Tag Archive for: Florida Republican Assembly

Republican Party of Florida Attempts to Silence and Shut Down the Florida Republican Assembly

Another attempt by the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) to put down a true conservative Republican movement the Florida Republican Assembly (FRA).

The Florida Republican Assembly is a Judeo-Christian Grassroots Organization committed to restoring the Republican Party to it’s founding principles.

Ronald Reagan called the Republican Assemblies the, “Conscience of the Republican Party.”

Watch this short video below to learn more about the Florida Republican Assembly’s history.

It is hard to understand why Evan Power and the RPOF goes after other groups who work hard to elect true Republican candidates and to bring about election integrity.  Seems like they want to “eat their own young” rather than fostering a climate of mutual respect and partnership in like goals.  Same thing happened in 2024 Legislative session when the Republican super majority in Legislature refused to pass 6 excellent Election Integrity Bills supported by RLC, Defend FL, WH 912 and other true conservative groups like FRA which would have greatly helped guard against cheating in the 2024 election process.

This is ridiculous and lends itself to the UNIPARTY where Democrats prevail not the united GOP where true conservative values prevail.

Please read this letter to Governor DeSantis from the Florida Republican Assembly :

Dear Gov. DeSantis,

EVAN POWERS, Chair of the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) is attempting to silence and shut down our Florida Republican Assembly (FRA) organization – without cause – by having his lawyer send a “cease and desist” letter demanding that we stop using the word “Republican”!

This hostile and frivolous act is based on a statute that requires an organization to be inexistence and organized on a statewide basis for a period of TEN YEARS in order to be able to use the “Republican” name.

For the record, Mr. Evan Powers is associated and his lobbying firm represents, Ramba, which is a conflict of interest in itself, his organization lobbied AGAINST hand-counting of paper ballots (HB359), AND IN FAVOR OF the Harassment Bill, SB721; which would have allowed the arrest and jailing on third-degree felony charges, of any one questioning the processes or results of an election. This legislation (SB721) is part of a national push by far-leftist David Becker and his “Election Officials Legal Defense Network”. Eighteen leftist states have passed that bill so far, and without the call to action of our FRA, Florida would have been the nineteenth!

This call to action is to question Mr. Powers in his capacity as Chair of RPOF and the overall leadership RPOF as to their motives for creating division and strife among Florida Republicans. Powers’ actions, in our opinion, constitute extremely bad faith and misuse of Party resources. This all seems like a self-serving power play on the part of the RPOF chair, Evan Powers.

We are asking for copies of the RPOF action including the minutes authorizing him to use party resources to fight other Republicans rather than pursue the stated mission of the Republican Party and acting to win the most important election of our lifetime.

Whereas the primary mission of the FRA is Judeo-Christian community, legislative and candidate leadership development, registering voters as well as assistance to the RPOF by providing poll workers, poll watchers, and precinct captains, we find that the act of trying to remove the identity and work of the FRA in the most critical election cycle of our time is disruptive, fallacious, and dangerous to our nation.

Chairman Evan Powers has shown, through this action, which attempts to divide and weaken Florida Republicans and is therefore harmful to the election of the Republican candidate for President of the United States, that he is UNFIT TO SERVE AS FLORIDA STATE CHAIRMAN OF RPOF and MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY.

The FRA hereby calls on the Governor, Ronald DeSantis, to speak to this issue, in public and on there cord and replace this self-interested despot immediately.

©2024. Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.