VIDEO: Tyranny in Shelby County, Tennessee

“Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man, and our politicians take advantage of this prejudice by pretending to be even more stupid than nature made them.” – Bertrand Russell

“It’s not an endlessly expanding list of rights — the ‘right’ to education, the ‘right’ to health care, the ‘right’ to food and housing. That’s not freedom, that’s dependency. Those aren’t rights, those are the rations of slavery — hay and a barn for human cattle.” –  Alexis de Tocqueville, French aristocrat, diplomat, political scientist, political philosopher and historian.

“Socialism is an alternative to capitalism as potassium cyanide is an alternative to water.” –  Ludwig von Mises

The following 13-minute video was recorded in Shelby County, Tennessee which includes the incorporated cities and towns of Memphis, Arlington, Bartlett, Collierville, Germantown, Lakeland and Millington.

The recording shows people being restricted from entering a school board meeting by police, many because they are not masked.  It so reminds me of the East German Stasi who were ordered to kill those who tried to climb the wall, tunnel under or balloon ride to freedom to West Germany.  No, it’s not that bad, but this is how it starts.

There are a number of folks gathered outside the building and one officer speaks to them several times.  Throughout the video, he touches and adjusts his face diaper time and again.  Every time he touches that mask, he infects it with more bacteria and then breathes it into his lungs.  Dr. Richard Urso who spoke at America’s Frontline Doctors White Coat Summit commented that he wished masks worked, but there are zero randomized control trials in the last four decades that masks stopped the spread of respiratory illness.

This officer stated that school security is in charge of who comes in and who comes out.  What?!  Every parent who wants to attend the school board meeting should be allowed to.  Folks with medical exemptions for masks were not even allowed to enter.

The section for public comment at this public meeting has been disallowed to the people who will not follow and obey the orders of the hierarchy of Shelby County.  Many of the officers actually turned their badges around so you could not read their names or their badge numbers.  When asked for their names and badges, they walked away.  When police were inside the building, they were told to adjust their cameras and turn off the audio so the parents outside could not hear what was being said.

These parents were denied entrance to a public meeting that affects their own children.  And just who created the mask mandate?

Police Officer Thornton told the people he was going by the executive order of the Health Department of Shelby County.  Therein lies the truth.  This officer is just taking and following orders to keep his job, despite the order being constitutionally false.  We are seeing clearly throughout the country and even in Red States, control by those who were never elected.

In Charlotte Iserbyt’s 1999 book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, on page 134, she exposes the truth of communism and the unelected powers who rule.

Her book states the following:

The Daily World of November 8, 1975 carried a very interesting article entitled “Planning is Socialism’s Trademark” by Morris Zeitlin.  The Daily World (newspaper of the Communist Party USA) was formerly known as The Daily Worker and was founded in 1924.  The importance of this article lies in its blatant admission that regionalism, which is gradually becoming the accepted method of unelected governance in the United States (unelected councils and task forces, participatory democracy, public-private partnerships, etc.) is the form of government used in democratic socialist and communist countries.

I beg of my fellow Americans to wake up and smell the decay of our Republic…we are dying.  The only thing that will save us is if more people like the folks in this video stand up and demand the freedoms God gave us and our founders recorded in both the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution and especially our unalienable Bill of Rights.

Stand for freedom, or ultimately, we’ll be on our knees in slavery.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.


Teacher reportedly threatens to shoot school officials after janitors take down plastic COVID-19 barrier, says he will ‘come to the school and spread COVID to everyone I can’

Mother escorted from hospital in handcuffs for refusing to leave her recovering daughter’s side — in violation of COVID rules

Teen suicide and transgenderism

I was sixteen the first time I heard my mother curse.

She was worn and weary — stretched beyond her maternal limits. From delirious dreams, I sat up, mumbling that I felt sick. From her own crumpled position in a bedside chair, Mom scrambled for the emesis bowl too late, triggering her exasperated expletive. Who could blame her, after our late-night trip to the ER and the projectile vomiting that began as soon as I walked through the hospital’s sliding doors?

I felt so bad about the mess I was making. I apologised profusely in between heaves, reaching out and cupping my hands to try to catch it, as if that would somehow help. Soon a thin tube was up my nose and down my throat, liquid charcoal slowly descending, making its way to my stomach to absorb the numerous prescriptions I consumed in my first major suicide attempt. Most of what had been in our downstairs bathroom medicine chest was now in me.

After sexual abuse at age ten, my subsequent years had been filled with suicidal ideation. I hated myself, and I hated my female body, scorning it as the source of my vulnerability and betrayal. As I developed, I sought an androgynous appearance, which for me was both a style and a shield. I could tie a man’s necktie as deftly and neatly as my father, I wore one so often.

At sixteen, I could not envision a healthy self, an “untainted” body free from shame. Suicide had long been a false siren in my imaginings, offering relief and a way of escape. I didn’t really want to die, but I needed help, and this attempt was my desperate cry for it.

Suicide obviously wasn’t the right answer, but were pharmaceuticals the solution? I immediately became attached to Dr. Richards, the soft-spoken, fatherly psychiatrist who was on call that night. I continued for several years under his care, but the main thing I got out of our sessions was his kind attention. I remember Transactional Analysis circles, Ids, Egos, and arrows, and very little else. Most interestingly, I was being treated for a “chemical imbalance”. My showing up at the hospital full of pills led to my being put on more pills, as if my problem primarily were somehow in my brain.

But as Robert Whitaker, a Pulitzer Prize finalist for his investigative journalism on psychiatric medicine, observes, “our mental health arises in environments, not just the inside of our head”. As I progressed from one medication to another to see what might help, Dr. Richards and I did not talk about the sexual abuse. Curiously, he insisted to my mother that my despair was so deep, there had to be an earlier trauma, something that happened before the age of two. My mother responded as insistently that nothing had happened before that fateful summer of abuse.

I can only shake my head now at this erudite physician’s puzzling over me. I am adopted, yet no thought of any effects from that primal wound ever crossed his or my mother’s mind. I realise now that my ER apologies have been operating in some form for most of my life: I’m sorry for being here, sorry for the trouble, sorry for the mess I am making. . . .

Adoptees happen to be overrepresented among those presenting at clinics with gender dysphoria. I can see my mother’s haggard face and imagine her plight had my 1980s gender-bending taken the form of “coming out as trans,” as it does today. Mom was already under so much pressure — vulnerable, afraid, and desperate to help. I imagine white-coated professionals telling her what parents hear today: to affirm my trans identity right away or prepare for a completed suicide. Are those really the only two options? For a movement that decries the binary, its commitment to this discrete dichotomy is relentless.

The “rush to treat” is a recipe for irreversible damage and regret. The brave detransitioned woman Keira Bell, who was put on puberty blockers after three one-hour sessions, knows this all too well. Her successful legal efforts to protect other young people from similar harms were overturned on appeal in the U.K. just a few weeks ago. Thus, the medicalised gender pathway has been reopened to children and distressed teens once again, with no oversight outside the questionable clinic required.

In acute situations of crisis, parents and young people need immediate help, as well as support to slow down and aim for the best long-term outcomes. This is similar to the wisdom of not making major decisions after a significant loss or in a time of grief. But that is not what is happening. Instead, parents are led astray by a rogue and en vogue “trans-affirmative” medical establishment, in which financial and ideological motivations override good clinical practice. As with Keira Bell, clinicians now often begin with suppressing puberty instead of dealing with suppressed problems.

In an excellent recent article, distinguished psychiatrist Stephen Levine reminds us that good clinical practice entails addressing any new symptom with the question, “Why is this occurring now?” When affirmative clinicians have patients presenting with gender identity conflicts, they may not even pose this question, thinking it irrelevant and in conflict with their concerns for “patient autonomy.” But Levine reminds us that “today’s passion can be tomorrow’s regret. Making a diagnosis of gender dysphoria is easy. Thinking about what it is a response to is not”.

Responsible clinicians who do want to explore and address the trauma that is quite common among trans-identified youth may be rebuffed by young people conditioned to look for the solution in a pill. Describing their own clinic experiences, a group of Australian professionals reported that “a large subgroup of children equated affirmation with medical intervention and appeared to believe that their distress would be completely alleviated if they pursued the pathway of medical treatment”. These magic-bullet beliefs were the product of peer influence, social media, and previous encounters with other healthcare workers.

The authors lamented that their efforts to explain the risks and engage in authentic therapeutic exploration “fell on deaf ears.” They also note that the “same overall dynamic also put many parents . . . in a difficult and untenable situation”. Parents almost always desire to be supportive and relieve distress, but they have a responsibility to seek out how best to achieve these goals while avoiding unnecessary risks and potential long-term harms. As recent legislation and court rulings show, concerned parents aren’t empowered. Medicalised affirmation is.

Elsewhere Levine describes what true informed consent looks like. It involves pointed questions, such as, “What have you considered the nature of your life will be in ten to twenty years?”

At sixteen, I couldn’t begin to answer that question, as I could not envision a long-term future. After my overdose, I resisted what became a two-month in-patient stay because I didn’t want to get behind in school. When Dr. Richards pointed out I had just tried to kill myself, I assured him that since that had failed, I was back to my other plan — escaping the pain of my current situation through early graduation. I harboured hopes that perhaps if I accelerated a move to the next stage of life, it would be different somehow. Finishing high school was as far as my envisioning went.

What would my life look like in ten or twenty years? At twenty-six, I was in graduate school, seeing yet another therapist, crying uncontrollably and saying it was finally time for me to deal with the sexual abuse. The best advice Dr. Richards, my gentle Jewish psychiatrist, had given me was to read Viktor Frankl. Perhaps my tears, so long suppressed, were finally bearing witness: I was facing things I could not change and finding “the courage to suffer”.

At thirty-six, I became engaged to the man who is now my husband and the father of my two children. The thought of making decisions at sixteen that would have precluded these outcomes, my two children most of all, makes me shudder.

Today, I calculate the odds of my making it whole-bodied through the age of Instagram and social media engineering as small. A double mastectomy would have been my chosen fate, as if my breasts were the thing that was wrong, and not what was done to them. I could easily have chased the next stage of transition rather than matriculation in hopes it would cure what ailed me. But successive graduations didn’t heal me any more than successive surgeries would have.

Advocates of “gender-affirming care” congratulate themselves for helping kids “live their best lives”. Yet, as the leaders at the Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine recently reminded us, in the original Dutch study of seventy kids who took puberty blockers between 2000 and 2008, subjective ratings of their depression levels improved by only three points out of sixty-three after receiving the treatment. On a scale of zero to one hundred, the children’s overall functioning improved only four points. Other measures revealed no gains at all. All of the children then proceeded to cross-sex hormones. Fifty-six children went on to have surgery, one of whom died from post-surgical complications.

These are drastic interventions, leading to “improvements” that are minimal at best. There are worlds of difference between a few points on a psychological inventory checklist and robust future life outcomes such as marrying, having children, education, employment, and intact family relations. Overall well-being, both physical and mental, and authentic human flourishing should be the measure of success.

In the past, patients who were rejected for sex reassignment surgery seemed less apt to be upset, and no dire threats of impending suicide were given. In one study, eleven out of fourteen such patients expressed no regrets over not having transitioned upon follow-up.

What happened instead? The majority “found other ways of dealing with their gender problem to the point that they actually reported having less gender dysphoria”. Even the study’s authors — themselves supporters of transitions — admitted at the time that such a resolution was preferable to more invasive treatment methods. But that study is twenty years old now, and such wisdom and caution have long been cast off.

This article was republished with permission from The Public Discourse.


Jean Lloyd

Jean C. Lloyd, PhD, is a teacher, a writer, and a happily married mother of two school-age children. She is currently writing a book entitled ‘Love would not allow what Love could not restore’. More by Jean Lloyd

RELATED ARTICLE: Meet the heretical parents questioning the trans narrative for children and teens

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

How Constitutional Systems and Citizenship Perish

We are witnessing it in real time.

How Constitutional Systems and Citizenship Perish

By: Victor Davis Hanson,  October 07, 2021:

Only a little more than half of the current world’s 7 billion people are citizens of fully consensual governments.

That lucky 50% alone enjoys constitutionally protected freedoms. Most are also Western. Or at least they reside in nations that have become “Westernized.”

Migrants—regardless of their race, religion, or gender—almost always head for a Western nation. And most often their destination remains the United States. The more it is now fashionable for Americans to take for granted or even to ridicule the idea of their own country, the more the non-American global poor risk their lives to crash America’s borders.

Constitutional systems easily perish because they ask a lot of their citizens—to vote, to be informed about civic and political issues, and to hold elected officials accountable. That responsibility is perhaps why, of the world’s true republics and democracies, only about 22 have been in existence for a half-century or more.

We are seldom told, then, that America is a rare, precious, and perhaps even fragile idea, both in the past and in the present.

American citizens are clearly also not the custom of the past. Unlike history’s more common peasants, citizens are not under the control of the rich who, in turn, seek undue influence in government through controlling them.

Instead, viable citizenship has always hinged on a broad, autonomous middle class. Those Americans in between lack both the dependence of the poor and the insider influences of the elite. Suffocate the middle, and we know that a binary feudalism will soon replace it. We are seeing just that medievalization in contemporary California.

Nor are American citizens mere migratory residents who drift across nonexistent borders in expectation of receiving more rights than meeting responsibilities. Forfeit a sacred national space—a place where common customs, language, and traditions can shelter and thrive—and a unique America disappears into a precivilizational migratory void like the fluid vastness of late imperial Rome.

Americans are quite different from tribal peoples, whose first loyalties are determined by mere appearance or innate blood ties. Take this nation back to precivilizational tribalism, and our future as the next Yugoslavia, Rwanda, or Iraq is assured.

Americans are not, then, premodern peasants, mere residents, and squabbling tribes—at least not quite yet.

But citizens also are equally suspicious and rightfully distrustful of the top-down subversion of citizenship by postmodern elites and the privileged. The latter often expect Americans to give up their ancient freedoms to a vast, unelected, and unaudited permanent administrative state, to be run by credentialed functionaries and sanctioned “experts.”

That technocratic regimentation may now be the Chinese model, but it was never the vision of our Founders.

Citizens object to “evolving” a 245-year-old republic into a radical socialist ochlocracy without checks and balances. That rebooting would mean scrapping ancient laws, long-held customs, and hallowed traditions—from the Electoral College and a nine-person Supreme Court to the Senate filibuster and 50-state union.

Consensual societies usually implode when desperate factions resort to subverting hallowed rules for short-term partisan gain.

Some elites believe the Founders’ Constitution is in dire need of radical deletions and alterations to fit their own utopian visions. So, they imagine an evolving Constitution to synchronize with supposedly a fluid, mutable—and always progressing—human nature. They are ignorant that the core of the Constitution does not change because our own natural, core sense of right and wrong does not either.

Nor do citizens hand over their first allegiances to an abstract worldwide commonwealth—as though half of its membership are not illiberal theocracies, autocracies, and monarchies. Such a tired “citizens of the world” dream dates to Socratic utopianism.

Yet neither the defunct League of Nations nor the United Nations has ever offered any credible blueprint for viable transnational governance. Today’s globalists at Davos may snicker at nationalist democracies like the United States and Israel, but in cowardly fashion, they usually appease a totalitarian and brutal communist China that allows no dissent.

Given our privileges, affluent and leisured Americans must always ask ourselves whether as citizens we have earned what those who died at Gettysburg or on Omaha Beach bequeathed at such costs.

Refusing to stand during the national anthem is not and should not be illegal. But such blanket rejection of American customs is admittedly now a collective narcissistic tic—and hardly sustainable for the nation’s privileged to sit in disgust for a flag that their betters raised under fire on Iwo Jima for others not yet born.

Sometimes citizens can do as much harm to their commonwealth by violating customs and traditions as by breaking laws.

Instead, freedom requires constant reinvestment in and replenishment of a nation’s traditions and ideals.

Self-criticism of one’s country is salutary to ensure needed changes, but only if Americans accept that an innately self-correcting United States does not have to be perfect to be good—and especially when, in a world of innately flawed humans and failed states, it remains far better than any of the alternatives abroad.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Afghan Refugees Were Placed in a Popular Vacation Hotel. Here’s What Happened.

My latest at PJ Media:

Multiculturalism is meeting reality once again as Afghan refugees are making their presence known in the countries that welcomed them, and the fun is just beginning. One place that has experienced the richness and vibrance of diversity is Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England, which is a popular vacation spot. It’s easy to see why: It’s on the Yorkshire Coast in a beautiful area, and when its architecturally stunning Grand Hotel was built in 1867, it was the largest hotel in Europe. The hotel still boasts numerous attractions. It is described on Tripadvisor as “one of the town’s landmark features and instantly recognisable on the skyline,” taking “pride of place overlooking the town’s harbour and South Bay.” The description continues: “Our location is ideal in Scarborough from which to enjoy beautiful sandy beaches, promenade walks and all that Scarborough has to offer, all within a short stroll away. LIVE entertainment is available every night with our dazzling cabaret shows featuring professional dancers and entertainers dressed in stunning costumes.” A newer feature of the hotel, however, 200 Afghan evacuees, has quickly changed perceptions of the hotel. The staff, when confronted with complaints, called the complainers “racist.” But that’s an all-purpose objection nowadays, so frequently employed as to be emptied of all meaning. It’s clear that hotel guests at the Grand Hotel had plenty to complain about.

One of the hotel’s recent guests wrote:

Stayed in the hotel while working away contracting in East Yorkshire

I caught scabies and can only presume it was from this filthy hell hole

Also caught a man deficating [sic] into a carrier bag !

What the hell is going on in this hotel.

I would not stay ever again!!

What a shame that the government would do this to a seaside town


As revolting as it is, that bit about the carrier bag shouldn’t surprise anyone. The Wall Street Journal recently noted that new Afghan arrivals at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin were “confused and upset by hygiene practices. Every toilet on base was Western style, with a seat and toilet paper. But a number of Afghans are accustomed to restrooms that allow them to squat so they don’t have to physically touch the toilet. It led to some cases of Afghans relieving themselves outside.” And into carrier bags at the Grand Hotel Scarborough.

There is more. Read the rest here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Plane Truth about Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

You are not free to move about the country. No one has been since the coronavirus restrictions began. But now major airlines are piling on travel challenges above and beyond the government mandates. Beginning Friday, Southwest Airlines cancelled over 1,800 flights, leaving thousands of passengers stranded around the country. For perspective, Southwest flies approximately 3,300 flights per day; they cancelled 27 percent of their scheduled flights on Sunday alone.

In a statement, the airline tried to blame the massive outage on weather. “On Friday evening, the airline ended the day with numerous cancellations, primarily created by weather and other external constraints.” The bad weather was in Florida, according to another statement. The statement explained the cancellations “left aircraft and Crews out of pre-planned positions.” In turn, “the out-of-place aircraft and continued strain on our Crew resources created additional cancelations” which cascaded.

But many aren’t buying Southwest’s story; too many details don’t add up. For instance, it’s curious that weather would affect only one airline so heavily. “American, Spirit, United, and Delta combined total of about 104 flights canceled over the same period,” said Congressman Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.). Or, if minor weather cancellations generate outsized impacts, why don’t hurricanes or blizzards routinely cripple national air travel?

From the “timeline of a couple of key events, you can draw a different conclusion,” said Washington Times opinion editor Cheryl Chumley. “The more plausible reason,” she wrote, “is that scores of pilots refused to fly because of COVID-19 vaccine mandates.” An anonymous Southwest employee estimated that nearly 50 percent of Southwest pilots remain unvaccinated. When they learned last week that the airline would require all staff to be vaccinated by December 8, the Southwest Airlines Pilot Associations (SWAPA), which represents 10,000 of the megacorporation’s pilots, amended their lawsuit to temporarily block the airline’s coronavirus vaccine mandate from taking effect.

SWAPA said employees were calling in sick at three times the historic norm but denied that pilots were coordinating an “official or unofficial” sick-out. The airline also insisted that “the operational challenges were not a result of Southwest Employee demonstrations.” But it’s hard to believe that, by sheer coincidence, 32 out of 35 Southwest employees in Jacksonville didn’t show up for work on Friday, or that “almost every flight out of Orlando was cancelled” by a few brief showers on Friday afternoon. Though the pilots union may not publicly acknowledge what they’re doing, Chumley said on “Washington Watch”, “we should be thankful for these pilots taking a strong stand for individual rights over government overreach and employer mandates.”

The fault lies with both the government and private corporations. Southwest CEO Gary Kelly insisted his hands were tied by President Biden’s executive order requiring “all federal contractors, which covers all the major airlines… to have a mandate vaccine in place by Dec. 8.” But Governor Abbott recently banned private employers in Texas, where Southwest Airlines is headquartered, from instituting vaccine mandates, so the business at least has a choice in who to obey. The Biden administration’s executive orders are simply providing cover for corporate leaders to enact the heavy-handed mandates they desire anyways. Biggs said businesses “doing the dirty work for the government… instead of fighting it” is “proto-fascist.”

Not every Southwest pilot is staying silent; one apparently hung the Gadsden flag from his cockpit window. Biggs said the pilots may have launched a larger movement. “You’re going to see more and more employees reject this unconstitutional infringement on their liberty,” he said. Illegal vaccine mandates can survive as long as we, the people, comply with them.


Dr. Robert Malone – Fully Vaccinated Are COVID-19 “Super-Spreaders”

Healthy 16-Year Old Dies During Zoom Class After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Jab

Australia’s Northern Territory Imposes World’s Strictest COVID-19 Jab Mandate

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Maricopa County, AZ: Over 284,000 Ballots Lacked Evidence That It Was the Original Ballot Received

Our mistake was not organizing an insurrection.

Over 284,000 Ballots, or 1 Out of Every 10th Maricopa County Ballot, Lacked Evidence That It Was the Original Ballot Received

By Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit Published October 11, 2021:

Over 284,000 ballots in Maricopa County are missing their original corresponding image. One out of every 10 Maricopa County ballot in the 2020 Election is missing its original ballot image.

A new video from Jovan Pulitzer shows that the original ballot image for over 284,000 Maricopa County ballots is missing. This is one out of every 10th ballot.

The end result is comical but outrageous.  This country was awarded to Joe Biden based on Hunter Biden’s logic.

RELATED ARTICLE: Rasmussen Poll: Majority Of American Voters Believe Cheating Tainted Fraudulent Biden’s 2020 Victory

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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January 6th Political Prisoners STILL In Solitary, Mistreated, Abused

Only Given Nation Of Islam Newspaper To Read.

Why not Hitler’s Mein Kompf? Democrats are following his playbook.

The Purpose Of The Jan. 6 Select Committee Is To Suppress Free Speech

By: John Daniel Davidson, The Federalist, October 12, 2021:

A third round of subpoenas issued last week by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s select committee on the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol has revealed the committee’s investigation for what it is: a brazen attack on the First Amendment rights of peaceful, law-abiding Americans.

Indeed, it’s not too much to say that the committee’s targeting of ordinary Americans poses a far greater threat to freedom and democracy than the Capitol riot ever did.

Why? Because the subpoenas were issued to a pair of private citizens, right-wing activist Ali Alexander and a man named Nathan Martin, as well as a group the men were associated with called Stop the Steal, which had applied for and received a permit from the U.S. Capitol Police to hold a rally on the Capitol grounds on Jan. 6.

Ali and Martin didn’t take part in the riot and have no connection to it. Both men were indeed present at the Capitol grounds that day, along with hundreds of thousands of other people, to host a rally for which, I repeat, their organization applied for and received a permit from U.S. Capitol Police. But their permitted event never even took place.

As Martin told me back in January, about a week after the riot, he was setting up for the event when he saw people entering the U.S. Capitol building from a side door, which didn’t seem right to him. Shortly thereafter, Martin received a text that the event was canceled and he left the Capitol grounds. He didn’t find out about the riot and the breach of the Capitol until he got back to his hotel room later that day.

Martin, an Iraq War veteran and city councilman in Shelby, Ohio, was much like the vast majority of people who came to Washington, D.C., to protest the election in January. He wasn’t there to cause trouble or incite violence, and he didn’t think the protest would change the outcome of the election. His hope, he told me, was that Republican lawmakers would put their objections on the record and go through claims of election fraud “line by line,” especially from states where instances of fraud and irregularities were well-documented.

“I didn’t have any delusions of grandeur that Vice President Pence would come swooping in and change the results or anything like that,” he said. “Although there had been some constitutional talk about whether that was allowed or not, I didn’t feel constitutionally that there was room for that.”

That is, Martin expected Jan. 6 to be what the overwhelming majority of protesters that day expected it to be: a peaceful, orderly, and permitted demonstration at the U.S. Capitol to make their voices heard. The corporate media’s attempt to smear every person who was present on the Capitol grounds that day as an “insurrectionist” is flatly appalling and utterly fantastical.

But it hasn’t stopped them from trying. Martin and other permit applicants for planned rallies on Jan. 6 at the Capitol grounds were badly misrepresented in a BuzzFeed article last month, portrayed as shadowy figures who were evasive or deceptive in their permit applications and conversations with Capitol Police.

By contrast, what the permit applications, which BuzzFeed obtained through a lawsuit against the Capitol Police, and BuzzFeed’s own reporting reveal is that a number of unaffiliated groups applied for and received permits to hold various rallies on the sprawling Capitol grounds that day. Martin told BuzzFeed he hadn’t seen the permit application and didn’t know why his name was on it, and it appears that communications between event organizers was not without some confusion in the weeks leading up to the event — which you would expect with a hastily planned event with many moving parts.

But there is so far zero evidence any of these organizers had anything to do with the comparatively small number of people who used the occasion to assault police and breach the U.S. Capitol itself. Tens of thousands of people, possibly more, were on the Capitol grounds that day. Yet nine months after the riot, fewer than 200 people have been charged with assaulting Capitol Police officers and the vast majority of the 650 named defendants are being charged with misdemeanor trespass or other minor violations that carry no prison time.

Nevertheless, last week after news broke of the Select Committee’s subpoenas, nearly the entire corporate press, as if with one voice, lumped in Martin and Alexander, who have been charged with nothing, with the rioters.

If our news media had any interest in holding power to account, the headlines and coverage would have focused instead on how Democratic lawmakers on the committee, together with NeverTrump GOP Reps. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., and Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., are using their subpoena powers to target law-abiding Americans who wished to exercise their right to peacefully assemble and protest.

Let’s be clear on this point. Since its inception, the Select Committee has amounted to a show-trial for House Democrats and leading NeverTrumpers who are attempting to make examples out of ordinary citizens who dared to protest the election, just as President Biden’s Justice Department is throwing the book at anyone connected to the events of Jan. 6 to make examples of them.

The message is clear: if you protest, if you exercise your First Amendment rights for a cause that those in power have not approved, you will be targeted by the government, smeared and harassed by the media, and made into a spectacle — pour encourager les autres.


Breaking: DOJ Loses Big in Capitol Rioter Case

Our Representatives, Not J6 Protesters, Defile the ‘Sacred’ U.S. Capitol The real heretics continue to rule while Robert Reeder is off to jail.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Remember: The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the REVOLUTION.

Have you wondered why so many companies were so quick to go WOKE and destroy America?  Could it be that as companies became GLOBAL, America became irrelevant?  Global Corporate CEO’s and VP’s took money, tax rebates, grants, subsidies etc.  from the American Taxpayer and many purchased multiple residents all over the world.  America was just another country, nothing special. In addition, the highly skilled American worker was too expensive and cut into their profitability. So as their choice, they screwed the American worker. The criminals in the government made up rules and regulations to eliminate competition of their favored company. Lastly let us not forget that by eliminating competition the “market” is favorable for investing in government favored companies so congress could make a fortune on insider trading, investing and creating new companies that will comply.

OK the pieces were beginning to fit.  Thanks to Karen Bracken’s incredible research on ESG (Environmental, Social ‘Justice’ Governance), the woke actions of these companies are evident and finally make sense. On Nov 8, 2019, Forbes had an article introducing ESG to the business community in 2020.   What is ESG?  ESG is the Environmental, Social and Governance score given to a business to determine how well they “follow the government message”  In other words go WOKE, “Hate America and hate the American citizen who votes against the DNC communist message.”   Apparently grading individuals on Social Credits is not enough for the communist Democrats. Limiting mobility, purchases and services based on how well individuals score by supporting everything the government does is not broad enough.  The corporations must follow orders as well.  Why would a corporation intentionally destroy their base?  Because once the world has opened as their customer, Americans are no longer the only game in town. Money, Money, Money!!!

ESG refers to a company’s commitment to do more than make a profit, such as actively strive to contribute positively to the environment or social causes and to conduct themselves responsibly. Why would a company do that?  Because ESG is now the way that investors rate the corporation for investment funding. Bad score= no money.  Trash America = more money. By forming Public Private Partnerships the government is now involved in business and can “suggest” certain actions or else no government contract, no access to grants or low interest loans and tax subsidies. Since many smaller middle class companies are totally private and do not rely on the government they must be destroyed. No Competition or dissention allowed. Covid accelerated this plan. We now have an answer to the question, is the government trying to destroy America? The answer is YES.

More money is made with global customers than American customers.

What is a PPP (PUBLIC – PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS)?  A PPP is a way in which a corporation, through a new entity takes control of Government Assets.  The government, made up of unelected bureaucrats, people, make laws to regulate companies into the desired path.  The ESG (Environmental Social Governance) score keeps the corporations in line. Corporations are woke and must use the CRT method for reprogramming its workers.  They must get a good score or no government contracts. You can call it Global Corporate Fascism, reinventing government, transfer of wealth, but it is really a new structure of communism. The public pays, the private profits. This is a massive form of wealth redistribution. Once again the public gets screwed.

Let’s break this down.


  • Public – (government) all levels of government, Local, State, Federal, Foreign, and of course the United Nations.
  • Private – Big power Corporations, National Corporations, International Corporations, Universities, Foundations, Associations, any entity with big money.
  • Partnerships – Business arrangement, which public and private combined together.
  • NGO’s – Non government organizations, any organization with environmental interest, like the Sierra Club, The Nature Conservancy, Florida Forever, etc. that takes control of assets. This would be in land acquisitions, conservation, land corridors, Greenways, Parks, Preserves, permanent easements, etc. It would be on coastal waters, lakes, rivers, streams, another means of taking assets, owning and having full control. With no representation to the people, the goal is profit. Sound familiar? It should by now it’s called the United Nations Sustainable Development, Agenda 21/2030/GND/Global Reset. The United Nations promote PPP’S, they play a very important role in their personal agenda making it easier for government to control businesses.  PPP are in direct opposition to any free market system. If a company needs government money, why are they still in business?

PPP’S are heavy into infrastructure because it crosses county and state lines which gives the government more control over local elected officials. With this economy, state and local governments do not have the money for roads, tolls, bridges, energy, water, and restoration. People do not want their taxes raised, as they are already tax enough.  When our elected representatives vote to empower appointed groups of people who are not accountable to the public, they are voting for Communism. That’s how Communism works. It is unelected groups of people who are authorized to make public policy using the agenda of some unseen apparatus in the background, coupled with the power of government to enforce it. In the case of the United States the transformation to Communism agenda is coming from the United Nations.

In Florida, PPP’s are abundant. PPP’S, Enterprise Florida, Public Service Commission (PSC), Workforce Florida, Inc. Duke Energy, Florida Power and Light, Progress Energy, ( Smart Meters) Florida Chamber of Commerce, and all of these promote Regionalism in Florida. Governor Scott signed H/B 85 to expand Public – Private Partnerships.  He was the same Governor that said there would be No Agenda 21 in Florida, more Lies.

Every county board, county administrator, city council, and manager in Florida works with PPP’S. All of Florida’s regional planning councils, (unconstitutional ) Sustainable Development Planners, Florida Association of Counties, due the bidding of PPP’S. But that’s not surprising since they work with U.N. organizations to implement the Agenda..

PPP’S are a Soviet structure. What is a Soviet… An elected governmental council in a Communist country.  Alliances are the PPP’S and they are implementing the socialist agenda thus transforming the United States into a Communist Country. The Public – Private Partnership (PPP) is yet another ruse of big government to steal your wealth and private property or other assets and, in the process, “fundamentally change America” and plunder the productive members of society.  A PPP is the essence of Marxism and crony capitalism. Elected government officials and their bureaucracy favoring corporations who support the political agenda of the ruling class, so both can profit at the expense of our individual freedom.  Why did Biden give up Afghanistan? Here is your reason…Money, Power, Control.

Communist are Technocrats, they seek to plan, organize, and streamline all aspects of life through central planning. (like unconstitutional regional planning councils). Thus people aren’t considered as discrete independent individuals.  Rather, people are considered assets of the state, factors of production, “human capital, human resources, human infrastructure” to be managed by  the owner of the state and the elite minions and useful idiots who administer the system.

September 13, 2013, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack and Coca-Cola Americans President Steve Cahillana announced a PPP to restore and protect damaged watersheds on National lands. Cahillana said to create healthier, more Sustainable Communities. This opened my eyes. United Nations Sustainable Communities, Agenda21 stated goals of controlling all forms of water supply. Today Biden’s unelected secretaries, including newly appointed Tom Vilack and local mayors collude with Chinese Communist party on Agriculture policy.

United Nations Agenda21 from the U.N. Bruntland Commission in 1992 says that No private enterprise should exist, only PPP’S.  Business is evil, should be controlled by the community, while the owner is responsible, and pays taxes. These ideas are tenets of Socialism/Marxism.

“ESG (Environment-Social(Justice)-Governance) Credit Score system that is replacing the traditional Credit Score system we have always used in the past.  This new credit score system will score businesses on how well they tow the globalist line.  WELL, what a coincidence….Biden(Obama) just announced he wants to do away with all the traditional credit bureaus.  Of course he said this is necessary because there are racial disparities in the current system.  But of course never mentions it will be replaced with ESG Credit Scores coming from the fascist government. There are several major banks that already use ESG and it is part of the Great Reset and the new economy, stakeholder capitalism (fascism).  Individuals that are patriots, conservative, vote Republican will end up on the low end of this system and will not be able to get a mortgage loan or a loan for any reason.  Again, this is why you are seeing businesses fighting states on their laws.  Business in bed with government ends up making slaves out the tax payer and destroys our Constitution and states rights. Again, using race to drive the Great Reset agenda.” Karen Bracken

Note: In the Infrastructure Bill of $3.5 Trillion, grants will be given to companies that comply.  Hefty penalties will be placed on companies that don’t demand their employees or customers vax, while rebates are given to those who buy union autos.

When your local government authorities start to exceed their constitutionally granted powers by working with Private International and National organizations through PPP’S, they no longer represent the people, the U.S. Constitution, freedom, and their oath of office. These are people that are so self centered with their own careers, self worth, and power status, that they have sold their souls to the communists.

Is America Worth Saving?

Will you make sure you research every candidate that you vote for? This is what we have to do as Americans to save our country, and to make sure our children are not made slaves to an un-Christian Nation of corruption.

Will you pay attention, run for office and attend meetings in your local community?

Will you share the truth with others who may not be like minded but want to hear the truth?

Will you contact your legislature and voice your opinion?  House 202-225-0911, Senate 202-224-0911, or

G-d Bless America, and Her People.

©Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: ‘Watters’ World’ investigates Nancy Pelosi’s financial dealings

Targeting American Parents

Biden administration finds new ‘domestic terrorists’.

My August 18, 2021 article, Biden’s Afghanistan Catastrophe Increases Terror Threat in USBiden administration, meanwhile, focuses solely on “domestic extremists”, was published just a few weeks before the 20th anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 and was predicated on the August 13, 2021 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) press release titled, DHS Issues New National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin.

It was more than a bit disconcerting that the DHS press release focused entirely on the threats posed by domestic (American) extremists while blithely ignoring the threats posed by foreign terrorists.

Clearly the Biden administration views American citizens as more dangerous than foreign criminals or even international terrorist organizations who are likely flooding into the United States along our borders that Biden refuses to secure against the illegal and unvetted entry of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from countries from around the world each and every month.

Now, in a further outrageous expansion of this administration’s antipathy and indeed open hostility  towards American citizens, on October 5, 2021 the Associated Press published a report,

Garland says authorities will target school board threats that began with this excerpt:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday directed federal authorities to hold strategy sessions in the next 30 days with law enforcement to address the increasing threats targeting school board members, teachers and other employees in the nations public schools.

In a memorandum, Garland said there has been a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff who participate in the vital work of running our nations public schools.”

To address the rising problem, Garland said the FBI would work with U.S. attorneys and federal, state, local, territorial and tribal authorities in each district to develop strategies against the threats.

While spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution, that protection does not extend to threats of violence or efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views,” he said.

This newest development is alarming on a number of levels.

To begin with, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

While violence and the threat of violence is certainly not protected by the First Amendment and is unacceptable and illegal, the notion that the FBI would insert itself into situation’s where teachers or school board members felt intimidated is worrying.  What constitutes intimidation?

Could parents threatening to vote out members of the school board or speaking loudly at a school board meeting be considered acts of intimation that could result in a visit from the FBI?

Also- while we are on the topic of intimidation, there is no mention that parents or students who felt intimated by actions or statements by teachers or school boards would be protected by the FBI or Mr. Garland.  Indeed, who will protect American parents from the clear intimidation by Mr. Garland and the Biden administration?

The other part of this issue is that while Garland and Biden threaten to sic the FBI on parents who demonstrate understandable concerns about the the education and indoctrination of their own children, the overwhelmed FBI which already lacks adequate resources to conduct vital investigations into possible terror plots in the United States and rampant espionage committed by China and other adversarial nations will now how to prioritize the investigation of irate Americans who take their parenting responsibilities seriously.

America’s vulnerability to terror attacks have increased as I noted I’m recent article, Biden’s Catastrophic Policies: Immigration and AfghanistanShocking and dangerous parallels, Biden’s abruptly withdrawal of our military forces from Afghanistan before removing American civilians and Afghanis who had aided America for 20 years placed these vulnerable people in harm’s way.  Coupled with Biden’s failure to remove or destroy tens of billions of dollars of American military hardware allowed some of our best military equipment to now fall into the hands of the Taliban and hence terrorist organizations and also provide our adversaries with access to our equipment so that they would be able to better understand our how weapons are made and to assess their strengths and weaknesses.

Biden also facilitated the release of more than 5,000 battle-hardened terrorists in Afghansitan who are back on the battle field and now pose an immediate threat to America and our allies.

Finally, Afghanistan is now a sanctuary for various international terrorist organizations thereby rolling back all of the hard-fought successes of America’s efforts over the past 20 years.

Meanwhile Biden’s refusal to secure America’s southern border or enforce our immigration laws from within the interior of the United States violates our laws, commonsense and the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 commission that came to equate border security with national security.

To understand how all of these issues overwhelm America’s capabilities to protect our nation and our citizens it is helpful to consider my May 7, 2019 article, Jihad At The BorderHow the border crisis facilitates the entry of terrorists. in which I included the following excerpts:

Thus the ability of the already beleaguered U.S. Border Patrol to secure our porous and dangerous southern border has been diminished by 40%.

Those who study history, specifically World War II know that D-Day,” also known as Operation Overlord” was only successful because of a diversion created by the Allies known as the Calais Deception” that was officially labeled Operation Fortitude.”

General George Patton was put in charge of a phantom division that consisted of inflatable tanks and trucks that from the air, created the elaborate but false illusion of a large contingent of soldiers preparing to attack Germany at the Pas-de-Calais rather than at Normandy where the attack would actually be mounted.

The Germans were thus conned into splitting up their defensive forces, leaving Normandy vulnerable to the Allies on June 6, 1944.

Today our Border Patrol and, indeed, the entire immigration system, is being inundated by huge numbers of illegal aliens forcing the Border Patrol to deploy many of its agents to assignment that remove them from the primary mission of securing vast stretches of unsecured border.

Consequently, stretches of our southern border suffer a lack of resources to prevent the un-inspected entry of aliens and like narcotics and other contraband, including potentially weapons.

*          *          *

On April 17, 2018 the House Committee on Homeland Security, Counterterrorism and Intelligence Subcommittee, conducted a hearing on the topic, “State Sponsors Of Terrorism: An Examination Of Iran’s Global Terrorism Network.”

The prepared testimony of one of the witnesses, Dr. Emanuele Ottolenghi of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, included this alarming excerpt:

In recent years, Hezbollahs Latin American networks have also increasingly cooperated with violent drug cartels and criminal syndicates, often with the assistance of local corrupt political elites….

This toxic crime-terror nexus is fueling both the rising threat of global jihadism and the collapse of law and order across Latin America that is helping drive drugs and people northward into the United States. It is sustaining Hezbollahs growing financial needs. It is helping Iran and Hezbollah consolidate a local constituency in multiple countries across Latin America. It is thus facilitating their efforts to build safe havens for terrorists and a continent-wide terror infrastructure that they could use to strike U.S. targets.

That article was published during the Trump administration as caravans of tens of thousands of aspiring illegal aliens were traveling up through Latin America, into Mexico and onward to the U.S/Mexican border.

My dad used to say that “Nothing is so bad it could not get worse or be so good it could not be made better.  Since my articles that I reference above were published, Biden has, incredibly, found was to make things worse- far, far worse!

Now we could almost look back at those caravans with nostalgia as the Biden administration has, through words, deeds and executive orders, encouraged, aided and abetted a human tsunami of individuals from all over the world including aliens who are ill, have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 and may be motivated to enter the United States for far more nefarious reasons that seeking economic opportunities.  This would include fugitives from justice, members of the drug cartels and pernicious transnational gangs and terrorists.

On October 6, 2021 The Washington Times published a worrying report, Iran smuggling high-tech drones to militant allies, opposition group says.  With the chaotic situation on the U.S./Mexican border, it is entirely possible that in addition to recored quantities of deadly narcotics flowing into the United States, weapons such as Iranian drones may also be entering the United States along with sleeper agents who would be trained and prepared to use those drones within American borders.

Additionally, the Biden administration now seeks to double the funding of the IRS and have enhanced authority to gain access to the banking records of American citizens even as it encourages illegal aliens to make a mockery of our borders and our immigration laws.  This was the focus of my earlier article, Biden Administration Ramps Up IRS EnforcementWhile encouraging massive immigration law violations.

In the days, months and even years after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 member of the political establishment from both sides of the aisle demanded to known, “Why didn’t anyone connect the dots” to prevent the deadly terror attacks.

The dots were connected though a series of Congressional hearings and the 9/11 Commission reports.

Yet today it would almost appear that for reasons I cannot begin to fathom, the Biden administration is doing whatever it can to operate in direct opposition to the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.  Today, because of all of Biden’s actions- including the disaster in Afghanistan, in my judgement, America and Americans face an unparalleled vulnerability to international terror attacks even as the administration aggressively scrutinizes American citizens.

Our adversaries are thus emboldened and encouraged and our allies are gravely concerned.  Biden’s approval ratings are sinking almost as fast as our ability to defend our own nation and our fellow Americans even as Americans may be interviewed by the FBI and asked, “Do you now, or have you ever in the past, belonged to the Parents’ Association?”

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

Noncitizen Voting in Vermont Part of Democrats’ ‘Long Game’

G-d save the Republic from the treason party.

Noncitizen Voting in Vermont Part of Democrats’ ‘Long Game’

By: Fred Lucas / Daily Signal / October 04, 2021:

Noncitizens will be able to vote in two Vermont cities as part of a growing national trend, unless lawsuits prevent new laws from taking effect.

The cities of Montpelier, with about 7,375 residents, and Winooski, with about 7,335, both will allow noncitizens to vote in local elections for offices such as mayor, city council, and school board.

Related changes to the two city charters required the approval of voters as well as the state’s Democrat-controlled Legislature, which in June overrode a veto by Vermont Gov. Phil Scott, a Republican.

“These are very liberal cities with progressive Democrats,” Rob Roper, president of the Ethan Allen Institute, a free-market think tank based in Montpelier, told The Daily Signal.

“Throughout much of the state, there is a general distaste for allowing anyone other than citizens over the age of 18 to vote,” Roper said. “Many oppose the idea [of noncitizen voting] and worry about the precedent.”

The Republican National Committee and the Vermont Republican Party last week filed a lawsuit against each city in Vermont Superior Court, asserting that the state Constitution says only U.S. citizens over the age of 18 are qualified to vote in Vermont.

Elsewhere in liberal states, San FranciscoChicago, and several jurisdictions in Maryland already allow noncitizens to vote in at least some local elections. Meanwhile, municipal lawmakers in New York City and Los Angeles are among those considering similar proposals.

Vermont is one of the least populous states in the nation. Just 4.7% of the population is foreign-born in a state that is 94.2% white, according to U.S. census data.

But census numbers don’t tell the full story, Roper said.

“Winooski has a very large refugee population and is the only majority-minority legislative district in the state,” he said. “There is an illegal immigrant constituency that is hired by the dairy farms.”

A Montpelier official did not respond Monday to an inquiry from The Daily Signal.

Montpelier Mayor Anne Watson told the news site VTDigger that a “clear majority of Montpelier voters voted to have this measure.”

“We are a nonpartisan local government here in Montpelier, and it’s unfortunate that this has been made a partisan issue,” Watson, an independent, said.

Elections in Winooski officially are nonpartisan. Mayor Kristine Lott emailed The Daily Signal a copy of the public statement she made to Winooski residents last week after the Vermont Republican Party and the Republican National Committee filed the lawsuits.

“More than two-thirds of Winooski voters supported this change, which I believe is an important step in improving equity in our community,” Lott said, adding:

This charter change would give an elevated voice to a tenth of our residents who send their kids to our schools, pay their taxes, create economic opportunities, and enrich Winooski’s cultural and social fabric. There is no reason to expect residents to contribute without representation in our local elections. Many residents spend years living in Winooski while their path to citizenship is lengthy, expensive, and full of barriers.

I am disappointed by this lawsuit, but more importantly, I remain proud of the work that has gone into this process by our voters, commissioners, councilors, and representatives.

While the cities of Winooski and Montpelier are directly named in these lawsuits, it is worth pointing out that the state Legislature supported and approved our charter change.

The state of Vermont made the legally binding amendment to our charter and in the end, the Supreme Court of Vermont may well have to weigh in.

Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, noted that Democrats have pushed noncitizen voting and opposed voter ID requirements, both of which undermine trust in elections.

“Republicans are fighting back on this far-left assault against election integrity—unlike radical Democrats, we believe that our elections should be decided solely by American citizens,” McDaniel said in a public statement. “This is a matter of principle and we will fight in all 50 states to ensure this remains the case.”

1996 federal law specifically prohibits noncitizens from voting in federal elections for president or members of Congress. However, the law doesn’t dictate what local governments can do.

The action by the two Vermont cities, and in other jurisdictions nationally, could be about changing the electorate in the long term, said J. Christian Adams, president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, which advocates election reforms.

“Democrats are playing the long game,” Adams told The Daily Signal. “This is virtue signaling. The long-term play is to normalize ineligible foreigners to voting in all American elections.”

Roper, of the Ethan Allen Institute, agreed.

“Take small bites of the loaf and say, ‘It’s only local elections,’” Roper said of the strategy. “Eventually, you could argue it’s such a pain for town clerks to keep two voter lists [one for local elections, another for state and national]. You can imagine politicians asking, ‘Why can’t the people working on the dairy farms vote?’ These are incremental moves.”

Interestingly, so-called voting rights organizations such as Fair Fight, founded by former Georgia state Rep. Stacey Abrams, and the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University, have not weighed in on the RNC lawsuits.

“I wouldn’t oppose it,” Abrams, an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Georgia governor in 2018, said in January 2019 when asked about noncitizens voting in local elections.

“I think there’s a difference between municipal and state and federal,” Abrams said. “The granularity of what cities decide is so specific, as to, I think, allow for people to be participants in the process without it somehow undermining our larger democratic ethic that says that you should be a citizen to be a part of the conversation.”

Fair Fight, the Brennan Center, and the Vermont chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union—which routinely opposes voter ID laws and other election security policies—did not respond to inquiries Monday from The Daily Signal.

Whether it’s a local or national contest, any noncitizen who wants to participate in elections should commit to become a citizen, said Hans von Spakovsky, manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative at The Heritage Foundation, which is the parent organization of The Daily Signal.

“It’s a very bad idea to allow noncitizens to vote. Voting is a very special right and it should only be given to citizens who have a hand in the democratic institutions that we have,” von Spakovsky told The Daily Signal. “Noncitizens don’t have that, because they haven’t made the commitment to become citizens.”

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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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The Demonic Road to Genocide and Depopulation

“If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools.” – Plato

“When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.” –  Thomas Jefferson

“There is no denying that Hitler and Stalin are alive today… they are waiting for us to forget, because this is what makes possible the resurrection of these two monsters.” Simon Wiesenthal

Man can never improve on God’s creation; all man can do is destroy it.  Their desire is to replace God, but they are doomed to failure.  The reality of Communism and Fascism is the hatred of the Creator and the control of mankind’s descent from freedom to subjugation and ultimate slavery.

History repeats itself; the destruction of the past, including historic monuments, and the burning of books is here again.  “You cannot live amongst us unless you have taken the jab,” is the new mantra…do you have your vax passport or will you wear a star on your clothes?

First it was the Jews and God’s Torah being burned in 1934, now it’s anything perceived as inequities in past history.

Book burning is happening in 21st Century Canada as reported by the WSJ on October 7th, 2021.  More than 4,700 children’s books from 30 schools across CSC Province were targeted.  The list included old encyclopedias, biographies of French explorers Jacques Cartier and Etienne Brule, and even French and Belgian comics including Tintin, Asterix, Obelix and Lucky Luke.  All were destroyed in a “flame purification” ceremony.

Just what is a “flame purification” ceremony when the destruction is of historic documents?

Canada claims they’re burying the ashes of racism, discrimination and stereotypes in an inclusive country where all can live in prosperity and security.  This is a lie, a scandal and an evil unto itself.  The destruction of history is the willful destruction of the records and the knowledge that can help humanity better understand itself.

This is just as evil as the removal of decades old books children have enjoyed for years and never taught or promoted any racist ideas; in fact, it did the opposite. The Marxist police have targeted and destroyed the best of our past that we were proud of…the Indian lass on the Land of Lakes butter, Uncle Ben on his rice, Aunt Jemima on her maple syrup, the Song of the South with Uncle Remus and so many more.  Those beautiful brands we grew up with are destroyed and forgotten with the statues, the books and the truth of history.

The latest victim of “cancel culture” is a renowned composer who survived China’s Cultural Revolution only to be accused by college undergraduates of racism for showing the 1965 film “Othello” featuring Laurence Olivier.  Othello was written by Shakespeare and the “woke” students are demanding the destruction of written works as well as the ruination of the professor who defied the agenda and taught literary truth.

Bright Sheng, the Leonard Bernstein Distinguished University Professor of Composition at the University of Michigan School of Music, Theater, and Dance, is by all accounts a renowned composer, conductor, and pianist and now he is called a racist for showing the magnificent Olivier movie, Othello.

Destroying True Science

The “woke” culture is a dynamic resulting in decades upon decades of communist training in America’s government schools.  It has brainwashed our youth into promoting the destruction of liberty and individual freedom and is encouraged by our Pravda mainstream media.

Covid-19 is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on mankind.  It is not about a pandemic.  It is a virus that has never been isolated.  Within the lungs of Covid patients, the only thing biopsies found were flu type A and B.

Hospital protocols by the CDC, NIH, FDA, AMA and others, allow this virus to kill our elderly by withholding the combination of safe, cheap and effective drugs. Multiple physicians and scientists state that these drug combinations would have saved 86% of the comorbidity-ridden elderly in nursing homes. (The “useless eaters” are those Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel says should die at age 75.)  Ezekiel works as advisor to Joe Biden on Covid, and was the top advisor to WHO’s president Dr. Tedros.  The cheap and effective drugs of Hydroxychloroquine given daily or Ivermectin given weekly as prophylactics would have saved the elderly as it has done in countless other countries.

The Story of Ivermectin

This 24-minute video, tells the entire story of ivermectin (IVM) and the villains who restricted its use.  It was founded by a Japanese biochemist in 1970.  It was a bacterium that had intriguing effects against roundworm.  He got together with Merck’s Dr. William Campbell and Campbell used the bacterium to create a medicine called ivermectin.  In 1980 Merck released it.  River blindness, caused by a parasitic worm was nearly wiped out in central and South America and much of Africa by IVM.  It is listed as one of the World Health Organization’s essential medicines.  Merck’s patent expired in 1996.  The drug is cheap to produce, available all over the world, and extremely safe.

In 2015, the Japanese founder of IVM along with Dr. Campbell were given the Nobel Prize.  Australian scientists at Monash University found that IVM was successful against viruses like Zika, West Nile and influenza.  Their experiments revealed that IVM showed remarkable results against Sars-coV-2.  The results were in a paper published in April of 2020.  Millions of lives could have been saved, but for the love of money.

When countries using IVM were compared to countries without the use, they found that Covid-19 was rare.  Dr. Jean-Jacques Rajter of Florida, a critical care and pulmonary specialist, whom I’ve mentioned in previous articles, working at the large Broward Health Medical Center, was on the frontlines of fighting Covid-19.  One day he was talking to the son of an elderly woman who was very ill with Sars-coV-2, and the son urged him to try anything.  Dr. Rajter had seen test tube results with IVM, and he gave it to the patient.  Within 48 hours, she was getting better and went home in a week.

In one of Canada’s care homes, scabies broke out on the 4th floor.  Every patient was given IVM, and on the other floors smaller doses for prevention of scabies.  None of the staff were given IVM and many of them contracted Sars-coV-2.  However, not one patient on IVM ever contracted the virus.

  • Ivermectin is an inhibitor of the Covid-19 causative virus (Sars-coV-2) in vitro.
  • A single treatment able to effect 5000-fold reduction in virus at 48 hours in cell culture.
  • Ivermectin is FDA-approved for parasitic infections and therefore has a potential for repurposing.
  • Ivermectin is widely available, due to its inclusion on the WHO model list of essential medicines.

The Villains

A coalition of powerful forces acted together to completely suppress any information on the effectiveness of IVM in treating and preventing Covid-19.  The first big player to suppress the truth of IVM was our Pravda mainstream media.  The second player was Big Tech including social medias and Youtube, owned by Google.  The next major group to suppress the truth of IVM was Fauci’s outfit, The National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Their panel came up with the protocol treatments for physicians in America, a treatment that has been called therapeutic nihilism.  The NIH also called for the use of Fauci’s Remdesivir, a drug that had no significant impact on mortality and actually had adverse effects especially on the kidneys.  The NIH actually paid for the study Fauci referred to when first introducing Remdesivir.

In short order, the World Health Organization (WHO) with much larger studies, ruled against Remdesivir saying there was no evidence that the drug improved survival or any other metric in Covid-19.

Despite WHO’s statements, the NIH continued to recommend Remdesivir and they still do today.  The cost was over $3,100 per course, albeit IVM is nearly free.

Remdesivir is made by Gilead Sciences.  The NIH treatment panel was strongly pro-Remdesivir because of financial ties between Gilead and members of the panel.  Seven members of the panel disclosed financial support from Gilead.

From 1997 to 2001, globalist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member, Donald Rumsfeld was Chairman of Gilead, one of the architects of the Iraq invasion.  One of the board members was another CFR member, George Schultz, a George W. Bush ally who convinced W to run for President.

Two of the three chairs of the Covid-19 treatment panel who put the panel together, received financial support from Gilead Sciences.  The third panel member was intimately involved in the study that attempted and failed to prove that Remdesivir was an effective treatment for Covid-19.

Given the professional and financial ties, is there any way we could reasonably expect them to impartially judge the best treatment for the virus or choose panel members who might advocate for repurposing cheap, off-patent drugs that would completely undercut the market for one of the main products of a company with which they enjoy close financial and professional ties?

Professional negligence was the result, along with hundreds of thousands or millions of deaths around the world as other countries looked to America’s medical leaders.  Obscene profits were made off the backs of the Covid dead, not just Americans, but around the world.

The villains are Gilead, the NYTs, AP, YouTube, Twitter, Face Book, Fauci, the NIH and more.  If you lost friends or family to Covid-19, you are also a victim. If your children can’t go to school and mingle with children, they are victims.  If you lost your job or your business closed because of Covid-19, you are a victim.  If you were elderly and cut off from your family, you are a victim.

Big Tech, the Mainstream Media and the NIH worked to suppress knowledge of the drug that would have saved lives and ended the so-called pandemic in the summer of 2020.

Congressional Testimony

Dr. Pierre Kory, a Frontline Critical Care Covid-19 doctor, testified in Congress on December 2020 regarding Ivermectin.  He tells of Dr. Hector Carvallo’s study in Argentina where they know IVM is a valued prophylactic.  In the study 800 healthcare workers were prophylaxed with IVM and not one got sick.  Of another 400 not given IVM, 237 or 58% became sick.

Dr. Kory says that every study has proven IVM to be a valuable prophylactic and if you contract the virus, taking IVM will massively decrease your necessity for hospitalization. It is proving to be a wonder drug.  Anthony Fauci’s organization, The National Institutes of Health (NIH), has not released IVM for the public. In over 30 studies on IVM, every one of them is showing the dramatic impacts of the medication.

IVM has proven to be critical in parasitic treatments, but it is also a critical medication for Sars-coV-2.

It is imperative that you watch Dr. Kory’s 10 minutes of testimony.

On October 8th, 2021, Dr. Kory tweeted that, “Between 100-200 United States Congress members, plus many of their staffers and family members with Covid, were treated by a colleague over the past 15 months with IVM and the I-MASK+ protocol at  None have gone to hospital. So, while all these members of Congress knew the value of IVM and were given the drug to cure them of Covid, not one of them helped American citizens to get this safe and inexpensive drug to protect their families.  They were probably told to keep their mouths shut and tell everyone to get the Covid jab.  Big Pharma has made multiple billions on the inoculation, and they lobby politicians with big bucks.

Natural Immunity

Universal healthcare advocates are turning on the unvaccinated as more companies and health insurance providers are now proposing insurance surcharges and other healthcare costs as a tool to drive up vaccination rates totally denying the lifelong antibodies in Americans who have recovered from the virus.  Mandate walkouts are happening all over the country, but especially in New York City.

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine professor Dr. Marty Makary appeared as a guest on Thursday’s edition of “Morning Wire,” a podcast hosted by The Daily Wire.

“The data on natural immunity are now overwhelming,” Makary told the Morning Wire. “It turns out the hypothesis that our public health leaders had that vaccinated immunity is better and stronger than natural immunity was wrong. They got it backwards. And now we’ve got data from Israel showing that natural immunity is 27 times more effective than vaccinated immunity. And that supports 15 other studies.”  Link

Dr. Makary finds it bizarre that natural immunity is not seen as legitimate in the eyes of the U.S. government or for that matter the FDA, NIH, CDC and AMA.  He is angry that nurses are being fired, soldiers are being dishonorably discharged and natural immunity is not taken seriously when it actually moved us towards “herd immunity.”

Dr. Richard Urso spoke about natural immunity at America’s Frontline Doctors ( White Coat Summit.  Urso states that, The Achilles heel or kryptonite in the vaccine program is natural immunity.  Science became political and the Hippocratic Oath became hypocrisy.

The whole vaccination program is intentionally deceptive.”  He explains that even a mutation in the virus is recognized by our immune systems if we’ve recovered from Covid-19.  He commented that he wished masks worked, but there are zero randomized control trials in the last four decades that masks stopped the spread of respiratory illness.

Vaccination status should not supplant immune status.  Dr. Urso gives the example that if he had polio and recovered, why would he need the polio vaccine?  The same goes for Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps, Whooping Cough, etc.

Dr. Urso states that immune status matters more than vaccination status.  If you have recovered from Covid, you have the proper T-cells who will recognize any form of this virus again because of the antibodies stored in your system, a system the Creator gave us.  Covid infected and recovered people have a zero chance of ever getting Covid again.

The mutations are not coming from unvaccinated; they are coming from those who’ve received the jab.  That is the source of the Covid mutants.  The Cleveland Clinic came out with a study showing that there’s no need for the Covid recovered to have a “vaccination.”  All the patients who had Sars-coV-1 are still immune competent against Sars-coV-2.  They don’t have great antibody responses, but they do have great T-cell responses.  T-cells are part of the immune system that focus on specific foreign particles.  They circulate in the body to ward off invaders.

And here’s the clincher, in Sweden a study showed that some of the asymptomatic family members had developed immunity without symptoms.  Then a study came out that stated there was robust T-cell immunity in asymptomatic Covid-19 family members.  Asymptomatic people are spreading, but not the virus, they’re spreading immunity.

The reality is that it is dangerous to “Covid-vaccinate” immune-competent individuals. The jab to a Covid recovered patient with antibodies means they’re in danger of a war inside the body activating a hyper-immune response leading to significant tissue injury and death.


Over 15,500 physicians have signed a petition to alert citizens of the deadly consequences of Covid policies.  The dangers and deaths are mounting.  Link

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

Whistleblower Reveals Capitol Police Botched Jan. 6 Response and Lied to Congress About It

The big ‘insurrection’ lie was part of Democrat crackdown in the post election fraud coup.

Whistleblower Claims Capitol Police Botched Jan. 6 Response and Lied to Congress About It

The allegations are HEAVY.

By: Andrew West, Flag and Cross, October 10, 2021:

Over the course of the next several months, we are going to learn quite a bit about the events of January 6th, but not everything that we hear is going to be taken at face value.

This is due to the fact that the select committee investigating the attempted insurrection has been largely seen as a partisan affair after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi barred certain members of the Republican Party from participating, forcing the GOP to rescind all of their picks.  Regardless of the merit of the endeavor, the phony left v. right paradigm is likely to taint the results.

But, outside of the committee’s work, there are truly worrisome revelations coming to light, and it could change the way that we view the event entirely.

A former high-ranking Capitol Police official with knowledge of the department’s response to the Jan. 6 attack has sent congressional leaders a scathing letter accusing two of its senior leaders of mishandling intelligence and failing to respond properly during the riot.

The accusations were heavy, to say the least.

The whistleblower, who requested anonymity for privacy reasons and left the force months after the attack, sent the 16-page letter late last month to the top members of both parties in the House and Senate. His missive makes scorching allegations against Sean Gallagher, the Capitol Police’s acting chief of uniformed operations, and Yogananda Pittman, its assistant chief of police for protective and intelligence operations — who also served as its former acting chief.

The whistleblower accuses Gallagher and Pittman of deliberately choosing not to help officers under attack on Jan. 6 and alleges that Pittman lied to Congress about an intelligence report Capitol Police received before that day’s riot. After a lengthy career in the department, the whistleblower was a senior official on duty on Jan. 6.

And that’s not all:

The whistleblower’s criticism went beyond Capitol Police leaders to Congress. Without naming specific lawmakers, his letter accuses congressional leaders of having “purposefully failed” to tell the truth about the department’s failures.

The January 6th select committee made other headlines this week as well, after seeing several of their subpoenas defied by former White House officials and Trump aides, with the former President instructing them to claim “executive privilege” in the matter.

RELATED ARTICLE: Three More Eye-Witnesses Who Were Later Arrested Speak Out on Police Killing of Jan. 6 Protester Rosanne Boyland – Here Are Their Stories

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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VIDEO: America’s Worst Mayor Declares Workers MUST Submit to The ‘New World Order’

Things don’t just happen. They are made to happen. The Democrat coup d’etat was the opening salvo in the war to take down America. But of course the law of unintended consequences will push anyone on the fence to vote GOP across the board and ‘moderate’ Democrats who have lost touch with their treasonous party.


Elitist are getting too comfortable with their new power and every once in a while slip. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot recently said that Chicago workers must submit to her mandates and the “new world order” of good governance.

By: Red Right Daily, October 9, 2021:

Dr. Kerry Grant, New South Wales chief medical officer in Australia made similar comments on video as well.

“We will be looking at what contract-tracing looks like in the new world order – yes it will be pubs and clubs, and other things, if we have a positive case there [but] our response may be different if we know people are fully vaccinated.”

Independent journalist Tim Pool outlined the slippery slope we are headed down.

Fox News writer David Marcus hinted that the mandate is more about control because hospitals are now forcing themselves into an emergency situations because of mandates.

Biden is determined to push for private businesses to impose mandates on Americans however, a new poll shows he is pushing something that Americans don’t agree with.

Shortly after Biden announced a vaccine mandate he lost public trust on COVID. Now, only 45% believe he provides good data and 53% have almost no trust in him. You’ll notice the change on the graph below, the difference occurred after Biden announced a mandate.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. We will not waver. We will not tire. We will not falter, and we will not fail. Freedom will prevail.

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Critical Race Theory Activist Appointed to U.S. Department of Education

Despite growing nationwide outrage from parents angry about schoolchildren being indoctrinated with the racist ideology of Critical Race Theory (CRT), a CRT activist and racial radical has appointed to the position of Special Assistant in the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Communications and Outreach.

Precious McKesson, Chair of the Nebraska Democrat Black Caucus, recently co-wrote an op-ed for the Lincoln Journal Star to oppose a measure to ban Critical Race Theory from being taught at the University of Nebraska. According to McKesson, it is such attempts to stop the dissemination of the CRT lies that “create[s] a wedge between white communities and communities of color, making us the villain.”

Fact check: CRT activists are villains.

“Denying our factual history as communities of color is like denying we existed,” McKesson and her comrades blathered.

Republican Study Committee Chair Rep. Jim Banks said of McKesson’s appointment, “The Biden administration claims CRT doesn’t exist, then appoints a CRT activist to the Department of Education and sics the FBI on parents who oppose their poisonous ideology.”

Critical Race Theory

5 Known Connections

Critical race theory holds that because racism is so deeply ingrained in the American character, classical liberal ideals such as meritocracy, equal opportunity, and colorblind justice are essentially nothing more than empty slogans that fail to properly combat—or to even acknowledge the existence of—the immense structural inequities that pervade American society and work against black people. Thus, according to critical race theorists, racial preferences (favoring blacks) in employment and higher education are not only permissible but necessary as a means of countering the permanent bigotry of white people who, as Bell put it, seek to “achieve a measure of social stability through their unspoken pact to keep blacks on the bottom.”

To learn more about Critical Race Theory, click here.

RELATED ARTICLE:  AG Merrick Garland’s Daughter Married To Co-Founder of Critical Race Theory Propaganda

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

“Keyword Warrants”: Fraudulent Biden Govt Secretly Ordered Google To Identify Anyone Searching Certain Information

The Democrat-criminal-media won’t remind Americans how the same tech giants and enemedia outlets, refused to cooperate with the government when jihadis slaughter Americans.

This is fascism. This is totalitarianism. This is a coup.

  • Investigators are secretly using keyword warrants to help track down criminals 
  • The relatively new style of warrant orders Google to track and provide user data on anyone who searches specific names, addresses or telephone numbers
  • Cybersecurity experts fear that keyword warrants set a precedent for breaching the fourth amendment protection against unreasonable searches
  • Google, however, has defended its decision to respond to the federal government’s keyword warrants and claims they protect users when doing so
  • Both the FBI and Department of Homeland Security have been cited as entities that have or may use keyword warrants 

“Keyword Warrants” – Feds Secretly Ordered Google To Identify Anyone Searching Certain Information

By Tyler Durden, Oct 07, 2021:

An accidentally unsealed court document reveals that the federal government secretly ordered Google to provide data on people searching specific search words or phrases, otherwise known as “keyword warrants,” according to Forbes.

According to the report, the Justice Department inadvertently unsealed the documents in September (which were promptly re-sealed), which were reviewed by Forbes. In several instances, law enforcement investigators asked Google to identify anyone searching for specific keywords.

The first case was in 2019 when federal investigators were on the hunt for men they believed sex-trafficked a minor. According to a search warrant, the minor went missing but reappeared a year later and claimed to have been kidnapped and sexually assaulted. Investigators asked Google if anyone had searched the minor’s name. The tech giant responded and provided law enforcement agents with Google accounts and IP addresses of those who made the searches.

There have been other rare examples of so-called keyword warrants, such as in 2020 when police asked Google if anyone searched for the address of an arson victim in the government’s racketeering case against singer R Kelly. Then in 2017, a Minnesota judge requested Google to provide information on anyone who searched for a  fraud victim’s name.

Forbes also added this update post-publication:

After publication, Jennifer Lynch, surveillance litigation director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), highlighted three other Google keyword warrants that were used in the investigation into serial Austin bombings in 2018, which resulted in the deaths of two people.

Not widely discussed at the time, the orders appear even broader than the one above, asking for IP addresses and Google account information of individuals who searched for various addresses and some terms associated with bomb making, such as “low explosives” and “pipe bomb.” Similar orders were served on Microsoft and Yahoo for their respective search engines.

You can read the orders on Google herehere and here. The Microsoft and Yahoo orders can be found here and here.

Every year, Google responds to thousands of warrant orders, but the latest keyword warrant is an entirely new strategy by government investigators and is becoming increasingly controversial.

“Trawling through Google’s search history database enables police to identify people merely based on what they might have been thinking about, for whatever reason, at some point in the past,” Jennifer Granick, surveillance and cybersecurity counsel at the American Civil Liberties Union, told Forbes. “This never-before-possible technique threatens First Amendment interests and will inevitably sweep up innocent people, especially if the keyword terms are not unique and the time frame not precise. To make matters worse, police are currently doing this in secret, which insulates the practice from public debate and regulation,” she added.

Google responded news about secret keyword warrants and defended its decision:

“As with all law enforcement requests, we have a rigorous process that is designed to protect the privacy of our users while supporting the important work of law enforcement,” a Google spokesperson said.

Court records reviewed by Forbes show Google has given away data on people who searched for specific keywords, which is more evidence the US is transforming into an authoritarian state of monitoring and surveillance of online activities just like China’s.



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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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