Tag Archive for: Cowboy Logic

Cowboy Logic’s interview with Dr. Rich Swier author of ‘Dissent: The Highest Form of Patriotism’

For true patriots to be silent, is dangerous.” — Samuel Adams

Dr. Rich Swier was interviewed by Donna Fiducia, a former Fox News Channel Anchor, and Don Neuen, a politically incorrect cowboy, about his new book Dissent: The Highest Form of Patriotism.

Dr. Rich Swier, wrote “Dissent: The Highest Form of Patriotism”, an American Patriot’s Manifesto, to preserve, protect and defend our Constitutional Republic from all enemies, both foreign and increasingly domestic.

Dr. Rich is a conservative with a conscience and dedicated to contesting the uncontested absurdities of our time.

WATCH: Cowboy Logic’s interview with Dr. Rich Swier, author of Dissent: The Highest Form of Patriotism. [Interview begins at the 1.35 minute mark.]

About Dissent: The Highest Form of Patriotism

Rich published this Manifesto because there truly are today only two parties — Traitors and Patriots. Rich identifies with the latter and stronger party.

This DISSENT Manifesto is designed for every patriot to educate him or herself on the top issues of our day. Those issues are the most important in this election cycle. It is designed to be shared with family, friends and on social media. Every Patriot must first understand and then fight for the truth. This Manifesto gives you the truth.

This book gives every patriot the “intellectual ammunition” needed to expose the lies and myths.

America’s domestic enemies abound in the Deep State from the schoolhouse to the White House and from the school boards to corporate boards across this nation.

This book is a guide to help patriotic Americans understand the many myths that have been pushed by the traitors. Our intent is to have an informed electorate for the November 5th, 2024 Presidential Election. We the patriots must elect those who will return power to we the people. We patriots must drain the swamp, or we all will surely drown in it or be eaten by its political elitist traitors.

Rich humbly asks you to purchase our book and after reading it, if you wish, pass it along to others.

Rich asks each patriot to remember, if not us, then who? If not now, then when?

If you cannot afford to buy either the hardcopy or paperback version then just go to your local public, school, college, or university library and ask them to order it for you.

DISSENT: The Highest form of Patriotism may be purchased on:

Remember, if not us patriots, then who? If not now, then when?

PS: We want to thank you for your steadfast support of DrRichSwier.com and the Dissent Television Channel.

©2024. Editorial Staff of DrRichSwier.com. All rights reserved.


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