Tag Archive for: April 2024

Florida County Republican Registrations Report — April 2024

Executive Summary

Most of the registration data for this report is taken from the county supervisor of election’s websites after the close of the business day on the last day of the month. The Republican Party of Florida sent out a press release earlier this month saying that Madison County is now a majority Republican registrations County. Madison County had 14 fewer Republican registrations than Democrats registrations at the time of this data collection. There will be more details about Madison County in next month’s report.

Republicans need to implement the following items.

  1. Moratorium on the building of rental housing unless county-wide homeownership rates are greater than 85%.
  2. Change Florida election r
  3. Rules to have “universal primary contests” (multiple candidates from only one political party) and school board elections decided at the time of the general election and not at the time of the primary!
  4. Florida Republicans now hold an 902,445 registrations advantage over the Democrats, an increase of 14,152 relative registrations over the prior month.

Our April 2024 Report shows the following.

  • The chart shows graphically the change in active registrations since the 2022 book closing.
  • Table 1 lists Florida Counties by Republican registration margins relative to Democrat Registrations.
  • Table 2 shows how Florida Counties are performing relative to each other in Republican registration margin improvement (for example, St. Lucie County had the 57th best margin at the time of the 2022 election and now enjoys having the 43rd best margin of Florida’s 67 Counties).
  • Table 3 lists vote margin changes of Florida Counties between the last two presidential and gubernatorial elections
  • Table 4 lists Florida Counties in order by gains in Republican registrations and shows the associated registration changes for non-Republicans.
  • Table 5 presents various Republican registration and vote metrics on a percentage basis.

As of early May, there were 50 of the 120 state representative races that had only one candidate from the two major parties. This may be good for Republicans as Republicans are represented in 30 of these races.

The “Vote August” effort is an attempt to educate voters that by not voting at the time of the August primary they will generally have their vote disenfranchised in local elections. The disenfranchising of the general election-only voters by having elections decided in “universal primary contests” held at the time of the August primary is abhorrent!

Florida Voter Registrations

Note: the registrations numbers in this writing refer to active registrations, a subset of total registrations.

Florida Republicans continue the trend of making relative gains in active voter registrations as Republican registrations relative to Democrat registrations increased by 14,152 registrations in April and by 596,495 registrations since the book closing for the 2022 general election. Florida Republicans now have an 902,445 relative registrations advantage over the Democrats. Republican registrations were 38.94% of total registrations and Republicans now enjoy a 6.69% of total registrations advantage over the Democrats (see tables).

The Democrats lost 11,910 registrations in April, lost 624,117 registrations since the 2022 book closing, and 956,042 registrations since the 2020 election. The Republican registrations increased by 2,242 in April, and the number of registrations which are neither Republican nor Democrat increased by 4,348 registrations in April (see chart).

Note: Vote August! Please make plans to vote in the Florida non-presidential primary election in August. A subset of elections categorized as “universal primary contests” may be deadly (in a political sense) for conservative Republicans. In the name of fairness, the system should be changed. The only current options for conservative Republicans are for conservatives to vote in the August primary!

Statists Plan, Capitalists Adopt Rules

The recent death of former Florida Senator, and Governor, Bob Graham, recalls his efforts to deal with population growth and the associated real estate development required to house the greater numbers of people. I moved to Florida after Senator Graham retired from politics, and I am not at all familiar with him, but he seemed to have widespread admiration that crossed political boundaries.

I am very familiar with the growth (anti-growth) policies initiated under then Governor Graham’s gubernatorial administration. The Florida growth policies adopted in the mid to late 1980s and early 1990s were responsible for the huge political gains experienced by Democrats following the 1988 presidential election (an election Republican George H.W. Bush won in Florida by an over 22% margin).

Laws concerning growth in Florida prior to then Governor Graham will be described here as laissez-faire (minimal government involvement). These laws were criticized for haphazard development, and booms, and busts, in the real estate markets, but possibly appreciated for the resulting ability of people of average means to purchase a home.

Florida adopted non-capitalistic growth policies in the 1980s to be fully implemented by 1995. Non-capitalistic growth plans always create higher home prices. In the short-term, the higher home prices may have some positive effects, but over time, they force a larger percentage of the population into rental housing. Rental housing has negative economic ramifications, and outsized negative political ramifications, which intensify over time.

Laissez-faire is often wrongly associated with capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system based on private property and governed, not as laissez-faire, but by the rule of law. The rule of law is not the government dictating arbitrary rules that the people are forced to follow, (such as the Democrats forcing electric cars, stoves, and heat-pump water heaters on the population), but a set of rules developed to facilitate commerce.

Socialists, communists, and fascists plan! Capitalists develop rules of law!

Non-capitalistic housing policies result in markets that are not driven by supply and demand, but by politics. Florida has devolved into planning not to grow, but then growing anyway. This has resulted in insufficient infrastructure with the associated poor traffic. It has also created a shortage of affordable owner-occupied housing. Homeownership is foundational to our Republic.

The rule of law is favored over planning owing to planning is predicated on the impossibility of knowing the future. Unlike planning, capitalism does not try to predict the future, but allows for whatever the future brings.

Democrats know that keeping people in rentership is politically advantageous for them, so they will continue to support planning. Why Republicans don’t counter the Democrats’ planning with capitalist rules is an open question. The existence of the awful “universal primary contests” certainly doesn’t help the situation!

Let’s Evacuate Trump from New York

After the Biden Administration failed to evacuate Florida citizens from Haiti, Governor DeSantis undertook a seemingly successful state effort to do the job. Perhaps Gov. DeSantis can undertake a similar effort to evacuate former President Trump, a Florida citizen, from New York.

Why would Gov. DeSantis undertake such an effort? Just like Haiti, New York is lacking a fair and honest court system. Just like Haiti, a Florida citizen wants to be out of a lawless jurisdiction. Just like Haiti, New York is crime ridden.

Save Trump! Governor DeSantis, bring him home!

©2024. Steve Meyer. All rights reserved.