Tag Archive for: baby parts

Products Made From Aborted Fetal Cells

“I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” ― Ronald Reagan

“[I]t seems to me as clear as daylight that abortion would be a crime.” ― Mahatma Gandhi, All Men are Brothers: Autobiographical Reflections

We have been asked about products that use fetal cells from aborted babies. This issue has gained greater attention as it has been revealed that aborted human fetuses have been used in Covid vaccines. This coupled with the Biden’s vaccine mandates has lead people of faith to refuse to use certain Covid drugs.

In a column titled “Another Pharmaceutical Company – Johnson & Johnson Using Aborted Fetal Cells to Develop Covid-19 Vaccine wrote:

…Janssen Pharmaceutical, owned by Johnson and Johnson, that is using their PER C6 Ad5 technology, derived from an aborted baby’s retinal tissue. Dr. Alex van der Eb revealed the information on this abortion at FDA hearings in 2001:

“So I isolated retina from a fetus, from a healthy fetus as far as could be seen, of 18 weeks old. There was nothing special with a family history or the pregnancy was completely normal up to the 18 weeks, and it turned out to be a socially indicated abortus – abortus provocatus, and that was simply because the woman wanted to get rid of the fetus… what was written down was unknown father, and that was, in fact, the reason why the abortion was requested.”

Read the full article.

Human Life International has compiled a list which readers can request and download. To get a copy of Products Made From Aborted Fetal Cells click here.

Click here for Abortion Myths and Facts.


Here is a short list of some of the products that contain human aborted fetal cells:


  • N E S T L É
  • F I R M E N I CH
  • AJ I N O M O T O


  • C O V I D – 1 9 VACCINES – Vaccines produced by these companies have been either tested or produced with fetal cell lines: Altimmune, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Vaxart, Novavax, University of Pittsburgh, Moderna, Pfizer and BioNTech, Sanofi Pasteur, Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Arcturas Therapeutics.
  • M U M P S – RUB E L LA
  • P O L I O , P O L I O C O M B I N AT I O N
  • RAB I E S
  • SHI N GL E S


  • N E O CUT I S
  • D E C O UV E R T E

Sources: list of U.S. aborted fetal products from Children of God for Life; vaccine charts from Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute; Human Life International’s article “Products that Use Aborted Fetuses.”


In 2019 President Donald J. Trump ordered the Department of Health and Human Services  to ban the National Institute of Health from using fetal tissue in research.

In a June 7, 2019 article Elizabeth Bachmann from the Catholic News Service wrote:

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services banned the National Institutes of Health from using human fetal stem cells from electively aborted babies for government funded research June 5.

The department also issued a $20 million grant for research to develop models that do not rely on human fetal tissue.

HHS released a statement saying that “promoting the dignity of human life from conception to natural death is one of the very top priorities of President (Donald) Trump’s administration.”

Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, issued a statement on this decision, commending the Trump administration for directing tax dollars away from fetal tissue and toward alternative research solutions.

Read the full article.

Under Biden this policy has changed. Today Americans of faith are ordered to get jabbed or lose their jobs.

Oh how far we have fallen since January 20th, 2021.

©Dr. Rich Swier and Human Life International. All rights reserved.



The morality of vaccines derived from aborted fetal cell lines

Are There Remains of Aborted Babies Used in Vaccines?

How Do Planned Parenthood Supporters Talk to their Children?

What is it going to take? After the release of another horrific Planned Parenthood video, what is it going to take for the American Left to call evil what it is?

The Planned Parenthood videos began with discussions of the harvesting of the organs of aborted children. Next, the videos graduated in their depravity to conversations about selling the organs for a “better than break even” price. A short time later, another video was released where Planned Parenthood officials were caught on tape discussing using “less crunchy” abortion techniques to preserve the organs of aborted children in order to sell them. Despite the disgusting content of the aforementioned videos, sadly, the videos have grown in their gruesomeness. The latest video released, where a former Planned Parenthood employee describes in disturbing detail how an aborted child, with a beating heart, had its face cut through with scissors to harvest his brain, is so painful to watch that I had to stop just a few minutes into it.

I am proud to call myself a liberty loving conservative and I take every opportunity to explain to my two young daughters why I believe in free people, free markets, free speech, freedom to worship, and the respect for, and the preservation of, all human life. How do Planned Parenthood supporters talk to their children? If they are so proud of what Planned Parenthood is doing then I wonder if they proudly show these videos to their children and discuss the content with them.

Please spare me the “medicine can be disturbing to watch” garbage because I have zero problem watching a medical operation on video, nor do I care in the least if my daughter watches one. I have an arthritic left shoulder that needs to be replaced and recently watched a YouTube video of the surgery to prepare myself for what’s in store for me. There was nothing gruesome about the shoulder surgery video because, in watching the amazing power of medicine, through a talented surgeon’s hands, give the gift of pain-free movement back to someone like me who lives with chronic pain I was comforted that, despite the anatomical visuals during the surgery video, it was to preserve and further the quality of life, not destroy it.

Also, please spare us all the “these videos are edited” tripe that some Planned Parenthood sycophants are desperately floating to the media in an attempt to preserve this evil organization.

First, the unedited videos are available for the world to watch. Second, no one at Planned Parenthood is claiming that the Planned Parenthood employees and business associates in the videos are actors. Third, the same frauds claiming that the videos are “edited” had ZERO problem with promoting the Mitt Romney “47%” video which was unquestionably “edited.”

Again, what is it going to take? What more does Planned Parenthood have to do before the American Left does the right thing? What level of depravity and gruesomeness in Planned Parenthood’s talk and actions do they have to reach before the Left is willing to call evil what it is? Despite my dealings with the hard Left and my skepticism that they are straight shooters, even I am surprised at their callous defense of Planned Parenthood in the face of such obvious evidence of Planned Parenthood’s ghoulish actions.

It is time for a great American awakening. I refuse to believe that America has morphed into a country where a major political party’s values have degenerated to such a point that the statement “all lives matter” is controversial to them, yet using scissors to cut through the face of a live child to harvest its brain for sale isn’t.

We must stop the moral decay that appears to be growing in intensity. I’m not a preacher or a counselor but I ask that you please, talk to your children about these videos and, more importantly, about the people who support the people in the Planned Parenthood videos. Truth is our most powerful weapon in the war for our collective moral future and avoiding uncomfortable topics, because of the gruesome nature of what is happening, only allows what is happening to continue happening.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the Conservative Review. The featured image of abortion protesters in Columbia, Missouri is by Don Shrubshell | AP Photo.