Tag Archive for: fake news

REUTERS’ FAKE NEWS: Israeli PM Netanyahu was NOT secretly in Cairo for talks on a hostage deal

One of the most bizarre media events happened in the last hours where Reuters reported that PM Netanyahu was secretly in Cairo for talks on the hostage deal. 

A number of media sites picked up the story and printed it. NEWSRAEL did NOT.

The report had FAKE NEWS written all over it!

Earlier on Tuesday afternoon, unnamed sources briefed on the matter told Reuters that Netanyahu was heading to Cairo, adding that a truce agreement with Hamas was expected to be signed in the coming days.

Amit Segel, one of the top journalists in Israel wrote on his Telegram account: “At the same time Reuters and others reported that Netanyahu is in Cairo, I knew 100% that he was NOT in Cairo.

The PMO subsequently put out a statement saying that the prime minister on Tuesday led a situational assessment on the border with Syria alongside Defense Minister Israel Katz, Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, IDF Northern Command head Maj. Gen. Ori Gordin and Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) head Ronen Bar.

Saudi state TV station Al Arabiya cited an Egyptian source as also denying the Israeli prime minister’s presence in the country.


Hamas top dog admits: Oct. 7 jihad massacre ‘backfired on us, submerging us in a sea of blood and crises’

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Islamic Republic of Iran: Singer arrested for performing YouTube concert without hijab

RELATED VIDEO: Donald Trump Warns Hamas To Release Hostages Soon | World News | WION

EDITORS NOTE: This NEWSRAEL Editor column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

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VIDEO: President Donald J. Trump calls out ‘the establishment’ and ‘fake news’!

WATCH: President Donald J. Trump calls out “the establishment” and “fake news”.

The Epoch Times, on October 28, 2022 in a column titled New Email Reveals Answer to Establishment’s Efforts to Oust Trump Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke reported,

An FBI email previously not known to the public has revealed that the bureau planned to make Igor Danchenko—the primary source for British former spy Christopher Steele’s Trump dossier—a confidential human source (CHS) before it had even interviewed him.

The revelation, which was discovered as a result of special counsel John Durham’s case against Danchenko, indicates that the FBI deliberately targeted 2016 presidential candidate and later President Donald Trump with claims it already knew at the time to be false.

The email—of which only the subject line has been made public—was first uncovered by an internet sleuth who goes by the moniker “Walkafyre” and was included in hundreds of unused exhibits from Danchenko’s trial.

The FBI used Danchenko—who was acquitted last week on all charges of lying to the FBI—in its investigation of Trump, despite knowing that Danchenko had helped fabricate the dossier.

With the benefit of this new information, a renewed examination of the timeline between the Nov. 8, 2016, presidential election and the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller on May 17, 2017, reveals that the FBI—with the help of the Obama administration and Washington establishment figures—executed a concerted campaign to oust a sitting president.

Email Reveals FBI’s Plan for Danchenko

The newly discovered email was sent by FBI agent Kevin Helson to unknown recipients on Jan. 12, 2017. The email’s heading reads “Plan to Convert Danchenko into CHS.”

This email is critical for several reasons. It shows that the FBI intended to hide Steele’s main source behind CHS status after they had previously discovered Steele couldn’t back up the claims in his dossier despite their offer of $1 million to him for any corroboration. As a CHS, Danchenko also would be shielded from any external investigations—including those of Congress.

Read more.

On June 6, 2020 in an article titled Disciples of the Gospel of Democrats and Fake News Media wrote,

Dear American Family. For decades, my black family and friends have viewed me as the weirdo who votes for Republicans.

At our annual family Christmas gathering a few years before he died, my dad, Dr. Rev Lloyd E. Marcus, instructed them to follow me as the new leader. I heard through the grapevine that most of them disapprove of my politics. At family events, I am pleasant and keep conversations non-political. Still, they read my articles posted on social media and the internet.

The vast majority of my family and friends profess Christianity. And yet, everything I have written and told them on occasion about Democrats’ anti-biblical agenda has not broken their loyalty to the party.

They ignore the fact that their party worships Planned Parenthood which targets black babies and profits greatly from selling dead-baby body parts. Recently, Democrats have been pushing legislation to abort healthy babies after they are born.

They ignore that fact the Democrats want open borders for illegals who take jobs from blacks. They ignore the fact that Democrats are cramming the LGBTQ agenda down our throats. Democrats want schools to orchestrate sex-change surgery and abortions without parental knowledge or consent. They ignore the fact that Democrats seek to legalize 12 new perversions which include pedophilia and bestiality. How can anyone who professes Christianity support Democrats’ anti-biblical agenda? Remember the convention at which Democrats banned God from their platform?

I learned that relatives are posting propaganda on Facebook in support of the George Floyd rioters. Despite living successful racism-free lives, they have bought Democrats’ and fake news medias’ absurd lie that America is a hellhole of racism where blacks are routinely murdered by police. This made me sad and a bit lonely.

At the root of my sadness is the fact that my black family and friends are disciples of the Gospel of Democrats and Fake News Media. Whatever these two wicked entities tell them, they believe. God says allowing someone or something to trump His word is idolatry.

Eagles fly alone. “…all that will live godly in Christ Jesus suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12) Christians are martyred around the world. Therefore, complaining about deceived fellow blacks disapproving of my politics is hardly worth mentioning.

Still, it is extremely frustrating that facts nor commonsense seem to penetrate my family and friends blind loyalty to the far-left-extremist, hate-generating, anti-Christian, and anti-American Democratic Party.

They perceive everything they see and hear on TV from Democrats and fake news media as the gospel truth. For example. They believed the lie that catching covid-19 was a death sentence. They stayed at home, wore masks, and trashed anyone who did not. I told them that covid-19 has a 98% recovery rate. Once again, I was viewed as an Uncle Tom, siding with mean Republicans who want to reopen America which will cause a Ga-zillion Americans, mostly black, to die. By the way, a 65-year-old relative recovered from covid-19.

Democrats and fake news media are exploiting the tragic death of George Floyd in an attempt to stop Trump’s reelection. Insidiously, they are overwhelming the airwaves with lies about Trump, white America, and police. My family and friends are embracing every lie as a gospel. Presenting them with facts and data has had no effect in changing their minds. The Bible speaks of those who prefer to believe lies rather than truth.

Families across America are dealing with the same frustrating situation that I am challenged with. Their kids have been indoctrinated by extreme leftist, anti-American, and anti-Christian Hollywood celebs and fake news media. How do you break their brain-dead zombie control of young idealistic minds? I believe the answer is prayer and faithfully continuing to tell youths the truth about issues.

God’s word promises, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all.” (Galatians 6:9)

Outrageously, ANTIFA terrorists are demanding that whites kneel in worship to Black Lives Matter, begging forgiveness for being born white. Folks, this is evil beyond belief.

We must stand together as Americans while praying for God’s strength to be like Daniel in the Bible. Tell the Democrats, fake news media, ANTIFA, and Black Lives Matter that we “ain’t” kneeling nor worshiping their vile false gods of social-justice, socialism and communism.

President Donald J. Trump told us so. Do you believe him now?

If so then show it on November 5th, 2024.

©2024. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Election 2024: Trump 49%, Harris 44%

Kamala Harris Spent Her Entire Senate Career Opposing Border Security

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In Case You’re Wondering How We Got the Kamala Economic Crash watch this

Kamala’s Krash

Italy: A great example of why I take mainstream media coverage of populism with a grain of salt

The major newspapers seem to believe that the superiority of their political opinions is a self-evident fact that needs no explanation.

There was a time when journalists from respected media outlets like the BBC, the New York Times and the Guardian, at least made a sincere effort to distinguish between reporting the facts and reporting one’s political opinions. But that era is long over. We now live in a world in which journalists blithely dismiss political movements they disagree with as “extreme,” “hard-right,” and “fascistic,” as though the superiority of their own political opinions was a self-evident fact that needed no explanation.

This is perhaps nowhere more clear than in the response of Western mainstream media – in particular media that embrace progressive-leftist positions – to the prospect that Giorgia Meloni will be Italy’s first-ever female prime minister. From the tone of that response, one would think that Meloni was advocating the abolition of democracy, the abrogation of rule of law, or some sort of Putin-style military incursion into neighbouring territories.

Here is a sample of mainstream coverage of Giorgia Meloni’s election:

  • BBC: “Ms Meloni is widely expected to form Italy’s most right-wing government since World War Two. That will alarm much of Europe…”
  • CNN: “Giorgia Meloni claims victory to become Italy’s most far-right prime minister since Mussolini.”
  • El País: “The strong result for the extreme-right obliges the EU to be smart in how it manages its relationship with Meloni.”
  • The Guardian: “Giorgia Meloni is a danger to Italy and the rest of Europe.”
  • New York Times: “The country’s hard turn to the right has sent shock waves across Europe after a period of stability in Italy led by Mario Draghi.”

Meloni, president of the conservative Fratelli d’Italia, or “Brothers of Italy”, party, swept to victory in Italy’s recent elections, and is now poised to become Italy’s first ever female prime minister. She is undoubtedly a controversial figure, and her style can be a bit shrill.

She defends a range of positions that are now viewed with disdain by many Western politicians and journalists, such as the primacy of the natural family, the importance of maintaining a birth-rate above replacement level, the ideal of heterosexual marriage, the sanctity of human life, the value of national identity and culture, the positive value of religion, the opposition to transgender operations for children, and the rejection of illegal immigration.

On the other hand, being a bit shrill or abrasive hardly makes a political leader a threat to democracy or a harbinger of political instability. And let’s not forget that the positions defended by Meloni were perceived as perfectly normal in many parts of the West a few decades ago, so it is hard to see why they would now put her outside the pale of civilisation or make her a serious “threat” to Europe.

The media’s intense hostility to Meloni, and by extension, the popular movement that brought her to power, can be explained by one simple fact: her opinions on “hot button” issues have put her directly at odds with the progressive-leftist movement that now dominates social media, mainstream media, EU bureacracy, and the Biden Administration. And that, for many self-styled progressives, puts her far beyond the moral and political pale.

One does not have to support Italy’s newly elected prime minister or her opinions to understand that mainstream media’s coverage of her is nothing short of reactionary. Progressive-minded journalists seemed unwilling or unable to understand how opinions different to their own could end up resonating with a sufficient number of Italians to propel the leader of a conservative, pro-life party into power.

Indeed, the crude, reactionary coverage of Meloni’s victory was quite reminiscent of the coverage of Trump’s election – a mix of perplexity and indignation at the prospect that a large number of voters might actually hold opinions radically at odds with those of progressive-leftist journalists and politicians. The only explanation that occurred to progressive-leftist analysts, in both cases, was that the voters in question were either ignorant or manipulated.

If journalists report on political elections almost exclusively as ideological cheer-leaders, dismissing opposing opinions as part of a “hard right” agenda that menaces the future of democracy, then they are not doing their jobs. They are not actually attempting to understand social reality as it is, nor are they attempting to empathise, even remotely, with voters who wear “the other shirt.” It becomes impossible for them to understand the motives and points of view of their fellow citizens, and it becomes impossible for them to respect the opinions of citizens who see the world differently from themselves.

When journalists become completely tone-deaf to opinions at odds with progressive-leftist principles, or automatically dismiss such opinions as anathema to liberal democracy, their coverage of political events loses any appearance of impartiality and their work becomes largely irrelevant to a large swathe of the citizenry. Once journalists enter into “campaign” mode, many citizens tune out or treat their pronouncements with a grain of salt.

And rightly so.

This article has been republished with permission from the author’s Substack, The Freedom Blog.


David Thunder

David Thunder is a researcher and lecturer at the University of Navarra’s Institute for Culture and Society. More by David Thunder

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Sues CNN

Former President Donald Trump filed a lawsuit against CNN, claiming the outlet defamed him and did so out of fear he will run for president again in 2024.

The suit, which was filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, argues CNN has tried to use its influence to smear Trump politically and prevent him from launching a bid for re-election.

The suit alleges Trump has been a “long-time critic” of CNN, “not because CNN does a bad job of reporting the news, but because CNN seeks to create the news.”

“CNN’s campaign of dissuasion in the form of libel and slander against the Plaintiff has only escalated in recent months as CNN fears the Plaintiff will run for president in 2024,” the suit reads. “As a part of its concerted effort to tilt the political balance to the Left, CNN has tried to taint the Plaintiff with a series of ever-more scandalous, false, and defamatory labels of ‘racist,’ ‘Russian lackey,’ ‘insurrectionist,’ and ultimately ‘Hitler.’”

Trump is seeking $475 million in punitive damages, according to the suit.

Trump notified the outlet in July of his intention to sue for “repeated defamatory statements.” Trump also warned he would sue other outlets he alleges have “defamed and defrauded the public” about the 2020 presidential election results.

“I have notified CNN of my intent to file a lawsuit over their repeated defamatory statements against me,” Trump said in July. “I will also be commencing actions against other media outlets who have defamed me and defrauded the public regarding the overwhelming evidence of fraud throughout the 2020 election. I will never stop fighting for the truth and for the future of our country.”



News and commentary writer. Follow Brianna on Twitter

RELATED ARTICLE: Trump Scores Major Victory In Defamation Case


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Obama To Keynote Disinformation Conference With High-Profile Allies Tied To Fake News Scandals

Former President Barack Obama will deliver the keynote speech at a Stanford University forum Thursday on media disinformation.

The keynote speech is part of Obama’s crusade against disinformation in the digital world, the Washington Free Beacon reported. The former president allegedly joined the fight against “disinformation” after lengthy discussions with Apple heiress Lauren Powell Jobs, who reportedly funded a number of fake local news sites in Silicon Valley that push Democratic rhetoric and talking points.

Other panelists at the event include Color of Change president Rashad Robinson who consistently pushed the fake news story that Jussie Smollett was the victim of a hate crime, the outlet reported. Smollett was later convicted of staging the hate crime.

Stanford researcher Renee DiResta will moderate the panel, according to the report. DiResta was reportedly part of the advisory team that created fake Russian bots that helped influence a 2017 Alabama special election, according to the report. She admitted to working with the company but denied knowledge of their tactics when asked by The Washington Post.

Former national security advisor Obama Ben Rhodes will also attend the conference. Rhodes previously admitted he created “echo chambers” of spin that supported “largely manufactured” narratives about various topics, including the Iran nuclear deal, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Obama’s personal history earned the “Lie of the Year” award from PolitiFact in 2013 for his repeated use of the phrase, “if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.”

Republican Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton called out Obama in a tweet Thursday for “lecturing” Americans on disinformation despite earning the “Lie of the Year.”






Biden Goes On About Mask Mandates When Reporter Asks About Title 42

Corporate Media Goes Into Full Panic Mode After Travel Mask Mandate Ends

Editor Daily Rundown: With Mask Mandates Falling, Biden Admin Panics About Losing Power

DOJ Appeals Mask Mandate Ruling After CDC’s Request

Psaki Clarifies After Biden Says Masking Is Now Up To Americans

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Poll: Florida Governor DeSantis Far More Popular Than The Media

A new poll has found that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is enjoying overwhelming public approval among Floridians regarding his year-long handling of Covid and the vaccine distribution. The media? Not so much.

Cygnal, a less well-known firm that the New York Times called the most accurate polling firm in 2018 and which had the highest number of correct Congressional projections in 2020, conducted a survey of 800 likely general election voters in Florida. Considering the unrelenting, Democrat-operative attack media in Florida and nationally over the past year, the results are stunning.

The statewide Cygnal survey conducted April 8-11, 2021, shows that DeSantis is viewed favorably by a substantial number of likely voters. He is +17 among uninformed voters but +25 among informed voters. So the more a voter knows the issues, the more likely that they approve of the Governor. (I suspect this dynamic of more issue knowledge translating into higher approval is true of Republicans in general.) But even casual voters give him strong approval. Meanwhile, the poll found that the mainstream media has a negative approval rating of -14.

DeSantis’ handling of the Covid virus has even higher approval among Floridians than President Biden’s handling — 60 percent for DeSantis and 58 percent for Biden, while former President Trump’s stood at 49 percent.

A whopping 72 percent of Florida voters in the poll said they approve of the state’s vaccine distribution. Seventy-four percent of voters said they approve of DeSantis’ decision to prioritize the elderly and vaccinate seniors first; 72 percent approve of making Florida one of the first states where anyone over 18 can get a vaccine; and 58 percent approve of keeping the economy open throughout the year of Covid when most states locked down for a short or long period.

The last one was one of his most controversial decisions, and one the media slammed him on repeatedly. Likely a poll six months ago would not have been as positive, but the data is incontrovertible now and Florida voters see it, even if the media is reluctant.

As someone who firsthand watches the Florida media savage Gov. DeSantis in blatantly unfair, opposition operative ways — 60 Minutes is hardly alone in that respect, they just got nailed because of the video and a couple of brave Democrats stepping up to call them out — it is particularly heartening to see how many Floridians distrust the media and rightly approve of the DeSantis decisions that the media assailed.

The survey has a margin of error of 3.46 percent.

RELATED ARTICLE: DeSantis spurns CDC advice, says vaccines are effective and ‘you’re immune, and so, act immune’ – Geller Report News

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like Rod’s new Youtube channel

CORRUPT CNN ‘Hemorrhaging Viewers,’ With Ratings Down 54 Percent Overall, Down 60 Percent In Key Demographic

Not good enough. CNN still averages over one million viewers a day. This kind of viewership enables CNN to continue their perfidy and propaganda. Americans must boycott this dangerous network in much greater numbers.

CNN ‘Hemorrhaging Viewers,’ With Ratings Down 54 Percent Overall, Down 60 Percent In Key Demographic

By Daily Wire, April 16, 2021

Adding to weeks of reports of dwindling ratings, CNN has been “hemorrhaging viewers” since President Joe Biden took office on Inauguration Day. According to reports, CNN’s ratings are “down more than 50 percent in multiple categories” since January 20.

“The liberal network spent years attacking former President Donald Trump and the network thrived during his final days in office amid a brief post-election spike. CNN averaged 2.2 million viewers during the first three weeks of 2021, but it has averaged just one million viewers since Biden took office, a staggering decline of 54 percent,” reported Fox News.

This drop in on-screen fortunes began when Donald Trump left office. In March, The Daily Wire reported that “CNN has lost about a million viewers on average,” since Biden entered office, with CNN “drawing nearly 50% fewer viewers in the key 24-54 age group.”

Some conservatives were initially worried in early January when, after dominating cable news ratings for two decades, Fox News received “lower TV ratings than both CNN and MSNBC at the same time for the first time since 2000” in the week of the US Capitol riots.

“From Election Day through Inauguration Day, when Democrat Joe Biden was sworn in to succeed Trump as president, CNN was the most-watched cable news network in both total viewers (1.8 million),” reported USA Today. Mediaite reported that “MSNBC was the most-watched network in all of cable” on Friday January 22, with CNN dropping to third overall in prime time.

However, it seems that the sudden ascendency of CNN appears to be short-lived. Not only has their overall viewership declined by 54 percent, the plummeting numbers are even worse among key demographics.

“CNN’s struggles are even more prominent among the key advertising demographic of adults age 25-54, with a drop of 60 percent. It averaged 617,000 demo viewers from Dec. 28 through Inauguration Day but only 244,000 since Biden entered the White House,” added Fox News.

On the New York Times podcast, “Sway,” host Kara Swisher asked Don Lemon — one CNN anchor impacted by the dwindling viewership — whether he was concerned.

“No. I’m not worried about it … Trump was a horrible person. And he was terrible for the country. And it is better for all — for the world that he is no longer the President of the United States,” Lemon responded. “So if that means that cable news ratings go down? Aww. So I’m not really that concerned about it. I would prefer that my ratings go down and Trump not be in office than my ratings be sky-high and him be there. That’s the honest truth.”

Brian Stelter, host of CNN’s “Reliable Sources” has also been struggling to retain his audience. In late March, The Daily Wire reported that “According to Nielson Media Research, the most recent episode of CNN’s Reliable Sources — hosted by Brian Stelter — saw its lowest rating of the year for the second weekend in a row,” adding Townhall.com’s report that Stelter’s show “failed to reach over a million viewers for the second time in as many weeks, while also boasting its second-lowest viewership of the year for its key demographic of 25 to 54 year-olds.”

RELATED VIDEO: Democrats: How to Expose & Defeat the “Lying Left” | Breakdown | Huckabee


Watch: CNN’s Brian Stelter Confronted Over Explosive Videos Released by Project Veritas

ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE: ‘Russian Bounty’ Story Peddled By Media To Hurt Trump Turned Out To Be Fake News

Rep. Biggs Sends A Letter Urging Democrat Committee Members To Launch An Investigation Into CNN

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

Federal Judge: ‘The increased power of the press is so dangerous today because we are very close to one-party control of these institutions’

The American press is the enemy of the people and has done incalculable, irrevocable harm to our Constitutional Republic.

Federal judge pens dissent slamming decades-old press protections

D.C. Circuit Senior Judge Laurence Silberman’s diatribe amounted to an assault on a Supreme Court decision
Politico reports: A federal appeals court judge issued an extraordinary opinion Friday attacking partisan bias in the news media, lamenting the treatment of conservatives in American society and calling for the Supreme Court to overturn a landmark legal precedent that protects news outlets from lawsuits over reports about public figures.

D.C. Circuit Senior Judge Laurence Silberman’s diatribe, contained in his dissent in a libel case, amounted to a withering, frontal assault on the 1964 Supreme Court decision that set the framework for modern defamation law — New York Times v. Sullivan.

D.C. Circuit Senior Judge Laurence Silberman’s diatribe amounted to an assault on a Supreme Court decision that set the framework for modern defamation law.

Could the Courts Wheel on the Press?

Special to the NY Sun, March 20, 2021:

Could the United States federal courts turn against the press that emerged in the Age of Trump? Feature the dissent uncorked Friday by one of America’s greatest judges, Laurence Silberman of the District of Columbia circuit. In an otherwise prosaic libel case, the judge seems to have taken a satisfying swig of the ink of liberty before issuing a blistering rebuke of a press that he reckons has become dangerous to our democracy.

Pass the flask, we say. We bow to no one in our fealty to the press. We get that the First Amendment was designed to protect an irresponsible press (the non-irresponsible press, after all, has never really needed protecting). Yet we’ve never seen anything like the nihilism that has entwined our biggest newsrooms with the woke Democratic Party. At some point our courts are bound to take notice.

The case that ignited Judge Silberman was levied by two former officials of Liberia. They claimed that a human rights organization called Global Witness defamed them by publishing a report, as the court put it, “falsely implying that they had accepted bribes in connection with the sale of an oil license.” The District Court allowed them to shelter under the Supreme Court precedent known as Times v. Sullivan.

That case, decided in 1964, involved an advertisement that was run in the Times by supporters of the Reverend Martin Luther King. The police commissioner of Birmingham, Alabama, L.B. Sullivan, won a $500,000 libel judgment. It was overturned by a U.S. Supreme Court that, at the time, was all too willing to proclaim rules that hadn’t been passed by any legislature and didn’t appear in the Constitution.

The justice who wrote up Sullivan, William Brennan, would later craft the most famous farrago of judicial law-writing in American history, Roe v. Wade. In Sullivan, the rule the Court produced did not involve trimesters of pregnancy and the like. What Sullivan established was a system of unequal justice, where private citizens had an easier time suing for libel than public figures.

Public figures would have to prove any libel had been uttered with “actual malice.” That is, the libel would have to be not only untrue and defamatory but also made with “with knowledge of its falsity or with reckless disregard of whether it was true or false.” We newspaper roughnecks loved that license, since we could accuse public officials without knowing what was true. Henceforth, the press ruled the roost.

In Global Witness, Judge Silberman spent the first part of his dissent arguing that the court majority had tried to “stretch the actual malice rule like a rubber band.” He then announced outright that he was “prompted to urge the overruling of New York Times v. Sullivan.” He proceeded to do so with astonishing bluntness, even while acknowledging the uphill nature of the legal contests ahead.

In one footnote, Judge Silberman likened the precedent on libel to the Brezhnev Doctrine, named after the Soviet party boss who proclaimed that, as Judge Silberman paraphrased the point, “once a country has turned communist, it can never be allowed to go back.” Wrote Judge Silberman: “Apparently, maintaining a veneer of infallibility is more important than correcting fundamental missteps.”

The Sullivan precedent, Judge Silberman warned, has allowed the press “to cast false aspersions on public figures with near impunity.” That, he averred, would be one thing were it a two-sided phenomenon. The “increased power of the press,” he averred, “is so dangerous today because we are very close to one-party control of these institutions.” He singled out the Washington Post, the Times, and even National Public Radio.

“Our court was once concerned about the institutional consolidation of the press leading to a ‘bland and homogenous’ marketplace of ideas,” Judge Silberman warned. “It turns out that ideological consolidation of the press (helped along by economic consolidation) is the far greater threat.” He doesn’t map out how he thinks all this can be won, but he seeds his opinion with grist for the Supreme Court to focus on.

It is a moment to remember that our doctrines on libel, as on other things, can change. When America’s first great libel case, was brought by New York’s colonial governor, Wm. Crosby, against the printer John Peter Zenger, the doctrine was the greater the truth of a defamation, the greater the libel. Zenger began the process of turning truth into a defense of libel. A time of reckoning could well be at hand where truth gets the premium part.

RELATED ARTICLE: Jewish groups condemn CNN’s Don Lemon for vile antisemitism in remarks suggesting Black and Brown Jews don’t exist

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson, ‘It’s Hard to Trust Anything!’

Tucker: We heard you. It’s hard to trust anything. Here’s what we know.


©Tucker Carlson Tonight. All rights reserved.



USPS Suddenly Can’t Account for 300,000 Ballots

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: System ‘Glitch’ Also Uncovered In Wisconsin – Reversal of Swapped Votes Removes Lead from Joe Biden

It’s possible that 2020’s election fraud is way bigger than we thought

Voter Fraud Reports Explode: Lawsuits, Tabulation Errors, Computers Illegally Connected to Internet, Post Election Ballot Harvesting, Ghost Voters

PODCAST: Taking a Newspaper to Task

It is no secret the main stream media has turned to the Left and actively supports liberal causes. As such, trying to get a conservative comment printed is next to impossible. This was one of the key reasons why I cancelled my subscription to the Tampa Bay Times a couple of years ago and started the Tampa Bay Conservatives web site. Enough is enough.

I am obviously not alone in this regard as I know many conservatives angered by the press. To illustrate, of the people in our Tampa Bay Trump Club, I have yet to meet anyone who subscribes to the Tampa Bay Times. It is simply loathed by conservatives and labeled “Fake News.” I also see this in other newspapers in Democrat-controlled urban strongholds where they pander to the Left, such as Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York, etc.

I have offered suggestions for “Confronting the News Media,” including picketing and boycotting, but one of the most effective means to protest the media is simply the printed word which, unfortunately, few people use to express their displeasure.

Enter Larry Marlin, an old friend and conservative from Bryan, Texas (near College Station and Texas A & M University). For quite some time, Larry subscribed to the local newspaper, The Bryan-College Station Eagle. However, he began to notice a shift in the editorial slant of the paper and brought it to the attention of the Editor there. Unfortunately, the liberal slant went from bad to worse. Finally, he could stand it no more and wrote the following letter recently to the newspaper which I found particularly interesting:

Dear Editorial Board:

Since August 10th, I have kept copies of your newspaper and reviewed them for bias. As you may recall, you printed a letter I wrote saying most of “The Eagle” bias comes from your Associated Press articles. I later wrote a letter saying I had been mistaken and your paper was rife with bias. The second letter was based on material you printed after being “woke” by BLM and the rest of the “protesters.” You did not print that letter. I did say I was not a member of the “cancel culture” and, rather than cancel my subscription, I would see if your paper made any effort to reduce bias.

I have reviewed each issue since 8/10. You have not improved. If anything, you have gotten worse. During the period 8/10 through 9/4 you have printed 28 left wing editorials and 9 right wing ones. In editorial cartoons you did better with 5 right wing and 3 left wing. Concerning the cartoons, it is interesting that several days after Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hypocritical visit to get her hair washed, you finally printed something about it in a cartoon relegated to the bottom of the editorial page. Other than that, as near as I can tell, you completely ignored the story.

Of course, your AP articles continue to be overwhelmingly left wing. I have not seen any indication of an attempt on your part to reduce this left wing bias. I doubt you have contacted AP concerning their outrageously dishonest presentations of the news. I don’t have time to list all the left-biased articles by AP. I would mention Steve People’s articles about the Democrat convention compared to his articles about the Republican convention — day and night.

Anyway, I will be cancelling my subscription. I just can’t imagine you will ever change. Should you surprise me and decide to make needed changes such as blasting AP, hiring a few conservatives, balancing your editorials, writing more unifying local editorials, or anything else please let me know. I might resubscribe.

Lawrence P. Marlin*
Sep 4, 2020

What I liked about this letter is that it wasn’t ranting and raving, but rather, a matter-of-fact dissertation as to why someone was unsubscribing. If I was the Editor, I would consider it carefully and not dismiss it out of hand as it represents a legitimate concern of a reader. If Larry’s data is correct, the Editor should now realize his slip is showing and should take steps to correct it before all of his conservative readers abandon him. The reality though is, as a supporter of the far-Left, the Editor couldn’t care less and is willing to sacrifice readership to preserve the Left’s dogma. This is essentially no different than the attitude of the mayors of Democrat controlled cities where their citizen’s lives and businesses are threatened. This, of course, is reckless behavior and speaks volumes of their priorities of choosing Democrat policies over the safety and well-being of their citizens.

Larry’s letter also happens to make a handy template for writing your own letter to other newspapers. For those of you who have difficulty penning a Letter to the Editor, simply copy Larry’s letter, update it with data specific to your area and send it in (preferably by e-mail). If enough people complain of the unfair tactics of the press, the better the chances of getting some honest news reporting. To do nothing is to surrender to the press.

I’ll leave it with you.

(* Letter written with the permission of the author)

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – Also, I have a NEW book, “Before You Vote: Know How Your Government Works”, What American youth should know about government, available in Printed, PDF and eBook form. This is the perfect gift for youth!

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

WATCH: Catholic, Pro-life Student Nicholas Sandmann’s ‘I Fought Back Hard’ Speech at the RNC

PBS NewsHour reported:

Nicholas Sandmann, a Covington Catholic High School student whose viral encounter during a March for Life rally was the subject of lawsuits against national media organizations, spoke on the second night of the Republican National Convention on Aug. 25, 2020. Sandmann’s family, which claimed that his interaction with a Native American activist was misrepresented in media coverage, reached settlements with CNN and The Washington Post over how they portrayed the incident. Nathan Phillips, the Native American activist featured in the viral moment, said the heated exchange initially began between the Catholic students and a group of Black men who identified themselves as Hebrew Israelites. Phillips has told news outlets he stepped in to disperse the tension by praying. The party planned a mix of virtual and in-person events in North Carolina and Washington, D.C., for its nominating convention after the coronavirus pandemic interrupted plans for a traditional nominating event.

©All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Covington Catholic graduate from viral protest video speaks at RNC, slams mainstream media

PODCAST: Hit or Myth? Dems Call Riots Fake News

You have to give the Democrats credit. They’ve found a way to justify their silence on the riots: refusing to admit they exist! Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) tried that when he ran into a citizen who asked him if he disavowed the Antifa violence in Portland. “That’s a myth,” he insisted, “being spread only in Washington, D.C.” Well, if it’s a myth, Oregon residents will tell you, it’s a pretty convincing one.

To the hundreds of police and federal officers taking cover from mortars, fireworks, and hammers, the idea that Portland’s mayhem belongs in a league with Sasquatch is more than a little deranged. Videos of protestors burning streets, hauling down fences, and lobbing Molotov cocktails at buildings are a lot of things, but faked is not one of them. “Sir,” Austen Fletcher pressed, wondering if he’d heard the congressman right, “There’s videos everywhere online,” Mr. Fletcher continued. “There’s fires and riots, they’re throwing fireworks at federal officers. DHS is there. Look online. It gets crazy, Mr. Nadler.”

Nadler, whose staff is desperately nudging him to the car at that point, is nonplussed. And why not? This is a man who stood on the House floor and called Antifa — a group so dangerous that President Trump declared them a terrorist organization — “imaginary.” Good luck persuading the people of Portland, who’ve woken up to the sounds of sirens and destruction every night for 60 days. It’s not only real, reporters say, it’s a war zone. “I interviewed a veteran,” the Daily Caller’s Jorge Ventura explained on “Washington Watch,” “who told me it actually reminds him of his time in Iraq. That’s how bad [it’s gotten] here.” But to hear it’s a myth? “It was shocking,” Jorge said. “I mean, an Antifa member actually stabbed a black Trump supporter on Friday night.”

“Democrats can’t seem to make up their minds,” Kaylee McGhee writes. “First they deny that protests in Portland and Seattle are violent, [then they] claim that President Trump and the GOP are propagating this ‘myth’ to win over voters… Now, after hours of video evidence and multiple insider reports, Democrats are finally admitting that the riots on the West Coast are indeed riots, but with one caveat: Trump is to blame.”

Jorge, like other conservative journalists, have gone to Portland to see for themselves what’s happening. And to a person they’ll tell you: the things they’ve seen are a whole lot worse than the media’s admitting. “I’ve been covering protests all across the country, and I’ve never seen anything like we’re seeing here in downtown Portland. These groups are very well organized. They have medic teams. They actually have their own kitchen called Riot Ribs across the park that feeds these protesters and actually supplies them with shields and eyewear and other things they need to be out here. It’s just, I’ve never seen anything like it.”

The cache of weapons alone is astounding. “We’re talking about mortars, fireworks, hammers, all types of things that we’ve actually never seen on the ground.” He talked about federal officers injured and hospitalized in the blasts. Other police officers, he explains, who were possibly blinded for life because of the high-powered lasers thugs are training on their eyes. “We saw some power tools being used on the high fences… guarding the federal courthouse… I’ve just never seen the organization level that we’re seeing here in Portland.”

So who, exactly, is fueling the effort? Antifa, Jorge said. No doubt in his mind. They’re “taking in money and donations online.” And that, to a large extent, is what’s supplying these mobs. “One thing that we’ve been noticing here [is] that numbers of people have been driving up to the parks with all types of things. We’ve been seeing gas masks delivered here, eyewear, bats, shields, you name it… [and] a lot of these folks here are not from Portland.” Some are driving in from Seattle, and others are “bigger members of the Antifa group, bringing in these types of weapons into the riots.”

And to the extent that the media is covering the story, they’re only telling one side of it. “I call it a media war,” Jorge explains. If the local journalists or national press uploads videos or pictures to social media, they edit it so that all people see is the police response — not the violence that led up to it. “The New York Times just put out a piece basically putting the blame on Trump and the federal administration. But what we’ve been seeing here on the ground is that’s just really not the case.”

If it’s a myth Democrats are looking for, start there. Because this president isn’t starting the fires. He’s only trying to contain them.

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: 10 Tips For Confronting the News Media

One of the great fatalities of the 21st century is the integrity of American journalism. We no longer have confidence in the media’s ability to represent the facts honestly and impartially. America’s trust in the news media is almost as low as their trust in Congress, and that is not a good thing. In fact, many Americans consider the news media as a branch of a political party, and No it is not the Republicans, which is why they look elsewhere for sources of news, mostly trusting live speeches, events and interviews, and not the OpEds of what was said afterwards.

The news media answers to no one except the almighty dollar. Even here though, their soiled integrity has cost them billions and they continue to lose subscribers and viewers. Therefore, the best way to attack them is to eliminate their source of energy, right in the pocketbook. The far-Left is cognizant of this as they have attacked Fox News and their shows in this manner for a number of years. Perhaps now is the time to fight fire with fire. Presidential election years represent boom times for the media. In 2018 alone, representing a minor midterm election, over $2 billion was spent on the media. In all likelihood 2020 will double this. Take away the media’s source of money and you are well on your way to crippling them.

I am often asked by grassroots voters, “what can I do?” Actually, quite a lot. Here are ten suggestions, some rather obvious, others coming from the playbook of the far-Left.

  1. “Just say No,” meaning cancel subscriptions and refuse to watch certain television networks. Ratings are closely monitored by everyone, particularly advertisers. When ratings go down, advertisers look for other avenues to promote their wares.
  2. Boycott sponsors – this is a favorite of the far-Left. Not only do they attack the networks, they also attack the advertisers through a letter writing campaign. Let’s put the shoe on the other foot for a change.
  3. Picket the news media – the media loves to report protests, but not of their own offices. Yet, their competitors are quick to report on such demonstrations. If you are going to do this, assemble an impressive number of people and have someone play press agent to let the media and others know of the picketing. Also, have a rehearsed spokesman ready to answer questions from the press (and have a press release ready). Even better, hold a Trump flag waving event in front of their offices, this will make their heads spin.
  4. “Be Vocal” – instigate a letter writing campaign to the news media for false reporting, aka “Fake News.” This can usually be done on-line through the company’s web site. The more people involved in the letter writing campaign, the better. Even though the news media will likely not print your letter, beat them over the head again and again until they realize people are not happy with them. Your objective is to make them squeamish about writing a similar piece.
  5. Write essays, blogs, podcasts or use social media to call for the resignation of certain reporters, editors and publishers. Again, turn the heat up by doing so over and over again. Conversely, compliment such people when they have done a good job. See a poll with suspicious data? Call them out on it. Do not let their claims go unchallenged. Most do not know how to conduct a fair and impartial survey. Let the world know about it.
  6. Seek out polls on news media performance – It is difficult to be put on a list to participate, but if a media related poll is revealed, be sure to tell your colleagues about it and encourage them to vote accordingly. Such polls are also monitored by advertisers.
  7. Distribute news yourself through social media – By doing so, you are discrediting “Fake News” and weakening their power.
  8. Push for electoral reform – the news media makes its billions thanks in part to a long electoral cycle, usually two years for presidential candidates, but if this was reduced in time to one year, six months or whatever, it would have a devastating effect on the cash flow of the news media. Here is another idea, instead of giving everything to the news media, how about establishing a $1-for-$1 concept, meaning for every dollar spent on marketing by the candidate, another dollar would be placed in a separate account for either a charity or to improve the nation’s infrastructure. In addition, to cutting the news media’s income in half, we could actually do some good with the campaign money.
  9. Demand certification – ask your congressman to introduce legislation mandating certification of journalists covering government. Journalism is one of the few professions that does not require certification. One program I am familiar with is the Constitution First Amendment Press Association (CFAPA). Their pledge is a sort of Hippocratic oath as applied to journalists. The CFAPA pledge means they will conform to ethical standards, imagine that.
  10. Report flagrant errors in news reporting to the FCC. This applies to news as presented on television, radio, the Internet, and by telephone. Again, the more complaints, the more effective you will be.

This is quite a list, and much more than one person can do alone, but if everyone did just one thing from the list, imagine how far we could go in terms of correcting the problems of the press.

Please note, I am certainly not asking you to break the law or spread fallacious lies, that is what the far-Left does. I am just trying to review alternatives to combat an out-of-control news media.

And finally, if you are part of an organized political group, appoint a news media coordinator who will solicit and train volunteers, devise strategy and lead the troops into battle.

Good luck.

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – Also, I have a NEW book, “Before You Vote: Know How Your Government Works”, What American youth should know about government, available in Printed, PDF and eBook form. This is the perfect gift for youth!

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

Declassification Countdown – Trump Goes To War With The Deep State

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. We have all been waiting so long for the hammer of justice to come down upon the deep state and its operatives. Having written about this extensively over the past 2 years first in my book Trump and the Resurrection of America, but also in the many articles I’ve written on my website, I draft this short post with much anticipation of the events on the now very short term horizon, like sixteen more days to be more specific.

Declassification Countdown – Trump Goes To War With The Deep State

The declassification will come in stages. We cannot expect justice to be served just yet. This comes a bit later. We are at steps 6, 7 & 8 on the scale of discovery and action. It is the media that will be hit the hardest with the soon to be steps of declassification. Why? Because the truth will be revealed and the media will have no choice but to cover it. What will they say? How will they handle this? After all, we are talking about evidence. Facts. Truth. Through FISA and other sources.

As you think this trough, this further exposes and implicates the MSM fake news deep state mouth pieces and slowly but surly the public and global support for Trump shifts (even if not expressed). The MSM will be fuhrer exposed not to mention all those implicated in the declassification. This then leads to the trials, hearings, grand juries and indictments which then leads to justice. And let us not forget, the military tribunals are already under way with at least two tribunals already completed where justice has been served.

And so, sixteen days to go. Get the popcorn and enjoy the paradigm shift of power and control as President Trump and team goes on the offense. This battle of sorts will rage on for some years to come as Trump restores the power to the people. Stay the course and trust the plan.


The Great Awakening – Stay the Course

You Have Little Faith – Trust The Plan

Calm Down and Enjoy the Ride!

Relax Trump Has The Goods

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of WhiteHouse.gov.

VIDEO: America’s Starvation for Truth

In Venezuela they are starving for food (thanks to Socialism), while Americans are starving for truth. A raised understanding is needed as to the realization that a major paradigm shift is under way and that we have been living in a web of deceitful lies designed to entrap us. It’s time to break free from the Matrix. Break free from the fake and faux news. “The searching-out and thorough investigation of truth ought to be the primary study of man” – Cicero. Let’s begin.

Of course You Don’t Feel So Good

We are bombarded with negative news. Fake news. Out right lies. Half truths, propaganda and the like. The news, (majority of which is owned by six major corporations who do not serve your best interests), has put you on the edge of your seat. You feel we are losing this battle to MAGA. As you watch the news, you feel that many battles are being lost. You are fearful that President Trump may be impeached or removed from office one way or the other. Even though you are not watching CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC etc, you are still doused with fake news and propaganda via social media and FOX. Yes FOX News, Rush, Levin and so on. FOX and Rush? Yep. Why? That’s an easy one.

FOX News And the Rest of Them

Well there is the obvious like Shep Smith and Juan Williams for example. But I am talking about the not so obvious. Yes FOX news, Rush, Levin and the rest of them I believe are in fact on our side. They do in fact support our President but they cannot cross the line. They can only go so far or face being fired, sued, skeleton’s in the closet exposed, or far worse. If you think about it, all they do, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingram, Tucker, Rush is spend half of their program showing you the CNN Fake News talking points (it’s no wonder you don’t feel so good and feel we are being defeated), then they spend the second half of their airtime defending, (and sometimes even criticizing), the President. Well better than nothing if that’s all that we have. But it is not all that we have. Change the Channel.

News Behind The News

Eventually after six more years of Trump, media, censorship and the like will be transformed. Until then, compile a list of alternative sources for data. Intel sources including Q. Qanon, and many others. Compile a list of alternative on line news feeds and commentators and as always do your due diligence.

I put together a free digital e-book titled “How to Detect Truth from Lies in the Age of Fake News” and recently did an interview with Will Johnson along with EX CIA Robert David Steele. Visit my website JohnMichaelChambers and request a copy of this free e-book which also provides a list of most valuable links and alternative Intel and resources.

Come aboard. Deliver a blow to the fake news and the enemy. Knowledge is power. Applied knowledge is wisdom. You just may start feeling better in this dark and dangerous deceptive world. You will move from effect to cause. Things will become increasingly confusing and dangerous and upsetting unless you are dealing in truths. Sign up for my free RSS feed on my home page to receive a notification each time I write an article straight to your in box. You can also learn more about my paid weekly subscription to the John Michael Chambers Report. America is starving for the truth. Seek it. You shall find it.

We are winning my friends and in 2019 and 2020 we are embarking upon multiple unprecedented turn of events and soon the world will know. Trust the plan. Stay the course. Do not waiver from our President. Freedom, it’s up to us!



Trump Has All The Goods

Q-Plan to Save the World

Q- We are the Plan

Q – Dark to Light

Rats in DC Panicking

EDITORS NOTE: This Course Corrections Consulting column with images is republished with permission of the author.