Tag Archive for: Fitan

The Knife Did It!

Germany Chancellor Olof Scholz is calling for greater “knife control.”

That’s right. When a Syrian Muslim illegal migrant slashed the throats of several middle aged Germans at a “diversity festival” recently, it was the fault of the knife, not the Muslim.

We’ve seen this movie before.

Now the German government wants to ban German citizens — who, let’s remember, weren’t the ones on a slashing spree — from carrying knives over 2.4 inches long. That’s down from the current ban on knives over 4.5 inches.

I wonder, will the German police start frisking German citizens to test the size of their concealed knives? What other concealed parts will they also begin to measure?

I can just about guarantee you that they won’t be measuring those Muslim “migrants” for anything, let alone the size of their Korans. That would be racist and discriminatory.

Instead, let’s have more “knife control.”

Perhaps the Chancellor should leave his kitchen knives lined up outside his bedroom door to see what crimes they will commit overnight? (But perhaps he doesn’t dare to….)

Also this week, Pope Francis called on governments around the world to welcome migrants, because it was the right thing to do. I guess he failed to consult with Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, who as president of the Pontifical Commission for the Vatican City State, actually runs the Vatican and has authority over its immigration laws.

There are currently 618 citizens of the Vatican, and a total of 764 residents. To protect them, Cardinal Alzaga retains 104 Swiss Guards, and another 130 gendarmes tasked with ensuring “internal security.”

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying the Pope shouldn’t be protected better than former president Donald Trump. But I don’t want to live in a country where every third person is an armed agent of the government.

Even the family members of the Vatican’s Mercenary Army don’t get to keep their citizenship forever. Once their children turn 18, they become stateless.

How’s that for Christian charity?

You’ll be relieved to note that another week has gone by without a major regional war in the Middle East, just your average bombings and missile strikes and Israeli raids to catch terrorists plotting to kill Jews. Meanwhile, the International Atomic Energy Agency tells us that the Iranian regime continues to enrich uranium to 60%, which is essentially weapons-grade.

I’m sure you will be especially relieved to learn that Kamala Harris’s presumed Secretary of State nominee, Philip Gordon, helped negotiate the failed 2015 Iran nuclear deal and has co-authored opeds with members of the pro-Tehran lobby in Washington, DC. More about that in my upcoming book, The Iran House.

But hey, no one cares until Labor Day, right?

Until then, I remain yours in freedom,

©2024. Kenneth R. Timmerman. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Comrade Kamala, “With a stroke of my pen I could have someone arrested.”

I discuss these and more in my weekly segment on geopolitics on Prophecy Today Weekend. As always, you can listen live at 1 PM on Saturday on 104.9 FM of 550 AM in the Jacksonville, Florida area, or by using the Jacksonville Way Radio app. Or listen to the podcast later.

The Crimes of Qassem: The U.S. should shut down Iran’s top terrorist

He might not be a household name in America — at least, not yet. But throughout the Middle East, Qassem Suleymani makes the righteous and the innocent tremble.

To the righteous — meaning, from his perspective, the Shiite zealots who believe the Islamic state of Iran should establish the caliphate and dominate the world — he is an awe-inspiring figure.

He is powerful. He is brash. He brazenly shows up on the battlefield to encourage his troops. In Iraq, he has become the maker of prime ministers and governments, and commands a militia of 100,000 men.

To his innocent victims, he is the face of Terror, Inc. As head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps – Quds Force (IRGC-QF), Qassem Suleymani is Iran’s top terrorist.

The Quds Force is euphemistically in charge of “extraterritorial” operations for the IRGC. I call it their expeditionary overseas terrorist wing.

In the early days, they were the ones who sent terror trainers to Lebanon to teach Hezbollah how to build better car bombs. Later, they knocked off a Lebanese prime minister and launched an all-out war on Israel in the summer of 2006, firing thousands of rockets at Israeli schools, hospitals and towns.

When Iran’s leaders decided in the early 1990s to forge an alliance in terror with a Saudi dissident named Osama bin Laden, they turned the file over to the Quds Force for action.

The Quds Force has been implicated in terror plots all around the world, including a failed 2011 attempt to blow up the Saudi ambassador at a Washington, D.C. restaurant. Suleymani and his operatives were also implicated in the September 11 plot, helping 10 to 12 of the Saudi “muscle” hijackers travel clandestinely through Iran to Afghanistan and providing logistical and other support.

In February 2007, Pentagon officials briefed reporters in Baghdad on Quds Force assistance to insurgents in Iraq.

The briefing included information and documents seized from Quds Force operatives detained by U.S. forces in Iraq, and photographic evidence of Iranian-made roadside bombs, known as Explosively Formed Projectiles, or EFPs.

The introduction of EFPs onto the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan by Suleymani and his men changed the scope and scale of U.S. casualties, ultimately accounting for as many as 1,500 U.S. battlefield dead.

I spoke recently to medically retired U.S. Army Sgt. Robert Bartlett about his encounter with an Iranian EFP. The force of the projectile “cut me in half from the left corner of my temple down to my jaw, and took my gunner’s legs off. Because of this Iranian bomb, I died three times in five days.

“Only my faith kept me alive,” he said.

The U.S. Army told Samantha Balsely that her 23-year old husband Michael had been killed in Iraq by an Improvised Explosive Device. Later, it became apparent that he, too, had been killed by an Iranian EFP.

“When I found out the government had given Iran billions of dollars, it was the biggest slap in the face,” Samantha told me. “How can you say you respect what our men and women do when you order them over there and then you pay their killers. It’s not right.”

Samantha Balsley is right. It’s just not right for the U.S. government to continue rewarding the Iranian regime, when they continue to kill Americans.

We know who these killers are. They have names. And they work for an organization: the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and its “expeditionary” Quds Force.

As an immediate step, the Trump administration should follow through on hints that it is contemplating designating the IRGC and the Quds Force as international terrorist organizations.

The United States should take additional steps against Suleymani personally, blocking his assets, punishing businesses that transact with him or his Quds Force killers, and seeking an international travel ban.

Beyond that, the U.S. intelligence community should investigate reports from officials and media in Iraqi Kurdistan that Suleymani and the Quds Force facilitated the ISIS takeover of Mosul and the Nineveh Plain in June 2014, acts that could qualify as war crimes.

The crimes of Qassem Suleymani are many. After Osama bin Laden, he has more American blood on his hand than any terrorist. It’s time we shut him down for good.

VIDEO: DHS Whistle-blower ready to help President Trump ‘Drain the Swamp’

In a December 2016 WorldNet Daily column by Leo Hohmann former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agent Philip B. Haney stated:

CVE [Countering Violent Extremism policy] is similar in many ways to the ‘catch and release’ program Obama has implemented at the border. You have a person in custody, you question them, but then you let them go.

Read more…

That’s exactly what German authorities did with 24-year-old Anis Amri, a native of Tunisia who came to Europe as an illegal alien, first arriving in Italy seven years ago as a teenager. He was convicted of arson and spent four years in prison, was released and made his way to Germany in July 2015.

Hohmann notes:

The CVE program is rooted in United Nations Agenda 2030 principles on migrant rights, which are adopted by sanctuary cities throughout the world. The principles of CVE are being implemented in city police departments worldwide through the U.N.’s Strong Cities Network, as well as through the U.N. New Urban Agenda.

[ … ]

Haney said President-elect Donald Trump must do away with the suicidal CVE policies installed by Obama, because these policies are more concerned with violating the civil rights and civil liberties of Islamic radicals than they are with protecting America.

The first step to drain the swamp in the DHS is to eliminate CVE. Please listen to Haney explain how the DHS must be reoriented to a law enforcement model to keep America and Americans safe:

VIDEO: Bill O’Reilly calls for one year moratorium on refugee resettlement

I happened to catch his talking points memo last night.

However, he didn’t have the story exactly accurate on Australia.  He praised that country for its tough stance on illegal migrants as if it’s always been that way. But for those interested in digging in to the facts there, see our category on Australia (184 posts going back 8 years) and see that their hardline stance is relatively recent and that the country foolishly admitted, for years, large numbers of Muslim migrants that are now pretty aggressive.

O’Reilly also mentioned the strange deal that the Obama Administration is advancing where we would take off Australia’s hands hundreds (at least) of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers (our coverage here) presently housed in off-shore detention facilities.

However, here is the part we liked best in O’Reilly’s statement.  Thanks to Media Matters for tracking this type of story more closely than some on our side do.

You can see 3 + minutes of the statement by O’Reilly by clicking here.  (I see they left out the Australia portion.) You may not like some of O’Reilly’s prescriptions for dealing with our illegal aliens living in the US.


Rep. Brian Babin to Congress: Don’t fund Obama refugee slush fund!

Ohio Somali slasher family’s lawyer says family scared by Trump

Syrians instead of Americans are receiving life-changing scholarships

According to at least 60 colleges around the country who are involved in tagging Syrians to receive the millions of dollars in free education and boarding, it was pressure from the students that made them do it.

When one thinks of most college students these days, you don’t envision many with a grasp on world affairs, rather what comes to mind are the “people on the street” interviews which reveal this group to have a lack of understanding of simple things like, “Who is our vice-president, or What war did we fight for our independence?”

But, supposedly graduate students, student governments, and regular run-of-the-mill students are reported to have pushed for the colleges and universities to give scholarships to Syrian refugees. I’m not buying that.

What makes more sense is the involvement of a non-profit group called the IIE Syria Consortium for Higher Education in Crisis who is pushing a campaign called the “No Lost Generation.”

According to their website the Syrian project was started in 2012 at the Clinton Global Initiative. Its original partners are,

“Institute for International Education (IIE), Jusoor, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), and the U.S. Department of State joined by the Global Platform for Syrian Students, Kaplan Test Prep International, and the University of California, Davis.”

It goes on further,

“The Consortium provides emergency support to Syrian university students and professors, as they will be so urgently needed to help rebuild Syria.”

It is highly unlikely these students will return to their country of Syria after receiving post-graduate, masters and doctorate degrees from our most prestigious universities. Instead they will inhabit the few high-paying jobs that are available in Obama’s economy and will have essentially killed the aspirations of some other truly deserving American who has studied all of his/her life in order to attempt to live the ever dwindling American dream.

According to Elizabeth Graddy who is the vice provost of academic and faculty affairs at The University of Southern California,

“A university with the stature and profile of USC must ensure that students and scholars of all backgrounds are afforded the opportunity to be part of a culture of academic excellence,”

She continued,

“Our participation in the IIE Syria Consortium speaks to our commitment to the public good and to our status as a global university by assisting those whose educations have been hindered by turmoil and warfare.”

Since when do American Universities carry the responsibility to educate students “globally”? I wonder if the parents of the American USC students even consider the fact they fork out the big bucks for their children to go to this school, only to turn around and have it award scholarships to non-Americans who will take careers right out from under their kids in the future.

I guess this kind of multicultural, open-borders talk isn’t surprising coming from someone in a leading academic role of one of our higher institutions for learning, but is there any possibility these schools could actually help Americans achieve their dreams?

Not all colleges are bending to the pressure from their students. According to The Spokesman Review,

“At least one college, though, questions whether it’s legal to earmark financial aid for Syrian students. The University of Colorado Boulder rejected a petition asking to create scholarships for Syrian students, saying it would violate a federal law banning discrimination based on national origin. The school says it already offers other financial aid to help international students, including Syrians.”

The article goes on further to explain how the colleges who are offering the scholarships are being more lax on their English language requirements and are moving from a standardized test to an online interview, often allowing the foreign student to scan copies of their transcripts when the original can’t be found.

This seems to expedite the means of getting the Syrian student onto American soil, and sounds very much like our Department of Homeland Security’s vetting system, a simple interview.

If its one thing Obama has definitely done in his tenure, it would be making sure Americans are the last in line. This includes our veterans, tax-paying citizens, our needy and impoverished, and now college students. Maybe the parents who are funding these institutions should start demanding things of their own and start putting pressure on the academic leaders to supply Americans with opportunities first.

Islamic State: Pakistan Taliban leader Adnan Rashid has pledged allegiance to the Caliphate

Breaking News: Adnan Rashid commander of #Taliban Pakistan pledge allegiance to Islamic State. #Pakistan #TTP #KPK pic.twitter.com/wO1R8cKgUa

So claims Abu Talut Khorasani, who claims himself to be an ex-Taliban commander who has pledged allegiance to the Islamic State. The Islamic State is making a concerted effort to win over the Taliban and gain a foothold in Pakistan and Afghanistan. If they succeed, they could present an even more formidable force against free people than they are now.


German highway banner: “Your children will pray to Allah or die!”

29% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Insincere Apology


Scene from Boston Bombing.

How can a jihadi repent for his jihad? My latest in FrontPage:

“Tsarnaev apologizes for Boston Marathon bombing,” trumpeted the Boston GlobeWednesday, and certainly the young jihad murderer talked a good game: “I would like to apologize to the victims and the survivors,” he said. “I am sorry for the lives I have taken, for the suffering I have caused, and for the terrible damage I have done.” The only problem with these tardy words was that they were almost certainly insincere.

Tsarnaev gave a hint of the likelihood that his tears of repentance were of the reptilian variety when he added: “I am Muslim. My religion is Islam. I pray to Allah to bestow his mercy on those affected in the bombing and their families. I pray for your healing.”

Healing from what? The physical and emotional wounds he inflicted upon them in the name of Allah, and in his service. As prosecutors argued in April that he deserved the death penalty, they released a video of Tsarnaev three months after his attack, looking into the security camera in his cell, primping his hair in the reflection, and then flashing the V sign and then giving his middle finger to his jailers.

And why not? He believed he had done a righteous deed. The motivations of Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev became clear very quickly after Dzhokhar was apprehended. CNN reported a week after the bombings that “Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, wounded and held in a Boston hospital, has said his brother—who was killed early Friday—wanted to defend Islam from attack.”

And just before he was captured, when he was hiding out inside a pleasure boat, Dzhokhar wrote a long self-justification on the inside of the boat, including the line: “When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims.”

It came to light soon after the bombings that on a Russian-language social media page Dzhokhar had featured a drawing of a bomb under the heading “send a gift,” and just above links to sites about Islam. Tamerlan’s YouTube page contained two videos by Sheikh Feiz Mohammed. According to a report published in The Australian in January 2007, in a video that came to the attention of authorities at the time, Feiz Mohammed “urges Muslims to kill the enemies of Islam and praises martyrs with a violent interpretation of jihad.”

Tamerlan also said, “I’m very religious.” His friend Donald Larking affirmed this. “Tamerlan Tsarnaev was my friend and we talked about everything from politics to religion,” according to Larking. “He was very, very religious. He believed that the Qur’an was the one true word and he loved it.” Tamerlan did not drink alcohol because Allah forbade it—“God said no alcohol”—and his Italian girlfriend had converted to Islam, as his American wife did later.

The Boston Marathon bombs were similar to IEDs that jihadis used in Afghanistan and Iraq, and Faisal Shahzad, who tried to set off a jihad car bomb in Times Square in the summer of 2010, also used a similar bomb. The instructions for making such a bomb had even been published in al-Qaeda’s Inspire magazine.

Not only were the motivations of the Tsarnaev brothers abundantly clear; it is likely that they were actually tied in somehow to the international jihad network—as was indicated by how they fought off Boston police early on the Friday after the Marathon bombings with military-grade explosives. The question of where they got those explosives has never been answered. Nor has it ever been explained where the brothers got the military training that they reportedly displayed during the fight against police before Tamerlan was killed and Dzhokhar was captured.

And now Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is repentant? Why would he be? The only possibility for that would be if he is losing the faith that led him to think mass murder at the Boston Marathon would bring him heavenly reward, and he ruled that out at his sentencing Wednesday when he said, “I am Muslim. My religion is Islam.”

Why, then, did he express remorse for the bombing? Maybe he wanted to stave off the death penalty – or maybe he wanted to aid in that primary work of Muslim spokesmen in the West: polishing the ever-tarnished image of Islam, tarnished in this case by his jihad murders. Whatever Dzhokhar Tsarnaev may have calculated when, during the long hours in his cell, he decided to express remorse, a sincere rejection of his act is the least likely possibility. Much more likely was the possibility that he was suddenly been overcome with a decidedly un-jihadi fear of death.

“I ask Allah to have mercy on me, my brother, and my family,” Tsarnaev said Wednesday. For his jihad, or for his repentance? The latter is more likely.


Interview with 2nd Victim of Okla Muslim Beheader: ‘He Started Slicing My Neck’ ‘Shouting in Arabic’

Leading Muslim body calls airing of Muhammad cartoons “odious terrorist act”

Nigeria: Sharia court sentences two to death for blasphemy against Muhammad