The Guardian of the Guilty
Despite England’s experiences during World War II and her current informal “occupation” by her own brand of deadly Islamists, The Guardian’s views are neither civilized nor rational. In his column, Gaza: this shameful injustice will only end if the cost of it rises, Seurnas Milne has a willful misinterpretation of the events in the Middle East. His column is laden with stark hatred and lies, and he clearly champions a policy that supports the Hamas Covenant, a Charter that calls for the eventual creation of the 58th Islamic state in “Palestine,” and the obliteration or dissolution of the only homeland for the Jewish people – as well as the annihilation of the Jewish people worldwide.
The Guardian is often factually inaccurate, as its writers insist on their own type of equity for what amounts to a verbal pogrom against the Jewish state – but not against tyrannical regimes. However, even ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), Syrian American Medical Society, Syrian Relief and Development, Muslim Public Affairs Council and Islamic Relief USA recently condemned Syria’s chemical weapons attack of her people (including women and children). When it was revealed that at least 108 people, including 49 children under age 10, were slaughtered in the 15-month Houla massacre, it was explained as acceptable that tyrants kill children to intimidate the opposition!
There was no demand for equal justice when Mahmoud Abbas’s terrorists slaughtered the 11 Israeli athletes in 1972 Munich, and no demand for vengeance for the beheading of Jewish-American journalist, Daniel Pearl. They expressed no shock at the injustice of Israel’s exchange of 1027 terrorist prisoners for the life of one kidnapped Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, or when terrorists slaughtered the Fogel family or the three Israel teenagers. They maintained their silence throughout the firing of thousands of rockets into Israel from Gaza, never demanding balance with an equal number of rockets from Israel to Gaza.
To define this further, Israel follows the rules of war and targets military combatants (after warning Palestinian citizens to escape Israel’s retaliation), whereas Hamas intentionally targets civilians, deliberately focusing on children, thereby breaking two rules of war – killing their own and Israel’s children. The media cry that there weren’t enough Jewish children killed to match the number of Muslim children, and they want to blame only Israel for the death of Muslim children even when Hamas is entirely responsible. All the wars were begun with Islamic attacks and, by international law, Israel has every right to defend herself – her boundaries and her citizens.
The media offer little coverage when the Islamic culture encourages children to detonate themselves among Israelis, and when parents celebrate the occasions with candy, enjoying Hamas’s gifts, and naming town squares after their expendable offspring. And although sharia law denounces music and dance, it appears to be acceptable to revel in the streets for their martyred sons and daughters.
The hostile Guardian and similar news sources raise their voices only for the number of Palestinian children killed, although the BBC has been awakened to new evidence that numbers received from Gaza are quite skewed. Israel provides shelters for their children; Gazans provide shelter for their rockets, and endanger children for an increased body count for public sympathy. And while Israel’s hypocritical enemies, including Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, call Hamas a humanitarian organization, the West continues its funding for inhumane reasons – such as for the extensive system of tunnels dug for access to Israeli children’s schools and kibbutzim for an impending hands-on carnage.
Land acquisition is a major priority for the Islamic agenda, and the Qur’an allows deception, lies, and human sacrifice for the cause. Islam also relies on the humanity and basic decency of Judeo-Christian people and nations to disbelieve what we find unfathomable. Jihad exists in many ways, from Israel to Africa, Scandinavia, Spain, Germany, China, America and England. Few journalists are fit to report accurately or are willing to accept the truth for themselves. None of these host countries, including Israel, is an “occupier,” yet each is an invaded land, and we should be defending our homeland NOW, or be prepared to relinquish our identity and culture to Islamic oppression.
As in the greater Middle East, where previous peoples have been annihilated or Islamized, they could not adequately defend themselves and were conquered by Islam. Israel can, will, and has every right to do so under international law.
Jihad training begins with treating children as chattel and indoctrinating them at an early age to hate the kaffir (the “rejecter” of Allah). Pedophilia, demoralizing and frightening to the children, is legalized, and “thighing” infants to raping young children” will continue in the Muslim world as long as “Allah” encourages men to be owners instead of husbands and fathers. Sodomizing a baby is halal (permitted under Sharia law).
Pre-adolescent marriage is codified in Qur’an 65:4, and women are held hostage under law, subject to severe punishment, and it is under these circumstances that children are raised to be fearful and subservient to their master. Polygamy also affects children, immersing them in a self-pitying, resentful, victim mentality. If the reader would like to delve further into this depraved culture, please read Nonie Darwish’s Cruel and Usual Punishment.
The primarily unschooled, illiterate majority, who foresee no self-fulfillment or escape, become hair-trigger-angry young men who hate their lot in life, are brainwashed and compelled to do as bidden, and prepared to die for the cause. In so doing, they see a way out – an escape to tranquility and the promise of sexual pleasures in Paradise.
These are but a few of the reasons that create an unfeeling underclass of warriors who have no sympathy for children, but will use them for their purpose. Keeping children near explosives and bombs will ultimately lead to an increased body count, just as using child labor for tunnel excavation resulted in the loss of more than 160. Not only are women and children placed on rooftops of targeted buildings (those from which rockets are fired into Israel) and used as human shields, but a recent video showed jihadists hanging small, terrified, crying boys from a targeted building’s fence. And if these children do survive their childhood, they will become the next generation of damaged, robotic killers who feel no compassion and are inured to pain and bloodshed.
This is a horrific example of child abuse to which the media turn a blind eye, and the U.N. fails to address. Rather, the immoral go out of their way to blame the Israel Defense Forces for harming women and children who are forced into such circumstances. The media fail us, just as the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) predicted. Journalists like Milne, whether cowardly or deceptive, would become an acquiescent, obedient djimmi, a “useful idiot” that represents the Islamic-fascist mentality, willing to accept caliphate domination in the interest of hate or “peace.”
A recently discovered Hamas manual verifies its method of urban warfare. “Introduction to the City War” extols the benefits of civilian deaths and admits that Israel tries to avoid them. This is not a Hamas war against ”occupiers,” but an Islamic war to annihilate the entire state of Israel, against which Israel must continue to defend until there is unconditional surrender. It is also a reminder that this is WAR – a global war – against all who will not accept Islamic Sharia law. And, if the media continue its stance against Israel, and continue to look away from Islam’s slaughter of Christians, they may well be designing a future for themselves under the very cruel and severe Sword of Allah, from which no conquered nation has ever recovered.
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