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1280 search results for: Green New Deal


Let the Little Children Come Unto Me: What is Behind the Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border?

This morning on Fox and Friends I watched  a segment  with Texas Governor, Rick Perry.  He  drew  attention to the spike in Central American, Syrian and other Middle Eastern illegal immigrants seeking asylum . The Washington Times quoted as  saying: That the Obama administration has dropped the ball on border security and must improve diplomatic relations with Central American nations to […]


EPA Pumps Up Benefits of Proposed Carbon Regulation

EPA argues that its proposed carbon regulations on existing power plants will offer $30 billion in climate benefits by 2030 with only $7.3 billion in costs. Sounds like a great deal, right? Not so fast. A Brookings Institution white paper finds that EPA pumped up that number by including global climate benefits. If the agency took the standard approach and only […]


BREAKING: Homeland Security Police Caught Harassing Sick Veterans

The below listed BREAKING news press release was drafted in response to my column and related email titled, “OIG & FOIA REQUEST: Homeland Security Police Harassing and Intimidating Veterans at Mission Valley VA Clinic. It is our position that the unannounced exercises conducted by the Federal Protective Services (FPS) at the VA Medical Facilities in […]


Fired for ‘Diverging’ on Climate: Progressive Professor’s fellowship ‘terminated’ after WSJ OpEd calling global warming ‘unproved science’

Dr. Caleb Rossiter was “terminated” via email as an “Associate Fellow” from the progressive group Institute for Policy Studies(IPS), following his May 4th, 2014 Wall Street Journal OpEd titled “Sacrificing Africa for Climate Change,” in which he called man-made global warming an “unproved science.” Rossiter also championed the expansion of carbon based energy in Africa.  Dr.  Rossiter is […]


Residents of Sarasota County, FL: Don’t be misled by the claims of self-appointed experts speaking at the UN-sponsored World Environmental Day

The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) has selected Sarasota County as the North American Host Community for World Environmental Day (WED) 2014.  The June 5th, 2014 WED Sarasota forum will focus on environmental challenges facing coastal communities and “climate change research.” Among the topics to be addressed at the forum are sea level rise, climate […]


Pro-Sin America Combats Global anti-Sin Movement

Daily we read about new examples of the United States government officials promoting sinful behaviors, both domestically and globally. People are beginning to awaken to this disturbing trend and serious global push back is occurring by US citizens, Christians, Jews, Muslims, states and foreign nations. In the United States it appears that sinful behaviors are […]


Former CIA Officer — Its the National Debt Stupid! Beware of the Bail-in!

“It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.” – Thomas Jefferson, 3rd U.S. President Decorated former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) career officer who served in the Directorate of Operations between October 1982 and June 2005, Gary Berntsen […]


The Big-Box Effect: How superstores create unsung benefits for Main Street by Max Borders

Asheville, North Carolina, is beautiful. Mountains, like the topography in Tolkien, surround an architectural mix for a townscape of 80,000. Design forays from different generations trap the ghosts of literary figures like Tom Wolfe and Carl Sandburg. Yet Asheville does not turn its back upon either its hippies or its hillbillies. Find a drum circle […]


Second-Banana Blues: Veep, cringe comedy, and laughing at Washington so you don’t cry by Michael Nolan

Political beliefs are great at ruining dinners, holidays, and family gatherings. In the Washington, D.C., of TV show Veep, they can ruin your career. And even at best, they—to say nothing of a conscience—are irrelevant. The show’s creator, Armando Iannucci, doesn’t waste our time with fraught meditations on whether itshould be this way. Just keeping up with how […]


CAIR and Lawfare: An Interview with Brooke Goldstein

The month of April witnessed the Muslim Brotherhood front group, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) attacking free speech in films and in academia. CAIR, a self-styled Muslim civil rights group, grew out of a support network for Hamas, a terrorist group designated by our State Department.  It was one of several Muslim Brotherhood linked […]


Crichton: Environmentalism is a religion

REMARKS TO THE COMMONWEALTH CLUB by Michael Crichton – San Francisco – September 15, 2003 I have been asked to talk about what I consider the most important challenge facing mankind, and I have a fundamental answer. The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda. Perceiving the […]


The Bundy Ranch and the “Sinister Six”

The Bundy Ranch showdown is over for now, but the bad guys are still free to attack others. Major General Paul Vallely, US Army (Ret.) has a plan to force the resignations of the worst of them. Learn who are the “Sinister Six.” [youtube][/youtube]   RELATED STORIES: EPA gives campaign paper trail to Democrats; little […]