Tag Archive for: border czar Kamala

‘Hidden’ Biden & ‘Joyful’ Kamala: Two Sides of a Counterfeit Coin

The Israeli airstrike killed Hassan Nasrallah, a leader of terrorist organization Hezbollah in Beirut and other officials, that destabilized the Middle East for thirty years. For the first time in modern history, the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah were terrorized. Bravo, Israel! America should learn from Israel. There is another first-time event in modern history of politics—Israel hasn’t notified the U.S. of the upcoming airstrikes against the Lebanon terrorist Hezbollah and Hamas. This is the real news within Western civilization—Israel doesn’t trust the current American Government! There is an obvious rift between the government of Israel and Biden’s administration! Biden’s team is handling the situation differently from all previous American governments, criticizing Israel for retaliation that is widening the war and focusing on the destruction of terrorist’s organizations. Israel wants to finish terrorist-Hamas and Hezbollah, Biden’s team doesn’t and undermines the Israeli effort …

While watching the American government, we see it. Biden’s Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, is constantly flying to Israel to force Netanyahu to sign a cease-fire peace with terrorist organizations, which is not in American interest. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan’s visit comes as a public rift has opened between Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the mounting civilian casualties in Gaza and differences in opinion about what a future for Palestinians should look like after combat operations end. Sullivan also discussed transitioning the Israeli assault on Hamas and Hezbollah to “lower intensity operations.” That is definitely not the Israeli interest.

Israel wants to free its territory from Hezbollah and return 60 thousand of its citizen’s homes. I am also afraid that Sullivan doesn’t understand the difference between the citizens of Israel killed and destroyed by terrorist-Hamas October 7, 2023 and citizens of Palestine who voted for terrorist-Hamas organization to govern them. Please, see the background of Jack Sullivan: “He previously served as Director of Policy to President Barack Obama, National Security Advisor to the-Vice President Biden and Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary Hillary Clinton at the U.S. Department of State. Sullivan also served as senior advisor to the U.S. federal government at the Iran nuclear negotiations and senior policy advisor to Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign…” Wikipedia

Please, pay attention to “Sullivan also served as senior advisor to the U.S. federal government at the Iran nuclear negotiations and senior policy advisor to Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign…” Should’ve we have a lot of questions to Sullivan concerning Clinton’s emails scandal and continuation of the Iran nuclear negotiations under Obama and Biden??? Of course we should’ve, but nobody asked him. The Trump team was hacked by Iran again. Does Sullivan know that? Look at another blunted liar John Kirby, he is looking at your eye and lying. I don’t trust the Biden regime, now covering-up the real Kamala Harris the way they have covered-up Biden’s mental incapacity for four years by Socialist modus operandi: lies, deceit, fabrication and fraud…

“Kamala Harris is a fascist”—Judge Joe Brown CA

Providing information about Kamala Harris, Jesse Watters has interviewed Judge Joe Brown CA. on Primetime Fox News in September 2024. The Judge was describing Kamala Harris as the DA of California. Summarizing, he called her—a fascist. I agree with him, but my arguments come from the outside world: global chaos, ideology and world politics. As a former Soviet attorney, I have been writing about the terrorist State of Russia and the war instigated by the ideology of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet fascism for forty-three years. America had not escaped the influence of Soviet Socialism; we don’t have Truman’s party any longer—it has been converted to America’s Socialist party. Just look at America today, September 2024, you’ll see it: the so-called Dems party fights American capitalism, the Republican party, and our political system…

Kamala is economically clueless; she didn’t answer any questions about the economy in her only one-solo interview. The entire Harris campaign is based on one thing: positioning herself as the opposite of President Trump. Nothing else, no substance, only buzz words. Kamala is Putin’s protege, I told you that years ago. “Kamala finally released a policy and it’s Bolshevik” Elise Stefanik. Elise Stefanik is right by identifying Russia. I can add more, as I’ve been writing about Russia and its Intel for four decades. I was calling the Dems’ actors many different names: Socialist Charlatans, Socialist thugs, the Con men and women and so on. Finally, I came to the conclusion that we are dealing with organized crime and called a spade a spade—America’s Socialist Mafia. Read my column: The Democrat Party: A Party of Disinformation and Fraud,  May 21, 2023.

This is not the threat to Trump from Iran, it is the Global Elites, led by Globalist Vladimir Putin and Socialist-Communist Cabal that hates Trump—he is an existential threat to them. The core of the issue is the terrorist State of Russia—Iran is its proxy. Those are not the Global Snobs; they are real enemies of Trump, combating him constantly-brutally trying to take him out under Putin’s leadership for the last nine years. You all have seen it during those years. American pundits don’t often use the term “Mafia,” but the world is changing fast and there is a necessity to learn new changes. I am not the first person to use the term “Mafia.“ A brilliant, savvy woman Georgia Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy increases Italy’s defense spending and use the term in her speech in front of the world:

“Meloni said she alerted the national anti-Mafia prosecutor and vowed to pass new measures to curb the practice” www.reuters.com › world › Europe Italy’s Meloni blames organized crime for ‘alarming’ migrant …”

“Jun 4, 2024 · Criminal gangs are exploiting loopholes in Italy’s legal visa system for foreign workers to smuggle in illegal immigrants, a problem the anti-Mafia prosecutor should investigate”

A very respected Meloni however has not identified the country and political system responsible for spreading organized crime across the globe, I have been doing that for four decades—the system of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. The system has been developed by Russian dictator Joseph Stalin, making Law enforcement an Apparatus of politics, by weaponizing Law Enforcement to secure Socialist economy in the 20th century. Read my column: Putin’s Soviet Socialism is Claiming Over the World: The Middle East, The Democrat Party, and White HouseAugust 12, 2024. We are not able to win the 2024 election without this information. Read every paragraph of it.

In the falsehood of intellectual dishonesty, Democrats’ administrations have been weaponizing our justice and criminal systems, like they destroy our border defense system, our educational system and the courts, all courts including the FISA Court that unlawfully made me a Foreign Agent and prevented you from learning the truth. The FBI submitted my name to the FISA Court and the Court made me a Foreign Agent with consequential banning and sabotaging my writings in 2002. In my opinion, it was a criminal act against me and against Americans. As a result, America’s Socialist Mafia is not known by Americans. Moreover, Biden-Harris team is not alone, the FBI is also a part of America’s Socialist Mafia and please, remember Socialist Mafia runs by the KGB’s Mafia-Army…

…I have to stop writing; Kamala is speaking in Arizona after visiting the border…

…Listening to her, I was afraid to get a heart attack… I was horrified. Kamala vowed to repair the border she had destroyed, she lied straight to your face, like Soviet apparatchiks did in the Soviet Union. A disturbing feeling of vomiting visited me, but I had to listen to her lying, cheating, deceiving, fabricating and fraud, the entire demonstration of Socialist modus operandi by a woman, who wants to be the U.S. President… She is not Bolshevik, she is a Soviet fascist with a desire to implement Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism in America.  And… she is using the Republican narratives! What a Shame!!! I was disgusted…

A couple hours later, I realized that we got the Soviet spectacle a-la Biden’s theatrical performances for the last four years: It was Kamala’s photo-op for 20 minutes on the border in the background of the Wall built by Trump to deceive you. She lies straight to your face, contradicting herself and some people applauded her. America has been deeply divided by treasonous Dems’ policy for years. Biden-Harris team has widened that division by their deliberate policy of open border, which coincided with Putin’s dissemination of Soviet Socialism by the KGB’s Mafia-Army across the globe. The invasion was orchestrated by our Gov—a continuation of Putin-Biden collusion that started in 2014-15 Ukraine. I was also right in presenting the Afghan shocking surrender as a continuation of the treason—the Putin design and Biden’s White House execution of the Afghanistan tragedy in 2021. Knowledge of Russia’s terrorist State is imperative!

As I understand it now, the demented Biden got an order on Putin’s disorderly withdrawal to implement it. He did. The Biden State Department or Military leadership had never constructed their own plan of orderly retreats. I am not sure they knew that Al-Qaeda and ISIS are still in Afghanistan. My column on Abortion was the historical foundation of reality and Russia’s fraud, here is a part of it: Abortion and Other Socialist Plans to Destroy America October 3, 2020:

“We have been subjected to so many lies, deceptions, disinformation and fraud by agitators and provocateurs for years that most people are disoriented and puzzled. Who is doing that to us? The answer is America’s Socialist Party. They are preaching hate to cover-up the crime they have committed for several decades. They are accusing Trump of all sorts of things to divert your attention from the crime they had committed. They have followed Stalin’s postulate: Never admit crime committed, instead accuse the adversary in that exact crime.

Abortions: Political Correctness and the Pro-Choice Fraud

The issue has a long history which grew as a snowball to the gigantic cultural fraud going back to the 60s. Abortion has been discussed in the wrong territory. All debate on abortion should start with a fraudulent definition of PRO-CHOICE in the last century. It was time when the Russian Intel began its infiltration into the Democrat party and you can see how abortion discussion has been influenced by Russia’s fraud. The first example is a misleading meaning to the term “pro-choice,” inculcated by the intimidating power of political correctness used by the Dems. The premise of abortion is clear—prevention of pregnancy. Be attentive to the premise—prevention of pregnancy. The Dems just moved the time span one bit further and the Republicans, as usual, swallowed the fraudulent hook.

The real pregnancy comes to life by the sexual act and the actual choice is a prevention of sexual act. The partners, especially a woman, have a choice before a sexual act. It is action taken before the sexual act that prevents pregnancy and not actions after the fact, which is a fraud. The abortion issue has become a tool for the Dems to undermine our traditional culture, and our set of values. Just count the disproportional murder of black fetuses and fatherless black families to see the enormous cultural implications of this leftist fraud. Unfortunately, this fraud has affected all ethnic groups in America.”

Show me one Republican who knows this information and tried to expose the Dems’ fraud? None, they are still on the hook in the 21st century. Now is the time to stop an arrogant and condescending Kamala and expose the long-term Dems’ fraud and show the real Kamala’s face implementing Soviet fascism in America. Biden’s AG Garland charged three Iranian bad actors in hacking Trump’s campaign. The FBI Director supports him. In my opinion, it is Biden’s team maneuver to divert your attention from the actual culprit—Russia and America’s Socialist Mafia. Read about bad actors like Mayor Pete, George Soros and million others:  Bloody Prints of the KGB  https://bit.ly/4bY6RC2  

My heart is bleeding by watching Russia killing citizens and destroying the cities of Ukraine. But… Ukraine can’t win the war against Russia. Period. President Zelenskyy will never win this war. The war should be stopped as soon as possible. Biden’s team has prolonged the war for very questionable reasons. However, President Zelenskyy is right: “Those are Russian Drones coming from Iran.” Read my columns about Putin, he personally supervised the building of the Drone factory in Iran. If you want to read my latest book What is Happening to America? Please Click Here

Maria Bartiromo interviewed President of Poland Andrew Duda September 29, 2024. President Duda was talking about Russian foreign policy against Europe, spreading the Russian migration to Poland and further to the entire Europe. Doesn’t it remind you of the Dems-Biden policy of open borders in America? To understand it you have to know the Russian Disinformation Operation that is going on in America right now. Its influence on the Dems by the bad actors started years ago. As a former Soviet attorney, who knows Stalin’s Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. Here is my must-read column: Fraud Coming to Flower – The Roots of the Deep State. Read it to save America.

The planned chaos of American Capitalism had been designed by the Russian Communists a hundred years ago. Today, in September 2024 America has experienced that chaos—we are at three wars simultaneously. But, in fact, we have the same enemy—socialist/communist cabal of the Russian/Chinese Intel with a criminal mastermind, confronting Western civilization and American Capitalism. This is a result of the Democrat Party under Putin’s control. It is going on under the background of a manufactured criminal Show Trial (the Russian/Socialist invention) against former President Trump! Isn’t all of that a real Fraud of the Century???

P.S. The capital of Lebanon Beirut was called “a Paris of the Middle East.” With the help of Russia’s Intel, a terrorist organization Hezbollah had been established on the border with Israel in the 1960-70s . The Soviet/Russia has been known as a highly anti-Semitic state. Read my columns about Russia’s War Crime against people of the Middle East. Learn about Soviet fascism—Beirut is unrecognizable today…

To be continued www.simonapipko.com and at www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/

©2024. Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

Kamala’s Unsavory Supporters at the Lemkin Institute

Some of Kamala Harris’s supporters constitute yet another ominous omen in the perturbing accumulation that the prospect of her victory portends.

Recently, a distressed Twitter/X message from a well-known Israeli-Australian human rights jurist caught my eye. It dealt with an institute, which I must confess, I had never heard of previously—but perhaps that is merely a testament to my ignorance.

Shameful & Shameless

The institute, the Lemkin Institute, professes to be dedicated to the study of the grisly topic of “genocide” and what so appalled the eminent lawyer was the bizarre manner in which the Institute—that bears the name of the man, who originally conceived the term “genocide”—had chosen to twist and distort its alleged focus of inquiry. With evident dismay, he tweeted: Quite incredible that @LemkinInstitute, named after Raphael Lemkin, who coined the term ‘genocide’, would now be shilling for jihadists of Hezbollah (and Hamas), who would seek to carry out another genocide against the Jewish people! Shame on you!

Indeed, there is much to justify his consternation. After all, the Institute issued a statement that reeks of unadulterated Judeophobia, condemning Israel’s response to an unprovoked and barbarous massacre of its civilian population by the Islamo-fascist terror organization, Hamas—with the eager complicity of the Gazan population at large.

Willfully blind to the fact that Israel is engaged in conflict, not of its choosing, with two terror organizations, backed by a global state sponsor of Jihadi terror, all of which have the explicit intent of genocide (the express intent of eliminating the Jewish state and its Jewish inhabitants) brazenly emblazoned across their publicly professed positions. In fact. the obliteration of Israel is a major part of the raison d’etre of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the tyrannical theocracy in Tehran. Yet, on its X account, the Institute shamelessly accuses Israel of being a “genocidal state that is completely out of control”, wildly alleging  that it is “supported by a Western world that is, in large measure, too racist and Islamophobic to care.” Similar toxic tirades appear on the Institute’s website and the LinkedIn account of the Institute’s Executive Director.

Conflating “chalk & cheese”

It should be remembered that when Lamkin coined the term “genocide”, it was against the ghastly backdrop of the WWII Holocaust, a mega-tragedy involving the meticulously planned and purposely perpetrated annihilation of millions of non-combatants (particularly Jews) for no other reason than their ethnic origins. Israel’s action in Gaza differs vastly from anything that can be associated, even remotely, with those comprising genocide.

After all, what genocidally inclined villain would take the painstaking –some would say decidedly ill-advised—efforts that Israel has taken to protect enemy civilians? Indeed, authoritative military sources such as former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, Richard Kemp, and West Point’s Urban warfare expert, John Spencer have stated unequivocally that Israel has achieved the lowest ratio of civilian casualties in the history of urban warfare. Moreover, IDF has regularly pre-warned Gazan civilians to vacate areas to be attacked and arranged for safe passage of non-combatants out of combat zones to designated sanctuary areas. In addition, Israel has conveyed well over a million tons of humanitarian aid—including food, water, and medical supplies—to the Gazan population.

Perversely, it is difficult to conceive of conduct any less consistent with the practice of genocide.

Caricaturizing & miniaturizing

Indeed, not only has the Institute blatantly evaded mentioning that much of the Gazan death toll is due to the actions of Hamas leadership, which not only used its own civilians as human shields but actively urged, threatened, and physically prevented them from evacuating war zones for safer locations.

Thus, the Jews, the victims of the archetypical genocide (the Holocaust) are now, by some perverted sleight-of-hand, being portrayed as the purveyors of a maliciously contrived and choreographed “genocide” of its attackers. In embracing this distorted approach, in which all civilian deaths due to war, regardless of scale, scope, or circumstance, are designated “genocide”, the Institute has cheapened and sullied its solemn sphere of study—in effect caricaturizing its content and miniaturizing its dimensions.

It is against this backdrop that the accusation of genocide, leveled by the Institute, not only at Israel, but at its strategic allies. should be viewed. Thus, the Lemkin Institute charged Azerbaijan, one of Israel’s largest suppliers of energy and a major commercial partner, with perpetrating “genocide” during its 2023 operation in Nagorno-Karabakh—this despite the very low estimates of fatalities incurred in the fighting (mostly combatants on both sides)  and that the ethnic Armenian residents were afforded passage to their motherland, Armenia.

After all, whatever one’s opinion on the rights-and-wrongs of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, it is clear Baku’s objective was not ethnic slaughter. Rather, it was the ending tof he undeniably anomalous and destabilizing situation, whereby a sizeable enclave, entirely within the frontiers of one sovereign nation is populated by inhabitants, who not only identify with another nation, but an adversarial one at that.

November 2016: Ominous omens

This dubious and manipulative “intellectual” skullduggery demonstrated by the Institute might not be worth much attention had it not been for the upcoming elections and the senior leadership of the Institute, not only throwing their weight firmly behind the Democratic candidate, Kamala Harris, but for aiming to implant their (the Lemkin Institute’s) biased anti-Israel agenda into Harris’s campaign.

For the Jewish state, this is yet one more ominous omen in the gathering accumulation of grave concern that the prospect of a Harris victory portends.

©2024. Dr. Martin Sherman. All rights reserved.

ICE Report: Border Czar Kamala Let 663,000 Illegals Who Are Convicted Criminals Into US, 13,000 Illegals Convicted of Murder, 16,000 Convicted for Rape

Remember Kamala’s slogan, ”the border is secure.”

Who in their right mind would vote for these treasonous savages?

Arm yourselves.

Trump was right, hostile nations are emptying their prisons and dumping them here.

647,431 Total Illegal Aliens Wanted by ICE:

  • 425,431 Illegal Aliens Guilty of Homicide, Violent Crimes, Sexual Assaults Against Women and Minors Roaming Free!
    • 13,099 Convicted for Homicide
    • 15,811 Convicted of Sexual Assault
  • 222,000 Illegal Aliens Pending Criminal Charges Roaming Free!
    • 1,900 Pending Homicide Charges
    • 4,259 Pending Sexual Assault Charges

Harris-Biden are flying them in.

WATCH: TRUMP: “There’s no greater act of disloyalty than to extinguish the sovereignty of your own nation”

No matter your politics, these new numbers are shocking. Of the 7 million migrants that ICE released while their cases are being processed, 663,000 have criminal histories, 13,000 were convicted of homicide, 16,000 of sexual assault, and 1,845 face homicide charges.


Border Czar Kamala Harris has lost over 325,000 migrant children to human traffickers

Invasion of the U.S.A. by Criminal Illegal Aliens

ICE just crashed Kamala Harris’ border photo op with cold hard truths

Read the full U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Report dated September 25, 2024 on X



Kamala’s Border Visit Backfires Before She Even Arrives

800,000 Violent Aliens Roam Free!

New Report Details Growing Threat Of Noncitizens Voting In U.S. Elections

RELATED VIDEO: AZ Sheriff Mark Lamb: ‘Kamala Harris as the border czar, has been a COMPLETE AND UTTER DISASTER.’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Christopher Tomlinson: ‘Trump Is Right. Mass Migration HAS Destroyed Paris and London’

Many other cities all over Europe are not far behind. The objective on the part of the European elites is to sow chaos they can exploit to justify the imposition of authoritarian regimes, which will, of course, be favorable toward Sharia.

Trump Is Right. Mass Migration HAS Destroyed Paris and London

by Christopher Tomlinson, National Pulse, September 24, 2024:

President Donald J. Trump recently stated that migrants had destroyed the cities of London and Paris. He’s right.

“Look what’s happened in London, look what’s happening in Paris,” Trump said to the crowd while endorsing a plan that could see large-scale deportations of illegals that have come into the United States under the Biden-Harris regime.

Trump correctly asserts that mass migration, particularly illegal migration, has radically transformed both of these once-gleaming international destinations.


Paris has become a hub for illegals, and tent encampments are not uncommon, full of hundreds, sometimes thousands, of illegals and asylum seekers. Of those, some are underage Moroccans who engage in petty theft and drug-related crime. In 2018, Paris police arrested 1552 Moroccan migrant minors but only managed to deport six of them.

Underage Africans have also been forced to work as “soldiers” for drug gangs in Paris and elsewhere in Europe.

Migrants are vastly overrepresented in crime in Paris. In 2023, 30 out of 97 rapes on the streets of the capital were actually solved. Among those arrested, 77 percent were foreigners. Even President Emmanuel Macron has admitted that around half of the crime in Paris is committed by foreigners….


The effect of mass migration on London is even more stark than in Paris. Census data shows that native white British people now make up just 36.8 percent of the city’s population; by contrast, white British made up just over 97 percent of the city’s population in 1961….

Mass migration has also brought crimes not seen previously in the British capital, like acid attacks, with 107 such incidents seen in 2022. Machete assaults have also become more common, though they are included in statistics on overall knife crime….



Kamala’s Border Visit Backfires Before She Even Arrives

France: New interior minister vows immigration curbs, crackdown on ‘radical Islam’

Florida: Muslim cleric says Allah turned Jews into apes and pigs, ‘We see that this is something within them today’

A Conversation From Hell

What is Required to Bring Hamas to Heel

Germany: 10,000 churches expected to close in the next decade


ICE just crashed Kamala Harris’ border photo op with cold hard truths

Muslims are not being persecuted in Gaza

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEOS: Kopy Kat Kamala

To my readers: If you’ve been wondering why I haven’t posted in a while, it’s because I was on vacation and was without internet for the most part. So now I’m catching up!

Since the Dems obviously believe Trump will win this election unless they can keep him busy in courtrooms fighting bogus charges and/or jail him before November 5th—or worse—they’re not only working overtime on their extensive cheating apparatus by registering illegal aliens to vote, they’ve also added a new fail-safe to their programme: steal Trump’s platform, promises and plans!

When Trump came out months ago with the idea of ending taxation on tips for those in the beleaguered service industries, many hailed it as a stroke of genius. Wayne Allyn Root praised this idea to the skies, saying it means Trump just won Nevada.

Funny thing, but months later, Trump’s brilliant idea somehow made its way to Kameleon Harris’s campaign promises as well. I guess great minds think alike.

Or has Obama been whispering to Kommie Kamala to up her game by doing one specific thing: Copy Trump. Makes sense! If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!

Trump created “Opportunity Zones” to help low-income communities; Kamala announced she plans to create an “Opportunity Economy”. How opportune! I guess she thinks she can do that while raising taxes.

She also stole one of my favorite lines from Trump, claiming she intends to be “a President for all Americans.” The difference? Trump meant it!

Here’s the good news: At last, Kalamity seems to have discovered we have a southern border—the one she hasn’t visited during all this time as Biden’s Border Czar—and that caravans of military aged men mostly from third world countries have been illegally entering our country through that border due to the Biden’s open invitation, which means through her invitation as well. And now, after three and a half years of avoiding any hint of responsibility for her vitally important role as Border Czar, she’s figured out that she should have done something about that when today was yesterday—make that yesteryear.

So now she’s on board with enforcing the law against illegal aliens entering our nation—just like Trump!

And here’s another tell—a really choice one.

Since Trump made history by embracing RFK Jr. as a new supporter of his campaign and has plans to appoint him to a significant role in his administration, Kamala—she of great independence of mind—just announced that she, too, will welcome a…wait for it…member of the opposing party in a Cabinet post if she wins the election:

I think it’s important to have people at the table when some of the most important decisions are being made that have different views, different experiences,” Ms. Harris said. “I think it would be to the benefit of the American public to have a member of my Cabinet who was a Republican.

This far left Progressive Marxist suddenly got the bright idea to bring a Republican into her Cabinet. That’s originality for you! How about Peter Navarro as her Attorney General?

What’s really pathetic is that the Dems have nothing to offer but obvious falsehoods and mendacious mediocrities to tell those lies. Perhaps that’s why they’re all in for DEI. Remember Biden plagiarized—not surprising for a pathological liar. And Kamala is doing her version: plagiarizing from Trump.

Makes sense for the desperados: they’re now appealing to people who want Trump’s agenda, but prefer an accompaniment of word salads instead of mean tweets.


I winced when I learned that Kamala’s first semi-formal interview was to take place in a coffee shop in Savannah with her support animal, I mean her VP Tim Walz, by her side. If she needs a “safe space” and her VP sitting next to her to answer softball questions in a CNN “interview”, how’s she going to deal with heads of state from Russia, China or North Korea? Let’s hope we never find out because a tough guy from Queens is our Commander-in-Chief.

Speaking of word salads, while I watched Kamala’s long awaited interview, two other women came to mind: Margaret Thatcher and Gertrude Stein.

Prime Minister Thatcher because she’s the polar opposite of Kamala in every way: a powerful and intelligent woman grounded in historical knowledge, principled, articulate, insightful—and who rose through the ranks not because she was a woman, but in spite of it.

Regarding economics, who can forget Mrs. Thatcher’s trenchant remark, complete with a dollop of British wit: “The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” Someone should share that quip with Ms. Harris.

But why Gertrude Stein, you ask? For her famous description of Oakland that one might apply to the lady in question: “There’s no there there.” And because Ms. Stein rarely made sense.

The Washington Times is unsparing in its reporting on Kalumny’s long-awaited interview:

Interviewer Dana Bash failed to elicit a detailed explanation from Ms. Harris as to why she suddenly supports legislation that would resume construction of the southern border wall, why she no longer supports ending private health insurance after pledging to implement “Medicare for all,” or why she no longer seeks to ban fracking on federal land, after pledging to end it when she ran for president in 2019.

But she did reassure us that her values “have not changed.” That’s a relief! Once a Commie, always a Commie I guess.


OK, Trump didn’t knock it out of the park. He won, but not as spectacularly as he might have done. But he saved the day with a single, trenchant, courageous and spot-on assertion: “She’s a Marxist!”

Her obnoxious non-verbal response was a particularly arrogant smirk, as if to say “that’s ridiculous!” but Trump had just exposed the real Kamala to the voters. Let’s hope the undecideds were paying attention!

And speaking of obnoxious, Kameleon kept using the imperative voice, apparently channeling Obama, with phrases like: “Let’s be clear…” and “Understand that…”, delivered in as forceful a manner as she could muster. Makes one want to say: “Will the real Kamala Harris please stand up!” But we already know who she is, a Marxist through and through.

Kamala’s Project 2025 Infographic.

Good to know her values haven’t changed. See infographic above.

The so-called debate was an obvious set-up of three against one, including shameless “fact checking” to humiliate Trump although he was right each time, while ABC’s shill David Muir got it wrong. True to form, Kamala, she of the smug Cheshire cat grin, was not above dredging up old, debunked lies about Trump that, ahem, Mr. Muir and Linsey Davis apparently forgot to “fact check.” She recited the Dems’ golden oldies: Charlottesville, Nazis, The Insurrection—all bogus, but seared into the minds of low-info voters. Since all the Dems have is Orange Man Bad, that’s the card Kalumny played…ad nauseum.

The great irony is that Kamala is the only candidate in American history who’s running against herself. She’s promising to “fix” the issues plaguing the Biden/Harris incumbent administration as if she were talking about Trump’s! Her motto? “A New Way Forward!” Yup. A great reset. But I’d call it downward: a speedy downward slide into Communism and communal misery on the path to the dystopian New World Order.


Of course the Biden/Harris regime is really Obama’s third unconstitutional term, and a vote for Harris is a vote for Obama. All those who want even more inflation, more illegals invading our towns and bringing crime, third world diseases and drugs, should vote for Kamala/Obama. Caveat emptor.

And since it’s all about Obama, let’s take another look at him and his puppets. The American radical Left, aka the Democrat Party, scraped the bottom of the political barrel to humiliate our nation with all three of these stooges.

Barry, I mean Hussein—OK, Barack—was a brilliant Soros find, from his ineligibility as a presidential candidate even if he was born in Hawaii (father not an American citizen, mother too young to qualify), to his homosexual past, to his apparent Muslim faith, all the way down to his Marxist toes—the perfect insult to America in every way, who proved himself equal to the task of spitting on our nation while doing his level best to destroy it from within once he got into office.

Beijing Biden was an easier pick—a run-of-the-mill crooked politician used to selling out what few principles he may have had in order to make a fast buck—the 10% for the Big Guy, or more.

And then there’s Kamala—a poster child for DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion)—an ineligible anchor baby with no discernible qualifications for the all-important role of Commander-in-Chief, and whose concept of foreign affairs is like that of a ten-year-old:

Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically that’s wrong.

Ouch! Make that a seven-year-old.

Remarkably, she’s been able to grin, cackle and cheat her way up to the top, laughing at We the Suckers who could possibly be stuck with her wanton destruction of what’s left of our country during the next four years if the Dems’ world-renowned cheating machine can steal enough votes from Trump’s landslide. But that’s a tall order, and I believe the odds are still with us. The MAGA Millions can presumably push Trump over the threshold with a lead too big to steal.

Let’s pray that come January 20th, we can bask in President Trump’s triumph on Inauguration Day.

I, for one, can’t wait to see what Melania will wear!

©2024. Cherie Zaslawsky. All rights reserved.

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‘Fraud’: Kamala Harris roasted for copying Donald Trump’s ‘no tax on tips’ pledge

‘COPYCAT KAMALA’: Harris rips off one of Trump’s campaign proposals

Larry Kudlow: ‘Copycat Kamala’ plagiarizes Trump’s no-tax-on-tips plan

ICE just crashed Kamala Harris’ border photo op with cold hard truths

Breaking: 13,000 People Who Have Crossed Our Border Are Convicted Murderers

‘Leading’ Police Group Backing Harris Actually Run By Dem Political Operative

Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign bragged on Monday that a “leading” law enforcement group had endorsed Harris, however, the organization is only a few months old and is run by a veteran Democratic political operative.

Police Leaders for Community Safety, which endorsed Harris on Sept. 23, only launched publicly on June 11, according to a press release from the group. A registration document filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) indicates that the organization is led by Gail Hoffman, a long-time Democratic staffer who worked on John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign as director of surrogates and in the Clinton administration in various high-level roles, according to a biography on her website.

Hoffman has never worked for a police agency, per her biography.

Despite the organization’s recent founding and ties to the Democratic Party, Fox News Digital, which was given an advance copy of the endorsement, initially described the organization as a “leading law enforcement group,” language that the Harris campaign later used to tout the group’s backing. Days after publication, Fox changed its headline and removed the word “leading,” noting that “Police Leaders for Community Safety is comprised of former law enforcement leaders and not a leading group.”

The Fraternal Order of Police, the nation’s largest law enforcement interest group, took issue with framing Police Leaders for Community Safety as a “leading” organization in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Prior to Police Leaders for Community Safety announcing their endorsement earlier this week, we were totally unfamiliar with the group,” a Fraternal Order of Police spokesperson told the DCNF. “We are very active, and aggressive in fact, in our interactions here in Washington [D.C.] and we’re present at basically every law enforcement-oriented meeting that happens here and we have never crossed paths with this organization nor are we familiar with its goals and objectives.”

The Fraternal Order of Police endorsed former President Donald Trump on Sept. 6, according to a press release. Police Leaders for Community Safety claimed to be “the only national police leadership organization that endorses candidates for political office” when announcing its support of Harris.

Police Leaders for Community Safety defended its status as a leading law enforcement organization, with a spokesperson telling the DCNF that it had been informally organizing since 2022 and filed registration paperwork with the IRS in 2023, with June 2024 representing the group’s public launch. The organization lists a few dozen law enforcement members, virtually all of whom are retired, on its “national advisory board.”

The Fraternal Order of Police, by contrast, had approximately 377,000 members as of this month, per a press release.

A spokesperson for the Harris campaign would not say whether or not it was accurate to call the Police Leaders for Community Safety a “leading” organization, instead pointing out that they had used the same language as Fox. The campaign did not respond to a follow-up inquiry after Fox changed its headline.

💪💪💪 pic.twitter.com/g6m4EztyDa

— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) September 23, 2024

Police Leaders for Community Safety justified its nonpartisan bona fides in its statement to the DCNF, claiming that it is “comprised of Democrats, Republicans and independents” and that its endorsements are “based on issues of concern to law enforcement leaders, not on parties.”

All five of the people sitting on the organization’s board of directors, which includes Hoffman, are either Democrats or have a history of making liberal statements. Despite this, Police Leaders for Community Safety describes itself as a “nonpartisan national advocacy organization.”

David Mahoney, the organization’s treasurer, ran as a Democrat to serve as sheriff of Dane County, Wisconsin in 2018, ultimately winning the office. Susan Riseling, the chair of the organization’s board, meanwhile, uses social media almost exclusively to support Democrats and oppose Republicans, sharing posts from left-wing fake news operations like the Palmer Report as well as other large Democratic-aligned accounts like Occupy Democrats and MeidasTouch.

“Now I am a Democrat [because] the Republicans have no ideas beyond hate,” Riseling wrote on Twitter in 2021. “I can not understand any veterans voting Republican,” she said a year later.

Police Leaders for Community Safety vice chair Rick Myers, meanwhile, has used his LinkedIn account to advocate for expanded gun control, calling AR-15s “weapons of mass destruction,” and describing the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot as an “insurrection.”

“Despite the fact that our Founding Fathers had black powder muskets that could only shoot one round without reloading, and fashioned our unique Constitution and its Amendments to ensure our freedoms such that freedom to bear arms was designed for ‘a well regulated militia,’ we continue to allow unfettered weapons of mass destruction among our own citizens,” Myers wrote in 2021, reacting to a mass shooting in his area. “AR-15[s] are killing machines.”

Cynthia Herriott, the organization’s fifth board member, was a registered Democrat as of at least 2021, according to public records.

Herriott, Riseling and Myers are all retired police chiefs.

“Police Leaders for Community Safety is the only national police leadership organization that endorses candidates for political office, and this is the group’s first endorsement,” the group’s endorsement of Harris reads. “This and future endorsements will be based on candidates’ alignment on issues vital to law enforcement.”

Harris praised the defund the police movement multiple times in 2020.


Robert Schmad


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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Critically Thinking about Immigration

I’ve avoided writing about the U.S. immigration crisis for two reasons:

  1. fully explaining what is going on would take a very long article, and
  2. the whole topic is extremely depressing.

That said, I’ll attempt an abbreviated version, and bite the bullet for the country.

Immigration Observation #1 —

Let’s start by focusing on just one key aspect of immigration, the supposed justification that we are allowing mass immigration to help disadvantaged people…

I’ll let someone else do the talking:

It amazing to see how separating the wheat from the chaff, and critically thinking about some of our most problematic societal issues, can expose bogus claims.

Immigration Observation #2 —

Let’s try to put US immigration during the Biden-Harris regime into perspective (Note: the data below comes from multiple sources, like here.):

NO ONE KNOWS how many immigrants entered the US in the last four years.

Experts estimate between 10 and 20 million people.

NO ONE KNOWS how many of these immigrants were NOT real hardship cases.

Experts estimate between 25% to 30% people — 3 to 7 million people.

NO ONE KNOWS what happened to many of the migrant children.

Experts estimate 325,000± children are lost (e.g., being sex trafficked)

NO ONE KNOWS how many of these immigrants are hardened criminals.

Experts estimate 100,000± people.

NO ONE KNOWS how many of these immigrants are drug dealers.

Experts estimate 50,000± people.

NO ONE KNOWS how many of these immigrants are terrorists.

Experts estimate 10,000± people.

NO ONE KNOWS how many of these immigrants are spies.

Experts estimate 5,000± people.

NO ONE KNOWS where most of these immigrants are now — esp. the bad actors.

NO ONE KNOWS the cost of allowing all these unscreened, undocumented foreign nationals into the country — but it will easily be many Billions of taxpayer dollars.

Immigration Observation #3 —

Why is it that no one knows any of this vital information? Two primary reasons:

1 – There are a huge unknown number of “getaways” — i.e., foreign nationals who successfully evade any processing. A high percentage of these are bad guys (terrorists, spies, drug dealers, hardened criminals, etc.) who (for obvious reasons) want to avoid any processing. This is the intention of the border wall: to increase the likelihood that incoming people at least have minimum processing.

2 – In the last four years, very few foreign nationals at our Southern border have been properly processed — which takes time. Legitimately checking out thousands of people a day from dozens of foreign countries takes time. Adding 10,000 new border agents would be some help but it would not solve the problem. For example, getting and verifying adequate information from dozens of foreign countries would still take weeks — and where would these thousands of people be held during that time? The end result is that most foreign nationals are allowed in the country with the most minimal of background checks.

Let’s make the extremely optimistic — and unwarranted — assumption that 99% of these foreign nationals are good, hard-working people. Two very obvious observations:

  1. Taking the minimum estimate of Biden-Harris immigrants, the 1% who are bad guys amounts to 100,000 people! In other words, we are allowing some 100,000± criminals, terrorists and spies into our country, and have almost zero information as to where they are or what they are doingThe only way that makes any sense is if the political objective of this policy is to bring America down.
  2. What about the other group, the 99%? Almost none of those people have any money, have a place to stay, have a job, speak English, etc. Again, the only way that dumping 10± MILLION of these people into our society makes any sense, is if the political objective of this policy is to bring America down.

Immigration Observation #4 —

If the real objective is to help disadvantaged people (as has been the claim), why aren’t we first effectively addressing all disadvantaged US citizens (the poor, the homeless, the uneducated, the unhealthy, etc.)?

The fact that we are NOT doing that is clear evidence that — despite repeated assurances to the contrary — this is NOT the real objective of Biden/Harris immigration policies.

Immigration Observation #5 —

Here are some other insights regarding additional negative consequences of having open border policies.

The Bottom Line

The evidence indicates that the Biden-Harris immigration policies will likely result in the most far-reachingnegative consequence to America, of any policy in our history.

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Border Betrayal: More Than It Appears

The Dirty Secret Hidden in Plain Sight

The ongoing crisis of rape, murder, and pillaging stemming from illegals flooding our U.S. border continues to rise as a direct result of open-border policies and the UN Agenda 2030 program championed by the Biden-Harris administration.

The White House, along with the DOJ and DHS, have repeatedly pushed the misleading narrative that “illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than natural citizens,” even while the House Homeland Security Committee reported its findings back in March confirming that open borders have created, “a new crime wave sweeping the nation.” Americans can see and feel the truth regardless of efforts by the government to deceive us!

The Dirty Secret Hidden in Plain Sight

The Biden-Harris administration betrayed Americans by signing onto the UN Agenda 2030 open border initiative early in their tenure, prioritizing global migration objectives over economic security, national sovereignty, and protecting U.S. borders. This action reflects a blatant disregard for the constitutional mandate to “repel invasion,” exploiting a narrow interpretation of the law that defines invasion solely as an organized military force, not the unprecedented wave of illegal immigration from over 160 nations.

Never in U.S. history has the country witnessed such an influx of illegal migration until the Biden-Harris administration, exposing a coordinated global effort facilitated by the UN with full cooperation from the White House. The UN Agenda 2030 aligns seamlessly with the goals of the World Economic Forum, as both entities are driven by the same architects, pushing policies that favor open borders and dilute national sovereignty in the name of globalism.

If a U.S. citizen were to organize an invasion of the U.S. border, they could be charged with several serious federal crimes, including Treason, Sedition or Rebellion, Providing Material Support to Terrorism, Smuggling and Human Trafficking, and Conspiracy to Commit Offenses Against the United States.

The Assault on US Sovereignty: The Truth Behind Biden and Harris’s Open Border Policy

The UN Agenda 2030 is a comprehensive global framework that organizes human migration. It is viewed as a key factor for achieving many of these goals, including ‘Orderly, Safe, Regular, and Responsible Migration’ and the mobility of people through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies. It emphasizes the importance of developing comprehensive migration policies that protect migrants’ rights, reduce inequality, and ensure their integration into host societies.

The Shocking truth is that the UN Agenda 2030 prioritizes planning for those within the bottom 40% of the global income bracket! The explicit goal is to raise the wages of the poorest populations worldwide and the bulk of this planned migration is being absorbed by the United States.

Worse, the United States is the number one funder of the UN, with 22% of its budget paid by Taxpayers, and supposedly, the UN claims the US owes it $1.1B! Under Trump, the UN, UNRWA, and WHO were defunded.

The Biden-Harris open border policy sacrifices America’s most vulnerable citizens on the altar of globalism. Flooding the labor market with cheap, unskilled labor from around the world will drive down wages and increase competition for the very jobs Americans in lower-income brackets depend on.

They are siphoning wealth from hardworking Americans to support this globalist agenda!

The UN Agenda 2030 immigration scheme undermines America’s Judeo-Christian foundation. Resistance has slowed their progress, so their solution is mass immigration to dilute the influence of those defending America’s founding principles. By transforming the population, they seek to weaken the cultural and political structures that protect American freedom, paving the way for Democratic Socialism and further aligning with globalist agendas. This is a calculated assault on America’s identity and sovereignty.

We are witnessing a cultural and criminal invasion. When large groups of migrants from specific regions enter a country, they carry the cultural norms, criminal networks, and trafficking pipelines from their home countries.

With 85% of Americans opposing open border policies, we must unite and elect someone whose past actions reflect a genuine commitment to both border control and immigration reform—someone who will deliver results, not rhetoric.

ACT NOW for Border Security Here>>

©2024. ACT For America! All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Kamala Harris Caught Chanting ‘Down With Deportation’ In Unearthed Video

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‘She’s Purely A Media Creation’: Tucker Carlson Exposes How Terrible Kamala Really Is

Holy crap, we got Tucker for this doc?!

The Daily Caller’s new documentary, “Cleaning Up Kamala,” exposes the extreme lengths the media has gone to paint the most unlikable politician in America as the new Savior of the Republic. With Harris rising in the polls, their effort seems to be working.

So our investigative team sat down with political insiders to explain just how they pulled it off — and yes, even Tucker Carlson stopped by!

“Cleaning Up Kamala” is available exclusively for Patriots subscribers. Catch an exclusive clip with Tucker below.

“It’s interesting,” Tucker explains, “because it’s happening at exactly the moment that the media’s credibility and business model are both collapsing. NBC News, CNN, CBS, ABC, The Washington Post. I mean, they’re all dying.”

Independent media is the future, and the legacy press only have themselves to blame. They’ve squandered all their credibility on lie after lie — Russiagate, endless racial hoaxes, COVID to name but a few — and now wonder why no one trusts them.

Polls consistently show that Americans have very little trust in the media. So why are Americans swallowing the media’s new lies on Kamala Harris hook, line and sinker?

As Tucker points out, the media still “have the power to create a virtual reality. And it seems to be working.”

Kamala Harris is not a real politician. She believes in nothing. She has no values, no policy goals, no real popular support behind her. She will say and do whatever she’s told in order to make it into the Oval Office. And yet, she’s uniquely terrible at even just going through the motions — so the media is left to do all the heavy lifting.

“She’s purely a media creation,” Tucker aptly concludes.

It works because the media’s lies are not like the little white lies we all tell. These sweeping lies — that Harris is competent, moderate and full of joy — work by using “semantic backdoors” to piece together technical truths into broad, false narratives that often invert reality entirely. The result is a hall of mirrors, where endless lies get laundered through legacy institutions over and over until they become simply “common sense.” Speak the truth — that Kamala Harris is shrill, incompetent and dangerously radical — and you’re the one who comes away sounding like a liar.

Watch “Cleaning Up Kamala” today to see Tucker Carlson and the Daily Caller take a sledgehammer to that hall of mirrors. See all the lies revealed as it comes crashing down.

The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. To watch “Cleaning Up Kamala,” and to help support future investigative documentaries, please consider subscribing.


Gage Klipper

Commentary and analysis writer.

RELATED ARTICLE: Democrats Are Grooming Assassins To Take Out Trump

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Chicago Teachers Instructed to Pass Migrant Students Despite ‘Severe Academic Deficiencies’

Teachers in Chicago are the latest to voice their concerns over how illegal immigration is changing the landscape in America. Or in this case, how it’s shaping what’s happening in the classroom.

According to WGN Radio, teachers in the city have revealed that “they were instructed by school administrators to give their migrant students a 70 percent in every subject and pass them on to the next grade … even if their migrant students displayed severe academic deficiencies.” It appears “Chicago Public Schools CEO Pedro Martinez assured that migrant students were held to the same standards as Chicago’s American students.” However, it was only last month that a study from the University of Illinois System proved there was not much of a standard to live up to.

Even beyond the migrant students, many of whom reportedly do not speak English, numerous students throughout the city of Illinois “are still struggling to catch up academically from the learning loss that occurred when schools were forced to close” due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the study found, “[O]nly about one-fourth of all public-school students are back to pre-pandemic performance levels in English language arts while even fewer have returned to pre-pandemic levels in math.”

So, while it’s not looking good for the Chicago Public Schools as it is, teachers have further admitted that part of their orders to pass migrant students has led to “deliberately falsifying grades” — which applies to both classroom grades and academic standardized testing scores.

Sylvia Snowden, a reporter who spoke with several Chicago teachers, explained, “When the tests have been proctored, after they’ve been evaluated, the teachers are able to see the scores. And when the teachers saw the scores, they saw that the students were not at grade level, yet they were instructed to give them 70 percent in every single class, which is the minimum C and pass them on to the next grade.” When asked for an explanation, the Chicago Public Schools responded with this vague statement:

“Chicago public schools aims to provide a rigorous, welcoming, inclusive pre-K through 12 environment for all students, including those who are newly arrived in Chicago with their families from around the globe. As a district, we have high expectations for all students and policies and promotion guidelines in place that are modified to serve the specialized needs of our English language learners, and offer in school, after-school year-round interventions developed with the principal/counselor/teacher and parents to target the students described deficiencies.”

As Meg Kilgannon, senior fellow for Education Studies at Family Research Council, shared with The Washington Stand, “This report of teachers being instructed to pass students should invoke concern regardless of the type of student involved.” She emphasized that “moving underperforming students through the system robs them of their education” because “they are denied the chance to understand, comprehend, and build understanding and command of facts that build culture and the ability to contribute to society and one’s own success.”

But amid the ongoing learning issues at hand and the concerns that go with them, a quick glance at what Chicago has endured in recent years demonstrates how their education department is not the only area tainted by the border crisis.

Millions of illegal immigrants have flooded into the country and Chicago, being the self-designated sanctuary city that it is, has taken in nearly 50,000 migrants since 2022. In only two years, $400 million have gone toward funding the migrants, which has put a significant dent in the city’s money and resources. Nearly all aspects of life in Chicago have been affected by the newcomers, and allegedly, has caused city residents a great deal of frustration.

“People are angry about the lack of resources in their community,” said Richard Wallace, a man involved with organizing community affairs. “People are angry about joblessness. People are angry about the cost of living skyrocketing.”

Evidently, the decisions affecting the American education system and overall quality of life are not free from having long-lasting consequences — particularly for the younger generations, Kilgannon emphasized. Considering the failing test scores and poor learning environments, she concluded, “When Gen Z ‘quietly quits,’ they are simply following the example that was set for them by a public school system that quietly quit teaching them.”


Sarah Holliday

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.


Teacher Fired For Praising United States

Breaking the Brand: the Palestinization of Academia

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Majority of Americans Favor Mass Deportation, but Some Dems Continue to Vote Against It

Some have estimated as many as 24 million noncitizens are roaming the country. Under the Biden-Harris administration’s border policies, millions upon millions of illegal immigrants have flooded into America. And reportedly, anywhere from 1.5 to 2.7 million of them may be voting in the upcoming presidential election. While Americans are currently divided on many issues, a recent poll helped demonstrate how many citizens are willing to come together on the issue of immigration.

According to the Scripps News/Ipsos survey, in which 1,027 Americans adults were surveyed between September 13 and 15, 54% of the respondents support the GOP’s presidential candidate Donald Trump’s policy of a mass deportation of illegal immigrants. Of this percentage, 86% were Republican, 58% were Independent, and 25% were Democrat — all of whom noted they “somewhat” or “strongly” agree with Trump’s proposal.

At least 39% of the respondents believed immigration was the top issue concerning the upcoming election. And as The Post Millennial reported, “Approximately one-third of Americans say securing the US-Mexico border should be the nation’s top priority, followed by a pathway to citizenship for those who qualify (20 percent), deporting those here illegally (18 percent), and ensuring opportunities remain for those trying to legally enter the country (18 percent).”

The poll also revealed some of why those surveyed agreed with the mass deportation policy. As the data proved, it has much to do with the concern that illegal immigrants serve as a threat to election integrity, with 83% of Republicans, 46% of Independents, and 24% of Democrats feeling this way. Yet, Democratic lawmakers continue to vote against policies that would address these concerns.

For instance, on Wednesday, 158 “House Democrats voted against a bill that would deport illegal immigrants convicted of a sexual offense or conspiracy to commit such a crime.” The Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act ultimately passed 266 to 158 with full Republican support as well as the support from 51 Democrats. But in response to those who voted against the bill, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) asserted, “[W]e’re talking about illegals who are here who are committing domestic violence, rape and murder on women and children — they’ve gotta go. They shouldn’t be allowed into our country.”

But with ongoing turmoil over bills designed to protect U.S. citizens from illegal immigration, where do objections to protective measures lead us? As Family Research Council President Tony Perkins pointed out on Wednesday’s episode of “Washington Watch,” the Biden-Harris administration’s border policies have had “tragic consequences” — some of which include the numerous Americans murdered by illegal immigrants.

In America, Rep. Josh Brecheen (R-Okla.) insisted on Wednesday’s episode, “[Y]ou are less safe than you were a year ago. You’re … less safe than you were two years ago, and definitely than you were three years ago,” all due to “this administration’s policies.” Perkins agreed, adding, “We really don’t know the number of illegal aliens that are in the country,” with the number ranging “from 12 million to 18 million.” But while “not all of them are violent criminals … there are enough to make Americans” feel “insecure” and that “their safety [is] at risk.”

Brecheen agreed, “[T]hese people have to be removed from this country.” America “has to send a signal to people that you cannot come into this country and break the law and expect that you would be first in line” to receiving American benefits. But because this is happening, Brecheen underscored, “[D]eportation is top and center for many of us.”

“[T]he law is the law,” Perkins emphasized, which he felt leads to a conversation occurring within the church of whether “it’s not really the Christian thing to do to uproot these people who have been here in this country and deport them.” But according to Brecheen, this mindset isn’t based on the Bible. Rather, “taking care of the foreigner and sojourner [is] an individual mandate. But there’s also a mandate that you obey the laws of the land.” And in the case of illegal immigration, “we’ve got people who have broken the laws of the land.”

Brecheen emphasized that the problem is rooted in instances where people break the law and do not face consequences, because “it creates the atmosphere where lawlessness is compounded.” Given this, “we’ve got to make sure that the rule of law is upheld in the United States.” Perkins noted how the two recent assassination attempts on Trump “speaks to violence, turbulence, an unsettled country, [and] that lawlessness is manifesting itself at every level.”

Brecheen pressed further, warning that “when we don’t have consequences for infractions … we’re inviting more infractions into a greater level, a greater degree.” Especially in the current administration, it’s clear they’re “time and time again deviating from biblical truths.” But the real question, he insisted, is “where does it end?”

Ultimately, Brecheen concluded, “It’s constitutional in regard to illegal immigration that we are to protect this nation … against an invasion.” And given the quantity of those coming into this country, he added, it “is an invasion.”


Sarah Holliday

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: NYC Council Democrats Silent On Anti-Sanctuary Bill As Migrant Crime Hits Headlines

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Teamsters Union Won’t Endorse Harris after Members Back Trump

For the first time in decades, one of the nation’s largest and most influential labor unions is refusing to endorse a Democrat for president. Representing nearly one-and-a-half million American workers, the Teamsters Union announced late Wednesday that it would not be endorsing either Vice President Kamala Harris or former President Donald Trump in this year’s presidential race.

This marks the first time since 1996 that the Teamsters have not endorsed a presidential candidate. Previously, the union has overwhelmingly endorsed Democrats for president, including endorsing now-President Joe Biden in 2020. The Teamsters have not endorsed a Republican presidential candidate since George H.W. Bush in 1988.

“The Teamsters thank all candidates for meeting with members face-to-face during our unprecedented roundtables,” Teamsters’ International Union General President Sean O’Brien said in a statement. “Unfortunately, neither major candidate was able to make serious commitments to our union to ensure the interests of working people are always put before Big Business,” O’Brien continued. “We sought commitments from both Trump and Harris not to interfere in critical union campaigns or core Teamsters industries — and to honor our members’ right to strike — but were unable to secure those pledges.”

“As the strongest and most democratic labor union in America, it was vital for our members to drive this endorsement process. Democrats, Republicans, and Independents proudly call our union home, and we have a duty to represent and respect every one of them,” O’Brien added. “We strongly encourage all our members to vote in the upcoming election, and to remain engaged in the political process. But this year, no candidate for President has earned the endorsement of the Teamsters’ International Union.”

In comments to The Washington Stand, FRC Action Director Matt Carpenter said, “To see the Teamsters decline to endorse the Democratic nominee for president is not something I thought I would ever see in my lifetime. Since the 2016 election, we have seen the emergence of a truly stunning realignment in the coalitions that make up the two-party system in American politics.” He explained, “The GOP, once home to free trade absolutists and corporate America, has transformed into the home of working men and women, while the Democratic Party has morphed into a party of the upwardly-mobile, high-income, and college-educated.”

Carpenter added, “While the Teamsters opted not to endorse Donald Trump, and instead opted to decline an endorsement of either candidate, they did release polling of their members showing by almost two-to-one they prefer a second Trump term to a Harris administration.”

The Teamsters did release internal polling data, also on Wednesday, asking union members who the 121-year-old organization should endorse for president. According to electronic polling conducted from late July to September 15, nearly 60% said the union should back Trump, while only 34% went with Harris. The remaining 6.4% of polled Teamsters said “other candidates.” A phone poll conducted from September 9 to September 16 found little difference, except a noticeable decline in support for Harris, with 58% of Teamsters backing Trump and only 31% backing Harris. The remaining 11% were almost evenly split between “undecided” and “don’t know.” Polling conducted prior to Biden dropping out of the presidential race found nearly 45% of Teamsters supported Biden, 36.3% supported Trump, and the remaining 7% were split among third-party candidates.

Trump himself commented on the Teamsters’ refusal to back Harris. “The Teamsters for many, many decades always automatically support the Democrats. This year, they refused to do it,” the 45th president said in an interview Wednesday night. He continued, “They took a poll and we got 60% in the poll, in the Teamsters. They’re not gonna support the Democrat this year, they’re gonna — I guess remain neutral. But that was sort of a big event. Nobody ever expected a thing like that to happen.” Trump added that a lot of Teamsters workers used to work for him in the construction and real estate development business years prior and referred to O’Brien as a “top guy.”

In July, O’Brien became the first Teamster to speak at the Republican National Convention, at Trump’s invitation. Upon accepting Trump’s warm welcome, O’Brien said, “Anti-union groups demanded the president rescind his invitation. The Left called me a traitor. This is precisely why it is so important for me to be here today.” Referring to Trump being shot in the head and surviving an assassination attempt just days earlier, O’Brien added, “I think we all can agree, whether people like him or they don’t like him, in light of what happened to him on Saturday, he has proven to be one tough S.O.B.” The Teamsters leader also derided economic and labor policies that hurt “American workers,” calling for reform to labor law and bankruptcy law.

Just last month, polling data found that Trump commands a nearly-30-point lead over Harris among white, working-class, and non-college-educated voters nationally. The former president also leads among white, working-class voters across swing states. Earlier this week, Trump spoke at a campaign rally in Flint, Michigan and pledged to increase tariffs on cars made in places like Mexico, in order to bring jobs back to American workers in places like Michigan. “We are going to bring so many auto plants into our country,” Trump promised. “You’re going to be as big or bigger than you were 50 years ago. Because if they’re not willing to build a plant, we don’t want their product.”


S.A. McCarthy

S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.


Teamsters are for Trump at 59.6% of members

CNN stunned because Teamsters’ WILL NOT endorse Kamala Harris

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

CatholicVote Exposes Harris’s Support for Funding Gender Transition Surgeries for Kids

A conservative Catholic advocacy group is launching an ad campaign across swing states exposing Vice President Kamala Harris’s support for taxpayer-funded mutilative gender transition procedures on children. CatholicVote began airing ads on Monday using Medicaid data to reveal that the incumbent Biden-Harris administration has been using American taxpayer dollars to fund the procedures — including mastectomies, hysterectomies, and penis amputations — on minors. The campaign’s target audience are Catholic voters and parents in swing states.

“Medicaid data shows 97 underage girls had their breasts completely removed, 14 underage girls underwent hysterectomies,” the ad airing in Pennsylvania exclaims. Billing the procedures as “taxpayer-funded experiments on kids,” the ad continues, “Sex-change operations attempting to make young boys into girls, penis amputations. Sound weird? Disgusting? It is. And you’re paying for it. Kamala Harris supports these taxpayer-funded sex change operations. A vote for Harris [is] a vote for medical experiments on kids.”

Tommy Valentine, director of CatholicVote’s Catholic Accountability Project, told The Washington Stand, “We thought it was about time someone exposed the graphic details of what transgender surgeries really do to children. These ‘surgeries’ are really just mutilations. They’re irreversible and life-changing.” He added, “People should be uncomfortable with the ad because they are paying for these surgeries with their tax dollars. If Kamala Harris gets elected, these numbers are going to skyrocket, and thousands of children will be left devastated.”

“Thousands of trans surgeries are happening — on kids — across the country. Double mastectomies on young girls. Hysterectomies. Amputation of boys’ genitalia. Full skin grafts to forehead, chin, underarms, genitals, hands, and feet,” CatholicVote President Brian Burch explained. “The Biden-Harris administration is using your tax dollars today to pay for them. And Kamala Harris wants to expand these medical experiments on kids. … This ad is hard to watch for a reason. Because the truth is sickening. America’s children are being carved up and sterilized.”

According to CatholicVote’s ads, 35 underage girls in Michigan were subjected to double mastectomies and seven to hysterectomies, as part of gender transition procedures. In Wisconsin, 86 girls were subjected to double mastectomies and 12 to hysterectomies. CatholicVote is airing an ad in Spanish in Nevada, to reach Hispanic-American Catholics. In the Silver State, 18 underage girls were subjected to double mastectomies and three to hysterectomies. “The number of trans mutilations on kids is already shockingly high. If Kamala Harris wins, how many more children’s bodies will she help destroy?” Burch asked. “None — if we stop her.”

The Biden-Harris administration has long been among the top promoters of gender transition procedures, including for minors. Harris’s recently-announced policies for a potential presidency include continuing and even ramping up that promotion of transgenderism and related surgeries. In addition to adjusting civil rights legislation to protect “sexual orientation” and “gender identity,” likely forcing American Christians to violate their sincerely-held religious beliefs in order to avoid breaking the law, Harris also suggests scrapping state legislation like Ohio’s Saving Adolescents From Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which bars targeting children for gender transition procedures, including puberty blockers and hormone drugs. In 2019, Harris endorsed using taxpayer dollars to perform gender transition procedures on federal prisoners and detained illegal immigrants, a position so outrageous that mainstream media “fact-checkers” labeled it as false last week, before correcting themselves.

Commenting to TWS on CatholicVote’s ad campaign, Family Research Council Senior Fellow Meg Kilgannon said, “Vice President Harris is completely on board with the gender agenda. From her time in California government to the present, Harris has supported the most radical LGBTQ+ demands. She believes that children can be born in the wrong body and should be allowed to change their sex.” Kilgannon continued, “The danger of such beliefs being weaponized by leaders in our government is apparent. This, along with Harris’s extremist abortion advocacy, should disqualify her from consideration for Catholic voters. Thanks to CatholicVote for pointing this out in such clear terms.”


S.A. McCarthy

S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.


Planned Parenthood Teaches 1.2 Million Schoolchildren Per Year

Christian Group Launches Campaign against Nationwide’s ‘Radical’ DEI Initiatives

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Bomb Threats Overwhelm Springfield, Ohio as Nationwide Firestorm over Migrants Continues

Americans in Springfield, Ohio, are still suffering after the Biden-Harris administration dumped tens of thousands of third-world immigrants into their once-quiet city. Springfield resident and former teacher Diana Daniels told Fox News that life has been a “dystopian nightmare” since the arrival of nearly 20,000 Haitian immigrants over the past three years. “You hope you wake up and it’s 2019 again, and then you realize it’s 2024, and it’s the same thing over and over again, day after day,” Daniels said. “It’s hard sometimes to get up in the morning and hear residents that I’ve known for years struggle. This is a paycheck-to-paycheck … kind of town … working class.”

In a sobering reminder of the national attention Springfield has received, multiple bomb threats have forced the evacuation of the town’s city hall, two schools, and the DMV in the last few days. On Saturday, the terror spread to local hospitals as both Kettering and Mercy Health Springfield were put on lockdown while authorities scoured the floors with security teams. As of Saturday afternoon, there was no indication who was behind the threats, though city officials say they are working with the FBI to track down the culprits.  On Sunday, local community college Clark State announced that, “due to recent events,” all classes and activities would be conducted virtually for the coming week.

Meanwhile, Springfield’s most famous native, singer John Legend, appealed to his hometown to embrace the overwhelming migrant population. The hard-core Democrat posted a video addressing the nationwide news. “We had about 15,000 or so immigrants move to my town of 60,000,” he explained. “Now you might say, ‘Wow that’s a lot of people for a town that only had 60,000 before. That’s a 25% increase.’ That is correct.” He goes on to urge locals to accept the inconveniences without protest. “You might imagine there are some challenges with, you know, integrating a new population. New language, new culture, new dietary preferences. All kinds of reasons why there might be growing pains.”

“How about we love one another?” Legend urged. “I grew up in the Christian tradition. We said to love our neighbor as we love ourselves and treat strangers as though they might be Christ.”

His admonition sparked immediate backlash from residents, who fired back, “He’s just like you. Except he doesn’t live in Springfield. He lives in a multi-million-dollar mansion in Beverly Hills,” one person wrote on social media. Others couldn’t believe his nonchalance about the upheaval in the Champion City. “You should totally listen to John Legend lecture you on his hometown of Springfield, and how 15,000 Haitian immigrants into a town of 60,000 is totally normal,” another user replied, attaching a video of Legend and Teigen showing off their “lavish palace.”

“Why don’t you house some of [these] illegal immigrants in your huge privileged mansion?” one person fumed. “…You cool with that? Come on big guy. Take care of these migrants.” Not to mention, another argued, Legend believes the people of Springfield “should just accept the Haitians and their weird ‘dietary preferences,’” referring to the headlines that Haitians are eating geese and ducks.

Despite the legacy media’s attempt to discredit the story, investigative reporter Christopher Rufo posted Saturday morning that he believes the reports of migrants eating pets are true. “EXCLUSIVE,” he writes with photo evidence. “We have discovered that migrants are, in fact, eating cats in Ohio. We have verified, with multiple witnesses and visual cross-references, that African migrants in Dayton, the next city over from Springfield, barbecued these cats last summer.”

Residents and other news outlets, including The Federalist and The Daily Mail, have corroborated the stories that even captured the attention of the September 10 presidential debate. “In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in. They’re eating the cats. They’re eating, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there,” Trump exclaimed, “and this is what’s happening in our country, and it’s a shame.”

Since Springfield has come into the national spotlight, reports have also surfaced of Haitians showering and bathing in Walmart bathrooms and Haitian men engaging in sex acts on the street.

In addition to weighing down the community’s social services, the immigrants have also caused a significant number of traffic accidents. “The driving in town is horrendous. We do have a really abnormal number of car accidents that are happening,” former Ohio State Representative Kyle Koehler told Fox News. “And it’s not only the number, but the severity of them. When you go on a street that is a 35-mile-an-hour speed limit and there’s a car sitting on its hood, and I’m not talking about one, I’m talking about five or six accidents a week like that, you begin to wonder.”

Douglass Mackey, who had been targeted and jailed by the Biden-Harris administration for sharing political memes, explained that struggling businesses in the area may be giving immigrants preference for jobs over Americans. “An American citizen gets paid $16.50 per hour. No food stamps. No Social Security. No cash assistance. No rent assistance. No free car. No free car insurance,” Mackey said. “A Haitian gets paid $9 per hour and they get everything else paid for. After considering all the federal benefits, it’s likely that the Haitian is making double, or perhaps much more than that, of what an American worker would make.”

Ohio native Senator J.D. Vance (R), former President Donald Trump’s running mate, wrote on social media, “In Springfield, Ohio, there has been a massive rise in communicable diseases, rent prices, car insurance rates, and crime. This is what happens when you drop 20,000 people into a small community. Kamala Harris’s immigration policy aims to do this to every town in our country.” He added, “Don’t let biased media shame you into not discussing this slow moving humanitarian crisis in a small Ohio town. We should talk about it every single day. Kamala Harris did this. And she’ll keep doing it unless we stop her.”

On Friday, Trump reiterated his plans to deport most of the 10 million illegals imported under Biden. “We’re going to start with Springfield,” the former president insisted, adding the town had been “destroyed” by immigration.

Asked about the firestorm engulfing his small town, Mayor Rob Rue (R) shook his head. “Springfield is a community that needs help,” he told The Washington Post. “We are hurting.”


S.A. McCarthy

September 14, 2024

S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.

Suzanne Bowdey

Suzanne Bowdey serves as editorial director and senior writer at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: Ohio sheriff asks residents to ‘write down’ Harris supporter addresses for migrant housing

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.