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1300 search results for: Green New Deal


The Betrayal Papers, Part VI: The Chicago Connection

This, the sixth and final installment of The Betrayal Papers, will explore various projects, schemes, and associations that tie Obama and his associates together.  A preponderance of these project are based out of Chicago, the crossroad of the global Left, Islamic “civilization jihad,” and the Communist mafia.  The themes to observe in each case are […]


Ohio Somali Muslim Émigré indicted on Terrorist Charges

Various news stories reported the transfer into federal custody  in Columbus, Ohio yesterday of 23 year old Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud indicted for allegedly traveling to receive Al Qaeda training in Syria, returning to plan a possible attack on a military installation in Texas. Eric Stakelbeck, whose latest book ISIS Exposed targeted the Somali émigré community of over […]


The $15 Billion Failure to Store Nuclear Waste

“The American people have spent 30 years and $15 billion to determine whether Yucca Mountain would be a safe repository for our nation’s civilian and defense-related nuclear waste.” That’s a quote of Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) reported in the April issue of The Heartland Institute’s Environment & Climate News. Compare that with the one year […]


An Analysis of President Obama’s Middle East Policy: The Blind, Misleading The Blind

Hubris: From Greek Hybris, meaning wanton violence, insolence, outrage; originally presumption toward the gods.  Introduction These days, we’re looking at spectacular displays of hubris, on steroids.  Scan the horizon in any direction, and there lies a threat, and/or a maturing scandal.  For those with eyes to see, the façade has slipped, and the mystery of […]


Don’t be an April ‘Earth Month’ Fool

The annual calendar is filled with days and months designated for the purpose of calling attention to some event, personality, or cause. The U.S. celebrates the birthdays of Lincoln and Washington that fall close together. There’s Mother’s and Father’s Day, Labor Day and Veteran’s Day, Valentine’s, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Easter and Christmas. But who decided […]


The Death Throes of Common Core

Americans are learning the hard way that the federal government should not be permitted to impose one-size-fits-all standards to education. It was never intended to play a role in education and the absence of any mention in the Constitution is proof enough that education was intended to be supervised by the states where the school […]


Defiant pro-Traditional Marriage Rally at South Carolina State House

On Feb. 28, people from across South Carolina gathered in front of the State House in Columbia. They came to support a bill filed in the General Assembly which would re-establish the state’s sovereignty on the “gay marriage” issue. Legislators, pastors, doctors, and others — including Brian Camenker of MassResistance — spoke at the rally.. […]


IRS: Legally Blind…Literally!

“One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real.” – Klaus Kinski The last two years have once again provided the American people with great illumination into the arrogant, deceitful and nefarious ways in which the IRS treats the hardworking citizens who pay their tab. Hardly a day, […]


CLICHÉS OF PROGRESSIVISM #47 – “The Solution to Overpopulation Is Population Control” by WALTER E. WILLIAMS

According to an American Dream article, “Al Gore, Agenda 21 and Population Control,” there are too many of us and it has a negative impact on the earth. Here’s what the United Nations Population Fund said in its annual State of the World Population Report for 2009, “Facing a Changing World: Women, Population and Climate”: “Each birth results not only […]