Tag Archive for: Britney Eric Austin

PHOENIX: Hijab-wearing transsexual Antifa rioter decries ‘Islamophobic’ jail conditions, tweets ‘AbolishAmerikkka’

The Leftist/jihadist alliance in action and a vivid, if somewhat revolting, illustration of the hatred for America that both of these allies share.


France: Muslim students cheer burning of French flags in response to Muhammad cartoons

Trotskyites: French ‘ruling elite’ is ‘whipping up an atmosphere of anti-Muslim hysteria’ in wake of jihad beheading

Tunisia: MP glorifies the beheading of a French teacher for showing a Muhammad cartoon

France: Interior Minister wants to dissolve ‘anti-Islamophobia’ organization, calls it ‘enemy of the Republic’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.