Tag Archive for: fascist

Is America Becoming Fascist?

Government spies are watching you from some of the least expected PRIVATE companies. Companies are getting rich by contracting with the government to keep tabs on your movements and actions 24/7.

In fascist America, many of the corporations we do business with on a daily basis are in fact acting as secret agents of the government.

Facebook, Instagram, Google-YouTube, TikTok, etc., are all working with the government at every level. Your education data, your health data, your financial data, almost all of it can be requisitioned by the government at a moment’s notice and it will be turned over.

But some companies are turning over your personal data where you would least expect it. Remember, the very definition of fascism is when the private sector corporations are colluding with government agencies to oppress the people. Keep that in mind as we look at a shocking story that broke over the weekend that impacts almost every American.

The Daily Mail, citing an article in Forbes magazine, has a shocking story about FedEx using AI-powered cameras installed on its trucks to serve as the watchful eyes of police departments nationwide.

The private postal-delivery firm has partnered with a $4 billion surveillance startup company based in Georgia called Flock Safety, Forbes reported.

Flock specializes in automated license plate recognition and video surveillance, and already has a fleet of around 40,000 cameras spanning 4,000 cities across 40 states.

FedEx has teamed up with the company to monitor its facilities across the U.S., but under the deal it is also sharing its Flock surveillance feeds with law enforcement. And it is believed to be one of four multi-billion-dollar private companies with this type of arrangement.

Critics liken the move to rolling out a mass surveillance network – as it emerged that some local police departments are also sharing their Flock feeds with FedEx.

Here is a short exposé on Flock and its founder.

Jay Stanley, a policy analyst with the ACLU, told the Virginian Pilot: “There’s a simple principle that we’ve always had in this country, which is that the government doesn’t get to watch everybody all the time just in case somebody commits a crime.”

He adds that, “The United States is not China. But these cameras are being deployed with such density that it’s like GPS-tracking everyone.”

In response to Forbes’ report that FedEx was part of Flock’s nationwide surveillance system, he told the outlet: “It raises questions about why a private company…would have privileged access to data that normally is only available to law enforcement.”

He went on to describe it as “profoundly disconcerting.”

Flock Safety’s cameras are used to track vehicles by their license plates, as well as the make, model, and color of their cars. Other identifying characteristics are also monitored, such as dents and even bumper stickers.

Lisa Femia, staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, warned that FedEx’s participation is open to abuse because private firms are not subject to the same transparency laws as police.

This, she told Forbes, could “leave the public in the dark, while at the same time expanding a sort of mass surveillance network.”

The Shelby County Sheriff’s Office in Tennessee confirmed its partnership with Flock in an email to Forbes, stating:

“We share reads from our Flock license plate readers with FedEx in the same manner we share the data with other law enforcement agencies, locally, regionally, and nationally.”

He also confirmed his department had access to FedEx’s Flock feeds.

So, in essence, FedEx is an arm of the government. More accurately, it’s the eyes and ears of the government. Treat it accordingly. If you’re able to install a gate across your driveway that would require them to leave packages there, do it. If not, make sure all garage doors, blinds, etc., are closed whenever you are expecting a delivery from this company.

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Why Bernie Sanders [and Donald Trump] Matter

why bernie sanders matters book coverWASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Bernie Sanders’ appeal to young, often first time voters, is not a mystery to Harry Jaffe, whose recent book “Why Bernie Sanders Matters” was the subject of a Focus Washington interview with Chuck Conconi. Jaffe said the youthful voters are “attracted to” the VermontSenator’s authenticity.

In that, Jaffe explained, Sanders has “a commonality with (Donald) Trump” in that neither are part of the establishment. The comparison between the two maverick candidates, however, Jaffe points out is that Sanders is a “Populist Socialist,” while Trump is “Populist Fascist.”

In a comparison with the campaign style of Hillary Clinton, with whom he is vying for the Democratic Party nomination to run for president, Jaffe said Sanders says what he thinks and if you don’t agree with it, don’t vote for him. Clinton, on the other hand, he continues, first factors what her handlers think, then what her husband, former President Bill Clinton, thinks and then what she thinks before making a statement. Jaffe said younger voters can detect that difference.

Jaffe also said that the black vote is not monolithic and that southern African Americans — largely rural, more religious and conservative — are quite different from their northern counterparts, who are urban and prioritize good jobs and making a living. The contention is that while Clinton runs exceptionally well with African Americans in the southern states, she might not do as well among northern blacks in the upcoming Ohio and Illinois primaries.

A Washington Magazine editor at large, Jaffe, who has worked on books by educator Michele Rhee and former congresswoman Gabby Gifford, said that pollsters and much of the media were surprised by Sanders upset victory in the Michigan primary. Jaffe said he wasn’t surprised and doesn’t think Sanders was surprised either. He contends that Sanders will also do well in the upcoming Ohio and Illinois primaries because Sanders, who consistently votes against international trade agreements, has always been a spokesman for the working class who see their jobs outsourced overseas, and that they are not getting paid as well as they once were. They like his opposition to trade agreements, a factor that political pundits said was a major part of his Michigan victory.

Harry Jaffe provides interesting insights on democratic voters, upcoming primaries and even some surprises about the candidate himself as a college student during the 1960s. Bernie Sanders champions voters who feel like they don’t matter in Washington; and because he lets them know that they do matter, Bernie Sanders’Presidential bid matters.

See the full interview: http://www.focuswashington.com/2016/03/11/why-bernie-sanders-matters/

To learn more about the author, see his website at: http://www.harryjaffe.com/


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