Tag Archive for: Graham Ledger

VIDEO: Biden Treason! Exposing U.S. Troops to Terrorists & Most Deadly Vax Ever

Joe Biden is literally killing American servicemen and women. Biden cares more about forcing the COVID shot into the arms of the U.S. military than he does about protecting our guys in hell-holes like Afghanistan. Biden is exposing our troops to terrorists and they are getting killed.

But he’s also exposing the military to a long-term potential death sentence by forcing them to participate (unwillingly or unknowingly) in the largest human clinical trial of mRNA spike proteins ever. Biden cares more about this political wedge issue (COVID vax) than he does about protecting our troops from actual, lethal threats.

Graham Ledger speaks with Dr. Peter McCullough about how and why the COVID jabs are the greatest vaccine failure in world history.

RELATED ARTICLE: Seventeen-year-old Washington female dies from heart attack weeks after receiving second Pfizer vaccination


EDITORS NOTE: This Ledger Report video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Please subscribe free to The Ledger Report by clicking here: www.GrahamLedger.com