VIDEOS: The ‘Felons for Trump’ Movement is Lighting Up the 2024 Presidential Election
The Prison Policy Imitative reports that an estimated 19 million people are burdened with the collateral consequences of a felony conviction (this includes those currently and formerly incarcerated), and an estimated 79 million have a criminal record of some kind; even this is likely an underestimate, leaving out many people who have been arrested for misdemeanors.
A Florida woman named Katherine West-Penkwitz, a mother, author, political advocate, former felon and a patriot who speaks truth to power has launched the “Felons for Trump” initiative to get the estimated 19 million felons to vote for their fellow felon President Donald J. Trump.
In her 2019 book Handcuffs in the Sand Katherine West-Penkwitz wrote, “My journey though now eons away remains a part of me forever. This all began at dawn on July 2, 1991, when a SWAT team, armed with sledge hammers, masks, guns, cameras and dogs burst into our spacious waterfront home by Boca Grande, Florida. They were accompanied by the Marine Patrol, US Customs and the DEA [Drug Enforcement Agency]. Terrified, I rushed to protect my rottweilers, Draco and Magic leading them quickly into the master bathroom… Instantly, Vinnie and I knew this morning would change our destinies.”
Katherine continues, “My whole life was upside down. Would I ever see home again? What was everyone going to think about this side of my life? Nothing brought me relief, not even my tears.
Since the raid on her and Vinnie’s Boca Grand home in 1991 Katherine turned her life around and became an outspoken advocate for prison reform and equal justice under the law.
While in prison Katherine asked, “Was the United States creating more broken homes with so many prisoners with such long sentences, while not rehabilitating the greatest percentage of addicts? Most of these people do go home eventually. Why not equip the with tools to fight the temptation to repeat the cycle?
The below videos show how Katherine, now living in Sarasota, Florida, has become a true American patriot and not afraid to speak truth to power.
Please share this column and these “Felons for Trump” videos with family, friends and on social media.
Katherine ends her book Handcuffs in the Sand with this profound statement, “Trying to be happy isn’t that what we all are trying to do? Wasn’t that what I was trying to do before my personal Inferno? I think I know how to do that better now.”
BTW, the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence were declared felons by King George and subject to the death penalty.
©2024. Dr. Richard M. Swier, LTC U.S. Army (Ret.) All rights reserved.