Tag Archive for: Beijing Biden

The Latest Overreach by the Morality Police

If Iran can have its morality police, why not America?

That must be the thinking behind the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission’s latest move. In late April, they released a staggering 155 pages of new guidelines dictating proper workplace behavior for employers and employees to follow.

If these rules were applied to any workplace television sitcom — Cheers, Wings, The Office —those businesses would have been shuttered within weeks.

Frankly, I’m surprised the EEOC’s sanctimonious sermon wasn’t delivered from a pulpit.

Conveniently (I say this in jest) the EEOC’s guidelines provide plenty of laughable examples of workplace harassment to help us navigate these overbearing directives.

Take, for instance, the story of Rose.

Rose asks Dara, a mother of three, “Shouldn’t mothers stay at home with their kids?”

Later, Rose tells another co-worker, Sloan, who has no children, “Every woman should want a baby!”

According to the EEOC, both comments are examples of sex-based harassment. I kid you not.

“Based on these facts,” the EEOC says, “Rose’s conduct toward Dara and Sloan is based on their sex, even though they are all women.”

Silly? Absolutely. But not as foolish as this:

An example of age-based harassment, according to the EEOC, would be for an employer to suggest that an older worker enter retirement to “enjoy the ‘golden years.'”

Apparently, the EEOC thinks expressing views on motherhood and retirement are now forms of illegal harassment — at least inside the cubicle farm of gossiping employees.

Isn’t this every employee’s dream? Having the morality police ready to pounce on your every word? Who wouldn’t want the feds to dictate what’s moral, harassing, and illegal during those contentious water cooler discussions that could easily get out of hand?

But you’ll only know these rules if you slog through the EEOC’s tedious 155-page “Enforcement Guidance on Harassment in the Workplace.” Be warned, however, plowing through it makes Tolstoy’s War and Peace read like a bedtime story.

But do you really have a choice to ignore this pugnacious homily?

if you refuse to scour through this holy book of bureaucratic scripture, verse-by-verse, how would you ever know it’s considered sexual harassment not to use a co-worker’s preferred pronoun? Misgendering, as the EEOC says, is now “harassment based on sexual orientation or gender identity.”

And heaven forbid a customer should overhear that intentional misgendering. That customer might also contribute to the “hostile work environment” by using the “wrong” pronoun.

Naturally, if an employer must honor an employee’s preferred pronoun, they must also honor that person’s choice of bathroom and locker room.

Here’s how the EEOC defines “harassment based on sexual orientation or gender identity”:

“Repeated and intentional use of a name or pronoun inconsistent with the individual’s known gender identity (misgendering); or the denial of access to a bathroom or other sex-segregated facility consistent with the individual’s gender identity.”

This ruling means men identifying as women can now enter female bathrooms and locker rooms in facilities like fitness centers, healthcare facilities, factories, and entertainment venues.

And if you’re a woman showering in a locker room when a man pretending to be a woman walks in, don’t dare say something like, “You people need to stay out of here.”

That rebuff would constitute two forms of sexual harassment. Yes, two strikes!

Firstly, you’d be trying to deny a person the right to use the locker room of their gender choice. Secondly, you’d be contributing to a “hostile work environment” by using the phrase “you people,” which the EEOC considers forbidden “code words” designed to discriminate against a protected class.

With so many landmines in the 155-page guidance, the best recommendation is to say nothing to your co-workers: smile, nod, and keep walking.

But there is a way to push back against this federally mandated nonsense. And who better to lead the charge than some high school kids?

In Asheville, North Carolina, many students are now declaring their preferred pronoun is “U.S.A.,” much to the dismay of at least one school counselor.

“As you may or may not be aware, there is a TikTok trend where kids say, ‘my pronouns are U.S.A.,'” the upset counselor in the Buncombe County School District wrote.

“It’s quite offensive to those who are non-binary and do not identify with the typical ‘he/she,'” the counselor added. “I’ve heard at least 10 students say this today. What can we do to address this?”

The message to kids is clear: don’t play in or mess with our woke sandbox.

Ironically, the EEOC insists it’s not trying to create a “civility code that covers run-of-the-mill boorish, juvenile, or annoying behavior.”

Yet, that’s precisely what they’re doing, especially since phrases like “you people” and “golden years” are now considered unlawful harassment.

This is what happens when social norms break down, and moral decisions become a free-for-all. It allows anyone, especially those in power, to assume the role of moral arbiter and dictate acceptable behavior.

But as any student of the Bible knows, even God has to deal with people trying to find loopholes in His laws and commandments. So, what chance does the un-godly woke mob have? As TV mobster Tony Soprano would say, “Forget about it.”

I say go ahead. Tell your employer and coworkers your pronoun is U.S.A. Let’s see how long this EEOC directive lasts.

©2024. Martin Mawyer. All rights reserved.

As the ICC Fans ‘Pathetic Lies,’ Israeli Experts Say ‘We Were Gaslighted by [Biden] from the Outset’

The $300 million boondoggle known as the Gaza pier has been a floating flashpoint ever since President Joe Biden commissioned the project. Now, a few weeks into America’s buoyant humanitarian program, three U.S. soldiers have been injured (one critically) and most convoys of supplies and food have either been ambushed or looted by Hamas terrorists, never reaching its intended civilians.

To be fair, both parties had reservations about the idea, which they aired in a Senate Armed Services hearing back in March. “One of my concerns is security for this operation,” Delaware Democrat Chris Coons said at the time. “Because if the U.S. military is seen to be building and operating it, I think it puts it at greater risk.” On the opposite side of the Capitol, House Armed Services Chair Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) pointed out that “nobody can answer who’s going to provide the security, who’s going to provide the drivers, and who’s going to load and unload stuff?”

Now, less than a month into the “solution” for suffering Gazans, the Biden administration’s insistence that Hamas — not Israel — control the operations there has become an absolute, taxpayer-funded disaster. “… [T]he United States has made it very clear to Israel that it doesn’t want Israel to control [Palestine], including the distribution of food,” Caroline Glick, senior contributing editor of Jewish News Syndicate, told Family Research Council President Tony Perkins on “Washington Watch.” “As a result, we had reports last week that Hamas has actually earned $500 million since the beginning of the war by selling the humanitarian aid that the international community insists that Israel be bringing into Gaza. So this entire thing in a way [is] humanitarian relief for Hamas,” she insisted.

“… [T]he United States spent $300 million … to build a pier in Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid by sea. And none of the hundreds and hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid that has been brought to that pier has been delivered to anybody in Gaza,” Glick pointed out. … One convoy was commandeered by Hamas and just seized. And every other convoy comes under attack. So it’s all this pathetic lie.”

And it’s all feeding the anti-Israel anger that’s driving bodies like the International Criminal Court (ICC) to hold Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accountable for crimes he’s not committing. “[There are the ICC’s] claims of starvation, which are untrue. … The claims of famine, which are untrue; the claim that Israel deliberately targets civilians for killing, which is untrue. All of these things are geared towards one goal. And that goal is for Israel to be forced to capitulate to international pressure and allow Hamas to survive,” Glick argued. “These are all demands that are being made, all allegations utterly false, that are being waged against Israel because the people who are waging them want Israel to lose this war.”

For all these claims, she pointed out, “There hasn’t been any documented evidence that anybody is starving in Gaza, except for the 128 hostages from Israel that Hamas kidnapped to Gaza on October 7th. So those are the only people we know for certain are starving. Most of the terrorists that Israel has arrested during the course of the war have been fat to obese,” Glick wanted people to know. “So we’re not seeing any privation in terms of food shortages among the members of Hamas that we’re seeing, and we don’t really see it among civilians. They just celebrated the Ramadan … their holiday for holy month. And there were no reported shortages of food for Ramadan. So all of this is just a fabrication, and it’s used in order to foment an Israeli defeat in this war. That’s what it’s all about.”

Perkins believes the entire narrative is being fanned by the ICC and international community to keep Israel from finishing the job against Hamas. It’s the “nefarious mix” of fake news, Glick said, that “all leads to this idea that there’s something criminal about Israel defending itself from the people who committed unspeakable atrocities on October 7th. And, you know, they started the war, they invaded, they massacred 1,200 people in the most sadistic way known to humanity in ways that nobody ever imagined before.”

And yet, she went on, “We were being gaslighted by the Biden administration from the outset. And talk of humanitarian crisis started a week after October 7th, when there was plentiful food and water inside of Gaza. So this is a deliberate fabrication to criminalize Israel and deny us the right to self-defense, much less the right to defeat our enemies. It’s very, very extraordinary.”

It’s escalated to such a point that “you have a prosecutor who has no jurisdiction over Israel … and now he wants to issue arrest warrants against a prime minister, our democratically-elected prime minister and our defense minister, for leading the country in a war for our national survival. … The Germans want to arrest the leader of the Jewish state for defending Israel against modern-day Nazis. That’s an unbelievable statement. And yet, here we are.”

Israel is a much stronger ally than Ukraine and certainly Afghanistan to the U.S., so “you would think we would actually work extra hard to make it easier for Israel,” Perkins pointed out, “but it looks like we’re working extra hard to make it difficult for Israel. And why?”

Incredibly, Glick said, the Biden administration is “unflappable” — even in the face of “the greatest atrocity that mankind has seen since World War II.” Even October’s horrors haven’t moved them “one millimeter from their conviction that the biggest problem is that there’s no State of Palestine for the very people who conducted these atrocities. Don’t forget,” she pointed out, “85% of the Palestinians, not only in Gaza, but in Judea and Samaria as well, support what happened on October 7th. Over 90% of Palestinians said that they are more proud to be Palestinians today than they ever were before October 7th. So these are the people that the White House thinks need to have a sovereign state.”


Suzanne Bowdey

Suzanne Bowdey serves as editorial director and senior writer at The Washington Stand.

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EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

VIDEO: Israel Proves Biden Wrong on Rafah, Again!

Once again the Biden administration has been proven wrong about its predictions in Israel’s war against Gazan Jihadists.

From the beginning of the war they were predicting tens of thousands of casualties on the Israeli side. Although every soldier’s death is a tragedy, the casualty count is far lower.

The Biden team’s latest blunder was the prediction that it would take weeks to evacuate the “civilian” population of Rafah. The operation in Rafah began on May 4th and has resulted in 950 thousand Gazan “civilians” fleeing to other areas.

So why has the Biden team continued to get it so wrong on Gaza?

Simply put, like anything else in the Middle East, the Biden team just doesn’t get it. They are out of touch with the culture, the people, and the military reality on the ground. This is what makes their lecturing about what they feel is best for Israel so bothersome to so many Israelis.

With the Rafah operation continuing, it is only a matter of time until the IDF finishes off the last remaining Hamas battalions and ultimately find the hostages and Sinwar. Can they do it and beat Biden’s expectations?

Without a doubt.

Source: Israel Unwired   VIDEO: Use according to Section 27 A


‘Joy mixed with sadness’ – Oct. 7th IDF widow gives birth to son

Despite Threats, Egypt Is Not about to Tear up Peace Treaty with Israel

RELATED VIDEO: Yoseph Haddad Posts a Found Map of Palestine in Gaza

EDITORS NOTE: This Avi Abelow, Pulse of Israel is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

24 GOP Governors Warn Biden against ‘Unconstitutional’ WHO Pandemic Agreement

As President Joe Biden considers adopting a global health agreement that would turn the power of the federal government over to leaders of a world government, dozens of governors have put him on notice that they “stand united in opposition” to handing over America’s national sovereignty.

Nearly every Republican governor in the country has signed a letter asking Biden to reconsider adopting a forthcoming accord enhancing the power of the World Health Organization before, during, and after global health crises. Negotiators are working around the clock to hammer out a final version of the WHO Pandemic Agreement before the World Health Assembly meets on Monday. The current text of the accord would require nations to agree with WHO regulations on “routine immunization,” “social measures” such as lockdowns and mask mandates, and require a massive global redistribution of U.S. wealth and technical information based on “equity.” The Biden administration has signaled it will accept the agreement without congressional approval.

The proposed document would grant WHO “unprecedented and unconstitutional powers over the United States and its people,” which “could drastically change the role of governors,” noted the 24 governors in Wednesday’s letter. “The objective of these instruments is to empower the WHO, particularly its uncontrollable Director-General, with the authority to restrict the rights of U.S. citizens, including freedoms such as speech, privacy, travel, choice of medical care, and informed consent, thus violating our Constitution’s core principles.”

The agreement would grant WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus and other leaders “unilateral power to declare a ‘public health emergency of international concern’ (PHEIC) in member nations, extending beyond pandemics to include a range of perceived emergencies,” they said. The current text of the agreement states that “a range of environmental, climatic, social, anthropogenic and economic factors may increase the risk of pandemics.” The latest details about the global health treaty are available in Family Research Council’s updated comprehensive explainer on the WHO Pandemic Agreement.

Enhancing global bureaucrats’ authority “would erode sovereignty” by “stripping elected representatives of their role in setting public health policies and compelling citizens to comply with WHO directives, potentially including mandates regarding medical treatments,” stated two dozen governors spanning the party’s ideological spectrum, including Ron DeSantis (Fla.), Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Ark.), Glenn Youngkin (Va.), Doug Bergum (N.D.), and Chris Sununu (N.H).

The state leaders are also concerned about “a global surveillance infrastructure and requirements for member states to censor speech related to public health. Requiring Americans to share information about deadly, incurable, highly-transmissible viruses with the rest of the world may “potentially facilitat[e] the proliferation of biological weapons.”

“[P]ublic health policy is a matter reserved for the states, not the federal government, and certainly not international bodies like the WHO,” they point out. “We are committed to resisting any attempts to transfer authority to the WHO over public policy affecting our citizens or any efforts by the WHO to assert such authority over them.”

Every Republican governor in the United States signed the letter except three: Governors Mike Parson of Missouri, Mike DeWine of Ohio, and Phil Scott of Vermont.

“The governors appear to be more concerned about their sovereignty than Joe Biden seems to be concerned about the sovereignty of the U.S.,” said FRC President Tony Perkins on “Washington Watch” Thursday. “I also think it is a precursor to one-world government.”

The governors’ letter followed a May 1 letter led by Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) and signed by all 49 Republican senators branding the WHO Pandemic Agreement “unacceptable” and “dead on arrival” if it ever comes before the U.S. Senate for ratification, as required of a treaty. “Instead of addressing the WHO’s well-documented shortcomings, the treaty focuses on mandated resource and technology transfers, shredding intellectual property rights, infringing free speech, and supercharging the WHO,” noted the senators.

They called on the Biden administration to “withdraw your administration’s support for the current IHR amendments and pandemic treaty negotiations” and champion “comprehensive WHO reforms that address its persistent failures without expanding its authority.”

It also comes after 22 state attorneys general put the executive branch on notice that it cannot turn over U.S. health policy to any global governance body, because the “U.S. Constitution doesn’t vest responsibility for public health policy with the federal government,” the legal authorities pointed out in a May 8 letter. They added the present text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement “would lay the groundwork for a global surveillance infrastructure, ostensibly in the interest of public health, but with the inherent opportunity for control (as with Communist China’s ‘social credit system’).”

Travis Weber, vice president for Policy and Government Affairs at Family Research Council, said the rising chorus of concern could help uphold fundamental American liberties. “We hear a lot in the press and in the culture right now about protecting democracy,” Weber told Perkins. “The Constitution leaves health care to the states, [it] certainly does not put it in the hands of the federal government to be automatically put in the hands of an international body like the WHO.”

All signs show U.S. opposition to the WHO Pandemic Agreement growing among the American people, as well. Just over 93% of Republicans voted no on Question 8 in Georgia’s primary Tuesday, which asked, “Do you believe unelected and unaccountable international bureaucrats, like the UN-controlled World Health Organization (WHO), should have complete control over management of future pandemics in the United States and authority to regulate your healthcare and personal health choices?”

Opposition has spread globally, as well. On May 8, authorities in the U.K. announced they would not sign on to the agreement unless it no longer required them to turn over 20% of British pandemic vaccines, therapeutics, and medications to WHO for redistribution. Slovak leader Robert Fico had also opposed the accord.

FRC has set up a campaign allowing Americans to email national leaders with their opposition to the WHO Pandemic Agreement, as well.

Signatories of the governors’ letter included Kay Ivey of Alabama, Mike Dunleavy of Alaska, Sarah Sanders of Arkansas, Ron DeSantis of Florida, Brian Kemp of Georgia, Brad Little of Idaho, Eric Holcomb of Indiana, Kim Reynolds of Iowa, Jeff Landry of Louisiana, Tate Reeves of Mississippi, Greg Gianforte of Montana, Jim Pillen of Nebraska, Joe Lombardo of Nevada, Chris Sununu of New Hampshire, Doug Burgum of North Dakota, Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma, Henry McMaster of South Carolina, Kristi Noem of South Dakota, Bill Lee of Tennessee, Greg Abbott of Texas, Spencer Cox of Utah, Glenn Youngkin of Virginia, Jim Justice of West Virginia, and Mark Gordon of Wyoming.


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.


EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Biden: Cafeteria Catholic or Something Far More Dangerous?

David Carlin: Materially speaking, President Biden is a heretic, publicly and persistently rejecting some moral doctrines of the Church.

Joe Biden, in addition to holding the exalted title of President of the United States of America, holds a number of informal and unofficial titles.  For instance:

  • Head of the Democratic Party.
  • Commander-in-chief of the US armed forces.
  • The second Catholic President of the USA.
  • Leader of the free world.
  • Father of Hunter Biden.
  • “Cafeteria Catholic” – this title having been recently bestowed upon him by the cardinal-archbishop of Washington D.C., Wilton Gregory.
  • America’s foremost champion of abortion rights.
  • America’s foremost champion of homosexual rights.
  • America’s foremost champion of transgender rights.

John F. Kennedy, the first Catholic President, was no model of Catholic virtue, at least when it came to the Sixth Commandment.  But Kennedy took the trouble to keep his sexual sins concealed from all but his friends and a co-operative press.  He didn’t broadcast them.  We (the general public) didn’t learn about them until after his death.  More important still from a Catholic point of view, Kennedy, unlike Mr. Biden, didn’t make public pronouncements declaring certain sins are morally good.  He didn’t, for instance, shout from the rooftops that fornication is good and adultery even better.

But something like that is what President Biden is doing.  When it comes to religion, Biden is not a man who presents himself to the public as a person who grew up Catholic but has long since outgrown that childishness and now embraces an anti-Catholic view of the world and of morality.  Far from it.  He presents himself as a true Catholic. “When you see me, you see a Catholic, a genuine Catholic, the real thing.”

And so when he tells the nation, including the very sizeable Catholic portion of the nation, that abortion and homosexuality and transgenderism are morally allowable and deserve legal protection, he is in effect saying, “I can assure you from the point of view of a true Catholic that abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism are morally permissible things.  And not only morally permissible but deserving of legal protection.”

A theologically unsophisticated person can hardly be blamed for saying to himself/herself, “If Biden, a good Catholic who must, after a lifetime of Catholicism, understand the teachings of his religion, says this, isn’t it almost certain that he’s correct?  And if an occasional bishop slaps him on the wrist for saying such things, isn’t the weakness of the slap a clear indication that the bishop doesn’t truly disagree with him?”

In 1984, Rep. Geraldine Ferraro, a New York Catholic, was running for Vice-President on a Democratic platform that endorsed the right to abortion. Cardinal John O’Connor of New York was quite blunt in denouncing her for that.  Mario Cuomo, like Ferraro a Catholic Democrat, and at the time governor of New York, rushed to the defense, delivering a then-famous speech at the University of Notre Dame arguing that it’s right and proper for a Catholic politician to be “personally opposed” but publicly indulgent.

That may sound like Biden’s defense of abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism.  But it wasn’t.  Just as Dan Quayle (according to Lloyd Bentsen) was no Jack Kennedy, so Joe Biden is no Mario Cuomo.  Cuomo was a man of a fair degree of intellectual sophistication – although at Notre Dame, in my opinion, he used his talents to create not a sophisticated, but a sophistical, defense of abortion.

Cuomo did not offer a moral defense of abortion, only a legal defense.  He argued that from his point of view, a Catholic point of view, abortion is morally wrong, very seriously wrong.  But that in a religiously pluralistic country like the United States, we Catholics, members of a minority religion, have no right to impose our moral beliefs on society.  We may try to persuade non-Catholics to agree with us on abortion, indeed we should try to persuade them; but if they don’t agree, we’ll just have to live with that. And if we are government officials, we’ll have to support and enable the wishes of the majority.

Now if President Biden were as intellectually gifted as Mario Cuomo, he might offer a similar argument.  He might say, “As a Catholic, I am in total agreement with the teachings of my Church that abortion is a great sin, and homosexual conduct is a great sin, and transgenderism is not only sinful but preposterous.  But as a citizen of a democratic republic that is religiously and philosophically pluralistic, and especially as an elected official in such a republic, it is my duty to respect the will of the majority.  I pray daily that my non-Catholic fellow-citizens will someday see the light that we Catholics see.  But until that day arrives, I have no choice but to support legal enactments that may be offense to us Catholics.”

But Joe Biden, being no Mario Cuomo, has not done this.  He has not made a distinction between a legal right to abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism and a moral right; instead he has given a plain and simple endorsement of all three.  In effect he has said, “I disagree with my Church on these matters.  Along with most atheistic humanists, I am right on these questions and my Church is wrong.”

Materially speaking, Biden is a heretic, publicly and persistently rejecting some moral doctrines of the Church.  It may be argued, however, that he is not, formally speaking, a heretic since he may well be ignorant of the Church’s teachings on these matters, and he has no wish to disagree with the Church.

But how can anybody, let alone a lifelong Catholic, be ignorant of such things?  Maybe in this way.  Biden quite stridently utters words that defy Catholic moral doctrine – and he gets little or no pushback from Catholic authorities.  Nothing from the Vatican, very little from America’s Catholic bishops.  And so he concludes, “Silence gives consent.  I must be doing the right thing.  The Church must be changing its mind on abortion and homosexuality and transgenderism.”

Joe Biden is something far more dangerous than a cafeteria Catholic.

You may also enjoy:

+Fr. Mark A. Pilon Joe Biden and the Gates of Hell

Fr. Gerald E. Murray Joe Biden and Public Scandal


David Carlin

David Carlin is a retired professor of sociology and philosophy at the Community College of Rhode Island, and the author of The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in AmericaThree Sexual Revolutions: Catholic, Protestant, Atheist, and most recently Atheistic Humanism, the Democratic Party, and the Catholic Church.

RELATED ARTICLE: Pope Francis: ‘Mary Unites Muslims and Christians’

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2024 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: info@frinstitute.org. The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

Watch President Donald J. Trump’s South Bronx Rally — Unbelievable ‘love fest’!

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will visit the Bronx, New York, on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. EDT to highlight the horrendous effects Crooked Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency has had on our economy.

The New York Post Staff wrote,

Former President Donald Trump and his supporters took over Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday.

The former president reportedly attracted thousands of supporters, with a campaign staffer estimating 10,000 people showed up.

Trump spoke on a variety of topics, including his upcoming debate with President Joe Biden, along with the border crisis.

The Right Side Broadcasting Network published the entire South Bronx Rally from the gathering large crowds to the remarks of President Donald J. Trump which begins at the 1 hour and 29 minute mark.

WATCH THE FULL LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York on May 23, 2024

The New York Times’ article titled “At a Trump Rally in the Bronx, Chants of ‘Build the Wall’Michael Gold reported,

Speaking to a more diverse crowd than his events usually draw, Donald Trump made a series of pledges to New Yorkers and railed against President Biden and the migrant crisis.

Miles from the rather somber Manhattan courtroom where he has spent much of the past five weeks as a criminal defendant, former President Donald J. Trump on Thursday stood at a park in the Bronx, surveyed the crowd and acknowledged he had been concerned over how he might be greeted at his first rally in New York State in eight years, and his first ever in the borough.

In front of him was a more diverse crowd than is typical of his rallies, with many Black and Hispanic voters sporting bright red “Make America Great Again” hats and other Trump-themed apparel ordinarily scarce in deep-blue New York City. Still more people stood outside, waiting to get past security.

“I woke up, I said, ‘I wonder, will it be hostile or will it be friendly?’” Mr. Trump said. “It was beyond friendly. It was a love fest.”

As is often the case during Mr. Trump’s speeches, the truth was a bit more complex. As he spoke, more than 100 protesters demonstrated outside the fenced-off area of Crotona Park where he had staged the rally. A wave of elected officials denounced his visit to the city. And his insistence that he would carry New York in November — though perhaps not as laughable as it once might have sounded, judging from at least one recent poll — conveniently disregarded the thumping he took in the state in the 2016 and 2020 elections.

©2024. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


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Ken Davis is the former Deputy Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Virginia. He has over forty years of experience in corporate management, public service, and the private practice of law, almost all of which involved some aspect of the continually evolving electric and gas power industry. His articles have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Examiner, CNSNews, Townhall, and a number of other publications. KEN IS THE AUTHOR OF…REVOLUTION: A Call to Turn Back the Lawless Left And Restore the Promise of America

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Mark Moyar holds the William P. Harris Chair in Military History at Hillsdale College. During the Trump administration, he served in the U.S. Agency for International Development as the director of the Office of Civilian-Military Cooperation. He is the author of “Masters of Corruption: How the Federal Bureaucracy Sabotaged the Trump Presidency”

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John H. Wilson was elected to the Civil Court, Bronx County in 2004, and served as a Judge in New York City for ten years. He also served as an Assistant District Attorney in Bronx County, New York. For more than 30 years, John has participated in all phases of the litigation process, from being counsel for both the plaintiff and defense in personal injury matters, to the prosecution and defense of criminal matters, to being the court itself. John has also published in various Law Reviews, written a series of articles for the New York Law Journal, and published numerous decisions. He is a frequent contributor to usagovpolicy.com, appears regularly on the Vernuccio/Novak Report, and is the author of,” The Making of a Martyr: An Analysis of the Indictments of Donald Trump”.

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©2024. Conservative Commandos Radio Show. All rights reserved.

Biden to Black Graduates: ‘America Hates You’

Straight up racism. And projection.

Morehouse produces some of America’s greatest minds.

MLK. Fulbright, Rhodes, and Marshall scholars.

Yet Biden is so racist he sees all Black Americans as the same. And on their day of celebration, Biden lectures and lies to them how their country hates them.

Biden is a pathetic, pandering lowlife. (Mike David on X)

Biden to Morehouse Graduates: America Hates You

As his black support erodes, he plays up racial resentments to the class of 2024.

The polls say President Biden has lost support among black Americans, and the White House appears to have settled on a strategy to win them back: spread more racial division. That’s the main message from the President’s dishonorable commencement address Sunday at storied Morehouse College in Atlanta.

By: Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2024:

Mr. Biden naturally offered the 2024 graduates a list of what he sees as his accomplishments for black Americans. He indulged in his familiar gilded personal history as a civil-rights crusader. He gave the impression that the Delaware Democratic Party was a racist operation until Sen. Joe Biden came along. At least that’s the somewhat forgivable politics of self-aggrandizement.

Less forgivable was the President’s attempt to stir resentment among the graduates on what should be a day to appreciate what they accomplished and to inspire hope for the future. Here’s what Mr. Biden said instead:

“You started college just as George Floyd was murdered and there was a reckoning on race. It’s natural to wonder if democracy you hear about actually works for you.

“What is democracy if black men are being killed in the street?

“What is democracy if a trail of broken promises still leave black—black communities behind?

“What is democracy if you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot?

“And most of all, what does it mean, as we’ve heard before, to be a black man who loves his country even if it doesn’t love him back in equal measure?”

Thanks for the uplift, Mr. President. Since Mr. Biden is asking questions, is this what he wants these young graduates to believe about their country—that American democracy is defined by its racial animosity, as if they still live in the Jim Crow South?

As others have noted, imagine working hard for four years to graduate and on a day of celebration for you and your families the President of the United States sends you off with a message that your countrymen who are white want you to fail. Is this what President Biden thinks of America?

Continue reading.



EVIL: Biden Regime Offers ‘Condolences’ for Mass-Murdering Butcher of Iran Who Routinely Chanted ‘Death to America’ and Slaughtered Thousands of His Own People

Another Life Almost Destroyed by the Left: Not a Bug, But a Feature

RELATED VIDEO: Breaking video from New York Courthouse

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

MAY HARVARD CAPS/HARRIS POLL: Trump leads Biden by 5 points



NEW YORK and CAMBRIDGE, Mass. /PRNewswire/ — Stagwell (NASDAQ: STGW) today released the results of the May Harvard CAPS / Harris poll, a monthly collaboration between the Center for American Political Studies at Harvard (CAPS) and the Harris Poll and HarrisX.

President Joe Biden’s overall approval rating is steady at 44%, while inflation returned to being voters’ most important issue with immigration a close second. The poll also covers public opinion on the Israel-Hamas war and the upcoming presidential debates. Download key results here.

“Americans always want to hear from the candidates directly and make up their own minds,” said Mark Penn, Co-Director of the Harvard CAPS / Harris poll and Stagwell Chairman and CEO. “The race is still open, which reinforces why the candidates should be going after the undecided independents, rather than their own bases.”


  • 69% of voters say they have made up their minds on who they will vote for; 44% of Independents, 30% of Democrats and 22% of Republicans are still weighing the choices.
  • 79% of voters want Biden and Trump to debate each other.
  • 71% think the debates should include third-party or independent candidates that clear a viable threshold, such as RFK, Jr.
  • 54% think debate microphones should automatically cut off when a speaker’s time elapses (Democrats and Independents: 60% each; Republicans: 44%).


  • Inflation is far and away the most important issue to voters personally, 25 points higher than immigration, the second choice.
  • 52% of Hispanic voters and 42% of Asian voters say their personal financial situation is getting worse, while 49% of Black voters (a plurality) say their personal financial situation is improving.
  • Biden’s approval is 53% among Hispanic voters, 66% among Black voters and 37% among Asian voters.


  • Biden’s job approval on the Israel-Hamas war dropped to 36%, his lowest.
  • 57% believe Biden should continue to provide Israel with weapons even if it enters Rafah (Democrats: 48%; Republicans: 64%; Independents: 58%).
  • 53% think Biden’s Israel policy is being directed by perceived domestic politics, not just what’s best for U.S. national interest in a safe and secure Israel (Democrats: 38%; Republicans: 65%; Independents: 56%).


  • 79% of voters believe student protesters should be removed from college campuses through detainment or arrest if they become violent or damage university property (ages 18-24: 64%; ages 65+: 92%).
  • 78% believe public university officials who choose to discipline these student protesters are taking necessary action to stop public safety threats, not violating their right to free speech and public assembly (ages 18-24: 66%; ages 65+: 90%).


  • Voters’ top picks for Trump’s VP among politicians who have endorsed him are Ron DeSantis (12%), Tim Scott (9%) and Vivek Ramaswamy (8%).
  • Ramaswamy, Scott, and Marco Rubio were the top choices who Republican voters said would make them more likely to vote for Trump.

The May Harvard CAPS / Harris poll survey was conducted online within the United States on May 15-16, 2024, among 1,660 registered voters by The Harris Poll and HarrisX. Follow the Harvard CAPS Harris Poll podcast at https://www.markpennpolls.com/ or on iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other podcast platforms.

About The Harris Poll & HarrisX

The Harris Poll is a global consulting and market research firm that strives to reveal the authentic values of modern society to inspire leaders to create a better tomorrow. It works with clients in three primary areas: building twenty-first-century corporate reputation, crafting brand strategy and performance tracking, and earning organic media through public relations research. One of the longest-running surveys in the U.S., The Harris Poll has tracked public opinion, motivations, and social sentiment since 1963, and is now part of Stagwell, the challenger holding company built to transform marketing.

HarrisX is a technology-driven market research and data analytics company that conducts multi-method research in the U.S. and over 40 countries around the world on behalf of Fortune 100 companies, public policy institutions, global leaders, NGOs and philanthropic organizations. HarrisX was the most accurate pollster of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

About the Harvard Center for American Political Studies
The Center for American Political Studies (CAPS) is committed to and fosters the interdisciplinary study of U.S. politics.  Governed by a group of political scientists, sociologists, historians, and economists within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University, CAPS drives discussion, research, public outreach, and pedagogy about all aspects of U.S. politics. CAPS encourages cutting-edge research using a variety of methodologies, including historical analysis, social surveys, and formal mathematical modeling, and it often cooperates with other Harvard centers to support research training and encourage cross-national research about the United States in comparative and global contexts. More information at https://caps.gov.harvard.edu/.

©2024. All rights reserved.

Good News on Abortion, World Government, and Judicial Radicals: The Stories You Missed This Week

Liberal news bias affects every aspect of our society, including story selection. Every week, the media highlights certain stories while ignoring or limiting the coverage of others. Like all their content, newsrooms filter these decisions through their editors’ liberal bias, distorting the news you receive and polluting the information ecosystem. The Washington Stand highlights the stories you may have missed while desperately straining to hear the news through the cacophony produced by the legacy media.

This week, the media downplayed good news about abortion, the WHO Pandemic Agreement, and radical judicial appointments — as well as bad news about the Biden administration’s fanatical support of the transgender agenda, its indifference to the consequences of blowing up a train of toxic chemicals in East Palestine, and its belief that Mother’s Day is the perfect time to promote abortion.

1. Voters are beginning to see state abortion referenda as a Democratic get-out-the-vote scheme.

The wave of state ballot initiatives seeking to impose unrestricted abortion-on-demand on states from coast to coast has encountered a serious problem: Voters are beginning to see them as a cynical ploy to elect Democrats. The news comes from reading between the lines of a story in Politico titled “National Dem strategy worries state abortion-rights leaders.”

“Democrats’ efforts to ride the coattails of abortion ballot measures put passage at risk,” declares the subheadline.

The abortion lobby apparently fears defeat if voters realize their state’s referendum serves as little more than a Democratic voter-drive scheme. “We haven’t won or beat back a single one of these ballot measures without significant [I]ndependent and Republican support,” Mini Timmaraju, president and CEO of Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL) told Politico. “We spent a lot of last year talking to candidates directly saying, ‘Don’t put things on the ballot just to enhance voter turnout for Dems.” A leader of the Nebraska abortion-expansion referendum, Taylor Givens-Dunn said, “We want to be clear that this is about people, not politicians.”

Their concerns have spread to the professional political class. An anonymous consultant working with multiple state ballot initiatives told Politico that Democratic candidates “don’t need to talk about the specific ballot initiatives all day long,” because if they do, it will “reduce the chances that they win.”

Thus far, Democrats have not only ignored this anonymous individual’s advice; they have openly touted the referenda as their party’s political salvation in November. “[A]bortion has become a key issue that could help drive turnout for Democrats to win up and down the ballot,” said a memo dated May 2 from the Democratic Party’s official campaign arm aimed at winning statewide races, the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC). “These measures will cement abortion protections into state constitutions and could boost turnout for competitive races at every level of the ballot.” The DLCC’s president, Heather Williams, apparently provided the memo to Axios along with her own quotation.

Democrats have considered multiplying these initiatives even in self-described “abortion sanctuaries,” such as New York. Although the state has effectively no protections for unborn children, and Governor Kathy Hochul (D) gives millions to abortion facilities, “Democrat lawmakers pushed the effort forward amid hopes that it will bolster turnout,” reported The Hill.

The bad news is that support for abortion-on-demand does, indeed, cut across party lines. That includes a dishearteningly large minority of Bible-believing Christians, according to a study of Ohio’s Issue 1 released by the Center for Christian Virtue (CCV). Based on their numbers, “1 in 3 self-identified weekly church-going Catholics and Evangelicals supported the law, which will rob an estimated 30,000 unborn children of their lives every year,” CCV found. In all, “30 percent of Ohioans who believe life begins at conception voted to pass the radical abortion amendment.”

Even with such odds, the abortion industry apparently frets voters will reject ballot initiatives that are seen as a craven Democratic GOTV effort.

It would be a shame if the word got out.

2. Biden administration admits it will withhold federal funding from hospitals that don’t carry out transgender procedures.

In a move demonstrating its extreme commitment to the transgender agenda, a Biden administration official admitted Democrats would withhold federal funding from health care centers that refuse to administer puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone injections, or transgender surgeries — even if their objection rests on religious grounds.

Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra made the admission during a Wednesday hearing of the House Education and Workforce Committee.

“Can you commit here today that your department will not withhold federal funding from hospitals or doctors who refuse to provide the ‘gender-affirming care’ that you are mandating if it violates their religious beliefs?” asked Rep. Mary Miller (R-Ill.). “What are you going to do if they refuse to provide this care?”

“Doctors don’t get federal funding, ma’am,” said Becerra, attempting to dodge the question.

“But the hospitals do,” Miller replied.

“Don’t confuse the two,” chided Becerra.

Miller then followed up by asking about hospitals and other health care facilities that presented a faith-based objection to carrying out procedures that deny the reality of Genesis 1-3.

“If a health care facility is violating the law and not providing the service they’re required to, they’re not entitled to the resources,” Becerra (finally) answered.

“We knew that you would withdraw federal funding,” replied Miller.

Posting video of the exchange on social media, Miller stated: “HHS Secretary Becerra says the quiet part out loud. Joe Biden’s government will withhold funds from religious hospitals that refuse to provide sex-change operations for young children.”

Such an action is hardly surprising. In May 2022, Biden’s USDA threatened to deny needy children school lunches. Six years earlier, the Obama-Biden Justice Department threatened to cut off all school funding to any school or university that did not give males access to female showers, locker rooms, overnight accommodations, and dorm room housing.

But the video makes it crystal clear that the Biden administration favors the LGBTQ lobby over the survival of your local hospital — and admitted it under oath.

3. Controversial Biden judicial pick doomed?

In an administration stacked with radicals, one appointee stood out: Adeel Mangi, whom Biden nominated to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, which oversees Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and the Virgin Islands. If confirmed, the administration trumpeted, Mangi would be the first Muslim to sit on an appellate court. But it left out critical details about Magni’s autobiography.

During the time Mangi served on the board of Rutgers University Center for Security, Race and Rights (CSRR), it hosted Sami al-Arian, a former professor who admitted he provided material support to the terrorist organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad. (Al-Arian was subsequently deported to Turkey.)

Mangi also served as a board member of the Alliance of Families for Justice (AFJ), which was co-founded by Kathy Boudin, a member of the radical 1960s domestic terrorist organization the Weather Underground. Boudin also entered a guilty plea in her case to murdering two police officers during a 1981 Brinks robbery. True to form, AFJ asked authorities to release six cop-killers, who were members of the Black Panthers or the Black Liberation Army, describing the murderers as “freedom fighters.”

These associations proved so toxic that numerous Democratic senators — including Catherine Cortez Masto, Jacky Rosen (both of Nevada), and Joe Manchin (W.Va.) — publicly opposed his appointment. Since then, his nomination has hung in limbo. But insiders familiar with the process say Senate Democrats have privately agreed his nomination is toast.

“This nominee has lost all hope from the Biden White House of getting a floor vote, given we are months away from the election,” longtime Senate staff leader Ron Bonjean told Fox News on Sunday. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and his colleagues “are more than likely going to let him twist in the wind hoping he withdraws on his own.”

On the other hand, Democrats could theoretically force a vote on Mangi during the lame duck session of Congress, where a sufficient number of absences could place the radical on the court. The fact that Biden nominated such an extremist — tied to multiple forms of domestic and international terrorism — should serve as an indictment of its own.

4. Biden and allies promote abortion on Mother’s Day.

As it has in past years, the Biden campaign and multiple outlets on the cultural Left decided the perfect time to promote abortion is Mother’s Day.

The Biden-Harris presidential campaign marked Sunday’s holiday by releasing a video titled “Trump Attacks Women.”

“Happy Mother’s Day … but not from Donald Trump,” the video begins. It then features the 45th president boasting about overturning Roe v. Wade. All three Trump appointees to the Supreme Court — Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett — joined the 6-3 Dobbs ruling that declared the U.S. Constitution does not, and never did, contain an unalienable “right” to abortion.

“What a sad, miserable, cowardly existence Crooked Joe Biden and his campaign must have to make such a disgusting ad on such a joyous day,” replied Trump’s campaign team.

Yet the Left has once again chosen to tie the annual celebration of motherly love and affection with the taking of innocent, unborn life. “Forget the flowers. This Mother’s Day, pledge to support the right to abortion,” proclaimed an op-ed written by Nicole Hensel for the Colorado Newsline. “Give a gift to your mother and pledge to support abortion care for everyone,” she concluded. (Colorado Newsline is a faux, astroturf political website affiliated with the States Newsroom, “an operation created in secret by the Arabella Advisors network with funding from partisan interests under the guise of nonpartisan reporting,” according to Nick Givas of Restoration News.)

Ms. Magazine, whose political bias is less opaque, demeaned Mother’s Day as “all a societal forgery — an empty exercise the majority of us have all inexplicably agreed to engage in,” especially “in the post-Roe world [politicians] created with their anti-abortion policies.” “[F]or millions of people with the capacity to get pregnant in this country it is no longer a choice — it’s a government mandate,” wrote Danielle Campoamor. She did not explain what government law requires women to have sex. “I abhor the politicians championing a potential nationwide abortion ban,” wrote Campoamor. “I despise the Republicans.”

Tying Mother’s Day to abortion, which costs women the opportunity to mother a living child and often inflicts lifelong psychological harm on women, exposes the Left’s cruelty as bordering on the inhuman. Perhaps that explains why so few legacy media outlets reported on it.

5. Toxic fumes still waft in the air over East Palestine, Ohio.

An independent test has found that residents in East Palestine, Ohio, continue to breath harmful chemicals more than 15 months after officials vented and exploded toxic gases after a train derailment near the Ohio-Pennsylvania border.

A test of air in the tiny village, conducted in February by Edelweiss Technology Solutions, uncovered the presence of vinyl chloride, acrolein, benzene, ethanol, ethyl acetate, styrene, and toluene. After a town resident could not get the Biden administration’s Environmental Protection Agency to test the area, “Edelweiss found high levels of acrolein inside her home, the report stating the chemical was identified to have the largest potential for health impacts during an independent assessment of the town done in February of 2023,” reported NewsNation on Wednesday.

The EPA had assured residents that vinyl chloride will “degrade rapidly in air by gas phase reaction,” which means some source must be emitting vinyl chloride into East Palestine more than a year after the Norfolk Southern accident.

As it turns out, the explosion was unnecessary and uncalled for, according to the Biden administration. Officials knew that “polymerization was not occurring, and there was no justification to do a vent and burn,” National Transportation Safety Board Chairwoman Jennifer Homendy testified to Senator J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) in March. “There was another option: let it cool down.” But the people with the information did not share it with forces on the ground.

Despite the continuing fallout, President Biden has yet to issue a declaration of a public health emergency for the rural area, where President Donald Trump won 70.7% of the vote over Joe Biden in 2020.

The president seems more interested in trucking aid to the Palestinian Authority than in caring for U.S. citizens in East Palestine, Ohio.

6. The Biden administration stands up for AIDS-infected prostitution.

The Biden administration achieved minor success (the only kind it appears to attain) in its bizarre campaign to stop states from punishing HIV-positive prostitutes whose activity could expose others to the deadly virus. As this author reported in TWS:

“The Biden administration’s Justice Department sued the state of Tennessee over a law it adopted to stop the spread of AIDS, on the grounds that it discriminates against the virus. The state’s aggravated prostitution law (§ 39-13-516) charges anyone who knowingly sells sex while HIV-positive with a Class C felony, rather than a misdemeanor for prostitution. The guilty must also register as sex offenders for life, because they may have exposed the other party to AIDS.”

Although the lawsuit remains pending, the Biden administration announced Thursday it had convinced the district attorney of Shelby County, Tennessee to ignore the law and no longer prosecute offenders. He will also alert those who have been convicted under the statute of their ability to vacate the judgment and any remaining sentences or financial penalties.

The lawless move seems in keeping with the record of the district attorney of Shelby County, which includes Memphis. Steve Mulroy is a Democrat who received $616,000 in donations linked to far-left billionaire George Soros, according to the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund. Amy Schumer, Barry Scheck, and executives from Jay Z’s company Roc Nation also donated to Mulroy in 2022.

Laws that prosecute HIV-positive prostitutes “perpetuate bias, stereotypes and ignorance,” said Assistant Attorney Kristen Clarke, who oversees the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. Clarke, who stands credibly accused of perjuring herself during her confirmation hearings by omitting details over a purported history of domestic violence, may want to attend to her own legal conundrums.

But the lawsuit furthers the designs of the World Health Organization. WHO Secretary-General Tedros Ghebreyesus instructed nations near the first of this year, “Countries must repeal laws that criminalize homosexuality, sex work and HIV transmission.” The Biden administration’s legal crusade reveals the dangerous lengths to which liberals will go to carry out the will of the WHO.

Speaking of which ….

7. Opposition to WHO Pandemic Agreement spreading like wildfire in Congress.

The Biden administration remains committed to adopting the WHO Pandemic Agreement without Senate ratification, as constitutionally required for a treaty. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) introduced a measure requiring Biden to submit the accord to the U.S. Senate, so it can carry out its duty to advise and consent to it. But during a January 25 appearance on “Washington Watch,” Johnson observed that his bill is “not getting much traction here in Congress,” because the sovereignty-destroying concordat had become “a partisan issue.”

What a difference three and a half months make.

“Every Republican senator has signed on to this bill,” Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-Wis.) told Perkins on Wednesday. His Wisconsin colleague, Johnson, rallied the entire Senate Republican caucus to sign a May 1 letter calling the pandemic agreement “unacceptable.”

The same momentum took place in the lower chamber of Congress, where Tiffany introduced the companion legislation. “We started out with 14 co-signers on the bill a couple months ago. We are now up to 51 members of the House of Representatives who have signed on,” said Tiffany.

Internationally, officials in the United Kingdom opposed the treaty, saying it would undermine national sovereignty and force them to divert emergency medical supplies intended for the British people to the global governance body for redistribution. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico also had stern words for the WHO Pandemic Agreement, declaring in November, “I will not support strengthening the powers of the World Health Organization at the expense of sovereign states.” He also derided the accord’s provisions as “nonsense that must have been created by insatiable pharmaceutical companies.” A 71-year-old pro-Ukrainian gunman repeatedly shot Fico on Wednesday. As of this writing, the populist prime minister remains in serious condition.

Please spare a few prayers for Fico, and his assailant. And, if you might, a few prayers that the WHO Pandemic Agreement fails.


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Audacity of Merrick Garland

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Comer: Biden’s Intelligence Agencies ‘Have No Plan’ to Counter CCP’s Infiltration Program

The chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee is warning that despite the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) unprecedented level of infiltration of U.S. institutions, intelligence agencies under the Biden administration appear to be unprepared, with “no government plan” to counter the threat.

“[W]e’ve known for years [that] they’re stealing our patents, they’re stealing our intellectual property,” House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) pointed out during Thursday’s “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins.” “They’ve engaged in creating spy centers all across America, not just at our public universities. By the way, China, we have learned, is funding anonymously a lot of our most liberal research universities, the ones which just so happen to be having all the campus protests against Israel.”

A report released Wednesday by the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) confirmed that radical left-wing organizations heavily involved in the anti-Israel protests and encampments that have spread to numerous universities across the country have received considerable funding from a network with ties to the CCP. The report details how the Shut It Down for Palestine (SID4P) movement, which includes a coalition of three other left-wing organizations, “are linked through financial, personal, and ideological ties to CCP associates Neville Roy Singham and his wife, Jodie Evans.” Singham, who formerly served as a consultant to Huawei, a Chinese tech conglomerate, “is known for funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into pro-China progressive advocacy through his network.”

The report concludes that the CCP’s “foreign influence efforts” seek to support U.S.-based groups with a “revolutionary, anti-government, and anti-capitalist agenda” in order to “incit[e] unrest throughout the summer of 2024 and in the lead-up to the U.S. Presidential election.”

Comer went on to describe what his committee is doing to combat China’s infiltration efforts.

“[W]e also know that they’re spying on our military bases, and we’ve launched an investigation,” he explained. “We’re trying to learn every detail of how deep their spy rings go, how deep their theft rings go, as well as passing legislation. [O]ur committee yesterday [passed] the BIOSECURE Act, which targeted five Chinese companies that the United States can no longer do business with because they take our genetic data and our health care data and use it against us.”

As reported by the South China Morning Post, the bill was passed out of committee with almost unanimous bipartisan support. The legislation would restrict federal agencies from contracting with the Chinese biotech companies BGI Group, MGI, Complete Genomics, Wuxi AppTec, and Wuxi Biologics. As noted by Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.), BGI has been accused of “using DNA from millions around the world without their consent on genomic projects conducted by the Chinese military.” In addition, Wuxi AppTec allegedly stole the intellectual property of U.S. companies and ran genetic testing centers “in cooperation with the Chinese military.”

Despite the increasingly malicious activity directed at the U.S. by the CCP, Comer expressed profound disappointment in the performance and lack of initiative of the intelligence agencies under the Biden administration with regard to the threat.

“Right now, I have absolutely no confidence in our intelligence community whatsoever,” he emphasized. “… [W]hen they give a classified briefing to Congress, if you write that down and wait, their predictions never seem to happen. They’re always wrong in a lot of big things. … [W]ith respect to China, there’s no government plan right now to educate the heads of government cabinets, much less the heads of government departments and divisions as to what to look for, to realize when China has infiltrated your data system or when China has hacked into some type of computer program, or where China may have some employees that are there spying and taking sensitive or even classified information back to the CCP for China.”

Comer further highlighted the dangers of the U.S.’s growing financial dependence on China.

“[China] owns a lot of our debt,” he observed. “And one of the strategies that China uses in third world countries — and I fear that they may already be implementing this strategy in the United States — is a thing called ‘debt trap strategy,’ where they loan countries money on certain infrastructure projects … knowing they will never be able to pay it back. And then, like a bank, they go in and foreclose on that asset. … [A]nytime Joe Biden has a program to pay off student loan debt or has another stimulus program or … gives money to Ukraine, we’re borrowing from China, and I fear that in the back of China’s mind, they realize the United States is going to be just like some of these African [and] South American countries [who are] never going to be able to pay it back.”

“As Scripture says, we don’t want to be indebted because the borrower is slave to the lender,” Family Research Council President Tony Perkins remarked.


Dan Hart

Dan Hart is senior editor at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

What the Biden Regime is doing to attack its political opponents is called ‘Компромат’

“To keep kompromat on enemies is a pleasure. To keep kompromat on friends is a must.” — Alena V. Ledeneva, “How Russia Really Works.”

Cornell University Press wrote, “The word kompromat has no direct equivalent in English. Its literal translation—“compromising material”—refers to discrediting information that can be collected, stored, traded, or used strategically across all domains: political, electoral, legal, professional, judicial, media, or business. A recent dictionary of contemporary terminology defines kompromat as an abbreviated term for disparaging documents on a person subject to investigation, suspicion, or blackmail, derived from 1930s secret police jargon. In its contemporary context, the term is strongly associated with kompromat wars—intrigues exercised through the release of often unsubstantiated or unproven information (documents, materials)—which are damaging for all those involved.

Typology of Kompromat

To understand the logics of this diverse phenomenon, it is helpful to identify four “ideal types” of kompromat. When we look at real-life cases of kompromat used against rivals, it is clear that these four categories are primarily analytical: few cases can be defined as belonging exclusively to a single type, while a serious and sustained attack on a politician tends to make use of all types.

The first type of kompromat consists of revelations about an individual’s political activities, including abuse of office and power, relations with oligarchs, the disclosure of secret information, political incompetence, and political disloyalty.

The second type of kompromat concerns a politician’s disreputable, often illegal, economic activities, which could include any one or a number of the following: misappropriation of budget funds, embezzlement, shady bank deals, improprieties in the privatization process, offshore activity, capital flight, the holding of foreign bank accounts, involvement in illegal financial schemes, cronyism and nepotism, inappropriate or illegal election campaign financing, preferential treatment in business deals or contracts, and, most obvious, the giving and accepting of bribes.

The third type of kompromat involves criminal activities, including ties to organized crime, contract killings and violence, spying and tapping, and blackmail.

The fourth type of kompromat consists of revelations about private life, including details of illegitimate income or fees, property and possessions, extravagant spending habits, sexual behavior, sexual orientation, cultural or religious background, beliefs and ideology, health or age, and misdemeanors by family members.

Kompromat, Donald J. Trump and January 6th, 2021

A kompromat war was launched in 2016 when Donald J. Trump beat Hillary Clinton and became the 45th President of the United States.

Ironically, it began with the Russian collusion myth, a form of kompromat. This Russian collusion myth was fabricated to create false “compromising material” against President Donald J. Trump and his administration.

The peaceful rally in Washington, D.C. is yet another example of kompromat. To this day discrediting information has been collected, stored, traded, or used strategically across all domains: political, electoral, legal, professional, judicial, media, or business of President Donald J. Trump, his friends and, more importantly, to attack anyone who took part in the January 6th rally, including Rebecca Lavrenz a 76-year old great-grandmother who has been convicted in a Washington, D.C. court of walking around the Capitol for 10 minutes On Jan. 6th. She is facing jail time.

The Bottom Line

It is time to end the Biden Regime, its allies and the Democrat Party “Компромат War” against we the people.

It is time to restore our Constitutional Republic and provide equal justice under the law for all.

As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Psalm 106:3 commands us to defend justice, “Blessed are they who maintain justice, who constantly do what is right.”

We have only two parties today: Traitors and Patriots.

Traitors are skilled at the art of Компромат.

Patriots are now increasingly the victims of Компромат.

November 5th, 2024 is the date to end Компромат.

As Samuel Adams wrote, “For true patriots to be silent, is dangerous.

©2024. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

To understand what is happening today please read “Dissent: The Highest Form of Patriotism.”

RELATED VIDEO: Victor Davis Hanson on ‘The End of Everything’ – Lessons for an Imperiled America | TIPPING POINT

Carbon Capture Doesn’t Work, So Why Are They Doing It?

This is yet again another VERY bad idea…


Rebecca Terrell is an editor of the New American magazine and has written about unscientific foolishness for a long time. As such, I am honored for her to write this Critical Thinking Substack commentary.

Carbon dioxide harvesting is the Establishment’s latest eco-darling initiative and a big part of the Biden administration’s net-zero fantasies. The 2021 Infrastructure Bill included a mind-blowing $12 billion in carbon capture technology funding and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act increased government subsidies for capturing CO2 from $50 to $85 per metric ton.

“Carbon capture and storage” (CCS) aims to trap CO2 as it is produced by refineries and power plants. “Carbon dioxide removal” (CDR) involves large machines that extract COdirectly from the atmosphere. The trapped gas is liquified and transmitted at extremely high pressure to underground reservoirs. Sometimes it is used to extract oil and gas from deep, otherwise-depleted wells, in a process known as Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).

Around 5,000 miles of CO2 pipeline already exist in this country, but experts estimate that up to 65,000 miles will be added if Biden’s government’s plans are realized.

Of course, all these exorbitant expenditures are based on the lie that CO2 is a pollutant, when carbon dioxide is actually the “gas of life,” as plants require it to survive, and as we rely on plants to survive. Every 8th grader knows this.

But here’s an interesting twist about CCS and CDR. Even environmentalists are against it as a “false solution”! As radical an activist as Al Gore calls it “nonsense.”

Why? Because it doesn’t work, plus it is net carbon additive!

Take, for example, a CDR module from the Swiss manufacturer Climeworks AG. Its energy consumption is approximately 2,650 kilowatt-hours per metric ton captured. In order to generate that amount of electricity, a coal power plant emits 2.4 metric tons of CO2. That’s a net add of 1.4 metric tons. In the case of natural gas plants, the net add is approximately 0.5 metric tons.

And though it is rare that you can make such an absolute statement as this, every single carbon capture project in existence today has missed its forecasted CCS goals. Every. Single. One.

At this point, the critical thinker in you is probably asking, “If the technology doesn’t work, and if it adds carbon instead of removing it from the atmosphere, why are they using it?”

It’s part of the ongoing global land-grab masked behind the virtue-signalling “Save Mother Earth” narrative. We’ve seen the same in regard to wind and solar projects, which gobble up otherwise arable land for wasteful “renewable” energy sources that could not compete in the level playing field of a free market, but depend upon hefty government subsidies for their very existence.

This global land grab has been in the works for years. The Action Plan from the 1976 UN Conference on Human Settlements spelled it out in clear words:

Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlement, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership … contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes… Public control of land use is therefore indispensable to its protection as an asset and the achievement of the long-term objectives of human settlement policies and strategies.

These dystopian ideals have been built into most major UN declarations and conventions, most notably Agenda 21, which then-President George H.W. Bush signed us to at the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Brazil. Its latest update is known as Agenda 2030. The goals are best summed up in the World Economic Forum’s video, “8 Predictions for the World in 2030,” which promises that we modern feudal serfs will “own nothing” and “be happy.”

Owning nothing would most certainly not make me happy, and I hazard a guess it would not tickle your fancy either. The solution? Fight tooth and nail against these encroachments on our God-given rights. Educate yourself, your family and friends, and especially public officials within your reach.

Learn that code words such as “sustainability,” “carbon footprint,” and “renewable” really mean slavery to ever-increasing government overreach. It’s easier than you think to expose the plot to steal our rights, when you can point to the proof playing out in your own backyard.

©2024. John Droz, Jr. All rights reserved.

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Here are other materials by this scientist that you might find interesting:

Check out the Archives of this Critical Thinking substack.

WiseEnergy.orgdiscusses the Science (or lack thereof) behind our energy options.

C19Science.infocovers the lack of genuine Science behind our COVID-19 policies.

Election-Integrity.infomultiple major reports on the election integrity issue.

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Democrat Leadership Urges Members To Oppose House GOP’s Israel Aid Bill

It’s not “just the squad”. Today’s Democratic Party is systemically antisemitic.

The entire anti-Israel narrative is a litany of lies about Israel. Lying about Israel is lying about Jews.

That’s anti-Semitism straight up. (hat tip Shirley)

Dem Leadership Urges Members To Oppose House GOP’s Israel Weapons Bill

By: Daily Wire, May 14, 2024;

On Tuesday, House Democrat leadership urged their colleagues in the party to vote against a GOP bill that pressures the Biden administration not to withhold arms from Israel as it fights Hamas following a deadly terrorist attack in October of last year.

Republican appropriators introduced the legislation after President Joe Biden halted the delivery of some weapons to Israel in protest of a full-scale ground operation in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

Continue reading.



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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Voters Move Away from Biden’s Israel Policies in Droves as Swing State Poll Numbers Crumble

Amid polls showing that President Joe Biden’s wavering support for Israel is alienating voters on all sides, another major poll released Monday has revealed that former President Donald Trump has opened up a significant lead over Biden in five key battleground states as the November elections loom.

A New York Times/Siena/Philadelphia Inquirer survey found that Trump is leading Biden among registered voters by a substantial amount outside of the margin of error in four prominent swing states, including Arizona (49%-42%), Georgia (49%-39%), Michigan (49%-42%), and Nevada (50%-38%). In addition, Trump leads Biden in Pennsylvania 47%-44%.

The poll also found the presumptive Republican presidential nominee leading Biden among likely voters in Arizona (49%-43%), Georgia (50%-41%), Nevada (51%-38%), Pennsylvania (48%-45%), and Wisconsin (47%-46%).

“These results cannot be dismissed,” Matt Carpenter, director of FRC Action, told The Washington Stand. “If I’m the Biden campaign I’m hitting the panic button. With less than six months until Election Day, and early voting starting in closer to four months, voters are making up their minds as to whom they will support, and increasingly they are shifting away from Biden in the states he needs to secure reelection.”

Carpenter added, “What’s more, segments of the electorate that historically back Democrats are leading the shift away from Biden — young, black, and Hispanic voters — which explains why states with higher non-white populations like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Nevada have a bigger gap than do whiter states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.”

A Gallup poll conducted in April confirmed this shift, as affiliation with the Republican Party saw an 11-point swing against the Democratic Party when compared to the numbers from 2016. The survey found that 47% of Independent voters leaned toward the GOP, a five-point increase since 2016.

On the flip side, the Democrats suffered a six-point loss since 2016 with voters who said they leaned toward their party. The swing is likely fueled by black and Hispanic voters leaving Biden’s party. A February Gallup poll recorded a 20% decrease in black support of the Democratic Party in three years. It also found that Hispanic support the president’s party among voters aged 18-29 had plummeted by almost the same amount.

The poll results come as Biden’s policy decisions surrounding Israel’s war against the Hamas terrorist group prove to be increasingly unpopular with supermajorities of U.S. citizens. As noted by National Review, “The latest Harvard-Harris poll found that people support Israel over Hamas by 80-20, and believe that Israel is trying to avoid civilian casualties in Gaza, 67-33. Even voters ages 18-24 support Israel in this survey, 57 to 43, and believe that Israel is trying to minimize casualties, 64-36.”

“At this stage in the election, the Biden campaign should be focusing on persuading swing voters and identifying base voters to drive to the polls,” Carpenter remarked in comments to TWS. “Instead, they have what looks like a mutiny on their hands. The Trump campaign cannot afford to rest on their laurels, however. In 2022, Democrats succeeded in halting what appeared to be a red wave by running campaigns focused on the election process — requesting and collecting mail-in ballots. At the end of the day, the only poll that matters is the one on Election Day.”


Dan Hart

Dan Hart is senior editor at The Washington Stand.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.