Tag Archive for: apolgetics

Is God Evil or the Absence of Evil?


Albert Einstein on God and the Gospel. For a larger view click on the image.

I found this amazing video posted on Florida Representative Ray Pilon’s Facebook page. The professor, like many in our schools, colleges and universities, is teaching his students that “if God exists then God is evil.” His rational is that God created everything in the world, evil exists in the world, therefore God is evil.

It takes the understanding of a young Albert Einstein to explain to the professor what he is missing. God is the absence of evil, just as darkness is the absence of light.

Without knowing it this young boy is a Christian apologist much like Dr. William Lane Craig and others. To better understand read Dr. Craig’s God, Evil, and the Rules of Logic. When using logic to describe God and evil Dr. Craig concludes, “[T]he laws of logic are neither arbitrarily willed by God nor is He subservient to them; rather they are grounded in His nature.”

Dr. Craig also addresses this issue in response to a letter from an atheist. Please read the question and Dr. Craig’s answer to the question: Is God Able to Do Evil?

Hat tip to Kingdom Culture for posting this video. Watch and comment if you wish:

If you wish to learn more about Christian apologetics please visit  Reasonable Faith with William Lane Craig.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image titled “Feel God” is courtesy of Imgion.com.