Russian/Chinese Intel: Carousel and COVID-19 in America

When Karl Marx published his Specter of Communism in the 19th century, even he couldn’t imagine that Specter in our midst in the 21st century. Yet, we have it… A compromised House Intel guy, Rep. Erik Swalwell sleeping with a Chinese communist spy is the latest revealed activity of the Specter. It didn’t surprise me—I am writing about Socialist/Communist Intel activities and have been for the last three decades. To be precise about the Russia/Chinese Intel, it has spread its propaganda globally and even owns the Democrat Party. This triangle is fighting our Constitutional Republic on a variety of fronts for decades. Whatever the name of the ideology – Marxism, Socialism, Communism or Fascism, all of them have the same nature, origins and agenda-control and power. To survive you first need to identify it, because it is a war by an aggressive Specter against Humanity.

Russia’s Global Agenda

For Russia, this Specter became a reality in the 1917 Socialist Revolution and Russian leaders ever since have been directed by the Specter. If the Global Domination was first imagined by Marx, the structural format, methods and arrangements of the war have been worked out by these Russian leaders: Stalin, Andropov and Putin. Those three have spread the ideology globally. It took Stalin 29 years to create the Chinese Communist State. I am constantly repeating that knowledge of Russia and her Intel is a Must, because both Russian and Chinese Ministries of State Security are identical—they have been built by Comrade Stalin with the same ideology, strategy, methods, and dirty tricks.

Though equally abused and subordinated to the malignant Communist regime yet, there is a distinction between the two populations: a billion hard-working Chinese people with entrepreneurial spirit have achieved much more than sick, alcoholic, state-dependent Russians. It is a matter of quantity and quality, plus the tremendous world technological advancements in the 21st century that have been appropriated by the Chinese CCP. Neither Intelligence service use their money for research and development—they rely on stealing the secrets from us. Writing about Russia’s Intel I use the term KGB—it is a collective image–those three letters are familiar to the vast majority of Americans… Do you remember Putin’s KGB Mafia-Army spread globally, BLM and Antifa infiltrating the midst of the American society?

Seventy years later we are dealing with a Global Spy Ring of multi-national forces subverting their target peoples: primarily Western civilization and American capitalism. The Russian leaders have chosen to act by destroying their enemy, us, from within and they have. The main target was American capitalism and in prior articles, I have shown you how the infiltration and destruction was done in the 20th century. The KGB Mafia-Army has interfered in all corners of our society, courts, business, sports, democratic institutions, and created a Socialist mentality within the minds of Americans, corrupting and secularizing the society. The Democrat Party was infiltrated, contaminated and converted into America’s Socialist Party by the Russian Intel, a party of Socialist Charlatans. Their modus operandi: deceiving and confusing the opponents by lies, institutionalized fraud, and cheating—propaganda, symbols and slogans, intimidation, manipulation, provocation, and threat.

The Dems have weakened and undermined our political system bit by bit, destroying traditional culture and creating a chaos in America. As a result we have some of the Washington Establishment married to Russian spies. Don’t be surprised by Eric Swalwell, he is just the latest example. Obama’s Ambassador to Russia was sleeping with a KGB Alumni in Moscow (you can see their picture in my column). The KGB’s Mafia-Army has had a free hand to damage us from within in concert with the Dems. It was the KGB that trained the Chinese Intel to do the same. Years ago, I was warning you about the so-called Romeo-Department of the KGB. The tragedy of America is that the Republicans do not have the in-depth knowledge of Russia and her Intel and never fought back the real COLLUSION: Dems/KGB—the criminal cabal that committed TREASON. You witnessed the resignation of two Republican Attorney Generals—both did not know Russia, her Intel, and allowed the Dems-criminals to sell America… Read my books and columns about “the Axis of Evil” under Kremlin’s umbrella.

Putin’s KGB “Operation Disinformation”

Coming to power in the 21st century, Vladimir Putin used this confusion with his usual dirty tricks. Trump was his mortal enemy by declaring America First and Putin’s coup against Trump began on the day Trump announced his candidacy–Trump/Dossier. It took me two seconds to see this KGB production— a Falshivka, a Soviet-style fraud–the “operation disinformation” has started. American politicians called it “Russian Disinformation,” – wrong — we were dealing with a long-term KGB practice “operation disinformation.” Words matter. For four years media pundits and social justice types were discussing Russia, it is a paradox of incompetency—none of these people knew Russia and her Intel and for four years they were wasting our time, energy, and $40 million of taxpayer money.

“The Russian Disinformation,” known for years, has existed as a part of a monumental Russian project, the outline of a long-term design to destroy the American Constitutional Republic—The Operation Disinformation (you should know the Soviet style KGB play-book.) Many Republicans sadly ignored the elephant in the room—Russia, her Intel, and the Chinese Communist advertising propaganda campaign which bribed the American media, sports, and universities. Remember, Russia and China are in tandem, a pair  working against America like hand in glove…To cover-up the crimes of Treason the Dems had committed, the anti-Trump forces had the task of diverting, and dissuading your attention from the DNC, who had been collaborating with Russian Intel for decades.

Hang on to the task of diverting the attention from the crime committed by the KGB—this is the control mechanism used since Stalin’s postulate: Never admit crime committed, instead accuse the opponent in this exact crime. Coming to power in the 21st century, Vladimir Putin has developed further Stalin’s dirty trick. Putin’s dirty trick was supposed to kill three birds in one shot: To cover-up the crime of treason committed by the Dems, to divert attention from China, and to support anti-Trump forces. Maneuvering, Putin’s three-pronged policy were enhancing each other, they were connected, calculated, coordinated and executed by the Dems criminal cabal and Socialist Charlatans.

There has never been a Trump/Russia collusion, in fact, there was a Dems/Russian Intel collusion. The entire ordeal of various witch hunts against Trump for years has been a misdirected fraud to cover-up the crime of Treason, committed by the Dems/Russian collusion and divert attention from China… In persistent unity Pelosi, Swalwell, and other Dems have overplayed Russia, Russia, Russia to dissuade your attention from the Dems and China. The trick was obvious: focus America’s negativity toward Russia so that nobody suspected the Dems of Treason. All three task-tactics exercised by Putin had been swallowed by the Republicans. Once again I’d repeat: Knowledge of Russia and her Intel is a Must!

Russian Carousel (Roundabout) in America

Encouraged by his success, Putin and his criminal cabal began designing the final assault on the political system of the American Constitutional Republic—the 2020 election. To grasp my ideas you have to know the KGB Mafia-Army, Putin’s KGB government, and certain events going on in Russia. In my preceding column. I have tried to show you massive infiltration in the 2020 election by several foreign governments, in particular Putin’s KGB, because I was afraid that Russian hackers would outwit Americans. Maybe the Dominion machines produced fraud, maybe David Sanger NYT is right researching software, I am not an expert in computer and software technology, but an expert in Russia. The events of multiple fraud were not only obvious visually, but they have been very familiar to me, as it happened in Russian election years ago. And I have described them in my books. The Navarro Report is accurate: the stories of the illegitimate ballots in suitcases and ballots driven by truck from New York to Pennsylvania happened exactly the way it occurred in the Russian 2007 election. Please, read a fragment from my book at the time:

“Have you heard the term carousel (roundabout) used in the election to Duma?  Do you know what it means? Hearing this word in Russian, I did not understand its application at first. The events that followed had given me the meaning of the word. The United Russia party together with the Kremlin’s administration had organized the youth movement’s groups providing them with a caravan of buses. The vast majority of youngsters were called NASHISTS. I watched them on Russian TV. Young people, wearing shirts with Putin’s portrait, singing with enthusiasm bordering on euphoria, occupied the buses and moved along the streets to the voting precincts one after another. The voting ballots were waiting for them and they all voted for United Russia. Then they left for other voting places where they voted again and again for the United Russia (Party).

I will give you another example so you can fully comprehend what is going on in Russia. A couple of months before the election, the Kremlin had issued an order to all enterprises and offices throughout eleven time zones. The order requested all the workers of the above mentioned plants and offices, students and teachers to take the absentee ballots from their places of residence and vote in their place of work or study. The heads of all offices were told to watch how people were voting and provide United Russia with the victory. Moreover, the policy of infiltration from the Soviet past became clear in the present Russia.” pp. 191-192, What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, XLIBRIS, 2012.

Socialist Charlatans vs. the Western World

The Republicans still don’t understand that there is no patriotic Democrat Party any longer, a multi-national cabal of Socialist Charlatans are fighting Republicans and our Constitutional Republic. Until Republicans call Socialist Charlatans their real names, Republicans will lose… language matters… Socialist Charlatans have camouflaged themselves by the name Democratic, though nothing democratic is left in the so-called Democrat Party. Biden is using the name of democracy and lying to you by talking about American democracy, because people didn’t grant power to Joe Biden—the KGB did. The Republicans in Georgia’s runoff election need to learn and use an appropriate terminology. Language is a major factor in debates!

Not surprisingly Biden was chosen as a leader of the Dems—he has been working for Putin under the Socialist, Obama, for years. Biden was chosen by Obama to suffocate the young Ukrainian democracy to help Putin to resurrect the Russian Empire again. As a matter of fact, without Ukraine it cannot be Russian Empire again. Do you remember quid-pro-quo and a $billions to fire a prosecutor who investigated Hunter and the Burisma controlled by Russian asset? Biden himself is a part of the fraud within “operation disinformation,” but… hang on…

Today a demented Biden is a vessel to make Kamala the U.S. President. Yes, this is Putin’s agenda to make this close friend of the Soros family, the U.S. President, and to demolish completely the American Constitutional Republic. Kamala is more of a threat to our Republic than anybody else. She is Putin’s asset to make another American Manchurian President…

Though Tony Babulinsky credibly reported Biden’s family monetary ties with China, I’d recommend you to read my book mentioned above to see for yourself the Russia/China ideological bonds against Western civilization. You will also learn why Justice Roberts changed his political affiliation. All of that had started years ago with the infiltration of the KGB onto our soil–a political operation to take over our Constitutional republic, the way the Socialist  Revolution in Russia took over that country a hundred years ago. This operation in America has been done by the KGB in concert with the Dems’ leadership and it is going on today in 2020. Here are two recent examples:

The term “White Supremacist” is not the new one: it is an old one, as the KGB’s major agenda of “divide and conquer” using the race card has never changed. The KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov had designed the term “White Oppression” in the 1960s. The term “White Supremacist” has the same agenda—“divide and conquer,” it is a continuation of 1960th. Read my columns describing Andropov’s Legacy and indoctrination of the Black communities by Andropov’s KGB in the 1960: Chapter 25, Stalinism and Destabilization of America, pp. 135-142, Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders, XLIBRIS, 2016. Keep in mind also that the Dems have their armed forces Antifa and BLM and, (obsessed with Trump) Nancy Pelosi knows it and uses them under Putin’s supervision against the Republicans…

The second example of the KGB infiltration is The Lincoln Project. I have already express my opinion about the Project in my column October 19, 2020 Wake-Up Suburbia! Soviet/Socialist Inspired Insurrection!

“Insurrection is an art, and like all art it has its laws” Leon Trotsky 

 However, focusing your attention on Putin’s old Soviet fraud there, here is also a caveat—the KGB was trying to infiltrate both parties. Yes, Trump is Putin’s mortal enemy and so are all famous American Presidents, including Abraham Lincoln. Knowing the KGB agenda to discredit all of them, I suspect an infiltration of the Project by the KGB to disgrace the name of Lincoln. I won’t be surprised by crime being committed by a member of the Project. I don’t know the name of the individual, but I know well the KGB. Whatever you call the ideology: Marxism, Communism, Socialism, or Soviet Fascism (they all constitute a totalitarian one-party system), the terminology depends on ones’ knowledge of the KGB and Russian/Chinese Intel. Read my column Nationalism, National-Socialism, and Soviet Fascism, November 19, 2020.

A Man-Made Chinese COVID-19

To achieve his monumental agenda, Putin needed Chinese help and got it. The deadly missile of COVID-19 was launched. The Chinese preparation for the deadly virus has been going on since the 20th century. The KGB has a network of secret laboratories dealing with man-made viruses. One of them had invented HIV and spread it throughout the globe in 1970-1980. That entire experience was taught to the Chinese scientific agency within the Ministry of State Security by the Russian Intel. Besides, Chairman Xi learned a lot from Putin. Having his internal problems-millions of the Chinese elderly-a burden to Chinese economy. He needed to get rid of them as I have already reported in my column. And he did. In my opinion “The Maximum Security Biolab in the Wuhan Institute of Virology” had produced man-made COVID-19, like the KGB secret lab had produced HIV in the 1960s.

Chairman Xi has declared his support for Biden whose family had commercial ties with China. Besides, he learned a lot from Putin and like Putin, he, by one shot killed three birds. First: as I prior reported the COVID-19 killed from 21-30 million people in China. Second: Chairman Xi promised to expend Chinese economic power and challenge the U.S. economically and he did—a part of American capitalism, small business, was devastated by COVID-19. Third: COVID-19 helped anti-Trump forces, and many Socialist Charlatans openly admitted it. I also recognized the W.H.O. Director Dr. Tedros, who often visited China as he is a KGB agent. A man-made Chinese COVID-19 promises a lot of negative surprises for the citizens of America and the globe…

Remember: Russian/Chinese Intel is waging a war against Western civilization and American capitalism for global Control and Power.

My conclusion:

The recent Russian cyberattack on six departments of the American government is equal to a declaration of war in the 21st century. The Specter’s criminal ideology is fighting Humanity by all means possible, including the use of cyber and biological weaponry. A global response is required to save the lives of living beings. The criminal ideology must be exposed, intellectually defeated and judged with a world verdict. This global threat needs a vital global response.

To be continued and at

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

RELATED PODCAST: Cyber Red Dawn attack on USA is prelude to TOTAL WAR

Pelosi Gives BLM Agitator Cori Bush Seat on Powerful House Judiciary Committee


Burning down cities gets you powerful seats in the D-bag party. They stole the election. They declared war.

You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

Rep.-elect Cori Bush, BLM activist, lands seat on powerful House Judiciary Committee

Newest “Squad” member says she will use the seat to ‘affirm the dignity and humanity of Black and brown communities’

By Marisa Schultz | Fox News, FOX News,

Rep.-elect Cori Bush, the first Black Lives Matter activist to serve in Congress, has landed a high-profile job on the powerful House Judiciary Committee.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi made it official on Friday when unveiling the incoming freshman class committee nominations.

Bush, frequently referred to as a new member of “The Squad,” featuring New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has been at the forefront of racial justice protests. She said she’ll use her new assignment to “affirm the dignity and humanity of Black and brown communities.”

“I ran for office on the promise of justice,” Bush, D-Mo., said in a statement. “Justice for Black lives. Justice for Michael Brown Jr. and Breonna Taylor. Justice for every community held back by racist systems and oppression. Today, I am proud to have been named to a committee with the power to bring about justice for all.”


Bush is a registered nurse, single mother and ordained pastor. She became a civil rights activist after Brown, an 18-year-old Black teen, was shot and killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Mo.

Bush made it to Congress by unseating a more traditional Democrat, 10-term incumbent Rep. Lacy Clay, in a heated primary.

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – APRIL 13: Cori Bush and Rachel Lears attend “Knock Down The House” Red Carpet Premiere – 2019 SFFILM at Castro Theatre on April 13, 2019 in San Francisco, California. (Photo by Kimberly White/Getty Images for Netflix)

Bush had the backing of the progressive insurgent group Justice Democrats. She was also featured in the Netflix documentary “Knock Down the House” along with Ocasio-Cortez to highlight their grassroots campaigns to defeat powerful incumbents.

Bush said she’ll bring the power of her “lived experience” to the Judiciary Committee.

“It is a power that comes from the pain of being a survivor of sexual abuse and domestic violence, of having been unhoused, stomped by the police, and forced to live paycheck-to-paycheck,” Bush said.

She said she’ll “legislate in defense of Black lives.”

Joining Bush on the committee will be North Carolina Rep.-elect Deborah Ross, an attorney and former state lawmaker, and progressive New York Rep.-elect Mondaire Jones, a graduate of Harvard Law School, former federal law clerk and practicing attorney.

Jones, who is one of the first openly gay Black men to serve in Congress, said his priorities will be protecting the rights of LGBTQ Americans, fighting voter suppression and expanding the Supreme Court.

“The far right has spent decades on a hostile takeover of our federal courts,” Jones said on Twitter in response to his new role on the Judiciary Committee. “There is now a 6-3 hyper-partisan, conservative majority on the Supreme Court that favors big business over working people, and seeks to undermine our democracy. We must expand the Court.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Campaign taking Constitutional fight to Supreme Court

80 million Americans stand shoulder to shoulder with the Great One.

Trump Campaign taking Constitutional fight to Supreme Court

President Trump’s campaign today issued the following statement:

“Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., President Trump’s campaign committee, today filed a petition for writ of certiorari to the US. Supreme Court to reverse a trio of Pennsylvania Supreme Court cases which illegally changed Pennsylvania’s mail balloting law immediately before and after the 2020 presidential election in violation of Article II of the United States Constitution and Bush v. Gore.”

 This represents the Campaign’s first independent U.S. Supreme Court filing and seeks relief based on the same Constitutional arguments successfully raised in Bush v. Gore.

“This petition follows a related Pennsylvania case where Justice Alito and two other justices observed ‘the constitutionality of the [Pennsylvania] Supreme Court’s decision [extending the statutory deadline for receipt of mail ballots from 8 pm on election day to 5 pm three days later] … has national importance, and there is a strong likelihood that the State Supreme Court decision violates the Federal Constitution.’

“The Campaign’s petition seeks to reverse three decisions which eviscerated the Pennsylvania Legislature’s protections against mail ballot fraud, including (a) prohibiting election officials checking whether signatures on mail ballots are genuine during canvassing on Election Day, (b) eliminating the right of campaigns to challenge mail ballots during canvassing for forged signatures and other irregularities, (c) holding that the rights of campaigns to observe the canvassing of mail ballots only meant that they only were allowed to be ‘in the room’ – in this case, the Philadelphia Convention Center – the size of several football fields, and (d) eliminating the statutory requirements that voters properly sign, address, and date mail ballots.

“The petition seeks all appropriate remedies, including vacating the appointment of electors committed to Joseph Biden and allowing the Pennsylvania General Assembly to select their replacements. The Campaign also moved for expedited consideration, asking the Supreme Court to order responses by December 23 and a reply by December 24 to allow the U.S. Supreme Court to rule before Congress meets on January 6 to consider the votes of the electoral college.”

– Rudy Giuliani, attorney for President Trump

Click here to read the Campaign’s Petition.
Click here to read the Campaign’s Motion.


Rep. Matt Gaetz Says He Will Challenge Electoral College Votes on Jan. 6

President Trump Calls All Patriots To Washington, on Jan. 6the Electoral Vote in Congress

Top Pollster: Half of American Voters Say Election Was Stolen

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved,

California Projected to Lose House Seat and Electoral College Vote

But do not bring your primitive, poisonous politics. Don’t befoul red states and destroy them as well.

Californians flee state in numbers so great it is projected to lose House seat and electoral vote for first time

By Andrew Mark Miller, Washington Examiner, December 18, 2020:

An exodus sparked by high taxes, coronavirus lockdowns, and regulations has driven California’s population growth rate to a record low, which is projected to cost the state a seat in Congress and an electoral vote.

“This is a real sea change in California, which used to be this state of pretty robust population growth,” said Hans Johnson, a demographer at the Public Policy Institute of California, regarding the net migration loss, which has now occurred three years in a row. “It hasn’t been for some time now. But it’s now gotten to the point where the state is essentially not growing population-wise at all.”

According to a population estimate this week, 135,600 more people fled the Golden State than moved there, which marks only the 12th time since 1900 that the state saw a net migration loss. It is the third-largest drop recorded.

Johnson added that the population decrease could cause the state to lose a seat in Congress as well as an Electoral College vote for the first time. The state did not gain any seats following the 2010 census, which was also a first.

Residents have cited high taxes as a main driver of the decision to leave.]

“I never wanted to leave California,” San Francisco real estate broker Scott Fuller said about his departure from the state after living there since 1983. “It’s the most beautiful state with the best climate. I think the tipping point was continued tax increases and even more proposed tax increases. … I have absolutely no regrets.”

Businesses have been fleeing California as well, and just recently, it was learned that tech giants Elon Musk and Larry Ellison were moving their companies, Tesla and Oracle, to more business-friendly states and taking tens of thousands of jobs with them.

Californians have also expressed increased frustration with state and local governments over strict coronavirus lockdowns, evidenced by large protests across the state and a recall effort aimed at removing Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom from office that has gained enough steam to cause his team concern.

The coronavirus pandemic has also forced many in California to work from home, which makes living close to work less important and a potential move easier to commit to, especially when the same salary can be earned in a less expensive state.

“It’s really sped up the out-migration quite a bit,” Fuller said about the shift to remote employment. “People have options now, and you pair that with people’s frustration on several different levels — I don’t see it changing.

RELATED ARTICLE: Some Insurers Now Refusing To Cover Downtown Portland Businesses

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Sidney Powell’s Election Fraud Case Before SCOTUS is a Gamechanger

Late Friday, Powell and her team filed a request with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking it to take up a case previously filed in a Detroit federal court, in the hopes the U.S. Supreme Court will take up their case before the Electoral College votes.

Sidney Powell’s team acknowledges in its filing it would be a rare move, they argue the court must act to prevent Biden from winning the Electoral College vote on Monday.

“The issues raised are weighty as they call into question who is the legitimate winner of the 2020 presidential election. These exceptional circumstances warrant the exercise of the Court’s discretionary powers,” the filing states in part.

Later, Powell and her team note, “once the electoral votes are cast, subsequent relief would be pointless.”

Team Trump must be allowed to have a fair hearing at the SCOTUS.

Why Sidney Powell’s case before the SCOTUS is a gamechanger

Everything up until now has been like the pre-game warmups for the judiciary. Now, it’s game time as Sidney Powell’s case heads to the Supreme Court.

By Noqreport, December 17, 2020

A week before Christmas, many Trump supporters have resigned themselves to the notion that this is their last holiday with a duly elected president in the Oval Office. Former Vice President Joe Biden is going to win, they think, because everyone from mainstream media to Big Tech has said it will be so. Even many in conservative media have thrown in the towel.

What the left and some on the right don’t want you to know is there’s still time to make things right. The Supreme Court verified that today by docketing attorney Sidney Powell’s case on voter fraud in Michigan. They do not take cases that have no potential of making a difference.

The answer lies in what Powell, many pundits, and I have said is the most important information the Supreme Court needs to hear. As “CulturalHusbandry” noted on Twitter, the lawsuit has the forensic audit.

This is what Powell has affectionately referred to as “The Kraken.” The information found on the Dominion Voting Systems servers details clear evidence of massive voter fraud, the type that is capable of flipping an election if allowed to proceed unimpeded. This audit shines a bright spotlight on what every contested state in the nation (and technically every state, period) should be addressing in a hurry, namely the technological side of 2020 election fraud.

With this information before the Supreme Court, we have an opportunity to see how they will treat complex vote-count manipulation issues. Unlike other cases, this one does not dwell on suspicious changes to election protocols or constitutional challenges to COVID-19 lockdown prompts. It deals with hard evidence, and the Supreme Court is much more likely to address an issue of blatant voter-count tampering than whether or not mail-in ballots are fair.

Many have lost faith in the Supreme Court because they declined to hear the last two cases, but those cases had challenges from the start. As I detailed in episodes of the NOQ Report before those ruling came down, I had zero confidence in either of them yielding fruit. The Kraken, on the other hand, will challenge the Supreme Court to make a decision on merits. Sidney Powell’s case has unambiguous merits, particularly as it pertains to Dominion Voting Systems.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

China Engaged in ‘Mass Surveillance’ on Americans’ Mobile Phones, Report Finds

On a side note, a group founded by far-left tech giants Google and IBM is working with a company that is helping China’s authoritarian government conduct mass surveillance against its citizens, The Intercept can reveal.

China Engaged in ‘Mass Surveillance’ on Americans’ Mobile Phones, Report Finds

The Chinese regime exploited vulnerabilities in the global mobile telecommunications network to conduct “mass surveillance” on Americans, according to a recent report by a cyber research firm.

By Cathy He, The Epoch Times, December 17, 2020:

By analyzing signals data, the report by Washington-based Exigent Media found that Beijing, working through state-owned telecom operator China Unicom, was the leading source of attacks against U.S. mobile users over 3G and 4G networks in 2018.

The regime exploited well-known network vulnerabilities, which allowed it to track, monitor, disrupt, and intercept communications of U.S. phone subscribers while they traveled abroad. The vulnerabilities are centered around the legacy mobile SS7 signaling system, described in the report as “a patchwork system enabling network operators around the world to communicate with each other for international roaming services.”

The Chinese cyberattacks targeted tens of thousands of U.S. mobile users from 2018 to 2020, Gary Miller, the report’s author and a former mobile network security executive, told The Guardian.

“Once you get into the tens of thousands, the attacks qualify as mass surveillance, which is primarily for intelligence collection and not necessarily targeting high-profile targets,” Miller said. “It might be that there are locations of interest, and these occur primarily while people are abroad.”

That the attacks were routed through a state-controlled operator indicates a state-sanctioned espionage campaign, Miller told the outlet.

The analyst also found that in 2018, two Caribbean operators were also involved in a series of attacks on U.S. phone users targeted by China Unicom, suggesting coordination between these networks. The two operators were Cable & Wireless Communications (Flow) in Barbados and the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC).

The report found that from 2019, attacks from China decreased, while those originating from the Caribbean networks shot up—suggesting that Beijing was attempting to mask its activities through foreign operators.

“China reduced its attack volumes, favoring more targeted espionage, likely using proxy networks in the Caribbean and Africa to conduct its attacks, having close ties in both trade and technology investment,” the report stated.

Citing Beijing’s expanded investment in the Caribbean, such as Chinese telecom giant Huawei’s partnership with BTC on the Bahamas’ 4G rollout, the report questioned whether this indicated a “strategic signals intelligence alliance between China and the Caribbean.”

The report added it was likely that Caribbean operators have sold or leased network addresses to Chinese entities, allowing them to conduct espionage, potentially without the operators’ knowledge.

Cable & Wireless, the company that owns Flow and BTC, said in an emailed statement to The Epoch Times that it was “carefully reviewing the information in the media reports.”

The company added that it continuously monitors its networks across all its markets including Barbados and Bahamas and has “robust security policies and protocols in place to protect the data of our customers.”

China Unicom in a statement to The Epoch Times said it “strongly refutes the allegations that China Unicom has engaged in active surveillance attacks against U.S. mobile phone subscribers using access to international telecommunications networks.”

In April, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) warned that the U.S. operations of China Unicom and two other state-controlled telecoms could be shut down, citing national security risks.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said federal agencies were “deeply concerned” about the companies’ vulnerability to the “exploitation, influence, and control of the Chinese Communist Party.”

Report author Miller found that attacks on U.S. mobile users continued in 2020, originating from Chinese and Hong Kong sources, as well as other countries.

“Unfortunately, these attacks will continue globally between mobile operators until full accountability, reporting of the attacks, penalties, and control of external ‘partners and customers’ who are provided with access to networks are exercised,” Miller told The Epoch Times in an email.

“This needs to happen immediately.”


“DON’T MENTION JOE BEING INVOLVED”: Secret Text Messages Expose Beijing Biden’s Direct Link To China

“If a network system of computers was used to fraudulently affect vote counts…the results would look exactly like this.”

All The People Who Should Be Embarrassed About The Latest Hunter Biden News, Ranked

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Gaza: Internal Hamas government memo calls for ‘activities to reduce interaction with Christmas’

Once again, anger and fear resurface among Christians living in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, who also are preparing to celebrate Christmas amidst the restrictions due to the Covid19 pandemic.

However, their concerns are not because of the spread of coronavirus, but rather because of a letter (which was made public on social media and other Palestinian websites) that was sent to the government of Hamas in Gaza regarding the upcoming celebrations of Christmas.

The letter, entitled “Activities to reduce interaction with Christmas during the next two weeks,” was sent by the Director-General of the General Administration of Preaching and Counseling of the Palestinian Endowment Ministry in Gaza.

In what appeared to be an official correspondence between Palestinian officials, the letter discussed the steps taken during “an emergency meeting” that was held in Gaza on December 15. It included the issuance of “awareness and guidance” that needed to be implemented by 10 departments within the Islamic Waqf ministry.

The main goal behind this campaign would include “issuing fatwas [to prohibit Muslims from participating in Christmas], releasing videos, and requesting some preachers” to talk about the great sins of celebrating their holidays with the Christians.

It is worth noting that the number of Christians still living in Gaza may not reach 1000, while the Orthodox and Catholic churches continue to provide parish services to the remaining families, in addition to two schools whose students are mostly Muslims.

After Hamas gained full control of the Strip, the Baptist Church in Gaza, which had operated since 1950, was soon almost shattered. In October 2007, Rami Ayyad, one of its active members in Gaza, who managed its Christian bookstore there, was kidnapped, tortured, and then killed.

After Ayyad’s assassination, seven church leaders left for the West Bank, while Hanna Massad, the church’s pastor, moved to Jordan with his family.

Since Hamas installed Shari’ah law in Gaza, which fomented further threats against the remaining Christians from Islamic extremists, Christians in general feared gathering in groups. They no longer wear crosses, while women dare not move around freely by themselves or be unveiled.

Hamas has always prohibited the Christians from holding public celebrations during Christmas and New Year, ever since its usurpation of power in 2007. This time, it intends to socially isolate them as well.

In the West Bank, the situation of the Christians may seem relatively better, but the fear of Islamic jihad remains a ghost haunting them.

The number of Christians in Bethlehem, which is under the control of the Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas, is rapidly dwindling. Christians today make up merely 15% of what was once known as a Christian-majority town. The violent military actions taken by Fatah militants wreaked havoc on the traditional birthplace of Jesus Christ after the outbreak of the so-called Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2000.

Palestinian Christians singing Christmas carol near the Church of the Nativity

A few years ago, a visa clerk at the US consulate disclosed to this writer that Palestinian Christians who met the US tourist visa requirements often decided to overstay their visit to the United States, and eventually applied for political asylum because of fear of growing Islamic jihad activity within the Palestinian society. Those applicants share with the USCIS in secrecy their valid stories of persecution at the hands of “their Muslim brethren.”

On the other side of the country, Christians inside Israel tell a completely different story. They increasingly are incorporated in all walks of life, and their numbers are growing. It is worth noting that their academic achievements rival those of the majority Jewish population.

The head of the Israeli Christian Aramaic Association recently posted on his Facebook page an appeal to the Likud, the main party of the current Israeli government. “We call upon the Likud party which is the [ Israeli] government to open up for appointing Christians and to work on integrating our Christian community and our youth into the state of Israel. This is the responsibility of the members of the Likud party today.”

The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic, recited by Shadi Khaloul, head of the Israeli Christian Aramaic Association

In Jordan, where Christians have lived so far in peace and safety and enjoyed opportunities that secured them access to both the public and the private sectors, the picture has begun to change.

Yesterday, The Students’ Union of the College of Sharia at the University of Jordan issued a statement expressing its refusal to erect a Christmas tree and light inside the university courtyard. It added that what the university did is a matter that does not appease God in a country whose religion is Islam.

Muslims, in general, are living in a crisis because the image of Islam has worldwide been shaken. I am not surprised that they seek to defuse their anger in the remaining Christian minorities.” George Abu Kova, a Palestinian Christian who lives in the United States commented on Facebook in reply to Hamas’s letter against Christmas.

Samir Qumsiyeh, a former advisor to the Orthodox and Catholic Patriarchs in Jerusalem, expressed his dismay and anger to the letter in a post on Facebook, saying, “Hamas’s positions are well known. Have you forgotten that Ismail Haniyeh [Hamas Prime Minister] congratulated Erdogan for turning the Hagia Sophia Church into a mosque and thus ignored the feelings of Christians in general and the Christian Palestinians in particular? Then you hear from them that we are one people within all its components.” Unfortunately, our reality is painful and we have no future.



UK: Muslim rape gangs still active, 2,000 victims in the last year were ‘fobbed off by authorities’

Jammu and Kashmir: Missing Muslim boy tells parents not to search for him ‘as he has chosen the way of Allah’

UK: Attorney General wants to increase Islamic State jihadi’s minimum sentence from nine years to twelve

Australia: Muslim who was ‘known extremist’ wearing tracking device murders elderly couple in ‘terrorism incident’

Iranian dissident kidnapped in Turkey after ‘honeytrap’ by Iran, faces execution

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘THE IMMACULATE DECEPTION’ REPORT: Argues there was ‘a coordinated strategy’ to ‘stack the election deck against the Trump-Pence ticket.’

Peter Kent Navarro is an American economist and author. He serves in the Trump administration as the Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator.

Mr. Navarro released a damning thirty-six page report on 2020 election fraud, titled “The Immaculate Deception: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities,” concluding that there was either “a coordinated strategy” to steal the election, “or unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.”


Some media outlets like Forbes tried to discredit the report. We present the report in its entirety to the public. Let the public decide if there was a coordinated effort to steal the 2020 election by the Democrats, Dominion Voting Systems, key swing state election officials, the legacy media and social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google.

The Executive Summary of The Immaculate Deception: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities states:

This report assesses the fairness and integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election by examining six dimensions of alleged election irregularities across six key battleground states. Evidence used to conduct this assessment includes more than 50 lawsuits and judicial rulings, thousands of affidavits and declarations, testimony in a variety of state venues, published analyses by think tanks and legal centers, videos and photos, public comments, and extensive press coverage.

The matrix below indicates that significant irregularities occurred across all six battleground states and across all six dimensions of election irregularities. This finding lends credence to the claim that the election may well have been stolen from President Donald J. Trump.


Topline findings of this report include:

  • The weight of evidence and patterns of irregularities are such that it is irresponsible for anyone – especially the mainstream media – to claim there is “no evidence” of fraud or
  •  The ballots in question because of the identified election irregularities are more than sufficient to swing the outcome in favor of President Trump should even a relatively small portion of these ballots be ruled illegal.
  • All six battleground states exhibit most, or all, six dimensions of election irregularities. However, each state has a unique mix of issues that might be considered “most important.” To put this another way, all battleground states are characterized by the same or similar election irregularities; but, like Tolstoy’s unhappy families, each battleground state is different in its own election irregularity way.
  • This was theft by a thousand cuts across six dimensions and six battleground states rather than any one single “silver bullet” election irregularity.
  • In refusing to investigate a growing number of legitimate grievances, the anti-Trump media and censoring social media are complicit in shielding the American public from the truth.
    This is a dangerous game that simultaneously undermines the credibility of the media and the stability of our political system and Republic.
  • Those journalists, pundits, and political leaders now participating in what has become a Biden Whitewash should acknowledge the six dimensions of election irregularities and
    conduct the appropriate investigations to determine the truth about the 2020 election. If this is not done before Inauguration Day, we risk putting into power an illegitimate and
    illegal president lacking the support of a large segment of the American people.
  • The failure to aggressively and fully investigate the six dimensions of election irregularities assessed in this report is a signal failure not just of our anti-Trump mainstream media and
    censoring social media but also of both our legislative and judicial branches.

    • Republican governors in Arizona and Georgia together with Republican majorities in both chambers of the State Legislatures of five of the six battleground states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – have had both the power and the opportunity to investigate the six dimensions of election irregularities presented in this report. Yet, wilting under intense political pressure, these politicians have failed in their Constitutional duties and responsibilities to do so – and thereby failed both their states and this nation as well as their party.
    • Both State courts and Federal courts, including the Supreme Court, have failed the American people in refusing to appropriately adjudicate the election irregularities that have come before them. Their failures pose a great risk to the American Republic.
  • If these election irregularities are not fully investigated prior to Inauguration Day and thereby effectively allowed to stand, this nation runs the very real risk of never being able
    to have a fair presidential election again – with the down-ballot Senate races scheduled for January 5 in Georgia an initial test case of this looming risk.

©The White House. All rights reserved.

ISSUE 1ST AMENDMENT: Google’s ‘Free and Open Web’ Promise Countered by Dem Donations

Google (1.00) and its parent company Alphabet, Inc has long promised to provide a “free and open web” in their Mission Statement. One would be justified in wondering if this is how they really feel given that the company and its employees provided lopsided donations to massively partisan causes such as President-Elect Joe Biden’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Billions of cross-partisan consumers entrust their sensitive data to Google every day — via Google Search, YouTube, and many other services — but Google clearly doesn’t care to treat consumers equally.

The lopsided donations – many from Google employees – match Google’s online censorship. While certainly some liberal concepts and projects are canceled on Alphabet’s platforms, there is some compelling evidence that the search engine contains a “conservative blacklist”. More obviously, Google subsidiary YouTube (1.00) has started placing “fact-checking banners” under an overwhelming amount of videos, particularly those of conservatives contesting the 2020 election. In other cases, they’ve taken down videos and banned creators for “unspecified violations of Community Guidelines” or supposed “hate speech” when someone dares to question the liberal narrative.

If Google and other companies want us to trust them, they must stop funding partisan politics and start putting money into the things that improve their services. They should put their millions of dollars into a better user experience through hiring and training competent employees, or through developing new, useful products. Companies have control over an economic sphere that sorely needs improving, and that should be their focus — not controlling free speech in the way the left sees fit.

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH: “The Plot to Steal America”

Man In America wrote:

2020 has been a year like no other… everything we know, everything we trust, and everything we come to rely on has changed.

WATCH: “The Plot to Steal America”

RELATED VIDEO: OOPS! China Brags About Deals With Biden Family

©Man In America. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Election Crisis CONTINUES! NEW SMOKING GUN Biden-Ukraine Email–Biden NEEDS to be Investigated!

It’s almost as though Hillary Clinton couldn’t abide Joe Biden getting all the corruption attention. Her people just had to stick their fingers in the Ukraine cookie jar. It’s all coming out now because of our lawsuit.

We received 38 pages of records from the State Department revealing that Ukraine Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko was offered “high-level” access to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign by the same lobbying firm that represented Burisma Holdings.

This came to light in an email from George Kent, then-U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission to Ukraine and current Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. The email was to then-Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch.

The offer was made by Karen Tramontano, who was an assistant to President Clinton and deputy White House Chief of Staff. She is the CEO of Blue Star Strategies, a Democrat lobbying firm that was hired by Burisma Holdings to combat corruption allegations.

In the same 2016 email, Kent stated that he responded to Lutsenko by recommending that he not take the offer due to corruption concerns with Burisma and the Clinton Foundation.

We obtained these documents in response to our FOIA lawsuit against the State Department seeking documents related to a reported “untouchables list” given in late 2016 by former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch to Ukraine Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko (Judicial Watch vs. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:19-cv-03563)).

READ: Smoking Gun Biden-Burisma Email

RELATED ARTICLE: Mitch McConnell Received Donations From Voting Machine Lobbyists Before Blocking Election Security Bills

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

President Trump: Republican Senators Should Object to Electoral College Votes

 WATCH: “I’ll tell you what, 74 million Americans are not going to shut up.”

Each will be held to account. And if they shirk their duty, they will be the next victim of Democrat election theft.

Trump: Republican Senators Should Object to Electoral College Votes

President Donald Trump on Thursday urged senators to object to electoral votes during next month’s joint session of Congress.

Trump made the call as he praised Sen.-elect Tommy Tuberville, who suggested this week that he may do so.

Sharing an article about Tuberville’s comments, Trump wrote on Twitter: “That’s because he is a great champion and man of courage.”

“More Republican Senators should follow his lead. We had a landslide victory, and then it was swindled away from the Republican Party—but we caught them. Do something!” Trump added.

In another post, he wrote that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and GOP senators “have to get tougher, or you won’t have a Republican Party anymore.”

“We won the Presidential Election, by a lot. FIGHT FOR IT. Don’t let them take it away!” said Trump, who is contesting the election results.

McConnell’s office didn’t respond to an inquiry. The GOP leader began calling Joe Biden president-elect on Tuesday, sparking threats that the “Stop the Steal” movement will launch primaries against Republican senators who don’t support Trump.

Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, has declared victory in the election. The Epoch Times is not calling the race at this time.

Tuberville suggested this week that he would back representatives who have committed to challenging electoral votes on Jan. 6, 2021, when both chambers of Congress meet the count the votes.

“You see what’s coming. You’ve been reading about it in the House. We’re going to have to do it in the Senate,” Tuberville said.

Tuberville’s campaign didn’t respond to requests for comment. Tuberville told an Alabama outlet on Thursday after the video emerged that he’s “doing my due diligence” through the Christmas holiday, comparing it to how he prepared for football games when he was a college coach.

“You just don’t jump out there and decide you’re going to throw a ‘Hail Mary’ pass—or a halfback pass. You’ve got to have a reason why you’re doing it. There’s no doubt I’m a huge Donald Trump guy, as most people in the state of Alabama are,” he said, adding that he plans on meeting with Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.).



Mitch McConnell Received Donations From Voting Machine Lobbyists Before Blocking Election Security Bills

Recount Confirms Trump Won Michigan County That Reported Biden Win on Election Night

First Arizona, Now Georgia! Official Warned Counties Not to Grant Open Record Requests for Voting Software: Memo

AZ: Maricopa County Board REFUSES to Allow Audit of Dominion Machines Despite Subpoenas

SCOTUS Staffer Overheard Roberts, “I Don’t Give a Sh*t About Bush/Gore, We Didn’t Have Riots Then”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Democrats Greatest Sin is Coveting

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.” Exodus 20:17

“Hostile to the church, friendly to Jesus Christ. These words describe large numbers of people, especially young people, today. They are opposed to anything which savors of institutionalism. They detest the establishment and its entrenched privileges. And they reject the church—not without some justification—because they regard it as impossibly corrupted by
such evils.” – John Stott, Preface to Basic Christianity

John Stott in his book Basic Christianity wrote:

“Much that we take for granted in a civilized society is based upon the assumption of human sin. Nearly all legislation has grown up because human beings cannot be trusted to settle their own disputes with justice and without self-interest. A promise is not enough; we need a contract. Doors are not enough; we have to lock and bolt them. The payment of fares is not enough; tickets have to be issued, inspected and collected. Law and order are not enough; we need the police to enforce them. All this is due to man’s sin. We cannot trust each other. We need protection from one another. It is a terrible indictment of human nature.”

Human sin is the source of public policy. The more perceived sin the more public policy. But what about the sins of our policy makers?

Is it not a sin, real or perceived, that denies citizens their rights under the U.S. Constitution? Is it not a sin, real or perceived, that denies citizens their rights under each independent state’s Constitution?

Question: Who sins the most, citizens or their elected leaders?

What do Democrats covet?

Primarily the Democrats covet what their constituents have and hold near and dear.

Coveting leads to all the other sins.

By coveting one must deny God and place government ahead of Him. Take the examples of New York and California who denied the rights of religious peoples to worship using their weapon of choice the Covid Hoax.

Let’s look at how the Democrat Party covets:

  1. They covet your wealth by taxing you, your property and your profits. A direct violation of the Tenth Commandment.
  2. They covet your freedom. They will take away your freedom to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
  3. They covet your family. They want the government to become your family. Single parenthood has become the rule rather than the exception since the Great Society initiative of LBJ. This violates the Fifth Commandment to honor your mother and father.
  4. They covet how you live. The Green New Deal, if it becomes law, will determine how you heat your home, what kind of car you drive, what type of energy America will produce. Control the light switch and you control the people.
  5. They covet your mind. They do not allow dissent within their ranks. Once they take power, like in California, they pass law upon law to control each citizen, their livelihoods and their families.
  6. They covet your speech. You are not allowed to speak without their permission. Censorship becomes the norm. Lies become the truth.
  7. They covet what one group has over another group. Hence, the idea of white privileges. White privilege is a way of taking away your success for being an educated and hard working individual.
  8. They covet your gender. You cannot be a male or female. You must be forced to select a gender identity of their choosing, not your choosing. If you believe that marriage is between one man and one woman you are ostracized and banned from the mainstream culture.
  9. They covet your right to life. They support killing the unborn in the name of some twisted right to choose lie. Killing a child in the womb or outside of the womb is murder and violates the Sixth Commandment.
  10. Finally, they covet power. Power requires that all ten of the Commandments be violated. There are no commandments from God. Only commandments from government.


We are seeing this scenario play out in cities and states controlled by Democrats across America. Whether it is Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Los Angeles or San Francisco. Or in states like Oregon, Michigan, Illinois, Georgia, California and New York. The Ten Commandments are violated daily with new laws. Laws that covet everything and anything.

Satan covets your very soul. So do Democrats. For your soul is your being. If your soul is theirs then you are forever lost.

If you disagree you will be sent to a gulag or re-education camp. Or worse you will be unjustly murdered by the state as happened in the former Soviet Union by the tens of millions. This is a clear and present danger to the Sixth Commandment.

Democrats, or any other elected official, who believes he is God is really Satan’s helper.

2020 has been the year when we have seen many violations of the Ten Commandments. One is bearing false witness against a sitting president.

Let’s see what 2021 has in store for us if Democrats take control. God forbid!

How do we stop this spiral down the rat hole? Dr. Paul David Trip wrote:

[E]very act of human wickedness committed against another human being starts with the breaking of intimate, vertical relationship with God.

When we forget God we embrace a horizontal relationship with the world and embrace worldly sin. We can only be saved by looking up, not to the left, or the right.

We must each seek what Dr. Trip calls a “Heavenly relationship.” Without it we are lost.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Biden Not ‘President-Elect’ Until Congress Counts Electoral Votes on January 6, 2021

Let us say it all together, “Joe Biden is not the president-elect.”

Americans have been bombarded with fake news about Biden’s status in the 2020 presidential election. Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, PBS have all declared Biden the winner. But this is far from over.

We have reported on massive election fraud from multiple sources. The media refuses to do so, therefor we must tell the truth.

One America’s Pearson Sharp has more on how President Trump could still be declared the winner of the 2020 election.


©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


RELATED VIDEO: Why did the SCOTUS not take the Texas suit against the election results?

Hate Group SPLC Provided Funding to Fulton County, Georgia for 25 Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes

The SPLC is one of most corrupt hate group in America (competition is stiff) was given access to the vote. Who let those vicious destroyers near our votes?

47 groups leaders characterized the organization as “a discredited, left-wing, political activist organization that seeks to silence its political opponents with a ‘hate group’ label of its own invention and application that is not only false and defamatory, but that also endangers the lives of those targeted with it.”=

An unsuspecting public takes assumes the hatemongering SPLC is some kind of neutral player, when it is an uber-left attack machine using its “hate group” designation to destroy and defame those who oppose their anti-freedom agenda. But it classifies no Islamic jihad groups as “hate groups.” It even dropped the violent and racist Nation of Islam from its hate group list.

The SPLC, traffics in blood libel and incitement to murder, is a hate group that the left counts on to smear, defame and destroy those brave enough to oppose their totalitarian agenda. This is the hardcore leftist group whose members have targeted family group leaders for assassination.


SPLC Provided Funding to Fulton County, Georgia for 25 Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes

Southern Poverty Law Center Provided Funding to Fulton County, Georgia for 25 Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes

By: Michael Patrick Leahy, Breitbart News, 17 Dec 20201,976

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) provided funding to Fulton County, Georgia, for 25 absentee ballot drop boxes to be used the November 3 general election.

The SPLC made the announcement of the $85,000 grant, dated September 1, 2020, to accomplish this on October 7, 2020:

Today, in response to the anticipated overwhelming number of absentee ballots that will be cast during the 2020 General Election in November and service cuts to the United States Postal Service (USPS), the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) announced it provided funding to Fulton County, Georgia, for the purchase of up to 25 absentee drop boxes* to be distributed throughout the county. The SPLC also announced that it will mail over one million voters of color across all 159 Georgia counties 3 separate times – first with information on the online portal to facilitate absentee voting, then with a blank copy of the official Secretary of State application to request an absentee ballot along with instructions for completion and submission by mail, and finally a last reminder on absentee voting. The deadline for requesting an absentee ballot in Georgia is October 30.

The organization’s efforts are part of a multi-pronged strategy along with its Vote Your Voice campaign to eliminate as many barriers to the ballot box as possible in Georgia and across the Deep South.

Fulton County Commission Chairman Robert L. Pitts placed his signature of  acceptance on the grant document on October 7, 2020, just four weeks before the election:

“The SPLC is proud to assist in providing the necessary grant funding to counties like Fulton facing budgetary constraints and support efforts to increase the safe exercise of absentee voting. However, the ultimate solution is increased support and funding guarantees from the Governor and Secretary of State to ensure all people have equal access to voting regardless of their county of residence or zip code,” SPLC Chief Strategy Officer Seth Levi said in the October 7 statement.

“To comply with current State regulations, the drop boxes in Fulton are placed on county or municipal property; they have video surveillance; and they are made of durable material able to withstand inclement weather and vandalism. The cost of a single drop box can be as high as $6,000. The SPLC anticipates providing funding totaling $85,000 to pay for approximately 25 new boxes and accompanying video security equipment in the county,” Levi added.

As Breitbart News reported:

The Fulton County Board of Commissioners voted to accept a $6.3 million grant from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Technology and Civic Life “Safe Elections” project at a September 2, 2020 board meeting. It proceeded without asking a single question about the name of the group providing the funding, the origin of the funding, or the details of what the funding would be used for.

At that September 2 meeting, Fulton County Elections Director Richard Barron stated, based on the budget approved by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners earlier in the meeting, “We are also increasing the number of absentee ballot drop box locations from 20 to 40.”

On Election Day, November 3, Fulton County used a total of 37 absentee ballot drop boxes.

As Breitbart News reported earlier this month, “Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, said that a number of election security concerns were not addressed in Georgia’s election code rule regarding the use of absentee ballot drop boxes in Georgia and elsewhere.”

More than $1.4 million of the $6.3 million Zuckerberg-funded Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) “Safe Elections” Project $6.3 million grant to Fulton County was specifically dedicated to the absentee ballot process, as the grant application submitted to CTCL on August 18 by Fulton County Elections Director Richard Barron indicated:

Absentee Ballot Processing and Equipment Necessary for Operations

For the November elections, we anticipate absentee-by-mail turnout to be somewhere around 40%, which would lead to more than 300,000 ballots cast through that mode of voting.

Automation will be critical to efficiently and accurately manage hundreds of thousands of ballot envelopes and ballots in weeks leading up to Election Day and in the canvassing process afterwards and help report results faster. To that end, the following equipment and personnel are needed:

● High-speed industrial Printer: Printers will be used to print absentee ballots. During the primary, Fulton Co. struggled to keep up with demand. High-speed Oki-900 series industrial printers capable would greatly reduce the time between application approval and a voter’s ballot entering the mail stream. This is particularly important around the application deadline. Cost: $37,000 for 3 Oki 900 printers.
● Absentee Ballot Application Equipment and Personnel for Processing: We are going to receive an unprecedented number of absentee-by-mail applications for the November election. We need to staff a second call center/processing center. Additionally, we will need an additional 60 laptops for data entry purposes. Estimated Cost: laptop purchases, $59,400; and labor $307,200. Total Cost: $192,000, plus $115,200 for overtime for a total cost of $307,200.
● Extractors: The process of physically removing ballots from envelopes is time consumingand diverts staff away from other activities that cannot be automated. Seven extractors will eliminate the need for any envelope opening by hand and open all anticipated ballots in a timely manner. Estimated cost = $175,000
● Personnel for absentee ballot tabulation: We currently have an additional 32 full-time employees hired to process voter registration applications, absentee-by-mail ballot applications, separate from the call center described above, and to staff our early voting call center. For September, November, December and January we will need an additional number of staff for each election to process received ballots and to scan them. Estimated cost = $420,000
● Absentee Ballot Outreach Materials: To promote absentee by mail and early voting ahead of the November election by sending a flyer to every household. The mailer will also include information on early voting opportunities. To promote the absentee by mail portal ahead of the November election in a second mailer to every household. Cost: $419,426
● Signature Verification Software: Required to add to our Bluecrest mailing equipment. Cost: $30,000

TOTAL $1,448,026

It is not clear why the SPLC announced the funding of an additional 25 drop boxes for Fulton County on October 7 if the county already had approved a budget that approved 40 drop boxes and a total of 37 were used on Election Day.

Nor is it clear why the Fulton County Commission accepted or needed the SPLC grant, given the high level of funding it had already received in the $6.3 million grant provided by the Zuckerberg-funded CTCL.


Southern Poverty Law Center: ‘Our Aim in Life Is to Destroy These Groups, Completely’

47 Groups Weighing SPLC Lawsuit Warn ‘Editors, CEOs’: ‘You Are Complicit’ in Hate Group ‘Defamation’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.