Tag Archive for: Flight 370

Soviet Socialism in the 21st century: Putin and a Missing Jet

The words “Putin and a Missing Jet” are not mine; they belong to Bill O’Reilly, The O’Reilly Factor, Fox New. On March 26, 2014, announcing the next segment, Mr. O’Reilly  whom I enormously respect, had pronounced these five words: Putin and a missing jet. When I heard them my pulse went up—O’Reilly agrees with me, he is connecting Putin and a missing jet! Alas, I was wrong. It was just the announcement for two separate events: Russian invasion of Ukraine and a missing MH 370. Yet, I continue thinking that all recent negative events in the world, including mudslides in Washington State and an earthquake in California are connected.

If you are watching closely the reports of the world affairs in March 2014, you can grasp a strange metamorphose: the Russian invasion of Ukraine became a secondary story –MH 370 was captivating the world. This is a Red Flag!

Diverting public attention is well familiar to me. Of course, the search for the Malaysian 370 must go on vigorously until we know the cause of the mystery. It is exactly three weeks into the search and nobody can predict the outcome. We have lost 329 human souls and the world is responsible to continue an intensive search to know the Truth. Why? Because I believe it was a man-made disaster.

I have already introduced the Department of Agitation and Propaganda and its methods of operation, run by the KGB. Now it is the time to obtain finally a real understanding of the Russian Intelligence apparatus. Writing a series of articles three years ago, I warned the readers of a strange silence about Russia in our media and added—we will pay a dear price for our ignorance. Today, in March, 2014 all my warnings are coming true. We are paying a dear price being the witnesses to the terrible events in the world: Annexation of Crimea by Russia, our inability to solve mystery of Malaysian 370 for a month, and an overwhelming, drastic degradation within Western civilization.

I still continue to see a logical connection between these current realities. Why? Because I know WWIII is upon us and you should know it too.

The description of WWIII is in my article published on March 17, 2014. To grasp the realities of our days, you ought to be familiar with the history of Russian Intelligence apparatus, presented in my two last books. To analyze a global predicament and geography of negative events, we need knowledge. Chapter 7 of my last book had been entitled WWIII: Recruitments and Drugs, Infiltration and AssassinationsI wrote that ten years ago, warning you.


Scan of first KGB card.

I am a former defense attorney and when I watched the anguish and heard the desperate cries of the grieving families in China and Malaysia, the memory of my clients in Russia, flashed through my mind—people’s grieving is similar regardless of the geography. Do you see how the search for MH 370 becomes political issue? The geography and ideology play a major role in the 21st century, because both are the driving force in Putin’s attempt to reconstruct the Soviet Union, which means, restoring the Stalin’s Russia, considering the KGB’s absolute power in Russia today.

If you think that contemporary Russia is a capitalist country like America or England, you are wrong.

The KGB, run by Putin has created a new type of economy, I called it—Crony Capitalism. It has nothing to do with your knowledge of Capitalism: no competition, no free market, instead the entirety of Russian wealth is in the hands of Putin’s friends, we called them—Oligarchs. And this is my warning, yet again. In the preceding articles I wrote about an ideological fraud, of which Russian Crony Capitalism is an inextricable part of it.

Do you remember how I characterize the Russian KGB’s apparatus as a Doer of Stalin’s policy? Yet to talk about a brutal force of the KGB is not enough; I’d like to give you two examples so you can comprehend my thought-process. One example is a tragic event that took place in 1979, the other a tragedy was in 2012. I am doing that to show you the history of Russian intentions and motivations, in case you have already forgotten, it was Stalin who planned the One World Government under the Kremlin’s auspices.

Some years ago, I watched a TV Documentary Jonestown, CNN. Sitting frozen, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a miniature picture of the Stalinist slave-labor camp with overwhelming fear, secrecy, physical abuse, lies, and indoctrination of the Socialist ideas. At the same time the words like dignity and economic equality for the proletariat were used to mesmerize and seduce the audience—a wonderful socialist utopia. Those words were so familiar to me that the similarity had stunned me. The tragic end in Jonestown with hundreds of dead bodies on the ground and 300 dead children made me sick and angry.  Who could perpetrate such a horrible crime against innocent Americans, poisoning them with cyanide?

Researching the story of the Jonestown tragedy I have found several interesting facts. The leader of the movement, who perpetrated the ultimate crime, Rev. Jim Jones was a pastor who established the Peoples Temple—a cult in California. Eloquent and smart, operating with false but appealing terms, he attracted a substantial group of Blacks and Whites who had believed in his propaganda and they followed him to Guyana. He had help from several organizers, as well. It was there in Guyana, far from the American authorities where the unspeakable crime took place.

I see the Jonestown tragedy as a disaster orchestrated by the KGB—the test of the “naïve and gullible” Americans. Do you remember how the KGB’s Chairman Andropov characterized the people of America? Analyzing all aspects of the Jonestown events, you will find all the elements of the Stalinist cult of personality, schooling indoctrination and training, a typical attempt of mind control.

Can you imagine my feeling when I heard a Jonestown’s survivor’s story? He told that the people of Jonestown had to study the Russian language and he, the survivor had an assignment: Rev. Jim Jones asked him to bring a suitcase with money to the Russian Embassy in Guyana. That is why he survived. I hope you can arrive to a real conclusion after reading the first example. Before giving you a second example, please remember that Putin and Obama are adhered to the same ideology—both want to weaken America.

Have you seen James Rosen from Fox News reporting on Surrendering America? Please watch it. Fox presented vivid evidence of Putin’s and Obama’s unity in action better than I could ever do.

After that preamble, I can give you the second example. Almost two years had past since the murder of our Ambassador in Benghazi. Numerous investigations had no decisive answer. Several House Committees have investigated the Benghazi terrorist attack and there will be another investigative session on March 31, 2014. Only knowledge of Stalinist ideology coupled with the KGB’s activities can produce an understanding of the tragedy in Benghazi. A year ago, I wrote a letter to my Republican friends, here is the part about Benghazi:

“Benghazi was a pre-planned operation to Liquidate Ambassador Stevens to cover up transfer of arms to help the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria. This was a joint operation of the Russian Intelligence and the Muslim forces trained by Russia. The attack started immediately after Mr. Stevens finished his supper with a Turkish officer. Put together three facts to see the event clear: a) Benghazi was known as a very dangerous territory, b) the 9/11 day is known worldwide as a date of the attack by the terrorists. c) Someone was taking pictures of the consulate in Benghazi. The question is: why did Obama send Ambassador Stevens to Benghazi on 9//11 with a very questionable mission? The answer is simple—to get rid of the witness of the crime. By the way it is a typical of Stalinist’s to liquidate a person who knows too much.”

This paragraph will be understood by those who know Stalinism, the KGB, and the background of the Muslim Brotherhood…

To be continued. Please visit: www.simonapipko1.com

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo is by Piotr Drabik. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.