Tag Archive for: Disney

How Conservative Consumers Are Winning the War on Woke Corporations

If you’ve ever felt like the collective voice of common-sense Americans is being drowned out, you’re not alone.

Why would you feel any different?

Social media companies constantly suppress the voices of those with common sense, the entertainment industry mocks them, late-night comedy shows ridicule them, Hollywood dramas disparage them, universities berate them, and the mainstream news media suffocates them.

But are these voices truly falling on deaf ears, unable to penetrate the waxy build-up infesting the woke, snowflake eardrums that refuse to hear our words—and make sure no one else does either?

Be encouraged because recent developments tell a very different story.

The Suppression of Common-Sense Voices

The voice of common sense is not just being heard; it’s being listened to, acted upon, and even changing the course of major corporations. Companies like Harley-Davidson, Disney, Tractor Supply, and John Deere have all reversed woke policies in response to consumer backlash, proving that your voice has the power to drive real change.

In today’s corporate America, consumer voices often feel silenced by the overwhelming force of media bias and corporate agendas.

It’s no secret that many in the legacy media downplay or outright ignore the growing consumer backlash against companies that abandon traditional values in favor of woke policies.

However, as recent events have shown, these grassroots movements can and do succeed—even when the media refuses to report on them.

The victories achieved by committed consumers serve as a powerful reminder that we must stay the course, even when our efforts seem to be shadow-banned from the public eye.

Harley-Davidson: Reversing Course Under Pressure

Take, for instance, the recent reversal by Harley-Davidson.

After years of grumblings from their most loyal customers, particularly those who felt betrayed by the company’s shift towards diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, the iconic motorcycle brand has slammed the brakes on its woke policies.

Harley-Davidson’s decision to eliminate its DEI function and refocus on its core customer base is a direct result of the relentless pressure applied by its riders—pressure that, for the most part, was ignored or ridiculed by mainstream media.

Social media influencers like Robby Starbuck helped amplify the outrage, proving that grassroots efforts, when sustained, can force even the most resistant corporations to change course.

Disney’s Legal Backtrack: A Win for Public Outcry

Similarly, Disney, a company that has long been at the forefront of progressive agendas, was recently forced to backtrack on its legal defense in a wrongful death lawsuit.

After public outcry over its attempt to use a Disney+ subscription agreement to dismiss a lawsuit involving a woman who suffered a fatal allergic reaction at a Disney Springs restaurant, the company reversed its stance and allowed the case to proceed in court.

Disney had tried to argue that the woman’s husband waived his right to sue in court when they signed up for a free trial of Disney+, where the terms of service allegedly absolved Disney from any lawsuits related to incidents at its theme parks.

This decision came not because the media highlighted the absurdity of Disney’s defense but because consumers refused to let the issue go unnoticed. The media may have tried to bury the story, but the public’s outrage couldn’t be ignored.

Tractor Supply and John Deere: Returning to Their Roots

Tractor Supply, a staple of rural America, also succumbed to conservative backlash after weeks of online criticism for its DEI and climate efforts.

The company has now eliminated its DEI roles, ceased participation in LGBTQ+ events, and retired its carbon emission goals, choosing instead to focus on traditional values that resonate with its core customer base.

This shift wasn’t prompted by coverage from The New York Times or CNN; instead, it was the result of relentless pressure from consumers who felt their values were being disregarded.

And then there’s John Deere, another American institution that found itself in the crosshairs of conservative consumers.

The farm equipment giant recently announced it would no longer sponsor “social or cultural awareness” events (read: LGBTQ+ events) and would cease requiring employees to use preferred, often confusing and mind-twisting, pronouns.

Once again, this change wasn’t driven by media scrutiny but by the unwavering determination of consumers who demanded a return to the company’s roots.

These examples should encourage all who feel that their voices are being drowned out by complicit media.

The media’s strategy is clear: they either portray boycotts as the grumblings of a fringe minority or they ignore them altogether, hoping the fire will burn out.

The Bud Light Boycott: When Media Tactics Backfire

The Bud Light controversy offers another poignant example of how media strategies can backfire. Initially, the media tried to frame the backlash as nothing more than the outcry of “white, red-neck, racist” consumers.

It wasn’t just an attempt to paint the boycotters as (in Hillary Clinton’s words) a “basket of deplorables.” It was also a deliberate effort to rally public support for what was, at the time, the number-one-selling beer in America.

But when the boycott gained traction—much to the media’s dismay—they seemed to recall a lesson learned back in 1994, when Republicans ended a 40-year drought and gained control of both the U.S. House and Senate in what became known as the Republican Revolution.

The lesson? Don’t fan the flames of common-sense opinions unless you’re absolutely sure it won’t burn the house down.

The Conservative Voice: A Force to be Reckoned With

This strategy, born from the media’s experiences in the 1980s, particularly with figures like Dr. Jerry Falwell, backfired when it became clear that the voices they tried to discredit were actually resonating with the American people.

I, too, was often called upon by the media at the time, regularly appearing on major network television shows and giving interviews. As the editor of the Moral Majority Report and later the founder of the Christian Action Network, I soon witnessed firsthand how the media’s strategy shifted after 1994.

After the Republican Revolution, the media largely stopped interviewing top conservative figures. Instead, they opted to interview liberal opponents, allowing them to describe conservative positions in exaggerated and far-fetched terms.

This not only distorted the conservative message but also helped the liberal agenda advance rapidly in the United States.

When Donald Trump ran for president in 2016, the media, perhaps forgetting this lesson, gave him unprecedented airtime, believing it would reveal him as out of touch with reality. However, the strategy again backfired, and Trump was elected President of the United States despite the media’s ridicule.

The media learned once more that conservative voices when given a platform, resonate with the American people. This is why, after the 2016 election, we saw conservative voices suppressed or even banned by the most prominent social media outlets.

Keep the Pressure On: Your Voice is More Powerful Than You Think

The media’s strategy now is to silence or minimize the voices of common-sense Americans, especially when they challenge the liberal agenda.

But recent victories, like the Bud Light boycott, remind us that even without media support, these voices can still be powerful and effective.

Our organization, Christian Action Network, is proud to have exposed the deceptions of companies like Disney and Harley-Davidson.

We know that the media often tries to bury these stories, but we also know that when consumers stand together, their voices can’t be ignored. These victories are proof that your resistance matters, even if it doesn’t make the evening news.

So, to every consumer and patriot who is frustrated by corporate America’s relentless push towards woke policies, stay the course.

Now, more than ever, it’s crucial that we continue to resist the encroachment of woke policies. Your efforts may not get the attention they deserve, but they are making a difference.

As these recent victories show, when consumers stand firm in their values, even the biggest corporations are forced to listen. Keep resisting, speak out, and know your voice is more powerful than you think.

Together, we can continue to topple wokeism in corporate America, one boycott at a time.

©2024. Majority Report. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: OMG: Disney Funding Puberty Blockers for Children

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Poll: Do Americans Really Care about where Companies Stand Politically?

A recent Gallup poll revealed only 38% percent of American adults “want businesses to take a stance on current events.” The remaining majority, however, would prefer corporations to stay quiet on their beliefs.

After several years of political madness, society has witnessed waves of boycotts from the Left and the Right. For instance, many conservatives and Christians have chosen to stray from doing business with organizations such as Bud Light, Target, Starbucks, and others, that unabashedly promote LGBT ideology. The same is true on the opposite side of the spectrum, as pro-Palestinian groups that support Hamas have chosen to boycott organizations with Israeli ties.

But notably, the poll, which measured the opinions of 5,835 people, found that “nearly all age groups, genders, races, and partisan groups” were represented in those who felt corporations should keep their political views to themselves. The groups that most strongly felt otherwise included Democrats, black adults, and those who promote LGBT ideology.

The question is: why is this the case? Is it possible consumers are tired of having to pick and choose where they buy a cup of coffee? Or could it simply be that the American people don’t want to associate everyday shopping with a particular worldview? To help give possible explanations to these questions, Family Research Council’s Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview David Closson commented to The Washington Stand.

“We live in incredibly hyper-politicized times,” he stated. “For the last several years, it seems that politics has exploded onto the headlines, and one can’t navigate through the public square without being forced to confront the latest cultural or social issue.” As such, Closson noted he’s “not at all surprised that Americans are expressing to pollsters the fact that they are utterly exhausted” to be faced with politics 24/7.

According to Closson, there are times when political engagement within an everyday shopping experience is justified. For instance, “The backlash against Bud Light and Target for their aggressive LGBT activism” had a purpose. Considering that many of the leftist companies faced severe drops in sales, it’s now obvious that the boycotts “sent a warning shot across the bow to many corporations that tens of millions of Christians were tired of having a moral agenda shoved down their throat that was not congruent with their biblical worldview.”

In the broad analysis, it stands to reason that Christians aren’t the only ones to be “getting tired of the constant, frantic political news cycle” that’s seemingly impossible “to extricate ourselves from.” However, arguably, Christians do face a unique dilemma when it comes to the political stance of an organization. As Closson emphasized, “Fundamentally, Christians are called to be good stewards” — a call applicable to both our time and resources.

However, from Closson’s perspective, “Christians should be good stewards with everything God has entrusted us with, which would include our consumer habits.” He continued, “When Target was putting chest-binders in swimsuits for those who identify as transgender on the very front display rack, I do believe Christians have an obligation not to support companies that so flagrantly and blatantly disregard traditional biblical ethic.”

Ultimately, in a fallen world, Christians will never be truly free of businesses that reflect anti-biblical beliefs. But that doesn’t mean, as Closson contended, that we should “worry about every little detail” and rob ourselves of joy. “Some of these large companies do our homework for us by virtue signaling and seemingly taking every step possible to let us know where they stand on the moral issues of our day.” And “when an organization, company, or business tells you what they believe on certain hot button issues, it’s appropriate for Christians to take them at their word.”

Closson concluded that when it comes to these matters, “Wisdom is needed.”


Sarah Holliday

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

EXPOSÉ: Insider Leaks Disney’s Hidden LGBTQ Youth Programs and Children’s Pride Events

EXCLUSIVE: An insider source at Disney has provided OMG with startling internal documents and communications. These documents reveal Disney’s promotion of Pride events for children that involve n*ked men, maps of Disney-sponsored pride parades nationwide, Disney’s covert partnership with “Zebra Youth,” a program supporting LGBTQ youth ages 13-24, and messages about polys*xual virtual hangouts. Disney is desperate to keep these documents and messages hidden. OMG is exposing their ‘secret queer agenda’…

Internal Communications and Systems Reveal Disney’s Extensive LGBTQ Agenda

  • Whistleblowers inside Disney leaked internal Slack Channel to OMG showing employees exchange polyamorous hangouts, gay meetups, and “Name Change” clinics.
  • Disney sponsored a Seattle Pride event for all ages that included naked men.
  • Disney is sponsoring pride parades in numerous cities across America.
  • Disney partners with LGBTQ programs targeting children but does not externally publicize these partnerships.

In “The Disney Tapes: Part 1,” OMG exposed Walt Disney Senior Vice President, Michael Giordano, admitting that Disney discriminates against white men. “The Disney Tapes: Part 2” revealed Walt Disney Television’s Director of Production/Finance, Dave Makker, asserting that only Jewish men get into Disney’s C-Suite. “The Disney Tapes: Part 3” featured Amit “Genie” Gurnani, Disney’s Creative Marketing Director, disclosing that ‘it’s the unspoken thing for children to see LGBTQ content.’

Following these revelations, several Disney employees reached out to OMG with proof of Disney’s central communications hub, “MyDisneyToday.” This includes an employee Slack channel for instant messaging, bulletin boards, and an organizational chart called “Disney Rostr” that allows employees to contact a large Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) team led by Queen Denchukwu. These internal systems indicate that Disney aggressively pushes the LGBTQ agenda that Creative Marketing Director Genie Gurnani previously mentioned.

On one of Disney’s internal Slack channels, #Disney-Pride, employees share documents about polyamorous virtual hangouts, pride nights, gay meetups, queer Zoom backgrounds, gay pride questionnaires, and posters for “Name Change clinics.”

Honi Harrison, Disney’s Mobile Product Operations Manager, promoted a Seattle Pride event on #Disney-Pride, which was openly sponsored by Disney as an all-ages event. Leveraging Disney’s name and reputation to attract families, this Seattle Pride event featured activities such as naked men on bikes.

The #Disney-Pride Slack channel also features maps of Disney-sponsored pride parades across the country, including locations such as Fresno, CA; Washington, DC; Los Angeles, CA; Raleigh, NC; Houston, TX; Seattle, WA; Chicago, IL; New York, NY; San Francisco, CA; Oakland, CA; Orlando, FL; Honolulu, HI; and Orange County/Anaheim, CA.

The systems exposed by courageous whistleblowers reveal that Disney has internal LGBTQ groups such as the Disney PRIDE Business Employee Resource Group (BERG), which introduced the Disney PRIDE Think Tank. This collective of global Disney employees aims to increase LGBTQ representation in content, products, experiences, and services worldwide. Additionally, these systems show that Disney partners with Zebra Youth, a program for LGBTQ children and young adults. While Disney promotes this program internally, it does not appear to publicize the relationship externally.

Following the global directives from organizations like the United Nations and World Economic Forum to “reimagine” capitalism by transitioning from shareholder capitalism to stakeholder capitalism, Disney has shifted its focus from creating family-friendly entertainment to attempting to maximize profits by promoting an LGBTQ agenda. In Disney’s pursuit, children are the true victims.

“The Disney Files: Part 2” coming soon…

RELATED ARTICLE: Report: U.S. Military Hides Push For Sex Changes, Queer Exploration Among Soldiers’ Kids

EDITORS NOTE This OMG exposé is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Lesbian Witches Procreating in Disney+ Series, Star Wars: ‘The Acolyte’

Alerting all parents!

Currently available to stream on Disney+, Disney’s latest series, Star Wars: The Acolyte, pushes the LGBTQ agenda and witchcraft.

Recently released in June 2024, The Acolyte will use the imaginary “force” to create children from lesbians. This exclusively gay moment makes it apparent where Disney+ stands in the culture war – if parents were not already aware of the media company’s cultural stand.

Disney+ has been under pressure from the gay community to portray openly gay relationships in its TV shows and movies, including those created for families. This lesbian storyline makes it extremely obvious.

Parents presume that a streaming platform such as Disney+ is designed for children and is the last place parents would expect their children to be confronted with content regarding sexual orientation and sorcery. Issues of this nature are being introduced too early and too soon, and this type of content is becoming extremely common and unnecessary.

Disney+ has decided once again to be politically correct versus providing family-friendly programming. But Disney+ should stick to entertaining instead of pushing an agenda. Conservative families need to urge Disney+ to exclude mature and controversial topics from their programming.


Sign this Disney+ pledge stating you will not support Disney or Disney+ unless they stick to producing and airing family-friendly programming.

©2024. One Million Moms. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Netflix Airs Lesbian Kiss on Kids’ Cartoon!

RELATED VIDEO: Toronto leftists LARPing (Live action Role Play like D&D taken to the streets) as terrorists, block the gay pride parade because it isn’t sufficiently antisemitic.

Target Retreats from LGBT Merch after Year-Long Profit Bloodbath

This year’s Pride Month is shaping up to be a much more humble affair at Target. In an extremely gratifying twist, the company that bragged their transgender line is “great for our brand” has changed its mind after a year-long stock market bruising. It’s the latest evidence that the wildfire of consumer activism is not only spreading but forcing the kind of change most people never thought possible.

If you asked conservatives two years ago, stopping the woke at major brands would’ve been a victory. But reversing the woke? That’s a tectonic shift in the power structure of Big Business. For once, CEOs — who for years have thrown their radical agenda in the face of shoppers — are feeling enough pain in their profit margins to stop and ask if appeasing the far-Left is worth it.

Target’s CEO Brian Cornell, who flaunted the stores’ chest binders and tucking swimming suits for kids as “progress,” finally counted the cost of his social extremism late last summer. By the end of a dismal August, he didn’t apologize, but he did admit that it was time for some soul searching. As his first and second quarter earnings tanked, he hinted at changes ahead. “As we navigate an ever-changing operating and social environment, we’re applying what we’ve learned to ensure we’re staying close to our guests and their expectations of Target.”

What Cornell learned, Americans will be pleased to know, is that trans activism is the fastest road to financial insolvency. After thumbing his nose at Christmas shoppers with shelves full of LGBT pandering, the full weight of consumer outrage started to sink in. Like his counterparts at Anheuser-BuschNikeDisneyPlanet FitnessRipCurl, and Doritos, he sent shoppers running for the exits.

But the activism has obviously gotten to an unsustainable point for his business, forcing Target to announce what would have been unthinkable a year and a half ago: a significant reduction in Pride products. On its website Thursday, the company wanted people to know that this summer’s LGBT merchandise will not only be limited but designed with adults — not children — in mind.

“We’re offering a collection of products including adult apparel and home and food and beverage items, curated based on consumer feedback,” the notice read. “The collection will be available on Target.com and in select stores, based on historical sales performance.” Of the company’s 2,000 stores nationwide, only some will carry the items that landed them in hot water last year.

Naturally, the company’s course-correction didn’t thrill the corporate hostage-takers in the LGBT movement, who immediately blasted Target’s decision to put profitability first. Kelley Robinson, president of the extreme Human Rights Campaign, said Cornell’s move was a disappointing betrayal of their progressive values. “Pride merchandise means something,” she insisted. “LGBTQ+ people are in every zip code in this country, and we aren’t going anywhere.”

The company’s PR team rushed to reassure Robinson and other activists, saying in a statement, “Target is committed to supporting the LGBTQIA+ community during Pride Month and year-round,” headquarters wrote. “Most importantly, we want to create a welcoming and supportive environment for our LGBTQIA+ team members, which reflects our culture of care for the over 400,000 people who work at Target.”

So while Americans can (and should) celebrate the difference they’re making with their money, the work isn’t over. This muted approach to Pride is still an effort to play both sides. As Family Research Council President Tony Perkins told The Washington Stand, “CEO Brian Cornell is discovering that customers do ‘expect more’ now that many consumers are spending less at Target because of its LGBTQ fixation. By avoiding Target, consumers are getting the woke corporation’s attention, but not necessarily their behavior. They should continue spending elsewhere until their behavior meets consumers’ expectations.”

FRC’s Meg Kilgannon also chimed in, pointing out that Pride Month’s celebration of “unnatural lifestyles, proclivities, and identities has become more and more obnoxious over time.” The idea that Target is “setting a limit on Pride merchandising and marketing is remarkable for a corporate America too willing to bend the knee to HRC’s fake business scores,” she agreed. “As American shoppers endure rising prices and lower wages, retail stores suffer — not only from Bidenomics — but their own ridiculous investments in social justice and culture war issues that have nothing to do with profits and everything to do with virtue signaling to shape public opinion.”

“I haven’t shopped in Target recently and don’t plan to,” Kilgannon said. “But it is nice to think that the June rainbow radicals might be dialing things back. If people stop shopping in June, or at least stop spending money in stores and with businesses with rainbow logos and beyond, more retailers will get the message.”

Others, like expert Stephen Soukup, author of “The Dictatorship of Woke Capital,” urge people not to be duped by Target’s “half-measures.” “They seem unlikely to make anyone happy,” he told TWS, “while almost certainly frustrating observers and activists on all sides of the issue. Target says, for example, that it is carefully assessing which stores will have LGBTQ merchandise this year,” he pointed out. “That’s irrelevant in the digital age. Wherever the displays are, they will be videoed and uploaded to social media, causing every bit of outrage and frustration they have caused in previous years,” Soukup said.

“Likewise,” he explained, “it’s important to remember that Target took a hit on its Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index score last year, simply because it responded to customer anger at its displays. The company will almost certainly get nicked again this year for supposedly capitulating to anti-LGBTQ sentiment by limiting its Pride Month offerings.” Ultimately, Soukup predicted, “Both outcomes are likely to aggravate Target’s shareholders. It took several months last year for the company’s stock price to recover from its Pride Month-induced freefall, and a repeat of that disaster may well cause larger and more activist investors to question management’s competence and foresight.”

Regardless, there’s no denying that Americans are moving the needle on corporate extremism. As Perkins said on Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) “Truth Be Told” podcast before he was elected speaker, “This is not a gray area” for most people. Even non-believers understand the difference between males and females. “And I actually think this is why we’re seeing such significant pushback across the nation…” When Americans are silent, he warned, “we are playing right along with the deception that is destroying the lives of many young people.”

At the end of the day, he acknowledged, “What we have is not our own. … God has entrusted you with the resources to buy food, clothing, the necessities of life. Do you think He would really want you sending that to an entity that uses the profits … [to attack] the biblical truth that he expects us to live by? So it really comes down to a stewardship issue. It’s not about boycotting. [It’s about using money] in a way that would honor God. … And I’ll have to be very, very clear. I do not think being caught in a Target store is honoring God.”


Suzanne Bowdey

Suzanne Bowdey serves as editorial director and senior writer at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: Feminism, Transgenderism, and the Disappearance of Male Spaces

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Disney Board Wants To Hide Political Donations, Spending On Sex Changes From Shareholders, Docs Reveal

The Walt Disney Company board wants to hide key financial data from the public, particularly as it relates to their funding of the transgender movement and donations to political candidates, documents reviewed by the Daily Caller reveal.

The 2024 proxy vote ballot for Disney’s annual shareholder meeting, scheduled for April 2, reveals the board doesn’t want the public, or even their own shareholders, to know how much Disney spends on “gender transition compensation and benefits” for its staff. Despite the board’s suggested vote to shareholders, the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) and National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR) are urging the company to release the data.

In Disney’s 2024 “Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement,” Disney details how the NLPC and NCPPR notified the company that they intend to present proposals focused on these issues. Within the same document, Disney “affirms” that people who suffer from gender dysphoria can “transition to a different sex.” However, “an increasing body of scientific evidence shows no benefits result from such medical treatments,” the NLPC argues. They go on to cite the European and American medical community’s “increasing” caution about gender-transition “therapies.”

“Victims report transition treatments and surgeries are harmful. Examples include long-lasting or permanent outcomes like chronic pain, sexual dysfunction, unwanted hair loss or hair gain, menstrual irregularities, urinary problems, and other complications,” the statement continues. “Rather than resolve health problems ‘gender affirming’ therapies instead often exacerbate them. In such instances, those who desire to ‘detransition’ cannot find medical care or insurance coverage, and are permanently mutilated. Many of these sufferers litigate against those who misled or harmed them.”

But as transitioners are de-transitioners are protected under “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” aspects of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), they cannot be discriminated against in any way, resulting in Disney covering transition procedures.

Shareholders have asked the board to issue a report on Disney’s funding of gender care and related activities by Dec. 31, 2024, and whether there are any “benefit gaps” related to gender dysphoria, as well as “associated reputational, competitive, operational and litigative risks.”

Similarly, Disney doesn’t want shareholders to approve the publication of the company’s charitable and political donations. The board recommends a vote against “requesting a report on political expenditures” and “publication of recipients of charitable contributions.”

In their recommendation, NCPPR argued that there are “issues” with donating to certain groups who support sex-change surgeries, not just for the potential legal and medical issues listed above, but because is it “time Disney stop injecting itself into controversial and significant social policy issues,” the proposal stated.

Disney’s board ignores all the arguments and scientific evidence laid out by the NCPPR and NLPC in their explanation for why they’re recommending voting “against” the proposals. “We believe the proposal is an attempt to generate attention from a proponent with a narrow focus seeking to advance a limited agenda rather than an authentic attempt to call for action in the best interest of the Company and shareholders,” Disney wrote in response to the proposals.

The board also ignored any mention of “gender” in their request for shareholders to reject the proposal to publicize Disney’s charitable donation, and instead stated the company is already transparent enough about their spending.

“In its opposition statement Disney revealed why our proposal is so important, and how badly it has failed to fulfill its fiduciary duties. Disney clearly hasn’t spent a single moment considering how much Iger and his team have harmed the company by going full-in on politics instead of running the company for shareholder and even genuine stakeholder benefit. Iger has hired people like Kathleen Kennedy who hate Disney’s customers and want to shove their politics down audiences’ throats rather than entertaining them,” NCPPR director Scott Shepard said in a statement to the Daily Caller. “Iger seems to think that by adopting a partisan position he makes it non-partisan and just ‘the right thing to do.’ He is wrong in this, of course, as he’s wrong in just about every decision he’s made for many years.”

Disney has found itself increasingly mired in political squabbles in recent years, most notably with Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has gone after the megacorporation’s special tax status. Conservatives have accused Disney of shoehorning progressive messaging into its content and pursuing a political agenda over putting out quality family content.

Disney did not respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment.



News and commentary writer.


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‘I Was Being Hunted Down’: Gina Carano Announces Lawsuit Against Disney, Teams Up With Elon Musk

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

172,202 Murdered by Muslims Since Marvel’s Muslim Superhero Debuted

Marvel Wants Us to Mourn Her Fictional Death.

After ten years of failing to make their Muslim superhero popular, during which they’ve tried everything except making her compelling, Disney/Marvel just killed off Ms. Marvel in the comic books, likely in an attempt to try to make her relevant through sympathy as she will appear in an all-female movie that no one asked for, The Marvels, this November. The Ms. Marvel live action streaming show on Disney Plus is their lowest-viewed show. And Disney/Marvel only allows Muslims to write her adventures (unlike with Captain America, where they only allow anti-American leftists to write the patriot’s exploits), and dishonest Muslims at that, who are as leftist as they are Muslim. I attempted to become a watchdog for the comic book when it debuted, but I tapped out after only four issues, as it was mind-numbingly boring, and underhandedly propagandistic: Islam is good, Muslims are good, and there’s no such thing as jihad. The only reason we began to talk about Islam was jihad, and so of course the leftists at Disney/Marvel kept jihad out of their comic book, streaming series, and upcoming movie.

Marvel often boasts that their fictional world is “the world outside your window.” Well, the world outside of Marvel’s New York windows saw the atrocity of 9/11 take place, and Marvel mainly responded with crying fireman and crying cops, as if that’s what was needed in the face of evil. And they had their superheroes helping do the clean-up after the attacks, but didn’t have any of them hunt down the jihadists. If you’re going to allow the reality of 9/11 into your comic books, then you better allow at least one of your superheroes, one of the ruthless ones, to do what needs to be done, even if only in fiction.

So back to Ms. Marvel and her death, which Marvel is trying its best to create a buzz over, but the problem is that most people don’t even know about her. Also, she’s not being killed off in her own comic book, because she currently doesn’t have her own comic book. She’s being killed off in the pages of Marvel’s most popular superhero, Spider-Man, in order to try to make her appear important by association. And in a cover for an upcoming unearned tribute to Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man is on his knees, with his hands over his face, hysterically crying over the death of someone he barely knows. It’s embarrassing, but Marvel’s entire attempt to try to make her appear as a worthwhile character has been embarrassing. Based on her words and actions, no one would ever assume that she’s a Muslim. She’s Muslim the way Biden is president.

And in the ten years of her appearances across comic books, video games, cartoons, streaming shows and movies, Marvel kept her clear from doing what they now routinely do with their characters, that is, making them lock lips with someone of the same sex. I guess they thought twice about doing that because Muslims aren’t as permissive as most are about such matters.

Also, there’s another factor that may be behind this unexpected killing of a Muslim character. The Muslim Marvel editor who’s to blame for this relentlessly unpopular character is named Sana Amanat. She wears an Arafat scarf at comic book conventions. Amanat saw the gutless leftists at Marvel and made her move by pitching a Muslim superhero that she knew would not be denied, and once in, they’d never dare cancel the comic book. And so “Marvel’s First Muslim Superhero!” was born, which isn’t even true, as a British comic book writer, Grant Morrison, who tellingly declared himself a pacifist right after 9/11, created a Muslim mutant character, Dust, for the X-Men. And there likely were others before that. But since no one remembers those characters, Marvel touted its first Muslim superhero, as if having one were somehow a badge of honor. As for Amanat, as is often the case these days, whenever a non-white, non-straight employee of major companies such as Disney/Marvel acts in ways that are either scandalous or criminal, these companies never outright fire them, but quietly remove them from their positions. And that appears to be the case with Sana Amanat, who was once a reliable media whore, but who hasn’t been seen for a long time. And despite Disney/Marvel’s silence on the matter, some who claim to be insiders have said that she  violated company policies in some damning way. So maybe getting rid of the character has something to do with getting rid of Amanat.

And while I mock Disney/Marvel and its Islamophilia, and it should be mocked, there really is something sinister about what it has done here. The comic book and streaming series is enemy propaganda produced by a domestic enemy for a foreign enemy. Even though innocent people continue to be murdered around the world by Islam’s true believers, a major American entertainment company has promoted a character who shares the same ideology as the Islamic enemy.

Superheroes were once a way for cartoonists during World War II to smash our enemies, to give themselves and their readers a much-needed taste of victory over them. Can you imagine Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, instead of creating Captain America in order to fight Nazis during World War II, creating a German superhero, while completely ignoring Nazis and the Holocaust? That’s what was going on with Disney/Marvel’s ten-year run of Islamic propaganda in wartime.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Disney Sues Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

Disney filed a lawsuit Wednesday against Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, accusing him of launching a “targeted campaign of government retaliation” against the company.

Disney and DeSantis have been engaged in a years-long struggle since the governor removed the company’s special governing status. Disney responded Wednesday by filing a lawsuit against the Sunshine State’s governor, according to Axios.

In the lawsuit, the company alleges that DeSantis’ “campaign” unfairly punishes Disney and has put their business at risk, according to CNBC.

Jeremy T. Redfern, deputy press secretary, told the Daily Caller News Foundation, that the office was “unaware of any legal right that a company has to operate its own government or maintain special privileges not held by other businesses in the state.”

“This lawsuit is yet another unfortunate example of their hope to undermine the will of the Florida voters and operate outside the bounds of the law,” Redfern said.

The company accused DeSantis of patently retaliatory, patently anti-business, and patently unconstitutional” behavior in dealing with Disney over the past two years. The lawsuit was filed on the same day DeSantis’ new governing board took over control of Disney’s Orlando parks after the company previously tried to thwart the board with a special agreement that would have protected the company’s development rights.

This is a developing story and will be updated accordingly.






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Disney’s Obsession with ‘Woke Sexuality’ has Cost it Quarter of a Billion Dollars at the Box Office

Does Disney really believe that families enjoy LGBTQ+-affirmative lecturing in films?

Growing up, there was nothing more magical to me than the opening credits of a Disney movie — even if I’d seen the film a dozen times.

These days, however, Disney’s feature-length content is feeling less like a childhood dream and more like a noisy soap-box preacher.

It is not just cultural commentators pointing this out but Disney’s audiences, who have been voting against the company’s woke sermonising with their feet.

Between the Toy Story spinoff Lightyear and Disney’s latest offering Strange World, both released in 2022, and both promoting an LGBT agenda, the animation behemoth has lost almost a quarter of a billion dollars, according to entertainment news outlet Deadline Hollywood.

In fact, Strange World earned itself the title of the biggest box office flop of 2022, with production and marketing costs of US$320 million and total earnings of only $120 million, for a loss of around $200 million. Lightyear lost over $100 million and took out second place in the flop stakes.

Strange World tells the story of a family of explorers venturing through an uncharted land searching for a certain plant needed to save their society. Apparently necessary to this plot is one of the lead roles, 16-year-old Ethan, discussing his gay crush on a boy at school.

Lightyear depicts a real-life portrayal of the astronaut named Buzz who inspired the toy of Toy Story fame. Likewise, it was a story Disney was unable to tell without a lesbian kiss between two lead characters, in a scene that almost hit the cutting room floor until the state of Florida passed the Parental Rights in Education Bill and needed a woke lecture.

Sydney Morning Herald writer Garry Maddox found Strange World’s box office performance something of a head-scratcher. “For a certified bomb, the initial reviews for Strange World were not too bad,” he mused, seemingly unaware that movie reviewers inhabit the same woke echo chamber as the film producers they critique

Maddox even suggested that Strange World featuring “the first out gay teenager in a Disney animated film” might be a family drawcard. Only in passing does the SMH journalist acknowledge Disney’s gay wokery as a potential put-off — and then, only for “red-state audiences”.

I know this is complex, Garry, but what if parents of all political stripes want to enjoy a day out with their kids without having to discuss birds, bees and Queer Theory with their preschoolers?

Certainly, there was more to Strange World’s failures than its preachiness. Quoting Deadline Hollywood, Maddox noted that “critics found the fantasy pic to be clunky and incomprehensible, and the animation retro and stale”. Lacklustre marketing was also identified as contributing to the film’s performance.

But these factors don’t explain Disney’s comparable letdown with Lightyear. The common denominator between the two is the injection of themes that movie-going families have little interest in.

It’s not as though animated movies are going out of fashion. Universal Pictures took in $940 million at the worldwide box office last year for Minions: Rise of Gru, and close to $700 million in just the opening weeks of The Super Mario Bros Movie.

Both films, incidentally, are notably woke-free, a fact that has critics wringing their hands.

“Go woke, go broke” may not hold true in every situation. But when it comes to children’s films at the box office, those four words appear to be a fixed law of the universe.

And a law Disney ignores at its own peril.


Kurt Mahlburg

Kurt Mahlburg is a writer and author, and an emerging Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He has a passion for both the philosophical and the personal, drawing on his background as a graduate… More by Kurt Mahlburg.

RELATED ARTICLE: Disney Announces ‘Pride Nite’ Amid Ongoing Battle With DeSantis

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DeSantis Unveils Bill To Thwart Disney’s Special Privileges

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced legislation Monday to nullify Disney’s last-minute agreements intended to curb the governor’s newly-formed state control board, which was designed to oversee Disney’s Reedy Creek Improvement District, the company’s special tax district.

The district had anticipated DeSantis’ signing of legislation that would have revoked the corporation’s self-governing privileges, and enacted a last-minute agreement to give Disney control of the district’s development rights and privileges. The governor announced a bill Monday that will nullify those agreements, as they were filled with legal issues and were not formed with proper notice, according to a press release.

“That’s not going to fly,” DeSantis said in the press conference. “We want to make sure that Disney lives under the same laws as everybody else.”

The agreement, formed on Feb. 8, ensures that the state control board receive consent from Disney before making any changes, undermining DeSantis’ legislation.

DeSantis signed the legislation on Feb. 27 revoking Disney of their self-governing privileges within the Reedy Creek Improvement District, citing that the corporation should abide by the same rules as the rest of the state. The legislation also established a state control board – Central Florida Tourism Oversight District Board – to replace Reedy Creek.

“All agreements signed between Disney and the District were appropriate, and were discussed and approved in open, noticed public forums in compliance with Florida’s Government in the Sunshine law,” Disney said in a statement, WKMG reported.

The DeSantis-Disney feud began last year when the corporation came out against the governor’s Parental Rights in Education Bill for being discriminatory, and called for the law’s repeal. CEO Bob Iger slammed the governor’s actions as “anti-business” and “anti-Florida.”

The state control board will meet on Wednesday to introduce initiatives to hold Disney accountable, DeSantis told Good Morning Orlando’s Simon Conway.

Disney did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.





REPORT: Disney Secretly Conducted A Legal Maneuver To Undermine DeSantis’ Legislation, Protect Special Benefits

Powerful new book from MassResistance documents the unreported truth: Corrupt Bargains: How Gay Marriage Began in Massachusetts.

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DeSantis Announces Next Moves In Fight With Disney

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced his plan Thursday to void the last-second legal agreement signed by Disney to maintain its self-governance and special privileges in the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, formerly known as the Reedy Creek Improvement District.

DeSantis spoke April 6 at Hillsdale College, a conservative school in Michigan, about his next move in Florida’s ongoing battle with Disney.

“They are not superior to the people of Florida. And so come hell or high water, we’re going to make sure that policy of Florida carries the day,” DeSantis said, according to Reuters.

“We’re going to look at things like taxes on hotels, we’re going to look at things like tolls on the roads, we’re going to look at things like developing some of the property that the district owns,” DeSantis continued.

Earlier in the day, DeSantis hinted at next moves at a breakfast with the Midland County Republican Party of Michigan, Politico reported. Disney “tried to pull a fast one on the way out the door,” he said. “That story’s not over yet. Buckle up. There’s more coming down the pike.”

Disney reportedly signed legal agreements with the Reedy Creek Special Improvement District in February to preserve its special benefits as DeSantis’ legislation to abolish the special district was making its way through Florida’s legislature. The legislation replaced the Reedy Creek district with a new governance body and revoked Disney’s special privileges.

Disney CEO Bob Iger called DeSantis legislation “anti-business” and “anti-Florida” during the company’s annual shareholder meeting Monday. The company’s feud with DeSantis began when Disney came out against his legislation restricting the teaching of gender ideology and sexuality from kindergarten through third grade.




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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.


DeSantis Denies ‘U-Turn’ On Revoking Disney’s Special Privileges

A spokesman for Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis denied reports that Florida is walking back his plans to revoke Disney’s special tax district in Friday comments to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

DeSantis signed legislation eliminating Disney’s Reedy Creek Improvement District in April, ending special administrative and tax privileges the company had enjoyed since 1967, following a public spat between Disney and DeSantis over a bill banning classroom instruction on gender and sexuality for young children. Florida lawmakers were reportedly planning to walk back the elimination of Reedy Creek, due in part to concerns about the additional costs it could impose on the state, according to a Friday Financial Times report.

The Reedy Creek Improvement District allows Disney to operate its own government within Disney World in Florida, meaning it collects taxes to fund its own water, roads and other infrastructure.

“Florida lawmakers are working on plans to reverse a move that would strip Disney of its right to operate a private government around its theme parks,” the Financial Times report read. “State lawmakers are working on a compromise that would allow Disney to keep the arrangement largely in place with a few modifications.”

DeSantis’ team denied any plans to reverse course on its rebuke of Disney.

“Governor DeSantis does not make ‘U-turns,’” DeSantis press secretary Bryan Griffin told the DCNF. “The governor was right to champion removing the extraordinary benefit given to one company through the Reedy Creek Improvement District.”

“We will have an even playing field for businesses in Florida, and the state certainly owes no special favors to one company. Disney’s debts will not fall on the taxpayers of Florida. A plan is in the works and will be released soon,” he said.

The dispute between DeSantis and Disney began when then-Disney CEO Bob Chapek came out against Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill following widespread pressure to oppose the legislation, which activists had characterized as anti-gay. The legislation bans classroom instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation in kindergarten through third grade.

Soon after DeSantis signed the bill eliminating the Reedy Creek Improvement District, Disney stepped away from politics and quietly removed itself from the fight with DeSantis in an apparent effort to preserve its special tax district.

Disney did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.


Social issues and culture reporter.

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What the Death of Hollywood Means for America

The new entertainment industry will be even more woke.

Peak TV, a stunning era during which Big Tech and traditional studios entered into a furious competition to make a bewildering amount of content, is dead. The 559 scripted shows from last year represent a historic hubris that everyone, especially investors, is recovering from.

That was the year that Netflix announced that it was spending $18 billion on content.

In the aftermath, Netflix lost subscribers for the first time and expects to lose millions more as its stock fell 35%. The dot com giant lost, but so did its rivals. Disney+ lost billions, HBO Max is cutting back programming, and so are most others, including the ‘N’ in the FAANG oligarchy.

Netflix has been humbled, and is shedding woke programming and exploring an ad-supported tier, but the push by Hollywood studios to build rival streaming platforms to those of Netflix and Amazon by investing heavily in original content gated by subscriptions has set a lot of money on fire without achieving platform independence. Everyone lost, but Big Tech still runs the show.

Streaming subscriptions are replacing movie theaters and television networks. And that also means that Silicon Valley is replacing Hollywood. Netflix, Amazon, and Apple demonstrated that they had the capital to dominate the entertainment industry. This isn’t good news for the culture.

While old Hollywood had a reputation for being liberal, many studio bosses and producers were actually fairly conservative and movies were the products of a tug-of-war with more liberal writers, actors and directors. Movies had to be able to play in theaters across the country and serve as broad an audience as possible. Movies of that era might be homogenized, but they were less likely to openly offend or antagonize audiences. Movie stars were expected to at least pretend to lead moral lives and keep industry decadence locked away behind closed doors.

The partnership between Eastern European Jewish immigrant studio bosses who had started out, like Samuel Goldwyn, as a glove salesman, William Fox, a garment industry foreman, the Warner brothers, the children of a shoe repairman, and the much more urbane British and American talent turned the film industry into a cultural touchstone and made its products part of our national identity. Critics rightly pointed to the cultural impoverishment of making movie theaters into the hub of our culture, but they could not have imagined what was to come.

The fall of the studio system overturned the industry’s innate conservatism and while it ended many abuses and unleashed the talent, the end result was that movies became increasingly at odds with the values and morals of the American public. The decline of the networks likewise unleashed cable and then streaming programming that was oriented culturally leftward..

Rather than open up a range of programming targeting untapped segments of the public, Peak TV aimed for the same upscale urban multicultural audiences that the entire industry is aimed at. If the ideal wisdom of the marketplace existed, a world in which untold billions were spent to produce 559 scripted shows, should have produced a wave of conservative programming.

It did not.

The entertainment industry’s programming has been most conservative when control was consolidated by studios and networks. It is least conservative when it is driven by “talent”. Consolidated entertainment has at least tried to make programming for a broader country while industry disintegration has made programming more woke, more radical, and more hateful.

The Netflix revolution, in which endless amounts of investor cash were burned to lure talent, made for some of the some ‘woke’ programming imaginable. At the peak of Peak TV, Netflix had not only successfully mainstreamed radical sexual and gender identity, but was actively pushing sexual content involving children from Cuties to Big Mouth. Freed from a business model other than the dream of endless growth, Netflix burned billions of dollars and our culture.

Wokeness precedes broke-ness. But the story of Peak TV is also one of cultural brokenness.

Netflix pursued original programming by trying to make it as edgy as possible. In response, Hollywood studios revived old intellectual properties and tried to make them edgier with racial recasting, gender-swapping, sexual politics, and general social justice themes. The giant dumpster fire of Netflix was met with a social justice Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, and DC. Anything with a known brand or IP was brushed off and given a social justice makeover.

Ghostbusters was rebooted as all-female, Doogie Howser, M.D. was reborn as an Asian girl, The Wonder Years was reimagined with a black family, Magnum P.I. with a Latino star, Party of Five with illegal aliens, and these and countless other examples showed that underneath all the fake wokeness, the industry had run out of original ideas. All Hollywood could do was try to make the old tired ones seem fresh and new with identity politics remakes.

And as Hollywood’s popular culture has become American culture, and for some the quasi-faith of fandom, the decay of the entertainment industry into wokeness has devastated society.

Hollywood has come to consist of the culture championed and consumed by boomers. Succeeding generations have reworked those “intellectual properties” to make them edgier and more political, but have produced few of their own franchises. Of the top ten media franchises dominant in America, only one, Harry Potter, was created by anyone born after 1964. And J.K. Rowling is not American and was predictably canceled for insufficient wokeness.

Hollywood is Joe Biden making TikTok videos. It’s an industry that was once creatively revolutionary, but now only puts on an appearance of aspiring to a political revolution. As long as the revolution doesn’t interfere with its tax credits and Chinese box office. Behind the wokeness is a brutal war between agents, producers, writers, directors, and the new dot com masters of the universe, over fortunes that are both astronomical and on the verge of vanishing.

The entertainment industry was slow to adapt to the internet because it is not inventive and is incapable of innovation. Even its response to Netflix consisted of old studios trying to build their own Netflix. Political radicalism makes dinosaurs seem like they are on the cutting edge. That’s why corporate broke-ness so often follows corporate wokeness. It’s not just that wokeness is bad for business, but it often disguises a much more broken business model underneath.

Hollywood is as tied down by guilds and painstaking rules as any medieval kingdom. All it really has anymore are the intellectual properties mined by greatest generation creators marketing to baby boomers (and in some cases, boomers reworking the pop culture of past generations) that have been passed down to newer generations and laboriously reworked to be more woke.

The internet killed Hollywood, as it did so many other industries, and streaming has become its slow death, accelerated by the boom and bust economics of an unstable country and world.

Cinema made a national propaganda machine possible. The Nazis and Communists both seized on it for that very reason and regime figures like Leni Riefenstahl and Sergei Eisenstein were brilliant, revolutionary, and quite evil. But it was American movies that conquered the world because they fused creative talent with American values. Hollywood is still the only national industry with the production capacity and know-how for a true worldwide reach, but its cultural impact is swiftly becoming negligible as it churns out reworked versions of the same thing.

As Hollywood dies, America and the world will be poorer for it, not for the billion-dollar woke digital cartoon factory that it has become, but for a time when a centralized entertainment industry did not have to be a mass propaganda machine feigning popular support for a regime.

That is exactly what it is now.

Hollywood’s biggest production of the pandemic year was the 2020 Democratic convention which abandoned working-class and riot-scarred Milwaukee for an entertainment industry stream. Stars in a streaming convention propping up a senile reactionary who had outsourced his future to radicals while sidelining the party’s old working-class constituency proved to be the perfect metaphor and epitaph for both the Democrats and for Hollywood.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Muslims Enraged As Muslim Ms. Marvel Turns Out To Be Un-Islamic

This is the kind of thing that happens when you’re so eager to pander that you don’t do adequate homework about the object of your pandering. Marvel has stepped into a minefield, and is likely to explode a few more mines before it gets out.

Muslim Ms. Marvel Fans Express Serious Concerns About Kamala’s Power Source

by Brad Lang, CBR, June 23, 2022 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

This article contains spoilers for Ms. Marvel Episode 3, “Destined.”

Some Muslim fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s latest series Ms. Marvel are expressing their displeasure with the recent revelation regarding the source of Kamala Khan’s powers.

As revealed in Ms. Marvel Episode 3, “Destined” the titular hero’s newfound abilities are apparently due to her heritage as a Djinn. As explained by Kamran’s mother Najma, Kamala’s ancestors are otherworldly beings from the Noor dimensions that were banished from their reality sometime before 1942. These people are quickly explained to be the Djinn, creatures from Islamic mythology which can be both good and evil. A number of fans have expressed frustration with the reveal, specifying that the Quran condemns the practice of worshipping Djinn.

Viewers have interpreted Kamala’s Djinn-based powers as an act of “shirk,” the sin of idolatry, which is problematic as practicing Muslims are forbidden from worshiping anything other than Allah. However, despite Ms. Marvel‘s latest plot twist, other fans are convinced the Djinn angle is merely a red-herring designed to obscure the real identity of Kamala’s ancestors. Some MCU enthusiasts suggested that the hero will be revealed to be related to the alien race known as the Kree due to the appearance of an unknown, dead character with blue skin in Episode 3….



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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Disney Has Lost $50 Billion In Value Since Woke War With Florida

UPDATE: New LEAKED Video Shows Disney CEO GROVEL in Front of Employees

Go WOKE, go broke. Trusted by hundreds of millions, Disney’s golden, reverent reputation – build over the last hundred years – destroyed in mere moments. This is a lesson, not just for corporate America, but America herself.

Disney CEO Bob Chapek should be fired for appeasing the Left.

Disney has lost $50 billion in value since war with Florida began

By Washington Examiner, April 23, 2022

Disney’s stock has lost nearly $50 billion in value since the start of March, when it took a political gamble to oppose Florida’s controversial new education law.

Disney’s stock was down more than 2% on Friday and by more than 8.5% over the past few days as Florida lawmakers work to punish the company for wading into the state’s politics. The stock’s market cap has declined by about $46.6 billion since March 1, just days before the company came out against the legislation.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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