DHS whistleblower Philhip Haney awarded AFA ‘Heroes of Courage Award’
Phil Haney, DHS whistleblower at AFA Awards Dinner, Universal City, California, May 21, 2017
“Amigo,” Phil Haney, DHS Whistleblower extraordinaire was honored by the American Freedom Alliance, Heroes of Conscience Award last night in Universal City, California. Chaver, Geert Wilders was the keynote speaker. David Horowitz, former leftist, long time conservative activist and publisher of FrontPage Magazine also received a Heroes of Conscience Award.
Haney called me last Friday, while on the road to California with stops in Dallas and Phoenix, the latter to lunch with my former colleague Lisa Benson and entourage.
We were trying to make arrangements to send both Haney and Wilders copies of an important and timely new book published this week by the New English Review Press written by former Muslim and Islamic scholar, Ibn Warraq, The Islam in Islamic Terrorism- the importance of Beliefs, Ideas and Ideology. In view of President Trump’s Riyadh speech we also are sending one to Sebastian Gorka, Deputy Assistant to the President.
Through the auspices of a mutual long term Connecticut friend, Jeffrey Epstein, a noted counter-Jihad warrior, we were introduced to Haney. We reviewed his book, See Something; Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad, for the New English Review and interviewed him on the former Lisa Benson Show.
The News Blaster wrote about the stellar occasion in an article published today, “DHS whistleblower honored with freedom award:”
As a Department of Homeland Security specialist on Islam and terrorism, Philip Haney understood his job was to follow the evidence where it led.
When it led to subversive organizations under the protection of a beholden, politically correct Obama administration, he didn’t back down, valuing the security of the United States above his career and personal well-being. His agency’s response was to punish him nine times, eliminate intelligence and shut down cases, including one that might have prevented the San Bernardino attack.
In sharp contrast, the American Freedom Alliance awarded Haney its American Freedom Award at its annual Heroes of Conscience Dinner here Sunday night.
Longtime conservative activist David Horowitz was awarded AFA’s Hero of Conscience Award, followed by a keynote speech by Dutch politician and Islam critic Geert Wilders, whose party finished second in the country’s most recent elections.
Before presenting the award to Haney, AFA Vice President Michael Greer said: “We’d all like to think that we’d do the right thing, but when faced with dire consequences for doing so, I wonder how many would have the courage. And it’s my honor to share a stage with such a man.”
Note what Haney said upon receiving his AFA Hero of Conscience Award:
None of the cases that I discuss in the book have been resolved to this very day,” he said to the more than 270 AFA supporters in attendance.
“But it is my intention to remedy that. Those of you who believe in prayer, do pray for us, for me and my wife, because we do intend to see this through to the end.”
Haney said it’s important to remember not only what America is fighting against, but what it’s fighting for: the U.S. Constitution.
“I would like to call for a constitutional revival, so that we really know the values that we live by, those freedoms and liberties that our Creator endowed us with,” he said.
Geert Wilders keynote speaker at AFA Heroes of Conscience Awards Dinner, May 21, 2017
Wilders noted this about Haney:
“The political correctness of the left in our countries is costing lives,” he said. “If anybody deserves to get this award it it Mr. Haney.”
Wilders made the following points in his address at the AFA awards ceremony pointing out the extraordinary security:
He said the extra security is “unfortunately necessary.”
“They are our last line of defense against the consequences of Islam,” Wilders said.
“Yes, it is Islam that is causing this extraordinary situation where ordinary citizens like you and me need police protection to safely enjoy a fundamental right, which the American Founding Fathers have bestowed on us in the First Amendment. The right to free speech.”
The U.S. Constitution, he said, establishes “the right to discuss every issue in freedom, including Islam.”
Wilders cited a Ronald Reagan quote: “I think it’s time we ask ourselves if we still know the freedoms that were intended for us by the Founding Fathers.”
The Dutch politician said that “28 years after [Reagan] left office, here in this room, his question looms larger than ever.”
“And the reason is the stronghold which Islam has gained, not only in Europe, but also here in America during the past three decades,” Wilders continued.
“Yes, my friends, listen carefully. I’m talking about Islam. Not about ‘radical Islam. Not about ‘Islamism.’”
He said it “might be uncomfortable to the left, or the politically correct elite, but it is Islam, pure and simple.”
“For the truth is that Islam is not a peace-loving religion. It’s an evil, totalitarian ideology,” Wilders declared.
EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.