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169 search results for: Extortion 17


We are Doomed — America has Forgotten How to Win

I think these quotes from the below article by Daniel Greenfield are most telling. “What the Obama administration refused to understand in either Iraq or Afghanistan is that the leading cause of civilian deaths are the Islamic terrorists we are fighting. During the Holocaust, Jewish groups pleaded with the FDR administration to bomb concentration camps, despite […]


72% Of Americans Won’t Volunteer to Fight for U.S. Military

Reference the article below. Especially since Obama/Biden and their woke sycophants in DOD and their puppets Generals/Admirals are in control of our military leading to fiascos like the Rules of Engagement favoring the enemy in Iraq and Afghanistan (remember Operation Extortion 17 and others) while we were there; the horrendous Afghan withdrawal resulting in the […]


VIDEO: Did You Know Israel has a 9/11 Memorial in Honor of America?

Israel created a Memorial to America’s 9/11 attack like no other country on the earth. It is called “9/11 Living Memorial Plaza.” This amazing Memorial is made out the Ground Zero wreckage and the display contains the names of all the 9/11 victims. Not many people are aware of this very important and very unique […]


Open Letter to ‘Resistance’ Leader Retired Admiral William McRaven

Retired Adm. William McRaven wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post, protesting Trump’s revoking of former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance and declaring—as if in an open letter to Trump himself—“I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women […]


Did Hillary Make Unauthorized Release of Classified Information on Bin Laden Raid?

In its initial release of hacked emails from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta last Friday, Wikileaks included an extraordinary document so full of revelations that journalists are still finding new material in its depths. Among the most explosive are quotes from a Nov. 4, 2013 speech to London Drugs in Toronto, Canada, where she appeared […]


Deplorable Me

Brietbart’s Charlie Spiering in his column ‘Hillary Clinton’s 47% Moment: Calls Trump Supporters ’Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic’” reported: During a fundraiser in New York City Friday evening, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton described half of the Americans supporting Donald Trump as a “basket of deplorables” made up of “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” people. Count me […]


2016 GOP Convention Program Schedule

CLEVELAND, Ohio /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Jeff Larson, CEO of the 2016 Republican National Convention, today released an updated program for the “Make America Great Again” convention, July 18-21, in Cleveland. Veterans, political outsiders, faith leaders and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump’s family members will lead an unconventional lineup of speakers who have real-world experience and will make […]


Remembering the Patriotic Life of a TEA Party Leader

The South Florida political arena has a huge void with the recent passing of Tea Party Fort Lauderdale (TPFL) co-founder, Danita Kilkullen. TPFL, the longest running Tea Party in the U.S., made world news in 2009, having been featured in the European Times Magazine, after its formation. Long before illegal immigration became a topic of […]


VIDEO: Former Pacific Fleet Commander ADM Ace Lyons: ‘Dereliction of Duty’ SEAL SIX Shootdown

As the Executive Producer of the new movie Fallen Angel – the cover-up of the shoot-down of SEAL Team Six which investigates the deaths of 30 U.S. special forces units in Afghanistan (the largest single day loss of life of SEALs in US History) I interviewed Admiral Ace Lyons former Commander-in-chief U.S. Pacific Fleet. Admiral Lyons […]


Is this a picture of: 1.) A disgruntled employee or 2.) A dead soldier of the Islamic State?

When President Obama’s Department of Defense cannot name the enemy how can his Department of Justice? It is really sad to see the FBI, formerly the worlds premiere investigative agency reduced by President Obama to a stumbling, bumbling risk-averse group of highly trained, frustrated men and women. Obama and his Department of Justice (DOJ) have handcuffed […]