Tag Archive for: Civil War 2.0

Terrifyingly Plausible: Why You’re Wrong to Think Civil War Can’t Happen Here

Demographer, historian, and author Neil Howe hasn’t just coined the term “Millennial,” he’s also predicted the future to an eerie degree—and he thinks America’s in for very rough seas ahead. He says a civil war in the U.S. is far more plausible than most people think, and he dismisses the reasons Americans often discount that possibility.

In 1997, he published a book with Bill Strauss, “The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy—What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny.” In that book, he suggested five catalysts for a major crisis—and four of the five have already come to pass.

“One of our events was a crisis over the debt, which would issue forth in a new tea party movement,” Howe tells “The Daily Signal Podcast.” He calls it “just completely random that we happened to use that phrase,” which the tea party movement adopted in 2010.

“The other one was a WMD [weapon of mass destruction] attack on New York City,” Howe says, noting the eerie parallel with Sept. 11, 2001. “The other one was the [COVID-19] pandemic, and the fourth one was Russia invading a former Soviet republic,” such as Ukraine.

The final potential catalyst? “A nullification crisis, where one or more of the states would actually nullify federal regulation, which would lead to a new secession movement,” Howe says.

According to his generational theory, America should expect a major crisis about every 80-100 years, and we’re due for another “rendezvous with destiny” such as the Great Depression and World War II. He calls these periods “fourth turnings,” and they force society to create a new order in the civic “outer world” about 40 or 50 years after “awakenings” drive people inward, seeking order in their spiritual “inner worlds.”

Why a Civil War Is Likely

Howe notes that “our politics have taken on this kind of Manichaean style, where the red zone and blue zone are so mutually exclusive in their sense of themselves, their agenda for the nation’s future, that it hardly even matters who’s leading the party.” (“Manichaean” refers to the tendency to view one side as perfectly good and the other side as perfectly evil, and it traces back to a world religion that arose with the prophet Mani in the 200s A.D., which taught that the physical world is evil and the spiritual world is good.)

He cites Carl Becker, who wrote an essay in 1941, “The Dilemma of Modern Democracy.”

“When most of what you’re talking about is the width of sidewalks and the diameter of sewer pipes, just coordination issues, democracy works really well,” Howe says. “But when you’re talking about issues that virtually define who you are, it doesn’t work. He said no one is going to accede to a vote count that goes 51% against you.”

“You are not going to give up everything you believe in just because you came up three votes short,” he explains.

Howe says U.S. polarization reached similar levels in the 1770s, the 1850s, and the 1930s.

When The Daily Signal noted that American polarization doesn’t neatly fall along lines on a map like in the U.S. Civil War, Howe says the presence of blue cities in red states actually makes conflict more likely.

“One misconception people have is that civil wars require geographically separated places,” he notes. “This is not true, and take a look at the Spanish Civil War. That was a brutal, horrible war, and there was very little geographical contiguity about it. … It was like honeycombed. The civil war in China was the same way.”

Even in the U.S. Civil War, there were “civil wars within states,” especially in “border states.”

“And actually, your point about blue zone cities within red zone states or vice versa is a classic reason why civil wars get touched off, and why they are never resolved amicably,” Howe says.

Problems for World in U.S. Civil War

“There are two ways in which we enter this fourth turning very differently from earlier fourth turnings, which are worrying,” Howe says.

First, he notes, “government is so huge going into this fourth turning,” while most fourth turnings require government to ramp up in order to face existential threats.

Second, he notes “the size and global power of our military” make the U.S. a central player in world affairs, so a U.S. Civil War will have massive ramifications across the globe.

“If it requires our forces around the world to stand down for six months, the entire world will remake itself,” he says. “The entire world, for better or for worse, depends upon our presence to be what it is.”

Howe also notes that during a civil war, one side often asks for external help: “This is a rule through all civil wars.”

So, When Would Civil War Start?

The Daily Signal asked Howe why the “mini starter crises” of 9/11, the tea party movement, COVID-19, and the Ukraine war did not “catch fire” and ignite the massive existential crisis that defines a fourth turning.

“The survival of the country has to be at stake,” the author says.

“With regard to World War II, I think FDR made the case—it was very persuasive for the country—we did not want to be the only democracy left on earth,” he explains.

“This is the way incentives work,” Howe says. “You’ve got to feel everything’s on the line to push you to do something.”

Things have to come to a head in order to force people to come together and create a new order in society. How exactly that will happen is yet to be determined.


Tyler O’Neil

Tyler O’Neil is managing editor of The Daily Signal and the author of “Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center.” Tyler on X: .


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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Comparing Two Democrats: Confederate Jefferson Davis and Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

Some would say that America is now in a second Civil War.

The first Civil War was between the Confederates and Union and lasted from April 12, 1861 to April 9, 1865. Elected President of the Confederate States of America was former Democrat Senator Jefferson Davis.

Davis was a compromise candidate chosen to appease both the moderate and radical factions in the Congress.

When the newly formed Confederacy opened fire on Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861, Grant wrote that, There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots. And I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter.” 

Motivated by love for his country, Grant decided to help the Union cause by serving again in the Army under President Abraham Lincoln.

Fast forward 160 years later to January 20, 2021 and the inauguration of former Democrat Senator Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. as president of the United States of America.

Biden was also a compromise candidate chosen to appease both the moderate and radical factions of the Democrat Party and Democrat members of the U.S. Congress.

The American Civil War 2.0

The first America Civil War was about seceding from the Union and embracing enslaving of blacks. The first civil war became an armed conflict.

According to the American Battlefield Trust, “The Civil War was America’s bloodiest conflict.  The unprecedented violence of battles such as Shiloh, Antietam, Stones River, and Gettysburg shocked citizens and international observers alike.  Nearly as many men died in captivity during the Civil War as were killed in the whole of the Vietnam War.  Hundreds of thousands died of disease.  Roughly 2% of the population, an estimated 620,000 men, lost their lives in the line of duty.  Taken as a percentage of today’s population, the toll would have risen as high as 6 million souls.

During his 2nd Inaugural Address on March 4, 1865,  President Abraham Lincoln said, “Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said ‘the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether’.”

American Civil War 2.0 is about destroying our Constitutional Republic and replacing it with a one world order. It also requires the enslaving of the American people.

It is yet to be seen if it will become a fully armed conflict, although we are witnessing groups like the pro-Hamas supporters calling for “the death of America” and their storming of the White House and violent marches across America waving the flag of the terrorist group Hamas and the burning of the American flag.

WATCH: Note that this group is called “pro-Palestinian” rather than pro-Hezbollah, note the Hezbollah flag in the background.

The American Civil War 2.0 is in essence not seceding from the United States but rather destroying it from within by a cabal of traitors.

Abraham Lincoln wrote, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

This effort is spearheaded by an alliance of four groups.

The Red-Green-Rainbow Alliance

An alliance of four groups is the new Confederacy. These four groups are:

  1. The Reds. The Marxists, Leninists, Communists who want to destroy our merit based economy and replace it with a state run and highly regulated dictatorship, much like Cuba. The economy is now controlled by Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policies at every corporation and business in America. Simply put, ESG measures how a company operates while impact measures what a company does.
  2. The Green Islamists. The Islamists are anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and anti-Israel. It has become a driving force globally and across America after the unprovoked October 7th massacre by Hamas.
  3. The Green Eco-Nazis’ Movement. This movement is bent on taking total control of two things: oil and CO2. Taking control of our oil means controlling all aspects of our economy from the automobile industry with all electric vehicles, to how one heats and cools their homes, to the cost of transporting goods and services across America. Control of CO2 is control over our food supply. Plants require CO2 to produce oxygen and food. Control of CO2 emissions leads to increased control over the food supply.
  4. The Rainbow Alliance. The LGBTQIE movement has taken control of our children from K-24, demanding the right to castrate oneself, causing massive gender confusion and has lead to the implementation of diversity, equity and inclusion programs from the schoolhouse to the White House and from the school room to every corporate board room in America. This movement is set on destroying our faith, families and taking away our freedoms.

Here is the most accurate summary titled “The Hour is Getting Late” of Donald J. Trump and why he must win on November 5th, 2024. 

The Bottom Line

When in a Civil War one needs a wartime President.

In a January 9th, 2021 article Cherie Zaslawsky wrote, “Those with the stomach to watch the proceedings in Congress on January 6th witnessed a shameful display of cowardice, deceit, ignorance and treasonous collusion as most of the members in both houses, but especially the Senate, couldn’t sell out their country fast enough.

At the time  retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McEnerny said:

“He [President Trump] has got to declare a national emergency…He should also use The Insurrection Act because we have an insurrection right now in this country…The Democratic perpetrators of this, plus the Russians, Chinese and Iran, have not disguised this cyber warfare on America… This is treason, folks! This is war!”

Stewart Rhodes, the founder of Oath Keepers, put it this way, in an open letter to President Trump:

“It’s time to honor [your] oath by defending the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. This is your moment of destiny. Will you take your place in history as the savior of our Republic, right up there with President Washington and Lincoln? Or will you fail to act, while you still can, and leave office on January 20, 2021, leaving We the People to fight a desperate revolution/civil war against an illegitimate usurper and his Chicom puppet regime?

You must act NOW as a wartime President, pursuant to your oath to defend the Constitution, which is very similar to the oath all of us veterans swore. We are already in a fight. It’s better to wage it with you as Commander-in-Chief than to have you comply with a fraudulent election, leave office, and leave the White House in the hands of illegitimate usurpers and Chinese puppets. Please don’t do it. Do NOT concede, and do NOT wait until January 20, 2021. Strike now.”

We know what President Donald J. Trump must do when inaugurated on January 20th, 2025.

He must drain the swamp from the schoolhouse to the White House, completely and totally.

©2024. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

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