony Gonzalez. That’s another beauty. Fred Upton, Jamie Herrera Butler, Peter Meyer, John Katko, David Valadeo. And of course the warmonger, a person that loves seeing our troops fighting, Liz Cheney. How about that? The good news is in her state, she’s been censured. And in her state, her poll numbers have dropped faster than any human being I’ve ever seen. So hopefully, they’ll get rid of her with the next election. Get rid of them all.

Democrats are vicious. Remember this. It’s true. Democrats are vicious. He said evil. Well, there is evil there, but they’re vicious. They’re smart. And they do one thing. You’ve got to hand it to them. They always stick together. You don’t have Mitt Romney’s in the group. They always stick together. Fortunately for the Republican party, the Democrats have horrible policies like open borders, sanctuary cities, defunding the police and the ridiculous, totally ridiculous Green New Deal. So they stick together. They’re smart. They’re vicious. They’ve got everything going, but their policies are no good. So hence we have, congratulations, the Republican Party. After this, they may not stick with those policies. We have to be careful. No, their policies are horrible. Think of it. Defund the police. How did that work out?

But the Republicans do not stick together. The RINOs that we’re surrounded with will destroy the Republican Party and the American worker and will destroy our country itself. The RINOs, Republican in name only. But the Republican Party is united. The only division is between a handful of Washington, DC, establishment, political hacks, and everybody else all over the country. I think we have tremendous unity. When you look at the crowds outside that want your seat so badly. They will take your seat in two seconds. They want your seat. Congratulations. Congratulations on getting in, by the way. I’m very proud.

And that’s why I’m announcing that I will be actively working to elect strong, tough and smart Republican leaders. Speaking of that, I heard Jim Jordan did a great job. I heard that from Mark Meadows. I heard it. Oh, there he is. Look at that. Hi Jim. I heard you were great. In fact, I hated to follow you. I want to follow other people. I could name them too. I like to follow other people. I heard you were great. Thank you, Jim, very much. Jim Jordan, great, great athlete. People don’t know he was a great wrestler, tremendous numbers of victories. The NC… He was a champion. He was college champion for a long period of time. He’s a winner and a leader and he doesn’t play games. He likes to win. He likes to win. And we have a lot of people in our party that like to win, Jim. Right? But I heard you were great. Thank you very much.

We want Republican leaders who are loyal to the voters and who will work proudly for the vision that I’ve laid out today. And what is it? So simple. So simple. Military, law and order, great trade deals, great education. So simple. I don’t know. Does anybody get it? What are they doing? Does anybody get it? It has just been stated that President Trump’s endorsement is the most powerful asset in politics. You believe that? Who would’ve thought that was going to happen? Who would’ve thought that was going to happen, Jim? In last year’s congressional primaries, 120… Listen to this. It’s crazy. 120 of 122 candidates I endorsed won… 120. That’s almost as good as Jim’s wrestling record. And the two that lost were beaten by people claiming to be more Trump than their opponent. So I like those two people very much also.

In the Senate, I was undefeated in endorsements with a record of 21 and 0. My endorsement of Mitch McConnell, at his request… It’s all right. It’s all right. He made a request. He asked for my endorsement. Brought him from one point down to 20 points up and he won his race in the great state and actually the great Commonwealth of Kentucky. And he won it. And he won it very easily. And I said, “I wonder if I’m doing the right thing here?” But you know what? I did… I did what I did. But he went from one point down to 20 points up very quickly, immediately actually. And he won his race. And if you compare that to his other elections, I’m sure you’ll see something interesting. But you know what? We got a Republican elected. And now we have to use Republicans to take care of the election frauds and all of the other things that are happening that shouldn’t be allowed to happen in our country. It’s very simple.

Because of my efforts campaigning, we had huge gains in the House. And I helped keep many senators in their seats and they will admit it. So that it’s now 50/50, instead of Republicans being down anywhere from eight to 10 seats. And they’ll admit it. We’d be down eight to 10 seats if I didn’t campaign. We held rallies for some of the senators that went down and nobody talks about that. Nobody wants to talk. The press doesn’t talk about it. With me at the top of the ticket, not a single Republican member of Congress lost their race. For the first time in decades, we won 26 of 26 toss up races, toss ups. Think of that, 26 of 26. And those are toss ups. Those are races that could go any way. We were expected to lose 25 seats. And instead we won 15 seats and almost… Oh, why couldn’t we have done a couple of more? Almost cost Crazy Nancy her job. We’ll do that the next time around.

I received almost… Listen to this number. Because the fake news doesn’t ever talk about these numbers. I just heard this one for the first time. I received almost 1.5 million more votes than all of the Republican House candidates combined. So how the hell is it possible that we lost? It’s not possible. I got more votes. I got more. And which it isn’t just me. When I say, “I,” I am talking about we. We, we got more votes than any incumbent, any incumbent president in the history of our country, almost 75 million votes. And that doesn’t include the votes and ballots they threw out. If you include them, you’ll see numbers that are much different. We did even better in the second election than we did in the first. I won the first. We won the second. We did much better. Sort of strange, right? “How did you do?” “Well we did much better the second time.” “Oh, you did, really?”

What a disgrace, what a disgrace to our country. I got over 11 million, very close to 12 million more votes than we got in 2016. And I was told by John McLaughlin that if… a great poster… That if you get to – we had 63 in 2016, 63 million. “Sir, if you get to 66 million you have it made.” We got to almost 75 million and what the hell happened? What happened? What happened when they closed all of the counting booths? What happened at three o’clock in the morning? What happened at 3:02 in the morning? What happened? No President has ever lost an election after carrying Florida, Ohio, and Iowa. And I won them all and I won them by a lot, by a lot. I won 94% of the primary vote. No incumbent President who received more than 75% of the primary vote has ever lost an election. I had a record number. And no President has ever, ever… We’re talking about a much lower number than we got… Has ever lost an election.

Thanks to my coattails… Thank you. We have to have a sense of humor. Thanks to my coattails, democrats failed to flip a single state legislature… Think of it… Or a legislative chamber because Republicans came out to vote for me. Now they say it differently. The press, the fake news spins it differently. They say, “Despite how well they did, Trump didn’t win.” That’s such a lie. And many legislators, many legislators told me, they said, they’re going to lose their race. Wasn’t going to happen.

And then what happened is one in particular told me from a great swing state said, “You know, I thought I was going to lose my position, lose my race. And I went out with my wife the night before the election. And I saw all these Trump signs and the American flags and the spirit on the streets. I said, ‘You know, darling, I think we’re going to win.'”He said, “But you were far, far, far more popular than me.” They do lots of polls. “You were way, way ahead of me, sir. And the next day I was right.” He said he won the election by a lot, “And you lost the election. And sir, it’s not possible that you lost because you’ve got a lower number than I did. And you were so far ahead of me. You are the person that brought everybody out to vote.” And I happen to agree with that 1,000%. Never forget that conversation. He couldn’t believe it. And I’ve it from more than one.

And in November, 18 of 19 Bellwether County’s… You heard about the Bellwether County’s… 18 of 19 Bellwether County’s that have correctly predicted every Presidential election for decades, many decades, voted for Trump, not for Biden. And it was a shocker to those people that go for the stats. It was a shocker. They voted for Trump. 18 of 19 voted for Trump. There’s never been anything like that. And yet, did Biden win? No.

If you want to help us take back the future of our country, go to I don’t do this. I’ve never done this. But it’s time that we have to put forces together because these people with their big tech and the fake news media right back there. Okay. And when you talk about election, they turn off. When you talk about… They probably have them going, because they also care about ratings. But when they talk about election, they turn off the cameras. You know why? It’s a very sore subject. Okay? They don’t like that subject. There’s only one way to contribute to our efforts, to elect America first Republican conservatives. And in turn, to make America great again. And that’s through Save America PAC and So go out there and do whatever you can because we’re going to help a lot of great people.

We know the right people to help. We need your help to win and to fight big tech and the radical left and the DC establishment. We need to save your Second Amendment, which is under siege. We need to help protect funding for our military and for our great vets. And that’s what we’re doing. As we discussed earlier, we’re in a struggle for the survival of America as we know it. This is a struggle. This is a terrible, terrible, painful struggle. The path ahead will not be easy, but we will win. We are going to win. Ultimately we always win. And when we do, history will show that this was the moment when we could have given up, when we could have despaired, but instead we chose to keep on pushing forward. The greater the challenge and tougher the task, the more determined we must be to pull through to triumph. We have to have triumph. We have to have victory.

With the talent and dedication of everyone here today … And you have tremendous, not only dedication, tremendous talent in this room. I know many of you. That is exactly what we will do. We will go on to victory. We will summon the spirit of generations of American patriots before us, like those heroes who crossed the Delaware, conquered the Rockies, stormed the beaches, won the battles and tamed the unknown frontiers. We will persist and we will prevail. We’re tougher than they are. We’re stronger than they are. Together, in the coming years, we will carry forward the torch of American liberty. We will lead the conservative movement and the Republican Party back to a totally conclusive victory. And we’ve had tremendous victories. Don’t ever forget it. With your help, we will take back the House. We will win the Senate. And then a Republican President will make a triumphant return to the White House. And I wonder who that will be? I wonder who that will be. Who, who will that be? I wonder.

Standing before you today, I am supremely confident that for our movement, for our party and for our country, our brightest days are just ahead. And that together we will make America prouder, freer, stronger and greater than it ever has been before. Thank you, CPAC. God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.