The Importance of Right Thinking
For fifty years liberals, progressives, socialists, those of the left or whatever they call themselves have been chipping away at every vestige of morality, right thinking, correct actions they could target. So it is pretty darn pathetic and humorous when one of the opponents of personal responsibility suddenly decry destructive behavior.
Unless you have been in a coma, are deaf, blind or just dead, odds are you are acutely aware of the Ferguson disaster. You are also familiar with how legions of thugs went to nutsville and tried to burn Baltimore to a crisp after their fallen thug brother Michael Brown assumed atmospheric temperature because he forgot that it is not nice to try and grab a police officer’s gun, after whacking him a few times.
I will probably never forget how Baltimore Mayor, Rawlings-Blake was at first OK with allowing the criminal rioters to wreak havoc, to let off a little steam. Since that gruesome time of riotous woe followed by Baltimore government policies which have enormously inhibited the ability of Baltimore’s finest to effectively fight crime, things have gone more awry than usual.
So it was almost humorous to read in a CNS News report that Baltimore Mayor Rawlings-Blake stated that “the level of violence in Baltimore is unacceptable.” Here we are a little over a year after the lunacy in Ferguson and Baltimore. In recent months, Baltimore and other cities like Chicago have experienced record numbers of black on black murders. One of the major reasons, amongst others is a refusal to teach individuals about right and wrong as well as personal responsibility.
Even the Mayor herself was obviously not taught about personal responsibility and property rights. Remember her famous “they need to give the protesters room to destroy statement? That verbiage alone opened the floodgates of destruction upon that historic city. Unfortunately, Baltimore and increasingly throughout America society is reaping the intellectual garbage that has been sewn for decades. When hate and blacks are victims are both taught and endorsed through the racism of low expectations what we have witnessed in Baltimore has become the fashion of the day in certain circles.
The racism of low expectations and victimization has not only damaged those who have been brainwashed by such hoopla, but the republic as a whole is negatively affected. The burdensome cost of mad-uncivilized and enraged so-called victims is costing billions of dollars in property damage and medical costs. More importantly, the needless loss of life at the hands of dummied downed so-called victims is costing fa
milies throughout the republic, the needless heartache of losing family members who became the real victims of so-called victims.
The black lives matter crowd is often a collection of either criminals or losers who should be considered criminals when conducting criminal acts. If they die in the process of being criminals, then sovereign citizens should be smart enough to recognize it. You cannot raise generations of American hating “victims” and then expect them to behave like rational human beings. It’s just not going to happen. Sorry!
If black lives matter activists and anyone else for that matter want a better life for people, they must first be willing to learn what entails a better life.
One cannot build a business, get a job or properly educate themselves if they are not first correctly instructed on the reality and importance of striving to be morally good. Without the concept of common decency, Americans will continue to degenerate into vicious balkanized society of disunited countrymen out to hurt their fellow citizens and their property, just because they believe they can get away with it, like they did in Baltimore and Ferguson.
The time has come or some real concrete decisions to be made. One of them is not to allow the continuation of the racist low expectation directives to poison the minds of young black Americans. In addition, the evil choice of countless liberal educators and others to convince black Americans that they are nothing more than victims must be stopped NOW!
America was and can be great again, if “We the People” first choose to be great, victorious and through God’s grace, morally good.