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Israeli Sanhedrin (Assembly) Issues Summons Calling Obama for Trial on ‘criminal offenses’

Flash! Breaking Israel News (BINreports that the reconstituted Sanhedrin in Israel has issued a summons calling President Obama for trial on charges of “criminal offenses” against the Jewish people resulting from the announced Comprehensive Joint Plan of Action, unanimously endorsed by the UN Security Council, Monday, July 20th, 2015 and announced by the P5+1 in Vienna on July 14th.

The Sanhedrin trial has been scheduled for September 9, 2015, four days prior to the onset of the Jewish High Holy Day of Rosh Hashanah. This is also the 60th day under the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 for a possible vote by the U.S. Congress on the Iran nuclear pact.

BIN cites the charges brought against President Obama:

According to a letter obtained exclusively by Breaking Israel News that was sent to the president, the Sanhedrin calls out Obama for “deliberately promoting genocide for the Jewish people.” The judges of the Sanhedrin call on the president to “immediately announce that you are repealing and suspending the agreement.”

The Sanhedrin, which has been active in Israel for over a decade, recently made news when it announced that it would be putting Pope Francis on trial in absentia for his recognition of a “State of Palestine”.

“We are here for matters great and small, those that pertain to Israel, and those that pertain to other nations as well,” said Rabbi Dov Stein, secretary of the Sanhedrin, to Breaking Israel News. “It is part of the process of Geula (redemption) and of the Nation of Israel coming back to the Land of Israel, reestablishing the Sanhedrin and restoring the nation as it once was, ‘For out of Zion shall the Torah go out, and the world of God from Jerusalem.’”

The original Hebrew letter, with its English translation, sent to the U.S. leader by the Sanhedrin can be read below.


To His Honor:
President of the United States
Mr. Barack Hussein Obama
Secretary of State John Kerry
The White House, Washington DC
Permanent Members of the UN Security Council

Summons to Trial:

A Demand for the Immediate Cancellation of the Nuclear Deal with Iran

Unfortunately, despite international experience in negotiating with totalitarian countries with aggressive imperialist aspirations and abilities throughout history, and especially in the 20th century, you have failed to prevent the agreement with destructive consequences that are inevitable for Israel, the Jewish people, all people of the region, to the United States, and to the West.

On the contrary, the evidence of progress in negotiations toward a desired and expected outcome increase every day. Empowering Iran to the level where it would constitute a complete and immediate threat would thrust the entire region into a state of instability including extreme weapons of mass destruction.

These actions range from criminal offenses to malicious intent and gross negligence.

Despite your claims and the contentions of the United States Secretary of State that the agreement is for the benefit of peace, the very negotiations with a country that for at least 30 years has declared that their aim is to destroy Israel and for that it needs nuclear weapons, as well as their expressed desire to attack ‘the Great Satan, USA’ are cause for concern to suspect that there is serious impairment to the reasonable discretion of any moral / responsible leader who refuses to negotiate with a country that declares their goal is to destroy a UN member state, or genocide of any kind.

The current agreement has released many of the leaders of incitement from responsibility for their words and action, and this with the full knowledge and consent of the United States and its allies.

Obama sanhedrin letter-page-001
EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.