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Florida 2016: E-verify Constitutional Amendment Ballot Petition Started

Floridians for E-Verify Now have begun to collect the 683,149 petitions needed to place mandatory e-verify constitutional amendment on the 2016 ballot.

If passed the amendment would take effect on July 1 of the year following passage by the voters. The amendment requires that all Florida employers who hold business licenses shall verify the employment eligibility of all new employees through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify system. The Department of Business and Professional Regulation shall administer this amendment through regulations, random audits, investigations of complaints, and enforcement actions. Authorizes penalties for violations of this amendment. Provides definitions.

Dr. Frank Morris, the former Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and former Dean of Graduate Studies at Morgan State University, speaks on why Floridians need to Amend the Florida Constitution to prohibit illegal alien hiring:

Key provisions of the proposed Florida constitutional amendment are:

  • Mandates that all employers use the Federal E-Verify program to verify the employment eligibility of all new hires.
  • Prohibits the hiring of illegal aliens
  • Provides for penalties to employers that violate provisions of the amendment. Violators of this amendment can face suspension of their business license.
  • Mandates that the state enforce this amendment through regulations, random audits, investigation of complaints, and other enforcement actions.
  • Any Florida citizen has standing to seek judicial relief to compel the state to meet its constitutional obligation to enforce compliance with this amendment.

Click here to read the full text of the e-verify constitutional amendment.

Those interested in putting this amendment on the 2016 ballot may download the ballot petition at www.FloridiansForEverifyNow.org.