Tag Archive for: globalist plan

WATCH VIDEO: Dr. Malone lays bare the globalist plan for total control over all human behavior

Dr. Robert Malone is calling for people to “rise up” and resist the evil powers that are using “psychological warfare” to fundamentally change human nature.

Malone, one of the inventors of mRNA technology, warns that those behind the push to unleash monkeypox as the “next pandemic” are driving humanity to “the end of the line as we know it.”

Speaking during an interview with Alex Jones of Infowars, Malone declared that people must resist the pressure from globalists to strip the public of their freedoms and humanity.

Dr. Malone likened the situation to a “fight between good and evil.” That’s true, but I would take it a step further and say we are living at a time of intense spiritual warfare, not just between good and evil, but between Christ and the forces of anti-Christ. Everyone will at some point be forced to pick a side.

Dr. Malone also used the term “surveillance capitalism.” That’s a key component of the global deception.

We conservatives tend to lump all of the world’s evildoers into the category of “Marxist” or “socialist” or “communist,” but there are plenty of the devil’s minions working under the banner of “capitalism.” You find them at the World Economic Forum. You find them within the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations (remember George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and that crew? They did every bit as much to destroy freedom in America as Barack Obama.)

WEF Founder and Chairman Klaus Schwab is a big proponent of what he calls “Stakeholder Capitalism.” Others call it “corporate capitalism.” Whatever you wish to call it, it is extremely authoritarian in the way it involves both the public and private sectors to lord power over people. It’s a form of modern feudalism using the lure of technology to create digital zombies.

It’s all the same in the end, whether it’s a Marxist government, or public-private partnerships in which large and very powerful private corporations work with the government to control and oppress the people. They’re in the business of stealing human souls, canceling their God-given free will for the purpose of manipulating them, then selling off the spent husks of formerly human souls for profit. Sounds like a line right out of Revelation 18:11-13.

The end-times Babylonian system, according to this scripture, will commercialize, commoditize and monetize all manner of goods and services, including “cargo of gold, silver, precious stones, and pearls; of fine linen, purple, silk, and scarlet; of all kinds of citron wood and every article of ivory, precious wood, bronze, iron, and marble; cinnamon and incense, fragrant oil and frankincense, wine and oil, fine flour and wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and bodies and souls of men.”

BODIES AND SOULS OF MEN = Digitized human slaves, whose most personal data gets sold and resold among governments and corporations, then bet upon like house chips on a casino table.

We cannot allow ourselves to be used and abused by these globalist techno-predator capitalists anymore than we can allow ourselves to be used/abused by the communists.

Resist man’s ever-encroaching, ever-invasive and intrusive system of control. Become ungovernable.

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