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1280 search results for: Green New Deal


Obama’s Climate Legacy DOA?

We are told that Barack Obama hopes to leave a legacy of stopping global warming/climate change/climate disruption as his major accomplishment in his last term. If so, even Obama must be discouraged by his latest failure, along with the many others that have occupied the media in the last two weeks. The People’s Climate March […]


‘Blatant nonsense’: Media hyped walrus climate scare stories debunked

Walrus Key Points: Zoologist Dr. Susan Crockford: Mass haulouts of Pacific walrus and stampede deaths are not new, not due to low ice cover – ‘The attempts by WWF and others to link this event to global warming is self-serving nonsense that has nothing to do with science…this is blatant nonsense and those who support or encourage this interpretation are […]


Notes on the ‘Silk Road Exhibit’: Islamic revisionism and civilizational jihad

“Traveling the Silk Road,” at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, appears to be a small section of a larger, global exhibition, “1001 Inventions,” which, accompanied by an award-winning film, professes to be a revelation of a thousand years of scientific and cultural achievements by the Muslim world, with a nod to some contributing faiths […]


Obama: Amnesty ‘the right thing for the country’?

I thought they were hiding in the shadows. In an interview with NBC reporter Chuck Todd, President Obama stated his immigration decision (Amnesty) will be made affecting millions of illegal aliens following the 2014 elections is THE RIGHT THING FOR THE COUNTRY!  Which country is he talking about; one where the poverty level illegal aliens are […]


Shaking, Quaking, and Freezing

Have you noticed how much earthquake and volcanic activity has been occurring lately? There was a major earthquake in Napa, California on Sunday, August 24th as well as considerable volcanic activity from Iceland to Papua, New Guinea. August was also a month that set records for colder U.S. temperatures. According to the National Oceanic and […]


Interview with a 9/11 survivor: ‘We are not immune from attack on U.S. soil!’ (+Video)

The jihad attack that took the lives of 2,996 Americans and foreigners on 9/11 was perpetrated by 19 middle class Egyptians, Saudis and Yemenis. This dastardly act by Al Qaeda (AQ) Islamic terrorists destroyed an iconic landmark of American International economic prowess, the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Another plane took out one […]


Syrian Kurdish Fighters, not Obama, Rescue Yazidis Stranded on Sinjar Mountain

President Obama may be dismissive of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist army, calling them flippantly in a New Yorker interview the equivalent a “JV team putting Lakers uniforms which doesn’t make them the equivalent of Kobe Bryant”. Anything for this President President to avoid calling  IS, what it is, a powerful international  force of barbarous  Salafist Jihadis. […]


Why is Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL 16) worried about the West African black rhino?

U.S. Congressman Vern Buchanan (R-FL District 16) sends out email alerts to his constituents to keep them informed on what is happening in Washington, D.C. and key issues facing Floridians. Buchanan co-chairs the Florida Congressional delegation and sits on the House Committee on Ways and Means. One recent email caught my eye. The email had […]


Geert Wilders: ‘‘Now is the time for The Netherlands to stand with Israel’’

Hamas unilaterally breached a three day cease fire this morning with barrages of rockets fired at Israel shortly before it expired at 8:00 a.m. Israel time.  IDF spokesperson, Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said: The renewed rocket attacks by terrorists at Israel are unacceptable, intolerable and shortsighted. Hamas’ bad decision to breach the ceasefire will be […]


Meteorologists and “climate scientists” — Who are you going to trust?

We’ve all seen polls of professions that enjoy high credibility with the public – nurses, medical doctors, pharmacists and engineers top the list. At the bottom are car salesmen, Congressmen, advertising people, and stockbrokers. I used to believe that scientists had high credibility. Unfortunately, the group that call themselves “climate scientists” are destroying that credibility, […]


Breathtaking Lawlessness: The Supreme Court has restrained the Executive Branch — for now by Iain Murray

America’s federal executive branch has met some setbacks as of late. Two recent Supreme Court rulings have constrained the administration’s impulse to act as it wishes. Yet, the mere fact that the administration has overreached as it has—and would have continued to do so had the court not stopped it—should send us a clear warning: […]