Heartbreaking: Photos of Drowned Yezidi Refugee Children
As Canada and other countries make their claims that they are helping refugees, there are those who have lost their lives who remain unseen, unreported and forgotten.
The plights of Yezidis have been forgotten and ignored by the United States, the United Nations, the Liberal government of Canada, the Main Stream Media and the rest of the free world when Alan Kurdi’s photos went viral to help the Liberal government of Canada win the election by landslide which prompted the acceptance of over 50.000 Sunni Muslim Syrians to this country which according to experts vetting would be impossible.
Please see the photos below provided by Khaled Khalaf, a Yezidi activist. WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES:

Mr. Khalaf told us: “These are all Yezidi children who were drowned but no media gave any attention to them because they were from the Yezidi faith.”
Khalaf continues: “These picture were taken a couple weeks ago. These kids and their family were fleeing from Turkey to Greece for a safer, better and more promising life but no media has given any publicity to this horrifying news..”
The Kurds, Christians and Yizidis are facing massacres and yet are being ignored. Did the Liberals and their media including the Islamic State had an agenda showing Alan Kurdi, the drowned Syrian boy?
Canada mainly accepting Sunni and not Izidi (Yizidi) refugees – Jerusalem online
Workshop on converting non-Muslims held at the University of Calgary
RELATED VIDEO: The genocide of Yizidis in broad daylight: