Donald Trump is a ‘Christian Nationalist’
I have written that Donald Trump went from running a campaign, to heading a movement and is now leading an insurgency. Until today I could not define what was driving this insurgency. I may now have the answer.
Karl Marx wrote: “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people“.
Donald Trump is viewed by his followers as the heart of a heartless world, the soul fighting a soulless government and he understands that it is morals that drives him and the American dream. It is religion that is inextricably linked to politics in America. It is something citizens have not seen since the American Revolution.
Mahatma Gandhi said, “Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is.”
Gandhi also said, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Michael Savage in his column “Here’s how to define Donald Trump” writes:
And I want to define something for you.
Here’s something important. People don’t know how to define Donald Trump.
I’ve defined him as a moderate nationalist. But I’m going to redefine Donald Trump for everyone listening to this show around the world on “The Savage Nation,” because I’m the idea man. I’m known as the idea man.
And here’s your idea. Take it, run with it, drop it, reject it, debate it.
Trump is a Christian nationalist.
No one’s said that.
He’s proud to be a Christian. He is a proud Christian, and he’s a proud American nationalist.
This is anathema. This is anathema to the media. This is anathema to the university America haters. This is anathema to the thuggish left who has taken over everything in this country and threatens everybody by threatening your advertisers if you dare speak out about their communism and their desire to control every aspect of our life from top to bottom, telling us what we’re supposed to think about sexuality.
Everything; they tell us what we’re supposed to think.
Well, finally we have someone who said: “Drop dead. We’re not your slaves. We’re not slaves of the radical left. We’re not gonna eat this garbage anymore, and we’re fighting back.”
And he is the man carrying the banner of this Christian nationalism, and that is why he’s ruffling feathers around the world, because they’re used to stamping on us.
They have disrobed the Statue of Liberty and molested her. The radical left has disrobed her and rolled her in mud, and the Statue of Liberty is crying, and Donald Trump wants to clean her and clothe her again! [Emphasis added]
Trump is a church militant. The Church Militant comprises the souls on Earth engaged in battle against the forces evil. The evils that Trump and the insurgency are battling are: political correctness, political power, collectivism, Communism, socialism and radical Islamism. All of which are forces of evil.
I can now define the insurgency as a “Christian insurgency” and Donald Trump embodies the core of it.
This is why Trump is winning.
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