The Globalist Sociopaths Have Not Surrendered, They Have Merely Switched Sides
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for all of you.
Let’s continue to live free and refuse to comply with any of the myriad schemes to control our lives through deceptive, techno-invasive applications. I believe we are on the cusp of a technocratic takeover that will see more draconian measures in 2025 and eventually lead us straight into the global surveillance state.
Because of the election of Trump, many will let their guard down and believe that Trump is going to fix all of America’s and the world’s problems. Problems of war, crime, failing economies, energy availability, and the immigration nightmares.
That would be a mistake. Those who make up the brains behind the politicians have not surrendered to Donald Trump and the conservatives. They have simply changed sides. They have the same agenda. They will just go about implementing it a bit differently, using people on the “right” instead of those on the “left” to bring in the same agenda of greater human control.
The time to oppose these measures is now.
Anything that can be weaponized for the digital reset must be rejected hard and fast. This includes digital currencies and digital IDs that will likely sneak in the back door under the guise of “voter ID,” but it also includes electric cars, smart homes, smart appliances, smart cities, etc. It’s all one big data-gathering operation. Pay with cash when possible because they want to replace it with digital, programmable tokens that can be turned on and off based on a social credit score that measures your compliance with the anti-human globalist agenda.
If you like meat, eat real meat. Eat real eggs and real butter, not the ultra-processed imitations of these God-given whole foods. If you like milk, drink real milk. Thank God for all of the real food to which we still have access.
Do not comply with any of the demands being made by globalist elitist freaks seeking to change your behavior. Creeps like John Kerry. Unfortunately, we cannot dismiss the maniacal rants like the one by Kerry in the video below as just the insane musings of a madman. We cannot dismiss or ignore these freaks because they control so much of our economy, our culture, our education and healthcare systems, even our military. We saw how roughly 98 percent of the doctors jumped to obey these sociopathic killers during Covid, prescribing unproven medical measures and pushing them as if they were life-saving when in fact they were life-threatening and life-destroying.
The West is full of multi-millionaires and billionaires just like the corrupt John Kerry. NATO is the military arm of these globalist control freaks and there is nothing they’d like more right now than to get World War III off the ground in 2025.
This great war will be phase two of the great culling that’s been years in the making. I believe 2025 is the year they’d like to launch the kinetic phase of World War III (the information-war phase has been ongoing for decades and intensified in 2020). Phase one included a lab-created pandemic and mRNA injections backed by psychological warfare on the masses, and phase two is global kinetic war. Phase three will be famine and starvation. When it’s all over, we’ll know why the 2014 Deagle Report forecasted a U.S. population of nearly 70 percent fewer people. I don’t necessarily agree with Deagle’s timing, by the end of 2025, but those forecasted benchmarks will be reached, probably by 2030.
With that in mind, watch the angry climate huckster John Kerry scolding us to “behave,” which means we should agree to lower our already disintegrating midde-class standard of living, while he and his billionaire buddies flit around in their private jets and dine on the finest fillets.
WATCH: Globalist John Kerry: “We need to get people to behave!”
It’s in this same spirit of satanic hatred for human life that the CDC just issued its 2025 childhood vaccine schedule. It includes five “routine” injections during pregnancy, more than 70 “routine” childhood injections from birth to age 18, and another 130 injections for adults up to age 79. I guess they figure if you make it to 79 you’re so tough they can’t kill you so why waste anymore of their precious toxic serums on you!
Notice where Kerry was speaking at in the above video. Harvard.
Everything that comes out of these putrid institutions and their globalist puppet mouthpieces is geared toward hastening our death, starting from children in the womb and ending with the elderly and infirm. And it’s working. The life expectancy of the average American citizen has been in free fall for the past decade. Almost nobody wants to talk about it. Even fewer want to honestly investigate it. Countries around the world are reporting much higher excess death rates since 2021. Those death rates should have gone down with the release of their “miracle vaccine” but they’ve ratcheted up by 20 to 40 percent in most industrialized countries and the harder the country pushed the shots, the higher their excess death rate. Steve Kirsch, founder of the Vaccine Research Safety Foundation, has done the research on this. It’s not conspiracy. It’s fact. The establishment gatekeepers have no logical or provable answer for why this is happening and they refuse to address the elephant in the room.
The elites who populate our Western establishment institutions have lost the public’s trust, and I think they know it. That makes them more dangerous than ever.
My motto has served me well over the years. Question everything. Whether the information is coming from a doctor, a politician, a journalist, or a business or tech leader, question it. Do your own research, especially when it involves the lives of your kids or grandkids.
And don’t think Donald Trump is going to save us from this death cult.
Catherine Austin Fitts tried to explain this to interviewer Greg Hunter about a year ago. Greg, like so many others, just couldn’t accept the truth about Trump. That’s what makes you a sycophant. You cannot believe your leader could ever be led down the wrong path, at least not routinely and surely not knowingly. Watch C.A.F.’s brilliant deconstruction of Hunter’s misplaced assumptions.
Even the arch liberal tech baron Mark Zuckerberg has descended on Mar-a-Lago to kiss Trump’s ring. He sees other giants of the tech world rubbing shoulders with the incoming president, men like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, and he doesn’t want to be left on the outside.
If it was Trump’s intention to dismantle the weaponized bio-pharma-security complex, he would not have surrounded himself in his second term with so many members of the death cult. More on that in the video below.
©2024 Leo Hohmann. All rights reserved.
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