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7350 search results for: Islam


Ideology, hidden obstacle to reason

I was recently surprised to note that a prominent British libertarian had sent out a bulk email suggesting that leaving the EU would not be much of a boon to the UK since such would not necessarily provide more “liberty” for Brits. Thus, he contends that UK “leaders” have the same totalitarian mindset as the EU “leaders” […]


“Manufactured Crisis:” Obama Administration’s Response to Iran’s Increase in Low Enriched Uranium

Following the release of the latest IAEA report on May 29th disclosing a 20% increase in low enriched uranium (LEU), the Washington, D.C. based Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) analyzed the findings and in its report questioned why scrap was used to spike production. The IAEA report principal findings cited in an Algemeiner report were: Contrary to the relevant resolutions of […]


“Madness”: The Netherlands spent nearly $1 Billion on Asylum Seekers

Our article in the June NER, Trojan Horse Federal Refugee Program Brings Jihadi Threat to America: An Interview with Ann Corcoran,  spoke about the secretive billion dollar U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (U.S. RAP). We noted: More than 1.3 million Muslims have been brought into the U.S. via the billion dollar U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (US RAP). Annually […]


“It Is Permissible for the Mujahid to Enjoy Young Boys in the Absence of Women”

Recently a number of Arabic language websites posted the following picture which is attributed to the official Twitter account of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Caliph Ibrahim of the Islamic State. The Arabic writing reads: “It is permissible for the mujahid [jihadi] to enjoy young boys in the absence of women.” The purported fatwa then justifies […]


Bomb Threats Ground 5 U.S. Flights

And about a dozen planes in the last two weeks. Those pesky right-wing extremists! “Bomb threats ground 5 US flights,” by Sophia Rosenbaum, New York Post, June 2, 2015: Bomb threats grounded multiple flights leaving from various destinations throughout the US on Tuesday morning. Five flights were threatened, with four of them landing safely. A fifth […]


Stalinism and the Destabilization of America

Stalin’s policy of Divide and Conquer has been implemented in many different areas and aspects of our society, including a racial division. The events in Ferguson, Baltimore, Wisconsin and Cleveland had confirmed it. It is a continuation of WWIII against America the Beautiful designed by our Founding Fathers. There are several factors that inflamed the […]


Obama’s Unrealistic View of Israelis

Gen. (Ret.) Yossi Kuperwasser is an  Israeli Intelligence expert and former Director General of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs. He wrote Jeffrey Goldberg, these remarks following the latest Atlantic interview and Obama’s appearance at Goldberg’s synagogue in Washington, Adas Israel on Friday morning, May 22nd. The President  received applause from the 1,200 who attended  his address, a day […]


Federal Refugee Program Brings Jihadi Threat to America

According to the Pew Research Religion and Public Life Project (Pew Research) there are an estimated 2.7 million Muslims in America. Pew Research reported in 2013 over I million legal immigrants entered the U.S. of which 100,000 were Muslim. More than 1.3 million Muslims have been brought into the U.S. via the billion dollar U.S. Refugee Admissions […]


Group Seeks To Stop Pornography and Religious Indoctrination in Florida Public Schools

The Florida Citizens’ Alliance (FLCA) is a coalition of citizens and grassroots groups working together through education, outreach and community involvement to advance the ideals and principles of liberty.  FLCA “believes these include but are not limited to individual rights, free markets, and limited government.” On its website the FLCA asks: Do you know what […]