‘Hidden’ Biden & ‘Joyful’ Kamala: Two Sides of a Counterfeit Coin
The Israeli airstrike killed Hassan Nasrallah, a leader of terrorist organization Hezbollah in Beirut and other officials, that destabilized the Middle East for thirty years. For the first time in modern history, the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah were terrorized. Bravo, Israel! America should learn from Israel. There is another first-time event in modern history of politics—Israel hasn’t notified the U.S. of the upcoming airstrikes against the Lebanon terrorist Hezbollah and Hamas. This is the real news within Western civilization—Israel doesn’t trust the current American Government! There is an obvious rift between the government of Israel and Biden’s administration! Biden’s team is handling the situation differently from all previous American governments, criticizing Israel for retaliation that is widening the war and focusing on the destruction of terrorist’s organizations. Israel wants to finish terrorist-Hamas and Hezbollah, Biden’s team doesn’t and undermines the Israeli effort …
While watching the American government, we see it. Biden’s Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, is constantly flying to Israel to force Netanyahu to sign a cease-fire peace with terrorist organizations, which is not in American interest. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan’s visit comes as a public rift has opened between Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the mounting civilian casualties in Gaza and differences in opinion about what a future for Palestinians should look like after combat operations end. Sullivan also discussed transitioning the Israeli assault on Hamas and Hezbollah to “lower intensity operations.” That is definitely not the Israeli interest.
Israel wants to free its territory from Hezbollah and return 60 thousand of its citizen’s homes. I am also afraid that Sullivan doesn’t understand the difference between the citizens of Israel killed and destroyed by terrorist-Hamas October 7, 2023 and citizens of Palestine who voted for terrorist-Hamas organization to govern them. Please, see the background of Jack Sullivan: “He previously served as Director of Policy to President Barack Obama, National Security Advisor to the-Vice President Biden and Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary Hillary Clinton at the U.S. Department of State. Sullivan also served as senior advisor to the U.S. federal government at the Iran nuclear negotiations and senior policy advisor to Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign…” Wikipedia
Please, pay attention to “Sullivan also served as senior advisor to the U.S. federal government at the Iran nuclear negotiations and senior policy advisor to Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign…” Should’ve we have a lot of questions to Sullivan concerning Clinton’s emails scandal and continuation of the Iran nuclear negotiations under Obama and Biden??? Of course we should’ve, but nobody asked him. The Trump team was hacked by Iran again. Does Sullivan know that? Look at another blunted liar John Kirby, he is looking at your eye and lying. I don’t trust the Biden regime, now covering-up the real Kamala Harris the way they have covered-up Biden’s mental incapacity for four years by Socialist modus operandi: lies, deceit, fabrication and fraud…
“Kamala Harris is a fascist”—Judge Joe Brown CA
Providing information about Kamala Harris, Jesse Watters has interviewed Judge Joe Brown CA. on Primetime Fox News in September 2024. The Judge was describing Kamala Harris as the DA of California. Summarizing, he called her—a fascist. I agree with him, but my arguments come from the outside world: global chaos, ideology and world politics. As a former Soviet attorney, I have been writing about the terrorist State of Russia and the war instigated by the ideology of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet fascism for forty-three years. America had not escaped the influence of Soviet Socialism; we don’t have Truman’s party any longer—it has been converted to America’s Socialist party. Just look at America today, September 2024, you’ll see it: the so-called Dems party fights American capitalism, the Republican party, and our political system…
Kamala is economically clueless; she didn’t answer any questions about the economy in her only one-solo interview. The entire Harris campaign is based on one thing: positioning herself as the opposite of President Trump. Nothing else, no substance, only buzz words. Kamala is Putin’s protege, I told you that years ago. “Kamala finally released a policy and it’s Bolshevik” Elise Stefanik. Elise Stefanik is right by identifying Russia. I can add more, as I’ve been writing about Russia and its Intel for four decades. I was calling the Dems’ actors many different names: Socialist Charlatans, Socialist thugs, the Con men and women and so on. Finally, I came to the conclusion that we are dealing with organized crime and called a spade a spade—America’s Socialist Mafia. Read my column: The Democrat Party: A Party of Disinformation and Fraud, May 21, 2023.
This is not the threat to Trump from Iran, it is the Global Elites, led by Globalist Vladimir Putin and Socialist-Communist Cabal that hates Trump—he is an existential threat to them. The core of the issue is the terrorist State of Russia—Iran is its proxy. Those are not the Global Snobs; they are real enemies of Trump, combating him constantly-brutally trying to take him out under Putin’s leadership for the last nine years. You all have seen it during those years. American pundits don’t often use the term “Mafia,” but the world is changing fast and there is a necessity to learn new changes. I am not the first person to use the term “Mafia.“ A brilliant, savvy woman Georgia Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy increases Italy’s defense spending and use the term in her speech in front of the world:
“Meloni said she alerted the national anti-Mafia prosecutor and vowed to pass new measures to curb the practice” www.reuters.com › world › Europe Italy’s Meloni blames organized crime for ‘alarming’ migrant …”
“Jun 4, 2024 · Criminal gangs are exploiting loopholes in Italy’s legal visa system for foreign workers to smuggle in illegal immigrants, a problem the anti-Mafia prosecutor should investigate”
A very respected Meloni however has not identified the country and political system responsible for spreading organized crime across the globe, I have been doing that for four decades—the system of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. The system has been developed by Russian dictator Joseph Stalin, making Law enforcement an Apparatus of politics, by weaponizing Law Enforcement to secure Socialist economy in the 20th century. Read my column: Putin’s Soviet Socialism is Claiming Over the World: The Middle East, The Democrat Party, and White House, August 12, 2024. We are not able to win the 2024 election without this information. Read every paragraph of it.
In the falsehood of intellectual dishonesty, Democrats’ administrations have been weaponizing our justice and criminal systems, like they destroy our border defense system, our educational system and the courts, all courts including the FISA Court that unlawfully made me a Foreign Agent and prevented you from learning the truth. The FBI submitted my name to the FISA Court and the Court made me a Foreign Agent with consequential banning and sabotaging my writings in 2002. In my opinion, it was a criminal act against me and against Americans. As a result, America’s Socialist Mafia is not known by Americans. Moreover, Biden-Harris team is not alone, the FBI is also a part of America’s Socialist Mafia and please, remember Socialist Mafia runs by the KGB’s Mafia-Army…
…I have to stop writing; Kamala is speaking in Arizona after visiting the border…
…Listening to her, I was afraid to get a heart attack… I was horrified. Kamala vowed to repair the border she had destroyed, she lied straight to your face, like Soviet apparatchiks did in the Soviet Union. A disturbing feeling of vomiting visited me, but I had to listen to her lying, cheating, deceiving, fabricating and fraud, the entire demonstration of Socialist modus operandi by a woman, who wants to be the U.S. President… She is not Bolshevik, she is a Soviet fascist with a desire to implement Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism in America. And… she is using the Republican narratives! What a Shame!!! I was disgusted…
A couple hours later, I realized that we got the Soviet spectacle a-la Biden’s theatrical performances for the last four years: It was Kamala’s photo-op for 20 minutes on the border in the background of the Wall built by Trump to deceive you. She lies straight to your face, contradicting herself and some people applauded her. America has been deeply divided by treasonous Dems’ policy for years. Biden-Harris team has widened that division by their deliberate policy of open border, which coincided with Putin’s dissemination of Soviet Socialism by the KGB’s Mafia-Army across the globe. The invasion was orchestrated by our Gov—a continuation of Putin-Biden collusion that started in 2014-15 Ukraine. I was also right in presenting the Afghan shocking surrender as a continuation of the treason—the Putin design and Biden’s White House execution of the Afghanistan tragedy in 2021. Knowledge of Russia’s terrorist State is imperative!
As I understand it now, the demented Biden got an order on Putin’s disorderly withdrawal to implement it. He did. The Biden State Department or Military leadership had never constructed their own plan of orderly retreats. I am not sure they knew that Al-Qaeda and ISIS are still in Afghanistan. My column on Abortion was the historical foundation of reality and Russia’s fraud, here is a part of it: Abortion and Other Socialist Plans to Destroy America October 3, 2020:
“We have been subjected to so many lies, deceptions, disinformation and fraud by agitators and provocateurs for years that most people are disoriented and puzzled. Who is doing that to us? The answer is America’s Socialist Party. They are preaching hate to cover-up the crime they have committed for several decades. They are accusing Trump of all sorts of things to divert your attention from the crime they had committed. They have followed Stalin’s postulate: Never admit crime committed, instead accuse the adversary in that exact crime.
Abortions: Political Correctness and the Pro-Choice Fraud
The issue has a long history which grew as a snowball to the gigantic cultural fraud going back to the 60s. Abortion has been discussed in the wrong territory. All debate on abortion should start with a fraudulent definition of PRO-CHOICE in the last century. It was time when the Russian Intel began its infiltration into the Democrat party and you can see how abortion discussion has been influenced by Russia’s fraud. The first example is a misleading meaning to the term “pro-choice,” inculcated by the intimidating power of political correctness used by the Dems. The premise of abortion is clear—prevention of pregnancy. Be attentive to the premise—prevention of pregnancy. The Dems just moved the time span one bit further and the Republicans, as usual, swallowed the fraudulent hook.
The real pregnancy comes to life by the sexual act and the actual choice is a prevention of sexual act. The partners, especially a woman, have a choice before a sexual act. It is action taken before the sexual act that prevents pregnancy and not actions after the fact, which is a fraud. The abortion issue has become a tool for the Dems to undermine our traditional culture, and our set of values. Just count the disproportional murder of black fetuses and fatherless black families to see the enormous cultural implications of this leftist fraud. Unfortunately, this fraud has affected all ethnic groups in America.”
Show me one Republican who knows this information and tried to expose the Dems’ fraud? None, they are still on the hook in the 21st century. Now is the time to stop an arrogant and condescending Kamala and expose the long-term Dems’ fraud and show the real Kamala’s face implementing Soviet fascism in America. Biden’s AG Garland charged three Iranian bad actors in hacking Trump’s campaign. The FBI Director supports him. In my opinion, it is Biden’s team maneuver to divert your attention from the actual culprit—Russia and America’s Socialist Mafia. Read about bad actors like Mayor Pete, George Soros and million others: Bloody Prints of the KGB https://bit.ly/4bY6RC2
My heart is bleeding by watching Russia killing citizens and destroying the cities of Ukraine. But… Ukraine can’t win the war against Russia. Period. President Zelenskyy will never win this war. The war should be stopped as soon as possible. Biden’s team has prolonged the war for very questionable reasons. However, President Zelenskyy is right: “Those are Russian Drones coming from Iran.” Read my columns about Putin, he personally supervised the building of the Drone factory in Iran. If you want to read my latest book What is Happening to America? Please Click Here
Maria Bartiromo interviewed President of Poland Andrew Duda September 29, 2024. President Duda was talking about Russian foreign policy against Europe, spreading the Russian migration to Poland and further to the entire Europe. Doesn’t it remind you of the Dems-Biden policy of open borders in America? To understand it you have to know the Russian Disinformation Operation that is going on in America right now. Its influence on the Dems by the bad actors started years ago. As a former Soviet attorney, who knows Stalin’s Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. Here is my must-read column: Fraud Coming to Flower – The Roots of the Deep State. Read it to save America.
The planned chaos of American Capitalism had been designed by the Russian Communists a hundred years ago. Today, in September 2024 America has experienced that chaos—we are at three wars simultaneously. But, in fact, we have the same enemy—socialist/communist cabal of the Russian/Chinese Intel with a criminal mastermind, confronting Western civilization and American Capitalism. This is a result of the Democrat Party under Putin’s control. It is going on under the background of a manufactured criminal Show Trial (the Russian/Socialist invention) against former President Trump! Isn’t all of that a real Fraud of the Century???
P.S. The capital of Lebanon Beirut was called “a Paris of the Middle East.” With the help of Russia’s Intel, a terrorist organization Hezbollah had been established on the border with Israel in the 1960-70s . The Soviet/Russia has been known as a highly anti-Semitic state. Read my columns about Russia’s War Crime against people of the Middle East. Learn about Soviet fascism—Beirut is unrecognizable today…
To be continued www.simonapipko.com and at www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/
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