Tag Archive for: “Axis of Resistance”

#QueersForPalestine – ‘Axis Of Resistance’ Houthi Imams: ‘The Promiscuous, Deformed, And Homosexuals Were All Created By America’

PalestiniansYemen | Special Dispatch No. 11383

Since the Hamas October 7 massacre, movements such as “Gays for Palestine” and “Queers for Palestine” have become an integral part of the pro-Hamas rallies in the West, supporting the genocidal slogan “From the River to the Sea.”

Earlier this month, MEMRI published a collection of videos of prominent Palestinian Islamic, political, and cultural figures stating that Palestinian people “will not accept a single homosexual” on the land of Palestine, and that homosexuals “should be thrown head first from the rooftop of the tallest building.”[1]

The following is a collection of videos of prominent figures from Ansar Allah, aka the Houthis,  making statements such as “one of the heinous moral crimes of the Israelites in our age is that… they are promoting homosexuality, in violation of human nature and the laws of Allah,” and “the promiscuous, deformed, and homosexuals were all created by America.”

The Iran-backed Houthis, part of the “axis of resistance,” have been assisting Hamas throughout the current Gaza war by firing ballistic missiles at the Israeli city of Eilat. They have also blocked and targeted commercial shipping in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Bab el-Mandeb strait.

It should be noted that Houthi figures have accused Israel, where Gay Pride parades are openly held, of spreading homosexuality. Prominent Palestinian clerics have also accused Israel of bringing homosexuality to the Holy Land. Ironically, were members of movements such as “Gays for Palestine” and “Queers for Palestine” to live in Gaza or in any of the lands of the “axis of resistance,”  they would probably need to seek asylum in Israel.

In February 2024, amid the current Gaza war, an Israeli court decided that Palestinian LGBTQ+ individuals may do this. Tel Aviv District Court Judge Michal Agmon Gonen ruled that “Palestinians threatened due to their sexual orientation can apply for asylum.”[2]

Houthi Friday Sermon In Dhamar, Yemen By Imam Muhammad Al-Mu’ayyad: The Time Has Come For Humanity To Get Rid Of America – The Country Of Evil, Corruption, And Homosexuality; Yemen Will Lead The Jihad Against The U.S., Israel – January 12, 2024

“More than 400 years after America was established, the time has come for humanity to rid itself of that country of evil, corruption, and homosexuality that is America.” (Source: MEMRI TV)

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, click here or below:

Friday Sermon In Dhamar, Yemen By Houthi Islamic Scholar Muhammad Al-Mu’ayyad: The Jews Lead The U.S., Use It To Spread Moral Corruption On Earth, Seek To Promote Homosexuality, Destroy Muslim Women’s Chastity – June 16, 2023

“One of the heinous moral crimes of the Israelites in our age is that in a dangerous precedent, they are promoting homosexuality, in violation of human nature and the laws of Allah. This heralds divine wrath and divine punishment. Today, the U.S. wants to spread homosexuality all over the world. And what is the position of those so-called Muslims who normalize [relations with Israel]? They will not fear to normalize even homosexuality. We saw how they laid the foundations for prostitution, and how they prepared their societies in Saudi Arabia and in the UAE to accept any deviation, no matter how perverted or heinous it is. They are working on it day and night.”

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, click here or below:

Houthi Islamic Scholar Dr. Ahmad Al-Shami: The West Has A Double Standard Regarding Freedom Of Expression – Why It Is OK To Burn The Quran But Not The LGBTQ+ Flag? – September 13, 2021

“What did the defeatists and the Americans say? They said that this was freedom of expression. However, when a zealous Christian American burned the flag of the homosexuals – the flag of the people who allow for homosexuality and lesbianism – he was sentenced to 18 years by the court in America. Log on to the BBC website. They talk about it. 18 years in prison.

“Why is burning the Quran considered personal freedom and freedom of expression, while burning the colorful flag hurts the feelings of several thousands depraved homosexuals? Burning the Quran does not hurt the feelings of one billion and 600 million people? This is strange. These are double standards.


“When the official authorities close a certain restaurant, that has a gay logo, then you hear all the crows crowing on Facebook and on social media, and silencing anyone who wants to defend this move, saying: ‘Shut up, don’t say a word,’ accusing anyone who talks [about this] of belonging to ISIS. All you promiscuous and morally depraved [people] are the creation of America. The promiscuous, deformed, and homosexuals were all created by America.”

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, click here or below:

Lebanese Researcher Ali Fadlallah On Houthi TV: The West Is Weak And Reliant On Technology, While Muslim Fighters Are Strong, Motivated; It’s Good That Tel Aviv Is The Gay Capital Of The World – Gays And Perverts Have No Fighting Spirit – November 11, 2022

“No Western nation can produce this kind of fighters, in terms of face-to-face combat. They defeat them only from afar, using technology and [advanced] weapons.


“The good news is — and this is well known — that Tel Aviv, the [Israeli] entity’s capital is the capital city of the world’s homosexuals. This is good news for us. These people — who are perverted to such an extent in their personal conduct — will never fight.”

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, click here or below:


Palestinians in America Call for Intifada

Anti-Israel Protestors: Intifada at Home!

Deport Pro-Hamas VISA Holding Protestors!


[1] See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11376, #QueersForPalestine – Palestinian Imams: Palestinians ‘Will Not Accept A Single Homosexual On The Land Of Palestine’; ‘Homosexuals Should Be Thrown Head First From The Rooftop Of The Tallest Building,’ June 4, 2024.

[2] Haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-02-07/ty-article/.premium/foreign-ministry-boasts-lgbtq-palestinian-asylum-ruling-interior-minister-seeks-
reversal/0000018d-83fb-dfd5-adff-dbfbc7a00000, February 7, 2024; Jpost.com/israel-news/article-785171, February 5, 2024.

EDITORS NOTE: This MEMRI report with videos is republish with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Khamenei: U.S. is ‘left with no option but to withdraw from the region’ in changed ‘world order’ after Oct. 7

Many factors have combined recently to magnify the strength of Iran and its proxies — from Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal that only benefited Iran to the Islamic Republic’s current alliances with China and Russia, as well as its continuing to be underestimated and misunderstood by the West.  The Iranian regime has been emboldened for years. The West’s tendency to ignore or discount this has given Iran an opportunity to become a key player in the global order, while America under Biden declines. As the Ayatollah Khamenei put it in a recent statement:

The United States’ long-standing ambition to dominate the region has been undermined by the resilience of the Axis of Resistance. The United States is now left with no option but to withdraw from the region.

A recent article in the Jerusalem Post discusses how the Middle East, and global politics, has changed since October 7. “Iran’s Khamanei [sic] using Gaza war as step to change world order,” by Seth J. Frantzman, Jerusalem Post, March 24, 2024:

Iran’s Supreme Leader believes the US is in decline in its influence in the Middle East. According to a statement last week, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei claimed that the current war against Israel, which Iran launched using proxies in the wake of the October 7 Hamas attack, has “disrupted” the US goals in the region.

The October 7 attack can be read as a turning point in the world order, in which Iran, Russia, Turkey, China, and others see the attack as a major shift that is taking place and seek to exploit it to achieve their goals.

Both the current weak administration governing America and the October 7 attacks have greatly contributed to a “turning point” in the world order.

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani has also threatened that “that the resistance front has yet to exhibit the maximum of its capabilities in terms of military and deterrent power”. Qaani’s reference to the “resistance” includes Hamas, jihadists in  “Gaza, the West Bank, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and other places.” Embedded in Qaani’s threat is that the West has seen nothing yet.

Khamenei believes that the US has lost all influence in the region, and that it “is now left with no option but to withdraw” altogether. With Joe Biden in the White House, Khamenei isn’t far off regarding America’s loss of influence. And as for withdrawing from the region, America isn’t adequately standing up for Israel nor even against its own enemies, so it has a weak presence.

The rising world powers increasingly appear to be Russia, China, and even possibly Iran — that is, America’s foremost enemies. Recently, Russia and China managed to broker a safe passage deal with the highly underestimated and Iran-supported Houthis, who now have the Red Sea under siege and have expanded their activities to begin interfering with ships that are heading to the Cape of Good Hope at Africa’s Southern tip. Biden’s Red Sea Coalition continues to struggle ineffectively against the Houthis, as the Yemen-based group has an adverse impact upon Western economic stability. Recently, Hamas and Houthi top dogs met to discuss “expanding their confrontations” with Israel.

Iran has also become a formidable presence within the powerful BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), and its influence is growing. According to NASDAQ, discussions about the potential impact of a new BRICS currency are now going on, “with experts debating” this new currency’s “potential to challenge” the dominance of the American dollar. Should this happen, America’s decline would accelerate, since economic clout defines global influence and power. The American dollar is the world’s principal reserve currency for global trade. Simply put: its purchasing power is so influential that when when the American dollar appreciates, other world currencies depreciate. China is now trying to lessen global reliance on the American dollar, which would also be a major victory for Iran. Last year, China was Iran’s main trade partner. According to an Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration report in May, Iran’s trade with BRICS member states between March 21, 2022 and Feb. 19, 2023 was worth $34.98 billion USD, “which excludes crude oil exports.”

Iran’s growth has been rapid in BRICS. Last August, Vladimir Putin and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi discussed Iran’s future membership in BRICS. A similar meeting took place in November; it included dignitaries from Iran and Russia, who discussed Iran’s “active role” in BRICS. Less than two months later, at the turn of the new year, Iran officially joined the China-led BRICS economic organization.

Whether or not America and the West have accepted the fact, America (deemed the “Great Satan” by Iran) and Israel (the “Little Satan”) are currently in a limited war with Iran, which is now likely in possession of nuclear bombs, and which has powerful friends.

The Jerusalem Post states that “the war in Gaza was the first shot by Iran and other countries in a major war for the future of the world order.” One can also see the increase in popularity of the pro-Hamas lobby, which is operating without restraint in America, Canada and other Western nations.

While enemies of America, Canada, Europe and Britain advance politically and economically, America and the West continue to decline under the irresponsible and weak leadership of globalist regimes, while being simultaneously invaded by multitudes of migrants, due to reckless open-door immigration polices. The globalist regimes has never indicated that they care about the fact that most of the migrants do not hold Western values.

Khamenei is correct in stating that “the United States’ long-standing ambition to dominate the region has been undermined by the resilience of the Axis of Resistance.” But whether America under Biden will fully abandon Israel and leave the region altogether, as Khamenei predicts, is another question. As stated earlier, America, in fact, is already increasingly useless to Israel as it issues threats against its traditional ally, while virtually exonerating Hamas’ use of human shields and Egypt’s blocking of Gazan refugees (except those refugees whom Egypt could bribe). The tight relationship between the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the United Nations, not to mention the China-brokered rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, are no less sobering as indicators of the nature of the new world order that has begun emerging since October 7.



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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.