In September 1993, Awad attended a secret three-day summit in Philadelphia along with a number of people whom the FBI believed were Hamas members or supporters. Ten years later, during a deposition regarding that meeting, Awad claimed he could not recall whether he had been there.
The same Nihad Awad standing behind and to the right of President George W. Bush, six days after 9-11-2001, as he proclaims “Islam is a religion of peace” in a mosque.
And how, you may ask, does that happen? At the behest of Grover Norquist, personal adviser to the Republican Party!
So it is not just a Hillary/Democrat thing, we are watching you Paul Ryan. United West/ Defend The Border United West/ Defend The Border2015-11-23 04:34:502015-11-23 05:07:04VIDEO: The G. W. Bush, Grover Norquist connection to a domestic terrorist
Yesterday Ann Coulter tweeted this little walk down memory lane about the premiere (supposedly) conservative conclave held in Washington, D.C. each year known as CPAC.
For the record, we have written often on CPAC, but will not attend primarily because CPAC ‘leaders’ including Grover Norquist have worked hard for many years to keep discussions on immigration to a minimum and have outright banned those who want to discuss the Islamist threat to America.
Go here for our archive of posts on Grover Norquist. BTW, while pushing his amnesty agenda, Norquist worked very closely with the office of Senator Marco Rubioin helping craft that now discredited ‘Gang of Eight’ amnesty bill, but I’m digressing.
Here is a piece (3/7/14) written by Jon Feere at the Center for Immigration Studies (tweeted by Ann Coulter yesterday) which chronicles how Trump was alone among a list of Republican leaders and Presidential wannabes in addressing immigration.
Trump was talking about our borders, our sovereignty and the future of the Republican Party long before he decided to jump into the Presidential race, and he must have been very unpopular (with the ‘leaders’ at CPAC) with this message!
From Feere at CIS (emphasis below is mine):
Nearly every speaker at the first day of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) avoided any discussion of immigration or amnesty, a sign that Republican politicians are starting to understand that conservative voters have very little interest in doubling legal immigration and amnestying illegal aliens.
Of all speakers, which included Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), and governors Chris Christie and Bobby Jindal, only one speaker spent any time on immigration policy: Donald Trump. He came out strong on sovereignty and garnered strong applause for noting “we’re either a country, or we’re not; we either have borders or we don’t.”Trump also noted that amnesty is a benefit for the Democratic Party, while calling out Rubio:
When you let the 11 million — which will grow to 30 million people — in, I don’t care who stands up, whether it’s Marco Rubio, and talks about letting everybody in, you won’t get one vote. Every one of those votes goes to the Democrats. You have to do what’s right; it’s not about the votes necessarily. But of those 11 million potential voters which will go to 30 million in a not too long future, you will not get any of those votes no matter what you do, no matter how nice you are, no matter how soft you are, no matter how many times you say ‘rip down the fence and let everybody in’ you’re not going to get the votes. So with immigration, you better be smart and you better be tough, and they’re taking your jobs, and you better be careful. You better be careful.
A newly discovered document proves that Grover Norquist, top GOP money-man, sponsored on October 23rd, 2000 an anti-Israel pro-HAMAS and pro-Hezbollah rally in front of the White House in Lafayette Park. The rally was run and led by the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist Abdul Rahman al-Amoudi who pleaded guilty to financing terrorism and conspiracy to assassinate then-Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah. Al-Amoudi is currently serving a 23 year sentence in federal prison. Al-Amoudi who is co-founder of the Islamic Institute with Grover Norquist is seen on video in the Oct 23rd rally screaming his support for al-Qaeda and Hezbollah both of which are specially designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO).
The newly discovered DOCUMENT FOUND on the Islamic Institutes website in their weekly Friday brief demonstrably proves that Norquist’s organization was the organizational and CONTACT body for the EVENT dubbed: “March and Rally in Washington Against Israeli Aggression,” and states:
On October 23, 2000, there will be a march and rally in front of the White House in Washington, D.C., to protest Israel’s aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque and its escalating use of violence toward the Palestinian people.
The march and rally are being organized by the National Task Force for the Crisis in Jerusalem (NTFCJ), a coalition of national American Muslim organizations of which the Islamic Institute is a part. The march BEGINS at 11:00 a.m. at Freedom Plaza, and will move to Lafayette Park in front of the White House where a rally will BEGIN at 12:00pm.
It is highly important that the Muslim community in the U.S. demonstrates a show of solidarity by attending this event. A strong presence will emphasize the call of American Muslims for peace and justice in Jerusalem and Palestine. Buses are being chartered nationwide to bring supporters to Washington.
For further information, CONTACT the Islamic Institute via phone or e-mail, or the American Muslim Council at (202) 789-2262.
MEMBERS of the NTFCJ are: the American Muslim Council, the American Muslim Alliance, American Muslims for Jerusalem, the Council on American Islamic Relations, the Islamic Circle of North AMERICA, the Islamic Institute, the Islamic Society of North AMERICA, the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, and the Muslim Student Association.
When asked by Glenn Beck if he (Grover Norquist) sponsored the event Norquist replied that it was a mistake by and intern and that his organization, the Islamic Institute, had no DIRECT involvement or planning of the rally – a DIRECT contradiction of the Organizations weekly brief.
Clearly the Islamic Institute was the primary sponsor, primary planner, primary organizer and primary leader of the anti-Israel in October of 2000 and in possible violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2339A – Providing material support to terrorists.
The United West has completed a comprehensive counter-influence operation on Capitol Hill and now takes a few minutes to reflect on the successful program. Join Tom and Mark as they share some “inside” thoughts and processes which help viewers and listeners understand some elements necessary for defeating the Muslim Brotherhood in America!
On Monday April 13th and Tuesday 14th, 2015 Muslim Terrorists walking around the United States Congress demanded that our elected Representatives change federal law thereby making it harder to investigate Muslim terrorists. I know, crazy stuff, but it is happening right in broad daylight! THANK Allah that we at The United West are experts at investigating Muslim Brotherhood terrorists and exposing their influence operations for all Americans to understand and properly respond. To accomplish this we are launching a five-part investigative series entitled: “Muslim Terrorists Lobby 114th Congress.”
Our four part series focuses on what the Members of the 114th Congress should do when the terrorists ENTER their offices. And what is that? THROW THEM OUT THE DOOR! Why in the world should an elected Member of Congress give any time to KNOWN terrorists who have a written agenda that includes destroying the essence of the Capitol building in which they are meeting! Watch this show as it is FULL of critically important information to help all Americans properly, professionally and legally DEFEAT this Muslim Brotherhood political influence operation. United West/ Defend The Border United West/ Defend The Border2015-04-16 07:53:482015-04-16 07:53:48BUSTED: Grover Norquist sponsored Terror Rally
Ryan Mauro unveils newly discovered documents that Grover Norquist paved the way for Anti-American pro-terrorist organizations to gain access to the President of the United States George W. Bush on September 11, 2001.
Ryan Mauro is the National Security Analyst for, which produced the hit films, “Obsession,” “The Third Jihad” and “Iranium.” Mauro is a frequent analyst on FOX News Channel and other news outlets around the world. He is also a consultant to government agencies and an adjunct professor of homeland security. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Intelligence Studies, Master’s in Political Science, and a Graduate Certificate in Middle East Studies all from American Military University and has made over 1,000 appearances on radio and TV from both the left and the right. United West/ Defend The Border United West/ Defend The Border2015-04-07 07:12:232015-04-07 07:47:39VIDEO: New Documents reveal GOP Infiltrated by Islamists
In an unprecedented conversation between Glenn Beck and Center For Security Policy’s Frank Gaffney, Beck went on record saying he will leave the National Rifle Association if terrorist-enabler Grover Norquist is re-elected to the Board of Directions.
This is important for many reasons due to Norquist’s massive influence over the Republican Party.
For more detail be sure to watch The United West micro-series “The Wizard of K Street” which is an investigative expose’ of Grover Norquist and his nefarious operations. United West/ Defend The Border United West/ Defend The Border2015-03-12 06:02:172015-06-12 09:01:48Glenn Beck Threatens to Leave NRA if Board Member Grover Norquist Re-Elected
Washington, D.C.: In the wake of the ominous announcement last week by the State and Homeland Security Departments that they are no longer going to enforce statutory prohibitions on granting asylum to individuals who have provided “limited” material support to terrorists, two proponents of such policies have been called to account.
Anti-tax activist Grover Norquist and an individual with longstanding family and personal ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Suhail Khan, are the subject of a letter [PDF] to leaders of the American Conservative Union (ACU) signed by ten influential national security practitioners. The signers include: former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey, former Clinton Director of Central Intelligence R. James Woolsey, former Congressman Allen West, former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy, former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Lieutenant General William “Jerry” Boykin and former Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Schmitz.
The joint letter [PDF] transmits a Statement of Facts that responds to, and challenges, representations made concerning Messrs. Norquist and Khan in an exculpatory memorandum to the ACU Board written in September 2011 by one of its members, attorney Cleta Mitchell. The ACU Board was moved on the basis of those representations to endorse Norquist and Khan, both of whom serve as members.
The Center for Security Policy facilitated the compilation of the forty-five pages listing eighty-seven rigorously documented facts and fifty-five endnotes. Its President, Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. was the subject of the Mitchell memo that claimed on the basis of “fairly substantial due diligence” to have found no basis for Mr. Gaffney’s longstanding charges that both Messrs. Norquist and Khan have enabled Muslim Brotherhood influence operations directed at the conservative movement and Republican Party.
Upon the release of the letter to Ms. Mitchell and the rest of the ACU leadership, Mr. Gaffney observed: “The signers of this letter with its attached Statement of Facts have afforded the Board of the American Conservative Union, the conservative movement as a whole and the Republican Party of which they are important parts an opportunity to address afresh a problem many have chosen to ignore – and, thereby, allowed to continue. These accomplished national security practitioners have rendered yet another service to their country and the cause of liberty. It is deeply appreciated.”
A PDF of the joint letter, Executive Summary and Statement of Facts can be viewed at:
About the Center for Security Policy
The Center for Security Policy is a non-profit, non-partisan national security organization that specializes in identifying policies, actions, and resource needs that are vital to American security and then ensures that such issues are the subject of both focused, principled examination and effective action by recognized policy experts, appropriate officials, opinion leaders, and the general public. For more information visit Richard M. Swier, LTC U.S. Army (Ret.) Richard M. Swier, LTC U.S. Army (Ret.)2014-02-11 21:49:242014-02-11 21:50:46Muslim Brotherhood Operations Against the Right