Bolshevic Bernie Sanders beats Hillary Clinton 42-4 among Texas Gamers
SAN ANTONIO, Texas /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — NAVGTR CORP. — Young voters turned out in droves to support Bernie Sanders in San Antonio. A mock Iowa caucus was held at the Penny Arcade Expo South (PAXS), a gaming festival drawing tens of thousands.
The caucus event was titled, “Decision 2016: Vote on Game ‘War of Awards’ or Donald Trump,” organized by the National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers (NAVGTR) for the Official PAXS panel schedule.
A 450-seat room was packed with 332 caucus-goers, clearly dominated by Democratic voters with only 24 self-declared Republican voters. “All night there was a clear enthusiasm gap between those who were willing to climb over people in their rows of seats and those who chose to sit and watch impartially,” said academy president Thomas Allen. “The plan was to clear half the room of chairs to have a large open space, but time was working against us.”
Among the caucus-goers, about 73 people voted publicly for the presidential candidates. Forty-two Bernie Sanders supporters flooded the voting floor, while four and three people stood for Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley, respectively.
Among Republicans, Ted Cruz won with 8 votes. Rand Paul was a close second with 7 votes. Marco Rubio held in the top three with 5 votes. Jeb Bush received two votes. Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump received 1 vote each.
Game players also expressed who they thought should win the industry D.I.C.E. and Game Developers Choice Awards. The crowd established fan-favorite front-runners such as “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” for Achievement in Character (DICE), “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain” for Game Design (GDC), “Undertale” for Innovation (GDC), and “Ori and the Blind Forest” developer Moon Studios for Best Debut (GDC).
In the final vote, “Fallout 4” won Game of the Year with an estimated 32 votes. Even among gamers, supporters were therefore more able to consolidate top-tier votes behind Bernie Sanders than any one video game:
Presenters included Larry Asberry Jr., Vanessa Fernandez, Colby Sites, Justen Andrews, Geoff Mendicino, and George Wood.
The National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers announces its own nominations February 9. Entries have been extended to a February 1 deadline. NAVGTR will caucus again at South by Southwest (SXSW) and the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) Networking Event on March 15, 2016. Subscribe at for updates.
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