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RFK Jr’s New Border Documentary Reveals Biden Policy Failures

Presidential candidate takes eye-opening trip to Arizona’s border crisis.

YUMA, Ariz. (ChurchMilitant.com) – A presidential hopeful’s new documentary showcases the realities of the U.S. southern border crisis. On Aug. 5, Democratic candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. released an 18-minute film of his June visit to the border in Yuma, Arizona.

“Most of the movement at the border is at this crossing between 1 and 3 a.m. I came down here because I want to see firsthand what the problem is and get as many ideas as possible about the best way to solve this problem,” remarked Kennedy during his late-night adventure.

Kennedy admitted that he was surprised to discover that many of the people who crossed illegally that night were not from Central America.

“I’m at the border wall around Yuma, Arizona. It’s about two o’clock in the morning,” explained the presidential candidate. “We’ve watched about 150 people come across. I was expecting that most of the people would be from Central America. This is really extraordinary.”

In a TikTok video he posted at the time, Kennedy revealed that the migrants he talked to were from West Africa, Peru, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, India, China, Tibet and Nepal.

“Altogether, people have come from 117 nations in the last couple years,” he reported in his social media post.

Kennedy shockingly revealed, “Of all of these people, only one of them said that they were here for asylum. The rest of them are here for work, for better lives, doing things that we all want for ourselves.”

The politician’s next stop was at 10 a.m. at the Regional Center for Border Health, where the migrants are brought on buses to be processed.

While there, Kennedy spoke with Amanda Aguirre, the President and CEO of the RCBH. The two discussed how Aguirre’s team makes sure the immigrants are healthy enough to travel and then sends them on buses to every city in the country.

Aguirre revealed, “We coordinate with the airport in Phoenix, and out they go to their final destination the same day.”

“Most people bring the money or have a sponsor that buys their ticket,” the CEO continued. Kennedy asked her, “What happens if the family doesn’t have the money for a plane ticket?” She replied, “FEMA reimburses us. We can buy the ticket.”

Kennedy’s next stop in the video was at the Morelos Dam Gap, where he talked to retired chief border patrol agent Chris Clem.

Clem explained the infamous gap was caused by President Biden halting the construction of the Trump border wall.

“It’s done just the opposite of what they’re trying to accomplish from a humanitarian standpoint. When you are giving people, you know, an opportunity to come here the wrong way because the policies allow them to do that, that’s exploiting people,” expressed Clem.

Kennedy showed the millions of dollars of construction equipment wasted due to the border wall drama on Capitol Hill.

“What you’re seeing behind me here are millions and millions of dollars of materials, including these steel [sic], that were purchased by the Trump administration to complete the construction of the wall,” Kennedy pointed out. “When the Biden Administration came in, it didn’t want to complete the wall, and they left material to languish and bought new fencing.”

Jonathan Lines, the supervisor of District 2 in Yuma County, told Kennedy that “this is where Secretary Mayorkas told me he would fill in nine of the 11 gaps. So 18 months later, we see maybe 50 feet completed.

“Now, the difference between this product and the other product: This has a 10-foot foundation going into the ground, so it’s almost impossible to go under.” Lines continued. “The other new fencing being installed: the foundations are on the top of the ground, so you don’t necessarily have that secondary protection under the ground.”

Lines then explained why that matters: “We’ve seen them start to use horizontal drilling machines to burrow under and use the bank teller type of tubes to send Fentanyl and other drugs across the border.”

District supervisors reported they’ve seen about 2,000 people crossing per day. According to a graphic in the video, 310,000 illegal aliens crossed the border through Yuma in 2022.

Lines next showed Kennedy an area known as the “rape tree.”

Lines states, “We would see Plan B — which is the day after, the morning-after pill — found all throughout the ground, where the cartel, after taking advantage and raping women and young children as young as 12; it’s been reported to us. They would force them to take the Plan B and then send them along their way.”

A graphic shown in the video depicts this statistic: “As of April 2023, the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement is unable to account for the whereabouts of 85,000 migrant children who entered the U.S. in the previous two years.”

Yuma’s mayor, Douglas Nicholls, sat down with Kennedy and discussed the tactics that cartels use to get dangerous individuals into the country.

“They can push through 300 people. They know the U.S. Border Patrol is going to surge to take care of the people, and then an hour later they could be coming through with a large drug load,” proclaimed Nicholls. “They do the same thing with terrorists, and they do the same thing with gang members that they want in the country. They’ll do those diversionary tactics to keep our border patrol occupied.”

Kennedy ended the video with some reflections on his experiences.

“After visiting the border, I’ve come to understand that the open-border policy is just a way of funding a multi-billion dollar drug and human trafficking operation for the Mexican drug cartels.”

He then made this promise:

When I’m president, I will secure the border, which will end the cartel’s drug trafficking economy, and I will build wide doors for those who wish to enter legally, so that the United States can continue to be a beacon to the world where diversity and culture make us great.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was raised Catholic, but the Democratic candidate is a major supporter of the man-made climate change narrative and a supporter of abortion.

One group complicit in the border crisis that Kennedy did not mention is the U.S. Catholic bishops, who have made billions of dollars profiting off illegal immigration.

The Deposit of Faith Coalition’s recent press conference in Washington, D.C., exposed the bishops’ Marxist push for open borders.

Speaker Sheena Rodriguez, president and founder of the Alliance for a Safe Texas, declared:

Catholic Charities and the Conference of Catholic Bishops displayed strong public opposition against the recent congressional Secure the Border Act of 2023, along with continued opposition against the building of the southern wall and any efforts that they perceive or categorize as “restricting asylum,” claiming that it would “cause the United States to violate its international obligations.”

“Catholic Charities often teams up with other open-border advocacy groups such as RAICES, the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services. RAICES maintains deep ties with several Soros-funded groups,” continued Rodriguez.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Vortex — McCarthy was right!


I was talking with a priest friend the other night, and the discussion came up about various Vortex topics. He offered — correctly — that there are so many insane things going on in the Church, which then spill over into the culture, that there’s no shortage of things to talk about. That’s true.

While all of that can have the effect of depressing people because it just seems overwhelming, allow us to suggest another approach. This could be called the “Age of the Great Enlightenment,” as opposed to the phony, prior “Age of Enlightenment.” That Enlightenment, in short, was based on the false premise that religion was no longer needed and man was self-sufficient.

Entire philosophical schools arose around that foundational approach. In truth, there was nothing “enlightening” about it. In fact, like all things of the diabolical, it said one thing, but the reality was exactly the opposite. No, this current “Enlightenment” is something very different — 180 degrees different. Far from ignoring reality, this one is revealing reality — the depth of the corruption in the Church and the world.

It’s like a doctor opening up a patient complaining of some mild symptoms, only to find a huge, cancerous tumor strangling every organ. It’s a horrible thing to look at, but if the patient’s life is going to be saved, there is no choice but to stare headlong at the tumor and come to grips with what needs to be done.

Now granted, not everyone has the stomach to handle blood and gore. That’s fine — we’re all different. And looking at the massive diabolical tumor spreading throughout the Church and culture can be extremely off-putting.

But like it or not, this tumor must be looked at and understood, grasped, talked about, made known and attacked. Closing your eyes to the lies, corruption, abuse, theft, malfeasance, cowardice and so forth will not make it go away. In fact, it will only increase all that.

This is what President Trump has run headlong into in his attempt to “drain the swamp.” The swamp is a lot wider and deeper than even he realized — just like the “swamp” in the Church. But the Church swamp is deeper and darker than almost anyone wants to face.

But, what’s the alternative? To do nothing? To shoot the messenger? To behave as though all the information being surfaced is not real? We, as Catholics, have to own up to the reality that the Church and the culture have been infected with sweet poison and that poison is killing souls and civilization. That is the very top of the mountain — the big picture, the 60,000-foot view!

All the rest is merely detail, footnotes and fine distinctions. Back in the 1950s, a Catholic U.S. senator from Wisconsin, Joe McCarthy, deeply suspicious that Communist spies from the Soviet Union had penetrated various levels of the U.S. government, began a campaign to identify them. It was dubbed “the Red Scare” and resulted in congressional hearings, loads of testimony, etc.

Educational elites as well as Hollywood producers, directors and studio giants were among those labeled as “commies.” He accused the Democrats of 20 years of treason and said he had a list of over 200 names of people serving in the government who were Communist plants.

It was (eventually) the liberal media that began the derailing of McCarthy, specifically the famed CBS prima donna Edward R. Murrow, who, in 1954, began a series of reports hammering McCarthy. Back then, the media was actually trusted. Fast forward 35 years to the collapse of the old Soviet Union and the exposing of the KGB files. (The KGB was the secret police and spy agency of the former communist nation.)

It turns out, as revealed in those files, that a project called the “Venona Project” proved what McCarthy had been saying all along. The only thing he got wrong was the number of spies and subversives. He had undercounted them. There were far more than he had known about.

So look around today and ask yourself, “The educational elites, Hollywood, a large percentage of political leaders — are these people Marxists? Have they infected the institutions as part of a master strategy to destroy Western civilization?”

The answer is obvious, but the proposition is incomplete. It’s not just academia, Hollywood and Congress, but also the law schools, along with the courts and most especially, the media — and most importantly, the Church. McCarthy was right; he just didn’t go far enough.

A major aim of the Marxist subversion was not necessarily to co-opt the Church (although in many ways that has happened) but, at a minimum, just to neutralize it — take it out of the game. Mission accomplished.

Through a succession of unfaithful men — many sexually active homosexuals, or at least sympathetic and silent — the Church has become irrelevant in any modern-day calculus for the culture at large. The U.S. hierarchy is little else than a bunch of feckless, money-grabbing men either unaware of their own cowardice or complicit in the cultural destruction.

What’s left of the Church in the United States is little else than a small band — maybe a few million scattered about the country — who still live trying to be faithful to the Church’s teachings, with all the sacrifice that entails. They have been abandoned by their spiritual fathers, just as children have been abandoned by their biological fathers.

The only time the bishops (collectively) even give a nod to the faithful is when the annual fundraising campaign kicks in. They are exploited and de-formed and left to fend for themselves otherwise. They are exposed to the vilest of men (many in collars or miters) preaching spiritual poison wrapped up in nice-sounding platitudes like “We have a reasonable hope all men are saved,” or “God would never throw a soul into Hell,” or “God understands” — which is meant to convey, without actually saying it, not that God doesn’t understand your weakness or sin (which, of course, He does) but that He actually approves of it.

So back to the opening point: Why is it bad to understand that this is the lay of the land — that this is the tumor infecting the body and leading it to death? Yes, it’s horrible. It’s awful. It’s frightening. It’s scary. And … so what? That’s what evil is — all of the above and more.

McCarthy was right. But more importantly, Our Blessed Lord was right.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

I WILL NOT KEEP SILENT: This Lent, pray to become a prophet

Here’s something we can all do for Lent.

Catholics are very familiar with sins against charity by saying things we should not say: gossip, calumny, detraction and the like — serious sins. But not holding your tongue when you should say something is just as evil. To not say what needs to be said when it should be said is a sin against justice and is a cooperation with evil. You can sin in two methods involving your speech.

The prophet Isaiah, for example, cries out: “For Zion’s sake I will not be silent; for Jerusalem’s sake I will not keep quiet, until her vindication shines forth like the dawn and her victory like a burning torch” (Isaiah 62:1).

It is almost a certainty when you come across a reference to Jerusalem or Zion in the Old testament that what is being spoken of in its fullest sense is the Catholic Church. And it is for this that we must speak up, cry out, abandon silence; we are at pains to bring about Her vindication until all nations behold Her victory like a burning torch.

This is powerful language. It describes the arduous lengths a lover will go to achieve victory and honor for his beloved — his beloved who has been made a mockery of, belittled before every living creature. This much is made clear when Isaiah continues that “Nations will behold your vindication and all kings your glory. No more will men call you forsaken and your land desolate” (Isaiah 62:2).

If this isn’t a prophecy of the current agony of Holy Mother Church, nothing is. True, it had more immediate reality regarding Israel, but what is Israel other than a type of the Church?

We Catholics have got to understand the great love required from us, demanded from us, in this current hour of the Church’s agony. We cannot keep silent. We must shout from the rooftops. Even St. Paul tells us “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!” (1 Cor. 9:16). When you see the word “woe” make its way into a Scripture passage, you need to sit up and fixate on it. It is a word used in reference to damnation, to going to Hell.

Our Blessed Lord used it in reference to Judas: “But woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed; it would be better for him had he never been born” (Matt. 26:24). (Are you “reasonable hope” people listening?)

Our Blessed Lord used it seven times in reference to the Pharisees during His indictment of them. Saint Paul used it in reference to himself, as we said: if he did not preach the Gospel.

So whom is the word “woe” reserved for? Traitors, hypocrites, cowards — in short, all those who do not profess Christ to the world. And this is not a crowd you want to get lumped in with. It takes prophecy to proclaim truth to a world that does not want to hear it.

And this is exactly the point. It is what God commands. Our earthly fate is not a consideration. What is a consideration is the peril of souls.

Why did Our Lord foretell the damnation of Judas and the Jewish leaders? Why did St. Paul lay out the possibility of his own damnation? Because they cared more for themselves than the salvation of others. They cared, for money, prestige, reputation more than they cared for the things of God. And their concern for their own comforts prevented them from opening their mouths for the truth.

We need to understand the great peril we are all in by keeping quiet about the Faith, the truth and glory and majesty of the One True Faith. We do not get to keep quiet in the face of family and friends. We do not get to stay silent because of fear of losing respect or friendship. We mustproclaim Her glory, Her truth, until everyone we know has heard in no uncertain terms the glory of God in His Holy Catholic Church.

This includes speaking to clerics who have lost their zeal, their first love, their passion for God and His Holy Bride, perhaps even their supernatural faith. You must speak out — to anyone who will hear you.

As a result of your baptism, you share in Our Lord’s prophetic mission. What matters is truth, nothing else.

Truth is a Person. Jesus Christ is Truth. The resurrected Jesus Christ breathed life into His Bride so that She would continue His mission among men until the end of time.

We are either on board with this mission or we are damned. And that shouldn’t be shocking; after all, what is it to be damned? It is to love self more than God.

If we love God, we will prove it. Love is, after all, an act of the will, not an emotion. And we will prove it by declaring the rightness and truth of the Holy Catholic Church. We will not accommodate Her truth for the sake of politeness or ecumenism or any other thing on earth.

Our cry needs to be that of Isaiah: No, I will not keep silent. For Her sake I will not keep silent; for the Church’s sake I will not be quiet — until Her vindication shines forth like the dawn and Her victory shines like a burning torch.

This Lent, pray to become a prophet.

EDITORS NOTE: Originally published at ChurchMilitant.com.