Tag Archive for: death to American

The “Death to America” Crowd

We’ve all witnessed the recent drama of the pro-Palestinian, anti-Jewish protests on college campuses. A recent discovery at one of the protests speaks volumes about the whole movement.

In the tents of the anti-Israel, pro-Hamas protesters at NYU, the police who cleared out their den of dissent uncovered signs which said, “Death to Israel! Death to America!”

Surprise. Surprise.

People who care about America’s godly roots as a nation—yes, our Judeo-Christian roots—know how principles revealed in the Bible are linked to the American experiment in self-liberty under God.

In contrast to our nation’s founding are sentiments held by many young Americans today: “Death to Israel and Death to America.”

There is a sense in which Jews and Christians are tied together for freedom’s sake both in America and in the country of Israel.

I’ve interviewed Rabbi Daniel Lapin a few times for Christian television. He is the founder and head of the American Alliance of Jews and Christians.

He once told me, “No country in the last two thousand years has provided the same haven of tranquility and prosperity for Jews as had the United States of America. And, this is not in spite of Americans being Christian; it is because of it. You might say that America’s Bible belt is the Jewish community’s safety belt.”

And he added: “Jews need to understand that our safety and security in the United States is dependent upon the health and vitality of American Christianity.”

Therefore, says the rabbi, the very safety of Jews (and others) is put at risk when the Christian faith is undermined in America. That is certainly borne out more and more in the protests and the rise of anti-Semitic violence we see today.

Recently, as the executive director of Providence Forum, I had the privilege to participate in our ministry’s Faith and Freedom Tour in Philadelphia. Dr. Peter Lillback, the founder of Providence Forum, was our tour guide. Providence Forum is now a part of Coral Ridge Ministries, headed up by Dr. Robert J. Pacienza, our host for this memorable weekend.

At one of our stops, Dr. Lillback highlighted the old synagogue there. Because of the Christian attitude of that city’s founder, the Quaker minister and lawyer William Penn, people (including Jews) would be free to practice their religion in his settlement without harassment. A rarity in that day.

As Dr. Lillback noted in one of our videos how Penn cared deeply about conscience rights, and it showed in the colony and the city he created in America: “Philadelphia, named from the Bible, brotherly love, established on the Golden Rule, freedom of conscience to each other. That becomes, then, the model of America. When Thomas Jefferson and George Washington look at Philadelphia, they say that place has succeeded far better than Virginia that imposes religion on others. Their view of conscience, their view of freedom is extraordinary.”

One of the Jews who came to Philadelphia almost a century after Penn helped the American cause in pivotal ways, for which he should be remembered. Haym Salomon was a very successful Jewish investor, who fled Europe because of anti-Semitic persecution.

In his 2022 book, Rediscovering America: How the National Holidays Tell an Amazing Story About Who We Are, Scott Powell, a senior fellow with the Discovery Institute, writes: “Washington and the Continental Army were in fact perpetually short of financial resources. Fortunately, even before the Revolutionary War started there was a young Jewish lover of liberty being raised up, Haym Salomon.”

Thankfully, Scott Powell was able to attend our tour and to provide some information about Salomon, a man to whom America owes a debt of gratitude. Powell notes that Salomon was not only savvy and successful as a financier, but he had an “impeccable reputation of integrity.”  That was probably a key element of his success.

Powell notes in his book: “After the war, financial records sum up that Haym Salomon’s fundraising and personal lending provided over $650,000 [which would translate to a staggering amount of money in today’s dollars]…for Washington and the war effort.”

One interesting footnote about Haym Salomon is that the terrific actor Claude Rains played him in a short dramatic film made in 1939—entitled, “Sons of Liberty”—by the eminent Casablanca director Michael Curtiz.

The film may not hold up well today, but the man—Haym Salomon—deserves to be remembered by whole new generations of Americans.

America was built by the sacrifices of many Christians and some of their Jewish friends, like Haym Salomon, a man that modern Americans have almost completely forgotten.

So, we fast forward to today, and we see modern nihilist protesters with mottos like “Death to Israel! Death to America!” Truly, our nation is overripe in the need for a genuine spiritual revival.

©2024. Jerry Newcombe, D. Min. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Democrat Voters Chant Death To America

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Iran’s Supreme Leader: Muslims must ‘shatter’ the U.S., the ‘idol of tyranny’

He seems to delight in making it absolutely clear to the world just how spectacularly he fooled Barack Obama and John Kerry, and got what he wanted out of them without being diverted from his genocidal plans to the slightest degree.

Khamenei-destroy-America“Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei In Article Marking Hajj: ‘The Idols Will Be Shattered,’” MEMRI, September 24, 2015:

On September 23, 2015, to mark the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei published an article on his website Farsi.Khamenei.ir titled “The Idols Will Be Shattered,” accompanied by an image of a shattered Statue of Liberty.

Following are excerpts from his article:

“… The study of the lesson [of the Hajj], and implementing it, are the source of a blessing that could renew the lives of the Muslims, bring them prosperity, and save them from the troubles that afflict them, in this era and any other. The idol of the soul, the idol of pride, [and] the idol of sexual lust; the idol of tyranny and subservience; the idol of global tyranny [i.e. the U.S.]; the idol of sloth and irresponsibility; and the other idols that shame the precious human soul – a plan that will spring forth from the depths of the heart will shatter them. Then, liberty, honor, and health will replace dependence, hardship, and humiliation.

“Oh brothers and sisters making the pilgrimage from every nation and every country, delve deeply into the word [i.e. “hajj”] that teaches the divine wisdom; examine precisely the source of the Islamic world’s troubles, particularly in western Asia and in North Africa; define for yourselves a mission and a responsibility in accordance with [your] potential and individual and public tools; and exert yourself in them.

“In these days, the evil policy of America in this region is causing war and bloodshed, destruction, displacement, poverty, backwardness, and religious and sectarian division. On the other hand are the crimes and occupying activity of the Zionist regime in Palestine, which have reached the height of injustice and crime. [The Zionist regime] continually disrespects Al-Aqsa Mosque and tramples the blood and money of the oppressed Palestinian people.

“You Muslim [pilgrims] – this issue is your top priority. You must ponder it, and know that with which you are charged under [the law of] Islam. The senior clerics, politicians, and cultural figures have a weightier mission, in the fulfillment of which, unfortunately, they are remiss. Instead of dealing with sparking religious schism, instead of remaining passive in the face of the enemy, and instead of engaging in trivial matters, the clerics, politicians, and cultural figures [respectively] must all identify the great pain of the Islamic world, and must accept and implement the mission with which God has charged them.

“These events that evoke weeping and that are taking place in the region – in Iraq, in Yemen, in Bahrain, in the West Bank, in Gaza, and elsewhere in Asia and Africa – are the greatest woes of the Islamic ummah.

“The plots of the global tyranny [i.e. the U.S.] in this matter must be identified, and ways to resolve [this matter] must be considered. The nations must demand this of their governments, and the governments must be true to their responsibilities…”

“Signed, Ali Khamenei

“September 18, 2015.”


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