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U.S. Army Vietnam Combat Veteran/Political Commentator Slated for the June 10th Sarasota Patriots Meeting

The speaker for the Monday, June 10th, 2024 meeting is Dr. Richard M. Swier, Ed. D., LTC, US Army (Ret.)

Rich will be speaking about the 2024 Presidential Election and dissent against and no appeasement for big government.

Here is a short video of Dr. Rich explaining his latest book DISSENT: The Highest Form of Patriotism.

Sarasota Patriots Meeting begins at 6:30pm at the Covenant Life Church located at 8490 McIntosh Road, Sarasota, Florida.

The meeting is held on the 2nd floor. Doors open at 6:00pm. Meeting begins 6:30, Doors locked 6:45.

A $5.00 contribution requested.


Richard is a 23-year Army veteran who retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1990. He was awarded the Legion of Merit for his years of service. Additionally, he was awarded two Bronze Stars with “V” for Heroism in ground combat operations, the Presidential Unit Citation, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm while serving with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam.

Richard is the Publisher of DrRichSwier.com, an online e-Magazine dedicated to contesting the uncontested absurdities. He is the host of Dissent Television and author of DISSENT: The Highest Form of Patriotism.

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