Tag Archive for: fake

Why Seven Florida Counties Got Fake Voter Guides

This is very disconcerting and needs to stop!

Bad enough we have Communist Democrats spreading disinformation and censoring the truth that we also have this sort of dirty tricks being pulled by establishment RINOs.


Kat Stansell • The Miami Independent

We are all worried, on a nationwide basis, that 2024 will be stolen just as was 2020.

Having to be concerned with local primaries in a “red state” is new low, but that is the case in Florida. The state Republican Party (RPOF) continued its war with MAGA, which first became obvious this spring, and has continued the battle into these August primaries. ( Florida has separate primaries for national and state/local offices, for those of you who are not residents. )

The local primary season this year was filled with blatant illegal and immoral efforts, perpetrated by the state Party against certain counties. WHY JUST THOSE COUNTIES?
..,.stay tuned…

First the spreading of FAKE voter guides, over THOSE seven counties.

The voters of Manatee, Hillsborough, Sarasota, St. Lucie, Brevard, Lake and St. Johns received voter guides claiming Trump and MAGA support for candidates who were on the other (RINO) side. These were mailed and available in offices of Republican Executive Committees (REC). But, the lies did not stop there, AND some of the attacks involved a good amount of money and planning.

In St. John’s, the county Republican Executive Committee had finally chosen a slate of America First candidates, after years of discord and three separate Chairmen. This sporing, they elected a new chair, a long-time resident, former law enforcement, and strong America First Republican. They also agreed on a slate of candidates to endorse.

The RPOF didn’t like that, so they tried to change those results.

The RPOF (via the RINO Vice chair of the REC ) brought in 57 NEW REC members in one evening, granted them membership then instant voting rights, and sought to replace the slate and officers chosen by the citizens of the county with a slate of RPOF choosing.

[ … ]

The RPOF is in overdrive, attacking their constituents’ freedom to make informed decisions at the ballot boxes across the state, AND trying to forbid participation of people with whom they disagree. If you catch a whiff of Brazil or Venezuela, your olfactory senses are good.

The Republican Party of Florida has been attacking America First Republicans (MAGA Republicans) OPENLY since this past spring.

Was this just a step toward Globlist control of Florida’s lands?. If DeGov couldn’t be their standard bearer on the national scene, then was he going to try to take his state away from MAGA Conservatives, and put the state’s land into the hands of foreign investors?

Evan Power can “take these accusations seriously”. Or not. Florida voters certainly do.

You at the RPOF got caught, RINO-handed, and this will not soon be forgotten.

Continue reading the full article.

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Fake Passports Being Used by Muslim Migrants

That’s what the Wall Street Journal is reporting, thanks to Jeff for sending the story.

The ‘stars’ of the WSJ piece landed in the UK, but I wonder how many are landing at an airport near you as we speak?

ISTANBUL—Somewhere over Europe, Kassem went to the airplane’s bathroom and flushed his fake Italian passport down the toilet.

When he landed in London’s Heathrow Airport a few hours later, Kassem presented his Syrian ID to U.K. immigration officials and requested asylum. The trip wouldn’t have been possible using his actual, Syrian passport—the country’s four-year civil war has turned it into a burden for anyone fleeing the conflict.

When asked where his passport was, Kassem told the officials: “It’s in the toilet.”

While hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees make the dangerous sea voyage to Europe followed by arduous treks across the continent, some of their countrymen have used fraudulent Western passports to board planes to countries where they can request asylum. Winter’s approach, turning seas colder, stormier and more dangerous, is expected to increase the practice.

Continue reading here.

This chart shows how many successful asylum cases were processed in 2013 in the U.S.  Source: Migration Policy Institute. (I would love to know what countries are represented in that 7,776 (30%) from “other countries,” wouldn’t you?)

asylum US

For new readers the difference between refugees and asylum seekers is that we fly the refugees in after the UN selects them for us and asylum seekers get in on their own steam—either illegally across a border or come legally on another type of visa—then ask for asylum, claiming they will be persecuted if returned to their homeland. Once granted asylum however, the asylum seekers get all of the same welfare goodies that refugees receive.


Are refugees taking from federal programs for American poor and homeless, sure looks like it

Sacramento to welcome large number of Syrians says resettlement contractor

UNHCR Antonio Guterres leaving post at the end of the year, replacement?

Denmark: Sex education for wannabe refugee rapists

Are Fake Virus Warnings a New Method to Disrupt Free Speech?

This has been driving me nuts: Avast, an Anti-Virus product that I have in the past recommended, has been flagging JihadWatch.org as having malware, with warnings such as “Infection Blocked,” “Avast WebShield has blocked a harmful web page or file,” and “A threat has been detected.” Of course, this is not true. There is no virus.

avastI first got notification of the issue last week. As it happens, I’ve seen it a couple of times before; in fact, AVG, another anti-virus company, followed Avast and also started flagging JihadWatch.org, but a simple email asking them to look again was sufficient to get them to correct their signatures and apologise for getting it wrong.

McAfee has no issue with Jihad Watch:


Neither does Norton:




Or any of the other 63 malware scanning sites listed here.

Avast has been sent dozens of complaints. Most received a response, although I did not. They even admit that there is no malware in a few of the responses. Here is one:

Hello X,

Thank you for contacting Avast.

…Once they stop using useless obfuscation, it will not be blocked (it is the obfuscation that is being detected, not the actual deobfuscated code!) .

Thank you

Best regards

Richard Šrank

Avast Technical Support Specialist

That “obfuscation” he is talking about is the Counter DDoS prevention code that JihadWatch.org uses. It’s essential to keep the site available, as we are literally seeing tens of millions of attacks every day. Obviously we need to stay one step ahead. Yet Avast is saying that we should remove that protective code, and then they will stop saying we have malware, even though they know we don’t have malware in the first place. Apart from the sheer lunacy of this demand, one has to question their honesty and competence in checking anything: if they can say something is unsafe when they know it isn’t and admit that they know, how can anyone be sure that when they say something is safe that it really is?

ddos-encodedb64Now about this code. I won’t post it here as text, as we know they will flag that also, but any competent developer can tell there is nothing malicious there. It’s no secret. It’s simple base64 encoding, easily decoded, not that it will mean much. The point is, it’s easy to see it’s not malicious. It’s easy for Avast to add a signature to their scanners even if they did see this scary “obfuscation.” Their choice of words is interesting: when script is “encoded” for good reason, as this is, we just call it “encoded,” not obfuscation, as developers can easily decode it to see the real code behind it, using any number of tools.

So is this sheer incompetence on Avast’s part or another method to disrupt free speech? I can’t tell, but in the meantime, please report these false positives to Avast at avast.com, choosing report false virus alert, and let any of your friends know that JihadWatch.org is not infected in any way. Those who encounter Avast’s virus alert should click ignore, which is sometimes an option, or switch to a more reliable Anti-Virus solution (it should be noted that although AVG got it wrong initially, they were quick to correct their mistake).


Strategies of Denial Revisited (Part I)

UK cops knew Muslim rape gangs were targeting schools 5 years ago, did nothing