Tag Archive for: fraud

The Unmasking of Dr. Mengele S. Fauci

Irony of ironies: members of the feckless GOP that not only stood by while Dr. Snake Eyes  brought America to her knees through bizarre, uncalled for “lockdowns” and “mask-ups,” but also did nothing as he pushed a dangerous experimental gene-disrupting shot on our public while virtually banning therapeutics that work against Covid, are now suddenly outraged and calling for his resignation—not because he’s responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths of Americans, which he is, but because he tortured puppies.


As we saw with Cuomo, who’s guilty of murdering thousands of elderly New Yorkers in nursing homes, but was taken down for having groped a woman, we can at times dethrone a perpetrator of evil, but we may never assault the narrative. So the Fauch can be removed, but the narrative he espoused for the past two years must remain intact and sacrosanct. Thus the Beagle puppies shall be sacrificed for the second time—this time to give their tormentor cover.

Why did the puppy story suddenly surface now? Perhaps in advance of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, which is coming out on November 16th. And perhaps because some people are currently revisiting suspicious death of Kary Mullis—inventor  of the PCR technique. Mullis has been dubbed “Fauci’s worst enemy.” He died in 2019 shortly before the PCR test, which he’d been adamant was only for research and should never be used diagnostically, was co-opted by the CDC et al.. Hmmmm….

But why the puppy story in the first place? Presumably the powers-that-be couldn’t find a woman willing to testify the Fauch had manhandled her against her will, so they had to look  elsewhere to come up with a story that would arouse even Democrats against him, but would leave the Plandemic narrative intact.

Unsurprisingly, slippery Tony is already slithering out of PuppyGate by apparently getting underlings to claim it wasn’t his organization that funded the torture of healthy purebred Beagle pups—similar to the way he tried to pin the Gain-of-Function bat virus research on EcoHealth Alliance.


Many of us have been watching Tony “the weasel” Fauci prevaricate time and again, while maintaining his duper’s delight sly half-smile, so the recent exposure of a new Faucian atrocity came as no surprise. Indeed, those who’ve watched Dr. Judy Mikovits tell her riveting story, and/or have read her excellent book Plague of Corruption, are already well versed in Tricky Tony’s sneaky ways and diabolical character. Unlike Dr. FauxChi, Mikovits is a real scientist as well as a brave whistleblower and truth teller. Fauci destroyed her career when she exposed the harm coming from certain vaccines back in the day. You’ve got to admit he’s good at protecting his own bottom line, as well as that of his Big Pharma masters.

Did you know that Dr. Kary Mullis  hated Fauci? Mullis and Mikovits are actual scientists; they seek the truth. Dr. FauxPas, on the other hand, is two-thirds crooked Mafia don, and one-third mediocre scientist, if that. Did you know 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 doctors have filed a lawsuit against the CDC, the WHO and others who are responsible for foisting the experimental gene “therapy” inoculations on an unsuspecting public, charging them with violation the Nuremberg Code? And who has been the kingpin all along, holding the American people hostage—first, to a virus, then to a “vaccine”? Who indeed!


No doubt that in his new book, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will unearth many more crimes perpetrated by the good doctor, but just a cursory glance at Fauci’s relatively recent doings yields the following list:

  • AIDS scandal: Promoted only the dangerous, toxic drug AZT for AIDS patients—“one of the most toxic, expensive and controversial drugs in the history of medicine,” according to investigative journalist Celia Farber.

Big Pharma made millions with Fauci helping to push “drug that was worse than the disease, and killed faster than the natural progression of AIDS left untreated”. In 1989, says commentator Kim Iversen, Fauci started promoting the drug not only for critically ill AIDS patients, but for anyone who tested positive for HIV, including those who were asymptomatic and showed no sign of the disease. Hmmm…ring a bell, perhaps?

  • Gain of Function:  Consider this: If it hadn’t been for Herr Doktor Tony Felóny funding the original “gain-of-function” research that resulted in SARS-CoV-2, we would never have experienced this “pandemic,” there would be no vaccine mandates, Trump would still be President, our small businesses would be flourishing, we would have been blissfully spared the toilet paper shortage, and life would have continued on as normal without missing a beat. I rest my case.

But in case you missed the background on this one: Fauci funded the creation of a bioweapon, which is what GoF is all about—first at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill under Ralph  Baric—and then, when this dangerous research was declared illegal in the U.S., Fauci cleverly outsourced it to the infamous bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China.

The rest, as they say, is history.

  • Discrediting/banning HCQ and Ivermectin: Early, safe treatment was not to be allowed! Doctor Evil put the kibosh on Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) which was saving lives around the world, saying it needed “further study.” Ummm…Tony…I’m curious. How come the brand new never-tried-before mRNA “vaccines” didn’t need further study?

Let’s take a look at some numbers: “Some medical experts have estimated that as many as 100,000 lives could potentially have been saved if Hydroxychloroquine had been widely used in 2020.”  And here’s a tweet by Peter Navarro in June of 2021: “I had 60 million tablets of HCQ that Tony Fauci … wouldn’t allow the American public to use because of their Hydroxy Hysteria. Blood on @JohnBerman @cnn and Saint Fauci’s hands. More than 50,000 Americans would be alive today.”

As soon as President Trump recommended Hydroxychloroquine and rushed to secure millions of doses for the American people, Fauci did all he could to block our access to it. After all, with a real cure like HCQ plus zinc, who’d opt for a Frankensteinian vaccine?

  • Shutting down America: Who can forget that in 2020, the Coronavirus Task Force’s Medical Director Faussolini more or less ordered Americans to stay home, mask up, “flatten the curve,” shut their businesses, keep their kids home from school, and wait to either get sick and die in a hospital, or to get the infamous Moderna vaccine from which his NIAID organization stood to handsomely profit. Never mind the “collateral damage” his program was wreaking: decimation of the middle class, evaporation of people’s life’s work, isolation, closed churches and synagogues, depression, suicides, untold hardship, increased poverty, and general misery for most Americans. But Fauci never blinked. In fact, he seems to thrive on making others suffer.

Of course, bringing America to her knees through the faux pandemic was the plan the Deep State and their globalist pals hatched to set President Trump up for failure by wiping out all his gains in the economy. Amazingly, the Trumpian landslide was so great that even after using the Plandemic to rationalize the need for dicey universal mail-in voting, the Dems still had to monkey with the Dominion cheating machines in the middle of the night to effect their planned coup d’etat. But I digress….

  • Remdesivir: While the Fauch dealt the deathblow to HCQ and Ivermectin as treatments for Covid, he did see fit to promote one drug: Remdesivir. It may be a coincidence that HCQ and Ivermectin have been around for decades and are very cheap, and that Remdesivir is very new and extremely expensive. Make of that what you will.

However, it is also true that Remdesivir, not unlike AZT from Fauci’s checkered past, has an unfortunate tendency to kill at least 25% of the patients who take it, by damaging their kidneys. And tragically, it is being given to people in hospitals even against their will!

Dr. Bryan Ardis believes that the use of the dangerous Remdesivir drug is the #1 cause of deaths in COVID wards today, not COVID itself. He also states that hospitals are being incentivised financially to recommend Remdesivir over other drugs. Money talks.

  • The Experimental mRNA vaccines: The Pièce de Résistance has got to be the Covid vaccines and the unconstitutional attempts to mandate them for, well…everyone—except for Congress and friends, that is. Many people have written at great length about the harm these dangerous inoculations do once injected into the body. One of the most serious ones, which seems to be pervasive, is the formation of tiny blood clots in one’s capillaries, that grow over time and go on to cause heart attacks or strokes, as well as harming other vital organs.

Tragically, we now have vaccinated children, especially boys, with myocarditis—inflammation of the heart. Dr. Roger Hodkinson, pathologist, had this to say: “Myocarditis is never mild, particularly in young healthy males.  It’s an inflammation of the heart muscle, the pump of the body.  …The big thing about heart muscle, heart muscle fibers, is that they do not regenerate.”

And you’ve probably read of pilots having strokes in mid-flight after being vaccinated for Covid. This is also an apparent result of the vaccine’s clot-forming mechanism—only one of the many mechanisms of injury from these shots.

  • PuppyGate: It turns out that Feckless Fauci’s funding of the insanely cruel “experiment” on Beagle pups, in light of his lengthy malevolent career, amounts to no more than a brief footnote. How ironic, and what a sad commentary on our society, if it turns out to be the straw that breaks the Fauxster’s back.

In sum: If we were to add up all the deaths that can be laid at Fauci’s door, the number is at least in the hundreds of thousands, and could well be in the millions—and how many more are yet to come in the aftermath of the nationwide vaccine program?


Let’s face an uncomfortable fact: the estimable Dr. Fauci, revered by so many trusting Americans, appears to be a bona fide psychopath. Who but a psychopath would sneakily fund “gain-of–function” research courtesy of a bioweapons lab in Communist China,  and then knowingly promote untested, experimental vaccines that cause people’s bodies to manufacture that very same dangerous “gain-of-function” spike protein, while dissuading people who were sick and likely to die if left untreated, from using truly safe and effective, inexpensive therapeutics such as HCQ and zinc, or Ivermectin? What is this if not a genocidal agenda, unleashed at least in part by a snake wearing a suit?

Speaking of the suffering inflicted by Fauci and his demonic globalist masters: Have you seen videos of erstwhile healthy young women with suddenly shaking limbs or whole-body incessant seizures as a result of being vaxxed? How do we know those videos are authentic? Simple: The fact-checkers have come out in droves to explain them away by claiming these women are suffering from a psychosomatic illness brought on by stress. Nice try, guys.

Add that to the current VAERS numbers of Covid vaccine serious adverse events and deaths: Listed on Open VAERS, from December 2020 to October 29, 2021: 856,917 Adverse Events; Deaths: 18,409. These numbers are shocking. They are higher than the adverse events and deaths from all other vaccines in America from 1990 to the present. Why oh why is this carnage allowed to continue? Ask the smirking little man in the white lab coat.

At this point, the parallels to Dr. Mengele are legion.


I’ll let Fauci have the last word—well, the penultimate word at least.

Here’s what Fauci told Canadian Broadcasting host Nahlah Ayed, as subsequently quoted in Newsweek: “It is just mind-boggling. I mean, if I were some diabolical, evil spirit and I wanted to cast upon the world the worst time to get an outbreak, it’s when you have this kind of combination of divisiveness with the complete accessibility and spread of complete falsehood. There is nothing worse than that in the middle of a pandemic.”

I don’t know about you, but I find it revealing that the inimitable Dr. Fauci actually fantasized on the air about being a demon inflicting a pandemic upon the world, and doing so at the worst possible time. Was this a public confession masquerading as an attack on the “vaccine hesitant”? You be the judge.

In any case, millions of Americans no doubt agree that we’re besieged by falsehoods, but point the finger back at you, Tony, since you and your Big Pharma cronies have been lying to us all along. And millions of us recognize the divisiveness you allude to, but view it as stemming from Beijing Biden’s stolen White House, Big Tech, Big Pharma and assorted allies, as they brutally stomp on our rights, including those of free speech, assembly, religion, and individual autonomy.

Millions of us realize the plan is to impoverish and enslave those of us who manage to escape your lethal injections.  The globalist Cabal you serve may continue to try to herd us into conformity with their deadly and dystopian plans for depopulation and the so-called Great Reset.

But we’re not giving in or giving up. We’re not complying. Not now. Not ever.

And as to your being “a diabolical evil spirit,” you know what they say,  Tony: “If the shoe fits, wear it!”

© 2021 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved.

How Minimum Wage and Rent Control Laws Fail the ‘Bronowski Test’

Public policies often mistakenly treat people that are unlike in crucial ways as if they are alike.

In The Common Sense of Science, the Polish-British mathematician Jacob Bronowski wrote that, “at the basis of human thought lies the judgment of what is like and what is unlike.”

Unfortunately, public policies often mistakenly treat people that are unlike in crucial ways as if they are alike, or those who are alike in crucial ways as if they were unlike.

Housing policy illustrates this point well. In discussions of rent control, attention focuses on how it will treat tenants, but fails to make the critical distinction between present tenants and future tenants, who will be very differently affected. It would provide a massive windfall for current tenants at the expense of landlords, forcing or keeping rents far below market value, with tenancy protections guaranteeing the windfall into the future.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti called it “like winning the lottery.” But it would harm the far larger group of people who seek rental housing after rent control is imposed. The slowed growth or shrinkage in the quantity and quality of the housing stock over time that results will increasingly lead to “no vacancy” signs rather than available or affordable units.

Inclusionary housing policies, such as San Jose’s 2010 law mandating that housing developers of over 19 units sell 15 percent of their units far below their market value, fail to distinguish lucky beneficiaries from unlucky home seekers. Those units were presented as proof that politicians were “doing something” to increase housing availability. However, the mandate increased the costs of non-subsidized new housing, reducing the number of new non-subsidized units constructed. And the large decrease in non-subsidized housing construction swamped the much smaller effect on mandated construction, reducing the future supply of homes, raising home prices for everyone except those who “win” a subsidized home.

Rental housing subsidies similarly violate the Bronowski test. Funding is never sufficient to aid all those eligible for subsidies. Those who do receive aid benefit. But the subsidies also increase the market demand in that sector of the rental market, which increases the market rents all others must pay. Again, looking only at the lucky disguises harm to the unlucky from the same group.

The minimum wage also fails the Bronowski test. Supporters assert “the poor” will gain. However, in labor economist Mark Wilson’s words, “evidence from a large number of academic studies suggests that minimum wage increases don’t reduce poverty levels.” And even if “the poor” in aggregate would gain income, that does not mean “the poor” gain. Those who keep jobs under the same conditions will gain. But many lose. Some lose jobs. Others lose hours of work. For many who keep their jobs and hours, on-the-job training and fringe benefits will fall, or required effort will rise to offset hiked wages. And higher current wages are often less valuable than what is given up, particularly on-the-job training, which enables people to learn and earn their way out of poverty over time. Further, those with fewer skills, less education and less job experience face greater employment losses. But treating low-income workers as if they form a single group leads toward ignoring the fact that lucky low-income workers gain, while many others lose, some to the point of being unemployable.

There are other examples as well. For example, subsidies that go to one group—e.g., the elderly, young, poor, etc.—but not others, fail the Bronowski test. In addition to the taxes that must be paid to provide the subsidies, those subsidized increase the market demand for the goods in question, which means that all those in the same market, but who do not get subsidized, must pay higher market prices than they otherwise would. And like the previous examples, you virtually never hear a mention of it in public policy discussions.

Public policies all-too-frequently fail to adequately distinguish like from unlike. Such failures to meet the Bronowski test often severely compromise both policy understanding and real world results.

That is why if we are to follow the basis of science, we need to make it a pass-fail test. Otherwise we will continue to harm large numbers of those we are supposedly trying to help.


Gary M. Galles

Gary M. Galles is a Professor of Economics at Pepperdine University and a member of the Foundation for Economic Education faculty network.

In addition to his new book, Pathways to Policy Failures (2020), his books include Lines of Liberty (2016), Faulty Premises, Faulty Policies (2014), and Apostle of Peace (2013).

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Plan Would Sabotage U.S. Economic Competitiveness in One Huge Way, Analysis Finds

That’s not ‘Building Back Better’—it’s shooting ourselves in the foot.  

President Biden has heralded his $4.5+ trillion spending proposals and accompanying tax hikes as an investment in “leading the world versus letting it pass us by.” Yet, paradoxically, a new analysis exposes one huge way Biden’s plans would make the US less competitive on the global stage.

Key to financing the spending plans is a proposed increase in the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 26.5 percent. When factoring in state corporate taxes, the US’s average corporate tax rate would reach a whopping 30.9 percent. And according to a new Tax Foundation analysis, this punitive level of business taxation would be the third-highest corporate tax rate among developed countries, outstripped only by Colombia and Portugal.


Why is this a problem?

Well, the US would become a less attractive place for business investment, which is bad news for entrepreneurs, workers, and customers alike. Businesses would understandably be less likely to conduct business in the US when they could go to dozens of other developed countries with lower tax rates. As a result, our economic competitiveness would suffer.

“Returning to near the top of the OECD in corporate tax rates would… disincentivize investment and encourage firms to shift profits and locate elsewhere, resulting in fewer job opportunities for Americans and less tax revenue for the U.S. government,” the analysis explains.


Biden claims his tax-and-spend agenda is meant to reassert America’s dominance. But the costly tax hikes the president seeks would set our economic competitiveness back on the global stage. That’s not “Building Back Better”—it’s shooting ourselves in the foot.


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.

WATCHNew Biden Vax Mandate Doesn’t Make ANY Sense (Here’s Why)

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like this story? Click here to sign up for the FEE Daily and get free-market news and analysis like this from Policy Correspondent Brad Polumbo in your inbox every weekday.

‘A Giant Can of Worms’: Afghans Are Walking Off U.S. Bases, No One Knows Where They Are

My latest in PJ Media:

“It’s a giant can of worms,” said a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services official who asked not to be named, and in these days of rapidly increasing Biden administration authoritarianism, it’s easy to see why. Grateful Afghan refugees are, according to Reuters, upsetting the establishment narrative in large numbers by engaging in “independent departures” from the U.S. military bases where the evacuees are being housed. That is, they’re getting up and walking away, and no one knows where they are. At least 700 Afghans have now left various military bases and are somewhere in the United States. Over 300 have vanished from Fort Bliss alone. No one knows where. What could possibly go wrong?

Remember: Biden’s handlers have no idea who most of these people are. Back on September 1, according to Politico, “a State Department official said in a private briefing to reporters that ‘the majority’ of special immigrant visa applicants were left in Afghanistan due in part to the complications of the evacuation, and that he and his team are ‘haunted’ by the evacuees the U.S. could not get out by the Aug. 31 deadline.” That is, the vast majority: Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted on September 21, according to The Hill, that “of the 60,000 Afghans who have entered the U.S., nearly 8,000 are either U.S. citizens or residents, while about 1,800 are SIV holders, having obtained visas after assisting the U.S. military.”

That leaves around 50,200 Afghan refugees for whom we have no certain identification and no assurance whatsoever that they aren’t jihad terrorists. Nor is that all: The Hill states without a trace of irony that Biden’s handlers have “boasted” about having brought “more than 124,000 people from Afghanistan.” Who is among the other 74,000 who are apparently on their way here? No one knows.

Daniel Greenfield notes that there are three possibilities as to why these evacuees have disappeared from the military bases and left no forwarding address: “They’re not legally who they say they are and are worried that the authorities will find out”; or “they’re committing a crime such as trafficking young girls as had already been reported at Fort McCoy”; or “they’re terrorists here to infiltrate America.”

That third possibility becomes more likely in light of the unpleasant fact that Business Insider reported on August 15:

Thousands of inmates, including former Islamic State and al-Qaeda fighters, were released from a prison on the outskirts of Kabul as the Taliban called for a “peaceful transition” of power. Afghan government troops surrendered Bagram airbase to the Taliban early on Sunday. The base houses Pul-e-Charki prison, which has around 5,000 prisoners. It is the largest in Afghanistan and notorious for its poor conditions. A maximum-security cellblock held members of al Qaeda and Taliban, said reports. Footage published by an independent Afghan news agency, which supports the Taliban, appears to show militants letting the inmates out.

Did any of these al-Qaeda and Islamic State jihadis get on planes bound for America? No one knows.

There is more. Read the rest here.


‘It was a slap in the face’: Top brass forced Marines to erase taunts of ISIS and the Taliban before leaving Afghanistan

Canada: Muslim information technology specialist became narrator of Islamic State jihad recruitment videos

France: Muslim plotted attack on synagogue with Kalashnikov

Canada: Jihadi Muslima denied parole, would ‘likely kill or injure if released,’ insists she doesn’t need medication

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump : ‘We Must Decertify the Election’

Praise G-d!

‘We Must Decertify the Election’: Trump Issues Fiery Response to Audit Bombshells

Donald Trump reacted to the preliminary findings of the independent election audit team that testified in an update to the Arizona Senate on Thursday.

“Arizona Senate hearings on the Maricopa County Election Audit is devastating news to the Radical Left Democrats and the Biden administration,” Trump said.

“While this, according to the Senate is preliminary, with results being announced at a later date, it seems that 74,234 Mail-in Ballots were counted with ‘no clear record’ of them being send,” he added. “There were 18,000 voters who were scrubbed from the voter rolls AFTER the election.”

“They also revealed that the voting system was breached or hacked (by who?),” he added. “Very big printer and ballot problems with different paper used, etc. and MUCH MORE.”

“This highly respected State Senator Wendy Rogers said in a tweet this hearing today means we must decertify the election,” Trump said. “In any event, the Senate patriots are moving forward with final results to be announced in the not-too-distant future, but based on today’s hearing, why even wait?”

Arizona Republican State Sen. Wendy Rogers is calling for “the Biden electors to be recalled to Arizona” and demanding that a “new election must be conducted” following explosive news this week.

Following the audit hearing in Maricopa County, Rogers is calling for Joe Biden’s electors from Arizona to be recalled and for the state to hold a new election.

Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan testified on Thursday that the auditors reported 74,000 ballots that were received and included in the 2020 Election in Maricopa County than were mailed out.

Logan said they found 74,243 mail-in ballots with no clear record of them ever being sent.

“We have 74,243 mail-in ballots where there is no clear record of them being sent,” Doug Logan said. “And so we have 74,000 where we have them came back from individuals where we don’t have a clear indication that they were ever sent out to them.”

Logan stated that the standard of verification for mail-in ballots dropped considerably as the volume of the ballots increased.

Logan claimed that Maricopa County is withholding mail-in ballot images that can be used as evidence.

Logan also said there were 11,326 individuals who did not show up on the version of the voter rolls prepared the day after the election but did show up on the Dec. 4 list as not only being registered but having voted.

And he said there were nearly 4,000 people listed as registering to vote after the cutoff on Oct. 15.


Arizona State Senator Demands Biden Electors be Recalled to Arizona and New Election Held Following Thursday’s Stunning Audit Revelations

GA Election Expert Uncovers 35,000 Potential Illegal Votes Cast, – Trump Only Lost by 12,670

WATCH Maricopa Election Audit Hearing: Breach of Computer Systems During 2020 Election, High Vulnerability for Internet Computer Hack, Fraud Ballots On WRONG PAPER STOCK

Arizona Senate President Says 2020 Election Audit’s Ballot Count Differs From Maricopa Tally

HUGE New Evidence Pointing to Massive Voter Fraud in Fulton County, WHOPPING 60% Error Reporting Rate, Tally Sheets FALSIFIED

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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VIDEO: Facebook Whistleblowers LEAK INTERNAL DOCS Detailing Effort to Secretly Censor Vaccine Concerns on a Global Scale



Two Facebook Insiders have come forward to Project Veritas with leaked internal documents, showing the Big Tech giant’s plan to police “Vaccine Hesitancy” (VH) through surreptitious “comment demotion.”

The company has set up a tier system to rank comments on various scales, based on how much the statement questions or cautions against the COVID-19 vaccination. Facebook admits they are willing to censor comments EVEN IF THEY ARE TRUE.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s release:

  • Comments that include “shocking stories” describing “potentially or actually true events, or facts that can raise safety concerns” — are demoted.
  • “I have to do something” about this outrageous censorship, one of the Facebook insiders said.
  • “They’re trying to control this content before it even makes it onto your page, before you even see it,” the other Facebook insider added. “If I lose my job, it’s like, what do I do? But that’s less of a concern to me.”
  • Project Veritas reached out to a top Facebook Spokesperson about these documents and received only a brief and broad statement in reply, that failed to address our biggest questions regarding transparency.

You can watch the video here:

It’s truly shocking that Facebook attempted to hide this project from the American people.

Project Veritas will never allow Big Tech to get away with lying or omitting information from the public — especially when they engage in blatant censorship to do so. 

Stay tuned…I will be joining Hannity shortly to discuss this story.

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey EXPOSED

Project Veritas released a new video today provided by an Insider at Twitter who recorded Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey calling for more action against President Trump and his supporters on the platform.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO: “We are focused on one account [@realDonaldTrump] right now, but this is going to be much bigger than just one account, and it’s going to go on for much longer than just this day, this week, and the next few weeks, and go on beyond the inauguration.”
  • Dorsey: “So, the focus is certainly on this account [@realDonaldTrump] and how it ties to real world violence. But also, we need to think much longer term around how these dynamics play out over time. I don’t believe this is going away anytime soon.”
  • Dorsey: “You know, the U.S. is extremely divided. Our platform is showing that every single day.”

You can watch the video here:

Political censorship is unacceptable. Plain and simple.

I need you to follow four simple steps to help make censoring this story impossible by those in Big Tech and unavoidable by those in the Mainstream Media.

1.  Download the video from this link right now: https://vimeo.com/500637228/b8ad9ba706

2.  Choose your largest/favorite platform (or multiple) and upload the video.

3.  Copy & Paste this text into your caption:

BREAKING: Twitter Insider Secretly Records CEO Jack Dorsey Detailing Agenda For Further Political Censorship

“We are focused on one account [@realDonaldTrump] right now, but this is going to be much bigger than just one account, and it’s going to go on for much longer…”


4.  POST IT!

The Twitter Insider contacted Project Veritas using the VeritasTips@protonmail.com email address.

It is more important than ever that Big Tech Insiders come to Project Veritas to expose the truth.

Make sure to SHARE this video with your friends and family! 

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video and report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Marine Veteran, and USPS Whistleblower, Richard Hopkins Stands by his Original Account

UPDATE RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents.

Project Veritas released a new video today debunking Mainstream Media claims that Brave USPS Insider Richard Hopkins recanted his claim that his supervisors were backdating ballots in Pennsylvania.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins: “I don’t care who wins this election–I really don’t…the end goal is that it’s a fair and correctly done election.”
  • Richard Hopkins: I stand by my account.
  • Richard Hopkins: “I honestly made an oath when I joined the Marine Corps…military guys say, it’s a blank check. We never give up that check. We’re going to protect our country and our Constitution until the day we die.”
  • Post Office Inspector General Agent Russell Strasser: “The reason they called me in is to try to harness that storm, try to reel it back in before it gets really crazy.”

You can watch the full video here:

It’s a disgrace what USPS investigator Russell Strasser did to Marine combat veteran Richard Hopkins.

Hopkins is an American hero and he stands by the truth. There is no level of intimidation from Strasser that can change that.

I hope the Mainstream Media is paying close attention and correct themselves after lying about Hopkins on this matter.

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Pennsylvania-based USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Comes Forward — Agrees to Testify

  • USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins: “Other employees feel the same way I do, but they do not want to say anything…They contacted me… ‘That was badass.’”
  • Hopkins overheard postmaster rebuke supervisor:
  • “He told the supervisor they had postmarked one of the ballots for the fourth, instead of the third.”
  • Hopkins: “I’m nervous. I am nervous because this is a big deal.”
  • Hopkins: I will testify before Congress about what I heard.
  • James O’Keefe: “He is a courageous soul, and he is going to inspire so many people.”

[ERIE, PA.—Nov. 6, 2020] The U.S. Postal Service whistleblowers assigned to the General Mail Facility here agreed today to come forward to go on the record using his real name.

“He is going to testify about the backdating of ballots in Erie, Pennsylvania, in a battleground state,” said James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas.

“He’s scared,” O’Keefe said. “He’s afraid he’s going to lose his job.”

The Erie, Pennsylvania-based postal service whistleblower is named: Richard Hopkins, he said.

Hopkins said, “I’m nervous. I am nervous because this is a big deal.”

Some people at his work surmised that he was the one to talk to Project Veritas about the scheme to postmark late ballots with ‘Nov. 3,’ which was Election Day, he said.

“I did not witness them backdating, I witnessed them talking about backdating,” he said.

“Other employees feel the same way I do, but they do not want to say anything,” Hopkins said. “They contacted me, and actually were like: ‘That was badass and what-not. They were kind of glad that I did what I did—because they know things are—some odd stuff.”

O’Keefe said, “He is a courageous soul, and he is going to inspire so many people.”

Already, Hopkins is getting hassled by his union over a previous incident that was resolved months ago,” he said.

U.S. Postal Inspection Service investigators interview Erie-based USPS whistleblower

The investigators from the United States Postal Inspection Service interviewed the whistleblower about what he witnessed and heard, he said.

“I told them what I told you,” the whistleblower said to Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe in a phone call this morning.

The whistleblower’s story was posted Thursday on the Project Veritas website. It centered around a conversation he overheard Wednesday, the day after the election.

“I was casing my route and I saw the postmaster pull one of our supervisors to the side,” he said. “He was pulling the supervisor, it was, and it was really close to where my case was—so, I was able to hear, listen in and I heard him say to the supervisor that they messed up yesterday.”

The whistleblower said he was curious about what was messed up.

“He told the supervisor they had postmarked one of the ballots for the fourth, instead of the third, because they were supposed to put them for the third,” he said.

About Project Veritas

James O’Keefe established Project Veritas in 2011 as a non-profit journalism enterprise to continue his undercover reporting work. Today, Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. O’Keefe serves as the CEO and Chairman of the Board so that he can continue to lead and teach his fellow journalists, as well as protect and nurture the Project Veritas culture.

Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Project Veritas does not advocate specific resolutions to the issues raised through its investigations, nor encourage others to do so.


A Trump Campaign Lawyer Shares What He Saw in Pennsylvania

What to Know About Litigation Being Waged Across US to Preserve Trump Presidency

You’ve Come a Long Way, Florida

RELATED VIDEO: Catholic voters share their thoughts on the importance of making sure no one’s vote is canceled.

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DEFEND THE ELECTION: President Trump’s Fight to Protect Every American’s ‘Legal’ Vote [Video]

“If you count the legal votes, I easily win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us.” – President Donald J. Trump



Donald Trump: (00:02)
Thank you very much. Thank you.

Donald Trump: (00:08)
Good evening. I’d like to provide the American people with an update on our efforts to protect the integrity of our very important 2020 election. If you count the legal votes, I easily win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us. If you count the votes that came in late, we’re looking to them very strongly, but a lot of votes came in late.

Donald Trump: (00:36)
I’ve already decisively won many critical states, including massive victories in Florida, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, to name just a few. We won these and many other victories despite historic election interference from big media, big money, and big tech. As everybody saw, we won by historic numbers, and the pollsters got it knowingly wrong. They got it knowingly wrong. We had polls that were so ridiculous and everybody knew it at the time.

Donald Trump: (01:06)
There was no blue wave that they predicted. They thought there was going to be a big blue wave. That was false. That was done for suppression reasons. But instead there was a big red wave, and it’s been properly acknowledged actually by the media. They were, I think, very impressed, but that was after the fact. That doesn’t do us any good.

Donald Trump: (01:26)
We kept the Senate despite having twice as many seats to defend as Democrats, and in a really much more competitive states. We did a fantastic job with the Senate. I think we’re very proud of what’s happened there. We had many more seats to defend. They spent almost $200 million on Senate races in South Carolina and Kentucky alone, two races, and hundreds of millions of dollars overall against us.

Donald Trump: (01:57)
At the national level, our opponents major donors were Wall Street bankers and special interests. Our major donors were police officers, farmers, everyday citizens. Yet for the first time ever, we lost zero races in the House. I was talking to Kevin McCarthy today. He said he couldn’t believe it. Zero races, very unusual thing, zero, and actually won many new seats with, I think, many more on the way.

Donald Trump: (02:24)
This was also the year of the Republican woman. More Republican women were elected to Congress than ever before. That’s a great achievement. I won the largest share of non-white voters of any Republican in 60 years, including historic numbers of Latino, African American, Asian American, and Native American voters. The largest ever in our history. We grew our party by 4 million voters. The greatest turnout in Republican Party history.

Donald Trump: (03:00)
Democrats are the party of the big donors. The big media, the big tech, it seems, and Republicans have become the party of the American worker, and that’s what’s happened. And we’re also, I believe the party of inclusion. As everyone now recognizes, media polling was election interference in the truest sense of that word, by powerful special interests.

Donald Trump: (03:25)
These really phony polls, I have to call them phony polls, fake polls, were designed to keep our voters at home, create the illusion of momentum for Mr. Biden and diminish Republican’s ability to raise funds. They were what’s called suppression polls, everyone knows that now, and it’s never been used to the extent that it’s been used on this last election.

Donald Trump: (03:51)
To highlight just a few examples, the day before election, Quinnipiac, which was wrong on every occasion that I know of, had Joe Biden up by five points in Florida, and they were off by 8.4 points and I won Florida easily, easily. So they had me losing Florida by a lot and I ended up winning Florida by a lot. Other than that, they were very accurate.

Donald Trump: (04:22)
They had him up four points in Ohio and they were off by 12.2 points, and I also won Ohio, great state of Ohio very easily. And the Washington Post said, “Biden up 17 points in Wisconsin,” and it was basically even. They were off by about 17 points, and they knew that, they’re not stupid people. They knew that. Suppression.

Donald Trump: (04:49)
There are now only a few states yet to be decided in the presidential race. The voting apparatus of those states are run in all cases by Democrats. We were winning in all the key locations by a lot, actually, and then our numbers started miraculously getting whittled away in secret and they wouldn’t allow legally permissible observers.

Donald Trump: (05:15)
We went to court in a couple of instances and we were able to get the observers put in. And when the observers got there, they wanted them 60, 70 feet away, 80 feet, 100 feet away or outside the building to observe people inside the building. And we won a case, a big case, and we have others happening.

Donald Trump: (05:33)
There are lots of litigation, even beyond our litigation. There’s a tremendous amount of litigation generally because of how unfair this process was, and I predicted that. I’ve been talking about mail-in voting for a long time. It’s really destroyed our system. It’s a corrupt system and it makes people corrupt, even if they aren’t by nature, but they become corrupt. It’s too easy. They want to find out how many votes they need, and then they seem to be able to find them. They wait and wait, and then they find them, and you see that on Election Night.

Donald Trump: (06:09)
We were ahead in vote in North Carolina by a lot, a tremendous number of votes, and we’re still ahead by a lot, but not as many because they’re finding ballots all of a sudden. “Oh, we have some mail-in ballots.” It’s amazing how those mail-in ballots are so one-sided too. I know that it’s supposed to be to the advantage of the Democrats, but in all cases they’re so one-sided.

Donald Trump: (06:34)
We were up by nearly 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania. I won Pennsylvania by a lot. And that gets whittled down to, I think they said now we’re up by 90,000 votes and they’ll keep coming and coming and coming. They find them all over and they don’t want us to have any observers. Although we won a court case, the judge said, “You have to have observers.” Likewise in Georgia … And they’re appealing, actually they’re appealing. We want a case that we want people to watch and we want to observers and they’re actually appealing, which is sort of interesting. I wonder why they’d appeal? All we want to do is have people watch as they do the vote tabulations.

Donald Trump: (07:16)
Likewise in Georgia, I won by a lot, a lot, with a lead of over getting close to 300,000 votes on Election Night in Georgia. And by the way, got whittled down and now it’s getting to be to a point where I’ll go from winning by a lot to perhaps being even down a little bit.

Donald Trump: (07:37)
In Georgia, a pipe burst in a far away location, totally unrelated to the location of what was happening and they stopped counting for four hours. And a lot of things happened. The election apparatus in Georgia is run by Democrats. We also had margins of 300,000 in Michigan. We were way up in Michigan, won the state. And in Wisconsin, we did likewise fantastically well, and that got whittled down. In every case, they got whittled down.

Donald Trump: (08:12)
Today, we’re on track to win Arizona. We only need to carry, I guess, 55% of the remaining vote, 55% margins, and that’s a margin that we’ve significantly exceeded. So we’ll see what happens with that, but we’re on track to do okay in Arizona. Our goal is to defend the integrity of the election. We’ll not allow the corruption to steal such an important election, or any election for that manner. And we can’t allow silence, anybody to silence our voters and manufacture results.

Donald Trump: (08:46)
I’ve never had, I’ve been doing a lot of public things for a long time, I’ve never had anything that’s been as inspirational by people calling, talking, sending things to us. I’ve never seen such love and such affection and such spirit as I’ve seen for this. People know what’s happening and they see what’s happening and just before their eyes, and there are many instances which will be reported very shortly.

Donald Trump: (09:16)
There’s tremendous litigation going on, and this is a case where they’re trying to steal an election. They’re trying to rig an election and we can’t let that happen. Detroit and Philadelphia, known as two of the most corrupt political places anywhere in our country easily, cannot be responsible for engineering the outcome of a presidential race, a very important presidential race.

Donald Trump: (09:39)
In Pennsylvania, Democrats have gone to the State Supreme Court to try and ban our election observers and very strongly. Now we won the case, but they’re going forward. They don’t want anybody in there. They don’t want anybody watching them as they count the ballots, and I can’t imagine why. There’s absolutely no legitimate reason why they would not want to have people watching this process, because if it’s straight, they should be proud of it. Instead, they’re trying obviously to commit fraud. There’s no question about that.

Donald Trump: (10:20)
In Philadelphia, observers have been kept far away, very far away. So far that people are using binoculars to try and see, and there’s been tremendous problems caused. They put a paper on all of the windows so you can’t see in, and the people that are banned are very unhappy and become somewhat violent.

Donald Trump: (10:41)
The Eleventh Circuit ruled that in Georgia, the votes have been in by Election Day, that they should be in by Election Day, and they weren’t. Votes are coming in after Election Day. And they had a ruling already that you have to have the votes in by Election Day. To the best of my knowledge, votes should be in by Election Day, and they didn’t do that. Democrat officials never believed they could win this election honestly, I really believe that. That’s why they did the mail-in ballots, where there’s tremendous corruption and fraud going on.

Donald Trump: (11:15)
That’s why they mailed out tens of millions of unsolicited ballots without any verification measures whatsoever, and I’ve told everybody that these things would happen because I’ve seen it happen. I watched a lot of different elections before they decided to go with this big, massive election with tens of millions of ballots going out to everybody. In many cases, totally unsolicited.

Donald Trump: (11:43)
This was unprecedented in American history. This was by design. Despite years of claiming to care about the election security, they refuse to include any requirement to verify signatures, identities, or even determined whether they’re eligible or ineligible to vote. People are walking in there, they have no idea. They just take in the numbers. They’re writing down things, the workers, and doing a lot of bad things. And we have a lot of information coming and litigation that you’ll see that will shake even you people up, and you’ve seen it all.

Donald Trump: (12:16)
The officials overseeing the counting in Pennsylvania and other key states are all part of a corrupt Democrat machine that you’ve written about. And for a long time, you’ve been writing about the corrupt Democrat machine. I went to school there and I know a lot about it. It hasn’t changed since a long time ago and hasn’t changed. It has gotten worse.

Donald Trump: (12:36)
In Pennsylvania, partisan Democrats have allowed ballots in the state to be received three days after the election, and we think much more than that, and they’re counting those without even postmarks or any identification whatsoever. So you don’t have postmarks, you don’t have identification.

Donald Trump: (12:56)
There have been a number of disturbing irregularities across the nation. Our campaign has been denied access to observe any counting in Detroit. Detroit is another place, and I wouldn’t say has the best reputation for election integrity. Poll workers in Michigan were duplicating ballots. But when our observers attempted to challenge the activity, those poll workers jumped in front of the volunteers to block their views so that they couldn’t see what they were doing and it became a little bit dangerous.

Donald Trump: (13:32)
One major hub for counting ballots in Detroit covered up the windows again with large pieces of cardboard, and so they wanted to protect and block the counting area. They didn’t want anybody seeing the counting, even though these were observers who were legal observers that were supposed to be there.

Donald Trump: (13:49)
In Detroit, there were hours of unexplained delay in delivering many of the votes for counting. The final batch did not arrive until 4:00 in the morning. And even though the polls closed at 8:00 o’clock, so they brought it in and the batches came in and nobody knew where they came from.

Donald Trump: (14:06)
We’ve also been denied access to observe in critical places in Georgia. In multiple swing states, counting was halted for hours and hours on Election Night. With results withheld from major Democrat run locations only to appear later, and they certainly appeared and they all had the name Biden on them, or just about all. I think almost all. They all had the name Biden on them, which is a little strange.

Donald Trump: (14:34)
I challenge Joe and every Democrat to clarify that they only want legal votes because they talk about votes and I think they should use the word legal, legal votes. We want every legal vote counted, and I want every legal vote counted. We want openness and transparency, no secret count rooms, no mystery ballots, no illegal votes being cast after Election Day. You have Election Day and the laws are very strong on that. You have an Election Day and they don’t want votes cast after Election Day and they want the process to be an honest one. It’s so important.

Donald Trump: (15:09)
We want an honest election and we want an honest count and we want honest people working back there because it’s a very important job. So that’s the way this country is going to win. That’s the way the United States will win, and we think we will win the election very easily. We think there’s going to be a lot of litigation because we have so much evidence, so much proof, and it’s going to end up perhaps at the highest court in the land, we’ll see. But we think there’ll be a lot of litigation because we can’t have an election stolen by like this.

Donald Trump: (15:43)
And I tell you, He trum Small elections were a disaster. Small, very easy to handle elections were disastrous. This is a large scale version, and it’s getting worse and worse every day. We’re hearing stories that are horror stories, absolute horror stories, and we can’t let that happen to the United States of America.

Donald Trump: (16:11)
It’s not a question of who wins, Republican, Democrat, Joe, myself. We can’t let that happen to our country. We can’t be disgraced by having something like this happen. So it will be hopefully cleared up. Maybe soon, I hope soon, but it’ll probably go through a process, a legal process. And as you know, I’ve claimed certain states and he’s claiming states and we can both claim the States, but ultimately I have a feeling judges are going to have to rule. But there’s been a lot of shenanigans and we can’t stand for that in our country. Thank you very much.

Biden Has Singlehandedly Destroyed our Free and Fair Election System

“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.” – Joseph Stalin, from The Memoirs of Stalin’s Former Secretary by Boris Bazhanov, published in 2002.

“There is no compromise when it comes to corruption. You have to fight it.” – A.K. Antony

Joe Biden we have put together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization” in the history of American politics.

As I woke up on November 4th, 2020 and began reading about how votes were magically appearing and magically disappearing in Democrat controlled cities and states across America! I was shocked. I had never seen something this wide spread and organized in my lifetime.

From Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconson to Georgia, Arizona and Nevada. Ballots were showing up after the polls closed by the tens of thousands.

As I watched news network after news network call a state for one presidential candidate over another presidential candidate before all the votes were counted I was bewildered.

The term “fake news” took on a new meaning. An ominous meaning.

When I went to Google, Twitter and Facebook to learn about what was happening with ballots and voter fraud I saw these posts completely disappear from Facebook and Twitter and shadow banned by Google. In many cases Twitter would post on a tweet about voter fraud this:

“Some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process.”

Or this:

This Tweet is from a suspended account.

As I saw the vote counts stop and then suddenly start again followed by the counting of hundreds of thousands votes for one candidate for president to the exclusion of all the other candidates,  I thought to my self – will 2020 go down in American history as the first un-free and un-fair election?

Voter fraud has now become the primary  “weapon of choice” of one political party.

Since the 2016 Presidential election the Democrats have taken the following public positions on voting in America:

  1. End the Electoral College.
  2. Implement a national popular vote system.
  3. Implement a national vote-by-mail system.
  4. Control the voting process by any and all means necessary.
  5. Control how the votes are counted.
  6. Create phony ballots to offset legal ballots as we are learning in 2020.
  7. Refuse to purge voter rolls of the dead, non-citizens and those who no longer live in the state. For example, a lawsuit filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation found that in Detroit, Michigan there are: 4,788 duplicate registrations, 32,519 more registered voters than eligible voters, 2,503 dead people registered and one voter born in 1823.
  8. Reject any form of voter ID laws, labeling them as voter suppression, thus allowing multiple cases of fraud.
  9. Over look voters who vote more than one time, i.e. those who are residents of two states and vote in each state illegally.
  10. Give voter IDs to anyone and everyone.
  11. Target Republican voters and cancel out their ballots.
  12. Emphatically say there is no such thing as voter fraud! While at the same time conducting voter fraud by all means available.

The final outcome of these Democrat Party policy positions is to enforce a popular voting system and then control that system at the ballot box.

The idea of one man/woman one vote is passé. The ideal of a free and fair election is a thing of the past. The process of counting all the votes on election day is dead, thanks to the United States Supreme Court.

The only thing important today, as Stalin said, is “who will count the votes, and how.”

Is 2020 the death of our Constitutional Republic?

Is it the final nail in our free and fair elections’ coffin? Are we entering a socialist state where the ballot box is totally controlled the state, and how the people vote be damned.

The sentiment “The people who cast the votes decide nothing; the people who count the votes decide everything” that originated with Stalin has now been perfected by Joe Biden as the leader of the Democrat Party in 2020.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: CrazyTown – Extended Joe Biden Edition.

RELATED ARTICLE: Arizona Voters File Suit to Restore Their Ballots Cancelled Over Sharpies

More Examples of Election Fraud Prove the Left Is in Denial About It

The 2020 presidential election is less than three weeks away, and many Americans have already voted early or through the mail.

Unfortunately, at the same time that they are exercising their franchise, there are others out there who are taking advantage of the vulnerabilities in our system to try to steal their vote or dilute the value of their vote.

Though many on the left downplay the threats to the security and integrity of the electoral process, such fraud really does occur, jeopardizing free and fair elections for the American people.

The Heritage Election Fraud Database showcases a sampling of close to 1,300 proven instances of election fraud. Yet, many other cases go unreported and other potential cases are not investigated or prosecuted.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? Learn more now >>

There has been a rash of recent arrests around the country. Although those who have been charged are entitled to a presumption of innocence, these cases illustrate the types of fraud that have occurred and can occur that threaten our democratic system.

In New Hampshire, Attorney General Gordon MacDonald announced an indictment against a woman for allegedly voting in the town of Derry during the 2018 general election despite residing in Washington D.C., not New Hampshire.

The indictment says she submitted a false voter registration form and then voted using an absentee ballot.

In Hooksett, New Hampshire, Michael Lewis has been charged with illegally voting in the 2016 general election even though he is a resident of Georgia, where he was arrested at the request of New Hampshire authorities.

The Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers, run by registered Democrat Ed Naile, discovered that Lewis used the state’s same-day voter registration law in Hooksett to illegally register and vote.

And those are not the only recent cases from the Granite State.

Vincent Marzello was arrested for voting twice in the 2016 general election in West Lebanon, New Hampshire, once as himself and then again under the name of a woman, Helen Elisabeth Ashley.

In California, a man by the name of Caesar Peter Abutin was charged with three counts of felony voter fraud. Despite Abutin’s mother passing away in 2006, he voted under her name multiple times between October 2012 and November 2014, in addition to casting ballots under his own name.

These cases demonstrate how sometimes it can take years for the evidence in election fraud cases to come to fruition and for the potential fraudsters to face justice.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that election fraud cases often involve absentee ballots.

The danger posed to voters by such ballots, which are voted outside the supervision of election officials and outside the observation of poll watchers in unsecure settings, is shown by a video that has just surfaced from Escondido, California.

A local resident, David Sprouse, filmed an individual walking through his neighborhood last week stealing mail—including absentee ballots—from his home and other houses.

And the Virginia State Board of Elections had to send out a press release warning voters that six Richmond-area mailboxes—which may have contained absentee ballots—were broken into over the first weekend in October.

Other threats to the security of voting by mail are coming to light.

Take Hudson County, New Jersey. A postal worker was arrested for discarding mail after an investigation conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice found more than 1,800 pieces of mail, including 99 absentee ballots, in a dumpster.

Fortunately, these ballots were recovered and forwarded to their intended recipients. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident.

Thomas Cooper, a postal worker, pleaded guilty to obscuring, crossing out, and changing at least five party affiliations on absentee ballot request forms back in July during the West Virginia primary.

In Manatee County, Florida, Larry Wiggins, a registered Democrat, was arrested for requesting an absentee ballot for his late wife, who passed away in 2018. Though Wiggins claims he was simply “testing the system,” he is now facing third-degree felony charges.

In Texas, four people, including a Gregg County commissioner, were arrested last month in connection with their alleged involvement in a vote-harvesting scheme that was uncovered by the state Attorney General’s Office.

Commissioner Shannon Brown, Marlena Jackson, Charlie Burns, and DeWayne Ward are facing more than 130 felony charges, including organizing an illegal vote-harvesting scheme, illegal voting, fraudulent use of absentee ballot applications, unlawful possession of absentee ballots, and election fraud in connection with the 2018 general election, which Brown won by only five votes.

Another case out of the Lone Star State involves a mayoral candidate for the city of Carrollton. Zul Mirza Mohamed is alleged to have forged at least 84 voter registration forms for unwitting residents of Denton County, and then obtained absentee ballots in their names without their knowledge using a virtual mailbox and a false identity.

The Texas Attorney General’s Office states that at the time of his arrest, Mohamed was completing more fraudulent mail-in ballot applications.

There are also multiple reports of problems being caused by election officials using inaccurate, error-filled voter registration lists to mail out absentee ballots. Those include:

  • A German journalist who reports that he received three ballots at his residence in Washington, D.C., for the previous tenant, who moved five years ago; the landlady, who now lives in Puerto Rico; and the landlady’s deceased husband.
  • New Jersey residents across the state reporting that they have received absentee ballots for their deceased relatives.
  • Clerical errors that sent 1,400 Virginia voters two mail-in ballots for the general election.
  • Close to 100,000 New York City voters receiving mail-in ballots with incorrect names and addresses.
  • An acquaintance of one of the writers living in Washington, D.C., who received five ballots in the mail—two for him, one for his roommate, and two for individuals who haven’t lived at his address for years. Those ballots can be seen here:

This summary of recent cases doesn’t even cover the 1,000 voters referred to law enforcement officials in Georgia for voting twice in that state’s June primary (once in person and a second time with an absentee ballot); or the former Democratic congressman and erstwhile political consultant indicted in Philadelphia on charges of bribing an election official to stuff the ballot box with fraudulent votes in multiple elections; or the illegal aliens indicted in North Carolina for illegally registering and voting.

While many on the left dismiss these threats and insist that voting by mail has no potential for fraud, or that other types of fraud just don’t happen, these stories continue to break, dispelling that narrative.

These cases should be investigated and prosecuted, and reforms should be initiated that remedy the vulnerabilities in our voter registration and election system that will prevent and deter these types of actions from occurring in the future.

No matter who the American people elect, it should be done in a fair, free, and secure process.


Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues—including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform—as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies and manager of the think tank’s Election Law Reform Initiative. Read his research. Twitter: .

Kaitlynn Samalis-Aldrich is an administrative and research assistant at the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies.

A Note for our Readers:

Democratic Socialists say, “America should be more like socialist countries such as Sweden and Denmark.” And millions of young people believe them…

For years, “Democratic Socialists” have been growing a crop of followers that include students and young professionals. America’s future will be in their hands.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? One of their most effective arguments is that “democratic socialism” is working in Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway. They claim these countries are “proof” that socialism will work for America. But they’re wrong. And it’s easy to explain why.

Our friends at The Heritage Foundation just published a new guide that provides three irrefutable facts that debunks these myths. For a limited time, they’re offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free.

Get your free copy of “Why Democratic Socialists Can’t Legitimately Claim Sweden and Denmark as Success Stories” today and equip yourself with the facts you need to debunk these myths once and for all.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: President Trump mentions Project Veritas at Minnesota Rally! ‘I hope the US Attorneys are involved!’

President Donald Trump has officially spoken publicly to condemn the rampant Ballot Harvesting Fraud taking place in Minnesota.

At his rally in Duluth, Minnesota, the president unloaded on Ilhan Omar and her associates for their Ballot Harvesting practices.

President Trump: “What about Omar, where she gets caught harvesting…I hope the US attorneys are involved!”


This story has the president watching closely.

To put it simply, Americans will never tolerate these sorts of crimes to go unpunished.

In the meantime, Project Veritas will continue to go out there and get the content.

Content is King!

RELATED VIDEO: Watch full Trump Rally in Duluth, Minnesota.

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s campaign mailing out filled in ballots ‘PRE-FILLED VOTE BY MAIL application’

How is this legal? In what world? What’s to stop them fro printing millions of them and mailing them from key battleground districts/counties/states.



U.S. Attorney: Military Ballots, Cast for Trump, Found Discarded in Pennsylvania

CNN, broadcast networks ignore Hunter Biden BOMBSHELL revelations

Trays of Mail, Including Mail-In Ballots, Found by Roadside in Wisconsin

Seattle to Pay Pimp/Human Trafficker $150,000 to Come Up With Police Policies

MONSTROUS: Young Mother TASED, CUFFED AND ARRESTED for Not Wearing Face-Mask at Empty Stadium to Watch HS Football Game

President Trump Says He Expects Supreme Court To Settle Election

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why the Left loathes Tucker Carlson

Using absurd claims that Tucker Carlson is a racist, white supremacist, bigot, etc., etc., etc., the Left has furiously attempted to have his prime-time Fox News show taken off the air. The opening segment of the September 17 edition of Tucker Carlson Tonight is a perfect example of why the left hates his guts.

Citing a breaking report by a local TV station, Carlson revealed that, acting in concert with other high level members of his administration, Nashville’s Democrat mayor intentionally withheld from the public encouraging Covid-19 data that showed an unexpectedly low infection rate at the city’s bars and restaurants. By concealing that information, Mayor John Cooper was able to justify keeping Nashville’s restaurant industry under a virtual lockdown, thus suppressing the city’s economic recovery until after the election. Please watch Tucker’s explosive report, and consider sharing it with your friends. (See Below)

From coast to coast and border to border, Democrat governors and Democrat mayors are making coronavirus decisions that have next to nothing to do with public health, and everything to do with using their official powers to rig the election against President Trump.

When the June jobs report showed the economy was undergoing a brisk recovery, with 4.8 million new jobs added, Democrats panicked. Since then, Democrat mayors and governors have surreptitiously done what Nashville’s mayor did: cook the coronavirus books in ways that retard local economic recovery between now and the election. Much to the delight of Democrats, by August the number of new jobs had fallen from 4.8 million in June to 1.4 million, a drop of 64%. Mission accomplished.

The same kind of disgraceful tactics are being used to delay school openings. Acting in concert with Democrat-controlled school boards, blue city health officials are blocking pre-election school openings to tamp down rising employment numbers by making it difficult for parents with school-aged children to go back to work. No better example of that can be found than in California, where Los Angeles County Health Director, Dr. Barbara Ferrer recently told the press that it’s “not realistic” to open the county’s schools “until after the election.”

Of things that matter to Democrats, public health and economic recovery take a distant back seat to their insatiable desire for ironclad political power.

©John Edison. All rights reserved.

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