Tag Archive for: Geert Wilders

Israel and Europe’s Turn to the Right

As Europeans have increasingly turned to the right, with the electoral victories of Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom in the Netherlands, of Giorgia Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia in Italy, of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella’s National Rally in France, and of Alice Weidel’s Alternative für Deutschland in Germany, Israel should unembarrassedly make common cause with these leaders and parties, all of which have expressed stout support for Israel. The increased popularity of these parties is due mainly to their firm stance against continued Muslim migration into their countries, a stance that has caused them to be labelled, quite unfairly, as “far-right.”

An increasing number of Europeans have at last understood that the large-scale presence of Muslims in their countries now threatens to undermine the civilization of Judeo-Christian Europe, and has already resulted in a situation that is far more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous for Europe’s non-Muslims, than would be the case without that large-scale Muslim presence. And the rise of right-wing populism reflects the widespread alarm over the power waged by European political and media elites, who largely oppose restrictions on Muslim immigration. The EU is run by people who are not loyal to the ideal of the nation-state. They are international bureaucrats, able through the supra-national European Union, to impose minimum immigration quotas on its member states. This has led to much unhappiness in those states, some of which — like Hungary— are simply refusing to comply.

More on the rise of the anti-Islam and pro-Israel right can be found here: “Editor’s Notes: Embracing Israel’s new allies on the European right, despite troubling past,” by Zvika Klein, Jerusalem Post, June 14, 2024:

Keep strong, my Israeli friends, in fighting Hamas. The UN, USA, and Europe don’t understand you are fighting an existential war. Against the dark forces of hate and destruction called Hamas. I’ll always support you.” This quote, which would probably resonate positively amongst most Israelis and Jews, was said by a far-right [sic] political leader [Geert Wilders] who may become the Netherlands’s next Prime Minister.

Wilders has said he does not want to be prime minister. He will, however, remain the most powerful politician in the Netherlands, the leader of the most important party, the Party For Freedom (PVV), that leads a four-party coalition. Wilders is more powerful than the newly-designated Prime Minister, Dick Schoof.

Meet 60-year-old Geert Wilders, a Dutch politician who founded and has led the far-right Party for Freedom (PVV) since 2006, holding a parliamentary seat since 1998. Known for his right-wing populism, anti-immigration stance, opposition to Islam, and EuroscepticismWilders has been a controversial figure, particularly after withdrawing his party’s support from the Rutte cabinet in 2012 over budget disagreements. Raised Roman Catholic, his political views were significantly shaped by his travels to Israel and the Arab world, and he has been under constant armed protection since 2004 due to his outspoken views.

According to reports, Wilders met with far-right leaders in Brussels earlier this week [in mid-June] to discuss European Parliament cooperation. At the same time, the formation of the new Dutch cabinet, including members from several political parties, is estimated to be able to establish a new and historic right-wing coalition….

Members of each of the parties in the four-party ruling coalition in the Netherlands have been appointed to the new cabinet; Wilders’ PVV party has the most members in the new cabinet; the new Prime Minister, Dick Schoof, is a member of the PVV Party and considered to be close to Wilders.

Wilders has long been a controversial figure in European politics. Known for his staunch anti-Islamic rhetoric and nationalist views, Wilders and his PVV party have been viewed with suspicion and concern by many, including within Israel. However, the political reality in the Netherlands has changed. Wilders’ PVV made significant gains in the recent elections, forming a coalition government with other right-wing parties. This shift emphasizes the need for Israel to reassess its stance toward engaging with right-wing European leaders….

Traditional Israeli fears about Europe’s “far-right” groups being hotbeds of antisemitism are way out of date. The “far-right” parties, as they have been mislabeled by the media, no longer consist of antisemites as they would have decades ago, but rather, are led by supporters of the Jewish state, who rightly see Israel as a bulwark of the West against the main threat to our civilization, which now comes from the votaries of militant Islam. The threat to Europeans is from within: the tens of millions of Muslims now in their midst, living on the generous benefits provided by European welfare states, but unable and unwilling to integrate into a polity created by non-Muslims, the “most vile of created beings.”

For another example, the Sweden Democrats, led by Jimmie Åkesson, have expressed strong support for Israel, especially in light of the recent conflicts. On October 15, 2023, Åkesson emphasized that “Sweden must stand with Israel against terrorism and international bias.”

The Sweden Democrats, as usual labelled by the media as “right-wing,” are nothing of the kind. They have merited that description only because Âkesson is opposed to any further Muslim immigration to Sweden.

Israelis must not be fooled by the mislabeling of these anti-Muslim parties in Europe as “far-right.” That has become the epithet of choice used by politicians and parties that favor Muslim immigration into Europe, employed to blacken the image of their political opponents, such as Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen. Israelis should realize that those so-called “far right” parties are really just conservative parties whose main concern is halting Muslim immigration. These parties, and their leaders, are also described misleadingly as “anti-immigrant.” They are not. They are opposed only to Muslim immigrants. That is a big difference, and it must be made clear to Western publics.

Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella of the National Rally in France, Giorgia Meloni of Fratelli d’Italia and Matteo Salvini of the Lega in Italy, Geert Wilders of the People’s Party for Freedom in the Netherlands, Alice Weidel of the Alternative für Deutschland party in Germany, and Santiago Abascal of the VOX party in Spain all understand that Israel is on the front line of the war between Islam and the West, between Islam and all the rest. The war being waged on Israel by its Muslim Arab enemies is a classic jihad, using war and terrorism as its instrument. The Muslim invasion of Europe constitutes a variant that Muslims have employed in the past: the demographic jihad, that centuries ago managed to turn the Middle East and North Africa into Muslim lands, parts of the umma. Victory by Muslims in either jihad — the war against Israel waged by Muslim fighters and terrorists, and the demographic jihad by Muslim immigrants who threaten to transform Europe — would be disastrous for the survival of the West. Israel must overcome any residual suspicion it may have of groups described as “far-right” and make common cause, without delay, with those in Europe who offer the Jewish state their full-throated support, stand with Jews against the mainly Muslim antisemites who attack them inside Europe, and are helping Jews, and themselves, to have a future in Europe by working to call a halt to, and possibly even to reverse, Muslim immigration.



Jihad Joe Biden Regime Shells Out $400,000,000 More to Jihad Terrorists in Israel

UC Berkeley ‘Islamophobia’ prof livestreams pro-Hamas protest: ‘Glory to the martyrs!’

Will Israel Be Able to Avoid War with Hezbollah?

Southern Poverty Law Center Fires 25% of Staff

Lawsuit by October 7 Victims Against Two Pro-Palestinian Groups for Aiding and Abetting Hamas

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with  permission. ©All rights reserved.

Geert Wilders Represents the Rescue of Europe from Socialist Open-borders Disasters

The drift of European countries away from the failed immigration policies of their socialist predecessors reached the Netherlands with the election of Geert Wilders as their new leader.

Wilders will lead a coalition of four parties with a clear agenda of sweeping away the disastrous results of an open border that has flooded the Netherlands with a mass migration from the Middle East. That in turn has brought lawlessness from the rising migrant count leaving the silent majority exposed to behavior that they objected to with their votes.

Wilders announced that his country is in an asylum crisis which requires stronger border controls and internal changes.

The Netherlands will opt out of the E.U. open border asylum system.

It will introduce a tougher approach to terrorism including local street terrorism. That will include deporting criminal migrants in order to make life safer for the Dutch people.

Wilders announced that he will set his country on a new course based on “Hope, Courage and National Pride.”

Geert Wilders is also a longtime friend of Israel. He has announced that he will move his country’s embassy to Jerusalem.

©2024. Barry Shaw. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Report: 84% of Chicago’s Measles Cases Traced to Venezuelan Migrants

RELATED VIDEO: Tom Trento Interviews Geert Wilders on January 20, 2009

VIDEO: Interview with Dutch lawyer and farmer’s advocate Eva Vlaardingerbroek on the recent Dutch elections

This interview with Dutch lawyer and farmer’s advocate Eva Vlaardingerbroek was filmed at her hotel during the Ottawa leg of her tour with Trinity Productions on November 30th, 2023.

Please read the story details at RAIR Foundation.

WATCH: Geert Wilders’ Electoral Earthquake: Exclusive Insights with Eva Vlaardingerbroek on the Political Road Ahead and the Globalist Obstacles


FACT BASED! Dutch Newly Elected Prime Minister Geert Wilders, ‘Jordan Is Palestine!’

VIDEO: Geert Wilders is now the Prime Minister of Holland!


Geert Wilders vows to stop migration

Geert Wilders acceptance Speech

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with video posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FACT BASED! Newly Elected Dutch Prime Minister Geert Wilders, ‘Jordan Is Palestine!’

He’s right. But nothing makes heads explode with such ferocity in the Muslim world and on the left as facts.

Jordan is Palestine and this is not a new take for Wilders.

He has been pointing out these historical facts for years.

Wilders: Jordan is Palestine

By Robert Spencer:

Wilders is right. There is no ethnic difference between Jordanians and Palestinians. In fact, there was no Palestinian nationality before the 1960s, when it was invented in order to reposition what was then universally known as the Arab/Israeli conflict. Up to the invention of “Palestinians,” the Israelis were the tiny, besieged people amidst a huge number of hostile Arabs; after that invention, the “Palestinians” themselves became the tiny, besieged people against the big, bad Israelis.

Don’t believe me? Fine. Maybe you’ll believe PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, who said this in 1977:

The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism.

For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.

It was a canny propaganda move, and it worked. Bravo to Wilders for calling the Jordanians (and “Palestinians”) back to the truth. “Geert Wilders: Change Jordan’s name to Palestine,” by Roee Nahmias for Ynet News, June 20:

Geert Wilders, who leads the right-wing Party for Freedom (PVV) in Holland, said last week he believes Jordan should be renamed Palestine. The Jordanian government responded by saying Wilders’ speech was reminiscent of the Israeli right wing.

“Jordan is Palestine,” said Wilders, who heads the third-largest party in Holland. “Changing its name to Palestine will end the conflict in the Middle East and provide the Palestinians with an alternate homeland.”

Wilders added that Israel deserved a special status in the Dutch government because it was fighting for Jerusalem in its name.

“If Jerusalem falls into the hands of the Muslims, Athens and Rome will be next. Thus, Jerusalem is the main front protecting the West. It is not a conflict over territory but rather an ideological battle, between the mentality of the liberated West and the ideology of Islamic barbarism,” he said.

“There has been an independent Palestinian state since 1946, and it is the kingdom of Jordan.” Wilders also called on the Dutch government to refer to Jordan as Palestine and move its embassy to Jerusalem.

The Saudi Al-Watan carried Jordan’s response to Wilders’ speech. The kingdom’s embassy in Hague was outraged, and said the Dutch ambassador would soon be summoned to explain.

Jordan’s minister for media affairs and communications, Nabil Al Sharif, asked for clarifications. He described Wilders’ declaration as “an echo of the voice of the Israeli Right” and “crows’ screams”.

“Jordan is an independent and secure country which supports the Palestinian issue, and these imaginings of finding them an alternate homeland are nothing but the delusions of a few people,” he said….




Netherlands: Muslims attack 71-year-old Iraqi Christian refugee for wearing a cross

British Doctor Who Worked in Shifa Hospital Describes the Fear of Hamas

‘Palestinian’ Hollywood actor says he won’t work with ‘Zionist’ actors

Board Chairman Of Egyptian State Daily Al-Ahram: The U.S. Is ‘The Arab World’s No. 1 Enemy’; ‘It Is More Nazi Than Hitler’; Arabs Should Sever Their Ties With It

Egyptian MPs Condemn Israel As A ‘Nazi Country,’ Tear Up Copy Of Peace Treaty, Call For Egypt To Freeze Relations With Israel, Recall Egyptian Ambassador, Deport Israeli ‘Dog’ From Cairo 


WATCH: FITNA – by Geert Wilders’ Unedited Film

‘No aid to Gaza while Americans are hostages’, Sen. Braun says



Not Another Dime to Hamas “Charities” in US

Muslims Brutally Beat Up Infidel Wearing “Muslim” Cap

NYC: Jewish Teacher Had to Barricade Herself In Locked Office as Hundreds of Rabid Students Tried to Storm Her Office at Hillcrest High School

EDITOR NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.

‘Innocent Palestinians’ freed by Israel immediately don Hamas headbands

What are the odds that they will return to the jihad?

Oh, about 100%.

Netherlands: Geert Wilders calls for recognition that Islam is a violent ideology

Will he become prime minister? I expect that the leftist socialist establishment will now move heaven and earth and resort to all its dirtiest maneuvers in order to prevent that from happening.



UK teachers ‘censoring their lessons over fears of offending Muslim pupils’

CNN: Freed ‘Palestinians’ aren’t terrorists, one ‘sentenced for attempted stabbing attack’

USC bans tenured professor from campus for criticizing Hamas

Austria: Islamic ‘moral guardians’ brutally beat non-Muslim teen for relationship with Muslim girl

UK: BBC bans journalists from going to march against antisemitism, yet many BBC employees attended pro-Hamas rallies

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.

Turkey blasts Geert Wilders ‘anti-Islam’ tweet to start Ramadan

To highlight the jihad during Ramadan, Geert Wilders released a tweet which drew stinging attack from Turkey — illustrating yet again the validity of Geert Wilder’s warnings about Islam.

Listen to clip HERE.

For many, Ramadan is the month of jihad:

month of holy war and death for Allah. It is a month for fighting the enemies of Allah and God’s messenger, the Jews and their American facilitators.” — Qaedat al-Jihad

Quiet prayer during Ramadan, needless to say, isn’t the issue, but alerting people about the heightened threat of jihad during Ramadan is a big issue. And beyond Ramadan, the global jihad against infidels is a critical issue, far too often avoided. That includes the stealth invasion of the West, which includes the “Islamophobia” subterfuge, which is intended to beat down critics of Islam.

Turkish officials reacted angrily, accusing Wilders of being “racist.” What race is Islam again? Wilders’ critics keep on proving him correct, from their reaction to his criticisms, to the widespread reaction by Muslims to the Muhammad cartoon that was shown in the classroom by French teacher Samuel Paty (who was beheaded for it). Such a mentality (which is pervasive) isn’t compatible to the values of the Netherlands, and not only the Netherlands, but the entire Western world, in which freedom of thought and speech have been protected, at least up to now.

Turkey condemns Dutch lawmaker’s anti-Islam tweet

Al Jazeera, April 14, 2021:

Turkish officials reacted angrily to far-right Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders after he made disparaging remarks about Islam at the start of Ramadan.

On Monday, Wilders, chairman of the Party for Freedom (PVV) in the Netherlands, shared a short video clip on Twitter attacking Islam and the Muslim holy month.

Turkey’s ruling AK Party spokesman Omer Celik on Wednesday accused Wilders of having “a racist and fascist mind”.

“Enemies of Islam also hate migrants, poor people, needy people and foreigners,” he said on Twitter.

Ali Erbas, the head of the Presidency of Religious Affairs, condemned Wilders’ remarks as “unacceptable”.

“I invite the international community to a conscious struggle against the racist mentality that incites Islamophobia and targets social peace,” Erbas said.

Turkey’s Communications Director Fahrettin Altun also condemned Wilder’s remarks.

“Heartless @geertwilderspvv is racist, fascist and extremist. Islam condemns all. Stop racism,” Altun said on Twitter, tagging the Dutch lawmaker….


Egypt: Court sentences acting Muslim Brotherhood leader to life in prison

Nigeria: Government outraged as bishop criticizes its response to jihad terror

UK: 1,483 migrants have entered via English Channel in 2021, more than triple the number who arrived last year

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Geert Wilders vs. Dutch Prime Minister Rutte on Islam

An illuminating discussion, as the truth meets cherished Leftist assumptions.


UK imam accused of recruiting jihadis to fight for the Islamic State

North Carolina jihadi has “psychological problems that could spiral into full-fledged schizophrenia”

DHS whistleblower Philhip Haney awarded AFA ‘Heroes of Courage Award’

Phil Haney at AFA Heroes of Conscience 5-21-17.png

Phil Haney, DHS whistleblower at AFA Awards Dinner, Universal City, California, May 21, 2017

“Amigo,” Phil Haney, DHS Whistleblower extraordinaire was honored by the American Freedom Alliance, Heroes of Conscience Award last night in Universal City, California. Chaver, Geert Wilders was the keynote speaker. David Horowitz,  former  leftist,  long time conservative activist and publisher of FrontPage Magazine also received a Heroes of Conscience Award.

Haney called me last Friday, while on the road to California with stops in Dallas and Phoenix, the latter to lunch with my former colleague Lisa Benson and entourage.

We were trying to make arrangements to send both Haney and Wilders copies of an important and timely new book  published this week by the New English Review Press written by former Muslim and Islamic scholar, Ibn Warraq, The Islam in Islamic Terrorism- the importance of Beliefs, Ideas and Ideology. In view of President Trump’s  Riyadh speech we also are sending one to Sebastian Gorka, Deputy Assistant to the  President.

Through the auspices of a mutual  long term Connecticut friend, Jeffrey Epstein, a noted counter-Jihad warrior, we were introduced to Haney.  We reviewed his book, See Something; Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad, for the New English Review and interviewed him on the former Lisa Benson Show.

The News Blaster wrote about the stellar occasion in an article published today, “DHS whistleblower honored with freedom award:”

As a Department of Homeland Security specialist on Islam and terrorism, Philip Haney understood his job was to follow the evidence where it led.

When it led to subversive organizations under the protection of a beholden, politically correct Obama administration, he didn’t back down, valuing the security of the United States above his career and personal well-being. His agency’s response was to punish him nine times, eliminate intelligence and shut down cases, including one that might have prevented the San Bernardino attack.

In sharp contrast, the American Freedom Alliance awarded Haney its American Freedom Award at its annual Heroes of Conscience Dinner here Sunday night.

Longtime conservative activist David Horowitz was awarded AFA’s Hero of Conscience Award, followed by a keynote speech by Dutch politician and Islam critic Geert Wilders, whose party finished second in the country’s most recent elections.

Before presenting the award to Haney, AFA Vice President Michael Greer said: “We’d all like to think that we’d do the right thing, but when faced with dire consequences for doing so, I wonder how many would have the courage. And it’s my honor to share a stage with such a man.”

Note what Haney said upon receiving his AFA Hero of Conscience Award:

None of the cases that I discuss in the book have been resolved to this very day,” he said to the more than 270 AFA supporters in attendance.

“But it is my intention to remedy that. Those of you who believe in prayer, do pray for us, for me and my wife, because we do intend to see this through to the end.”

Haney said it’s important to remember not only what America is fighting against, but what it’s fighting for: the U.S. Constitution.

“I would like to call for a constitutional revival, so that we really know the values that we live by, those freedoms and liberties that our Creator endowed us with,” he said.

Geert Wilders at AFA Heores of Conscience Awards dinner 5-22-17.png

Geert Wilders keynote speaker  at AFA Heroes of Conscience Awards Dinner, May 21, 2017

Wilders noted this about Haney:

“The political correctness of the left in our countries is costing lives,” he said. “If anybody deserves to get this award it it Mr. Haney.”

Wilders made the following points in his address at the AFA awards ceremony pointing out the extraordinary security:

He said the extra security is “unfortunately necessary.”

“They are our last line of defense against the consequences of Islam,” Wilders said.

“Yes, it is Islam that is causing this extraordinary situation where ordinary citizens like you and me need police protection to safely enjoy a fundamental right, which the American Founding Fathers have bestowed on us in the First Amendment. The right to free speech.”

The U.S. Constitution, he said, establishes “the right to discuss every issue in freedom, including Islam.”

Wilders cited a Ronald Reagan quote: “I think it’s time we ask ourselves if we still know the freedoms that were intended for us by the Founding Fathers.”

The Dutch politician said that “28 years after [Reagan] left office, here in this room, his question looms larger than ever.”

“And the reason is the stronghold which Islam has gained, not only in Europe, but also here in America during the past three decades,” Wilders continued.

“Yes, my friends, listen carefully. I’m talking about Islam. Not about ‘radical Islam. Not about ‘Islamism.’”

He said it “might be uncomfortable to the left, or the politically correct elite, but it is Islam, pure and simple.”

“For the truth is that Islam is not a peace-loving religion. It’s an evil, totalitarian ideology,” Wilders declared.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

Will Geert Wilders’ anti-Islam, anti-immigration and NExit party win on March 5th?

geert wilders party logo

Geert Wilders

The general election in the Netherlands is less than five weeks away on March 15th, 2017. Geert Wilders’ political polls show his Freedom Party (PVV) has a lead in weekly political polls of 30+ seats over the Liberal party’s (VVD) 26 seats of the current ruling coalition of current PM Mark Rutte in the Hague Parliament, the tweeder kamer, with 150 seats.

Wilders broke with the VVD in 2004 to form his anti-Islam, anti-immigration and NExit party after the assassination in 2002 of Rotterdam Mayor Pym Fortuyn and the November 2004 murder by a Dutch Moroccan Muslim extremist Mohamned Bouyeri of Dutch Film maker Theo Van Gogh for producing a short film, “Submission” scripted with ex pat Somali Dutch VVD politician, now an American, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, on the streets of Amsterdam.

Wilders won an acquittal in 2011 in an Amsterdam district court case on charges of hate speech for his anti Political Islam stands. In 2016 he was convicted without penalty in a show trial brought by Hague prosecutors because of his 2014 local campaign remarks about “fewer and fewer” Moroccans, a reference to the Muslim minority involved with crimes in Holland.

If Wilders can spurt to win the vicinity of 40 seats in the general election a likely impasse could occur about formation of a new ruling coalition with Wilders at the head as PM. That is reflected in the twitter war between Wilders and current PM Mark Rutte. The latter contends that the VVD has ZERO chance of joining such a coalition headed by Wilders. Wilders contends that Rutte can’t dismiss upwards of 2 to 2.5 million Dutch voters that the Freedom Party could receive in the March 15th general elections.

Wilders , unlike Trump believes that taking back border controls rather than building walls will stop the refugee migrant influx in Holland.

60 000 refugees and migrants poured in during the current crisis, forcing the country to open up closed prisons to house them temporarily.

Go Geert Go!!

Anti-Islam Dutch politician Geert Wilders said on Sunday (12 February) that promises by other parties not to work with him would be quickly forgotten if, as exp

Geert Wilders’ message to Israel — ‘Ignore UN, continue building’

Leave it to good friend of Israel, Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom Party to send an important message to embattled Israel following the betrayal by President Obama and the UN Security adverse vote approving resolution 2334.  Israel National News republished  this statement on his Facebook page today offering an important advice:

“Ignore the UN and continue building”

Leading Dutch politician Geert Wilders has criticized US president Barack Obama for not vetoing the Security Council resolution against Israel on Friday and advised Israel to ignore the UN resolution.

Wilders, the founder and leader of the Dutch Freedom Party, who has dominated Dutch polls during the year of 2016, wrote on his Facebook page:”Obama betrayed Israel. Thank God for Trump. My advice to my Israeli friends: ignore the UN and keep building more and more settlements.”

Wilders was voted politician of the year 2016 when 40,000 people participated in the annual public election held by Dutch TV-show ‘EenVandaag’. He is known for his sharp criticism of Islam and his outspoken support for Israel.


Netanyahu: Israel Doesn’t Accept U.N. Resolution

December 23, 2016: Another date that will live in infamy

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

VIDEO: ‘Madness’ — Geert Wilders’ comment on conviction for ‘incitement’ by Dutch Court

The BBC reported the conviction of Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom Party by the Hague District Court:

Dutch anti-Islam political leader Geert Wilders has been convicted of insulting a group and inciting discrimination.

But no penalty was imposed by the court near Amsterdam on Wilders, whose party is leading in polls ahead of parliamentary elections in March.

Wilders was also acquitted of inciting hate over telling supporters in March 2014 he would ensure there were fewer Moroccans in the Netherlands.

He called the guilty verdict “madness” in a tweet posted a short time later.

He said he would appeal.

Watch this video by Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom Party (PVV), following his wrongful conviction for alleged violation of Dutch racial hatred laws. A conviction based on the thin reed of his remarks at a 2014 Hague local political campaign rally about “fewer Moroccans.”

We have criticized this Kafkaesque show trial heard before a biased panel of judges as it was patently politically motivated. It was brought  based on a petition signed by 6,400 Dutch Moroccan émigrés and leftist political allies on the basis of laws enacted following the significant loss of Dutch and foreign Jews during the Holocaust in WWII. Wilders had successfully overturned a similar case seeking to deny his free speech in an Amsterdam District Court case in May 2011.

As Wilders points out in this video reaction to his conviction Moroccans, let alone Muslims or Jews are a race.  Dutch Moroccan Muslims are over-represented in criminal activity and the country’s prison population. Moreover,  a Dutch Moroccan, Mohammed Bouyeri, murdered Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh in November 2004 on the streets of Amsterdam, allegedly because of the latter’s short film, “Submission”, about treatment of women under Islam based on a script written by ex-pat former Dutch Somali politician, Hirsi Ali. Van Gogh was in the process of completing a film of the 2002 murder of anti-Islam Rotterdam Mayor Pim Fortuyn by a Green party member. Wilders in this video reaction to his conviction by The Hague district court referred to the recent attack by Dutch Moroccans in Emmen indicative of their lawlessness.

Wilders’ controversial stands have resonated with millions of Dutch citizens: opposing normative Islam, mass Muslim immigration, securing the country’s sovereign control over its borders from the broken Schengen borderless system, NExit- leaving the EU with its control by unelected Brussels bureaucrats. That is reflected in the consistent first position of the Freedom Party in weekly political polls taken in The Netherlands. Thus, it is not lost on many that this trial was aimed squarely at prevented Wilders’ and the Freedom Party from contesting against the parties in the current ruling  coalition of current Dutch Prime Minister Rutte in the looming  March 2017 general elections.  That is why Wilders and his legal team will vigorously pursue appeals of this Hague district court conviction.  Notwithstanding,  Wilders’ is determined that his message will not be deflected by this wrongful conviction and that should his Freedom Party be the first past the post in those upcoming 2017 general elections that he may be asked by King Willem-Alexander to form a new government in the Tweeder Kamer, the Hague Parliament.

Wilders’ rhetoric and speech cadences have often been compared to those of Sir Winston Churchill. Perhaps Wilders in light of today’s injustice rendered by the  Hague district court may recall what Sir Winston Churchill said at Harrow in October 1941 during the darkest days of the Nazi onslaught during WWII: ““Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense.”  Onward to victory.

Geert Wilders’ Defiant in Hague Court contesting ‘Hate Speech’ charges

Geert Wilders’ biased political show trial culminated today with his final statement to the panel of judges requesting that he be acquitted of all charges.  Wilders’ and his Freedom Party (PVV)  has a commanding lead in the latest political polls in the  Netherlands ahead of the March 2017 general election.  The daunting problem he faces  if the PVV won the plurality of  popular votes would be his ability to form a ruling coalition if asked to do so by King Willem -Alexander. Monday’s Wall Street Journal Europe File noted the rise of possible Euro-skeptic allies  of Wilders who might form minority parties furthering the anti-immigration and anti-EU agenda of his Freedom Party, ” EU’s Potential Bomb Ticks in the Netherlands.”   Note what Simon Nixon WSJ Europe File Columnist wrote:

The risk to the European Union doesn’t come from Geert Wilders, the leader of anti-EU, anti-immigration Party for Freedom. He is well ahead in the polls and looks destined to benefit from many of the social and economic factors that paved the way for the Brexit and Trump revolts.

But the vagaries of the Dutch political system make it highly unlikely that Mr. Wilders will find his way into government. As things stand, he is predicted to win just 29 out of the 150 seats in the new parliament, and mainstream parties seem certain to shun him as a coalition partner. In an increasingly fragmented Dutch political landscape, most observers agree that the likely outcome of the election is a coalition of four or five center-right and center-left parties.

Instead, the risk to the EU comes from a new generation of Dutch euroskeptics who are less divisive and concerned about immigration but more focused on questions of sovereignty—and utterly committed to the destruction of the EU. Its leading figures are Thierry Baudet and Jan Roos, who have close links to British euroskeptics. They have already scored one significant success: In 2015, they persuaded the Dutch parliament to adopt a law that requires the government to hold a referendum on any law if 300,000 citizens request it. They then took advantage of this law at the first opportunity to secure a vote that rejected the EU’s proposed trade and economic pact with Ukraine, which Brussels saw as a vital step in supporting a strategically important neighbor.

The outcome of Wilders’ second trial on alleged “hate speech” that aroused Dutch Moroccan Muslims to petition for his prosecution might stymie his objective of seeking the Premiership in the Tweeder Kammer, the Hague Parliament if he came out on top in March 2017 general elections.  His first trial in a similar hate speech  prosecution in the Amsterdam District Court, ended with Wilders’ acquittal of all charges.  This second trail ,brought on alleged hate speech comments about “fewer Moroccans” at a campaign rally in the Hague in May  2014 resulted in  a petition to the Public Prosecutors with over 6,400 signatures from ‘outraged’ Dutch Moroccan Muslims and their leftist allies requesting this second trial of Wilders.

What follows is Wilders’ final statement before the Hague court today contesting the charges brought by the Public Prosecutors.  We will shortly see what decision the Hague court renders.

Final Statement Geert Wilders at his Trial, 23 Nov. 2016


Mr. President, Members of the Court,

When I decided to address you here today, by making a final statement in this trial against freedom of speech, many people reacted by telling me it is useless. That you, the court, have already written the sentencing verdict a while ago. That everything indicates that you have already convicted me. And perhaps that is true. Nevertheless, here I am. Because I never give up. And I have a message for you and The Netherlands.

For centuries, the Netherlands are a symbol of freedom.

Who one says Netherlands, one says freedom. And that is also true, perhaps especially, for those who have a different opinion than the establishment, the opposition.

And our most important freedom is freedom of speech.

We, Dutch, say whatever is close to our hearts.

And that is precisely what makes our country great.

Freedom of speech is our pride.

And that, precisely that, is at stake here, today.

I refuse to believe that we are simply giving this freedom up.

Because we are Dutch. That is why we never mince our words.

And I, too, will never do that. And I am proud of that. No-one will be able to silence me.

Moreover, members of the court, for me personally, freedom of speech is the only freedom I still have. Every day, I am reminded of that. This morning, for example. I woke up in a safe house. I got into an armored car and was driven in a convoy to this high security courtroom at Schiphol. The bodyguards, the blue flashing lights, the sirens. Every day again. It is hell. But I am also intensely grateful for it.

Because they protect me, they literally keep me alive, they guarantee the last bit of freedom left to me: my freedom of speech. The freedom to go somewhere and speak about my ideals, my ideas to make The Netherlands – our country – stronger and safer. After twelve years without freedom, after having lived for safety reasons, together with my wife, in barracks, prisons and safe houses, I know what lack of freedom means.

I sincerely hope that this will never happen to you, members of the court.
That, unlike me, you will never have to be protected because Islamic terror organizations, such as Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and ISIS, and who knows how many individual Muslims want to murder you. That you will no longer be allowed to empty your own mailbox, need to carry a bulletproof vest at meetings, and that there are police officers guarding the door whenever you use the bathroom. I hope you will be spared this.

However, if you would have experienced it – no matter how much you disagree with my views –  you might perhaps understand that I cannot remain silent. That I should not remain silent. That I must speak. Not just for myself, but for The Netherlands, our country. That I need to use the only freedom that I still have to protect our country. Against Islam and against terrorism. Against immigration from Islamic countries. Against the huge problem with Moroccans in The Netherlands. I cannot remain silent about it; I have to speak out. That is my duty, I have to address it, I must warn for it, I have to propose solutions for it.

I had to give up my freedom to do this and I will continue. Always. People who want to stop me will have to murder me first.

And so, I stand here before you. Alone. But I am not alone. My voice is the voice of many. In 2012, nearly 1 million Dutch have voted for me. And there will be many more on March 15th.

According to the latest poll, soon, we are going to have two million voters. Members of the court, you know these people. You meet them every day. As many as one in five Dutch citizens would vote Party for Freedom, today. Perhaps your own driver, your gardener, your doctor or your domestic aid, the girlfriend of a registrar, your physiotherapist, the nurse at the nursing home of your parents, or the baker in your neighborhood. They are ordinary people, ordinary Dutch. The people I am so proud of.

They have elected me to speak on their behalf. I am their spokesman. I am their representative. I say what they think. I speak on their behalf. And I do so determinedly and passionately. Every day again, including here, today.

So, do not forget that, when you judge me, you are not just passing judgment on a single man, but on millions of men and women in The Netherlands.
You are judging millions of people. People who agree with me. People who will not understand a conviction. People who want their country back, who are sick and tired of not being listened to, who cherish freedom of expression.

Members of the court, you are passing judgment on the future of The Netherlands. And I tell you: if you convict me, you will convict half of The Netherlands. And many Dutch will lose their last bit of trust in the rule of law.

Of course, I should not have been subjected to this absurd trial. Because this is a political trial. It is a political trial because political issues have to be debated in Parliament and not here. It is a political trial because other politicians from – mostly government parties – who spoke about Moroccans have not been prosecuted. It is a political trial because the court is being abused to settle a political score with an opposition leader whom one cannot defeat in Parliament.

This trial here, Mr. President, it stinks. It would be appropriate in Turkey or Iran, where they also drag the opposition to court. It is a charade, an embarrassment for The Netherlands, a mockery of our rule of law.

And it is also an unfair trial because, earlier, one of you – Mrs. van Rens – has commented negatively on the policy of my party and the successful challenge in the previous Wilders trial. Now, she is going to judge me.

What have I actually done to deserve this travesty? I have spoken about fewer Moroccans on a market and I have asked questions to PVV members during a campaign event. And I did so, members of the court, because we have a huge problem with Moroccans in this country. And almost no-one dares to speak about it or take tough measures. My party alone has been speaking about this problem for years.

Just look at these past weeks: Stealing and robbing Moroccan fortune seekers in Groningen, abusing our asylum system, and Moroccan youths terrorizing entire neighborhoods in Maassluis, Ede and Almere. I can give tens of thousands other examples, almost everyone in The Netherlands knows them or has personally experienced nuisance from criminal Moroccans. If you do not know them, you are living in an ivory tower.

I tell you: If we can no longer honestly address problems in The Netherlands, if we are no longer allowed to use the word alien, if we, Dutch, are suddenly racists because we want Black Pete to remain black, if we only go unpunished if we want more Moroccans or else are dragged before the penal court, if we sell out our hard-won freedom of expression, if we use the court to silence an opposition politician, who threatens to become Prime Minister, then this beautiful country will be doomed. That is unacceptable, because we are Dutch and this is our country.

And again, what on earth have I done wrong? How can the fact be justified that I have to stand here as a suspect, as if I robbed a bank or committed murder?

I only spoke about Moroccans on a market and asked a question on an election night meeting. And anyone, who has the slightest understanding of politics, knows that the election night meetings of every party consist of political speeches full of slogans, one-liners and making maximum use of the rules of rhetoric. That is our job. That is the way it works in politics.

Election nights are election nights with rhetoric and political speeches; not university lectures, in which every paragraph is scrutinized 15 minutes long from six points of view. It is simply crazy that the Public Prosecutor now uses this against me, as if one would blame a football player for scoring a hattrick.

Indeed, I have said on the market in the beautiful Hague district of Loosduinen “if possible fewer Moroccans.” Mark that I did so a few minutes after a Moroccan lady came to me and told me she was going to vote PVV because she was sick and tired of the nuisance caused by Moroccan youths.

And on election night, I began by asking the PVV audience “Do you want more or fewer EU,” and I did also not explained in detail why the answer might be fewer. Namely, because we need to regain our sovereignty and reassert control over our own money, our own laws and our own borders. I did not do that.

Then, I asked the public “Do you want more or fewer Labour Party.” And, again, I did not explain in detail why the answer might be fewer. Namely, because they are the biggest cultural relativists, willfully blind and Islam hugging cowards in Parliament. I did not say that.

And, then, I asked “Do you want more or fewer Moroccans” and, again, I did not explain in detail why the answer might be fewer. Namely, because people with a Moroccan nationality are overrepresented in the Netherlands in crime, benefit dependency and terror. And that we want to achieve this by expelling criminals with also the Moroccan nationality after denaturalizing them of their Dutch nationality and by a stricter immigration policy and an active voluntary repatriation policy. Proposals which we have made in our election manifesto from the day I founded the Party for Liberty.

I explained this in several interviews on national television, both between the statement on the market and election night, as well as on election night a few moments after I had asked the said questions. It is extremely malicious and false of the Public Prosecutor to want to disregard that context.

Disgusting – I have no other words for it – are the actions of other politicians, including the man who for a few months may still call himself Prime Minister. Their, and especially his, actions after the said election night constituted a real persecution, a witch hunt. The government created an atmosphere in which it had to come to trial.

Prime Minister Rutte even told small children during the youth news that I wanted to expel them and then reassured them that this would not happen. As if I had said anything of that kind. It is almost impossible to behave viler and falser.

But, also, the then Minister of Security and Justice, who, it should be noted, is the political boss of the Public Prosecutor, called my words disgusting and even demanded, he demanded that I take them back. A demand of the Minister of Justice, you do not have to be called Einstein to predict what will happen next, what the Public Prosecutor will do, if you do not comply to the demand of the Minister of Justice.

The Interior Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister, too, both from the Labour Party, expressed themselves similarly. In short, the government left the Public Prosecutor no option than to prosecute me. Hence, in this trial, the Officers of Justice are not representatives of an independent Public Prosecutor, but accomplices of this government.

Mr. President, the elite also facilitated the complaints against me. With preprinted declaration forms. Which were brought to the mosque by the police. In which, it has to remarked, the police sometimes said that they, too, were of the opinion that my statements were inadmissible.

And a sample made by us showed that some complaints were the result of pure deception, intimidation and influence. People thought they were going to vote, they not even know my name, did not realize what they were signing or declared that they did not feel to be discriminated against by me at all.

Someone said that, at the As Soenah mosque after Friday prayers alone, 1,200 complaints had been lodged because it was thought to be an election. There were parades, led by mayors and aldermen, like in Nijmegen, where CDA mayor Bruls was finally able to show off his deep-seated hatred of the PVV. The police had extra opening hours, offered coffee and tea, there were dancing and singing Moroccans accompanied by a real oompah band in front of a police station, they turned it into a big party.

But meanwhile, two representative polls, one commissioned by the PVV, the other commissioned by De Volkskrant, showed that, apart from the government and media elite, 43% of the Dutch people, around 7 million people, agree with me. Want fewer Moroccans. You will be very busy if the Public Prosecutor is going to prosecute all these 7 million people.

People will never understand that other politicians – especially from government parties – and civil servants who have spoken about Moroccans, Turks and even PVV members, are being left alone and not prosecuted by the Public Prosecutor

Like Labour leader Samsom, who said that Moroccan youths have a monopoly on ethnic nuisance.

Or Labour chairman Spekman, who said Moroccans should be humiliated.

Or Labour alderman Oudkerk ,who spoke about f*cking Moroccans.

Or Prime Minister Rutte, who said that Turks should get lost.

And what about police chief Joop van Riessen, who said about me on television – I quote literally: “Basically one would feel inclined to say: let’s kill him, just get rid of him now and he will never surface again”?

And in reference to PVV voters, van Riessen declared: “Those people must be deported, they no longer belong here.” End of quote. The police chief said that killing Wilders was a normal reaction. That is hatred, Mr. President, pure hatred, and not by us but against us. And the Public Prosecutor did not prosecute Mr. Van Riessen.

But the Public Prosecutor does prosecute me. And demands a conviction based on nonsensical arguments about race and on concepts that are not even in the law. It accuses and suspects me of insulting a group and inciting hatred and discrimination on grounds of race. How much crazier can it become? Race. What race?

I spoke and asked a question about Moroccans. Moroccans are not a race. Who makes this up? No-one at home understands that Moroccans have suddenly become a race. This is utter nonsense. Not a single nationality is a race. Belgians are no race, Americans are no race. Stop this nonsense, I say to the Public Prosecutor. I am not a racist and my voters are neither. How do you dare suggest that? Wrongly slandering millions of people as racists.

43% of the Dutch want fewer Moroccans, as I already said. They are no racists. Stop insulting these people. Every day, they experience the huge problem with Moroccans in our country. They have a right to a politician who is not afraid to mention the problem with Moroccans. But neither they nor I care whether someone is  black, yellow, red, green or violet.

I tell you: If you convict someone for racism while he has nothing against races, then you undermine the rule of law, then it is bankrupt. No-one in this country will understand that.

And now the Public Prosecutor also uses the vague concept ‘intolerance’. Yet another stupidity. The subjective word intolerance, however, is not even mentioned in the law. And what for heaven’s sake is intolerance? Are you going to decide that, members of the court?

It is not up to you to decide. Nor to the Supreme Court or even the European Court. The law itself must determine what is punishable. We, representatives, are elected by the people to determine clearly and visibly in the law for everyone what is punishable and what is not.

That is not up to the court. You should not do that, and certainly not on the basis of such subjective concepts which are understood differently by everyone and can easily be abused by the elite to ban unwelcome opinions of the opposition. Do not start this, I tell you.

Mr. President, Members of the Court,

Our ancestors fought for freedom and democracy. They suffered, many gave their lives. We owe our freedoms and the rule of law to these heroes.
But the most important freedom, the cornerstone of our democracy, is freedom of speech. The freedom to think what you want and to say what you think.
If we lose that freedom, we lose everything. Then, The Netherlands cease to exist, then the efforts of all those who suffered and fought for us are useless. From the freedom fighters for our independence in the Golden Age to the resistance heroes in World War II. I ask you: Stand in their tradition. Stand for freedom of expression.

By asking a conviction, the Public Prosecutor, as an accomplice of the established order, as a puppet of the government, asks to silence an opposition politician. And, hence, silence millions of Dutch. I tell you: The problems with Moroccans will not be solved this way, but will only increase.

For people will sooner be silent and say less because they are afraid of being called racist, because they are afraid of being sentenced. If I am convicted, then everyone who says anything about Moroccans will fear to be called a racist.

Mr. President, Members of the Court, I conclude.

A worldwide movement is emerging that puts an end to the politically correct doctrines of the elites and the media which are subordinate to them.

That has been proven by Brexit.

That has been proven by the US elections.

That is about to be proven in Austria and Italy.

That will be proven next year in France, Germany, and The Netherlands.

The course of things is about to take a different turn. Citizens no longer tolerate it.

And I tell you, the battle of the elite against the people will be won by the people. Here, too, you will not be able to stop this, but rather accelerate it. We will win, the Dutch people will win and it will remember well who was on the right side of history.

Common sense will prevail over politically correct arrogance.

Because everywhere in the West, we are witnessing the same phenomenon.

The voice of freedom cannot be imprisoned; it rings like a bell.

Everywhere, ever more people are saying what they think.

They do not want to lose their land, they do not want to lose their freedom.

They demand politicians who take them seriously, who listen to them, who speak on their behalf. It is a genuine democratic revolt. The wind of change and renewal blows everywhere. Including here, in The Netherlands.

As I said:

I am standing here on behalf of millions of Dutch citizens.

I do not speak just on behalf of myself.

My voice is the voice of many.

And, so, I ask you.

not only on behalf of myself,

but in the name of all those Dutch citizens:

Acquit me!

Acquit us!

Defending Free Speech in an Islamic Europe

“Keep the Faith. Don’t be intimidated. You might as well be killed standing than crawling on your knees.” – Lars Hedegaard

LISTEN to this interview with Lars Hedegaard Founder of the Danish and International Free Press Societies that aired on the Lisa Benson show, Sunday, March 13, 2016:

Hedegaard discusses his struggle and survival fighting a Palestinian émigré shooter disguised as a Danish postman in an attempted assassination in February 2013 by who fled Denmark. Today he lives under 24/7 protection of the Danish security police in what he calls “a near Fort Knox-like complex.” He addresses Denmark’s inundation in the current massive wave of Muslim immigration, desperate assertion of border control and repression of free speech concerning the Islamization of Europe.  See our original interview with Hedegaard published in the New English Review Press collection, The West Speaks. 

Hedegaard was forthright, honest about his experience in the face of the attempt on his life in February 2013 by a Palestinian émigré, a well educated engineer who had become radicalized.  The perpetrator, “BH”, as Lars discussed on the program fled Denmark only to be arrested in Turkey in April 2014, later traded to release Turkish diplomats in Mosul, Iraq in October, despite Danish extradition requests. “BH” could have ended up in Syria with the Islamic State, as did a colleague who Hedegaard said had been killed by the Americans recently. Almost Kafkaesque  was Hedegaard’s discussions of the fines levied recently on him and others in the Danish Free Press Society publishing group, other Danish  media and Pegida.dk for revealing “BH’s” true identity.

His discussion of the political and social environment in neighboring Sweden, that we heard from Kent Ekeroth, Sweden Democrat and Riksdag parliament deputy in our interviews with him, is appalling. Hedegaard spoke of Geert Wilders being denied speaking in Sweden by hordes of protesters, persecuted Jews of Malmo fleeing Sweden for safety and the rapine misogyny of Muslim migrant males inflicted on unwary Swedish girls and women.  In Sweden, today, “it is nearly impossible to hold an open meeting.”

Hedegaard gave to truth to power about the ineptness of the current center right ruling coalition government in Denmark.  He suggests that the public outrage in his country presages a move to the right politically in the hopes that might stanch Islamic immigration and bolstering free speech from intimidation by the EU and sharia Islamic blasphemy.

While Denmark’s Jews may not be as threatened as our Sweden’s; nevertheless, Hedegaard cited the recent occurrence of a 16 year girl Islamic convert from Kundby, Denmark and her 24 year old boyfriend, an ISIS returning fighter ‘mentor’, caught attempting to bomb a Jewish Day school in Copenhagen. More of that, as Hedegaard opined, might spur sending Denmark’s 6,400 Jews to Israel, Canada or the US which as he pointed the Jewish community made many contributions to the Scandinavian country.

Hedegaard readily admitted that he is not a man of the right by virtue of his former Marxist political background that he now rejects. Nevertheless, he believes that background has enabled him to analyze the dangers of Islamization to his country, Europe and the West.  His response to a final question about what message he wanted to send to the Lisa Benson Show program listeners, “Keep the Faith. Don’t be intimidated. You might as well be killed standing than crawling on your knees.”  Brought a rejoinder from host Benson about a General saying, “keep up the fire.” That reminded this writer of how Danish editorial cartoonist, Kurt Westergaard, responded to a similar question in a 2009 interview , “free speech, use it!!”

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

Geert Wilders — The Next Prime Minister of the Netherlands?

Dutch Television interviewed Geert Wilders, leader of the  Freedom Party (PVV),  in the Hague Parliament on the 10th anniversary of its founding.  Wilders had been voted the top politician of the year in 2015. The PVV’s towering standings in Dutch political polls vaulted it over the ruling VVD-led  coalition of Prime Minister Mark Rutte. The irony is that Wilders left the VVD with predictions that he would never make junior minister. Ten years hence, both he and the PVV appears as serious contenders in the 2017 general parliamentary election.

The interview comes at a time when the events of the past year confirm Wilders’ and the PVV’s concerns over the flooding of Europe and the Netherlands with Muslim migrants from the hot spots in the Ummah seeking asylum. This has resulted in an enormous economic and social burden on the Netherlands.

Wilders noted the enormous progress the PVV has made in a decade in this press statement:

Ten years ago today, the Party for Freedom (PVV) was officially registered. We began in an attic room with a few people. Today, we are by far the largest party in the Dutch polls. We have more than one hundred representatives in the Senate, the House, the European Parliament, the provincial and the municipal councils. Together with all our collaborators, volunteers and voters, we are the PVV: the pride of the Netherlands.

People are sick and tired of all the lies. They want less Islam, to stop mass immigration, better care, direct democracy, and lower taxes.

No other party is loved so much by the people as our party. We are hated, however, by the elite and the enemies of freedom. I am on the death list of Al-Qaeda, Islamic State, the Taliban, and other terror organizations. I live under 24/7 police protection. But the PVV will not be intimidated.

We defend freedom of speech like no-one else. Islam will never be able to silence us! Who showed Muhammad cartoons on Dutch national television? The PVV!

The PVV is a party of patriots. We believe in our nation. We believe in national policies. That makes us unique. We are the voice of millions of Dutch who will otherwise not be heard. We are the only party that does not beat around the bush and dares to say it like it is.

A bigger PVV means more sovereignty, less Europe, being masters again of our own country and our own money. A larger PVV means a stronger Netherlands. A better Netherlands.

Evidence of what Wilders spoke of in the  Dutch Television interview  is reflected in Dutch protests at migrant reception centers and concerns over predatory behavior by Muslim men towards women in the EU, notably Germany, Sweden  and the Netherlands.  We wrote of his protest rally on January 22, 2016 in the Dutch community of Spijkenisse handing out cans of pepper spray. That was a send up on the Muslim male migrant misogyny in Cologne Germany and other German and European cities by what he calls: “Islamic testosterone bombs.” Wilders is concerned about assertion of Dutch national sovereignty and foundational Western Judeo-Christian values for current and future generations of Dutch children and grandchildren.

The broad ranging interview on February 20th, occurred  less than a month before a scheduled trial to begin on March 18, 2016 brought by Hague public prosecutors. The trial is occurring because of alleged violation of Dutch race hatred laws given Wilders comments at a PVV election campaign rally on March 12th and 19th, 2015. His remarks suggested  that the country needed : “fewer Moroccans,” a reference to  absorption problems and disproportionate representation in Dutch prisons for criminal convictions.

Watch the Vladtepesblog YouTube video  of the Dutch Television interview with Wilders with English translation subtitles:

The topics covered in the Dutch Television interview with Wilders focused on his leaving the VVD party, his clarion call against Islamization of the Netherlands and objections to political Islam. He expressed the need to preserve sovereign control over the country’s borders, the channeling of funding from absorption of Muslim migrants to Dutch senior pensions and health benefits. He also expressed  an  objection to the overarching control exerted by the EU bureaucracy in Brussels. That is an implied reference to Wilders’ espousal of a NExit plan launched in 2014 to leave the EU. A UK referendum on the issue, negotiated in Brussels with the European Commission by British PM David Cameron, is scheduled for a June 23, 2016 vote.  We note the recent call by Conservative London Mayor Boris Johnson for a BRExit.

The issue of whether a future  PVV-led Dutch government is possible came up in the Wilders interview. That reflects Wilders’ and the PVV’s significant standing in weekly political polls taken in the Netherlands. The line of questioning focused on whether Wilders’ could compromise to form a ruling coalition in the Hague parliament if given the nod by King Willem-Alexander in a 2017 general election. Wilders made it plain that the fewer parties in a PVV-led coalition the easier it would be to form a coalition and achieve the party’s objectives.  Asked, when the PVV would cease as a party given the alleged single issue of ending Mass Muslim immigration, Wilders indicated, perhaps it would take more than a generation. 35 years or so achieve the objective of preserving Dutch liberty and freedom for future generations of its citizens. Towards the end of the Dutch Television interview he noted, “Perhaps it is possible that next  year we will sit here again talking to the Prime Minister.”

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

For the West to Survive ‘Stop Islamic Immigration’

Hon. Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom Party (PVV) in the Hague Parliament is rightfully concerned about the future of the West in this Breitbart Report article, Geert Wilders: Stopping Islamic Immigration Is a Matter of Survival.”

The massive flood of Muslim flight to Europe from the conflicts in the hotspots of the Ummah in Africa, the Middle and South Asia threatens both the demography and Judeo Christian values that are the foundation of laws of Europe and the West.

Last weekend on The Lisa Benson Show we heard evidence of Wilders’ arguments in the stark figures of how this historic Dar al Hijrah immigration wave has literally swamped Sweden resulting in thousands of instances of lawlessness, sexual assault, and murder by hordes of Muslim young men and unaccompanied minors. The Hon. Kent Ekeroth, deputy of the Sweden Democrat party in the Riksdag, the national parliament, revealed that 35,000 unaccompanied youths now constitute 50 percent of students in the country’s high schools. The upwards of 200,000 migrants and asylees that Sweden received in 2015 and early 2016 as US international affairs commentator Barry Nussbaum indicated is equivalent to receiving the equivalent here of the population of the State of Indiana.

The Swedish tolerance for this wave of Muslim immigration has resulted in the Interior Minister issuing an expulsion order for 80,000 of these unwanted arrivals. Neighboring Finland has issued an expulsion order for 20,000 migrants. Germany, where Chancellor Angela Merkel once welcomed one million Muslim migrants has reached near rebellion with public opinion polls demanding that she resign. Community leaders in Germany, Norway and other locations in the broken borderless Schengen system have advised young women not to dress provocatively effectively adhering to Sharia demands of domestic Imams.

But Europe is not alone in being threatened. Our neighbor to the north, Canada, under the new Liberal government of Justin Trudeau is admitting 25,000 Syrian refugees with many being put up in Canadian Forces bases around the country. Given Canada’s 35 million in population that complement of Refugees would be the equivalent in the US of over 225,000, according to recent testimony by Canadian counterterrorism expert, David B. Harris. Then there are the 10,000 Syrian refugees to be admitted here in the US over the next two years distributed in more than 190 communities in the US.  The difficulty is, as Dr. Sebastian Gorka, son of Hungarian Refugees from the 1956 Revolt against Russian tyranny, said on a recent Lisa Benson Show program, how can we possibly vett these refugees, if there isn’t a data base to confirm the documents?

Whether Europe can stop the flight of Muslim migrants is the challenge that Wilders argues if his native Holland, Europe and the West are to survive. Right now that prospect is teetering on the brink unless concerted action is taken to stop Muslim flight at its source in the warring lands of extremism in the Ummah. Yet, the West rejects any concerted multilateral strategy to reverse the great wave of Muslim migration. If it doesn’t adopt such a strategy then the future could be a dystopian realm of unimaginable oppression and chaos for our children and grandchildren.

In April last year, the renowned nonpartisan Pew Research Center released a report on the future growth of world religions. The content was shocking. The report states that, if current trends continue, Islam will almost equal Christianity by 2050. While the world’s population is expected to rise by 35 per cent until the middle of this century, Islam will grow with a staggering 73 per cent.

The consequences of future Islamic growth are frightening. Islam is not a religion like Christianity, but rather a totalitarian political ideology. Its goal is primarily political. Islam wants to make the whole world submit. It aims to establish a worldwide Islamic state and bring everyone, including “infidels,” such as Christians, Jews, atheists, and others, under Sharia law. This is the barbaric Islamic law which deprives non-Muslims of all rights, treats women as inferior beings, condemns apostates and critics of Islam to death, and condones terror. More Islam equals more violence, more intolerance, more terrorism.

With the growth of Islam, the world will become a less safe place. And so will America. According to Pew, the United States will see its number of Christians decline from more than three-quarters of the population today to two-thirds in 2050, while Islam will more than double in size and replace Judaism as America’s largest non-Christian faith. The consequences of the Islamic presence in America have already been visible in several murderous attacks, such last December’s San Bernardino shooting, but also the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, the 2009 Fort Hood shooting, the 9/11 terror attacks in 2001, and several other acts of terrorism. If Islam doubles in size, the threat of terrorism will only grow.

In the past, the totalitarian ideologies of Nazism and Communism have both been defeated by the common efforts of America and Europe. Without America, Europe would have been lost. But without Europe, America would have been isolated. If Europe had fallen to either Nazism or Communism, there is no doubt that America would have become the next victim. The Transatlantic alliance between Americans and Europeans has been the key to the survival of our common Western civilization. This alliance is in danger today, because the more Islamic Europe becomes, the less reliable it will be as an ally of America.

Though the predicted future rise of Islam in the US is worrying, the situation in Europe is far worse. The Pew figures show that Islam has already gained a significant foothold on the European continent and is growing rapidly. Europe’s Islamic population, boosted by higher birth rates and immigration, will nearly double, from 43 million people in 2010 to 71 million people in 2050. In the Netherlands, Muhammad is currently already the second most popular name among newborn boys nationwide and even the most popular name in our three largest cities, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague. This is also the case in the Belgian capital Brussels, the Norwegian capital Oslo, and the British capital London. As a matter of fact even in the whole of Great-Britain, Muhammad has become the most popular name for newborn boys.

The Islamization of Europe will profoundly influence European politics. Winning the Islamic vote will become the goal of ever more European politicians. As a result, Europe’s policies will become even less friendly towards Israel and the United States than they already are. The Atlantic alliance is in danger.

The Islamic vote has already decided at least one major European election: the 2012 French presidential elections. These were won by the Socialist Francois Hollande over the incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy by only 1.1 million votes. Since an estimated 2 million Islamic votes participated, of which 93 per cent – 1.7 million votes – went to Hollande and only 7 per cent to Sarkozy, it was the Islamic vote which gained Francois Hollande the Elysée Palace.

According to Pew, the growth of Islam in Europe is caused by several factors, including the young age of the Islamic population. However, more than half the growth can be attributed to immigration. In other words, stopping all immigration from Islamic countries would reduce the growth of Islam in Europe, but also in America, by more than half. The easiest way to limit the growth of Islam in the West is to stop Islamic immigration.

Islam is an existential threat to our Western freedoms and our Judeo-Christian civilization. It also threatens the Atlantic partnership between America and Western Europe. It is our duty to limit this threat. It is our mission as patriots to protect our nations. The first measure we must take to stop Islam, reduce the risk of terrorism and save our civilization, is to stop all immigration from Islamic countries. It is a matter of survival.

RELATED ARTICLE: Iraqi Journalist Dispels Myth that ISIS Has No Ties to Islam

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.